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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jun 1927, p. 8

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a' 4 Ill, Ci 'i Pl m tl Sudden Death of M. B. Teacher I!” Agnes H. Mckerraeher, M A Who wouldn’t Buying g'lt ml] stocks an lea the smalrtmmmerctttmt toiryoutthenqeeiti-d rswirtespeop1earektA- ing for - on which the margin of ptof.t is ttryrrtey than" on staple lips. 1-month hum keep. down the mp' inven- r rt,cmtladditiomiquan- was or odd in: an ;'wp,ysbetxderedtrrLmg instance. u ing businea retailers have never been able to Show as many up-to-date styles as now. make his store" the bum headquarters for a large surrounding territcry. Friday, July 1 to Sat. July 9 .l,.l,. Midway Attractions Old Time Concerts Old Time Games A Long List of Special Attractions OWEN SOUND Old Home Week ands Everybody Th elcome to tome tc Owen Sound and join in the Fun. Complete Pn cram every day. Nine Bands Horse Racing Athletics Firnotks FRIDAY. JULY lat-Old Time Dominion Dar Celebra- tion. Horse Racing. Sports. Calitbumpians. Fireworks and Dancing. . SATURDAY, JULY 2nd-Toronto Day. Program by n ox-Owon Sounders. 9 SUNDAY, JULY 3rd- Church Dar. Old Boys in pulpit: nnd Choir. MONDAY. JULY 4th--Settoot 1nd Aquatic Day. American vi" TL'ESDAY. JULY Sth- Industrial Buy. tom' Day. WEDNESDAY. JULY 6th-- Soldier! Dar Second Brigade Will be 2 Diamond Jubilee Celebration In my at Owen Sound and will take THURSDAY. JULY 7ttt--udies' my MAY. JULY 8ttt--Athtetie Day. SATURDAY. JULY 'ttr-Charing Day 9 Bil DAYS of Entertainment and Fun 9 See om PM for Deans of etch Day's Events. Thanks to this - on which the ' proiititrgreater l aj?lert.nen.Wm1- f additiomtlquart- ', odd in: can i ll ll Cont. KUd Exam. Results only daughter ot Mr and Mrs Wm. Mekermeherot Game. and tor three years teacher of English in Mt For- est High School. died " 11 p.m. on Tuesday, after only a few hours‘ ill- ness. During the past year she vis- ited the war area on the European continent. obtaining some very in. teresting information. The following students have ob- tained standing in the Lower School subjects of the Normal Entrance course. which appear after their names .' J. Aberdein (Arith. Bot., Gram., Phy- slog.) B Arum (Art. Bot., Can. Hist, Geog) D Haas (Arum. Bot., Gram., Phys.) H. Has (Arith.. Bot., Physics.) I. Hustle (Art. Bot., Can.Hlat.. Geog) "M. Henderson (Bot) M. Holliday (Bot.) M. E. Holliday (Art. Bot., Can. Hist., R. W .Holliday (Art, Bot., Can Hist. Geog.) B. Irvin (Arith., Bot., Gram.. Phys'g) V. McDougul (Adm, Bot., Gram., Physics.) I. MeEaettern Wot, Can Hist, Gram.) T. McMillan Wot., Physlog.)) M. McPhaden (An. not. Can Hlat., H. Finder (Art. Bot., Geog.) C. Queen tBot., Gram.. Physics.) Eh Ross (Art. Bot., Can Hist. Geog) C. Smith (mm, Bot.. Gram.) ‘ertlng on Middle School subjects William Pie Ellis: 1 single tube Milo set l cabinet le radio set 1 loud maker 1 Monarch Tr ter 1 2% home pow gasoline engine 1 battery chaser 1 Chevrolet Auto bile and other The (Ella? articles are offered for sale. T use" of the estate of articles These article: m be inspected and purchased {mm C. Calder ot Holstein. Ont. who ia ting as agent for the undersigned T tee. DATED at Kitchener is 13th day of June, 1927. The a." "8laNEE'8 SALE Walter D. Irnrie, L..A, Trustee Mus Florence West. daughter ot Rev. nnd Mrs West, formerly of Hor stein. was operated upon for append- lclus in Granville hospital last week. At ttme of writing she is Co in: nicely. Mr Wm Thoma of the Bank ot Montreal tstatt, Stratford. ls spend- ing his nation with his parents, Mr and Mrs E. Thorne. Mrs Jas Ecclea and Mr Bert Eccles attended the funeral of the late Mus Peter Reid In Durham Monday. Rev and Mrs by left Tuesday to attend the funerals ot Mr and Mrs. Grahlm and Mrs G. Beatty of Amer. until. who were killed in I. level crossing accident 12 miles north of Orangeville on the CPR crossing. Mr and Mrs Jay were well acquainted with the deceased in their last path torate. Mr and Mrs Herb Lamont visited with Mr and Mrs Geo Bye over the week end. ll% Mrs and Miss Parr who have been visiting mother and sister for the past