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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jun 1927, p. 4

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Fl Mr and Mrs Thos Moore and baby daughter Violet. [kn-mom and Mr G Bruin-y. Mt Forest. visited net-ml; cf Mr and Mrs Wm bug‘s. Mr and Mrs Henry Kelli-r of mar hymn Halted last reek with Mrand Mn Julius Keller. -- _ Mr and Mn Frank Pomsler. son an daughter ot It Form. visited at I): G. M. [mom's Sunday ttttd ab (new church service no". Ir and Mm Nichol Ben. Elora, vs- fred her mother and brothers here. over the week end, returning Mon. day. Mr Jno. Moriee accompanied than: MCumnock when-hr will sp-nd a few days with his sister. It: Ruby Birth. latch" at Craw- famt. spent on: the Week and with friends in Toronto Miss Merle Mohre. o. Soqtnd,spent our the week end at home. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Har- --M Barber on tho arrival of; son. NEW AND FRESH PHONE t39 Tim UPPER TOWN GROCERY in Durham Skating Rink on the evening of Tuesday, June 28, at .8.15 p.m. Under auspices of Canadian Greys, 1. O D. E Highly spectacular, striking costumee. special- ty dances. If you wise to witness the history of Canada unrollcd before ' our eyes, in tons, speech and pictorial review. attend the Diamond hhile Pageant Price 500; Children 25c. Mrs (Dr) Farewell, Walkerton, Direstress Vane-'3 luck tun: Meats Slippers [rather notes and been. otttr.................... GROCERIES " pate Ioncn's Sandals, Patent Growing Girl! Patent and " Pumps "but Patent and StraMSiUtsers J. s. “WITH. When in Town, make our Store your Headquarters Specials this Week Plain Colored Voiles & Figured Voiles Also Cured Meats Confectionery. Bread Coal Oil and Gasoline J. t. HOWELL us apply your Needs "" III-II , JIIII‘IS, fitlllt, Smoked etk and Grey. all sizes ftottt 3 to C, to clear M1.” Odd lots. shes tt to 'd, to clear at ALEX.A. A LJOE Georgette Souls Ladies' Gingham House Dresses _ Broadcloth Slips and Bloomers Kiddies' Rompers. Play Suits and Bloomers Nanny Stretch Suspenders for Men Khaki Pants and Work Shirts lqeNetgl==ll==""=tM=t=l==e"l===ll=glM"No We are showing this week “In 2% to . to clear " . REPAIRING A SPECIALTY WV Massed Singing by Schools A Phone 47. Durham ii a====ao-====-r,=,4', Tuesday. A large number were prosent at the bee at Maplewood cemetery on Tuesday. Plowing. levelling and fix- ing up plots improved the appearance ot the cemetery. Mr Corbett, Mt ear. eat, was on hand erecting new stones and straightening ethics. The Review forwards subscription! to all daily papers " a saving to subscribers. Let us send in your; Trinity Church Rectory. in good condition . Possession given immed- latoly. May be seen at any time. by applying to E. Xmas, J. Schulz. Joe Crutchley or Herb. Crass. Presbyterian E Garden Party on ll. Lawson's Grounds t Half mile north of Durham Thursday, July ZI BEST TALENT POSSIBLE SIX ARTISTS I-Ivvr Popular Brunswick Trio Miss Mun Bishop. ('unmlu's champion bunny-M & damn-r t Miss Jean Walker. fleader Mis, Jo-ssit: Bun. 'Aoioist i Keepthis date Free & Come Over 150 characters The Cash Shoo Store T TALENT SIX ARTH 'opular Bru lacy Bishop Ipion bagpi; FOR SALE Trr.. . . 