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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jun 1927, p. 7

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GIFTS He Wanted I, Full Trip. "m foreman had rebuked - hr not taking II fttlihnd at m " tn» Eadder every trip, nad Cum And prcm:'sed not to otNnd um thte morning the supply of was run out. and Cassidy, after 3mm - one :11 sight, found In wu can OM :te pz‘crler number. He called to I workman on the m itottr. You. yon-uteri. hall u "ttdar-g mind the maples bland Like ttttmet: :9th the - any; the goldenrod wn brown. Across a stretch of [631111. bills the lazy came (razed: And all the little neighborhood was on its way to town. we elanked across the crinpln; tterldtr, tired buy by tirod Brar-- Tha house was primved tor company from root ta shitting Mor; whim, starchy curtain: blowing in, (rest: hung tor Sabbath Der, And Apicy oven smells Bttoat trom out the kitchen door. "What do you mt?“ and no mam "Throw me down one brick." that od Candy at the top of " who. “to mks good no will" '1 a. properly and maroon tho AW '-'h€3. lights and qeimq "oid b. no arranged that It I. MIMI“. for unyono, while In tho bath to touch my -r.n of them with any part of " body. F" rtImrmore, All the“ Guilt. lhould he at a distance from tho pipe. sad are should be Mon that no defeett '5 possible, and that the mutton In rlt buh‘nny, reached by moving stall» My. which you will and on you: right am 3m; pass the fountain In the tiortst Plug in the centre ot the main Mor." ml": iry household bath Ind than NO- 't nd to administer trunnion! from In! : v 'r. of apparatus connected with the ”Gun”? llghtinz circuit; not. indeed. ,s,rr'd ha allow “you. also to " n v" Mr such treatment. It is pne- , s' l. tIseltts. to attempt to insulin. 21. ministry bath, tttted With metal tr vr pipes and s vat. pipe. and I ii." Hi immersed in I bath 5000111“ ' tq “Al‘enent conductor for “may. Presh gmmmts lay upon the bed In our wee lofty room. ut, shared the cloudy looking-glut with u-onscious trorinh pride To wield our new and shining blades, and feared a Moody doom Apr, wavering on cheek and chin. In Ielt their keenness slide. "hm, madam!" the floor-tWet, re- ..Iled briskly. “Thst's the beauty of a Jexmrtment tstortr--ptt anything you mm, right under the one roof! Toke r' .viittJr tn eleventh door. shoe depart. uwm, eight aisles to the right from 1. Lin passageway, tor shoe strings; ..;.::-pi;s in notions department. east aid» of bnwment, three aisles beyond humor»; gloves In women's wear, mm floor ct annex; ruched by pse- TttFwd)' over street; toothbrush in drugs and toilet "times department lays Some inn-resting facts regarding {a farming are forthcoming from the ‘vezerinary Director General, Dr. "i's,rranctr. In an article in The Agri- cu','ural Gazette ot Canada for No- vr.rr,'oer he tells us that the main u. funny wnnected with the raising of foxes, in captivity is the protect- 1:11: of them from disease. lt is no- meuble that the female instead of Laying birth to s litter of four or ttve ut a time, as she does when free, rnre!y produces more than two, the Lavage for the farms in Prints Ed- ward Island being " the rate of one and a half. Individual fox ranchers, however, by cars and improved methods do succeed in securing an inux‘ease of three or even four per pint. With a view to making this success more general, under the direction of Dr. Torrance, research work has “been undertaken. Land and anxipment have been acquired. two scintitie experts from the Health of Animals Branch employed, six pairs of foxes from the Island undies fur. n.,-hcd, and a smsll laboratory fitted up for the studying of the diseases a d parasites that meet tho animals. g{waking of cum in human to wl:'ctt electric“ Appliances were " :;»~h»z1_ the British Medics) Journal Ye Interesting Facts Regarding Fox Raising. Electricity in the Bathroom. K'lmrt cuts, if the road ls too steep, . 'c' Lot. prove short; and places that :u nor together may not be readily V ' lwd from one another. Those tas. : :Eng impossible directions. tem- i..r to our childish years. eometlmee n1 an inconvenient echo in present ' -' "Straight down the crooked lane, " m around the square.” Certainly my {requently come to the mind ot Wet-acted shopper in e great " n.“ zle'nt More. "l “not some ehoeetrlnxe. tome .L'rpiLS. a. pair od clove- end I tooth- rash," the women "Id. 