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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jun 1927, p. 7

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try, attractod misccleanng k1tcDh "G 9Y the The singerâ€"he sticksâ€"to the songs he can sing, *&. _ The hooferâ€"he sticks to the Géance, But the man in the office can‘t do any work, So he just sits and sticks to his pants. The Fight Against Bolshevism. Pa:ris Temps: Democratic countries are solid in the stroggle against Bolsâ€" Rkevism, the destroyer of all civilizaâ€" tion. it is a question of life us death for the western world. Even the fact Â¥hat the Soviets are taking part in the Keoncmic Conference at Geneva, in eondi(ions which uniquely reveal their preoccupation in finding credits which will rerw‘!t them to continue their dangerons _ propaganda, could . not ereate vow and easy illusions in this sespeci. Having failed in China, Mosâ€" «ow is anxicusly looking again toâ€" wards Kurope, in crder to resume on a wew basis bor revolutionary efforts, The preventive service will have three fast cruisers the Vigilante, Eayfield and Bayhound, in commisâ€" sion within two weeks. The Bayfield, which has been out of service for some time, is being reâ€"conditioned. Fay ci Purdy,. The new cruiser, formerly known as the "Tillicum" will be renamed the Eazhound and will be commissioned immediately and shipped from Montâ€" real to cither Saint John, N.B., or Digby, N.S. The Bayhound will be eapsble of mairtaining a speed of 17 Inots. Ot‘awa.â€"Another fast cruiser been purchased for the use of Customs Prevertive, Services in Bay of Furdy. 5 NEW CRUISER FOR CUSTOMS SERVICE Fast Craft Takes Up Prevenâ€" tive Work in Bay of Fundy. Storekeeper â€" "Yessir, here you are." When she goes out with her young man and eats a large dinner and then a supper after the show they call her a stuffed date. PBoyâ€"‘"Thank you." Storekeeperâ€"*"Hey, there, where‘s the one?" Boyâ€""i‘m the ons." Boy to Storekeeperâ€""Have you got four quarters for a one*" Lot‘s wife has nothing much on Mrs. Dave Kirk. The former looked back and turned into a pMHMlar of salt; Mrs. Dave looked back and turned inâ€" to a telephone pole. Civilization is improving. It is no longer thought necessary to try to teach every little boy and girl to play the piano. * The soldier boy sticks to his guns through the fray, The. shoemaker sticks to his last, The laborer sticks to his job tlil it‘s done, The sailor boy sticks to the mast. che COWLâ€"LAFFS irringtonâ€""Have you rringtonâ€""No. I just used the one to overdraw my own acâ€" ur vacation‘s came and went, e setlled for another year, _ onr money has been spent Mollic is again back herc. w h Jan rep whone. awbone of an ass reply of a scholar o With Leaghter) her _ asked the class with ipon Samson slew ‘the Phil He got no reply. is this?" he asked. pointine In Hot Weather. vacatilon having few, i shall he who sings nd verse be tharnkfal to ky starsâ€"and things! and worry money brings, that it is spent; your lucky stars and things i, my dear, have went. ao will soon be here, have cause to thank «tars and things, my dear, y in the bank. s can‘t work before takâ€" on for thinking about it ds for talking about it. Some Do he asked, pointing 3t A ideas _ of bad css not a blank was the the the Vienna Neues Tageblatt: .(The deâ€" pressed economic condition of Austria is furniehing an impetus to the camâ€" paign for union with Germany.. Paris would do well not to lose sight of the fact that there is an Austrain problem ‘.nd that this problem is constantly inâ€" ereasing in importance through the misery of the working population and the still greater misery of those who are unemployed. This is why, if Paris looks with disfavor on the movement for union with Germany, she should not confine herself to an inflexible negative, but should sound the political and economic sentiments which are in evidence in Central Europe. We (Austria) have been advised to adopt the remedy of a strict economic union with the other couatries remain deaf to all proposals. In the meanwhile, we cannot even exist like human beings. He (between the acts): "Just going for a littte fresh air dear." She: "A little draught you mean, I suppose." Experiments of more than 30 years have proven that i\lu!mi- num is the best container for tea, and paper