2.25 ?..........1.75 Bishop. C l bagpiprr Walker. R , Butt. So ’Iiil f The following students of Durham :, High School have obtained Pass '; standing on the Lower School Depae l mental subjects indicated, and in due Iconrse, will receive a eertitieate is- i sued by the Department of Education 'ttranting standing in thoee subiects on which 1 pass Itatt seen obtained” I herein irpeeitied. Students who hue _ felled in Arithmetic. Zoology. English 'Grunmar. Art or botany. may write ‘the examinations set by the Depart- , ment ot Educntion in these subjects. on the payment of a tee of one dollar I per - written upon, payable to j the presiding omeer on the day or (the examination, provided written my tice of intention to write " reeetveu" i by the principal on or before Satur- :day. June 18th. Lower " Dept. Resulls, Dalian High School "p" indicates that a pairs has been obtained In subjects listed. Adlam, Regina“ ....p Allan.lia........... pp Anderson. Christina.. p Armstrong, Mnypole. p p Arnett, Annie ....... Arnett, Dorothy .....p Bailey. Florence ....p Baird, Evelyn ........ p p Bell, Audrey e....... p p Bell. Thelma ........ p p Bell. Lena .......... pp Bell,Mae ........... pp Blair, Norman ....... p p Burnett, Edward .... p p Clark. Bernard ...... It tr Clark. Erie .......... p Coriett. Cameron .... Dean, Myrtle ........ p Dunsmoor. John ..... Falconer. George .... Firth. Daniel ........ p p (Haas, Gertrude ..... p p Gibson, inane ........ p p Hahn.George ....... pp Granny, Beatrice .... p p Harding, Elizabeth .. p p Hay,George ........ pp Hargrave, Roy ...... Hill,Ethei .......... pp Hind, Victor '....... p p Hunter. Edith .,.....p Holmes,Ada ........ pp Hopkins, Lawrence .. p p Hopkins, George ....p Kellar, Irma ........p p Kelsey, Maud .......p p Lawson, John .......p Lowe. Nelson ....... p r, MacArthur. Frances .. p MeAutitte, Helen ....p McCrae, Gordon ..... p p McCuiIoch. C'hristpne p McFadden, Moore ... p p ', McFadden, Reginald .p Tenders will C received by the undersigned. up 6 p. m., July lst. tor the erection f an addition to Durham High Sch . Tenders., will be received for the whole work and also for the sepante rodeo involved. Plans and tteiheatio my be seen at the oaiee ot the tect, J. T. CIark..Esq.. Owen Sou and at mt- oitiee of Sec'y of Board. Lowest m my tendon not was“!!! tMMtetstcrt. J. F. GRANT', Sec) McGillivray, Beth ... MeGirr, Raymond ... .\lcilraith, Norman .. McIntyre, Norman .. MacKay. Jean ....... McLean. Catherine .. McLean. Violet ...... Marshall. Ellen .....p Miller, Elward . . . . . . Mitchell. Caroline ... Mount. Mary ........ Moon. Eunice ......p Murdock. Blanche ...p Noble. George . . . ... . Noble, Marjory ...... Pickering, Dorothy .. Proudloy. Mary . . ' . ' Rwy, Lenora . . . . . . . Renwick, Jean ...... Ritchie. Danivl . . . ... Ritchie. Anna ....... Robinson. Dorothy .. Rowe, Clem ......... Rowe, Claire . . . . . . . .p Ryan. Harry ........ Smith, Donald ...... .1) Smith, Wilma ....... Traynor, Clara ...t.. Tinlanov. Rose ......p Taylor, Alex. ........ Watson, Margaret ...p Wiggins, Roy ....... Wilson, H. Kenneth . Wilson, Harold ...... Wilson, Hazel ....... Willis, Elsie ........p- _ p - . p Whitman. Lawrence . p p p LOWER SCH. EXAM. TIME-TABLE Monday. June 27th--- It is anticipated that the farmers will meet at Mt. Forest at 9.15 and proceed from there. A small badge will be giwn to every Grey Ca. far- mer and his wife. Be sure you gel. the same from the Agricultural Rep resentative, T. Stewart Cooper. Any help required to see may of the o. A. C Stall will be looked after it (he (armrrs wilt 'tttity him. At the same time the ladies are taken through McDonald Institute Dairy and Poultry plants. Tuesday. June 21st, is Farmers' Day for Grey County at the o. A, C. Every farmer is invited to attend. Free lunch Is given in the Gymnas- ium from 12 to l o'cloek. After lunch the farmers are personally conducted over the grounds by the Matt. RN. (1.30--4.00)--41rammar. Wednesday. June 29th--- A. M. 19.0i)---11.30r-Art. P. M. 11.36--4.00r--Botany. Thursday, June Mth-- A. M. Ch00--11.80)--Arithmetie, P. M. 11.3ty---4.00r-Zoology. FARMERS' TOUR, o. A. C. ,Evelyn ........ pp Audrey,....... pp Thelma........ pp Lena. .......... pp Mae ........... pp Norman ....... pp an, Edward .... pp .Bemrd ...... pp . Erie .......... p tt, Cameron .... pp ‘Myrtle ........ p moor. John ..... p net. George .... p TENDERS WANTED Christone p p p Moore ... p p Reginald .p p p ....... PP pp f..... pp pp r....... pp 1) ....... pp 'Je .... pp It Jeth .. PP PP ....... pp pp ...... p ....... pp D ....... [ID p .......p pp P ....... pp pp ence.. pp pp ge ....p p .......pp p p .......p pp p ....... pp p pp pp pp p p " PP P p p " " Funeral of late Mrs Backus The funeral of the late Mrs John Backus on Saturday afternoon last. to Queen Sheet Chutch and thence to Maplewood cemetery, was a glow- Ing tribute to the worth of one, who in lifetime. proved a helper and friend to mnny of those present and who were there to pay her the 'ttgt honor and respect. , In the sudden deaths that had tran. spired during the week God had been speaking in loud tones. The church lei not here alone to speak comfort- ing words but rather to place before all the responsibilities and prlvlleg- es of this life. I (T085 out saw. _ vpte Leat new". marl)- new. .85: \baby carriage, wicker. no: I tum! wiper. cheap: t churn and butter hing bowl In ttood condition. Just as at school exams otte's knowledge is not gained all " once. but rather the work of months: so with "ie-our churches. praise and prayer services are only stepptag stones to prepare us tor the higher life. It the religion of life is worth while, it is intended to stand the stress am strain ot worldly temptm lions and conditions. Mr Peters took occasion to give some mrsonal reminiscensos ot te. ceased and gave tribute to her regu- larity at church service and devotion to family, who were planning to col- vbrate the golden wedding event this summer with their parents. Garment Girls’ Club Receive Diplomas In memory t my loving lursimnc,' Thou. J. Banks, who passm away ttttl June 16, 1925, leaving me alone in sorrow. t In closing. Mr Peters said we. should thank God for all He has put into our lives at sorrows as well as pleasures and hoped all present could say in speaking of the heavenly home. “I will be there by the grace of God." The work ot the 3nd year girls was to make 1 undergarmnnt and 2 outm- garments from following: (1) One of tltesty-Ptittcoss slip. 1 envelope che- mise, corset cowr or camiosole. un. derskirt: (2) two of thetre-- skirt. midy blouse. smock. 1 piece dress set in sleeves, Jumper suit or child's tmit' (3) Keep of cost and writing of story as in 2nd year's work. Girls who received diploma for 3rd year's work are Dorothy Pickering. Abbey McLean. Anna Ritchie, Eliza- beth Harding. Isabel Jamieson. Violet McLean. Norma Allan, Josie Falconer Mary Mortal. ' 2nd Year Girls: Isabel Henderson, Mutton Noble, Ina McDonald. Grr.s tmdo Glass, Mary Levi. Alma Kress (provisional) Friday last in the I. O. D. E. room. Mrs Florence Remind, Walkerton. Department Judge for the Girls' Gar- ment Making Club, was in Durham, on ottieial duties in connection with the examining ot the work of the 3M and 2nd year girls in this line. Mrs. Rowand was pleased to be able to state the work done in Durham, was much above the average and testifies to good teaching on the part of in- structors and studious needle appli- cation on t he part of students. The instructors of the Sewing clam ses. Mrs J. H. Harding and Mrs J. Burgess were also pleasantly sur- prised this