lt't"s Wuhan: to young Oliveron M upload!!! victory . an worthy op- mnt. Dr Jameson m defeated, not men of my defects either u thn movie’s "mental" or u o m. but. manly have he didn’t get enough votes. The Mth annual beef ring of the loamy we held In the school house of No. t, Thunday night of lost. wool. All the members present and feeling good after gobbling up in the nokhborhood of 15000 lbs of beef. Ill AV“ I _ Ill-III." - v. F.-- Iook. Alt the members present and The Mt. Forest High School was} Mu Rood after gobbllnx up in the cloned lust week. there being over 60 netBttttorhood ot 15000 lbs of beef. can. of menles. Mr. In. Marshall. our home bred Mrs D. Mellvrlde disposed of Anne lumber. having given good aatlslac- lot of chicken " ML‘Forent mt lion the put year. was re-engaged, week, some dressing over g lbs and u was also our rmclem Beer Tram. all averaging over 6 lbs. Don’t tell Mr Wilbert myth. Mr Bert Watson anybody. DURHAM TO-DAY'S prices place the best that radio offers within the reach ofeveryone. DeForeet & Croeley. through large production, have achieved new Itandarde of value. And a moderate down payment puts any set in your home In addition, DeForest & Crosley Radio has been specially designed and built to meet local conditions. Before we count any set we analyze your location and determine the type of circuit that will operate most satisfactory. This in part of our service which you get without cost. It means you get a set actually adapted to your particu~ lat requirements. Telephone or call for a demonstration, free, in your home if you prefer. S M IT H B R OS Authorized DeForcst . & Croslcy Dealers . De RttttitgteCttttsll,,EY ik RADIO _ - â€mi. "32.213 _ l.- HOLSTEIN . MOUNT FOREST 1921. The venue weight muons- thing over 460 ttm some sun Mea be ing meted out for overoreUhttr. Un- like . " week ring in Elrteeortt, re- port "i,GaiiGaeFriGue I)! the Rev- iew, one has to plan . yen- Mm get In __ - --- . .,;.4.‘ -- L-.... Console is Unquestiodibly Radio's Greatest Value _ _ '"rhii; splendid sleighlng we have had over the week end, bu today, Monday, gone down the strum. is Beautiful Mr for held their last meeting at the home of Mrs John Sharp last Thurgday ev- ening ere returning to Sullivan Tp. Mr and Mrs Michael Byers were the guests of Mr and Mrs Chm Furs- man, Allan Park, recently. - -r-i-rrBl-l'"1"'""""""l-'""-"""""'""""""-" Mr and Mrs Alex Wldmeyer and anily were the guests trr Mr .tnd . ii; iiiirkiiurG" Shin) attended Miss Johnston's funeral last Wednes- day at Knox. . The funeral of the late Miss Janet Johnston last week was largely at- tended by neighbors and friends. The W.M.S. of the church sue a beautiful spray and Miss Byers a pillow for her dearly loved'lunt. The pdtl beuers were Messrs Ju. Wat- - -- -- . .. “1‘ n-lA-nll INTERMENT OF MISS JOHNSTON y... a..-†.V--- W, son, David Morena". Wm Caldwelln John Marshall, Tbos Mcheoe, Dr G. M. Meson. Appropriate services wen conducted by Rev. W. Johnston of HoliteIn In the absence of . Jet- tled minister at Knox. Interment took place to Maplewood cemetery. To the y krienO who gave kindly lympa y or helpful deeds, during the m es: and at the death ot my dear In t, Mlss‘Janet Johny ston, I beg to press my warm up- preetrtioa. "A mend in need!!! a friend indeed." Dear Sir: _ ' . Mowing' 'o'ur usual custom at this xenon of the year. 1' treg to "tio your attention to ‘Ihe‘dnnger of life and property from Christmas decora- tions, such " draperies. Beeaery,cot- ton to represent snow, etc. Displnya of this nature, and the lighting ar- rangements in connection therewith, add considerably to the ordinary risks ot tire. I would also point an accident of the crowded store or an spread of helm u I would also point out that shouldl " is now over three months since an accident or the kind occur in a i, buttock ill. _ _ crowded store or meeting, the rapid; q The Library Board have purchmd spread of tire in such ntttiarntnatrlei a number ot new books yum: rm material is alm’ost certain to occas- be ready for distribution by the ion a panic/with attendant risks to, ttrst of the year. life and limb. A few simple Dre-1 The Community Circle met in the cautions may reduce the danger ton; basement of the Presbyterianochurch minimum, and these should be con-3 on Monday evening. with a good at- .idered essential where large nutty: tp.tutee. " The scripture reading era of people.and partieur6rly child-twain Men " Murray Dowling, the re!» are to be gathered. _ .. i that topic we given trrWtts Mae. .. . ._. .