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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jun 1927, p. 1

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in is W med "r TORS MOI“ a Rod. pai r CICC my Time oy. act: It LL in: Pete arm [one “No A! M 'hw principle:' in tht. CoutroSr'lsy ut I _ ',~,r,".. . 1: 3 1's"b'aTatr, :f s T T _ ' IE? -. A, - ’ {-‘.. " 1arM't' Drum-m m thr Minna.“ Church. " ' - 'iNIE 3.». ES. , _ ‘ Mt " V ‘7] 1 g" . , ' " was." - c'. ' .' 5'.» Mrs Oman entertains Y. W. A. 'it ,lilt :7 'd ,.'° ii' / , ESi Mrs italph Catton vulvrtuinml thir , l’ t":'i3s, _ Car" MILL“; t . . . . . . C"" - 'ttrt'uitTtucVTl'rJ. - “a un _tadis.,' “mm-vh- Auxiliary ot knot "um" 5551;. 7- ' G , 7 ‘ t‘hurrh tor their mom! and we... - " " if ,. "sw C uieetinp, on Monday, May (In, when n I e w', r ‘ . a. " ? I “wh- number ot' unruly-1'3 wrre pr"; ' m " rm. At the close or Inn-ling lunch .K. ' . . 1. , q . g w.s., urvwl by Mrs Catton. , NEW PRESBYTERIAN Th" Lift!" Hrlittors' Mission il'ttui .. A . ol Knox i/ici." held amino)" . hlflmlw] on mm Aw “cat, this t '. . q d . ' . J _’“"" hum!” d. A large number of Durham menu. Fiatur a) "t'"Pooron 211:.” um] (Awning. on Sunday, May Mad the. farm tletda ot Mr John McGirr, rut of town, ad the chidren had a close-up aequaintaneer with the ani- mals of the famyard. Several cur owners in the church. conveyed the children to and from. Mr and Mrs Arthur Atkinson, who returned last Chrmmaa from Mani- mnlin Island, and have since made their home with Mrs A’s parents. Mr and Mrs Thou. thchie, Edge Hin. have purchased the property ot Mrs. New" on Durham Road, one halt mile east of Upper Town. They pur- pose occupying same shortly and will 10 into the chicken raising business. Purchased Property Annivarsary Sande” Sunday. June 19th, will be anniver- sary days of Knox United Church, when Rev. William t China, D. D., L'ditor or the Tuned Church Record and Missionary Review' will bepseas "at. Dr. Gunn is one of the his men of the church nnd has recently rc- Iurned from a trip through the Mis- don fields of the United Church in sion Beida t ha Orient . Mr Alvin Robb, a. Iititrtutt in Court at two weeks no. points out that tlie hours were from 7 to 6, not 7 to b" as we had it In our remarks "I ma Bired tor a ten hour day, $5.00" he remain. "and the Court so decided." luv. J. L. Ndnnls ot Division SI. United Church. Owen Bound, tx- I'hangod pu1pits Sunday last with Rev. W. H. Smith. B. A. The COP. xregatlon ot Knox enjoyed the smal- arty discourses of above pastor. Passed with Honors We. extend congratulations to Ken- neth Kerr, son of Mrs Jag. Kerr toi' Varney, who has passed his phar- macy exams with honors. well up in the list and ls now a full ttedee0 drum-t. He is writing ott anomal- rum this week to qualify him to pmetiee elsewhere than in Ontario. Pharmacy ia said to be the “Meet Angle year college course. and .itr henceforth to be 3 two yesr term. Kenneth will probably spend moat of the summer at home before eanr- in; business. Highest Marks in Class tirtrt {out day: or this week in on: Sound. at the "Ministers' Retreat Conference of the United Church. About twrnty members of Durham Baptist Church attended service in the Baptist Church, Hanover. on Sunday evening. to hear Prof. Mar- shall or McMaster University. one of VOL. L, NO 22 it the Graduation Exercises of the Hennral and Marine Hospital, Owen Sound. held on Monday evening, sew vn nurses completed their term had received diplomas and pins, A spec- ial who was Minded at this func- tion to the nurse taking highest mark. for the your in the interrupti- Late. class tseeond year) and this mm- (a set or surgical instruments) was won by Miss Marjorie Firth or Durham. who is to be congratulated upon the honor. Miss