afternoon in question, when they were each presented with a pretty cake plate by the girls of the class, as appreciation of their work on their behalf. Miss Isabel Jamieson made a little speech over the plates while. Isabel Henderson and Marjory Noble did the presenting. Needess to say the recipients ac- knowledged the gift in a fitting man- ner. There were two classes under in“ struction the past winter and at which they met 24 times. The 2rd year class work comprised (a) work bag or apron by hand, (b) klmona type garment to be made by machinei (c) pair bloomers. (d) Gaming two pair stockings, make 1 overhandvi patch and 1 hemmed patch. (e) each member must also keep an actual’ count of all materials used, their', cost and hours of labor. write salary! ot class experiences and exhibit wonk' close of season. _ 1 THE DURHAM REVIEW Apply P. J, m IEMORIAM FOR ‘ALE Mrs. Banks TORONTO ', Mr and Mrs McLeod and funny ;and Mr "tucks of Prieevine visited lat Finlay: EcCuflg’s recently. The U. P. W. o. held their monthly meeting at the home ot Miss Ada Bulb. when there was I Inge at- tendance, several visitors being pies- out and a moat interesting afternoon spent. The next meeting will hem-id at the home of Mrs Fred Coir. “has Mannie Crumhley Toronto. " spending aweek at the pawnumonj. -str,, Nell Livingstone, Glucou. is sprinting tweak with her sister. Mrs L. McLean. . Mr Arch. Thompson who has been on the sick liat the put couple of weeks ls slowly Improving Mr and Mrs Nell McLean spent I day this week with Mr and Mrs. Jack Cuwell. Aberdeen. Mr P. R. Oliver. M.PP., was a we eat guest with his friend, Mr Huron MeKoehnie. A meeting was held Itrthe church Monday night to make amusements for holding the annual garden party in the near future. Mr Jack Ledingham and Miss Jett. sie, Welbeck. spent Sundny at we Lawrence home. Mrs D. Wilkle spent a for days with the Hemp family, Glenmadon. The monthly meeting of the Aber- den Women's Institute met ut the home of Miss Mary McCracken on June 9th, the specini speaker on this occasion being Mrs T. W. Meek, de- partment delegate from Alton. Her talk was most interesting and infor- mative. There were " present. Mrs Mr and Mrs Cameron, Woodbrtdgre, visited at the home or Duncan Liv- ingstone lust week. Also Mr and Mrs Steele. former pastor " (haw. ford, I'm visitors " the same home for seven] days. Many of the com gregation were pleased to meet them "Mn Goo. Wuhan. tcoro Van- couver, (nee Nell Reedly) a tonne: W. Glass, President of liurhnm Insti- tue. Mrs Mellnlth and Mrs Nichol were visitors from Durham. Mr and Mrs Alex McCornnck and little Isabel of town spent Sunday at Mr Duncan McQuarrie's. A - -- 77Mr and Mrs Kred Wigtt and family of Stator-1h. spent Sunday at the Ne. Cracken and Fletcher homes. Mr and Mrs Wm Noble, Mr and Mrs Wes Noble and Mrs Jno Lynn spent an evening recently " the Hes. lett home. Mr Allen. Toronto, Mr 1nd Mm. Edward Burnett and Mr Chas Ru. dolph, Hanover, at the Lynn home. A few from around here attended the circus in Owen Sound and report a good time. Mr and Mrs Jack Grierson and son Howard, were In Chesley one day last. week. Mr and Mrs Bush McDonald, non- neth and Jessie, visited " Milton and John Sherman’s Sunday. Mrs Robt 'r,ramidsrisi town spent a few days at the tarm, morning. Mr and Mrs W. Lawrence and fam- Ily. spent a day the first of the week with Mr and Mrs Adam Hall. Mr David Hamilton is visiting his daughter Mrs Parr Lawrence. _ Miss Mannie Crutchle.v, Thrown. spent the week end with Mrs James Crutehtey. Mr Jack Ledlnghnm. of Hamilton, spent the week end with his pare-3m. Wedding