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Durham Review (1897), 17 Feb 1927, p. 5

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ts And Ibelnlna app-r were he- to to" m. I unions. sf M“. in rhym- e an pr imn that the I ' Board I be for Hm extend as well lummr “and via be. IO work c (on: RAM (that! " 131:3 $icers Meat b horn tin had little and tht it od y tMI est b hone] Custom Chopping Mill will run ev- ery Tuesday and Friday. Lumber saw mill will be running after Feb. is! : mingle will will be running at- ter April in. 1921. There will be no lumber or shing- les sawed atter May tsth, 1927, u the mill will be moved to Ceylon. Cameron Smellie, Ptieeviite. Ont. Water ! Water! ! Water! “at in Cum! Health Worth? Why then take . Chance and a» water that In polluted and ttnttt lot domestic an“. when pure Inter car. tte and by having I well drilled. l also handle Pumps and Pump repair. t4atishtcttott mnranleed. ED. J. PRATT, El... Durham Phone " r " We have the New Spring Goods in: We Deliver Men's Black and Brown Eula and Bluc., values up to 87.00. to clear " .. ..... ........ ... ............. Women's Patent Strap Slippery. mixed lot, high and low heels, valuos up io " to cloor at...].. A. " Misses High cut bola, narrow toes. sizes tt to 1 m Ili., to clear at ......... .. ...................... ......... . Child's high out bola, black and brown, sizes 8 to 1 $15 IOWA) oteor " ............... q........................... i - We are also offering special prices in Mitts and Glove I and Indies' Hosiery. Don't min this opportunity to fill Four tum: for the bounce of the season. J. S. lhll,llhl'l'll, Get Your Spring Sewing Done Now At Henderson's February Specials Pecan Roll tl Cherry Roll It's tho- r "ru, ALEX. A. ALJOF ranvu¢n\nN‘-r%:KERV Chm-buys Gingham Prints Juvenillc Cloth The New Victoria Fabric lolorcd uni Silks 1rery l7, NOTICE "'llllllriry tlllllttiiii+ w you may wily - This Week SOWETHING NE“: RF PM RING A SPECIALTY -.n-h of thtn from a New hfli a r=0=°1 Corrected to date, Feb 16. 1927 Butter. per lb .. Eggs, per dog ... Potatoes, per bag Wheat. per bus . Oats, per bus ... Bartep .. .... .. Buckwheat ...... Peas ........ ... Butter carried on delivery sleigh during the winter months. CREAM BUTTER MCDONALD’S HAIRY The Cash Show Store DURHAM MARKETS Phone 47, Durham Lambton an. Durham n I I MILK BUTTERMILK NO 2.75 2.75 ........ 33e ..t..... Mle. .. ....$10" ...... $1.15 35e to 45e .60cto 65c ..65e to 70c 90c to $i.10 Ne. The Presbyterian congregation held n social concert. in their Hell Friday night inst at which about $40 was rallied . The talent was principnlly ioeat with Mr and Mrs Stewart Mac- Arthur from near Durham assisting. vocnily and instrumentnily and Prof. Kyle in the same role from Mt For- est. A stunt by the latter was the playing of “Blue Bells of Scotland' on violin with the how it his teeth. straight out in front. Owing to a severe cold etteetlntt Mrs Donald Mcuchlan. Mr Jim Milne is teaching her room at school for A time. during her enforced absencp. Colds are common, several being "eeted. Mr Allie McLean. B. Line, was rec- ently elected a director of the Fox Farm Co. at a recent meeting in Tor- Mr Chas Reilly, a we" set up stal- wart son of Old Erin, a veteran ot the South African War, and later ot the Great War, a. cousin of P. P. Reilly and in the same profusion or trade, is on a visit to the latter's home here. The choir are invited to the home of one of their number, Mus Hilda McKechnlo on Friday evening ot this week. Mr J M. McGllllvray arrived from Toronto Saturday after a. ttve day visit there. W. W. Ramon: paid a tour days' visit to Owen Sound relatives and old time associates last week and reports a good time with all well. The choir of St. Columba Church foregathered at his home on Friday evening following, and spent the ev- ening together In vocal and instru- mental music and pleasant convert nation. Mrs Milne from near Elmwood, mother ot our new Doctor and his musically talented brother James, is spending a l'ew days here with them. A Mr. Robertson, B student, preach- very