the poorest. Red Rose Tea is now packed only in Aluminum, and every Failure to slow down at intersecâ€" tions and such places. package is guaranteed to be in perfect condition.. b Leaving the curb, having just parkâ€" ed or stopped, without regard for and signals to passing traffic. s Al} simple mistakes and common in Ontario. Paste them on your windâ€" shields where you can see them if you are an offender. Passing another machine on its right and overtaking another machine on the right side. _ A few of the many types of law infractions and violations of the laws of common sense which were brought before the meeting, presided over by Edward Quinn, were: "Hogging the road," i.e., driving slowly and to the left of the right side of the road. Points brought out at the recent meeting of the Quebec Safety League are well worth publishing for the ediâ€" fication of Ontario motorists. ' "It is going to require more ingenuâ€" ity in the future to keep them inâ€" [terestecl. to keep a business prosperâ€" ing, than ever was necded before. Any man who thinks he has found a royal road to success and rests on his discovery is very likely to find his reyal road abruply turning into a deadâ€"end street. Any business exâ€" ecutive who does not closely follow the news of science, engineering, economics, and business these days, and keep constant watch of social developments, relating them in his mind constantly to his own business, is Hable suddenly to find himself over in a backwater eddy. On the other hand, alert business management, watchful of trends, quick to grasp new ideas and test them on a laboraâ€" tory scale as possible additions to a ‘bag of tricks,‘ will find the America and the Canada of the next few years mighty fine places in which to do business." of this movement, this undercurrent of engineering and #scientific proâ€" gress is a threat to the security of the man who sits snugly by, feeling safe in his business or his industry. And it is matched by as much underâ€" cover progress in the public mind, which also has a definite bearing on business. freat deal Americea any definit undercurre uncercurrert experimentati try seethes w ne Safety Notes from Quebec. Kill Insect _ Pests / _ NP WY s amantiihn ds siaic 5:sns 4424 M@tertén with BcHevue ard Alled Mespitais, New York=City; ofers c (oree years‘ Course #1° Tosibinz to young~ women, huving the requircd eduorlion, red desirous cf becoming nurses. This Mowlicl bes acorted the eight» RowP cygtom, The puntls reccive uniferms of the Sehoob a mantit» tinwanse . andâ€"travelâ€" Germany and Austria. 0 Openss to And from New uen Inlorcamiion write the S sLNCING TNMES NURSES write the Mndnn.n-'. Dusiness "Bag of Le Monde Ouvrier (Ind.): Since the birth of the cinematograph, the cinema has been accused of every imâ€" aignable and imaginary evil. It has been described as the destroyer of family and social life. . . . The deâ€" truction of family and social life is due to other causes vastly more comâ€" plex and more deeplyâ€"rooted. Can one honestly affirm that society would be better without the cinema? It is evidently not the case, for the reâ€" proaches which we heap on society1 were addressed to it a hundred years ago, two hundred years ago, and everj; since. In the country, where there is no cinema, are the younger generaâ€" tion relatively better than they are in the towns? They are just as greedy for pleasure and entertainâ€" ment. Ministerâ€"‘"I hear, Paddie, they‘ve gone dry in the village where your brother lives." Paddieâ€""Dry, mon! They‘re parched. I just had a letter from Mike and the postage stamp was stuck on with a pin.â€"Bagology. A doctor says lazy people have no sense of humor. He who laughs least loafs longest. Sheâ€""For a week, maybe, then you‘d remember that slavery‘s been abolished." | Proof of these siatements is given | by Mrs. Ed. Lanoro, Stoney Point, !