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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jun 1927, p. 4

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ts t I We Deliver sâ€"_â€"â€" Phone 47, Durham J rommmamry = (IQ Emm 0 J 0 Euse s mad 0b 0 nsc 0 JC ns id n d ind 0 Encunmcnccd 0 s 0 Incoumnmnnd 0 J 0 IEnnuucuuul 0i Good two storey brick residence on Garafraxa St., Durham, 2 doors south of Rowe‘s Bakery, water in house, good garden. Occupation given at once. _ Apply to Geo. S. Lawrence, Mt. Forest, Ont. Let us supply your Needs NEW AND FRESH PHONE 139 The UPPER TOWN GROCERY J. S. MclLRAITH, Women‘s Black Canvas Strap Sliippers Leather soles and heels, only ... ................. Doy s @aiNld NiE@N S UXIOTOS in black and tan _ A full line of kiddies shoes just in. Men‘s fine Shirts and Work Shirts Men‘s Khaki and Cottonade Pants Peabodvy‘s Overalls and Smocks in all sizes Growing Girls‘ Patent and Kid Pumps Boy‘s and Men‘s Oxfords 25 pair Women‘s Sandals, Patent, Misses‘ Patent and StrapiSlippers Specials this Week PaF P o in small and }ch glngkams large checks Pricilia Cloths in ten different patterns. This is a newcloth and a real bargain at per yard L[«=" 256 GROCERIES P P U LLGP 71//2/,»/ P Also Cured Meats Confectionery, Bread Coal Oil and Gasoting J. C. HOWELL RESIDENCE FOR SALE Canadian Red Cross appeals to YOU for support The Red Cross The Red Cross brings cheer to our disabled warriors and their families. It stimulates the children of Canada to healthy living and good citizenship. It relieves suffering, and brings skilled attention to Canada‘s frontier districts remote from other aid. Its work is indispensable. It now appeals to YOU, as a patriotic and humane Canadian citizen, to contribute generously to its need for funds. Low heels, sizes 2%% to 6, to clear at Smoked etk and Grey, all sizes from 3 to 7, to clear at Odd lots, sizes 11 to 2, to clear at SINCE the War, the Red Cross has disbursed over Seven Million Dollars for the Soldiers, Women, Children and Frontier Families of Canada. About half of this has been spent for disabled soldiers â€"half in the other services of the Society about which you have been told. The Treasury is almost empty. ALEX . A. ALJOE $1,000,000 Needed Now for Red Cross Work Send Contributions to: Ontario Division, Canadian Red Cross Society, 410 Sherbourne Street, Toronto 5, Ontario This week weare showing REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Nationâ€"Wide Appeal Lindbergh‘s feat in crossing the Atlantic alone has found imitators, and soon the feat will become comâ€" mon place if many more essay it and prove successful. This time there were two men in the successful monâ€" oplane, Clarence Chamberlain as pilâ€" ot and Chas. A. Levine as assistani. These two in the monoplane Columâ€" bia left New York Saturday morning at 6 o‘clock and got safely over the ocean, over Ireland and Englaud, |tln-ir object being to reach Berlin, | but in this they failed for when aâ€" | bout 50 miles only remained their gasoline gave out and they hbad to | land. They went farther than Lindâ€" | bergh, average speed 100 miles an | hour Lindbergh‘s speed 107 miles an |hour. _ But the circumstances menâ€" | tioned prevented the glorious welâ€" jcome in Berlin which was prepared ‘for and had to be abarAoned. Member Canadian Weekly Newspap Ehe Durhum Review There were two seats in the plane,| but till the last moment no one knew who was to occupy the other one. | Chamberlain got in and signalled to| some one, and who but Levine ran| out of the crowd, astonished his wife‘ who knew not of his intention, nor: ers‘ Association. C. RAMAGE & SON, Editor and Proâ€" prietors. MORE FLIERS CROSS ATLANTIC The Cash Shoe Store 1.89 2.25 1.15 0| _ A deputation of 1. O D.E. ladiesâ€"| and Messrs M. Kitchie and C. Robinâ€" ife J. H. Harding, Mrs A. Livingstons,| son, attended the Dramatic Contost °*) mrs. F. Irwin, Misses Julia Weir and in Markdale last Wednesday night. "~"* E. Kress, appeared before the Town! Sermvoms. AGeLNEEERINITgE e corcienr o Council on Monday evening, with;| °° | plans for changes required in Towni DORNOCH A Hall, with stage built at present erâ€"| wommmenstom zum J trance to the building. Mrs Harding| A large number from our burg atâ€" o was spokeslady .The new plans have tended the funeral of the late Mrs. | stairway entrance, six feet wide at| (Dr.) Smith and to take the last look north west corner of building, st ige | upon one that had been raised in and to left of stairway Aressing rooms on| near Dornoch, She has left her dear mezzanine floor below stage and entâ€"| ones behind and also many near g rance to Hall below these. Mr Robt.