- “J.“ mm- ,u.‘ mull"! wan tnlmn See that intiammable material is dear of and not hung over heating and‘ lighting deylces. steam pipes.“ stovepipea, electric‘ light bulbq, etc. See that rout-electric circuits-are properly {need Ind‘not overloaded by the addition of temporary “grits. Examine your tire extinguishing appliancemnd see that they are luf- tieient, in good order and readily " cessible. f V See that all exits are plainly mark ed and not obstructed. Have all temporary decorations re- moved and,sa.fely disposed of as soon as they have served their purpqse. Remember that nothing can rend. er these displays absolutely safe, and that it-iteeidenta are not to mar the festive season. constant vigilance and care most be exercised. Yours truly, A. W. Goddard, Sec'y TO RENT Brick dwelling house, stable and garden. Immediate possession. THOS. DINGWALL, Holstein You may Enter at Any Time Let on sun you on the road to Success. Bootrheeplng, Bteuography, Typ ing, Salesmanship. Secretarial work Each student receives personal " tenuon. 1iiLes Chittick and McK‘enzle Econ & We. Tomato. Ottt, H The Food- Tonic Of Special Value To _ Mother and Child CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS SCOTTS EMULSION ubuuf roads? 6m. _ Is Rich In The Vitamins Of Cod-liver Oil or write for Catalogue. . W. A. TRJIBLE Principm Thomniena Byers OF THANKS E Got no PERsouL: "s2'."2iidiiiLiuiLe" The Women's Institute met Thun- day at the home of Mrs J. Orchnd. with MI ladies present. This was a trrandmother't meeting . After open- ing ode and businesn. the grand- mothers took charge. Mrs A, Main was hostess to some ten grandmoth- ers, knittng and teasing woot,V 'le- led with witty sayings and which kept those present very much amus- __ - "_aq-.-A. l." n “all: he Ac)". B.A9r.bP" ,.-_V - ed This was followed by Mrs W. H. Rogers on t "When Grandmothers we followed by a violin select: Hutu ___...""-'--""" followed by a violin selection by Mrs Shannon and a. sold by Mrs A. Main. after which the grandmothers served a. dainty lunch . Thé singing of the Nationnl Anthem byought a very pleasant afternoon Jo a. close. '\ E Mr mrrowtr Smith left recently [for Detroit where he intends work. lint tor the winter. T I .Bkating comemnced on the low (rink. Saturday night while the ho?- iey boys hue had a. couple of we k I outs. .Though a three \of int year’s .plnyerl ire the, town" for the an. 'ter, the boys" . still in hopes of beig'r tti' to have a team this win. in- ". ' The Floral Com. are having a pro- gressive crokinole social ending inn watch 'SI service in the United Church on ew Year eve, Dec tut. The manual Christmas Tree of the United Church will be held Thurs- day evening, Dee.' 23rd. while the Presbyterian B. B. enterainment will be held in the basement ot the church Tueadny, Dec. tut. Please keep these.dntes in mind. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr and Mrs R. J. Arnlll and son Billie .motored to Toronto and spent a. few days the Brat of the week with Mrs A's parents. Mr and Mrs PITT. ter.' I The Community Circle met in thel _ basement of the Presbyterianochurch! {on Nonday evening. with a good arl :ttitutee.., The scripture reading (wah', taken " Murray Dowling, the Jim! ttrNe, ms given by!!!