C. McLean. R. N.. made the presentation. Her moth- "r. Mn Hugh Firth. sister Miss Kath- ioen and Miss Fetus, KN. matron at Durham Honda). attended the function. Luke Aid Have Tu The Ichoolroom ot Knox Church on Fruity alternoou last. wu the meet of tt large number of iodine. in reoponso to the invitation of the Executive ot the Society. who were hootesm on thin occuion. Social intercourse we: enjoyed for 1 who. followed by a brie! prosnm. which consisted of vino Ioloe by Mrs Rom Hume, reading. Mrs W. J. Der. by. munch; duet. Nines Winnie myth and Jessie Bell: duet. Mrs W. R. Smith and In B. Stoneouse ttrd a chorus by e number of Indies. "i m [and o' the ml.’ Mrs D. B. Jam. Xenon. " President. in a few re- marks, welcomed the large number present end outlined the plans ottte Society's executive for this rom'wg yen. Tea and light refreshments clued an enjoyable afternoon. a»; oplcs~ New home with all modern Coty "iUnees--no reasonable dtter re- fused. For sale try party the bus- lnou nukes it necessary for him " luv. town. For quick sale. W. H. Smith ls spending the Apply at. Review OtBee FOR SALE is one of the his men ad has recenuy rc- trlp through the Mis- the United Church in of Durham Each year the Chamber of Com- merce ot the pretty town of Liston-- el, goes on a "hike" for a day, and this year they are making Owen Sound their objective point. There will be 150 to 200 in the party, which will travel in Arrow motor basses, where the party being all together, find it more congenial travelling than in private cars. The sole object of the hike is to adver- tise Listowel. On Saturday lost, Mayor John Wat- son. of Listowol. President, “comp- animl by w. P. Ronnie, Vice Pres., and K. S. Hudson, See'y Treas. of tho C'ttttctlotui' of Commerce and edi- tor of the Liszowol Bsnrwr, were in Durham making preliminary arrange- ments for the day's outing. The visitors leave Listowel at S.00 a.m., bringing their band with them, They will stop at Mt. Forest a few minutes. reach Durham about 10.15 a.m.. give somn band music and spend halt an hour, stop at Chats- worth to serenade the natives and have dinner at Comm] United Cir. Owen Sound. Early afternoon will be spent in sports and sightseeing there, and returning, the Listowel touriata will reach Durham about 5.30 and have supper in the Town Hall here, served by the Ladies' Guild of Trim ity Church. More band music will enliven the time before they pro- ceed home. Durham at present has no Bond of Trade or Chamber ot Commerce to greet the visitors, but on behalf of the town, the Review er tends a. cordial welcome, and trusts that Council and citizens will tender a friendly reception. 150 Listowel Citizens in Durban Wednesday next Have your eyes t " d by D. C. Town. Special sale of lasses. Eyes tes:ed free. DOT n, Jeweller The ladies of the Red Cross So not): will hot their meeting In the room on Thursday, June 7. at 3 o'clock. Se ing tor the hospital. All members ple e attend. The Bu mer Series of meetings for the So th Grey Women'a Inau- tutes, will held in Durham, Juno 6th: Zion, J ne 7th; Dromore, lune b: Aberdeen, June 9: Alien Park. June 10; and once to Louise. Lun- lash, Elmwood, Hanover, Cunpbell's Corners, Ayton d Holstein. These meetings will be' addressed by Mn. T. W. Meek of ton, who comes highly recommend as being quite tytneient In Institute work. For fur- ther particulars see ms.. Presbyterian W. M. s. 7 The W. M, S. ot the Prelbyterian Church, met at the Manse Thursday, with a. good attendance. Mrs (Reva) Armstrong presided and after devo- tional exercises", the scripture read. ing was taken by Mrs S. Patterson. Mrs Thus. Turnbull had the topic on "Monica? Women" and was Very in- terestintt, showing the conditions un- der which those women live. Miss K. Patterson read a missionary story. The roll call was answered by a verse on "Rest." Business ya ' cussed. among which arrangements were made for as many " possible to attend the Presbyterian to beheld in Harrtston, June 14th. We were in- deed giad to have with Ill. our pree- idem, Mrs And. Derby. who ”been quite in tor the put few months. 