West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jun 1927, p. 1

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lLl 7/ m re ttx zone. Ill i , t . . ' t t _.' ‘" “W“ .ovv oo me Cay. About some Iovuiown inlet was e'?,'f'l"f",' two .dozen beside the team were pres;- nmund t'rlenelse Centrus last Sundayi ent trom this town and vicinitv. night. when Mr John O'Neill's poult-i --_---- . ry yard was entered and 104 young} BORN Single Comb White Leghorn chick: . ens curled away. Fifty ot the birds! HART'r'olur-trt l)etroit, Mich. on were eight weeks old and tirty (on! Monday. May 30, to Mr and Mrs. 3 or 4 weeks uid, Mr. (rm-m esti-l Wham Hartford. a mu. (Bernm-d innate: the loss at $70.00 and would) Donald.) F like to obtain some clue u to the pi ALLAN-m Durham Hoopla]. on dentin! of such a despicable chanct- Friday June 3rd. to Mr and Mrs. er. A term behind the ban would be Johnston Allan, Eugenia, . “ugh- beneBetat it apprehended. but it anyl tor. f further midnight prowl": an be YAIrR-ttt b.22- Tnesdgy, I” might in action. John asserts new“! am. to Mr Ind In Yake, (am shoot without warning. Susie Kelsey). a son; of these an In ("or of the deal. No purchase price is mentioned. Thrre is a $1,t00,000 common stock issur, 34.000.000 punk-ma stock Issue out- than“. Over 100 Chvckons Stolen The regular monthly study meelmg " the v.w. A. of Knox Church. was held in the trehoolroom of the church. un Monday evening. June 6th. Mrs. t'atton presiding .The meeting open- rsd with singing and prayer. Miss Barbara Ritchie read the scripture lesson. The report of the evening session of the W. M. S. Grey Presby. terial, was given by the Beer. Ree. W. J. Gallagher, B. A. ot Br- aille United Church. Mealord. mu received a unanimous call to Chalm- rrs' United Church. Guelph. and will eccupy his new pulpit on the iUrrt Eaton'a co march“. Hamilton Store The Arcade. Hamilton‘s largest de panmental more. has been sold to the Eaton Co. of Toronto, as has been announced by Mr J. P. Whelan. Pmsldem of Arcade, and a Iormor Durham boy. The deal has still to be rattitted at a meeting June 14th ot the shareholders .of whom there are 2.200. but it is understood a majority Blue lodge. Guelph; Daughters of l-lmzland. Guelph; Mr and Mrs Wm. Hinds. Guelph: Mr and Mrs Rom McCrea. Guelph: Mr and Mrs Wake. tield, Guelph. a'//i'/,ii,.r “““ r.. T “'“'" “’ ““" _ lwt nothing deter you trom attend. ‘ ing this great event on the 28th inst. Garden Parey at Crawford This is the Diamond Jubilee year of ilw annual Garden Party of Cram Canada and in all probability the 'tsol [DUN N'hurch, will be herd on readers of this article Will never we ~\'rdnrstia) Awning. June 15th. at “other one. "a homo- ol' ItNve It J. McDonald. .usertrrsi _ supper saervrrd from 6 to _ l cuard worn 1 is being pw- s h . h Ilia m . ”pm: Mies A xzut'lmn. M P. a anon my 55 echng Sunday In July. Rev. Mr Gallagher i Army of has been tour years in Mouton! and i Admisslc th.4 Mercury of Grey Presbytery.:exper"es Previous to going to Meatord. he was; - la""'." of Guthrie Presbyterian Ch... DURHAI “autumn. I Mr R. B. Bums, lawyer. here torn year. Intends removing noon. Altera visit to his home at Ottawa. he I: planning a colloge course in the fait. Mr Burns has made good here and um rvmoval will be generally regret- tod. J. A. Median“ of Dundalk. in taking over his practice here and will run in connection with his hum dull: once. The new man In well woken of and we extend to him a welcome. NI ts Leanna. Durham. Mr. Arch. B. Mcullan of town. has sold his tarm, con 2. N. D. K, Glenelg, to Mr Arch. MeArttutr, or 4th can. This to Mr Helena]: In a breaking of old ties. It was the "old home" ot his parents. there he was born and round there