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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jun 1927, p. 5

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;:i.tion r busiâ€" ternoon uly 2 nfirmed int 4; Chris B Ino Park.asat. * Reay, asst der. asst. con asst. confirm land reduced asst on land, ter. asst. conâ€" reduced 100 EC ! ey,. asst. on x Lawrence, inte orm n at mar Â¥lDn 1at report The Clerk ~ctions on it we ad at we ree township on Co. to roll »3SOr to no nâ€" Monday ige $111 ind re 1.00 100 al J 20 OeÂ¥ 149 89 33 01 So 24 24 S Mr J. D. MeceArthur and sister YMary Belle, visited over the week end at Mr Ronald McDonald‘s, Collingwood. Rev. Mr Pitcher from Toronto, conâ€" ducted services in the Hall Sunday. A large crowd was present to hear this splendid speaker. Misses Montgomery and Yousse from Tiverton, motored up with Misâ€" sea Willa and Islay McCuaig ari spent the week end at home. Mr Wm McLeod has purchased a new Essex sedan. Mr and Mrs Alex Carson visited ~cently with friends at Meaford. There was a large crowd in Price ville Saturday night. There was a lively game of softball piayea veâ€" tween Priceville and the S. Line. The umpires were Mr Noble from Markdale and Mr Allan Melnnis. The score was 2523 in favor of Priceâ€" ville. There was great excitement as it was near a tie. Mrs Bucham, Toronto, is visiting at Wm. Aldeorn‘s. Born, Tuesday, June 7, to Mr and Mre Angus McLachlan, a son. (Sttll born.) be held in the Hall. _A considerable lot of sewing is to be done and a study of the Burning Bush will begin. A good attemdance is requested. The lunch committee : Mrs A. B. MeArâ€" thur, Mrs Andrew Hincks, Mrs W. J. McMillan, Mrs W Watson. The same afternoon the men are having a bee o pmle up the wood around the hall and tidy up the yard, so all ladies are asked to bring lunch A gooi turn out is expected. Some (from here attended the conâ€" cort put on by Prof. Kyle at Swinton Park last Friday and every one enâ€" joyed themselves. Mr= Allie McLean Sundayed at Rock Mills. Miss . Donalda Nichol of Holland (C‘entre spent the week end at home. Prople who have dogs rambling a round at night are making trouble, as there have been a number of shecp worried. _ Friday night, Alex Carson had his sheep badly worrlef. Two lambs were gone and the sheep bat |y torn up. _ Keep your dogs tied up at nights. Miss Emma Dingwall, Cedarvilie, is a visitor at Mr W. G. Watson‘s. On Friday, June 17, the monthly meeting of the Willing Helpers will Messrs Bill Campbell and Brady Irwin are busy these days clipping s«heep. Miss Lizzie McCrae left Friday for her home in Moose Jaw, Sask. after spending a week with friends here. Messrs David Dow and Jack Moâ€" Cannel of S. Park, has taken the conâ€" tract of putting a steel roof on Arch McCuaig‘s barn. Mr and Mrs Wm MclLeod and famâ€" ily and Mr David Hincks visited at Finlay McCuaig‘s Sunday at Mulock. ton Park, visited Sunday at Mr Jno. Nichol‘s and took in the church serâ€" vice. \ Custom Chopping Every Day This is the month of roses and ali ire enjoying the fine summer days. Mr and Mrs Hugh McMillan, Swinâ€" , Giet our Price before you Sell your Wheat . Teachers and pupils are Roval Househ‘d Flour per bag 4.50| t\(ajegge Flour, per bag .... 4.25| O Canada Flour, per bag ... 4.25| Kinz Edward Flour, per bag 4.06‘ Feed Flour, per bag ...... 2.25 Pastry Flour, 24 Ib bag ... 1.00 Pilot Flour, per bag ....... 