3mm and m brought the meeting to e close. iii, he 'itil ttitiiijti, ijlfihtgitittt, NEW p9liSBYTfyllAN CHURCH OWEN S00NO [ First Aw, West, this handsome editice seats nearly son-n large number of Durham Presbyterians attended its dedication Garland, hhuPlail, Oliver Speak in Durham Taking advantage of the opportuni- ty when E. F. Garland. M.P. for Bow River, Aim, and Mrs Garland, were visiting with Miss MacPhall. M. P., " Ceylon, she had a public mar:- ing lunged in Durham Saturday evening and a. crowded Town Hall greeted the two South Grey memururr, and the noted Alberta member, all receiving the best of attention. G. M. Leeson. ex M. P. P., was Chairman, and first called on Miss: W1, who covered much ground' in a brief speech. Sine stated Inset, session the business had gmw thrown rapidly; after tho double sltuffirt r,rl, last June, tauRA. asked that), Prime Minister squire consult! of II 5 of Commons trefirre its dissolution.) The Old Age Pensions Bill has been passed by Dominion Gov't, but as (Continued on Page 8.) i Goa to Meaford i In the tittttl draft by the Seltte~‘ ment Committee, Rev. J. E. Peters') new field will be near Mealordwherci he will have three rural charges nuar' the town. one smvlce in morning and two in afternoon. He with reside in Mouord. Rev. C. G. Ccle,, former, Queen St. pastor, is transferred from' Elmira. to Ponsonby in Guelph Prtts-, bytery. l, Presentations to Mrs (Rev) Wheaten) Before their departure from Dur- ham, the Young Peoples' Society of Trinity Church presented Mrs thal- on with a handsome ttoor lamp while the Ladies' Guild gave her a. beauti- ful centrepiece. On account of her poor health, the gifts were given quietly at the Rectory. Rev. and Mm Whealen leave on Friday for his new charge at Courtritrht. The best Wilkes ot many Durham friends go with them. DANIEL - MARSHALL A pretty wedding was solemnized in Chalmers Presbyterian Church, at Guelph, on Wednesday, May 25th, at 2 am. by Rev. J. A. McKenzie. when was Gladys Jean Marshall, daughter ot Mr and Mrs John Mars the“ of town united hand and heart with Mr Percy Daniel, son of Mr. Thou. Daniel, also of town. The wedding was of the quietest nature and after the ceremony the happy couple left for a. wedding trip to ahuntltoet, Gait, Kitchener and elsewhere, previous to taking up home-mains in Woodstock, where the groom has good employment. The bride was attractively attlrod tor the ceremony in a peach colored gown with hat to match and as a travelling costume had a beautiful nay blue coat trimmed with grey he Review extends {mutations on the happy event. W'EIDENDORF - McGtRR A quiet wedding was solinnlzed at Knox Church Manse. on Friday after- noon, May 27th. when Miss Nellie MeGirr, daughter of Mr and Mrs T. Mean-r. Lambmn St. East, became the bride of Mr Elmer Weidepdorf ot “waver. The young couple were mm by the brides ulster Carrie In! Mr ' also or Hanover. May Weddings. DURHAM, THURSDAY JUNE 2, 1927 With which is incorporated the Holstein Lender Mrs. h. J. L smith Passes liar Tuesday The town was Marika! and saddCm. ed on Tuesday, to learn that the a- bove lady had passed away thatrore noon. For a number of years she nus not been in robust health, but a fatal termination was notjooked for. She was a sufferer from chronic bran: chitin and rheumatism and a severe attack of grippe on Saturday last, ended as above narrated. She was in her 65th year, born in? Glenelg, and lived there until Mu marriage to Dr. Smith in 15193, and since that in Dornoch. till moving tol Durham nearly nine tears ago. Their) marriage was the flPt performed by, Rev. John Little then inducted at Dornoch. Their only son Monimn,‘ is at prom-m. at Mt Clemens, Mich. an engineer on a government road. 1 E The ladies and Miss Fetus, mat. ron, are desirous of having a. veran- dah and sun room built to the honpi< ital, and the funds they raise the 'ooming year will be devoed to this i, purpose. 