()nt., who says:â€""For a long time I ‘had been in a very miserable condiâ€" | tion, always fecling tired out, sleepy }aud weak. The loast work about the house would leave me helplessly tired | and nothing that I did seemed to give relief. Believeing that a rest might | do me good, we moved to town, but, !comrury to espectations, instead of _getting better I was growing steadily weaker. One day while talking to a fnolghbor. she wuiged my taking Dr. ;Wimams’ Pink Pils, telling me that her daughter had been in a condition much like mine. This persuaded me to try this medicine, and I have much reason to be gratefn! that I followed her adivee. After the use of a few boxes of the pilis, there could be no doubt that they were helping me, and as I continued their use my health and strength came back and now I am doing all my work and feeling in the best of health. For this splenâ€" did condition I must give my thanks to Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills." Heâ€""Marry me and I‘ll be your slave." The pills are sold by all druggists, or you can get them by mail at 60¢ a box from The Dr. Williams‘ Mediâ€" cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Frankfort Zeltung: (The Cermra Republicrn Defemee Act, by which the German Covernmeni mey take measâ€" wres to preveni the seturn of the exâ€" Kaiser, bes bocoms law.) Side by side with the 8th Novewber, 19i8, and th> lith August, 1918, the 17th May, 1927, wil remain memorable in the history of the deciine of the Monarehist‘ Conâ€" stitution in Germary. On the first of these dates the monsrchy gave itseif up by means cf chdication. On the second it was lesally abolished by the‘ National Assembly. On the third it was timidly and feebly surrendered by the old Prussian Monsrchist party it self, ... Hie who has eyes to see can after this day no longer beleve that a| return of the monarchy is possible in| Germany. | There are many women who pass theit days in a constant state of weariness. They have barely sufAâ€" clent energy to c1iable them to perâ€" form their manifold duties. Often ! they have an sching hoad, a miserâ€"| able pain in the back, and limbs thatl feel as heavy as lead. The whole{ trouble is due to bloodiassness. No‘ woman nced suffer in this way. It is | easy to obtain a suppiy of rich red | blood by taking Dr. Williams‘ Pink ; Pills. _ The new blood created by | these pills rapicly builds up the sys-g tem; headaches and backaches disâ€"| appear, energy reiurns and the joy of | living is felt onee more Gain New Vitality by Building Up the Bload. The Movies and the Home. HOREY WHQ 1BE UEAK The End of the Genwcan Monarchy. apesenicusucs cce t sally abolished by the bly. On the third it feebly surrendered by i Monarchist party itâ€" o has eves to see can Afterward a number of aboriginals from the Baarmbah settlement, fanâ€" tastically garbed and painted for the occasion, rushed into the ring with spears, boomerangs and woomeras and began a spearâ€"throwing competiâ€" tion. The spears were thrown a great height and quivering in the air, landâ€" ed point first in the ground around one of the performers who constitutâ€" ed himself the target. The spears fell in showers almost at his feet as he moved away at various distances. The boomerangâ€"throwing was no less inâ€" teresting, and their Royal Highnesses were amazed at the natives‘ skill. _ After various other demonstrations of agility and ingenuity, including the native method of making fire by rubbing sticks, the performers assemâ€" bled in front of the royal stand, preâ€" sented two boomerangs, a nulla nulla and a woomera to the royal visitors, and sang a native song of farewell. A true Australian touch was given to the proceedings by an outburst of hearty laughter from a kookooâ€"burra (laughing jackass) up in a neighborâ€" ing gum tree, which added much to the merriment of their Royal Highâ€" nesses and the 12,000 spectators presâ€" ent. Brisbane, Queensl.â€"No more disâ€" tinctively Australian scene was witâ€" nessed by the Duke and Duchess of York during their recently conclyded tour of the Continent than the Bushâ€" man‘s carnival and native corroberee at Beaudesert, Queens!. The royal car was escorted by a detachment of mounted troops from the wayside railâ€" way station to the field, where a troop of 50 stalwart mounted bushmen in blue shirts and slouched hats gave a remarkable exhibition of bareback riding and cattle drafting. i As their Royal Highnesses boarded the train again they found all the stations decorated along the route. The school children thronged the platâ€" forms and threw white roses into the royal car as it passed. At Brisbane the royal party was met by William Lennon, Lieutenantâ€"Governor _ of Queensland, who accompanied them to Government House, dense crowds lining the street