acceptably to the congregation gathered in McKinnon Hall yester- day. On the Sunday previous, "era. ment was observed. In the absence of Rev. s .6. Me. Cormick. called as Moderator to the Hopeville congregation. Mr Kohl. Patton. who supplies there, conduct. ed the services here in St Columba Church. He was accompanied by Mr Hardwick. High School Teacher in Flesherton, who contributed two tine solos in good voice at the morning and evening servlce. The Y. P S. are holding a Valen- tine social on Tuesday evening. ol this week which promises to be ot a pleasing character. . What became ot Prieevilie lam week? Nothing heard from that old town ot " years old, but we can vouch tor it being there all the same. Sunday week we had the pleasure of being there and we attended service in McKinnon Hall and listened to a fine sermon from a boy ot some 21 or more years of age. It being Com. munion Sunday the Hall was full. The young man took tor his text. "Lord teach us how to pray," dwel- ling on the power of prayer in times of prosperity and adversity. T.us young boy was raised at Markdaie. his name Weldon, and is a grandson of the late Malcolm and Mrs Benton ot Glenelg Centre. He is also ti sec- ond cousin to Mrs John Calder ot Egremont and Mrs W. McLeod of the S. Line, Glenelg. There was a good attendance at St Columbu Ch. also and no doubt a good sermon by the pastor. Rev. Mr McCortaapk.was given. Rev. Mr Sutherland oli‘lciat- ed at the Communion in McKinnon Hail and got along well. He is im- proving in health. Councillor John Mekeehnie ot Menu: maxi... us “at h.s aunt. Miss Martha McPhrt: died some timu "go in a far od country at the age at 86 years. Miss McPhee came to Prioeville vicinity 70 years ago and was one of the best ot her sex in personality. . She was of a cheerful idisposition and preferred single life. i She has another nephew in the West i-Peter McKechnie and one remain. ing sister of once a large family. \The many friends of the departed ‘lady sends condolence to the nephew , in the death of a dutiful aunt. ?1:1LL'V‘ILL£ & GLENELG We spent over a week at the old home with cur brother and sister, and while there Mr and Mrs Wm. Wm Lelth of Dromore spent an art.- ernoon with them. We are pleased to hear that lit- tle Alma McLean. only daughter or Mr and Mrs Arch. McLean of Cey- lon. is out ot danger Iraq pneumon- la and bronchitis. We are told the concert in Mekin. non Hall "a well attended but the high wind was uncomfortable ro race BO w“ di:'n't get u, v This Monday, 14th Fab. Is St Vu- However we didn't get any valentines. 'i, 'it C.' -.s holding its reparation retty wen.--some days below an Them ta good PRICEVILLE he? THE DURHAM REVIEW award slashing and use is being mule on: by hauling saw logs. wood, lumber. Messrs Hermie Helena and Wm. Aldcorn m sealers in Priceville tor the diluent companies buying logs. Assessor Weppler of Genelg mule n Burt this Monday tum., 14th Feb. Sorry to hear ot Mr Geo. Blnnie's accident but hope he will be wound again soon. The Presbyterian:' of Durham ue to be congratulated on the ttue re- port given last week. We always like to read "Do you Remember" but we wil make it more positive by saying we remember when Lower Town, Durham, was manly nil bush " yell-s go. We remember when two young men, John Erwin and a John McDonald were precon- tors in the Auld Kirk 65 years ago. --one an Irishman and the other a. Canadian hielandmm who led the old Guile language in pulse to a. big ehurchtul or old and young high- lander-s. The old language in pretty well a thing ot the put but to those living (now a few) it brings to mem- ory their younger days when fathers and mothers spoke plensantly the old language of long ago. We remember when Fred Arm- strong carried the mail on his back from where Dundalk now is, to Dur. ham. We remember getting the. Globe in 1858 when it took nearly I. week before it reached the readers. But later we remember when com. ing home from Priceville some nights ago ot being somewhnt cool. though comfortably seated in a good cutter. Mrs Leonard McKeown spent a few days last week with