Ss rqqqq+9.O.0. Tl ‘1 ver Oil ant and M M Ion. to yt V AM all um hom Mis, Esther Helmet o.' Tomato, Jlilldxwl with her "rem; ttte the 'tst couple of weeks. Mr and Mrs Wm. Soul of Castor, “All FOR SALE 26 H. by 62 ft.', in good condition. For further par ulars apply .at erimn‘ otttce. Ita., aw visiting her brothers and stem, the McFarlane'I. Mis, Margaret Snellte of Toronto. isitwl recently a the parent“ The PPA ville Amen mm in Prtt that. at 1.30 (1 Cttstont ‘hopplnx Mill will run ee. o-ry Tum-id . and Friday. Lumber saw mill w be running after Feb. m: shingle m will be running nt- tor April Ist, 927. There will b, no lumber or shins- lo-H sawed after May 15th, 1927. as the mill will be ved to Ceylon. Came n Smelllv. Pri lite, Ont. Mr! M M H l. January Specials M r mam-.4 of Edmonton. in mu- [ remain. Mrs Arch. Beaton. l' F. Y. P.0. have entered the z league. the Brat debate tak- w- this Friday night, the Mth '.6' Onward Ctub, at Old Dar- ovl 9vhool. We mil our de. and M rs a nnounct J AN 13, I927 Men's 15 inch lea. top Rubbers, red sole, sizes 6, f, 8, 9, IO, to clear at e......'.......'.'.'-..'. Misses' 4 eyelet Gum Rubbers, sizes ll, 12, 13, l. to clear at..................-...... .. ...... lk Omen', Hockey Boots, amixed lot, to clear at 1.") Women's "and: ir Slippers. all sizes, to clear at . . 90c Special Bargains in Women's Hosiery. m PAIRING A SPECIALTY Miss Mary Boston and Mr. 1,'epplsmr overy laces“. Donald MeGitlivray ta visit- dauzhter in Toronto tor a J. S. liiell,llhl'f'll, ial Inertia); ot the Buneuan ' n will be held In the at Monday night at 8 p.11: a Mrs A. B. Ferris. F'testter- nounce the engagement at lest daughter, Edna. M., to nk Thlbaudeau. son ot Mr. i, J. B. Thibaudeau, Mark- The marriage will take place , bundle of old papers, only wiew (mice. Useful to: tres, luy'mx under carpets. Pecan Roll & Cherry Roll Every crumb of this dough has that want more “no. It's the result of skillful blending of pure ingredient". THE STHW FOI “000 BREAD AND CANS tiENoEItsON's BAKERY NOTICE l Meeting or the Price NOTiC This Week SOMETHING NEW from a New Formula PRICEVILLE & GLENELG Saturday, 8th Jmuary. 1927, a beautiful day. The woods no cov- ered Wit}: white frost, an indication that a January thaw is near at hand. " would be a pity to spoil our good sleighing. Good use is made of th Good Roads by teamsters hauling lumber from Glenroaden and wood.‘ Some are taking advantage ot the) good weather by cutting wood with, Those visiting to tube part in New Year leasis have returned to their own homes and will now have to be content with the simple tare after partaking of all the good qualities on the laden table spread before them. and probably losing their" de- sire to pirtake ot the next course. But the pie or pudding is also temp- ting and probably may nu stuck at dyspepsia resulted. Mr and Mrs Jan. Brown, Peel Hams. entertained a number of rela-', lives and. friends New Your: eve. We were sorry that circumstances prevented us from being among the many friends after a friendly invi- tation from our dutiful niece, Mn. Brown. We all enjoyed a good least from our close friends and relatives, Mrs McCannel and Miss McLean ol Lambton St. one evening last week. Mr and Mrs Morrison of town were also there, also Mr Alex McArthurI or B. Columbia, who is visiting thou old home on con 4, Glenelg. SandyI will be remembered as a kind friend try many of his old chums in Glenelg and Durham. _ We were pleased to have a visit from one or our good old neighbors, on the S. Line, Gieneig. in the per- son ot Mr Roy McDennid. We were pleased .to hear that our former neighbor, Mr Hugh McKinnon, is ab ie to be around again after his sev- ere accident nearly 1 year ago. AF so Mrs Hector McEachem is well at gain after a severe ailment some time ago. There Is debating Tuesday evening of this week in Edge Hill school between Rocky Sangeen and Edge Hill.' We are as bad as the church- man who forgot the text, as we, don't know the subject under die. cussion. but wish the beat side to win. Elections are over and those left at home to mind their own business. may be as well oft or better, at the close of the year. In Glenelg. two PRICEVILLE 1)Afl., The Cash Shoe Store 4.85 1.00 1.75 new members will sit " the council table this Monday, 10th Jan.