West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Jun 1927, p. 5

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nniv M Mr It! M i, JOHN McGOWAN PRICEVILLE tml',,,,", 'this Always Taken a Strong Stand for Quality (This wan’s Millet) , wrvics‘s at M. Coimnba on .5 wftre largely attended. whnn Hr. MeCrae, Mt. Forest. preach- hoth morning and evening Ber. ming new faith. new hope, .pirit, after the diamy and & ot the disciples at the crud‘ mm! the impossibility or "DO. " '-I first in the resurrection. n-mioned tour instances among mm. who“? the risen Lord had 'erm--Mar.v, Peter. the mom. , on the way to Emmaus and rl.', fail by their testimony. im- m: slrb‘nglh. power and coettt. Custom Chopping Every Day Best Quality of Flour lik Feed Emu] "vur‘.0h'd Flour per bag 4.50 May-Me Flour, per bag .... 4.25 0 Canada Flour. per bag ... " Kin: Edward “our. per bag 4.05 Cecd Flour. per bag ...... 3.35 Pastry Flour. 'tt lb bag ... 1.00 Pilot Flour. per bag ....... 4.25 Mama boar Flour, per has. 4.50 Prairie Pride “our. per bag 4.25 (let our Price before you Sell yo8r Wheat I r.v'n' sunshine is very volcano: i:r long spell ot wet weather. cameron Smeliie spent a rev: “.1 wa-s-k in the Queen City. "a Catharine Melina: and 1rrr.etett spent the week end mph- on the South “In. 1.4-9 played the return some ot , on Friday night at Mr Arch. _ The soon In T--" in o ty UR. This is a good tr' r':. that of the season. m report Miss Mary Ann lt i. in very poor health but F ,w her around mu. Myrna Hincks was the neat rim-mi. Miss Alma Hooper on Christine McKinnon visited nu ( at Wm. Aldcorn's. Murchison is out at Mr Joe Swimon Park. Mrs Ferris n F'riday and the funeral will i Tuesday. Saturday night. Price-ville and 4tt1 will play a sum: of ballin hool grounds at Prteevitte. Kathleen Menu] visited on , with Jean McLacblan. " t intend buying wnoac'u shop try the car Ml. GOODS oeuvzneo IN TOWN av ERV DAY. PHONE tat. a. on on mom J UNE 2, 43ml [Flown Ct m bug ... 1.00l Oat Chop, per ton.. .. ".l m? 'our, per bag ..rmmF. 1.25: Hy!" Um. Flour. per bag. 4.50! Mixed Chop. per ton.... 401 m'ru- Priilir Flour. per bag t.25 Gunn's “an". 100 lb! 8.l BLATCHFORD’S CALF. PIG AND POULTRY FEEDS. AI“ GUNN'S BIG 60 BEEF SCRAP AND POULTRY FEEDS. " PRICEVILLE fir riEN0EpSON'S BAKERY in conducted sen-Ices In 1nd Swinton Park on Bum [as been out fmm.Enxland unmks and is a splendid a of great interest to all Mics, is the Alumni Re. " in Toronto. in the "good "d time." This rear the we so". Mt Forest. accompan- v(‘ran and spent some ttme . sampling the stream here went results. are" of Mltchell is ttt pr 7.;- visit to her daughter. Mrs G. McConnell. ms. Owen Bound, came an R hi Re-Union 'o' THE PEOPLE'S MILLS "r'p* Miss Esther McLean tay after being quarantin- measles for two weeks. able to attend school dat. is week. Mr We solicit your patronage passed all very quietly on account ot the heap Support your Home Baker ' John Hornsby 2.4 thr former not beime Mel/ran and Edgar in Detroit last week, a new Essex sedan know: for their richness and quality. Kept in clean sanitary casts. tree trora dust. ftilS IS TRUE OF OUR BREAD nnd s OUR CAKES AND PASTRY soll them at Reasonable Prices. our pm. bag 4.00! Chopped Oats. per' 100 tbs 2.25 i' bag .... 4-25 Crimped oats, por100 m 2.25 w btut ... 4.35 lt' perm. 4 0% Btettttg Chop, per 100 lbs 2.00 m I'."."'.'.' 