throughout the route. Minard‘s Liniment for insect bites. "Why no indeed, I haven‘t heard of _ her. Has she ever been diâ€" vorced ?" _-0-â€"._â€"â€" Spear Throwing by Aborigin als in Beaudesert Amuses Royalty. "You‘ve heard of Sally Twinkle, haven‘t you? The great movie star." The chef found out that building hotels, especially out of sugar, was a bigger task than expected. Had it The model is made entirely of sugar and closely resembles the new hotel that is regarded as one of the finest buildings in the west Has No Rep Yet. Hongkong Press: No one has done more to assist China to reâ€"habilitate herself than Great Britain, no one has been more anxious to encourage a true national spirit among the Chinese. Our statesmen have been patient enâ€" ough in all conscience. They have conâ€" tinued to put their faith in promises and to wait with dwindling hope for their fulfilment. When they have been emitten upon one cheek they have turned the other to the smiter only to receive a resounding smack on that also as a reward for their meekness and humility, Bitter experience seems to feach that the scriptural doctrine cannot be applied with satisfactory geâ€" sults to the followers of Confucius, Quebec Evenement (Conc.): The economic advantage enjoyed by the United States as compared with Can ada rests in the formidable tactics emâ€" ployed by them to acquire protection against our competition, whilst we leave them free to invade our terriâ€" tory to the detriment of our own workâ€" people. The American nation floods Ltho Canadian market with its proâ€" ducts, but it is impossible for our articles, with the exception of a very few, to compete upon the American market. The American worker thus has the advantage of selling at home and in Canada, while we can only sell in Canada. The day this unequal sitâ€" uation is changed to our advantage, we shall see the best American workâ€" men demanding entrance into Canada. In the meanwhile we are and shall reâ€" main a tributary country to the Uniâ€" ted States, Our political liberty is of comparatively little importance to them; they are satisfied with their commercial supremacy and our econâ€" omic dependence. | You can get Baby‘s Own Tablets at any dealer in medicine or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams‘® Mediâ€" THAT BABY OF YOURS Formerly the laxative modicines given to children were disagreeable onesâ€"castor oil, senna tea, powders and son on. But now Baby‘s Own Tabâ€" lets, easily administered and pleasant to take, have superseded these. The children like Baby‘s Own Tablets. Not only as a laxative but in many other ways these Tablets are an ideal remedy for little ones. They quickly reduce feverishness, relieve indigestâ€" tion, colic and vomiting, prevent conâ€" stipation, check diarrhoea, allay teethâ€" ing pains and promote healthful, natural sleep. No matter how strong and rosy your child may be he requires a laxaâ€" tive _sometimes so that the stomach may be kept sweet and the system clean. cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Keep Him Well With the Aid of Baby‘s Own Tablets. the model above been a wedding cake to adorn the task for him would have been simple. However he proved his versatility in sugar moulding when be produced A Tributary Nation. Britain and China. There‘s only one advantage in putâ€" ting of%f until toâ€"morrow what should be dorne toâ€"day, and that is you may be sacked toâ€"morrow and wont have it | 10 do. UMIN U L IDscutonscauest Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, Liceding, odor, etc. Write for A Negp, DH0Y , CAC . â€"VYIAPR CHM it w.:an{’, mentionizg this paper. Ad: éress Indianapolis Cancer Horpilal Indiarapolis, Ind. CANCER It will be recalled that the last sesâ€" sion of the Federal Parliament &n amount of $100,000 was appropriated for advertising purposes, Hon. James Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Comâ€" merce, explaining that to the limit of that sum, on a dollar for dollar basis, the Federal Treasury would assist organized bodies of producers of food products in placing their commodities before the British buying public, Suggestions have been made to Mr. Malcolm that at least $20,000 of the appropriation be spent on advertising of Canadian apples. The proposal will be thoroughly threshed out at the coming Ottawa