1 An ambitious program has been (planned tor activities this summer and fall, outside of the regular work meetings. This includes a monster garden party early in August, Ctupt ing to the teachers at their conven- i tion here in October, and a bazaar in jthe fall. The Secretary would be [pleased to enroll as members any i ladies who desire to aid in the good (work and have not yet Joined. The deceased was Miss Annie Mot. rlson, a daughter of the late Mrand Mrs John Morrison (nee Isabella Mc- Cullum) and a member ot a Luge family. of whom there survive: Dun- can, of Glenelg; John. or Durham; Margaret, teacher, Toronto; Peter and Donald, New Westminster, B.C.; Dougald. of Oakville Manitoba, and Isabella. Mrs Jas. I4dlngham, Glen'g. Mrs. Smith was a cultured Chris- tion women. For many years before and 26 years after her marriage she was a teacher and standby in Dots noch Sunday School. She took warm interest in the W. M. B. of which she was Treasurer and _ a life membo-r. and all who knew her testify to l,(-r intelligent and warm interest in u- ery uplift work. In the sacred relation of wife amii mother, she was deeply loving and beloved. In every social duty as. neighbo r and friend, she was not Red Croas Society Resumes Activities beloved. In every social duty as neighbo r and friend, she was not found wanting. Her memory will long be green to those who knew her. The funeral services will be held today, Thursday in Knox Church by her pay.- tor, Rev W. H. Smith. Interment in Durham cemetery. To the mourners, the Revlnw in the general expression of athy. - you. ‘The annual meeting of Durham nnd‘ MOUNTAIN-m Bentmck. on Thurs- (1053 Society was held on Tuesday in: day, May 26, to Mr and Mrs Arthur 316 s",',',.]',',,":,',"."' with a tair NWBema'i Mountain, Normanby. a son. [on meson . The President. Mrs Dr. D. Jamie.) MARRIED son presided and the omeers were w‘ NOBLE --iioPKiNS-At Knox Manse leeted as follows: on Wednesday, June I, 1927. by President. Mrs D. Jamieson , Rev. W. H. Smith, May Victoria ls Vice Pres, Mrs G. Jucksch Hopkins, daughter of Mr Sandy 'J.nd Wee Pres., Mrs T. Petty Honkins. Bentinck. to Mr Alvin 3rd Vice Pros., Mrs J. A. Graham 2lt'; aon or Mr Pred Noble, Nur. - . -- -. ' A_. r. ' The President, Mrs Dr. D. Jamie son presided and the officers were " leeted as follows: President. Mrs D. Jamieson Is Vice Pres., Mrs G. Jucksch 2nd Wee Pres., Mrs T. Petty 3rd Vice Pun. Mrs J. A. Graham Sec'y, Mrs Knechtel Treasuer, Mrs P. Gagnon The Society had a very successful year. The Tretusurer'ts report show- ed over $1300 raised, most of which was given to the Hospital Board in cash and In supplies. To Ree-organize A meeting is called for tonight, Thursday at 8.30 p. m. in the Veteran Billiard Parlors, to reorganize the Durham Softball League for this xenon. All players and ball fans kindly attend. _ $330“. All players and ball tans) The deceased was the youngest Soni ly attend. ' lot the late Alexander and Mrs Lie-' - lingstone. (nee Annie McKinnon). ot' a family of nine children, only three: l: E. GREY U. F. o. PICNIC [new survive: his brother Duncan and' Keep in mind th date ot the mun? sister Christen, with whom he re ster picnic ,nfternoo and evenintr,0C: aided Ind brother Malcolm of Elm- the South East oriy UP.O. picnic} wood. ' His