'Q tum, to m-b a train, and have but e few min. No one with the most elementary . owh‘dKB of the danger of an electric irrent would lmmem him]! in the She Took the Next Train. And an may you " " raters, halt a holiday-the road at In: Arr wheels to Ttttedt our own, py-hearted way. good Genie stole an hour all the rest were past mounted it to youth and it Saturday. DaGr.'G'.'"r'" No. 9N8-Dress. Price, " mm. Sizes 16 to 20. Transfer Design-No. 969. Price. '25 cents. One of the“ words was that tor "helmet," is modern word which has come down to us both through the Anglo-Saxon and the Norman-French tongues, only tor some reason we have perpetuated the diminutive rather than the original word itself. "Helmet" menus "little helm." " the Normans orlxlnally spelled and pronounced it, The "hetuuners" or “‘healmere" of medieval England were the makers ot helmets. The name was, of course. Brat applied as descriptive of this oc- cupation. with this meaning being ul. timately lost in that of mere personal decimation. With the original mean- ing forgotten or unstressed the tend. ency toward phonetic spelling in an an when spelling was little standard- CHILDHOOD (1)giTiNTI()1 This pattern may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. HOMER. Racial Origin-Anglo-Norman. Bouree9n occupation. While the Normans spoke French they were really a Teutonic race. Indeed, a large part of the blood of modern France, particularly in the north, was originally Teutonic. the re- sult ot the great migrauons westward ot the Teutons into what had pre- viously been the purely Gallic prov- lncee of the Roman Empire. Thus not only the overwhelming majorlty of new“, but I large percentage of the words In the medleval French speech were Teutonlc. It was "tusturne," but in accordance with that tendency which has scatter- ed the diphthong "an” so profusely through modern French, namely, the tendency to drop the protuttteiatiott of the "i" and substitute a long "o" sound for the former vowel, it was quite senerslly spelled "'heanme" " fore the population of Eulsnd ttnalir swung back toward the old Anglo- Suon speech. The island of Lundy, off the Bristol Channel, was for many ycars in the occupation of a man named Heaven. and the place was referred to by sailors as the "kingdom of Heaven." "Burke's Peerage," one of Ene1and's best known annual handbooks, was first published in 1826. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Constipation-that disordered state of the digestive tract which is nearly always caused by improper feeding-- can be readily regulated by the use of Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets are a mild but thoroughly laxative. They are easy to take and are abso- lutely tree from injurious drugs. Con. certiintr them Mrs. Joseph Dion. Ste. Perpetuo, Que., writes:---“I have no- thing but praise tor Baby's Own Tab. lets. When my baby was three months old he was terribly constipated but the Tablets soon set him right and now at the use of Ntcen months he is a big healthy boy and this good health I attribute entirely to the use of the Tablets." They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box trom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Illa-rah Ltnlment Hellcvel cinema” 'There's a Reason" Sold by grocers everywhere! A INSTANT Post When tea or coffee bothers why not turn to It has he] ed may a 'llSfi',1'k'hll'llhr out of trouble. Surnames and Their Origin How a woman was converted to Christianity by a Brahmin is told by a recent writer. Cecelia Thaxter, a pcetesa, was an earnest student of strange and mysti- cal teachings. At one time she was much dominated by the teachings of John Weiss, and she did not appreci- ate the beauty and power ot the Bible. She saw a good deal of a Hindu theo- sophist. The O’Caseys in Ireland are most thickly settled in Munster, Limerick and Clare (the territory which was the ancient Thomond), and also in Cork." Miss Parkman replied, "But d rd not Jesus teach that? Is It not all tn the Sermon on the Mount'." "To a very large degree, produc- tion is controlled by profits and the ease of marketing the products, but sometimes, " in the live stock indus- try, markets have to be created. Canada was producing the fat hog and for years had an outlet for the surplus product; but marketing con- ditions changed and the industry im- mediately faced rather a difficult situation. A new market was the solution. The Government was imme- diately seized of the situation and had careful surveys and investigations made; educational campaigns were carried on, the type of hog raised in ized anyhow, eventually brought the family name to the form ot Homer. The given name from which this family or clan name was developed in "tuthasaeh," and its meaning is "brave." It was a name quite com- mon in the old Irish nomenclature, but, of course, only in comparatively few instances gave rise to a family One day she said to her friend, Mary Parkman, "Did I speak contemptuous- ly ct