as: ottr M, M Ann Bon M prob Pal Mule main I Itetb m /N DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL m' m A-Goedttq an? Bola ril" z, Genevieve, Sam. Nu. XML Wilfrid Bnider. Sr m B-Annie Canton, (an. "1111‘th and Clark We) “I, 1 Walker. Bernie's “My. -V 'l McDonald. S, r. Mull-dd. teqetter I." lit A--Margtot 0mm. For , wnwnod. May BrattFtonr- te" sibbald. Louise 1mm 1: In ib--Betmie Atkinson. Jun ," _ Norman Elliott. (Geo Athley _ L.;u' Griff) equal, (Fred Bolster Eb-nnir Firth) equal. E, A. Browning. tanner " A Florence Havens. George . v Ln. Long, Arthur Koch, Sunk Br Jr At Henderson's Pecan Roll t CherryRoll :u all our Friends and Customers we wish a very Happy and Prosperous New Year F “VHF crumb of this dough has that want moro_tasto. ' , in» result of skillful blending of pure ingredients. Illia' STORE FOR 000!) BfttiMt AND CAKES l S. hklulhmil, n " Jack Gum. Crawford Ft Gordon MeCArr. Churn. Me. m. Norman Tucker. C. M. MeCrae, Meier II \uJean Rowe, Olelda an». M;Iv\rthur, Jimmie leAunle, Ilumll and Lynn Voile“) can]. tt p, George Brattttwaite, may ',t Norman Greenwood, no" .u 1 Winrtlfred Dillon“). Halos"; Fulconor, not" M- rtlil, Karl Memento. Mary Tobin leDorhl Taylor. 0m - I-‘muk GoodettiM, Ethel lmyn. N Hs-nderson. Ireatt. Gordon Kennedy. lean In Jar k Lloyd. Jean McLean. J.†H EN0EPS0N's BAKERY It MacEachorn. teacher \~(Lorralne McAnlmr ad mnnn) N... Lucille THIN, [qu-H. (Florence Macho-n 17w Falconer) eq.. Eileen J AN 6, 1927 I Florence Bower. Helen I Clara MuDouald. Mode- _ May Levi. M. E. Morton, teacher i lu'k Saunders. Robbie Wllv s. Murdock. Vera Common. Br " Gertrude Holmes. Marty ne, Jean McDonald. PM: .. Allan Pinkerton. _ -Hetty McIntyre. Jessie m Sibbald. Lauren: Pneu- 1 Campbell. wad“ B. Witthun. teacher Lois Wilson. (Florence and Hilliard SCMIK) J. 'Lauder, Margaret Moore \rrh McDonald). George . Wall, Lloyd Erwin, Rem I .. Senna-for. teacher This Week SOMETHING NEW from a New Formula rate of speed " which a modem paper is produced, the wonder is that errors are the exception rather than the rule. m one column of on ordinary news- paper there are 10,000 pieces of type used; there are seven possible wrong positions tor each letter; there are 70,000 chances to mote errors. and millions of possible tranapotritionts. In the sentence, "To be or not to be." 2,758,022 errors can be made by trtuuspositiona alone and yet people kick about the number of mistakes which sctually occur With the high Sr IV -getut Clark, Catherine Timmlm. Jr tv-isnt MeNatr, Geo Blair . Jr ttr-Mary" MeNatr, Willie Pearl. Violet Banks. Br "---Elvie Hanna, Mn Banks, Dally Street. 8r Pr-EBU-r White, thter Street. Jr Pr-Bruce Clark. Victor Btreet.. Best in spelling. Catherine Timmins Best In arithmetic. Elvle Butte Reta L. Barbour. teacher B. B. NO. 3. GLENELG Br Iv-Myrtle Glencross. Jr nr--- Mnry Anderson. lube! Firth, Alva Greenwood, Olive Allen. Br m--vi, ola Neely, Davey Allen. Ruby Stap- les, Adeline McNally. Jr m-Marg- aret Firth, Jim Bell. Sr W-Gordon Greenwood,.Willie Glencross. Agnes, Anderson . Br I--3ean V Firth, Mm Allen. mmld Greenwood. Mada Staples. Willie Beheurman, George Scheurman. Pr-Margaret Edge, C. Anderson, Henry Williams. son. Jr tv-more- McCain)! Jr. m--Aitrert human. Sr. il-- Irene Subjecv. Flor-once McDonnld. Grace MeCulin'. Edwin Shewell. Jr tr--. Donald McGregor°, Vera Subject' Charlie Behlorfr. Steven Stinson‘ and Mildred Hang (equal). Jr I-- Irene Schlw. Mary MeGregor,* Ronald McDonald. Henry Jank. Sr Pr.-ve, rn McCuiin' and Alice Subject‘ eq- ual, Violet Sehlortl. Jr Pr.