her parents. Mr and Mrs Moran, near Domoch. Miss Margaret Smellle returned to Toronto last week. Mr and Mrs Stewart McArthur visual last week end at A. B. Mac- Arthur% Mr and Mrs Jae McGilllvray, Mr. and Mrs Rom. McGi11ivray, visited the first of the. week at the Menus lane home. _ Quite a number from here took in the concert given in the Presbyter- ian Hall, Pricevllle. last. week and enjoyed a splendid program. Miss Metron McArthur spent the wrm‘: Ptid with Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Watson. Prieevilie. Messrs R. J. MacGlleray and A. C. MacArthur are spending this week in Toronto. Our young people will debate on the third round with Macintyre Club instead of No. T, Normanby. " prev- iously expected. Miss Winnie Bin- nie and Mr Pat McMillan will speak for Bunessun club, they having the negative side ot debate, “Resolved that the operation of the Adolescent Act is in the interest ot the farmer." Mr and Mrs W. J. McFadden and Gladys, of Orange Valley. visited re. cently at the Cook home. Mrs J. o. Greenwood, Alva and Gordon. spent the week end with her sister. Mrs Colin McIntyre. Domoch. Mr and Mm Elmo Edwards. Sault Ste. Marie. spent the week end with his parents. Mr and Mrs R.T.Edwards Miss Vina Paylor returned home from Embro last week. Misses Elizabeth and Mary Hughes of Hanover, spent last week with J. J. Pn'ww' tttttt W. J Greenwoods'. "N R Tcrshhor and Elmor spent. a day recently " the Davis home. "e. " Mrs New. Carson. Price. ville, visited the flttrt of the week w M. 'm! MW: '". J. Timmins. Mr and Mrs Philip Harrison, Bwin. to' " "t ' "‘1"st the first of the to' " "t F "etur,,'s the first ofthe much at the Nelson home. The neighborhood was much griev- pd ' " T M warning when they heard of the death of Walter Murphy y -‘:"-::”“:t son of Mr and Mrs hmva Murphy of the 8th con., after only a week's illness from pneumonia. He I , “cum his loss his patents, tlve sisters and a brother. Much sympathy is extended to the herew- od family. Mrs Leonard McKeown visited a few days [at week " her home at Dornoch. Mrs Mulcolm McMillan spent an afternoon [at week with Mrs Milne, who has been visiting her son. Dr. Milne of Priceviile. Mines Margaret Dunbar and Eliz- abeth Meant]: spent Sunday with Min Margaret McMillan. Mr and Mrs John P. McMillan spent Sunday at Mr Geo Black's. Mm Velma Carter visited Miss Margaret Dunbar one evening lam . and Mrs Donald McMillan visi- ted at John O'Nell'a the ttrat of the Hm Margaret and Mr Willie Ryan. Mr and Mrs L McKeown visted with Mr and Mrs J. J. Black one evening. Much sympathy 13 felt for Mr and In Jun. Murphy ant family of the 8 _ can" in the loss of thir son and brother Walter, who died last Tues (in from In attack of pneumonia. My: Mal. McMillan visited Sunday with her daughter, Mrs Lawrencu ucKeown. Wedding bells are marina. SCOTCHTOWN BUNESSAN ZION VICIIITY " David Harm! At her late residence. 466 12th Si.’ West. Owen Sound. the death occur-l red on Thursday evening Inst of l Rachael Burke. widow of the inte David Harrow, following on illness covering a period of nbout two years' time. Deceased. while she had been in toiling heelth. us not taken seri- ously ill until Nat a few days before, nnd death wu due to pneumonia. She was in her 73rd year, Ind In: the daughter ot the lute Mr. and Mrs. William Howie of Waterloo County. where she wu born. in 1881 she was united in marriage to Dlvid Harrow, who died in Owen Sound in October last. Until tive you: Mo, when they removed to Owen Sound, they resin- ed north of Priceville. Tho lute Mrs. Harrow m especial- ly well known in Prlcevllle locality, where she lived for so may your»; and was very highly esteemed and beloved by all who knew her. Bhe, la aurvlved by seven children: Mr": W. A. Benton on the old home fanny| Artemesln; Mines Ethel and Minnie,, Richmond, Virginia; Enter ot Essex; l Frank ot Hodgevllle. Sash: and Mis. sea Agnes and Annie at home. She Ilsa leaves one sister. Mrs. P. Petch, Calder. Sank. and one brother, El. wurd Hume. of Malta", Sank. From Review tyle, Feb. 13. 