month returned to their home in Toronto the tirat of the week. Mr N McGuire, accompanied by' Mrs Jas Ecclea. Mrs Jan Woodyard and Mrs Wm Tyndall, motored tol Conn to attend the corner Mommy.I ing of the new United Church tone erected this summer. I Immediately fol ing the football game between Holst n and o Sound here next Thurs, no 23, a play entitled 'The Adventu s or Grandpa' wlll be given in the A 'Hall by the young people ot B. B. o. 8 under the ausplces of the 'l Society. Rush seats. Admission 3 and 25c. Rev. W. Johnston and Miss Winter were in Fordwich last week attend- ing the wedding of Miss Winter's sister Charlotte to Mr Jno. F. Phup of Mt Forest. Rev Johnston omciay ed at the wedding. The B. G. Dist. Annual Meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday, June 21 in the United Church. Mr and Mrs Archer, Toronto, Vis- ited her parents, Mr and Mrs Jno. Garson the t1rtst of the week. Mr Arthur Backus who came trom the West to attend his mother's fun- eral, spent a day with his sister. Mrs John Lelth. Mr and Mrs R Andrews, Hornings Mills and Mr and Mrs A Punston of Corbetton. visited the tirat of the week with Mr and Mrs Geo Burrows. STANDING of MT FOREST LEAGUE Leafs Twinks (Holstein) Giants ..........' Pickets ..........r Orioles.......... Owén Sound 3 Holstein 2 Swinton Park _ 1 Ayton 0 HOLSTEIN I, SWINTON Holstein won their tirtgt softball league game on he local nthietic tield Tuesday evening by the score ot 25 -15. Holstein run up a big score in tre first three innings which was e- nough to win. Lynch pitched a. cre- ditable game outside ot the seventh inning when the visitors tallied nine runs. In this inning A, Stewart hit a triple and J. O'Brecht a home run. Lucas hit tor the circuit in the third for the locals. Line-up: MT. FOR- EMU-stewart, Gregor, J. O'Brecht,F' O'Brecht, K. Stewart. Beachm. Itil. ston, Morrison. Samueis. HOLSTEIN --Eecles, Cockburn, Walls. McCauley Fenton, McDougall. Lyncr, Brown.Lu- cas. Umpiresr--0. Fenton, EO'Brecht Score by inn’gs 123456780 MtPor (Giants) 10 O 1 3 0 9 0 115 Hoi. (Twinks) 8 4 8 012 2 0 x 25 Holstein Won their second gameof the eeuon Friday evening of last week when they defeated Swlnton Park I-o in treloaely contested game at the latter place. Holstein now are in mend place but need to win their regaining met. to hold it. The night was cold and a strong west wind blowing, nevertheless it was a good exhibition of soccer with both teams working the hall toward their opponent'tt goal by means of clever combination. The wind made the ahooting erratic and many good trys went wide or high. Swinton Park won the toss. Iiol- stein having to play up against the wind and the sun in their eyes, which was a big disadvantage. But even a- gainst these odds they more than held their own and the forwards led by Captain Clements worked in time after time for shot: on goal. The only goal of the game wan scored in the first 10 min. by S. McKenzie on a shot that McMillan misjudged, the ball bouncing over his head into‘ the goal. Urged on by their success the forwards kept pressing and each one had shot: on goal but McMillan made some brilliant saves. 3". Park were in close on several occasions lint their attempts were broken up by the veteran: myth and Gibson who played welltogether Sw. Park played better fottttmnin the 2nd but and were unlucky not to tie up the score. AI itEB-ll'u'élt JG HOLSTEIN LEADER GROUP NO. 4 STANDING -- _ Wpn Lost points TVVINKS 25, GIANTS 15 W011 1000 on two occasions but Holman dear- ed. Bed Finder In the cloning mm. utes of the gum dabbled the Inn clone in only to hit me “you Sunday of o. Sound. ' Wain u a team played their but me or the moon. every man phyla; his petition. The defense. and good Judgment on breaking up tubes while the forwards used a nut mung - Clements being the our ot the Holstein team with McMillan tor, the opposing team. Next week ttusirrrnd 0. Bound team who are leading the group play in Holstein. Don't miss this game. Come, meet old friends and some new At Orchard picnic which is due, On June 17 if It shine. If it rain, 24th will be the time, Come with your lunch and some cups And we'll an them up for