oldest brother Donald} on Friday, June 24th, MT. Outside died at 14 years. before deceaserisl talent and speakers', s rte ,etc. ',ttirttt: John, over 30 years ago. a: Watch‘for further ouncements. Mister, Mrs D. McDonald (Jennie) 26; ----a-u--- lyean ago and two other sisters hl Lintnncy. i, Durham Br ch Women's Institute will hold the first series of Sum- mer series of meetings on Monday, June 6th, at 2. p.m. " the home of Mrs John B gens. Mr: T. W. Meek of Alton, the delegate from the Department d will address the meeting. Music too Ming provld- ed. A cordial In anon I- attended to all ladies. Me hen are especlnl- ly urged to be p LADIES DO tlor FORGET-. Town Softball League 30m ymp- Mt, Walter Porter and Mrs W. R. Alder are visiting in Penemng this week with the former'a mother and sister. Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Watson “m two sons and daughter ot Detroz. motored over last week end to N. E Nonntusby,'to see his brother Bet) who is in poor health. Mia: Janet McDonald ot Prieevitle, who has spent the past two weeks with relatives at Aberdeen. was the guest of Mr and Mrs John McQueen oven the week end. She leaves in June for Ottawa to reside with 11w brother, John L. Mr and Mrs E. Maiury and you; 1‘: Mina: and mamdsun Percy Gray, all 'u A b, of Paisiwy. elm Mrs Bluugn. spur Sunday in Durham with Mr and Mrs '_---" _ Arthur Ritchie and moth”; Mrs AIM DR. A. GROVES "i,",tie,r . - . . . . Who has premium! Veti,turw and Mr. David,cort, punctpal ot Alliston Surgery in Feip,trs vim-v Max l',il High School, accompanimi by Mr. . _ . ' . ".'r ' and Mrs Soho]! and dauth-r Mare/ar- tte-r-r-et-i-tr-er-rr-e-err--""- et, of the samv plact',visitedtn" mnduvtnl bv his pitrior Pow M,' tirtgt of 1'11? week at the home or inn-x. Young M “EMU“! FU/i, i/ci/ Adam iy.eiiu ' who tspoke from Psalm 107. \OI'SU 'd . Mrs Wm. Calder and Miss Marian. IRo He giveth his beloved sitvIC' went to Toreto Wednesday, [mm Rev. Mr Crickingttm of Mulmk Bu» where the former will proceed to, tist church. assisted in the svnmn Mrs Wm. Calder and Miss Marian, went to Toronto Wednesday, fymit where the former will proceed to Montreal to vim for a tew Weeks with her brother. Mr Finlay Graham. Mr John H. Hunter arrived home on Wednesday night, after several month with friends in Alberta. He is looking well :tnmenjoyed the vacation immensely. He is able too to speak with confidence of conditions in the Western Province. Mr and Mrs Will Henry and the latter's mother, Mrs F. Hargravo, were in Waikerton Sunday. attend- ing the funeral of Mrs H's sister. Mrs D. Robertson, wife of David Robert- gun. K. C., who pasaed away from the result of a paralytic stroke. Mr W. A." Forme, Detroit, visitvd with friends in town over the week end. Mr and Mrs Wm Mountain and son, all of Buffalo. visited relatives the tirst ot the week, Mr and Mrs 7.. Ritchie and Mrs Andrew Ritchie. WHEELER-an Egremont. on Thurs-3 CARD OF THANKS (my. May 26. to Mr and Mrs Chris' To all friends Ynf- neighbors who Death of Don. Livingstone, a Bentinck Pioneer (By our Mulock Correspondent) One of Bentinck Township's early pioneers, Donald Livingstone. enter- ed into his reward on Friday even- ing, May 27th, at his home lot 20, _ luv his younger days the deceased was a man ot great physical strength, but for the last ten years he has been crippled with rheumatism and incapacitated for most farm work. He retained good use of his hands however had could perform taské which permitted sitting. until this spring. when his arms also became affected. Gif 9. - On this homestead he was born almost seventy years ago and here he spent his 'etttirtpte: He moved around however mull the last. and Friday afternoon was outside, when his sister noticed him commencing totalland