--Lloyet Subject‘. Adeline Schloril. G. Hang. . denote: present every any Br sr-Fira;:; White, Nellie Min, CRAWr0RD--No. 9. BEthTNCtt The Cash Shoe Store REMEMBER THAT, S. NO. 5. GLENELG Hue] G. Baton. teacher . R. M. Blythe. Meier IICEVILLE (ha", Misses Dorothy and Mary Carson. Misses Nellie McLean, Flo Nolan; Sndle and Mary McKinnon hue it turned to Toronto after having spent. the holidays at their home: here. I Miss Mary Mccmg and Mr; Rom Lawrence. spent a week with their sister in Pontiac. Michigan. no YOU REMEMBER when Price ville was surveyed in 1849 and 'tro ". DO YOU REMEMBER when the Post Omce was " Squire Ferguson‘s in the early part of the 50's ? DO YOU REMEMBER the first log house in Priceville. the home of the late Jno. McAulay in 1850? DO YOU REMEMBER the ilrttt store in Pricevlle, kept by the late Wm. Purdy on the old street in 1853 ? DO YOU REMEMBER when the grist mill was erected by the late John McDonald in 1857 and he treated all the villagers to a baking of ttour from the t1rst grist ground. Mr McDonald was a brother ot Mrs J. M. Hunter, now of Toronto and recently of the 'Hedges,' Durham. DO YOU REMEMBER the tirat school teacher. Arch. McMullen and who taught in the old log house on the Durham Rd. in 1859? Mr Me. Mullen had no eertitleate but wasa temporary teacher. DO YOU REMEMBER when Peter Beverage put up the tannery in the latter part of the 50's lately the property of the Misses James ? DO YOU REMEMBER when a paper called the Pricevllle Courier was in existence in 1868 and died a natural death ht six months t Editor Lon- don decamped and left the mana- gers of the old kirk in a fix by not using the funds entrusted to him honestly. DO YOU REMEMBER that the Edi- Miss Hildreth Lennox. A.T.C.M.,of Barrie, pianist, vocalist and elocu- tionist. was the star or the evening. Her selections were alt new with the exception of "The Cattle Thief" and "Caller Herrin"' which were much enjoyed. Mr Jim. Milne, brother ot Dr. Milne. who is now settled in Pricevllle. sang two numbers in good voice and will make a. good success as an entertainer. Miss Leah Me. Comb of Durham. ably acted as no- companist for the evening. PRICEVILLE & GLENELG The proceeds amounted to about $60. n tor of the Durham Review was! printer's (what) but came out with a good word to residents of the town ? DO YOU REMEMBER when the or. iginal Prlcevllle was at the high- land hills in the early 50's--two whiskey shops in opposition to one another and well patronized .' DO YOU REMEMBER when no less than 8 whiskey shops were in ex- istence 70 rears ago in Durham and all well petronlsed by the tnvelllng community ." whiskey only Me to Me a tral-ten treated for Me , Old Sam said "them sure were the good tolmes." DO YOU REMEMBER when the ttrtrt settlers on the Durham Road to Pricevme had to wry 100 lbs ot none on their shoulders from Kel- ly's mill, Durham and 3 lb of tee and a lb of when»? As women were scarce the old timers had to do the cooking themselves and Me n good smoke after eating the con- tents of a big mock and routes. DO YOU MEMBER the ttgat teem v: nurses brought up by the late The Presbyterian concert held at Priceviile in McKinnon Hall. Dec. 28th. was quite a success. Under the auspices of the ladies' Aid, the President, Mra Wm Aldeorm spoke a few well chosen words as an intro. dution and announmd the diiferent entertainers of the evening, who in their respective line, ably perform- ed their part. The Pricevme orchestra opened with may music and splendidly tll, led in between numbers.. Miss Esther McLean returned to Melancthon to teatime teaching dub ies. Mrs Parslow ot Flesherton. is vit. itng her sister, Mrs Johlr Nichol ot the Gravel Road. Mr Wm McKenzie leaves tsrday, Monday for Owen Sound where he has accepted a position. A number from here attended Mr, Konold's sale Friday last. Mr Pete Johnston returned after spending the hclldays with his par- ents at St. Thomas. . Miss Islay McCulg spent the week end It Mr Andrew Hincks. . was enjoyed by Att.. Mr Gordon Duncan, Dundalk, Sun- dayed at Mr Thou. Nichol's. Mr Young ot Toronto, occupied the pulpit in McKinnon Hall Sunday. He sang a solo In the evening vhicn was enjoyed by An.. Mrs Elmer Watson and 'oterrrW- ited the t1rstt of the week it Mr.Hee- tor McLean's. Mrs John Burgess and Min Leah McComb ot Durham, visited " Mr. Angus McLachlan's. Mrs Thou. Nichol wont Nei You: at Mr A. B. MacDonald's. o. Sound. Mr and Mrs Dan MacArthur spent Sunday at Mr Wilfrid Wnuon’s. Mrs. Rucmn,_ot PAston%atioa, is visiting at