centred hm early associations. Such things will be. Farm Sold Golden Juhiloo of School The ratepayers and residents ot S. c,. No. f), Normantry, lave invitations out for the Golden Jubilee ot thvir school on July 2nd. 1927. commenc- J08 at 2 p. m. This In the “Old Stone Schoolhouse". (Lauderhch) of which Miss M. Lemon is teacher; Christ ran Hill. Sec'y. Admission 25c.. utume"a. “won C, t ; Sunday. June 19th. will be anniver- R. It: human) sary day- of Knox United Church, V when Rev. William T. Gunn, D. D., 'r/r',",',",';,,',',', Pl,"', i t . ' Editor of the ‘United Church Record ter. Mis" Rebecca Harding, in Tor, out. Dr. Gunn is one of the bigmen unto on Monday, after a lingeringill- ot the church and has recently rt'- (mus, The remains on being brought turned from I trip through the MH- to Orangevine Thursday for inter- sion fields of the United Church in tho-m, Mr. Harding's, father passed the Orient. away searvely a. month ago. -----_---- Cam. Stray. To premises Lots 1 sad 2 of 6, Normanby, " of young eattie, Home red ttnd m tty black. Owner may have same proving property and paying tor thi ad'rt and paying damages. \ The Durham Club ot Toronto. "I“ hold its annual picnic on Friday " ternoon, June 24th, at Kew Gardens. Bash-t lunch. Everybody come. VOL. L, NO 23 "s _".l_;',::.0w ' 7,7 - v',liilliii.i,.)-..-u8lhktt ' Mr Admi RNve D. J. McDonald. pper served from 6 to prozr t is being pre- A. C. . acPhail. M. P. M. Oliver', M. P. P. will stun 15c an 25c. Com" l l. il l). E. Pageant DURHAM GIRLS LOST IN CHESLEY TOURNAMENT Chesley, June 3rd. eeiebratton was a big success. being I‘avorrl with fine “mother. good sports and a crowd of our 3000 for the afternon events. In the morning a decorated car parade was held, and Chesley beat Walkerton I-o in football. Three Ph" citing horse race events were staged in afternoon and a ladies' softball tournament between teams from Dun ham, Walkerton. Hillard, Port Eittitt, Ghvsley. Tara and Chatsworth. Dur- ham High School girls lost to Walk- traon Itr--J8, but if wretched use umpirlnx had not boosted Walkertou's zonal. Durham would have titthsttert l Clittord and Port Elgin girls won their way into the finals, which was played in evening, Clifford winning lst prize $15. by a score of " to 3. All teams looked easy to (“Imam Kirls who are without doubt the best girls team in this part of the prov- lnce. or 2 runs up. The local girls were B. Murock. p.; Mary Benton. c; Erma Kellar, lat: Mary Brown. 2nd; ii.. zle Hind. Ellen Hay. 5.9.; Florence McDonald. r. r.; Christine McCullot-n Lt.; Grace Baird. 3rd; Hazel Bea. night program. The -iiiiiiiFiiii'ii fo'ar.atrout, $300 on the Cay. A IN TOWN HALL. DURHAM, on SUNDAY EWS, JUNE 12th. at 8.15 p. m. Miss Agnes MacPhail. M. P., will preside. She will be supported try His Worship. Mayor Murdock. members, of the Town Council. W. Laidlaw. and other leading citiz‘ms Gordon Dix, the 10 year old wonder comet player, Handmaster and Mrs. Dix, also Miss Alice Pope, the 11 yr. old pianist from Brussels. with Mr. Wm. Benson, will render specialpro- gram. ' ton, sub. Friday June 3rd. to KEIQMM. Johnston Allan, Eugenia, a daugh- ter. YAKE--in Esra-om, 7 Tuesday, May Mat. to Mr and In Ira an, (non COMMANDANT H. A. HURD, Financial Representative ot Western Ontario, will deliver a lecture "The Army of the Helping Hand." Admission Free. Collection to defray The pageant is chiefly spectacular and will include as well massed singing by the scholars of Durhum and adjacent rural schools. The members of Canadian Greys' chapter. I.o.0.E., Durham. are de- vming every night these weeks to re- hearsal of the mammoth Diamond Jubilee pageant they purpose present- ing in Durham Rink. on the evening of June 28th. No time