4.25 Maple Leaf Flour, per bag. 4.50 Praisio Pride Flour, per bag 4.25 Best Quality of Flour & Feed as | Intend buying Wheat to ship by the Car load. GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN EV ERY DAY. PHONE NO. 8, DAY OR NIGHT Has Always Taken a Strong Stand for Quality All ingredients are of First Quality. Therefore when you buy our Bread, you are assured of the Best. Are well known for their richness and quality. Kept in clean, sanitary cases, free frorm dust. SLATCHFORD‘S CALF, PIG AND POULTRY FEEDS. Also GUNN‘S BIG 60 BEEF SCRAP AND POULTRY FEEDS. PRICEVILLE %8. JUNE 16, 1927 HENDERSON‘S BAKERY JOHN McGOWAN THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS nada Flour, per bag ... 4.25 Edward Flour, per bag 4.05 Flour, per bag ...... 2.25 v Flour, 24 Ib bag ... 1.00 Flour, per bag ....... 4.25 Leaf Flour, per bag. 4.50 a Pride Flour, per bag 4.25 We solicit your patronage. _ We handlso the Support your Home Baker and sell them at Reasonable Prices. THIS IS TRUE OF OUR BREAD OUR CAKES AND PASTRY busy these _ We were again reminded one day last week that in a moment in the | twinkling of an eye we may suddeniy be stricken, as was seen by the acciâ€" | dent that took the life of Mr Alex MeDonald. The call then, is to be ye always ready, etc. \PRICEVILLE & GLENELG _ _ Mr and Mrs Geo. L. Watson and | daughter Beatrice, visited with Mr. W. G. Watson, mother and sister on Sunday â€" last. Accompanying â€" him were Mr Robt Watt, night linotype operator, who favored the congresaâ€" As was seen in last week‘s Review, the death took place of Roger Mcâ€" Eachern of Priceville,, one of the piâ€" oneers of the South Line, Glenelg, coming there 73 years ago when a little boy. In giving a backward look, it reminds us of the passing of those who fought the hardships of pioneer life in the old Township of Glenelg, chopping and logging and afterwards followed by picking stones and putâ€" ting them in order to make fences. The subject of our sketch experiencâ€" ed the double work by first clearing the timber of no value, afterwaris gathering stones which are yet seen in piles here and there in the fields. and some into fences. The funeral on Wednesday, $th June, was largely attended. A young man from college conducted the funeral service, speakâ€" ing from the words "In my Father‘s house are many mansions," earnost ly entreating all to make sure of be ing admitted, for there is room for all who seek admission, no matter to what denomination they belong in this life. They will be gathered from east and west, of all nations and colâ€" ors. The remains were laid to rest in MceNeal‘s cemetery, which by the way is getting pretty well decorated with monuments and the fine sign at the entrance, placed to the honor of Hugh MeNeal, is a credit to his tib erality in granting this five acre lot for this purpose. The pall bearers were six of his nephews, W. G. Watson, undertaker. We extend condolence to the many friends o( the departed one in the loss of husband and father. While coming from Mr McEachâ€" ern‘s fureral in Mr Hugh MceCorâ€" mack‘s car, we experienced the worst thunder storm for a long time. While coming down the turn at Bunessan, the lightning struck the wire fence a few rods from the road and thought it a miracle the car was not struck, and ending the existence of its five passengers. But the Great Protector days getting ready for exams. We sympathize with the relatives of Mr Roger McEachern, who was buried Wednesday of last week and which was a largely attended funeral. ton with a couple of voluntaries at the evening service. Miss E. Dingâ€" wall from near Cedarvilie ,accompanâ€" ied him on the organ. The W. M.S. are meeting with En enezer members at their church thore Messrs H. B. McLean and G. Mcâ€" Taggart, left for Toronto one Aay last week. Chopped Oats, per 100 Ibs 2.25 Crimped Oats, per 100 lIbs 2.25 Strong Chop, per 100 Ibs 2.00 Crimped Oats, per ton.. 45.00 Oat Chop, per ton.. .. 