Mr Colin McLean's. We all Join in wishing the Editor. and: and readers I. happy and pm peroua New You. VICINITY How many may answer the tore. going questions. They will be very few and far between. But the writ- er remembers moat of them. Custom Chopping Mill will run ev- ery Tuesday and Friday. Lumber saw mill will be running utter Feb. Ist: shingle mill will be running " ter April lst. 1927. There will be no lumber or ahinty has sawed after May 15th, 1927. " .the mill will be moved to Ceylon. Cameron Smellle. Pricevllle. Ont. _ palturing in summer in Konold’s _ beaver meadow, one ot them'waa i killed by lightning? . DO YOU REMEMBER going to a New Year feast thru the woods to Proton, the road sit as thru the then forests and coming back with the old oxen and Jumper about midnight and hearing the woods cracking with the frosts of below zero. Sometimes it sounded likes pack ct wolves howling. DO YOU REMEMBER of any one prophesylng in the tar away fut- ure A young lady would be an M. P. Ind a young gentleman an M.P.P.. both residents of the vicinity of Priceville , DO YOU REMEMBER the text the minister had last Sunday". ( This leads us to a story-ot an olal Scotch lowlander this time. te,') coming home from church he began‘ to tell that the minister didn't given: very good sermon today. A person listening, asked the old Scot the text. '"Welt my memory is! so bad that I've forgotten." But ask his wife "Betsy do you ken where the minister had his text to-day ?" She says "Well I've forgotten but asks her daughter "Susie do you remem- ber the text today ?" "No, I didn't hear it very well." Bo here the trio were criticizing the minister while the fault was in themselves. l DO YOU REMEMBER when Colin!, McArthur was killed on New Years night, 1870, at the end of the bridge south of the mills when coming home alter spendng the day with a sleigh riding party? DO YOU REMEMBER when a little boy of the late Alex Webster. LUl chant, was drowned while going home from school by falling in a hole on the bridge south of the mills , CHE DURHAM trtevlrN One 5 h. p. M et Gasoline Eng he. one Saw Fr two ;.aws. gas oline drum, belts, et for sale. Why then take a lance and an enter that is pollut and ttMt to: Jomeotlc us‘. when re water on be had by having 1 " drilled. I also handle Pumps 1nd mp repair. Satisfaction guaranteed. ED. J. PRATT, um, bum. Engine almost cheap. Water! Waté‘d ! Water I What is Good mam: Worth? Our Glenelg tuut.Prioeettie corres- pendent. in sending the senson's good wishes, hns s personal note worth recording though merited "private." "in 1818." he says, “i commenced writing for the Review from the Durham Road where we lived then, and headed my correspondence, "Durham Rood items." That was " years ago. Joseph Townsend, edi. tor. l was in the prime of youth then and now alter ’so many changes in the intervening years" I feet like exclaiming with the Psalmist 'l have been young end now um old," yet never forgotten. I feet it I. kind at duty to write for the Review, as long as I can hold 1 pencil, but l cannot expect a long career now." Mr. McDonald is the oldest living resident who served in Council mat- ters in Glenelg, away back in 1870. and was in the County Council ot 1875. No wonder he thinks that the ‘Lord has t'ihowrt him special favors! Buzz Sas) for Sale an. McLacth in 1850 tutd while KARSTEDT \BROS. MR. JOHN MCDONALD Priceville NOTICE Pnuur m. I Fa Por sale When the gas tank "is tuled with gasoline. and the driver tiiied with booms, disastrous results may be ex. pected. Thank you, Mr. Editor, for your space. Hector McDonald Thursday, Jan. 6th, in Presbyter- fan Church. Address on. "Communion with Christ, the glory 6f our Nation" By Rev. Jae. Taylor Friday. Jan. 7th, in the Baptist Church. An illustrated lddrese by a. representative of the Bible Society The services will begin each ev- ening at 8 o‘clock and it is desired that all our church people should keep this week free of other meet- ings and attend in such numbers on to an all the churches. The offer lugs