-Net" srs Whitmone and Weppler, two young men. All members of the council were born and reared in the Township with the exception ot Mr. Weppier. The board consists ot three highland Scotchmen and one irishmnn. Mr Whitmore is a. high; Under on his mother's side and It- ish on the- Whitmore side. The Whitmore’s were the first settlers on the Durham Road some " years ago. The Reeve may also claim to‘ have some highland Scotch blood in. his veins. Those left behind in Gienelg are good men also. Being a new man in Glenelg accounts for Mr Robinson's defeat. " elected he would have made a good omcial. Mr Robinson has always been a good and oblig- ing neighbor, always- rduiy to re- spond, whether called night or day." "o------------ Yesterday, Sunday was a beautiful winter day and -it reminded the old pioneers who regularly attended the church services in the days of ac- tivity. that they are now laidaside and through circumstances which naturally have to contend with, has to stay home. It reminds him of the aged veteran's poetry telling his wife of the days that are gone, when he says : l "When we think or the days that are gone Maggie, When you and I were young." And as we saw yesterday the hoary frosts on the woods at early morn. and which the sun's beautiful rays had melted by noon, so it is with man. In the beautiful morn ot his life, he, like the hoary frost be- gan to wither or melt away at the noon tide of his declining years. Quite a number took ttdvantatreot the Me day yesterday try going to the different places of worship in Durham. While the buildings are generally called the church. it is really the churches who are wor' "shippers of each denomination. Bo each good pastor does not Bay, ‘lam a. better speaker than the other fel- low because he doesn't belong to my church.' - We thank Rev. Mr Sutherland ot Prieevilte in sending us his greetings with a. small pamphlet eatitltd "My pocket companion, a guide, counsel- lor and friend for 1927." The small booklet ls worthy of being followed during the coming year. Mrs John McEachern of the South Line, Glenelg. was operated on yes- terday (Sunday) In Durham Hospi- tal, by Dr. D. B. Jamieson for up- pendicitis and we are pleased to hear by phone that the operation was successful. The' McEachern brothers have their. own share of troubles. but hope that this dutiful wife and mother will soon be restored to her usual activity to be a comfort to her husband and young family. Sorry to hear of the death of Robt Kinnel ot Swlnton Park. We re. member Mr KU father walking to the old kirk, Prieevllle, 60 years ago to hear the late mi. Donald Frazqr. (This Week's Budget) At the close ot the service Sunday afternoon in Bethany 'church, Rev: Mr Storms gave the awards to 24 boya'and girls for church attendance and the memorization ot scripturr verses. Mr Alex! and Miss Alice Stewart. Hamilton. were visitors with their father and brother during the rec- ent holidays. Bethany church will hold its an- nual meeting this Thursday. 13th inst, at 2 p.m. Many from this section attended the funeral “of the late Roht. Kinnel at Swlnton Park Monday afternoon. 'Bob,' on he was familiarly called. was always very popular. His un- failing good humor won him many friends who deeply retrretMtia pu- slng. Sincere tmhtyattty is extended to the family. The annual meeting of the United Church is to be held Thursday " ternoon. Jan. 13th at , Fm. A lively council meeting was held in the village Monday when business in connection with township drain was being settled. . Tir iiiCiG" Thou. new. Yeovil, spent New Year’s " Mr Arch Mc. vncar'a. --- .