45.00 Mixed Chop, per ton.... 40.00 Gunn‘s Tankage, 100 Ibs 3.50 VICINITY Stirring events do happen at times. One day last week, a would be trayâ€" elling doctor from Toronto called at | several homes around the Park, the last being that of Clarence Harrison. | Harrison‘s have a very wise dogâ€"â€" | there were no men at home and while | the Dr was talking fluently to Mrs Harrison in an endeavor to sell his dope, doggie came on the scene and suddenly pounced upon the Dr., alâ€" most undressing him. The Dr jump | ed into his big car and struck for Torâ€" | onto for repairs. After thorough exâ€" Qaminau‘on there, he found there was | nothing missing but his pants and ; he secured another pairand returned. T We have great respect for all such | dogs. Mrs Herb Greenwood is yet in Dur ham Hospital. Her mother, Mrs Gedâ€" des, is at her home for a day or two. We met many old friends at Mr. McEachern‘s funeral ~who kindly greeted us. We have to thank Mr. John McGowan for acting the Good Samaritan last Sunday in bringing us home in his comfortable car from church. As we didn‘t feel extra well, Mr â€"McGowan thought we would get home faster than in the old conveyâ€" ance, the buggy. We spent a few days last week at the old home of our brother and sisâ€" ter, D. Road, Glenelg and circamâ€" stances causes them to be lonesome. While there we went to see Miss Anâ€" nie Shortreed whose recovery after a dangerous hemorrhage we are glad to see, Annie was always one of those pleasant girls who always visâ€" ited those helpless ones and her well wishers are pleased to knew she is better again. Miss Ada McLean, Torontc, spent a week with her aunt, Mrs McCarâ€" nel of Lambton St. and paid us a visit at Edge Hill. She attended serâ€" vice in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday and left for Toronto Monday morning. Mr and Mrs â€" Chas McDonald and Miss Jean Floyd, Holstein, were the guests of their friends, the McDonâ€" ald‘s of Edge Hill Miss Floyd taught for two years at Top Cliff and has always a good word for the kindness of the residents in the section. Mr and Mrs Finlay McCuaig of Bentinck, paid us a short visit. Mr. and Mrs McCuaig are blessed with a fine boys, two of them twins. We are pleased to hear Miss Mary A. McLean of Priceville is getting better after a spell of sickness. The Public Speaking contest Saturâ€" day night was largely attended and much enjoyed. Heartiest congratuiaâ€" tions are extended to Miss E. Oliver Mr Chas McFarlane, Misses F. and M. McFarlane and A. McArthur, atâ€" tended the Baptist Association :i Chesley. Miss Mary Kennedy returned to Tqrpnto Thursday last. Mr Chas Wale and family were in Southampton on Sunday. Miss Lydia Spence is home from Toronto. saw fit to spare our lives. The rain fell in torrents. Early risers say there was frost this morning. Crops are doing well. Miss Annabelle McArthur spent a day last week at Mr C. H. Moffat‘s, Durham. Mr J. D .and Miss Marybel Macar thur spent the week end in Collingâ€" Miss Scriminger, Dundalk, was a visitor at Albert Haw‘s. Mrs Leonard McKeown spent a few days at her parental home. Mr Thos. McKeown, Sr. visited recently with friends in Toronto. on wiuning first place, also a beautiâ€" ful silver cup and medal. Mr and Mrs Roy Dingwall and daughter, Mrs Jas Dingwall, Cecarâ€" viile, Mr _ and Mrs Robt Dingwail were first of the week visitors at Wm Dingwall‘s. Mr Creighton Riddell and some friends from near Listowel spent cunâ€" day at the parental