as in former years. will be lent to the Bible Society. I fear that Ontario‘s worst troubles are before her. " there are not more motor accidents on the congested highways ot Ontario in the future than there have been, we will be ag- reenbly surprised. It is true that the S.T.A. was not the success we hoped for, owing to the dimeulty of enforcing it rigidly. There was too strong an element working against it, end.eavorfng to bring the set into disrepute and make the general public diagatiatled with it, and ,they evidently succeeded. The people wanted a change and were promised something better, but to the sorrow of many of them, they did not get it after voting tor it, WEEK OF PRAYER Chairman of the Dominion Torin Board, who is likely to be outdated _ to the Senate. I believe that Rev. Mr McWhlnney of Sank. voiced the sentiments of the majority of the people ot Sask. when he says the present system Is nota success. How are conditions in B. ~Cohlmbio. under the. present system ? Itttittir. ely wome/tutd only a. few days ago. it was reported through the press that the police ot Winnipeg declnrea that conditions there are becoming intolerable, and something must be dome immediately to remedy them. We have laws against theft and murder, and they are both muted to a certain extent. Would anyone advocate the abolition of these laws and have new laws enacted, giving people more liberty to commit tttette crimes. because the present laws are noF enforced to the limit? And this is what f9ttaktttehewtut and the other Western provinces have done, and Ontario more recently, in regard to the temperance situation. The writer lilo my: tut govern- ment control is the beat piece ot temperance legislation the province ever had. I disagree with him. The Sukltchewnn Temperance Act was much luperior. Under the S.T.A., it was . impouible ito obtain liquor legally exam. by a doctor's pre- scription. Under the present sys- tem 1 man can purchase tit he has the money)' his ullowance, (not a small one either), from the Govern- ment stores six days in a. week, and if people can get all the liquor they deeire. where does the tRrcalied gov- ernment control come in? Editor Durham Review: After reading n communication in 3 recent issue at your paper. I was surprised to learn that any resident ot Sakatchewnn would any that com ditions no better under the present system thin under the Suntan- ewnn Temperance Act. . " conditions have Improved " De- Hale since government control came into efteet, I m pleased to hear It. as it is the only point In the prov- Inoe that. I hare heard of where eon- dwonn are better. -, " making it easier to obtain liq- uor is going to improve nutter: I.- long temperance lines. I woqht like to see it worked out, but that is not very probable. . I consider it unjust and unfair, ur' circulate the idea that conditiou‘in this province have improved hem-e they are better in one little town. IN TIE EDITOR’S MAIL 80X HON. GEO. P. GRAHAM FIRST WEEK OF YEAR Rocanvilie, Sank. December 27, 1926 qRr ARCHIVES TORONTO We take subscriptions for ulldniiy papers and periodicals. You don't need to do business ot this kind with strangers or go to the trouble ttl sending by mail. Pay us and We will be responsible tor getting your daily to you regularly. Last Wednesday night, the Com. munity Club had us their guests the young people from the Rocky and Zion. There were about 70 present, and the evening was spent in con- tests and games and at the close. lunch "Ins served. - The ratepayen; of this section held their snnual school meeting lent Wednesday a.m. , Mr Ju. Hesiip urns elected the new trustee for the coming year: Mr Geo. Ritchie has the etu'etakintr of the school at a salary of 8110. Mr Reuben Paylox' will put in the wood and cedar. The Bible Class net It the home ot Mr nf, Mrs David Robinson next Sunday. th Junnry. Quite I. number from this line at- tended the dance u Mr Will Banks' In: may light. Mr and Mrs Colin McArthur ot Waudby, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs Arthur