such a person? I ought not to, for one of the principles ot theosophy is to feel no contempt for tus, human being." By and by Mobil)! himself happened to get hold ot B copy ot the New Testament. and was much marked and impressed by the beauty of its contents. He spoke ot it to Mrs. Tharter, and found to his amazement that she knew nothing about the New Testament. The Irish spelling is nothing less than "0'Cathasaigh," sometimes also spelled "O'Cahetraidh." To our Eng- lish-trained eyes the latter form illus- trates best its pronunciation, when it is remembered that the sound of the final "dh" easily became eliminated, and makes clear the reason for the spelling sometimes, but not often met with Cahasey. The "h" in such a name is very easy to ignore except for a ton-cue trained in the Irish long-nose. Mpg. Thaxter forthwith began to read the New Testament and became so much interested in it that she went about with a copy in her pocket; whenever she had a chance she would read it. From that time she began to attend Phillips Brooks'a church. She was converted to Christianity by a Brahma theosophist'. CASEY. Ynriation--Cahasey, O'Casey. Racial origin-Irish. F 8ouree-A given name. The Iniah family name of Casey is one which, strangely enough in view of its Irish form, so complicated to our Englishmccustomed eyes, has de- veloped very few variations in its transition into English spelling. This is true because, despite the complicated looks of the Gaelic spell- ing, the pronunciation is not very susceptible to any other phonetic rendition in English than Casey, or when care is taken to preserve the faint "h" sound in the middle of the name, Cahasey. "What'." he said. "You do not read your own religious books? I never heard anything more beautiful than this." AUTO SPAR! PART. from": mn- All nodd- ot m up on. htohert or won-cl; m A Strange Conversion. Making Markets. Eastern Canada was changed, and the bacon industry as we know it to.ihty came into being. Those who assisted in the transformation realized how great were the diftleutties and how tremendous the possibilities. Time has proved to the satisfaction of Cana- dians that the exportable surplus of agricultural products must meet, in so far as is possible, the standards laid down by the Importing nations. Moreover, we have learned that it is profitable to meet these demands wherever feasible. Canadian bacon is in Great Britain, and even in other countries, a standard product. The Government's part now is to keep clear all trade channels, thus pro- viding the demand, while the reputa- tion already achieved assures the pro- ducer a price comparable to that re- ceived in any other market."--Dr. S. F. Tolmie, Minister of Agriculture. THE TREASURE OF GOOD HEALTH The wonderful success of Dr. Wil. liems' Pink Pills is due to the fact that they go right to the root of the disease in the blood, and by making the vital fiitid rich and red strengthen every organ and every nerve, thus driving out disease and pain, and making weak, despondent people bright, active and tProng. Mr. W. T. Johnson, one ot the best known and most highly esteemed men in Lt non- burg county, N.S., says:--"' am a Provincial Land Surveyor, and am ex- posed tor the greater part ot the year to very hard work travelling through the {crests by day and camping out by night, and I and the only thing that will keep me up to the mark is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I leave home for a trip in the woods I am'as interested in having my supply of pills as provisions, and on such occasions, I take them regularly. The result is I am always tit. I never take cold, and can digest all kinds ot food such as we have to pht up with hastily cook- ed in the woods. Having proved the value ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as a tonic and health builder, I am never without them, and i lose no opportun- ity in recommending them to weak people whom I meet." There is not a nook or corner in Canada, in the cities, the towns. in villages, on the farms and in the mines and lumber camps, where Dr. Wil. iiame' Pink Pins have not been used. and from one end ot the country to the other they have brought back to bread-winners, their wives and tam- illes the splendid treasure ot new health and strength. ed by Freezing. It is known by most gardeners that cabbage, parsnips, turnips, saleify, and carrots are not injured by freez- ing, provided they thaw out while in contact with the earth or soil, but it in alto a Net that certain winter vegetables are not at their beat until they have been frozen hard at lent once while in the ground. Parmlps and salsify especially, should stand in the ground until there has