you; Come Orchard friends to Finder's bush, To have a race and play softball. Orchan; has a speed cop, He passes here each day: Now watch your step and don't get fresh, Or he'll take your rights away. Mr and Mrs Thos Stewart and son of Holstein, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Thompson Sunday. Mrs McIlvrlde who has not been tty good health .has gone on a visit to her daughter, Mrs McPhee. The weather keeps quite cool and considerable frost, but the crops ap- pear to be thriving. Mrs W. C. Dickson who has been:, suitering from rheumatism tor we last two months has improved con- siderahle . She now has a. bad attack of tonsilius but we soon hope to hear of her enjoying her usual health. I Mr Norman Dickson who had his knee hurt while playing ball at Hol- stein, is improving, but it will be some time before he will be able to take his place on the field again. Mr Wm Morrison who was struck try Mr Oscar Hahn's car when driv- en by his son. is lying in a. very cri- tical condition,- suffering much pam trom the bruises he received. The Dr says there are no bones broken. Through careless driving and other causes. the autos are taking a heavy toll. One would think these swilt drivers would steady down to 25 or 30 miles an hour instead ot sixty Miss Jean Smith who has a posi- tion in a wholesale tran store at Kitchener, motored up last Saturday and returned Sunday night. The relatives, and old friends of this neighborhood, were in Durham yesterday. attending the funeral of the late Mrs Peter Reid (formerly Martha Eccles) who passed away on Friday, after long suffering with cancer. Miss Oliver, sister“ ot our M.P.P., was the recipient ot the silver cup and gold medal at the Public Speak- ing Contest in Pricevllle lust Satur- day. Miss P. Rolufs of No. 9, is also receiving congratulations on winning the silver medal. Mr Hopkins Sr., Mr and Mrs F'. Hopkins Jr. and Miss Mabel, visited at J. McKenzie's South Bend, the be- ginning ot the week. Mabel remain- ed with her Mater for s couple or They returned Friday evening and 1 reception was tendered them " the home of the M1601 pu-onu. The A number of our ladies expect to attend the Presbyterial in Hardston today. Tuesday. Despite the rain, a goodly number of the Dromore W.M.S. gathered last Thursday In the home of Mrs. Jan Button and enjoyed the after. days. Mia; G. McDonald, who has been staying with her cousin Mrs A.Nich- olson, returned home to Hopevme the tirat ot the week. Jasper Whyte who is tustsitstingtsith the County mad work near Dun. dalk. was home for Sunday. Mrs w. has returned to Lucknow and Percy to Detroit. Mr W H, Rogers, representing the Yeovil U. P. o. Club, attended the executive meeting in Pricevnle Bat. urday lust. for Toronto. the bride tnvellm-g Ina navy blue coat and with blonde shoes and stockings and but to match. the mom'- ami, Sumo m. - I We extend our sum to Hi.- 3.} Mr and Mrs Alex Drimmle. also Mr and Mrs Norman Drimmie had a pleasant outing last week end. Fri. day evening they were guests at Oshawa Hospital, attending the grad- uation ot their daughter and ulster Mary, to whom we extend congratu- lations. They also visited Toronto friends a couple of dye. A deer hos been seen times in our locality. 1 companions were also near. A pretty and interesting wedding took place at Mt. Forest United Ch. on Wednesday. June lat at 2.30 o' clock. when Rev. Mr Facey united in marriage Miss Linen Pearl. daughter of Mr and Mrs Thou Bailey, Egre. mont, and David Alma Page of Mlnto Twp., son of Mrs Wes. MeLuhan. and overlace and veil with orange blossom. She carried . bonnet of white carnatlons and fern. The wed- ding music was rendered by Albert Lyons. Following the ceremony, the young couple left on n honeymoon The bride was unattended and Giv- en in marriage by her father and was cunning in a town of white, satin :th 19t'KHAttlt Klimt-1v PAGE - DAILEY tyhtrArtity ARCHIVES TORONTO 'm handled ltr Stem seen different Likely Its Play at Nrmre on Tuesday The Ayton ninth Society will put on their 9 y AN ARIZ NA COWBOY" In mu aux, mom. on Tuesday m. ........__, -_..