| friends, who will féel the loss of a n Moffat prepared the plans and the good neighbor. _ But we see Life as 0 ladies undertakeâ€" to pay entire cost Oonly a span : in a few short years of these improvements with new | those dear ones will meet again. stage at north end and present stage | Our sympathy goes out to the berâ€" removed and <space available for, eaved ones, who feel the loss of a more seating. | loved one. Reeve Bell pointed out that 90 per[ Miss H. R. Kelly and Mrs Irving @ cent of fires in public halls originatâ€" Picard who are spending a week n ed on stage and having entrance a-i with Mrs J. E. Picarl, expect to reâ€" @ longside stage, might not meet with' turn to the city next week. | Fire Marshall‘s approval. The ladies: Mr and Mrs E. B. Dargavel spent had been assured they would pass,| Friday in Chesley. but it was felt another exit would h:i The Women‘s Institute will be held necessary, besides present fire es | at the home of Mrs W. Robertson on | cape. A motion by Thos. Herderson| June 8th> We would like to see a 0 | R. McLean that Council accept the! good attendance. n | offer of 1.0.D.E. to remodel Hall,| Pleased to hear Mr Leonard Wailsh m | subject to Fire Marshall‘s approval,| is improving. =; and under . supervision of Properiy Mr Thos Muldoon, 0. Sound, spent se | Com, was unarimously carried. | a week in and around our burg, visitâ€" f |: Strest Olf had Arrived Elng old acquaintances. _ Tom was *: ‘The Mayor® mentioned the ‘car. of | b:)rl;n andl raised here and feels more |[]| ‘ street oil had arrived Sunday andme! 4+ home in Dornoch than any place. had wired to have the sprayér hbore| Mr and Mrs McCracken entertain to 18y 3t of" in & "day 6r two. The} ed a few frierds Tuesd'a,v evening. Council were anxious to have it thus| Mr and Mrs Fred Bleach and their applied this year, and oiling will pe daughter, O. Sound, spentâ€" Sunday !!|| done this week. | with the Dargavel family. 1 (Continued from page 1) | _ Friends present for the funeral ser-‘ vice were Mr John Heddle, Sr. and Mr M. K. Heddle, Hamilton ; Mr. and Mrs Welington Pinder, Arthur ; _ Mr and Mrs Chas Smith, Luther Twp; Miss Jessie Smith: Mr Frank Smith and Aaughter Annie, Drayton ; Nir. \ Ernest Smith : Mr David Ritchie and Mrs (nee Mildred Smith) ; Mr and ;Mrs Peter Thompson, Port Elgin ; \ Mrs Jas. Dewar, Paisley ; Rev. Jno. | Little, Rockwood : Mrs H. H. Surgâ€" |\ ess, Owen Sound ; Mr John McAngus | and Mr Alex Skinner, Hamilton : Mr | Wm. Greer, Luther; Mr Jas. Clark, | Saugeen, as well as a great number |\ from the vicinity of Dornoch and \ Williamsford. Lindbergh is on the ocean again. in the United States ship Memphis, and will reach New York this week, when the city and nation will go wild with welcomes. . They will be justificA. Their flight is the longest on recâ€" ord and now it is predicted Lindâ€" bergh will try to cross the Pacific in two hops : first to Hawaaian Islans, then to Australia. _ These men are tempting fate and we suspect could not be good insurance risks. Howeyâ€" er they are pioneers and every sueâ€" cessful flight paves the way for adâ€" vancement, and ultimately will be commercially profitable. anybody else, and got aboard. The wife fainted, but was cared for, and now no doubt, is proud of his safety. Prudently he had made his will the Aay previous ! 