bells are beginning to ring around here. Mr Albert Shildroth Is at present engaged in putting a new steel roof on Bob Mottier's barn. Mr and Mrs Middleton. Edna and Joe, also Mr Graham of Harkaway. spent Sunday with Crutchley's. Mr Jno. Manley. Arthur,' Mr and Mrs Chas Mortley. Durham. spent Sunday with friends here and at Edge Hill. The regular monthly meeting of Domoch Institute met at the home of Mrs Wm Robinson on 8 June. There were quite number present and a very enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. Robinson assisted by Miss Florencm served adainty lunch. Mrs Henderson invited all the ladies to her home tor the July meeting. Mrs Jno McDonsld's brother. Wm. Jas. Smith of Crawford. had the ants fortune to slip on a stone Satunlny and break his leg. He Is under Dr Jamleson's care. Mrs McD. ls with her brother. Mimi Merron Ewdnrsit' Forest. spent the week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs he. Ewen. Mrs Duncan McQuarrle attended the missionary convention at Han-is- ton Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Rosie. Vtuatey, spent Sunday with the Jacques family. The sympathy of the neighborhood ls extended to Mrs Alex McDonald and son John in their sad bereave- ment. The beet ring has started again and we trot our tlrat share Saturday. It is reported that the Rocky base. ball team is to play with Dornoch on Thursday night. Everyone come and cheer for the team. Jami McGirr shared wool from Durham, Holstein and Mt Forestlast week. Miss Ada McLean, Toronto. haste- turned after visiting Mrs Neil Mus Carmel. Mr and Mrs Geo Collinson spent the tirtrt of the week with friends at Dundalk. Mr Jan McMahan. Hanover, spent Sign!” Tlth Mr Thos Reay. GREEN GROVE ABERDEEN LATONA ring reopened Tnesda Chesley girl. visited It the home ot A. C. McDonald. Don't forget the UFO Nessie held in Mr Clark Tom’s bush mu " ternoon. Cl Chu McDonald. Egremont; Inns J. Floyd. Holstein; Ms: Adn McLean. Toronto. also Mr and Mrs Finley Me Call; ot Bentlnck. Mrs W. G. Firth had the mistor. tune to sprain her ankle one any last week. Messrs Arch. McKinnon and Dow ala McDonald Ind Ml" McDonald of Prfeevioe, visited " Mr John Me- Donald’s recently. Mr end Mr: Jno Ordnrd. Holstein and Mr and Mrs Water Pee. Nor- why, were guests at the Glenc'ms home recently. -dGitiGGGistrer from here attend- mt the ontorlul contest in Priceviue on Saturday night. June 6, 1921 Pursuant to adjournhent. the coun- cll met on nbove date. Members were all present. Turtttmn--McGrettor: That Council do now so into committee of the whole with the Reeve in the churns I Court of Revision to deteminome upped: agunst the assessment roll. -AJarrfed. Following ls report of the sweats: l Norman McIntyre. assessment on land reduced 8400: Mrs A, Noble“ appeal withdrawn; Mrs J. Lame.‘ asaesment on building reduced 8100: Mike Byers, “It. on 13nd reduced $200; Sol. Hillgurtner, nut. Confirm- ed; Herb G. Brianna. “at. eontuan. ed; Jobs Bax-mun asst. atnttrmed; Moses Donnelly, mt. tsontirmed; J. Wells, asuL eoMrmed; he Wells. Mr and Mrs, Jno: CROWN & ANCHOR L Prepared Floor Paint At a meeting of Durhn otni the agreement was washed to k no” on Saturday. July tnd y Stores cloned Dominion Dar previous. Open Wednesday n Stores Openj NOTICE lilo THE PUBLIC! ‘ For wear and tear. it has no equal on the mar- ket. Already mixed, and dries overnight. form- ing a tough resilient surface that gives an at- tractive gloss and a perfect finish. This high quality Product has been the choice of all Painters because of its resistance against climatic conditions, its lustrous finish and econ- omical value. 