Edge. Miatg Mary Glencross Ia vmung this week with Mr 1nd Mrs Ray Me. Rea. Palmeruon. Miss Ethel Anderson left on Mon. day for Toronto. to High School in Durham; muses Marjorie Ritchie, Reta Glencrou and Margaret Anderson leave this iner- noon for Owen Bound, Station! and North Bay respectively. This Monday tittdtt Mitts Benton and her scholars hack to school. " BO Nissan Aim: tad Dotothy Robin- son. Dorothy Ritchie and Chrkune Anderson, Dun Ritchie and mum: Mr and Mrs Ch“. Henley and tturtily, Domoch, also Mr and Mrs. Victor Wlluums and family, spent the New You with Mr and Mrs E. Greenwood. Miss Kate McDonald 'spent a few days last week with her aunt. Miss McLean. Lunbton St. Miss Esther Moore ot McWilliams spent a few duyo last week with her cousin. Miss Glenny Firth. Misses May, Edith, Min-gum 1nd Alix Edge, spent the holiday: with their sisters. In W. J. Ritchie and Mrs W. G. Firth. We cordially thank our/ many friends and custom _ or: for their generous ..pat- , ronage during our firnt you in business, and wish on. and all A ( Moon's Livery The UPPER TOWN GROCERY FIRST CLASS HORSES REASONABLE RATE. We are equipped to supply single horse: with cutters, . team on n cutter. one-bone sleight. plenum sleigh. 1M side setters. You my drive yourself or It mood, we will apply adrim Phone Dar 3nd Night, 140 PHONE 150 Middaugh Home Block m,, Classic $eauty Partor, Now Open l C. HOWELL F. W. MOON & SON, Proprietors MARCEL WAVING MANlCURING SHAMPOOS. ETC. Bpocialking In SCALP TREATMENTS FACIAL TREATMENTS Your Patronage Sollclted Bright and Happy New Year (rhanita 'adam Wei/orb EDGE HILL PHONE 139 DURHAM enter at itsis 'beslnnm 61in. an teettt.mrormntionnatotmtr-- tresotttatnodtrmnttsePttneoaL 'ttetbettttttthaaaeredttahterqettted lnthoputwhtch known-un- tntntnthemtatre. 1htrungiBanattmettreandt-r thytovnuul good aettteqttttttdntt- t-tyetttrtniatsdatm-taimtrtn. The School is mommy equipped to an up the blurring couneu l-- t. Junlor "Mutation . Entrance to the Normal We M member of the on! k I University graduate and an ener- leuoed teacher. [handling We would 9min}! BlflGBl SCHQOIL. Noumea: R. R. No. t PM“. Phone 607: ring 2--6. Licensed Auctioneer tor County Guy Dates arranged at Build on.» dalk, also than“ Durban â€not“! Flesherton Adana. Goal. Dinah. mum P. o. Phone " r bt. “an.“ Auctioneer hr ca. of In, Terms. reachable. Sale date. In“ sue dates my be manna nth. Review Omee or with to". Turn. moderate. sum-cum manta“. tr you plus a ale. phone ‘04, fl. “In as to dues, ete., my be and. " Review Glace. Durham. Tenn-cl nppllcntlon. Adam: R. R. 4, but“. Telephone 608, ring I-a. MELODY BOYS' ORCHESTRA Um.“ Auctionur hr Co. of any Moderate terms. Amusement: he The Durham u. P. o. Live an. Association will thin stock m D. ban. on “my; Shipper: m I. quested to (We thus we Moo. Home“ Winner for Guy 000m HONOR auburn of k.,,,,,, Upiv-itr. Mm of Royal of Det-tmiie-s. of Ontario 1tey. Over , O J HUNTIR'S New Stan DURHAM OWEN BOUND Lambton St. 868 Md An 1 F'leshenon Saturday. 4.30 to 9.80 c. c. Mlddlcbro' R. lock lam HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Oahu» my; Grunts Royal College Dental Surgeon. Dentistry In an m bru- once. Em of Central Om In". Entrance on In! Street. The Science that ndclc Life your: and your: to life. Catt and See In. Comm I J. L. SMITH. ".8" " PS. MS. C. ll. AND BESSIE McGlLLlVRAY 0M0. Noun: B-a p.05, 7. Sudan new In Otttee um: residence corner Count. Ind Lambton cumin old Pan 0.. omcehoun: Dto ll n.rts.,t.80tq0 Fen., 7 to nun, Bunny: em Phone 2, r12 PIICEVILLE. out MAIN STREET, HOLOTEIN, J. F. GRANT. thos., L.D.S. Ought“ ot Tomato UM (Sacco-tor to the tate Dr. Bill.) Nude [or all Occulm For rates, and open (In... - to awe. Pl0KEitltitt, nos. LBS REUBEI th WATSON GEORGE E. DUNCAN MIDDLEBRO‘ & BURNS Barritsterts, etc. ALEX. MIC Mllllu.0 (Induce. Univ-it! " 'hte-tt NOTICE To nuns J. E. MILNE. M. B. Ctt1roprartie Oped-Jun DR. h. M. BELL once on mm at. DR. c. JAB. LAWRENCE, 3mm JOHN O'IEIL ' I M Inâ€! â€its... OWEN IOUND 868 2nd Are K. Flinn so '--I p... i)