conference. Company Promoterâ€""I stock certificates printed. Printer â€"â€" "Something and elaborate?" "Don‘t you krnow," eaid the commisâ€" gsloner, "that you can‘t sell lHife insurâ€" ance without. & State license?" "Boss," said the colored man, "you suah said a mouthful, I knowed 1 couldn‘t sell it, but 1 didn‘t know the reason why." Promoterâ€""Oh, no mate proposition." Minard‘s Liniment is reliable A colored agent was summoned be fore the insurance â€" commissioner Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, states that the Ontario Government is prepared to coâ€"operate with the Dominion Government in establishing a furd for the advertisâ€" ing of Canadian apples on British markets. P. W. Hodgetts, head of the Fruits Branch of the Dept., will go to Ottawa on July 6 to attend a conferâ€" ence of fruit growers, apple shippers and various Provincial Government representatives on the whole advertisâ€" ing question. Proposes to Advertise Apples in Great Britain. your locality will gladly explain to you the extu.value of Gumâ€" Dipping. He is prepared to demonstrate how the cords of the carcass are saturated in a rubber which makes motoring more economical with added comfort and safety. Firestonce Firestone Builds the Ocly Gumâ€"Dipped Tires FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Tires Are TEA After long tests we are conâ€" vinced Aluminum is the best container for tea. Now packed only in Aluminum. O;‘*JTAkiO READY | _ Ciassiked Advertisements Not Neceesary FREE BOOK this want distinctive 000 1 * S + id ered agony every / when 1 was not a i mother begrged me from medal rade, trated N ALESMEX _ OP . JNPRBGRITY § sull for the "Old Robmble 4 tRetablished 40 yours New and sclters, (cxclusive terrinciy, biighost bandsome . free . outh: Exporien Write for fall paritonlan £to Fur 1 "is good tea" & "rle jor walmlogue and price list. Sanitary Mubber Works, Dept \Wâ€"l, 81 Wizeet Montreal. Plog Holder with five keepers, etc., sond for list, â€" Sample postpaid Qucen â€" West, Foronto. t‘ Letter Tells of Wonderful Relief After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable ; Coniston, Ontario.â€"*"‘After a seâ€" vere operation and a three weeks‘ stay in a hospital F 1 returned home so weak that I was ° unable to move a chair. For four ; months I was alâ€" o. most frantic with * ~<ll pains and sufferâ€" nacki . ing until J thought sure there could f Â¥ ._.."Inot be any help f E_ ;. |for me. I hadvery 5+. : â€", y [severe pains in m Pss ;.4“ left ligmd suf! ed agony every month. One day when 1 was not able to get up mdy mother bog:-d me to try your medâ€" icine. My husband got me a bottle of Vegctable Compound at once and 1 took it. I started a second bottle, and to my t:u?»rise and joy the pains in my side Icft me completely and I am able to do all my work without l.c!p!. 1 am a firmct"': Iviicl:, niu 3 ean‘t be iC hnfi n all, I 1 ‘r/ n civ haitlse afF T odia P P l.clp!. 1 am a f:mcr'l Ivi:Icl. Tl you t ean‘t be iC hfi n all, I bave ‘-/ n six boities of Lydia E. Pickâ€" â€"m‘s Vogetable Compound, five bozes of the Compound ')P:h}ctr:, two Lottles of Lyc‘a E. Pinichaim‘s Blucd Medicine, and have alsoused ti«; Senâ€" ative Wash,"â€" Mrs. L. Lajzcnesy Lox 10d, Coniston, OQntario, a oron OPERATION LEFT HER VERY WEA TORONTO CAMPERS! The Ch F Â¥ou Marbet sn at Toronto and many other owend Abuch more . profitatile then poul book with full information, 10 urms, Box 41. Woodraffe. Outrrio. +004 This muchâ€"prescribed Blood Tonic corrects the coarsening tendency of "complexion aids" and makes the skin clcar, smooth and colorful. The effcctiveness of that popular touch of "makeâ€"up" will be greatly enhanced if the skin has the velvety smoothâ€" ness and clearness that resu«k from the use of TRUâ€"BLOOD. I YUouUse / if yok e 1S8VUF Ns. 25 â€"27. m 6] A % Pure Bloc 0 1NTRODUCE our impro Clothing . «apesiense . un sells it â€"full wor parrt tfme y 8U, Woronto. PUINLCE â€" ePrEBRATIONâ€" MAK: day . @elling anitamobile owner on th five Mage. . Agonts, Garages Hoore end for checuinr and whobeside nJo Compound UBW. SaNitai AUBBEN Goop® Minard‘s or cuts, rewns> terrine outhit. pari Sn £4. A wWANTED _ 4) hM â€" Nurserie‘ â€"an8 asions paid; nenamsaiy . Wellmpun, 61 poset A 813. on . nabme Midune Rasy to Whis eÂ¥ Dawin 104

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