or energy is being spared to putting across om-of the biggest patriotic events in Dur- ham's history. Mrs (Dr.) FareWell ot Wallterton, ta directress of ceremon- its and from her fertile mind has e- volved a panorama of Cmada's his- tory from its earliest days to the present time. In Walkerton the past winter. she produced the famous pageant, "Mary Queen of Scots" to Crowded audiences and of which any‘ Walker-ton citizen cannot too highly] speak. Susie Kelley), a son Anniversary Services LOST Between Durham and Priceville, on Friday, May 27th. a pair of leatmr- tased field glasses. lined with plush. Also a lubricating cup for gas engine. Reward. Finder please notify Rev- iew Ottiee. From Owen Bound to Arthur is the territory of Mr Phipps, the newhigh- way constable who in now on the job and makes Durham his headquarters. A big firewort, display New Speed Cop Hare Elm iii? ttttttttit tlttrittE Making Headway closed I t. 'will About Irrt"s'- ue _"-"""'". --, ...... “any "CD!- (Eliza) ot Bentlnck and Mrs John Aldred (Martha) ot Durham. All ex- cept Robert were present Monday evening in her ttnat illness. The deceased was a woman belov- After marriage she went to the well known Backus home, town line, Ben- tinek, where they lived until eight years ago, when they purchased a home in Durham and retired from a strenuous life on the farm. To them were born a tamiy of three sons and tour daughters: Wm. in Nor- manby; John, Principal of Calm, Sask. schools: Mrs John Leith (Ida) ot Holstein; Mrs Geo. Sharpe (Ger- trude) ot Guelph; Mrs John Sharpe, (Viola) ot Hampden; Arthur, den, tist, of Wilkie, Sask. and Mrs Jack- son (Mary) ot Lumsden. Sask. Besides the Borrowing husband and family, four brothers and three sig. ters also mourn her demise. These are Robert Adlam, Toronto; Davida! Durham; Wm. and John on udJom- in: farm: in Bentlnck: In Wm. Biown (Susie) GiiGiri .Harrlyc Ray; (Eliza) of Benunck and Mrs John The deceased was formerly Missl, Mary Ann Adlam, oldest daughter of! the late Mr and Mrs Geo Adlam. Slwl was born 70 years ago last March (ml the old Adlam homestead in Bentlnt‘kb north of Livingstone's Corners.where she resided until her marriage to Mr Backus titty years ago last October» Last year they quietly observed the; golden wedding anniversary but man- ned a. celebration this summer when all the family rould be present. t With no previous warning, thelast call suddenly came to Mrs John Backus, at her home on Countess M., Durham, on Monday. She had been at church the previous day and was about tho house as usual Monday, when about 4.30 she was stricken with a paralytic stroke. from which she never rallied. It was brought on by high blood pressure and while not losing consciousness tor an hour or so, medical aid could prove of no a- vail, and she passed away at 2 mm. Tuesday. Mrs. J. Backus Died . Suddenly Tuesday An only brother Ronald, lives near Collingwood. Sisters are Mary and Sarah, (Mrs Angus McCannel) or Proton and Teenie, (Mrs Arch. Mc- Leod,) of Gamma. Man. Deceased}; wife was formerly a Miss Bell from near Hopeville. "Sandy" will be missed. He was genial and kindly of disposition and the deepest sympathy is being rx- tended to the stricken wife and only son John who so narrowly escaped. Mr. McDonald was " years or ago, son of the late John McDonald, near Dromore, a farmer and a horseman for many years. Some years ago he started a milk business near town and has been successful. Lately he has been getting part of his supply from Mr. Bottle and was on that bu..