assisted him. Calling their brother Duncan, they took him in and placed him on the couch, and shortly after paralysis set in on one side of the body. He lair sea into unconsciousness and peace- fully passed away a few hours later. The late Mr Livingstone In days of good health was a regular attend- ant " Crawford Presbyterian church. He was known as a ritrhteoahand God-fearing man, deeply Interested!!! the Lords work tad Ind a. profound love tor the word ot God. He wan meek and retiring In disposition. Mung unetrlng judgment _ and iGii- highly respected exam: ofttae loamy. 7 - Wheeler. (Nee Jennie Marshall? a Thevtnnml ntvlce Mound” was BORN the Interment Owns made in Rocky Sauseen cemetery. The Pall hearsm were Messrs Arch and Jas. Methratp all, Donald McDonald. Edward Boyer, Alex. Brown, Andrew Hustle, Yum. Cook, And. Milne. Among the many beautiiui (1012.1 tributes banked upon the casket were pillow (mm sister and brows-rs : wreath from anfonl United Church, basket of ftowertt from Mr and Mrs. Will Livingstone and family ot Lon. don, and others. The tiower bearers wage Mr Dan McArthur and Mr Jun. McNally, who were intimate inches ot deceased. Friends present from a dirit2ttttw were Mr W. H. Livingstone of Lon- don: Mlss J. L. McDooud of Ham Slum and,quite ville. Durham, VFW. - "An honest man's the noblest work of God." by words of sym thy or deeds at kindnotss, extended to us duriqg Hm illness and at the (all) of our xen- lovod brother, we e ref our deep appreciation. Hama sympathy ul such a time is one of 'g blcstsinus Very sincere Duncan and Tena LI gstonu =0 mono: 56 YEARS A DOCTOR Nblimncd Weetttt.s 83.60 a your in a - A Slnhm'id Merr.lclistu (mzmv Ilulll ti trtiky Slohzul'h, Liver, “Mums amino“ Pe sl D . T . em?, ar ynamlc omc . C Viva”: the skin, imprw Trn Blood WW. Lcaas'ifits the (on WAMPOLE’S EXTRACT S. McBETH The Royal Bank 0., of Canada Blood Tobie and Purifier BRACING TONICS FOR SPRING Durham Branch . J. A. Rowland, Manager "tht.s .n 1100 a yen In “VI-nee. To United sums. in sch/wee. c. “LOB C SON. Publish“! A Splendid Medicine (mule from herbs) Stomach, Liver. Kidneys Ind Bowen Clears, the skin. improves the tex- ture. humane: we complexion. .--.o-».<>-- humus Drug Sm; Q.- - Durham, Hanover. wukerwn (om: No. 2 map tn the Midget homage series. and the winner of the group will meet the winner ot - I in the mu. On Hominy night. R. L. Saunders. Durham's delegate. mm A, J. Schnurr of Walktsrton and (Mn: Wendorf. Hanover, in Hanover and tinned the following double sched- ule ' Walkertap at Hanoser--.hme 10 Walkertnn u Durham-Juno 16 Hanover' - ttt" Wtutertott--J um 23 Durham at Hanover-July 1 Durham It wautsrtort--Jttiy 7 Hanover at Dummy-duly 14 Hanover at Wathertou-July 2! Durham u Hanover-July 27 Walkman: at Dutt.am---August 4 Walker-ton at Htutover---Augttst I} Hmver It Dughaun-AuguM 16 Durham at Waiitertoea--August 25 is Best for you to Buy '. Midget Schedule we IDEAL umm: I Puretest Mineral Oil Bu I Nanny tlubricating inn) is gran u myOll [no Mead in this orgy other coun- try. It is me heaviest Mineral Oil yet discovered. Absolutely taste lacs, colorless and odorless. F'tvAy from 5qu and Bi~Pmdums show I’urmest Ptrratmt. We know all about it and where it comes, front. The l'ni- ted Drug Company tukes prac- tically the (mine output. " contains all u- '.' 2.1mm: that medical “thorium claim an- nevessaw to make it posi- tively thorough and complete in its lubricating properties. Because ot these facts, and the knowhdce that ensuing” who have used this Oil-nu- ilnunlly coming back tor not! We know we have America's b nost medicinal Mineral Oil. LIVER OIE Draggist and itntioner Phones 3. ity t [xi 50c and tl 00 muss!“ Type) Sulphur Compounds a

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