1.0.DE. Will Undertake to Build New Town Hall Stage The floral tributes were beautiful and spoke in a silent way the tove, affection and sympathy of the Sesâ€" sion of Knox Church ; Women‘s Misâ€" slonary Society, KnoxChurch ;Masonâ€" ie Lodge No. 306 ; Durham Lawn Bowling Club ; Staff of Durham Re¢ Cross Hospital : Staff of Wm Burgâ€" ess School, Todmorden ; Peter and Donald Morrison, Lainer, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs Wellington Pinder, Arthur ; Dr. and Mrs David Jamieson ; Ur. and Mrs D. B. Jamieson ; Mrs 8. J. Oliver, Owen Sound ; Miss Edith Anderson ; Misses Bsssie Campbell A bill of $48 was presented by County of Grey for half keep of P. Styles in Durham Hospital. This was ordered paid. Mr Richard Barber complained that the water backed up and came aâ€" cross the road onto his property, aâ€" cross from the Stone Plant. The Mayor stated upkeep of road there is under charge of Prov. Highways Smith Bros. applied for permission to erec. a new gas pump at their, garage, but such authority is now : out of <own‘s jurisdiction. | Accounts â€" totalling _ $1006.99 were presented by Finance Com. and pasâ€" sed. The Treasurer‘s report showed $1110 of 1926 taxes still unpaid and the collector will act forthwith. Lerzely Atterded Funeral and Annie Clark, Toronto ; Mr Mrs Milo Knechtel, Mr and Mrs Tobin. The pall bearers were Messrs Jno Snell, And. Derby, C. Ramage, Thos Allan, Dr. Grant, W. J. Young. Flower Carriers : Peter and Stanâ€" lef Ledingham, John Clark and Dom ald â€" Morrison, Ernest Smith, Mac MacCallum. We wish to thank o%p friends and neighbors for their dness and sympahy during the illneS and since the death of our Jlear ther and grandfather. IDr. Smith and % Morrison wish to express their since thanks ard ap preciation for the iany kindnesses and expressions of Sympathy tenderâ€" ed them in their berRavement. Mr and Mrs Jas Lister and family CARD OR THANKS Jy and. Jno Dept., but he would inspect same and see about having it remeAied. A motion by Bellâ€"McClocklin, was was the visitor ol brother and sISte! unanimously carried that the Council here the first of this week. protest against the present C.N.I.| Mr and Mrs Alex. Campbell from noon mail service, and ask Railway £ Chesley and Mr and Mrs Snath visiâ€" Board to take steps to have the prevâ€"; ted with the former‘s sister, Mrs Jno. ious service restored. | Ray Sr. last week. _ Reeve Bell introduced subject of, _ On Friday afternoon Mr Alex. Renâ€" paving Lambton St. which County, ton of near Dromore, tried his luck had agreed to commence this year.‘ At fishing and landed a fine string o The proposed pavement was to be of speckled beauties out of the river waler bound macadam, 20 feet widei Styx. similar to that four miles south from| Mrs Colin Melntyre is spending a Owen Sound towards Chatsworih.! week or so in Toronto, The Council agreed that this road; Mr Donald Ray ard Mrs Conian, would be acceptable at present and Toronto, visited with their brother, as serviceable as a cement pavem>n{. John Ray Sr., who is in very poor The rov1 bed at least, will be preâ€" bealth at present. We hope he will pared this year. | soon recover his usual strength. Ada Banks on Friday of this weex. Ewen one day recently, _ _ _ _ Mr Arch. Thompson is seriously il! Miss Irene Grasby of the Rocky, at present, having suffered a paraly. SPent an afternoon last week with her Revy W. A. MceWilliam left Wednesâ€" day for Stratford to attend the Genâ€" eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. _ Due to his absence there was no preaching in the Dornoch ehurch Sunday but the Elders took charge of the service. ° nVR 1 _ JAVUUELELILIN i _ _Mr and Mrs John McKechnie ar1 The U.F.W.O0. will â€"hotd their Misses Blanche and Irene of Glenâ€" monthly meeting at the home of Miss YO2den, visited with Mr and Mrs jas. Mr. A. D. Mecintyre of our burs, left this week to take a position in the Royal Bank, Durham. We wish him success in his first business start in life. Pleased to hear Mr Leonard Walsh is improving. Mr Thos Muldoon, 0. Sound, spent a week in and around our burg, visitâ€" ing old acquaintances. _ Tom was born and raised here and feels more at home in Dornoch than any placo. Mr and Mrs McCracken entertain ed a few frierds Tuesday evening. | night, Miss The Women‘s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs W. Robertson on June 8th> We would like to see a good attendance. Misses H. Beaton and E. Anderson and Messrs H. Ritchie and C. Robinâ€" son, attended the Dramatic Contost in Markdale last Wednesday night. | Mr W. G Ritchie is spending some time in Toronto. Mr and Mrs R. Lawson of town, also Miss Agnes MacPhail, M.P. and Mr Garland of Bow River, Alta. speni as evening recently at the McFayâ€" den home. Mrs H. Wililams spent the week erd with her sister, Mrs A. Ruther ford of town. Inspector Wright paid his seni annual visit to our school last week. Mr W. Morrison and sister, Miss Mary, of Batteau, called on friends in this neighborhood recently. Billie is a barber in Barrie. Misses Hazel Beaton. and Ritchie, spent the 3rd of Chesley. Mr and Mrs Thos, Weir and (amâ€", ily, also Mr John Weir and Mrs E.