home. The United congregation purpose holding a garden party on the church grounds, June 29. Program by Cedarâ€" ville talent. Miss A. M. Fettis is making preparation to celebrate Canâ€" ada‘s Diamond Jubilee at S.S. No. 4 on July 2nd. Mss 8. Acheson visited her cousin Miss Stella over the week end. * â€" Mr and Mrs Watson motored to 0. Sound Sunday to see their son Geo., who is attending Business College. They were accompanied by Mrs Kinâ€" nell and Fred Knox, they going to call on relatives. Sunday last a Mr_Pitcher of Torâ€" onto very acceptably filled the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church. Next Sunday, Rev. Mr Dodds, known to many people in this part will preach as a candidate fora call. Prof. Jimmie Kyle gave a musical concert in the hall here Friday and was much enjoyed. Quite a number of $ P. folk atâ€" tended the Sunday School convention in Dundalk last week. The football match between Holâ€" stem_tnd S. P. teams, drew a large crowd, a great part of them coming from Holstein. We think all were dis appointed as neither team played good ball. We Aid not see it but from all accounts Holstein had a little the best of it and scored 1 goal. Some of the boys when warmed up, got un ruly but for them there is some exâ€" cuse. But no excuse could be made for one they brought with them, who claimed to be a county conâ€" stable but carried his badge of office in an inner pocket and who held a young man‘s hands while two of Holâ€" stein team battered his face. We feel sorry for the people of Holstein that they are compelied. to suffer from such conduct. This man may receive SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE BUNESSAN THE DURHAM REVIEW Friday a. m., June 10, Deacon A. E. Pickard of Paisley led a conference on Deacon‘s Problems and Rev. L IL Vail of Meaford on Pastor‘s Probâ€" lems . At the same hour in the augi torium of the church, the Women‘s Mission Circles of the Association held their annual business session. Mrs Mason, Hanover, gave a helpful address on ‘Our Circle Problems ang , how to solve them.‘ In the afternoon Miss Seiling presented the work of | the Royce Ave Polish Mission in Torâ€" onto is a way that gripped all hearis. | Miss E Priest who has spent 35 years as missionary in India, tenderly drew a vivid picture of her work there; | Rev. E. A. Therrien told of the vieâ€" | tories of the cross in Feller Institure, Grande Ligne, Quebec. A pleasing feature of the afternoon session was | the presentation of the value of a â€" Foreign Mission Life membership cerâ€" tiflcate to Mrs C. P. Day of Leith, who is retiring from the Directorâ€" | ship of the Circles after many years â€" of efficient leadership. | _ The closing meeting of the Ass‘n, | was devoted to B.Y.P.U. work. Miss | Weer, Hanover, gave a Aetailed reâ€" port of the recent convention in Hamâ€" ilton. Miss England, O. Sound, who , had spent most of her life in India, | delighted the audience with intimato | pictures from hber experiences as a school teacher there Revy T.E. Rich lnrds brought the closing messagce, | emulating the value of consecrated | sacrificial service. Mr and Mrs J.J. Peart and family, also Mr Geo Peart and sons Emerson and Robert, with Henry Beaton of Bunessan, went to Brantford last Friday to be present at the Peartreâ€" union. Misses Grace Paylor and Elsie Mays of Mt Forest, spent the week end at their respective homes Mr W. J. Cook is at present visiiâ€" ing his sons in Detroit. There will be a bee next Thursday, June 23, at Zion cemetery to clean up and beautify ‘God‘s Acre.