1902 but week, Mr: Thou. Davis. Glen- elg. slipped near her doorway tutti in the fall had the misfortune to break or fracture her thigh bone. IN DAYS or YUKE Miss E. Pauline Johnston, Ctnnda's Indian etoeutionist, with Walter Me- Raye, the Callrornla humorist. will appear in the. Town Hall, Durham.on 19th February. Mr T. J. Jordan of Mt Forest, has bought out J. C. Hesly ot Durham. and it is his intention to carry on a fruit, confectionery and restaurant business. “"W‘ore' Mr C. L. Drumm, our tlnlmlth. took " departure from here last week for Holstein and quit-r it number of the neigrbom turned out and helped him to move. North Egremont: Mr D. McKinnon bears the palm for having already read during the short tum" in whicu the Library has been started at Dto- more, the greatest number ot books, viz. .over a. dozen. We trust that Dan's known thirat for knowledge. will some day stand him in good stead. as no doubt it will. Prlceville: The other day while Hugh McPherson was cleaning out " well, he came in contact with a huge snake coiled up among the stones. Hugh retreated when Eve's tempter dared him to come near her and her snakeship will be likely to and winter gunners in the well " Hugh declnres he will not tackle it for awhile. " Years Ago . From Review fyle, Feb. IS, 1912 At the recent meeting of the coun- cil of Glenelg Township. Mr Jno. A. McDonald was appointed Assessor at tho Township for the 8th time. Mr Ab. Noble left Monday last for S. Marys where he has secured env ployment. Mrs A. C. Benton left Tuesday for her home in Strathcona, Atta., aflu a tew month's pleasant visit 1111011; relatives and friends in S. Grey. A pleasant evening was spent at the home ot Geo. Binnie, win'u ' congregation of Gleneig Centre Wp tist Church. assembled and hommu their organist, Miss Mary Emma by presenting her with an address .mu tt purse ot money Mr Dan McCor- mick read the nddress and Arch: b' -n ".' made the presentation. Mulock: On Feb. 7th, the home u! Mr and Mrs Thos. Redford, Mulock. was the scene ot I happy event when their youngest daughter, Margaret Jean became the bride of Herbert Schenk ot Allan Park. 'wrt Er: emont: We have to an- nounce the cancellation of the on- gugement of Miss Morrison, daughter ot J. J. Morrison of Arthur, who was engaged " teacher. Our trustees we no good as they nuke them but they have it seems to knuckle down to higher anthorltlea 1nd must take the highest In eertitieate that otters, i: you can get 'em then. Nova Seotla'a coal output for th. year ended September 80, Um 6,- 600,000 tom. " against 3.200.000 tons for the previr-"s year. Tonnage of ftt'cht handled over th" “slit“ piers during the you of 1926 show, an inert-nae of nearU " per cent During the season 1.012 tran~-b‘?;:--tic dreamships cutout! tl, mm a: command with 980 dur- ire ' mum of 1925. Heros' s Pridn 'he mare imported into Canada by the Prince of Wales, and owred by Prrd Johnston of Cal.. gnry. since Int September. has been sold to the Brown Shasta Stud Fm: in California for a sum in cues: of $5.000. - ll. Here “an; " YEARS AGO Called by Death ONTARTO 00 You REMEMBER ? '; Chas Lawrence now liven. a wagon" [occupied by people going to the wed-i .ding. straddled the centre piece of; {or the bridge. Miss William was imrown out with injuries. hone ran [away and a general mix up. ‘Do YOU REMEMBER when the Orange Halt, towered on the top oi the hill where Arthur Jackson's residence now stands? DO YOU REMEMBER when the large warehouse waa built by ml- gliah on the lot adjoining the Jno. McQueen residence , DO YOU REMEMBER when Mekeeh. l nie'a creamery was in full blast l below the Woollen Mill, Durham , DO YOU REMEMBER when n be“ ber shop on wheels Mood lieu when Durham Poet once now} sund- t 3 DO YOU REMEMBER when Milli Human Dodge ttrat met in the Damn-h Block. Inter in “mm”. mm (Catholic Church) then to 14111an- store where Royal Bank now lands '. DO YOU REMEMBER when John Mekeettnie had his leg broken on Durham hill. run into try a sleigh t DO YOU REMEMBER when the titat brewery w“ in Durham And run by Chu Bheppardt DO YOU REMEMBER the mun who tell out of tho upper window ot