36 attractive colors ready for use. An exterior and interior Varnish requiring no particular skill in applying. Especially adapted t__ -- -, A - __ h . A _ for use on Boats, Carriages, siop Frunts. etc with unequalled results. R. c. “masons Pure Prepared Paint Color Chart supplied on request Copalline Varnish s. noun & co. . 9mm, Ont. to. Ritchie, also Mr. ot HoilugduCemrP. Day, Saturday, July 2 of tand MW $i90; Rex Lawn-non. an. on land reduced 'tro; Wm Ctty (when. “IL on and Minced IOC, Herb W. Hut. us! coqtitmted ; Geo School. nut emtfirmed; Chm E berth, us! emsti-tV, Jno Ptrknsm on land Mud 8100; Geo Ray. am W: Goo Meander. Luna“) armed; The. Brut-m. mt. conmm ed; H Reuben not. on Ind n-duvud 8100; Clan humane, not on land reduced 8100: loo Porter, Asst. run III-mod. Dogs ot I Donnelly und Jnu Ros-ell were smack on the roll. Maenrrtod--41rMemtet: That renew of appeal. he accepted. The Clerx authorised to make combos on Roll " per report. The Aswssor to be paid his nun; Tttmtmti---Meoreqor: That we ad toem u . Cotth of Revision and n- ame general milieu. Carried, Ttgrntmtt---Matrwood.' That we " ml. MM; fittit Eyes: ISM. on "ltePAee1trercrc- we: IElmer Hutton. my sheet...... m}. Ferd Banana.“ .......... 1m: mung-mm; ........r- 20.2" [but mam. grading ae't ..220\n =ank admin. 238 hours .... 9CCo new pone," ot Ignaz-.999 on townslup had.- min the Norwich Union Co. to the extent of $10,000, at the fer Ot $133.90. “Md. The “Moving nee'ts wen- paid '. Rudd XCKeelmle. salary. ps'tge 7 ut’oe Court of MV’LsSon....81‘L:. Nor'lch Union Co., Insurance 1233-) J. H. Smith. wire tence...... 20.01, W. J. Minn, do ... Jon. Whitman. do . Hy Pitta-on. in-ttina...... John Grier-on. do ......r..._ A. Meyer, do....., ........._ DJ. McDonald. % day with Supt John Weldendort. do . Alex Grier-on, .do .... Geo Alexander, do ..... Elmer Hutton, pay sheet Ferd Breath-n, do .... Rout. Gnu-son. with lupl..... 10-. One meeting or council ...... 13:; Council lacunae-d to meet Hanan» 4th day of July at M) o'clock. I. H. Chituck, clvr.k nil Merchant Association keep “or" open for busi- , day following Dom. Dar. td Thursday afternoon a ht n mun]. JUNE 16. I927 88.29 35.89 6.te, 121M 111.3 WA)" 10.50 Itt 5.50 L50 It Ott Go 5t 1‘21 m II the month o' n on ongoytng the tine Hut Ir and In Hugh Wy I. “It. Visilml Sumlsr “3 and took In tlo, m -plned Wow My Wk and Mr Allan II - VII 25-23 in law "tte. There "la Krha! rm tt as an: I tie. In Bach-m. Toronto. at Brat. Aldmrn‘s hon.) Ill- Donald Cant"- .bpo-m t Mk who M It night M ttttve hm. Them. was a Ian: "he Saturday nirh - ulna m w wot-n Prim-nun l W. F ttnd his shew “I“ were Ir torn up. at "tttts. It Wm Mrhmr new Elan Mun I’M! tht. weak mu um» , her home in a unending a - Hears but Cannel at ti. Pa tmet of pumnx new“ harm Mr Allie N Rock Mills If and Mrs Aha may with friends a It: Emmi Mn a Man at Mr w OI may. Jur 'tteeeattt of the Willing It “a In the "all in of twin: is to t My of the “amine n A - ttttetMance is 1 Inch Committee" Mrs than Mrs Andrew Him Icltlhn. Mrs W Wm than!” the mun an to true up tho wood a and ttdy up thrs yard. an allow! to brmp lu (I!!! out is Pun-Mm! Rev. Mr P ducted 59111: A largo mm (Ms splendid I” from I can [an on try “It Inst Hrid 'oyed thnmsuh {mu Tiwnon m Will: an l nrln a Belle, , M r Ror Mi r-tte, Has Always Custom PRIC Best Qua Get our Pri Pastry Flo Pilot “our lank- In! Prime Pril Man no. o Giulia Kfttat GOODS DELIVER .LATCHFORD‘S GUNN'. BIO 60 JUNE HENDE JOE Mon THE M In ll MCI W autumn M Suppo " Rom moto Isl: THIS 16. l H B (It In

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