‘ Mrs Wyvile. of Vandeleur, is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs C. Williams. Things are growing â€" nicely around the Park, ‘tho‘ the weather keeps cloudy and cold. The general health of the people is good and we are still looking forward to better thinss when the spots get off the sun. Mr and Mrs Geo. McNally, Mr and Mrs Joe McNally and son of Meaford, were guests at Mr W J Cook‘s here and attended Zion church. At a meeting held in the church Friday evening it was decided to hold our annual S. S. picnic on Jyly 1st, in the Edwards and Peart grove. may receive pay from ~the country but full reward only will be given after the undertaker has taken charge of said individual. Wednesday of this week, 0. 8. and Park will play here and expect a gentlemen‘s game on this occasion. Mr and Mrs Dougal Clark of the Rocky, visited the first of the week with Mr and Mrs W. Clark. Mr J. H. Robson is in O. Sound this week as juryman on the June assizes. Mr Will Jack has purchased a piâ€" ano for his daughter Clara. We are sorry to say there has been some sneak thieving going on in our neighborhood. Baptist Association Mr Spencer Edwards, Detroit, is spending his holidays with his parâ€" ents, R. T. and Mrs Edwards. Rev. Treleven of Mt Forest had charge of the service in Zion last Sunday and gave a fine discourse on "Love" Zion softball team went over and played with Waudby Monday ev‘g and put Wawlby on the winning side. ‘The O. Sound Association of Bapâ€" tist Churches, embracing all Baptist Churche s in Grey and Bruce Counâ€" ties, north of Hanover and Paisley, and west of Flesherton and Meaford, held their 40th annual meeting in the Chesley Baptist Church on June 8th to 10th. _ Rev. H Crickington of the Bentinck and North Glenelg Bap tist Churches was ~the preacher of the annual sermon. Inspirational addresses were delivered by the Modâ€" erator, Rev. W.S. McAlpine of Wiarâ€" ton, Rev A.S. Parnall of Paisley and Rev. T. E. Richards of Hanover. The speakers from outside the Association were Prof. N. H. Parker of MeMaster University representing Christian Edâ€" ucation ; Rev Dr_ McLaurin of Cat gary representing Western Missions; Rev. Johnston Turnbull of Bolivia, who brought good tidings of our great work in thatcountry ; Revy PIr. Web bof Toronto on S. 8. work; Key E. A Therrian of Montreal on the rande Ligne Mission and Rev H. i. Coumans of Toronto on Hoffe Misâ€" sions. In an address on "The eizcâ€" ient Sunday School", Mrs E. M. Lonâ€" ey of Chesley stressed the imporiâ€" aance of a thorough religious census, the establishment of an adequate gysâ€" tem of records, public recognition for good work done and the vital imâ€" portance of Teacher Training. _ Enâ€" couraging reports were given by the various churches, showing a substanâ€" tial increase in Missionary contripuâ€" tions over the previous year. The following resolution was unanâ€" imously endorsed : "It is our conviction that the liq uor traffic, whether under public or private control, is evil, and breeds poverty, misery and crime. We beâ€" lieve that prohibition is the only suc cessful method of dealing with it. We regret the passing from the Statâ€" ute Books of the O.T.A.