2.25! Crimped om. per ton.. 45.00 l nic is auger! for Sammy. June 1th,: " 2 p.m., in High Part. Toronto, at: area No. 2, Bloor St. entrance. Bang games. races, etc. are sporting fee-j tures. Alt in aympnthy ore cordially; invited and bring your basket and‘ friends tor old times' “he. g The W. M. S. of St Columba Univ. ed Church; Pricevllle, held their May! meeting on the 25th tilt. in the school; room ot the church. The President Mrs (Rem) Mecormaetr, presided ami' opened the meeting with singing and scripture from Mark 2. Mrs Robt.f Parslow led in prayer and Mrs John; Williamson read a devotional leaflet.' “This is the victory that overcom-‘ eth the world, even our faith." i The minutes of last meeting read, by the Bec'y, the president called in the reports ot the delegates to the Grey Presbyterlal, which met in o. Sound on May 3. Mrs P. Reilly Save a finty account of the morning session and Mrs A. B. Muir the afternoon ser sion. Mrs McCormack ave an Inter. esting report ot the Toronto Branch Conference, held recently in Toronto. A vote ot thanks was tendered all the delegates. A pleasing feature was a solo by Mrs Herman Mom, 'There were Ninety and Nine', after which the meeting closed with t hymn. The Ladies' Aid then held a short meeting, with the president. Mrs L. McArthur in the chin The matter ot holding a trarden party duringthe summer was diacuued but not decid- ed. Work for the coming bazaar was given out, after which the meeting closed. (Intended tor last week) Mr Ind Mrs Pat Haley, Gleuelg Centre. Journeyed to Toronto to we- it the letters sister, who leaves on Wednesday of this week, together with her husband, Mr R. Mauser. on a trip to Ireland tuMrteeot1and, visit- ing relatives there. Mrs Edgar Henry came up from Toronto for the holiday and visited with her parents. Mr and Mrs Mc- Cormick. Glenelg. Mn McConkey arrived home from Detroit Friday. after spending the winter months with her daughter, Mrs J. C. Harrison there. Her son Mattie, arrived home Sunday for a few days' visit. PRICEVILLE & GLENELG Mr. Editor, in looking over some books, I came across an old song book presented to me by the editor, in the year 1910. I do not know whether theledltor‘wanted to deviate from his usual language. the Etttt llsh and become an admirer ot that ancient language. the Gaelic, forthe book is almost all in that old lang- uage. I appreciate the present made to me for I must confess that from my youthful days up to the present date, I can peruse the old language and read and write same. I dordt mean to say very correctly. Howew pr I was never ashamed of my good oid mother's language which was taught me as my tirt',t speech and the first lesson in my writing lang- We handle the VIC KNIT? tom. .. 45.00 § The book contains three or tour, Encore songs. some sentimental ones,f and others of a silly nature, but put; lin good poetry. The Highland race! lot olden times in the land of the iheather was chiefly of a humorous, mature and enjoyed singing the old ssongs. i am taking an imaginary; .vlew ot ye olden times and hear my good old mother (then young) sing- t1ng the lamentable song when Rav- ‘lng the Island ot her birth, the isle ", of Mull. it's thus: "Mo chul, mo chul [ xi mulla mo chul gu brach rim chair- ‘den uillee" or farewell, farewell to Emy dear isle Mull, and never shall I lace my dear old friends forever. I t l'oiget whether she was the composer Eor not. However both were young. i After a. young girl passed 22 years of Inge. she was counted an old maid and Mlle men after 25 years, old bache- ilors. Both left on the lst June. 1333 :and landed in Toronto Sept. lat. ‘ "use. the English, contained only ttro words "No" and "Yes", or in the old language "Ha agus cha heal." You see the diaerence: how slim-tit is in we English. However time has made a. change and the old language almost a thing of the past. in looking over the many songs I tind some sad once. Here is one of the many: A father after coming home from his wife's funeral. found his only child crying. He composed the song "Cha dig mor bhean dachni- tin cha dig mathair mo lenaibh nodh a laidh rim thaobh, ete