“ Mae Mr Ae McMillan has some lnto partttértrhitr with Mr E. Stevenson. mention of Dundalk. and we have no doubt†but what he will make a. success, " he la 8. very rellnble young fellow. Last Sabbath. Rev. C. Jay of the United Church addressed the con- gregation on the subject "Should I support Missionu' 'lnd ad'anced my thought: in gupport ot MI theme -riraeo. Burro" "sited relatives in Dunduk this week. V The teachers and pitptis ot theputr. lie school purpose was In enter. tainment In the school on Friday " ternoon next. F We are sorry to report that R. J: Gadd is again eotttlned to-his room. " is now over three months mace anâ€. with. the second was taken by Mr must.. f9irn. They were both. intcnpsting iptd enjoyed by all. A good time S.ryu' spent in community isTGiairitii'"iaiety The meetitiit wan closed by the %nttitttt of the ta'. tlonnl Anthem. Mr and Mrs w. J. Philp visited his mother on Sunday-her btrthdtty. We Join her friends in wishing her many happy returns ltr the‘day. Mr and Mrs Mutch were pests of their daughur. Mrs Wtttierow, at Calderwood luv. Friday. - Mr and Mrs D. 13:15, 'utto.0oraon and Melvin, nttende the funeral of the late Mrs Thou. Long, Vuney. last Thursday. _ -iirriihurnir, Cednrville. in mum in; a few days with her sister. ‘Gordon Schenk is home from M- berta Rhere he has toent, the last three years and four months. The West is allright but home looks pret- David Alles is a patient in Durham Hospital, where he underwent in op- eratioh tor appendicitis last Thurs- day . He is getting along. as well as can be expected. ' ty _ Er and Mrs Ed. Rae and runny of Holstein. visited her parents the be- ginning of the week. _ ' “Prof.†Kyle, Farewell, was in charge ot a. party at Arthur Irvine's on Fri- day night. - The annual meeting ot the Eye mont Plowman's Association was held In! Yeovll Saturday last and was {ugly well attended. They reorgan- ized With very little change of om can nnd m hoping tor anothergood My ‘next mu. ' Yesterday's thaw contracted I. very severe cold during the night. S. B. No. 10 are holding their Christan; Tree Entertainment on Monday evening. Dec. 20. On Monday, . "20th, 1926, of Farm Stock and Im lemenu. ete.,ttt Lot 60, Con. 2, E. .R. Glenelg. 2 miles east of Durham. . Sale at 12.30 sharp. See large bill tor particu- Kim. McDONALD. Pro eto Geo. E. DUNCAN, Auctio eer ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO AUCTIM SALE YEOVIL yings and which very much amuS- wed’ by a talk by on the subject. ers were young," "20th, 1926, of Very successful were the worth of 1 the udiee' Aid of Drolnore church.l in putting on u - in nil-sell! Hill who» evening. The doc; oration: were in keeping with that leach. the booths were trimmed! with red and green and held' attract.) ive displays ot home made candy,l knitted goods, aprons. pillow covers," towel}. fancy goods and a tish pond. The latter caused much amusement for the young folks. The platform ‘was nicely arranged with small tem l tables and those in charge were kept busy serving . A short program was given at close. The proceeds a- mounted to 8140.00. The ladies hope before long to put the money to use ' in deprattitur the Manse. meeting in the church. After the; opening exercises the roll was cal-l led, the topic word being “Joy!†The president. Mrs Pimp ,gnvo a} helpful paper on the joy which mane/ to the world at the birth of Christ. This being the annual meeting, the following are new oMcers: Pres" Mrs Alex Henderson", lat Vice, Mu Wm. Philp; 2nd Vice, Mrs R .Kelth: Sec'y, Mrs he. Dunstan: Treasurer. Ashen Renwick; Home Helpers, Mrs V. Adults; Glad Tidings Beer, Mrs. Wilfrid Renvick; Supply Sec'y, Mrs Joe Manulty; Auditors, Mrs FHop kins nnd Mrs A. Kenton. The "iiGreki Institute held their Deember meeting in Russell Hill. Al the day was father stormy ther? we}. I." Us; wan: u"--. ---.