__ in mu Hall. mm. on , June tut, a " p.111. Ada Mult- aSc. chm 20c. Thin ig . nylon play tad put on by the A young Everybody come enhy I in mu Btli, ' on Tuesday June 8ut, " " Inn. Admission: mu 86e, cull Me. Tttia is 3 nylon our and Is well put on by the A young people. Everybody come on)” an even- ing's entertainment nder the lus- plceu ot the Ladies' Aid, Dromore. Special music will be provided. Mr and In; Hymer of Mutual. also Mr Henry Stephenson ot the West. visited at Tho: Hornsby's last week. Miss Grace Range visited with her brother Reggie recently. ---- Congratulations to Miss E. Oliver, who won the gold medal at the Pub. lie Speaking contest in Prieevitie on Saturday last. 7 -m, extend sympathy to Mr Peter Reid, formerly of North Egremont, In the death of Mrs Reid. Mr add Mrs Victor Noble of town spent Sandy at Mr John Mggegzie‘s A number from here took in the Football match at B. Park last Fri- day and witnessed I close game. " was rather exciting when some of Holstein lads started to mix things with Murray Small. one of Swlnton's husky halt hacks. Three to one may seem fair to a county constable but somehow or other it looks yellow to A little girl arrived at the home or Mr and Mrs Harold Lawrenoe Sun- day last. Mrs Martha Stephenson is improv. ing slowly after her accident last week, tuMre_xpeelt' to get up and n- week. Mr and Mrs Jas Geddes are spend ing this week with relatives in Dur There was a large crowd at Pe/ Softball game in Wm Lelth's field on: Monday evening. Holstein starting} " at a fast clip and it appeared {my} would clean up again. but the locals', impmved and won out, the score trec ing "--eo In their favor. Howern; has a hard hitting team. All they lack Is a good catcher. Why not; give Jim 3 chance ? Varney will play: here next Tuesday ev'g, June let. l Mr Jan Lamina disposed of his Ford and now drives a Durant. Jim goes to Owen Sound this, week on the Jury. guest- ot Mr and Mrs T. Wlameyer only in the week. We were pleased to have members of the Whitetond family ot Detroit a.- mong u. again. They Are calling on old friends and neighbors Ind am; in the wedding ot was Ellubem Hughe- to in Albert Melton.“ on WM! of can mix. Mr and In Noah Schenk were the guest- ot Mr and Mrs T. Wlameyer early in the week. We were pleased to have members ot the Whitetord family of Detroit IV mob; no again. They ere calling on old friends Ind neighbor: and um: A goodly representation from locality attended the cemetery on, Tuesday last Delpite the inciemency ot the wea- ther Thursday, a goodly number of hdie: gathered " the church tomeet the ladies from Hanover or the'Unn. ed church " their misaloxury meet- meeting. An interesting talk and ad- dress was given by Mrs suples and with duet- and solos a. pleasant " ternoon puke?!“ GTG @1332 clos- In; lunch In: served tn the' tmae mom. - - --_ee --__. w-nma m the wedding ot Miss Elizabeth Hughe- to Mr Albert “would on Wednudgy of this week. Mr And In Henna Bruno visited nth Mr and In Wm Benn recenuy. m and In Albert Garland: and My spent the week end mum- Mi ind Mrs Thos Daly were at Pike Luke last week, at a shower hte for Mr and Mrs Page. Miss Anhle Morrison accompanied her brothers to London where she im texyjs tgAreAmam tor the present. Mr Geo. Pollock, who spent a fort- night with his son in Toronto, re- ttreed home lately. The friends and neitrinkGiGi Wm. Hut-Ler spent an enjoyable evening " his home Friday. a was listened to an instructive program after the business part was over. A pgper was read by Miss Vera Mr and M!" M Geddea spent a pleasant evening with Mr and Mrs G. Saga: thy 3nd ot In: week. Mrs w. J. Allan attended the Pres- bytery at Harriston Tuesday. ‘Mr and Mrs Ed. Lindsay. Mr Lorne Allan and Miss Black spent Sunday with relatives in Mt Forest. The service which was conducted in St Paul’s Church Sunday by the new rector, Rev. Mr Hays, was much appreciated by those present and hope to see a. better representation in future. Glad to know the teacher ot this section, Miss L Black has been re- engaged. Mr and Mrs Jan Tucker apentlast Friduy with friends in Formosa. An enjoyable gathering ot ladies met at 'Bonnie View Farm' the home of Mrs M. W. Byers, it being the monthly meeting of the Allan Park