- lness when struck. He also had an auctioneer's license and was making headway at that also. Neither the driver of the motor bus nor any or the tour passengers Were Injured. One ot the passengers was Miss Margaret McDonald or Durham, who was going to visit her brother in Guelph Hospital. All were brought back to town. Shortly after. Mr Oscar Hahn was secured to convey the passengers by car to Guelph. but north at the big swamp. south or Orchard. his car collided with another and was put out of action. Fortunately none were hurt. and mother car had to be se- cured to take the passengers to their destination. _ Wednesday night 2. Jury of ten cit-w izensr-Wm. Hill, S. P. Saunders] W. Brigham. Ed. McClocklin. D. Ai- len, Bert Willis, Arthur McClocklin, Jonn Snell, Dan McLean, Ab. Noble, were sworn in by the Coroner, Dr. D. B. Jamieson, who viewed the re- mains at Bell's undertaking parlors] An inquest will be held later, the date not yet being arranged. I When the wounded man was pink- ed up, it was seen he was critically injured with a deep cut in. top ol'heau and left our. Dr Bell was quickly on band, dressed the victim's injuries and rushed him to Durham Hospital, but he died en route before reaching Durham. His son John who remained in the car as driver, was uninjured, but the car was swerved around and made a wreck, three wheels being completely broken on. The motor coach had front springs broken and wheels buckled as a re- sult of the crash, and seeing he could not keep it.on highway, the driver steered it straight down west bank at right angle to road. Yestevday, Wednesday. at 5.30 p. m. Alex. McDonald, dairyman, was at- tending to his duties : in an hour he was dead, killed in a most shocking accident on the Provincial Highway. He, with his son John were on the way south to Wm. Eagle's. at toot of the hill north of Varney. They had just reached opposite the gate on east side of the ford, deceased got out of his open touring car to open the gate and his son started it across the road to turn in, when in one brief minute, the big south bound Arrow coach coming down the hill, struck McDonald's car, which in turn struck McDonald and knocked him 25 to 30‘ feet. l Alex. McDonald liihd in Motor Bus Collisi-sn DURHAM, THURSDAY JUNE 9, 1927 With which is incomtnted the Holstein Leann t At the close, Mr. Lamont, Orange- ‘ville. s chaimxan of the judges. gave [ their decision in favor of No. 7. Nor- muanby. though, as he stated, both club: had particular “stars" for ama- teurs and had made th contest fully 'iso per cent better than last year, showing the progress being made in _ this line. . " I 'God Save the Kinckciooed the Bee. iond dramatic contest held in South Grey. l Two clubs, McIntyre and No. t.) Normanby, entered the contest and} bresentod the play, chosen by the;' 1_Asusociation with admirable ability. i ' The President, Mr . Howard Ora-l 'ham, Vandeleur. acted as chairman; (or a bright snappy program, consist-l ilng of community singing led by, i“Scou.\'" of Chatsworth, -hei 1chairman's address, rules and remri ‘lations used by T. Stewart. Cooper.‘ Markdale; vocal duet by Agnes Wil. liamson and Pearl Helwlg, No. 7: i piano duet by Ethel Derby and Eme‘ Milligan. Ebenezer; comic mono! ilcgue by Howard McGee, Vandleur.. 1 The final Dramatic Contest of the South Grey Farm Youth Association. held last. Wednesday evening, in the Armories, Markdale, was a decided success. Rev. Mr. Little followed, speaking with deep feeling. He said he had not made a habit of landing the dead but that day was an exception. He referred to their marriage as the. first in his ministry and thought 'Dr Smith was blessed with the truest, noblest soul he ever met.' "She was a home-maker in the truest sense or the word, a wife and mother kind and true and a church worker ever faithful and ever watching tor new opportunities." Earth was poorer. Heaven richer by her passing and he