__, _ . on; nine ladies present. It in de eided It this meeting to send for I Christmas Trent, to the Children’s Shelter. Owen Bound. and Home of Refuge. the sum ot $5 each. Also the President and Sec'y were naked to make up Christmas box for one thy Bon in 1861, u Dromom; non ot Andrew We. MrAbeslle “we: work- Inr in oli' Beldg ttt Pemylyiqjl. mined m Mt rttr'etrt, “it! tie car- ried on . wholeule "tturtt' and'door manufacturing bullion tor 22'years. In 1910, he removed to Toronto, en- IU',',',', in the real estate and build. DEATH OF FORMER DROMORE _ AND MT FOREST REUBEN? Death came suddenly Sammy night, Dec nm. to mum Les- lie of winderrnere_Ave.,_to. no and his “to but spoil. the ne'er of {mid- an! when he at!!! homo, was In" tood health warez??? spirits 1M "t . penny. " " . . ' o'eioth he was inddenly mien In. and dhittber6re " o’clock. gaging in th ins: bunnies: In Mt. -Foreat. Mr mile was 1; member of the Board pt Managers of the Bulbyteriun Clutch; Ws is an: vivtd W Maine and ode non. Boy “SHE. _ A. ' V thave Just received another shipment of those $1.00 and $1.50 FLANNEL4HiRT8 Come early while they Int. Bore Combination UndomurQ 1.30 Men’s 100 per cent Wool Combina- tions u ............. $3.50. heavy Men's Light weight Communion. " n...-..c ........... .l-JU WQUuUV Men's hearty double back and front, 100 per cent wool, also double bre- asted. IV'.'. . . . . . .88.50 to 84.00 suit may Silk and Wad Underweu', all bailed Hyman Underwear. heavy winter yelght. Simal-Kandrgrgzl Black Tea Leather top short and height. All Rubber Footwear fully guaranteed to give saturation. JG. midh whom We thought wor- A choice blend ot Indian and Ceylon FRESH ’EELS a FRUIT_|!4__STOOK . -Fii. Your Christmas Baklitg MINCE "IE" a Libby Sauerkraut FRESH GROCERIES and MEAT on hand. Phone Ordere Delivered Iii-Press Goodrich Rubbers Bargains in Underwear WM. BRIGHAM DROMORE E held 91m December vodding celebgtlon 31.95 to $8.60 Springer. weighs " lbs: , but -one lb months old d the can: " months. " Apply to Wm. Edge, R. R. No. l, Du an - BANK OF MONTREAL TEAC ER WANTED for B. B. N t, Egremont. duties commence J . 3rd, 1927. Apply . 'eruieosrremste) . . . . . _ 14M . . $7ter " LIABILITIESTO PUBLIC " tqoesirteixuiatims . . . . . . Three machine- runnlng duly. Also u: AI Cleaner, the only I one ot It: kind In the tttstrfet. can and Bee it running. , Best quality Western Oats, Yeiioqr Corn, Rcclcaned Sunni-gs. Mixed Chou than on hand. 1 NE PEOPLE’S MILLS, Mt. Forest ASSETS and LIABILITIES . pa, cf audit noun-ding . . . won-19°07 Other" liabilities . . . . . . Tool Liabilities no Public . . t 7x9.417.775-12 . Excess of/Auets over Uit,iiities . to Public . o . o o a n t 62.107.369-98 oeeerit-in-sdd-of Mamas-160MBâ€: . oiu,asuetu-aBoeta,Debe- QR.†Highest price: pan Durh Furniture Co. Ltd. You want good Flour. We have It. Beautician!!! Ptoviraoul Guam: . Sequins . . . . . . . . . 79417351438 c-a, Mu‘midpal Securities and Sundae: other than Canadian . . 29.130.754.26 Como Where you get it good. THAT’S SERVICE ifriuis, Birch. Maple. Elm. " QuickAueu . . 342431998417 has and Diana“: “I oehee A†330.853.870.06 IL-L and... - . . . . . . . 11.800.000.00 LORNE \LLAIS. h It': Treasurer. R. R. No. K, VarneY. Ont cow FOR ‘QALE W. M. GROAT tii, SON NOTICE; to buy u limited mom. Estabtitshrd m1 1926 1926 Christmas Seals Th. mo “than“ “III. in am of '" lukou and Toronto lioapllnll me alumni... have mu new 11-- I“. Thou manomo an“. or am (can: dentin. m put up In "rorted â€than or o, " " um 100. The unload “mun-tum Maw-'1!- tlon I. In and oe fund. to um uh the work ot "a hospita- In Iuabu An and at Wollon. livery dollar n- el ' ed “much a. an or Chrutnttot Mala In In“ tor ILJmenusce of pn'hma as". - - Why not buy thou and. In i; u _ t about Ittttt will you ttrt um“ Val“ In "tun. ut Four mom-r W ‘ N we I. can. a - end. C I " yin cg to ttrip 09¢"an In (.11th ' U -'WW Jiik"niF Tia" -daiirUJtriLrrcd he»! Cro- o- ovory wk“. None â€thru- u} M'S't% h o q V Ge oot children and '.a.qlia, Ar 4teet grog; Ame.. 55.1 _ 15:056. iirii" iazmaizfmam L, IWQ invite you ttt our ttttlt. "iFtii,s2s,i4s.20 ' 3341 1.634-39 160.81 moi-37 ,oMJI'ISI 'T,gxxhot't"'t' 47. 175 93930 65639946755 â€4953.19037 1,030,127.30 13.9%wa $51.16 Red V0