â€"an Act that has been of very great benefit morâ€" ally, socially and economically to this province. Believing this we urge our people to keep the goal of proâ€" hibition ever before them and by ia telligent, persistent, educational proâ€" paganda, to hasten the day of its tri umphant reiurn. ZION Met in Chesley Funeral of Late A. McDonald The mortal remains of the late Alex McDonald, whose tragic death last Wednesday on Varney hill, has so stirred the countryside, was laid away in McNeil‘s cemetery, Priceâ€" ville, on Friday last. The service was held in the new Presbyteriaun Church, Durbham, and the large gathâ€" ering that overflowed the edifice, was a striking tribute as to the atâ€" titude of deceased‘s death on the minds of the assemblage, as well as respect for deceased and sympathy for bereaved relatives. i THE VARIETY STORE RL.Saunders Rev. B. D. Armstrong had charge of the service and chose as the subâ€" ject of his remarks Matthew 25 : 13 ; ‘Watch therfore, for ye know neilih er the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh." From this text and the sudden termination of deâ€" ceased‘s life, there was admirable opportunity to bring home to the audience the uncertainties of lifeand the wisdom of being in readiness for the Divine call. Floral donations on the casket, spoke the sympathy of several friends and consisted of a pillow from the family : wreath from brothers and sisters ; sprays from Mr and Mrs P. McLean, Mr and Mrs W. Bogle, Mr. and Mrs Geo Collinson, Mr and Mrs. Allan Bell. Six nephews acted as flower bearâ€" ers and were J. D. McDonald, Colâ€" lingwood ; Walter Nichol, Proton , Ivan Hincks, Egremont; Jno and on McCannel and Wm Hay, Proton. Relatives and friends present from a distance at the last rites were : Mr Peter Bell and family, Reddickâ€" ville : Geo Bell and family, Dundalk: Robt .Bell, Golden Valley, near Parry Sound ; Mr and Mrs Herb Nichol, Dundalk ; Mr and Mrs Wm Nichol, son and daughter, Proton : Mr and Mrs Jno Risk, son and daughter, Euâ€" phrasia : Mr and Mrs Geo Hincks, Mr and Mrs Arch Stewart, Mr and Mrs Geo. McVicar, all of Flesherton, as well as several other cousins from a distance. Pall bearers : Messrs Arch Clark, Neil A. McQueen, Wm McLeod, Chas Ferguson, Jas Wilson and Wm John Ececles. Mrs. Alex. MeDoMald wishes at this time to thank thie many friends and neighbors who ib her time of bereavement showed Nn so many ways kindness, help an§ sympathy. All Teachers ard School Boards will note that, as announced by the Minister of Education, the National Committee for the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation inâ€" tends to distribute medals to all school pupils who take part in the public exercises on Dominion Day and the following days. Hence all Domâ€" inion Day Celebration Secretaries, School Boards, and Teachers should coâ€"operate to secure the organized attendance and participation of all school pupils at these celebrations in order that every school pupilin South Grey may secure a commemorative Jubilee Medal which in the future will become a much prizol family The Minister of Education for Onâ€" tario announces that for the year 1928, the Legislative grants will be apportioned in accordance with the regulations in force for 1927, no change having been made. CARD OF THAM We wish to thank our neighbors for their kindn pathy extended to us dw bereavement. All School Boards, (Public, Continâ€" uation and High,) should notify Inâ€" spector R. Wright, Hanover, at onc«. as to the number of medals required and to whom they should be sent, so that the pupils entitled may receive Diamond Jubilee Medals Mrs. Rod. McEachern akd famiiyv CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS Kermiss shape, Rose floral patterns, reg. 25c each,.... Clear GLASS FRUIT NAPPIES June sale 2 for 9c 97 PIECE DINNER SETS White with gold band 97 PIECE DINNER SETS _ Bridal Rose pattern June sale, $29.50 set CHINA TEA POTS, SUGARS and Creams to match..... Big Slaughter Sale of CHINA and GLASSWARE for the Month of June June sale. 4 doz. for 89c CARD OF KHANKS Come and see our Special