or "my dear wire and mother will not be 'bch to- night, My child is weeping for moth- er is sleeping in the cold gnu e. Hush my dear baby, your mother in yonder churchyard is sleeping and I am weeping, for my home is now lonesome and bare." Of all the deaths the young wife and mother is the saddest. Hero is a song. “The Grave." To the narrow home all must go, Tho' dark and narrow and small: They shall sleep side by side in peace The troubled in peace now sleeping" Madman no Sabald or "The Sab- bath morning." The composer said "How beautiful the Sabtratttmorn"-- the weary find rest from weekly toil, the beautiful sun is shining as it were in honor ot the day. This beau- tiful morn is proof or the Author's goodness to mankind. "How sweet it is to rest, For this Thy"day in seven is best And holy keep it from the rest." Ag Amar air ais or "looking back- ward." The author In giving aback- ward look was reminded of the many changes he passed on the journey at life. as it is only a dream to him. He said 'Generation after gnerauou as: a river flowing to the mighty we. ean." In conclusion he said "our hopes to a better country wherethe weary is at rest and from all troub- les free. etc." This is all I am sending this time. Some future time I may endeavor to translate some more. In giving :1 backward look I am reminded of the passing of the many years I have seen in this lite and how few are. left to tell the story of olden times. The dear old fathers and mothers who enjoyed the speaking of the old language have passed away and in many instances when we go to the different cemeteries we only see their name engraved and getting cov- ered with moss. in their narrow beds their bones are as fuel mu: bodies as ashes. Those who were at variance in this life are now sleeping side by side and quietly resting in peace. The rich and poor and non- les of the land must all bear their own burden when called away from this life. . Council met at Township Hall on Saturday, May 28th, and organized as a Court of Revision. The following appeals were dis- posed of as folIOWs: Mrs J. Levine. reduced $150 trom assessment of 8700: Jno. Bennett, reduced $50, lot 82, con l, T. R.; RA Hunter, lot 5, con 1, N.D.R., assessment reduced H. E. mm. appeal againsts assess- ment on lot l, con 10, reduced $200: Walter Clark. reduced $150 on as- sessment on Lot 12 con 6. R. E. English. assessment eonflrtw ed; Ttuts. Mercer. assessmem com firmed: Wm Matthews, assessms-nt confirmed. wultmore--Blaek: That the Court of Revision adjourn to Saturday. June 4th. at 10 a.m. Carried. (The property of the late Hugh Campbell) will be eld at 2 p. m. on THURSDAY, NE 9, 1927 LOTS 9, 10, Con l, '.D.R.. GLENTI: 2 wagons, single plow, Disc har- TOW, ten hoe drill, wagon box and 2 wagons. single plow, Dlsc har- row, ten hoe drill. wagon box and stock rack cmbln d, two furrow plow, land roller. 3 lky rake, spring tooth barrow. turn ' seeder, mower, rope pulley and oth articles. Terms of Sale. Cash If not previously 5 1d at the same time and place, TH FARM consist- ing of " acres. mo or less. will be otrered for sale. sub; t to lease and also subject to rose bid. 0n the tam is a good spun and about 10 acres of hardwood bu Terms of Bats: '10 r cent of pur- chase Glene'ag Court of Revision JOHN MORRISON. Mfum Mé- 'UN.NON, Admintetrtrt n of the Estate ALEX. McDONALD. Auctioneer AUCTIOPLSALE FARM Th LEMENTS H. H. McDonald. Clerk " L0 of sue. THE DURHAM REVIEW This morning we chronicle the death of another of the pioneers. in the person of Mrs Joseph Ferris. who died on May 26th. _ Funeral today. May slat at 2 p. m. trom the home to Salem church and cemetery. Services will be conducted by Rev Mr Mecor) mack, undertaker W. G. Watson in; charge ot burial. _ Krs Ferris. whose maideh name was Bella Stewart, was born in in.', vemess, Quebec, 80 years ago and came to Proton with parents. sisters and brothers, about TO years MO,' settling on lot 6 con 18. There she lived until some 40 years ago when she was married to Mr Ferris and has since lived on lot Mn 18. By three generations has Mrs Ferris been well known and loved tar her quiet and kind disposition. Through- out her long life, she has enjoyed the fellowship of all in the neighborhood. Mrs Ferris, during her life, generally enjoyed good health and until about a month ago was doing her regular housekeeping. She was suddenly stricken with heart trouble and torn few days was seriously ill. Then there was improvement and tor a time there was hope tor recovery. But God. in His all wise providence tie creed it otherwise and during the last tew days gradually sank and quietly passed away. To this union were born 3 children. one dying in infancy; the others, Cepah, Mrs Richard Parslow of Vur can. Alta.; Alberta, who is now home for the funeral and Robert who has always lived with his parents. To Mr Ferris, son and daughters, sympathy is extended by the whole community. There are also two sir ters of deceased, Mrs Murchison, of Pricevilie and Mrs Leilar in the west, also several nieces and nephews in various places. All ot them can look back with pride to the long and useful life ot their departed friend. Death at all times causes sadness, but in this there is also room for joy having lived for so many years at peace with all in the world and gent- ly passing on without pain or tear to that land ot Joy and blessedness. Sunday last, we had as minister, Rev. Mr 0rittith, Just out trom Wales, that being his first service in this country. Surroundings and order or segvlce were somewhat strange but he' soon overcame this and all enjoy- Mrs Ferris" "ttG_diGiiiiiir""y"iars been a member of B. P. Presbyterian Church. - -,-.- -.».v.....\ "no uuu an quUy- ed his sermon. Mr Grimm will be with us again next Sunday. I believe you would enjoy hearing Min. The Swinton football team journey- ed to o. Sound Friday last, they be- ing elected by the League to play the hrtst game of the season. with the Owen Sounders. They fearieseiy faced the toe expecting to be beaten and were not disappointed, the some being 5---1 in favor or the city team. Despite this, the game was not as one sided as the score would indicate and Were congratulated by the Sounders in the showing they made. Jae Neath, o. Sound, refereed the game to the satisfaction of all. And the boys were never better used by an opposing team, also by citizens. When they met, they knew they were up ugntusl. abutter team but Ian-play was ntaniitsst throughout and they have gained by experience. Em long they hope to not Beat, but at least make It Interesting tor the o.s. team wuen they come to S. Park. With one exception, we city team are Old Country men, some cf them With one excwuon, we city team are on! Country men, some cf {new meesaAonaAs m the game. tl. P. goes [0 Ayton 't'hursday at this week and here mey expect a more equal game and a. more even score. The 10m June, Holstein will play at S. Park, the tirttt league game ever played here. Come and Show your apprecr anon ot clean sport. We hope lor good weauler, a good game and a oneerlng crowd aim we believe our home team wlll make a good show- mg Lmougnoul the season. Gordon McLeod was the lucky scorer in o. s. Several other well Imam allots tatlett to get in. Billy Lane, one of the beat lorwarda. played under dllllcul- ties, sultenng from a hurt he had got at Work lulu hardly able to so. Rev. Mr Comm. Markdale, 0cea pied the pulpit in Zion Sunday, In the absence of Rev. Mr Peters, Who is attending Conference. Mr Arthur McNally was down to Guelph last week to the funeral of the late Mrs Wm. Hill. Mr and Mrs Geo. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs W. J. Gneenwood and Mus Margaret, were in Owen Sound on Saturday. Mr and Mrs Joe Patterson and family, Chesley and Mr and Mrs Ray McRae, Palmerston. were visitors the tirst ot the week with Mr iusd Mrs J. R. Edwards. Mr Wilbert Greenwood attended the funeral ot a friend in Walkerton Sunday. Miss Clara Greenwood, 0. Sound, spent the week end at her Home new Mrs Kenneth Vaughan and little daughter Phyllis, Ire visiting her mother, Mrs M. Smith. Mr Angus and Miss Margaret Mc- Intosh. visited Sunday evenmg a: W. J. Greenwood's. Mr and Mrs A. C. Wolfe and Miss Phoebe. spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs R. T. Edwards. Mr Taylor and friend, Vttndeleur, were visitors at Mr C Williams Sua- day. Mr and Mr: Sam Mills and boys, of Dundalk, visited the Brat " the week at D. S. McDonald's. Mrs P. a. Storms and Mr and Mes Bruce Dunby and funny. all of Ham- mon. spent the am: " the Manse. Mia Alice Stewart. Hamilton. Tus tted her home friends. "w as been vex-7111 with mamuarm-i Mr Alert Stewart was down to Hata. SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE ZION Mr and Mrs Chas MeGi11ivray, Mrs. ses Annie and Flo Sinclair were -ec- out visitors at Mr Jno. Sinclair's. Mrs Robt. Webster has been mn- ing her daughter, Mrs Jno. Mills. Mr and Mrs W. R. Scott and boys were in Brantford a. short time aye, their son Alvin remaining. Mrs Scott it aunt, Mrs Morris came nome WM) them for a visit. Mr Jaa. Sturrock had the misfor- tune to lose 360 chicks. the broader house being destroyed by tire, est. word tells of Improvement Mr were their aunt, them Bom, on Thursday. May 19th. to Mr and Mrs Jno. Mills, a (laugh er. (Margaret Elizabeth.) an- .1- - Mr and Mrs Will Donald and daughters, are moving this week to Conn. Miss E. Hopkins was tn Ropevme on Friday afternoon, training amass for Grey Co. judging contest. Miss Bessie Wale spent a. tew can; in Toronto visiting relatives. IN DAYS OF YORE " YEARS AGO From Review trle, May 29, 1902 Rev. Mr Jansen, late ot Hamilton. is in town this week and receivmg many handshakes from old friends. He leaves Monday for Manitoba, where his work will be for some time. Dr. Hugh McNeil, Chicago, on May! 15th last; was united in wedlocrcr/ bonds to Miss Emma Bunnelle or, Milwaukee. i The induction of Rev Rr. "Mah- to the charges ot Holstein and Fair- balm congregations. takes place t Holstein on June 5th, at 2 p.m. Vickers '. Mr Geo. Turnbull has ty,tt cellar of his new house built and and will soon proceed with the brick work. ' I. B. Lucas. M.P. P. is the only man in Ontario up to Thursday of this week who can write the above let- ters to hits name, as on Thursday last he was elected by acelamation-tlle only one in Ontario. Buncssan: Mr Grant McComb:' struck for the Cement Works lawm- week. we thought by the grip and dinner pail he took with him he was; ott tor the Klomtyke. t Glenclg Centre: Mr Arch. Beaten ot the Centre purchased a tine new Bell organ, latest improved. Archie being such a loyal highlander, we tre. lieve the first tune he wlll learn will be the imitation ot the bagpipes. " Years Ago From Review fyle, Mtry 30, 1912 Llahtnlng on Friday last struck the barn on Friday last on the old home ot Mr Edwin Wells, North By remont and destroyed it. Thursday, May 23rd, the gun-u closed over the remains of the We J. D. Morgan ot Dundalk. You will find it Easy A German aviator iias earrytng a passenger when his machine c-rash ed to the ground. The passenger on- ly was killed. It will be a few day; yet before aviation becomes poputar. Look over this list of a few suggestions; Fancy cake plates tl Salad bowls, tl and 1.50 Cut glass Sherbet glasses Eédoz, ........ tl.li0 Mr Smith. Palermo, who reeen1V purchased the Chris Firth tarm an the Durham Road, Ins up improvmg his property by planting out some hundreds of cherry and other fruit trees. Mr Smith is an expert in .he fruit line and is optimistic over Us purchsse. Jidor, ........ $ldi0 Console Sets. . . . . . 2.00 Fancy Trays .. . . . L98 Brass Jardeuiers. .. 2.25 Fancy Teapots, tt and I.50 Miss Grace Hunter came hora from Stratford Bullness College trot the holiday time. Mr am; Mr: H.H. Miller and Mr. and Mrs J. H. Adams ot Manor”, have left on a trip to the Old Lana. extending over several months. A complete stock of Silverware,dinnersets, tea sets, toilet sets Come and see our dis- play of new goods. Yeovil: Mr Jan Brown, Reyna, formerly of Holstein, We see has se- cured t. new motor car as he passed; thru our burg one morning last week with some of Holsteln's prominent citizens. We believe Mr Brown con- temphtea motoring to Regina, We duo hear he is giving the privilege of my this. who will accompany The Variety Store R L Saunders, Prop.. Mr and In W. J. Lodinghamleit on Tuesday on an extensive Western trip, so!” together u (er " PPsoe; an; 11-5 1.): be close of vmmn "tamEaat,Mrugttintrontova'a. we: helm "tttming. to select a. gift for the J une bride hero - .0.n-m -n.v-x - ' PATTON - SALES A pretty Spring wedding was so: emnlzed on In; 24th. at the home of the bride'l mother. Mrs Harry daughter. Irene Ellen. became the bride ot Mr Roy Patton, Durham. The ceremony m performed by Iter AM. Preston of the Baptist Church. in the presence of about 40 invited guests. The bride was gowned in her wedding dress of powder blue geomette end carried a. bouquet or butterfly tones and baby's breath. She wu given in marriage by her brothenin-iuv Mr Sidney Phllbrooxw. Miss Irene Slurp of Toronto was bridesmaid and Mr Howard Ritchie, ot Durham, supported the groom. é CARD THANKS _ Dear Ladle: of mam Branch Worn. l, en's [mum '. i, I wish to exprel my sincere thanks l to you all, for the indnesa you have ishown me during y long lllnesu. i Mrs. A In Ritchie Following the ceremony the guests sat down to . sumptuous wedding supper. Few Changes at The sitting of the Court of Rests- ion Monday night. was not lengthy, there being only two appeals entered against Aueuor McIlralth'a assess- ment. Member: present were Reeve Bell, chum: Mayor Murdock and Councillor: Hunter and Henderson. P. J. McLean objected to his as- sesament ot 8800 tar his property east of new Prenbyterlnn Church, as being too high. Miter R, B. Burns presented his use. Mr Holman nad paid only $800 for the property and nothing in Durham wu assessed full vnlue. but only so to " per cent. The Court deemed he had made a good buy " that price, but on mo- tion of MurdoeY--Hanter, assessment was reduced to $760. Carried. Geo. Ryan eppeeled against his 8100 business mesment. Mayor Murdock withdrawing and presenting his case. On motion ot Hunterc--Henderson, it was cancelled. Transfers of property on roll were tutthoHged : Nowell Ptllritstrhtutt's property to 6008. Lawrence and Jas Brttnitt'tt to Rom. Alexander. Harry Runner was assessed as tenant at lot ' (In. St W. The final sitting wtil be Honda“ June 6th, at 7.30 Fm. ‘ A competent woman as general by elderly couple living in the hoax neighborhood of Guelph. Excellent home for trustworthy woman undue others wilt be conlldered. Applica- tions giving quatiiusatiotts should be made to the address below and wilt be treated In confidence. Owing to the death of the late Mr. J. McKechnlo, It I: necessary that all outstanding neonat- due to hlm be paid at once. Settlement may be made at the more. where the bust, ness will be‘ctrrled