commended her Borrowing ones to the God ot all comfort. The application of the story was' easily made and he made fitting no} logium of the deceased for her kindly! nature and her good works. "We! don't realize how large a. place in ourl heart they occupy until they are) Their marriage was the tirtst he sol- emnlzed in his ministerial carter, hence his presence was greatly apt, predated and to the chief mourners) and many old friends, his presence! with Re-v's w. H. Smith. J. E. Peters: and Jas. Taylor on the platform,') seemed most fitting. i Ot the friends from a distance (see below) none was more welconu-d than Rev. John Little or Eramosa, who began his ministry at Dornoch, and the friendship there begun with deceased and her husband hld grown brighter with the years. The funeral of the late Mrs (Dr.) J. L. Smith on Thursday last, was a great tribute to her memory as well as a. tribute of respect to dear ones surviving. Knox Church was filled with earnest people whose sincerity as aympathizers no one could doubt. Dornoch and neighborhood, where the best of her life was spent and where her best work was done, Were out in force. Rocky Sangeen and from alll sections ot Bentinck. numbers were) in evidence, and Durham citizens in large numbers also, paid the lust tribute. Funeral of late " J. L Smith largely Attenzled The funeral is being he'd until Saturday afternoon, June 11th, tottl- low the sons and daughter In the West to reach home. Service will be held at 2 p. m. in Queen St Church, conducted by her pastor. Rev. J. E. Peters. and interment made in Map- lewood cemetery. ed by all who knew her and held in the highest esteem by her family Ptlu' 9. wide circle ot friends. She was in- tensely devoted to the welfare of her children, and that tm received a good education to tit them for life's duties was largely attributable to her etu forts. Before marriage she was Ang “can in faith, but since. she has been a faithful member or the Metho. dist and United Churches. Since coming to Durham, she has been an active worker in the Queen St. Lad- ies' Aid Society. Fir al Dramatic Contest No. 7, Normanby, the Winner (Continued on page 4) or the igeeretarvktit BoGCiaGly, out or my tender not tmaart/y ac- cepted. The W. M. S. of Queen St. United Church kindly extended an invitation to the sister Society of Knox, on Thursday ev'tt, to meet in the school- room ot their church. Mrs H. Mty ‘Crae, as President, was in the chair and guided affairs. while also on the. platform were two County Presby- terlal oft1eiahs, Mrs HV.) Staples of Hanover and Mrs W. H. Smith of Durham. Mrs Jas Mather led in pray- er, Mrs C. Kinnee read 2nd Psalm and Mrs Mark Wilson rendered two appreciated solos. Mrs Smith gave la report of the Branch meeting tn i Toronto, while Mrs Staples spoke on (the work accomplished in the For- , eign Mission fields. There was also la question drawer as to ways and imeans ot raising allocation of the Societies. Mrs Mche closed with lprayer and the ladies gathered in [birthday groups, when light refresh- .‘ments were served by members of ',the Queen St. W. M. S. _ M. C. Pioneer Passed Away Tenders will be receivrxl up to c, p. m., June 20th, f r the erection of an addition to t Durham Him School, building to completed by October ist. Plans d tipeetbrations may be seen at theo ce or the archi- tect; J._T. Clark. I}: 9wen_ Sound. ll Allan Park 1 EU. picnic will be held on Frida Juno 17th. in Mr. Clark Torry's bus' . Good program and sports. Adml ion Nie and 15c. Ladies bringing lune free. Dance in the evening. Queen 8t. Ladies Entertain Knox l Five large basses and one car, full of Listowel Chamber of Commerce members and citizens, about 150 in all, stopped in passing through