been weather cold enough to freeze several inches, then the roots may be dug and stored in on open pit and covered with dirt. The covering may be tmfileiently heavy to prevent further freezing if It is desired to go into them during the winter, but it will do no harm if covered only a few inches to that they will freeze end thaw several times. They will he of better texture and flavor by having frozen. Tumips should not be ll- loved to freeze more than once, and cabbage also keeps best if covered well.after the hands have frozen once or twloe and themed out under ground. The stalks should also be covered with will when in storage, as the frost will come down them into the head if they protrude and are allowed to freeze and thaw a number of times. G'entlemen,--Last winter I received great benefit from the use ot MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack ot mumps, and I have frequently proved it to be very effecting in case: of 1nfhgtmnation, Youre, W. A. IIUTCHIXSON. Vegetublgg That Are Benefit- Easily Maintained Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You have only to ask your neigh- bors, and they can tell you ot some rheumatic or nerve-shattered man, some suffering woman, ailing youth or anaemic girl who owes present health and strength to Dr. William’ Pink Pills. For more than a quarter ot a Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be kept in every home, and their occa- sional use will keep the blood pure and ward oft illness. You can get these pills through any medicine deal. er, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor $2.50 from the Dr. Williems' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A prominent British artist says that in the perfect hand ot a woman the third finger is longer than the thst, or index itntyrr, while in a man the perfect proportions are a longer Brist finger than the third. cehturs these pills have been known not only In Canada, but throughout all the world, an a tenable tonic, blood- making medlcine. Mlrtarl's Liniment Co., Limited Perfect' Hands. During the preparations for celebrat~ in; the tercentenary ot the sailing ot the Pilgrims it has been discovered that the painting of the Maytiower in the Houses ot Parliament depicts the ship ilying the modern Union Jack. The present Union Jack did not come into existence until 1801, " the time ot the anion of Ireland with Great Britain, when the croxs ot St. Patrick was added to the British flag. In many ways the sailing ot the Mayflower was " event in England's history. but how ditterent that history would have been had the example at the Pilgrims been followed by certain other men who had made up their minds to join William Brewater and his companions.' Wearied by civil and religious strife in England, Oliver Cromwell and John Hampden were preparing to set out for America, when Archbishop Laud procured an order trom Charles I. forbidding them to leave. That proclamation of May 1, 1638, declared that the king, being in- formed that many persons went yearly to New England to escape eceletsiastt. cal authority, ordered that no one should henceforth pane without a li- cense and a testimonial of conformity from the minister ot his parish. It was this some Charles I. who, in 1634, issued another proclamation for- bidding any bat royal ships to tty the Union Jtuek---tho old ttatt ot tho Eng- ish and Scottish crosses. Queen Anne, in 1707, ordered merchant ships to " a red Ilatt with the Union Jack in n canton at the upper corner thereof. This is the British red ensign, well known in every port ot the world. Originally the name “Jack" was given to the small upright spar in the ship's Down trom which the ttag Was, ttown when going into action. Gradu- ally the term came to be applied to any tttut ot noble size that had the cross of St. George next to the stair. The Union Jack with me crosses ot St, George and St. Andrew supplanted the St. Georges, Jack on the ascension of James 1., when the crown ot Scot- land was united with that of England. ----i------ Distinguished Penenacu. When Professor Walter Raleigh wee asked to lecture at Princeton College, Professor Root went down to the eta.