on as usual. Notice ll hereby given that the mnual meeting of the South Em (fray United Fmen' Political " sociauon, will be held in the Agri- cultural Hell. in the Village “Pr! .5- ville, Sunday. June 11th. 1921. at 1.30 9.111. “up. U. P. o. Coopera- tive will hold meeting same Setup day. ii2TtGiry%i, _ n; W" - Ell the as: le? the 132mm! chicken y the "tin _ (he wder in the open feathers. h'i'ASeigTil'frr: KILLER in magma Ind non- votroaous,tnttM1t"he lice. Aakyourdeaher. - 16.77 7.111"; Candi - We for pompous t. my Ji2yl,, W --- - -. rut.» There an no strings to this contest. It is open to every- boiy who mtedaatttraaee, Wrat send for entry bunk. Enclose GILSON MPG. BO., Guelph, DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON. We! Agent Phone Dar snlf’iight. 140 FREE Gilson Furnace You can Wit?“ You Try M. B. MURRAY. Sec'y Treat HYMENEAL HELP WANTED Court of Revision NOTICE NOTICE R L. McKinnon. Box 99. Guelph ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO when her y. L. SMITH. M.B., M.C. PS. om“ .nnd_ Tidence.. corpgr_Coqucu Phone 2, r12 PRICEVILLE, ONT Residence. - 7 if -' MAIN STREET. HOLOTEIN, ONT, Ind umtGiGGiiitTiiinirii"6iiG onice hours: ' to 11 mm. 1.80 to 4 p. m., T to " m., Sunduyl accuse The Science that add. Life to your: and yesrs to life. Catt and Bee II. Con-Ilium M In Durham Twigs, Them-ya In. HONOR auburn: of Vrorono. Univel'cit . Mutu- of Roy“ 0011.. of 'aTa'llig'Jl',','d, of Ontario Room. Ova J h J HUNTERS Now Btom MS. C. tt. AND BESSIE McGILLlVRAY Irc. PICKERING. DDS. LOS J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8., L.D.S. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univ» any; (nodule Royal College Dental Surgeon. Dentistry In ati its but Graduate of Ton-onto University (Successor to the late Dr, 81m) cues. omce. But ot Central Drug Bun. Entrance on mu Street. DURHAM OWEN SOUND Lambton st. 868 2nd Ave In. Flesherton Saturday, 4.80 to 9.80 C. C. Middlobro' R. Bonk lum- The Darla: U. P. o. Live am Association will ship stock from Dan ham. on Tue-days. Shipper: we to- quested to give three dayl' notice. MELODY BOYS' ORCHESTRA Licensed Auction." for any My Sales taken on renoublo at... Dues arranged " Herald mumbli- dalk, also through Dal-hm We.“ Flesherton Adana. Geo. R, Danna. Dundnlk P. o. Phone " r 1-2. Licensed Auction." tor Co. ot 0n, Terms, mun-Me. Bate due- - be unused u the Review on“. Durham. . 'teeld-. R. R. No. 2, Prlcwlllo Phone 607: ring 2--6. REUBEl th WATSON Licensed Auctioneer for County any Sale date. my be amazed “the Review once or with lelt. Tenn- moderate. sat-mum: manta“. It you plan a age. phone 604, than Hunted Auction." for Co. of any Moderate urns. Minuteman: to: sales " to dam. etc., may be we " Review once. Durban. Tomes tppllctuon. Adam- B: R. 4, Danna: Teléphono 608, that I-M. - DURHAM 13136131 SCH©©L The School ls thorough” equipped to take up the following courses P- 1. Junior “admission 2. Entrance so the Normal Scheme Esch member of the sun ls o University Waste and on - leneed teochet. intending - should prepare to enter " tho beginning ot the an tom. [pm so to course. In) be obtained (all the mm Tho School hos s ttgodttnMe recon! tn the post I“ it hopes to nob- tsh In the In... Dorks- b on Who and hos!- m tmm out use M out to m u mantle _ John -a, “or...” & A. I. u. PM Music In all Occasions For rates, can open dates. apply to a. M. PHIPPS. Hunger Durham, Phone 80 (mam Galvan!” ot Tom-Q Ml00LEBftty & BURNS GEORGE E. DUNCAN J. E. MILNE. M. B. M. C. McLELLAN Noun: '-" 9.0m, 1.... '1... Sunny. excepted ALEX. MAC DONALD one. on mum St. Chiropmetie swam-u N OTICB T0 RAMSES CHIROPRAch DR. A. M. BELL JAS. LAWRENCE, Shippor JOHN O’NEIL Barristers. etc.

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