- "In: he? Mrs E. E. Hockridge have moved to their house on the farm. (Arrived too late for last week, Mr and Mrs Baht Stewart spent: few days last week in Toronto. Mrs Kinsman is visiting her sister Mrs Wm. Scott and " the Minnow use of " is still enjoying a goodly manure of health an! strength. Mr sud Mm W. Keith. Holstein. were ttrst of the week visitors st Mr Arch. McEschnle's. Mr Ind Mrs John Sinclur. room. visited their not, Mr: Hugh sm- chlr, Wow/ll. who itt at wrench: in poor heullh. Mrs Smith (nee Into Whitman) and chndren, Sum, were visitor. ov- er the week and " E. E. Hock- ridges and “so wowed old ac- qualnunceu In the neighborhood. where one formerly raided. Mr ond Mrs W. J. Phllp. More. Mr and Mrs A. Nicholson. Yeovil, were visitors It D. B. McDonud'n early in the rear. Tine regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at HOPEVILLE Mrs John imtetnir, Yawn. THE DURHAM tteVitN the home of Mrs E. E. Hockrldge. on Wednesday, Jan. 12th. Programme-- Paper “Relic; and “any heirlooms" by Mrs John Sinclair: 'Old-Time Song', Mrs Geo. Christie; dmtontttra- tJon winter salads by Mrs Harry Scott: roll call, use: of ngs.waste ptper, old stockings. etc. hid; Geo Gukés did the annual collecting tor the Bible Society Mon- day. Just one item this ,reee---that in which all the people ot this locality are interested, the death of Robert Kinneli. which took place in Toronto General Hospital last Saturday B. m. Mr Kinnell had been unwell for some time, his disuse boiling the doctors at home. Two weeks ago he was able to get up and dress him- self and go to the city. Mrs Kinnel going with him. Though not tsutter. ins much, he complained ot his head. The x-ray was used and a. something discovered. An operation was de- cided upon. After going to the hos- pital the trouble rapidly developed and sometimes he did not know his friends. The operation was perform- ed on Thursday last, when a large tumor was removed which rested on the brain. And in about M hours he ',, passed away. Mr. Klnneli was 54 years or age. and three months ago was helping the neighbors with the threshing and other work. .. All were shocked to learn ct his death. The body was brought home Saturday night and the funeral held to SW. Park ceme- tery onIMonday. Undertaker Gam- ble ot Dundalk had charge. Rev.Mr Spencer of Dundnlk. held a short service at the house. The'burinl seryice was conducted by the Orange Order, ot which Mr Klnnel was a most prominent member. After burial, all repaired to the church, where Mr Spencer. assisted by Rev. Mr Storms ot Hopevllle. conducted service. A very large gathering of neighbors and friends showed their respect for deceaseu by thelr presence. 'Bob' was well and widely known for his friendly disposition and a general favorite. A great void is felt in the community/but especially in the home and tor Mrs Kinnell, daughters Mary, (Mrs Palmer Phil- lips) of Toronto and Miss Marjorie. sons Louis and Murray " home and Wallace of Detroit. All extend henn- felt sympathy in this their time ot BorrcW. The pail bearers were six chums through life: Hugh McMillan. W. A. Richardson. Geo. Haw, John and Robt. Parslow and Thou. Ach. soon. Mr Kinnell took a deep interest in the Orange Society. He was a staunch eortservative--everyone knew on which side he stood. At our an- nual school meetings we will miss him much as he always favored do. ing what was in the best interests of the children regardless of cost. Those of us who have known Bots throughout his~lire. are sorry tor his death at so young an age and all can look back with pleasant memories. We are glad that we knew him and felt his cheerful disposition. The people of the Park have en-.' joyod a tine holiday during the past week, tine weather. good slashing and general good health, combined with the Christmas spirit, were ehiet factors in the Joy of all. Santa. Claus remembered everyone, more especially Mr and Mrs John Porter, in sending to them a young son on Friday, Dec. 24th. In double meas- ure, Mr and Mrs John PIester were blessed with both a daughter and son on the same day. All are en- Jreirtr; good health, no the popula- tion 1: increasing. Mr and Mn Robt. Knox are this week moving into Mm Ferguson's house in the Park. Miss Martin bu gone to the city for a. visit with friends. . unopposed. Mx nine: were on the bauot---Howard Wntaon, John Me. Qurn'e, m Black, -PhiMp Pt/a:) Andrew Wlluhlre and- John m. The tirat {our were ahead In am only: let down) We ars 13mm the' habit ot voting with tHrtrtnrtr elec- tion and there was . amid vote pol- SWINTON CREAM BUTTER Butter carried on delive'ry sieUh during the winter manual. (Intended. for last week) manna": on" Lambton at, Durham HILK IUTTEIMILK Rocky " from Edge Hill in First Debate However the debate was "the" (av-1.2;..W ent ot the night and was 'IResolved; " . that the drift from the country tol IN DAYS OF YORE the city thus far has not been detri-iW-_ 1 mental to Agriculture in Ontario." - The atBrnutive was championed ,by " YEARS AGO i Mr Harold McKechnie and Miss From the Review fyie. Jan. 9. 