prices for this June Sale. Every article reduced in price for this month. June sale, $18.95 set June sale, 25¢ each riends and s and symâ€" our sad 0ory o r y ! _ SEALEIA TENDERS addressed to the undersined and endorsed "Teaâ€" der for blic Building, Durhara, IOnt" will betreceived until 12 o‘clock noon (daylighkt saving), Wednesdsy, , June 29th, 19#7, for the construction l of a public bQilding at Durham, Ont. Plans and { specifications can be seen and formk of tender obtained at the offices of the Chief Architeci, Department of Public Works, Ouaâ€" wa, the District\ Resident Archisect, 59 Victoria St,\Toronto, Ont., and | the Postmaster, Durham, Ont. U. 8. S NO. 10, GLEN‘G & EG‘T No. on roll 27. _ Ayv‘ge att‘ce, 24. Absent for one or more exams mark ed *. Sr IVâ€"â€"Mae McEachern, Katie Mc Kinnon, Martha Eckbardt. _ Jr Ivâ€" Roddie McEachern Robert Mclatyre, *Gladys McKinnon, John Jas Eckâ€" hardt, *Annie Wells. Sr IIIâ€"Mamie MacPhail, Anna Mae Melntyre, Arch. MacEachern. Jr IIâ€"Clifford Harmiâ€" son. Sr IIâ€"Winnie Proudley, Donalâ€" da MclLeod Alex McKinnon, Cecil Proudley, Florence McEachern, Edna Eckhardt, Anna Mae McEachern, D. K. McKinnon Perfect in spelling for the monthâ€"Winnie Proudley and D. MacLeod. _ Jâ€"Andress Eckhardt, M. MacEachern. _ Pr Aâ€"Rosalie McKinâ€" non, Orval McKinnon, Eddie Proudâ€" ley, Sadie Eckhardt. _ Pr Bâ€"Orval Harrison. F. M. McCuaig. teacher $. S. NO. 1, GLENELG Sr IVâ€"Douglas MceArthur 74. Jr IVâ€"Eliza Trafford 73, Willie Tra(â€" ford 60. _ Sr IHIIâ€"Mary Moore 85, J. McArthur 80, Jean MceGillivray 74, James Trafford 60, Teddy Moore 59. IHâ€"ClLâ€"Johnny McArthur 90, Gordon McGillivray 89, Glen Moore 67, craw ra McArthur 66, Elizabeth Brown 61. Prâ€"Kepnneth McArthur, Erma Stewâ€" art, J. A Brown, Furnetta Legateand Howard Legate equal,. _ Best in spel lingâ€"Mary Moore, _ Jean â€" MceGilliâ€" vray, James Trafford, Johnny MeArâ€" thur and Gordon McGillivray. No. on roll, 18. Att‘ce 16.5. 8. 8. S. NO. 7, GLENELG 8r IVâ€"Georgina â€" Eddy. Jr IV~â€"â€" Margaret Eddy, Margaret Quillinan, Willie Quillinan. Sr HMIâ€"Evelyn Mcâ€" Grath. _ JrHIâ€"Cecelia Quillinan, Marâ€" garet Black. IIâ€"Evelyn Haley, Ma> garet Anderson, Henry Massey, Rodâ€" erick Bowie. Srâ€"Jâ€"Catherine O‘Neil, Clinton Haley. Sr Prâ€"Desmond Andâ€" erson, Vincent McKeown, Mary Hal ey, Jr Prâ€" Mary McKeown, Donald O‘Neill. BIG CLEARANCE OF JUGS 8. S. NO. 1, NORMANBY Sr IVâ€"Melville Watson, Lucy Robâ€" in *Myrtle Marshall, Wilbert Petty, *Jack Smallman. Jr IIIâ€"Eigin Petty Tommy Watson, Walace Marshall, in ene Petty, Howard Marshall, Jessie Tenders will not considered anâ€" less made on the fi supplied by the Department d in accomance with the conditions lset forth therein. Each tender must] be accompanied by an accepted chegqge on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to CLEAR GLASS TUMBLERS June sale, 2 for 9c 21 PIECE CHINA TEA SETS Beautiful scenic patternsâ€"6 crps, 6 saucers, 6 plates, 1 cream jug, 1 sugar bow!, 1 TeR DBOL@: ... 1: sÂ¥s« Â¥aagsams PLAIN WHITE CUPS June sale, 98¢ doz. 97 PIECE DINNER SET Floral PRELONR .;«.::=@14»%s June sale, $25.00 set apartment of Public W Ottawa, June 13, 1927. All patterns and sizes; come and pick them out at ...... SCHOOL REPORTS Merron C. McArthur, teache; June sale, $2.98 set 10¢, 15c, 19¢ and 25¢ Velma Carter, Teacher Proprietor Lawrence, Susie Greenwood, Eddle Lawrence. Jr IIIâ€" Doris Lawrence, Clarence McNally, _ Sr. IIâ€"Jas Wiâ€" gon, Gordon Greenwood, Davey Aljoe John Collinson, Allie MceGirr. Jr IU â€"â€"Margaret Brown. Sriâ€"Cecil Brown Jr. Iâ€"Dorothy Lawrence, Victor Arâ€" nett, Harry Lawrence. Jr. Pr.