- tion to meet the distinguished visitor. Professor Root did not know Protea- aor Raleigh, but walking up to a man whom he thought looked like him, he said: The man looked at him for a mo- ment, and, thinking he must be mad, replied: "No, I am Christopher Columbus. Walter Raleigh is in the smoking-room with Queen Elizabeth." Do you feel Ill {awed up -bmtrtlir, constipated, bendachy, non-om, full of cold? Take Canon-eta to-night tor your liver and bowel: to Itnixhton you out by morning. Wake up with head clear, stomnch right, brettth sweet and feeling tine. No qritttttg, no Inconvenience. Chndun love Cacti» ets, too. 10, 25, GO cents. "I beg your pardon, but am I ad. dressing Walter Raleigh?" The death rate "for adults is at it. lowest in June, under normal condi- Hons. fl,,lif,',titi!)it _ HAT Sloan's does, it does thon. Wilt/ii-ei)???,?): without rub. bing to the afflicted part and promptly ielievm, most kinds of exter- nal pains and aches. You'll find it clean and npnrskip-stahtlnr. Keep a handy for sciatica, lumbsfo, neuralgia. ext-exerted Teta': It' joints, bth I. e, pains. when slums, sprawl. bad weather a7Gre"ifei't"i.' F or 39 yarn Sloan'l Liniment has helped thousands the world over. You aren't likely to be an exception. It tem “W doed produce tcsulu. druggistr-36c, 70c, $1.40. 1Mlll ANOTHER IllllilllMIE Tilllliilll Get busy and relieve those with that handy bottle 1 "They Work while you Sleep" BAUME BENGUE The Mtoflower's F lag. 'NME or summ 31.00 I (uh ml LEE-MG MK.“ to.. lm. MONTIKAL AM" bar Dr. Jule- 13m RELI EVES PAIN CASCARETS ISSUE No. SG-TO, Quick relief from RHEUMATIC has immediate den. sioaiN Lent Declined With Thanh. 'T got even with the editor In! night." said the budding “moral A Failure. Orator‘s Wile: "Did the people up. Maud?" 7 "Applwd? They nude about " mach not" " a rubber heel on a feather mattress'." ”How did you do it?" gunned the eotttidential friend. “I declined his son, with thanks.“ Easy Task! "Welt, doctor, do you think " In anything lei-Iona?" “Oh, {lot at all. It In merely u boll on the back or your neck, but I would advise you to Leap an eye on It." Tommy Know. Teacher: "Who was the tirst eke- edema?" Tommy: "Noah. He made the new) light on Mount Ararat." A tew cents buys "Dtuaderlrte." Artur an upplicauon ot "Daudertne" you out not and s fallen hair or my dandnte besides every hair shown new lite. vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. L' suction} Slilllltllll) Siiiii,iiii)g5llllii 303%8ECOUGHS Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. IG 'YI lot list of invention Lttr Manufacturers. Fortunes. have ‘been and. from simple mm. “Puma: Protection" booklet Ind "Proof of Conception" on "qua. HAROLD e. BHIPMAN a CO. - PATENT ATTORNEY. l [ii[ilIjiiifjijiTGM no man ”may. . . own". retaea] By than Hair“, to a Canadian book that ahould kt In awry~ hem-nd pad, _ Aborted. Maurine. Band!“ A I Book on J. M. DENT C SONG, Ltd., Publ. A OM look fttr Att-Young or Old. Protestant or Catholic “The Croubunu of the “on” "funded It not uni-Md. a “Buier mm of Lyiiin "iriiiiiuiGFGa." my“ ,Tr"iiTiG'Vania, new loo-I'm Aa.dahB-"B-'uar-t-. "Bae" Aspirin " tho "ado tank (rm In - at - Inmat- or loan- mucucldcncr of Sullcynmclt While " in I." know. um A” I” an sanctum". " mm mm mute scam-t trnttnuone, an rum- " It"! 0939.0 will be - with ttsur Etszll trade nut. [In "3.10! Ct.” "lWiiERltiiy' mun. Bne. III I mum It. bi7Geo. At All Bookullm or Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" um rt.': to Food an!“ a tu ttht'." an" 1" the Au r. I. " tee 00-. tia. 11.! ey_t QHLIPP“ ONLY TABLETS MARKED, "lyUiR' ARE ASPIRIN DOG DISEASES UN I HHIU Hugh. . be TORONTO Eu? TVE" tf.iCi' " A Herb. in . remedy for the rolls! a cmutlpntlon. [vodka-lion. lemon-mu. Rheumatism. Kidney Troublu. It "llvknown. having boon extensive]! . vertlud. since " wu am tttautuNe It In ll", " distribution: orirr. quad- mm. qte.. which are fund-Md to “can free or Murat The roundu- m cold It A prico that allow. Iftt'f, to double their money. Writ. tlrsut ttttms Medlcnl Co, 124 Bt. Pull St. Montreal. Mormon (Ml up". no; of lIMORTALITY CERTAIN - Swank borra great work on Haven In. Hell. um! a rod world beg'ond. over ‘00 my}: oy_tly_t6rt to”!!! . H. B. KAI. is; Eucili'AVoL rorGio, A GENT. WANTED; BLISS NAT": herb- ll g remedy for the roller The avenge mm spends too much time making money and too little that enjoying it. The American his of cotton in 600 Mm, the Egyptian 700 pounds, ml the Went African 400 pounds. Mlnard'o Llnlment For Dandrul. an!“ physio tor the mu. no. “I. live: ud baton. Children Ion Accept "Calttomu" Inn " I'D argtr-htet (or a. nun cultural. on Baa-an: We. 2itttst,d ttttalter,,".': 2rttt'td'at,' in has a u tabUta out Ch' 11".“. ”WWW "California Syrup of Figs" Child’s Best Laxative Cuticura For All Skin Irritation, to (rte the porn of impumi- and follow with a gentle Walton of Cudcun Omt. mcnt to soothe and heat. They are mad for the toilet, I. is astooCuticttra Tulcum for pertumhu. an. Bulls. -. Sold tt,t'dtJlh'tgte,'gtdt Quantum: my-H. It! I hd it. ulna-l. Bathe with Cuticpya Semped hot yfter tug ainirihuuoh of Gavan: A mwagq _Coott B90“, _ gag. MOTHER! tho

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