1902 I Kathleen Firth while Mr Hector Mo; _ Donald and Mrs Ernest Greenwoodi The municipal interest in ourhyul upheld the negative. Many splendid; centred ehiefly in the mttyotatlt.t) points were brought out hum hoch contest between Wm Calder and Nor- sides but the affirmative. spokesmen! man Ppt.", the latter winning by convinced the judge Rev.Mr whearla majority ot T votes. ' . an, that rural Ontario to the present; Mr. Thott. McFadden has received has not suffered through depopts1tri another endorution from the Tp. ot ition and gave them the decision. iGlenelg by an meremsed majority tor l " his remarks as critic Mr When-i Reeve, while Messrs Artxswsanith, an stated that while perhaps the nee-l Mclnnis and McMillan are the coun- ative side had more points or tttTru-l, cii elected. R “twice in min new ments on the question, those of the for Normanby Tp. over Reilly; Me. atttrmative weighed heavier. Mr. Queen won out from Swanston in Whealan especially complimented Egremont and Mekrrott overBtxtwn in . - -» -. A- __ L-.. be... Bentlnck. " his remarks as critic Mr Whal- an stated that while perhaps the neg- ative side had more points or usu- ments on the question, those of the amrmative weighed heavier. Mr. Whealan especially complimented Miss Kathleen Firth on her debut lug ability. The literary pmgram over, alunch that was fur removed from the five o'clock tea variety, was served all. On Friday of thls week "Onward" Club of South Artemesla and Dunes. sun will engage in the same debate at the former Club. Miss Mary Benton and Mr Eldon Weppler are the Buncssm team. In Y" matter of the estate of John', McArtiuir, late ot the Township oi‘ Glenelg. in the County of Grey, farmer. deceased : ' I Notice is hereby given pursuantto! Section " of the Trustees Act, R.) S. o. 1914, Chap. IM, that all credi-i tors and o hers having claims or de! mands " net the estate of the said John McA bur, who died on or tV botit the 29 h day of September 1926, at the To ship of Glenelg store said. are .uired on.or before the tenth day 0 February 1927, to send by post, prep id or deliver to the so licitor for th Executors of the last will and test ent ot the said do ceased, their christian names and surnames, add "as and description: the full p culnrs in writing of these claims. statement of their accounts. and t e nature of the se- curity. it any. eid by them. And Take No ice that after such: last mentioned ate said Exeeutorts; will proceed to “tribute the useul of the and dec ed anon; the par-1 ties entitled the to. having regent only to the cl: 5 ot which theaé shall then have n lice. and that the} said Executors, wi not be liable tor) the said assets, ttr any part thereon} to any person or rsona of whose claims. notice tttttl nothave been received try them the time ot such distribution. DATED at Dun-hemi this tenth day By his solicitors Vin Stamford and Guelph Canadian National mum" Por the convenience ot la new, the Canadian National Railways are operating through sleeping cu eer- vice from Chicago to Toronto, via Stamford and Guelph, Jenn; Ch" cage " 5.30 p.m.. arriving mutton: T.26 mm. Kitchener 6.25 6.1m, um; Guelph 8.49 mm. and Toronto " to.' 10 Lin. duly except way. In addition to the excellent mice to: above mentioned points. very cow} NOTICE TO CREDITORS ot January, 1927 onus drum. belts. etc. Buzz Saw for Sale one5tt.p.ieta-ttineBtte KA RQTED'T Moti. "rlceville Executor of ttle Ethic of JOHN MeARTHUR Mlddlebro' and Burns ARTH UR, TORONTO Married. on Jun. m. 1902, in Glenda. by Rev. Mr McGregor. Mr. Wes. Williams of Durham to Miss Annie McArthur. Married at the Hume. Markdale. on Dee. 24th, by Rev. J. Hunter, Mr. Findlay Mephail to Miss Hattie Stonehenge. both