â€"Phyt lis Lawrence, Violet Collinson, Ar thur Newell, Cliffori Lindsay, Velma McNally, Murray Greenwood. Pr A â€"Charlie Brown, Olive Newell, Rupâ€" ice Atkinson. Average attend‘ce, 81% kins, Bertha McNally. 8r IHâ€"Davey Allen, Irene Collinson, Clarence Harâ€" grave, Nelson Hunt, Lillian Collinson Marshalt, Susie Marsbhall Jr IIâ€" *Wilfrid Marsball _ Sr 1â€"Melyvilie Robins. Jr Iâ€"Allan Watson. _ Jr Pr â€"*Milfred Robins, Bernice Koenig. A Classâ€"*Norman Robins, Mable Marshail. *Present every day. No. on roll 19. Average attendance 16.6. Daisy Mather, teacher May and June, 1927 8r IVâ€"Ethel Mervyn, Bery! Falk ingham, Doris Taylor, Orma Burnett, Josephine Falconer. Jr IVâ€"Gertie Harrison, George Meâ€" Kechnie, Bowman Jamieson, John Schutz, John Styles. .Sr III Aâ€"Genevieve Saunders, Norâ€" ha Allan, Helen Young, Clifford Mcâ€" Girr, Elsie Falkingham. 8. F. MacDonald, teacher Jr III Aâ€"Frances Hay, Louiso Jamâ€" leson, Margaret Sibbald, Ina McDonâ€" ald, Percy Greenwood. Sr III Bâ€"FloyA Kearns, Maude Stoâ€" rrey, Lewis McComb, Dorothy Meâ€" Farlane, Frank Hulme. Jr III Bâ€"Lorne Prew, Agnes Wal ker, Benoy Firth, Eric Grif, B Firth. Fdna A. Browning, teacher 8r II Aâ€"Florence Havens, Artbur Koch, Sadie MacEachern, Mary Pick ering, Susie Bell. 8r II Bâ€" Crawford Vollett, Marie Calder, Norman Tucker, Jack Gagâ€" non, Gordon MecGirr. Clara McCrae, teacher Jr II Aâ€"Jean Rowe, Clara Thomp son, Essel MacArthur, Mary Firtb, Dorothy MacDonald. Jr JI Bâ€"Winnifred Osborne, Bert Trafford, Ethel Erwin, Peggy Logan, Norman Greenwood. Mary E. Morton, teacher $r Iâ€"Clark Saunders, Bobby Milne Gordon Graham, Dorothy Ashley, Velâ€" Jr Iâ€"Gordon Kennedy, Jack Lioyg Jean Murdock, Jean McLean, A Wells Donalda McEachern, teacher 8r Primer A and Bâ€"Jessie Grant, Margaret Sparling (Ruth Nichol and Boyce Howell) equal, Elmer Glen hoime, Gertrude Holmes and Helea Lawrence) equal, Helen Gagnon. Dates arranged at Herald Offce, Dar dalk, also through Durham Review and Flesherton Adrance. Geo. E. Duncar, Dundalk °P. O. Phbone 42 r 42. $r Primer Bâ€"Betty Macintyre, C MacCallum, Jack Griff, Marjory Mid dleton, Mary Town. Jessie B. Witthun, teacher Jr Pr Aâ€"Lois Wilsoh, Emily Corn wall, Ross Lauder, Florence Greon wood, Hilliam Schenk. Phone 2, r12 PRICEVILLE, ONT Jr Pr. Câ€"Elmer Arnott, Johnny Collier, Arlene Rogers, Madeline Vor lett, Mamie Thompson. Jr Pr Bâ€"George Aljoe, Eulalia Wi son, George Ball, Archie McDougail Reta Glenholme. DR. C. McLELLAN Graduate, University of Toroats Successor to Dr. Mair. Office and Residence, MAIN STREET, HOLSTEIN, ONT. Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey Terms, reasonable. Sale dates must be arranged at the Review Office, Licensed Auctioneer for County Grey Sale dates may be arranged at the Review Office or with self, _ Term» moderate. _ Satisfaction guaranteed. If you plan a sale, phone 604, ring Residence: R. R. No. 2, Pricevilie Phone 607: ring 2â€"5. DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL 8r IVâ€"May Graduate of Toronto University (Successor to the late Dr. Blake) June 10th to July 10th DURHKHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, Gilson Agent Phoae Day and|}Night, 140 test improvement in Washers. This is a high class Washer and reasonable in price, For Sale at On Cypress tub Gilson Snow Bird Washing Machines. Do not miss this reduction in price. REUBEN C. WATSON GEORGE E. DUNCAN Special June Bride Washer Sale TORONTO We also have the new alumiâ€" J. E. MiLNE, M. B. JOHN O‘NEIL NO 9, Lizzie Schaefer, seacaer

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