Women's Institute last Wednesday afternoon. About 3tr--both members Perk end a recitation from Miss E. McLean. Then a bean guessing Con. test in which Miss label Marshall won let prize. guessing about the ex- lct number. The meeting closed with the national anthem and a socinl time was held while lunch was disposed of. later all gathered on the spaczoua high to have a. few snaps taken. Mr Baht. Davis who spent the past two months at the home of Thos. Moore, has returned home beingrath. er lndiaposed and under the Dr's care, but is " present recuperating. The pupils who Are tltiiGiitiCii. School have now I well-earned bou- dtenyntneintr on Monday. Racy on the growing of uttude, in}; 'King of ulsdl’: a. duet try two or gur_mus{cal young ladies from Allan Miss Gertrude anrencé Is visiting friends in Detroit at present. NORTH EGREMONT Al IANS CORNERS mué by the mi or this HAMPDEN this imam Sharp and)“: W. Per, who were Monster S. E. Grey called to Durham Int week to tne bedside of their mother who turd sub fared a paralytic stroke and passed I- Way before gaining eontseiousness. Do you enjoy seeing soft ball or hard ball games , Or would you pre- fer pitching horse shoes or running races T. 0r possibly you would rath- er dance on a. polished platform to the music of Hacker's orcheiut. No, well then, Tom Hammett. Beottlsh comedhn. will imuse you. or Daisy In mush, wilt sing tor you in Co+ tume. " clog or step dunclng ap- peal: to-you, then see Mule White ney. Lilian Butte wilt preside at the ney. piano. The Mnrkdale Highland Band will play or if you want spanking. “use: A. C. McPhnil, M. P., will addicts you on "Our relation between the member and the constituency” and F'. R. Oliver, M. P. P., on “Canada's Sixtieth Birthday." All this in Jake Lover’s one picnic bun. one mile north of Flesherton. may, June 24, from 1 o'clock to 1 o'clock. Seeds Learning White Cap, Wisconsin Corn No 7, Bailey at $2.60 a bus. Eureka and Comptons Early $3.25 Sunflower seed Put some with the corn. 20e 9. lb. RAPE SEED Genuine Dwarf Essex Eng- lish, Ile 11 lb Clover Seed We have this in 20, 30 and 40 Rod Rolls. also coil spring and bulk fence wire. In June you will need these. ‘ Frost Wire Fence Best quality Western Oats, extra quality Redeem-d Screenings, Oat Feed. Tuna, Mixed Grain of Oats, Barley and When, testing 42 lbs. per has. Yellow Kiln Dried Corn :21??? It" Corn for Spring and Como Where you always get it good. THAT’S SERVICE Best relhble brand. on m of m. " “a SXud $lhtglei New Bnuuwick Extra. All at 'eteeseoasausmtstr Im- an- my: market. See them an! be convinced ot the guilty. THE PEOPLE’S MILLS, Mt. Forest Red Clover and Alfalfa. ANNUAL MEETING Muzzle Seed and Turnip Seed at 50c and 75c ty lb. ll. F. 0. Picnic . lf. (iROAT Due to crowded conditions, who! reports ire be” over I not. Laval Crud" Fatality Another shocking level min: ta- any took place on Saturday momma " Cmmble's erasing. name (waln- Lriiuorth of or-lilo, on INC, P. R., when Mr And In Wm J. tirtr lnm ot Commit. Annmh To. and their Winter. In Geo. Bonny on the cane. comb“) met their dam. Three others, Wm Gm " Mm. Tho: Burnside and In Bonnie‘s 9 you old daughter Aileen were mar; or less seriously Injured. Many Children and “abutment. H EMULSION Take Cod-liver Oil JUNE 16, It's Keep StrongOn We still have a small quantity of Way To A Some ' 1 garden and son «as ', to u. " and 25c. Ph - ,rte. Gun-m at " The Van”) The Inn I Pict' m U. F Cltt It. L. If]; t'y day afternoon. ul gran. Dunn p TI Mk. tn CANOI commence-s ttt Otiver, M. " I “an” thr. u low martin rome early VOL. L, NO 2 The annual hie. will be 1 Cattle _ Stu yed a column mark 0mm Burns Allan Park Ptcttie Quite a but" Cl In hardball Remind "i, Heir: to Billion The following even Accudc Mr Thos J Noda- 11- En Mrs Jos. Moore and Mrs Mootw. who un- among thw the Edwards wine. which. luged. runs into billions. we to attend above meeting " of the serious Illness of Ir Here's hoping the Illness l about dttmtimt and that ll ot tte auto my be (we um mum In)? [Chem latfomt pn njoymem. "I" tad 80hr: Church Gard: ll new :32..v " I ,n( kt an Hill M M rt u. ‘UI

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