of Glenelg. North Enema! corn: New Years night, Mr and Mrs D. P. Coleridge sue the pleasure ot u family mun- ion in honor of Mr and Mrs John Sharp. the former . brother of the hasten. ta, Classic tairauty far/or Now Open Sunday and Monday last were not- able days in the history of Democh Presbyterian church, for on these (It)! took place the opening of theh tiue new church, into which they en- ter on the timt Sabbath of the yen: We rise to remnrk that the Dur- ham Council of 1912 has lots ol "Witt' ,‘power at the council board. With no disrespect we might point out that beginning with the Mayor. we have Will Duck. Will Volleu. Will Firth,, Will McFadden. Wilt Calder and then Will Young. Rev. Robt. Ledinghum and hit, bride spent New Yen's wth his sie. ter, Mrs Ju locum): 18th St w., Owen Bound. Brfghthotrn, the residence of the bride's rather. Southampton. Wu the scene of . pretty wedding, when his elder daughter, Florence Edna, mm united in marriage to Dr. D. B. Jun- lawn. ot Durham, PHONE 160 Middaugh Home Block " Your. Ago From Review trie Jun. ll, 1912 MARCEL WAVING MANICURING SHAMPOOS. ETC. Madam Walls A'e , Specializing in SCALP TREATMENT' FACIAL TREATMENTS I Moon's Livery Your Purchase Sollclted Wevordinlly thank our many friends sud custom on: " their generous pat ronage during out first year in buliness. and wish one and nil a PHONE 139 The UPPER TOWN GROCERY FIRST CLASS HORI‘C - REAQONAILE RATE. uncle “do mun. You my drive mm" or If wanted. we will apply III-Iver Phone Dar and Night. 140 J. C. HOWELL Bright and Happy New Year F. W. MOON & SON, qiptaps PruprVtots DURHAM Phone t, r12 PRIOEVILLE, ONT Residence. IAIN STREET, NOLITEIN. out. J. L. SMITH. M.B.. M12. PS. ottlre and remdencc canton-9(9- -iGli LVmt,ior, 159mm old PM! OfBee office hours: ' to It l.m.. 1.80:0. p. m., T to " m., Sunday- em BR. A. M. BELL ottiee.on [Amman BL Eye. Rammed and 13ttegqetqd offeq Hours: 2--s Fm., T-m p...’ Sundayn excepted The Science that add: Life to years and years to life. Call and See In. Con-Elm It“. In put-Mm Tuna-ya. Them-yo In. “turd-yo Graduate ot Toronto Unborn“: (Successor to tye late Dr. Bill.) MS. C. tl. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY W. C. PICKERING. DDS. LOS "onus GRADUATE of Tot-one Univeuity. g'radunu- of Royal mu... of Dental gunman of Ont-trio Boo-c "w J O I RITWRR‘N ’1th l ougum OWEN sauna lLambton St. 868 2nd Ave E. 1Mesberlon Saturday. 4.30 to 9.30 ic. c. Middlobro' R. mu m HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Unha- nny; Gndnue Boynl CollecoDoml Surgeons. Dentistry In all m - Chen. omee, But of Oenml Drug It“ Entrance on um Street. _ (indium. Unlverllty of 1m {Linwood Auction." tor My 60.09 am: uben on male â€I. 'Dun "ranged at Herald 000e,“. duh. nl.oAhrottgts Duh-awe.†GiCiir'i'i7, Admm. Geo. Al. Dune-L Lama-1k P. o. Phone " r " J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. L.D.S. , JOB! 0 NEIL Liceneee Auctioneer fer Ce. e! Om Terms, reasonable. Sela detee nu be arranged at the Review on... Durham. Reeidenee: R. R. Ne. 2. Prleevme Phone 607: mag 2--5. REUBEI th WATSON Licensed Auctioneer for County Grey Sula dates my be nuanced at. Review Otttee or with Ielt. Tor-l moderate. Subbed†summed. If you plan a "let. phone OM. rm “an“ Auction.“- Vor Co. " My Moderate terms. Arr-menu in me. u to dates, ete., my be In.“ " Review once. Durban. Tern-o. nppllauon. Adam- R. R. 4, Darin Tami-one 608, ring I-a. quested to give than. mt nouns. JM. LAWRENCE. lbw The Durham U. P. 0.11†In. “wanton qrttt Ihlp nook m- a.» MELODY BOYS' ORCHESTRA BEIGE SCHGQIL “(School I. thoroughly W to tatte no the (diam 'tt+P-- t. Sum-no. to the Mom! Wu I. “my University We and an en.- knead mm. W, mqfuftttyud 'rets. "GTG; a; iiaGiia" trritie Id tom. Information In to conno- In! to churned m the Put-clad. The School In. a creditable new! hthepmym “ha-tom £331.: and e-troot-dat MIDDLEBRH' 8 BURNS J. E. MILNE. M. B. GEORGE E. DUNCAN M. c. McLELLAN "we ter I" mum For rates. cod open 4.16.. apply to K. E. â€HIPS. W -- CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic mA-unatntt_mett_tttt' ALEX. Mic DONALD NOTICB " It“!!! Barrhlera, etc. John W. “a - Adan-u R. R. 1. Vma .m- "