| Ritchie, spent the first of the week‘ with Mr and Mrs W. J. Ritchie. Mr and Mris J W. Firth, Toronto, Miss spent a few days at their summer in, M home here. i last P Mr J. A. McDonald is visiting with friends in Priceville this week. Un the evening of June 28th, 1927 in Darham Skatiog Rink Depicting historical scenes and incidents from Canada‘s earlie:t days to the prisent time. Details later. Under auspices of Canadian | Greys, I. O. D. E., Durham. | DIAMOND JUBILEE Mrs. (Dr) Farewell, Walkerton Directress ROCKY SAUGEEN THE DURHAM REVIEW 150 TCharacters PAGEANT Mammoth EDGE HILL TORONTO Dorothy June in tic stroke last week. Mrs Anthony Lawrence, of Durham spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Jas Lawrence. Mr and Mrs Bert Taylor and two children, also Mr and Mrs Barclay Thompson of Toronto, were visitors a few days with the Thompson fanuly A number from here took in the sports at Chesley on June 3ra _ ans report a splendid time. Mrs D. Wilkie, Toronto, has reâ€" turned to her home at the Rocky ror the summer months. Mr and Mrs John McGirr and son Allie were visitors the first of the week with Mr and Mrs Mur. Ritchie. Mr and Mrs Gec. Searles and two sons of Guelph, spent Sunday with Mr Win. Hill. Mr and Mrs Jack Caswell and tw» sons spent a day this week with lr and Mrs Earl Vessie. Miss Kathleen Firth spent a couple of days with her sister Marjorie in Owen Sound. Mr Roy Thaompson, Pittsburg, is spending a week with his parents, Mr and Mrs Arch. Thompson. Misses Ruth Ledingham and Mary Morrison of Toronto, came up to atâ€" tend the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Dr. Smith. Mr and Mrs Colin Ray and Margar et and Colin, spent a few days in Toâ€" ronto last week. which she will reign as mistress, The Women‘s ‘Institute of Ailan Park, are having their monthly mee;â€" ing at the home of Mrs M. W. Byers, Wed., June $th. A fuller report next week. The W M.S. of Hampden are enter taining the ladies of United Church, Hanover on Thursday~ of this week, when Mrs Staples will honor them with an address. A social hour will be spent over the tea cups. The Rev. Jas. Skene of Norwich, was the visitor of brother and sister here the first of this week. EAoCECC! . rette? Wue plesantly surprised by the young* peoâ€" ple of the community, ere she leri her â€"present home for another in which she will reien as mistrace A very large affair, shower and reception home of Mr and Mrs in honor of their brought home his bri Monday night and ap Showersâ€"and more showers. Not only rain showers of which we nave an abundance but this has been a week of different kinds of showersâ€" that of bridesâ€"tobe, newly married brides and still more brides. A few of the young people atten.* ed a shower last Thursday ev‘g for Miss Horst who is being married to Mr Weppler on the 8th. Mr Donald Ray ard Mrs Con‘ian, Toronto, â€" visited with their brother, John Ray Sr., who is in very poor health at present. We hope he will soon recover his usual strength. Mr and Mrs And. Fixiisn and famâ€" ily, spent a pleasant evening with Mr S. Koenig nd family recently. nc ie ce L e i 1 Mr and Mrs Walter Horsburgh ana daughter Lily spent an evening recâ€" ently with Mr and Mrs J. Sharpe. Mr and Mrs D. Leith, Durkham, spent a day or so with Mr and Mrs. Sam Koenig during the illness of their little granddaughter. Mrs J. Déi‘by v'l's‘i(t’g(i”v;'ilh friencs in_l_)urham the past week. Practically everyone from here atâ€" tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Smith of Durham on Thursday. The sympathy of the community is exâ€" tended to the bereaved family and friends. A few of our young people motored to aMrkdale last Wednesday