Dur- ham Wednesday morning, en route to Owen Sound on their annual "hike." Their splendid band playedn couple of numbers on main corner, while a few sang and 'Jim' Donaldson delivered a 'wonderful' speech. Re- turning. about 6.45 they had an ex» ceilent supper in the Town Hall sen» ed by the Anglican Ladies' Guild, atu ter which speaking took place from the band stand. Mayor Murdock ex- tended tl civic welcome, and R. Fl Richardson's little girl presented Mayor Watson of Listowel with a carved wooden bowl, as a souvenir or their visit. Mayor Watson, Rev. Howard and Mr Sangster spoke for the Listowel delegation, expressing appreciation of the reception and kindness of Durham citizens, while', ttieur band again enlivened the main thoroughfare. i Listowel Tourids Enter- New Rector for tained in Durham; Trinity Chm ', Beer ”E BRACING TONICS FOR SPRING ii B. McBETH I Trinity Church, Durham, and SM ‘Pauls. Egremont, have lost no the: Fin being supplied with another new, ,'tor. On Sunday last, a layman, Mn; 'D. Davis, from London. was in lhei pulpit and read a letter from Bishopi IWllllams, to the effect that on Butt, day next, Rev. Mr Hays, of i'iiiiii"-l iron. will henceforth be in charge. jRev. and Mrs Hays were in Durham! Lon Monday. for a short time, yt'.') i they made a favorable impression up- on all who met with them. Mr liars} has two sons. in their late 'teens in! London. Ont. and who will likely o; !l|ere only at times. Mr Hays has been rec-tor at Dungannon in Huron' Co. for toiir years past and com-<1 highly recommended. We Welt-ovum ‘Mr and Mrs Hays to Durham and, Itrust their etroru, here will be crown-', ' ed with success and fruit yielding. l Trinity Chu h Rectory, in stood condition . Pog ssion given immed- iately. May be n at any time by applying to E. K as, J. Schulz, Joe Crutchley or Herb' Cross. I) Sglqntlid leiwx‘nv (made Hum u. " USKY Hormel). Lin-x: Iiultoos :uzdlinm. o o Penslar Dynamic Tonic Clears mu skim improv, Tru Blood tuna bruutims thr, can”, WAMPOLE'8 EXTRACT OF COD Published Weekly at $200 . year In Mum-e To United 13mm. 32.60 I yen In advance. c. WAGE t SON. Pauling" Blood Tonic and Puruer Trinity Church, Durham , STANDARD BANK BANKING or CANADA 7 DURHAM BRANCH ~W. A. Johnson, Manage R SALE am will be mid tat give -iiiiir.Grd', counoel upon money matters pertain, in: to your business B ETWEEN the (-urtm-ss and coldness or printed bank forms and the human element tor whose use they are designed, urn vast opporunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance. The Standard Bank, through tho members of its tttatt, is anxious u; use any opportunity that art-ea to demonstrate lu value in altering par sonal advice on tkttanetnt matters. The. local_ manager of the Standard The Personal Element in Banking Affairs' Stab-Iranch at WI. Clar- the skin, {mm-ow:~ 'te tex .ture. bundle- the comp'. Am. liknlhhili'S Drug Store LIVER OIL Draught and Stanioner Phones. tJtcte.. Mule for us. under medal ittgtmetions. Filtered aw limos and freed from every impurity. Bitter (”to practically elitttirv Med. Purelest Epsom Salts has been ruined toasundard higher than that whirh has been set by the British or U. States Governm't. The public have discovered that Paroles! Epsom Suits in dittetxrnt from What Hwy have been setting. and up; salons prove Panto“ Epsom sum to be the Ingest selling brand in the world. Two nines - Half-pound tin 15c; One-pound tin. 25c. is Best for you to Buy: Think of it---1M cariouls In" into the homes ot to per cent of the English ”waking [neoph- of the world in twehe momns TORONTO The Largest Selling Spam Saks in the Wortd.--A True Statement Puretest Epsom Salts for y

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