the British Hotel and was inatattt- ly killed t ‘DO YOU REMEMBER when Durham Public School was held on the lot where Mrs H .R. Koch now lives t DO YOU REMEMBER wheat at Hut- ton's wedding, It the home where. CAMPER in loving remembnnco of my d r sister. Mary P. Camp- bell, who exuded from this life, Feb. 15, 1 3. In my heart our memory lingers, Sweetly. ten er, fond and true: There ll not I: ay, dear sister. That I do not ink of you. Tho' fate our pa 5 may separate And hide your s ile from View. "Fla powerless to e you from me This memory of . We carry all grades for grain and garden crop. Chenper to get your supply in early. Special price on acid phosphate In car Iota. Let us quote you on your supply for spring sowing. Phone 114. FERTILIZER TORONTO if V n: “a" I'- H"", u. - 12: mum v2.35" by Fl daily feed a dose 0 - V5435; "mluvthr Candi in. tNth',? '8eM'l'lf P“: "ITT gle,9,ut.f,'ldltt, Pad NEW ANI? FRESH Let us supply your Needs, DHONE 189 The UPPER TOWN GROCERY . . InVr J t " My I I l " or thr" is. awry and a .re. tr, may in Ec. . re way ll} 7,et it in to '.'tit THE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL " there tad ' a)” It! “for“. A net-l T (can m In u mum GROCERIES Also .urcu Mcatr Loatvct one”. Bread Dual "tt am. dds-nine Its ande hue been pmv- t . “"~ Vratmatt Star Theat. J. C. HOWELL ("HON "FAT-W \VE IN MEMORIAI‘ J. W. Ewen & Son. my! a that LV. ' f the to “121:“;- hens otting in their vid Brennan Mavis. N. Y, nk- a J. L. SMITH. MI.. M.0. PS Residence. IAIN STREET. HOLOTEIN. ONT one? an! "nuance ror"er C 'uvh'u - ind Lamina. upon-nor "Id Pow Ofttr. once how: ' to " 3.111.. I.” to Q an. T to Inn. Sunday. exam-4| Bit. h. M. BEI L one. on Lawton tlt, Eyes Examined and Contact" We. Noun: 2.-s 9.01., '-" Fe Sunny- excepted The Science that adds Life to your! and you" to life. Catt ad 800 Ill. Con-mum In. In Durham Hanan. Thursday. not OBS. C. G. AND BESSIE McGlLLIVRM Gull-h at Tom Balm (Sum to the we Dr. lob.) W. c. PICKERING. 00S, LOS "(more autumn " To..." Humor-my w mum"- ot Royal Fully“ " “cl-Hal Cum-um- of Ontario Knoll. trr, ' . , "WWII!“ "(v- “Om HONOR GRADUATE Toronto am my; Guanine Roy-.1 College Dent-I Sun-390m. Dentistry In all In but chel. Dulce. But of Centnl Drag 8m Entrance on Mitt Street. DURHAM OWEN BOUND Lambton St. 868 2nd Ave I: FIesherton Saturday, 4.30 to 9.30 C. c. Middlobro' R. Bonk Bums Sales tun-u on reasonable tom Us!" Hanged at Reratd “on.” cut. ulna through mankind methanol: Adv-nu. Gaol. Dunc-L Dundnlk P o Phone " r " Lacenud Auctioneer tor any County been”! Anemone" tor Co. " any Terms, reuonnble. Bale dam III be Arranged n the We! on Durban. lumen“: R. I No. A '14“va Phone 607: ring t-5. REUBE' th WATSON Licensed Auctioneer for County Gm Baie due: any be nuanced at tho Review omee or with self. Tom moderate. Btu-faction unnamed. " you DIM. a sale, phone 604. I'll. I--, Address R. R. I. Van-q LleettB" Auctioneer 'or Co. ot 0m Moderate terms. Arrangement- for sale. as to dues. etc., any be and. at Review Dulce. Durban. Term“- application. Addreu R. R. 4, Dust-- Telephone 603. ring I-d. I F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. L.D.S. PM Durham U . o Live 8m ”mention qrttl thin stock from but nun. on Tuesday. Shipper- m to cue-led to give tum - notice MELODY BOYS' ORCHFSTRA DURHAM 131361131 SCHOQL The School In thorough” my”! to an up the following conno- .-- 1. Junior '"trut-, . Entrance to the Noun-I “he.“ Each member ot the out is I University (name and an ena- booed teacher. . Intending up“. should prepare to enter st the beginning ot the met term [plormulon u to courses may be obtained from the Pdnclpul The School hu . creditable record tn the not watch It hop:- to m tatn In the ma. . CHIROPRACTIC 0mm. University ot Mu Music tor all ace-040M Por rum. Ind open duel. ml! b R. E. PHIPPB. Inn-get Dunn In In ulncdw sud my. MIDDLEBR“ & BURNS J. E. MILNE. M. B. GEORGE E DUNCAN 2, " M. C. ILEX Wrt) DONALD Ctttrotrmetie Sputum. um”. To N tt,t"'Attw JOHN (NEIL JAS. LAWRENCE. Show: A _ H In» “Hoe-pa Barri-men. etc.

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