evenâ€" ing to witness the Dramatic contest put on by the different clubs. We are pleased to note that No. 7, Normanâ€" by, won which goes to show we nave some very good local talent. Next time we hope that a display of that kind takes place nearer home. Mr and Mrs Alex. Richardson and son Ray of Swinton Park, visited reâ€" cently with the Ray family. Mr and Mrs Robert Mortley and Ruth spent Sunday with Artuur friends. We regret that little Bernice Koeâ€" nig is very ill with pneumonia and under Dr Easton‘s care. Hope sne will soon be her usual self again. Mr E. Geddes and sister Margaret, visited with Mr and Mrs MrGauchie, of Steel Bridge recently. Mr Andy Marshall and sister Miss Isabelle and Miss Milligan of Soutn Bentinck, spent an evening receni:y with Mr and Mrs Wim Hengerson and family. Mr and Mrs Gordon Smith ard sons, visited with Mrs Sharpe, Sr. at the beginning of the week. Miss Maggie Geddes, with her cousâ€" in, Miss Mable Ball, Hanover, spent last Friday in O. Sound travelling py motor bus. Mr Fred Seibert motored to his home near Mitchell and spent ine holiday week end with home friends. Miss Muriel Henderson is assisting Mrs Wm Mather for a day or two this week. LATONA HAMPDEN reception was held at the and Mrs Henry Fritz sr. their son Henry who : his bride a week ag0, . and again on Tuesday Elizabeth Hughes was rised by the young* Leoâ€" affair, a miscellaneous i‘;,'{:a,:m‘;;'rsgll:f;i A large number of men took in the vening receni:y Cattle Show and Sale June 1st at Wm Hengerson| Chatsworth. Mr James Ewen pur chased two thoroughbreds. Mr and Mrs James Ewen and famâ€" _ ily, also Mr and Mrs Wesley Noble, j spent a day recently with the Timâ€" pf mins family at Zion. ie Mr and Mrs Dan. Stewart and Miss Vera spent an evening recently at the MacQuarrie home. Mr John Boyd was on the line shearing sheep last week. Mr John McDonald left last week to work on the Good Roads near Dundalk. Mrs Dan and Archie McLean visâ€" ited Saturday with Miss Mary Ne Kechnie at Crawford. friend, Miss Stella Lynn Mrs James Heslett entertained the Women‘s Missionary Society on June ist. Six members and four visitors were present. Mrs George Miller had ihe misfor This high quality Product has been the choice of all Painters because of its resistance against climatic conditions, its lustrous finish and econâ€" omical value. 36 attractive colors ready for use DUNLOP Tirgrs3 Easy to use, dries overnight, and is guaranteed far superior to all floor paints. A superior Varnish Stain for redecorating woodâ€" work. A beautiful natural finish is obtained with this stain and varnish combination. Ask for our New Color Chart toclay R. C. JAMIESON‘S Pure Prepared Paint DUNLOP ~OFFICIAL SERVICE Albert Noble, Durham Smith F . $. HUNTER & CO. CROWN & ANCHOR Floor Enamel!l CROWN & ANCHOR Varnish Stain ‘58 Fine Floor Varnishâ€" Hawmer, Heel and Waterproof Durham, Ont. ! _ Mr Harry Sams of Normanby viâ€" \ ted on the line Sundayâ€"away u; North.‘ tune of losing one of her horses. T@ animal sank in a bog and was den when found. Notice is hereby given that | annual meeting of the South E Grey United Farmers‘ Political A sociation, will be held in the As cultural Hall, in the Village e( Pri ville, Saturday, June 1lith, 1927, : 1.30 p.m. sharp. . U. F. 0. Coope tive will hold meeting same Satn day. Tire, tire carrie between Durham a of Hutton Mill ; by Â¥ay of sou detour, on Thursday, Yune 2n1 ward. _ Jos. MeCaslinXDurham ERYVICE DEPOTS Smith Bros., Durhezm JUNE 9, M. E. MURRAY, Sec‘y T TIRE LOST NOTICE rim and cov one mile no: ay of southe Cross & Sut Despite the san and Price of softball. T; and slippy, it â€" to play. The s or of Pricevill« Messrs Donnie M Alroy McLean, Wy Mr Johnston, moto: Sunday, to visit at The funeral of ) Moose Jaw, forn Miss Je her frien Potato planting the order of the d; Miss Jessie Nich« Has Always T2 Custom Best Qua M Get our Pri PRIC GOODS DELIVERE which wor CHO STRIK BLATCHFORD‘S C GUNN‘S B!G 60 1 HENDE JUNE 9, 1 PFR JOH THE M as | intend bi begins, _\ Meals are of fuel ! mod: 8170 of it, wood his w StUrike Suppor l n At the tou t Cry T HIS h the mai Strikin days a heipin nOW (} S() Dh lik

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