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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jun 1927, p. 6

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press or rowimscont of by:one days gre a‘l ready io nuss «nlir appearâ€" fioats repr@nt_ifin of_-prerent pro-':o"foâ€"eTs;!-‘wKu_& Hnndidns 410 ¢nIoOrIng nlo Lo SPU‘“; Bon fires and fireworks are all ready of the day and are cither actively enâ€"| for the night of July 1st and granted gaged in promoting the celebration| pood weather it is anticipated that through work on one or more of the beacon fires will flash from headland many entertainment committees Or to headland across our country from else planning to participate as & coast to coast. The revival of this old cheering onlooker® ! time custom of flashing news by beaâ€" PLANS DIVERSIFIED. con is expected to add quite a specâ€" Pageants, unveiling of commemor.â€"| tatular ‘appearance to the night of ative tablets and memorials, public JUY 1st. speeches, folk dances, oldâ€"time reâ€"| THE COUNTRY ORGANIZED. unions will be the order of the day.| Due to the efforts of the committee Every band in the country will be in charge of the Diamond Jubilee doing its utmost to stirâ€"the patriotic Colobnfion;c-w they have sentiment of our people. In the large made and wholeâ€"hearted su centres, we‘l orginized parades vlthfthq have received from all q-.m fants ranrabantiatimm of mmsnrh wewe Los ts oys s onl idns oo ponny o on ooo it NEFETTOE On Friday, July 1st, Canada cele brates her sixtieth Birthday. Every true and loyal Canadian should have, and no doub has, plans for participaâ€" ing in that glad event. From Sidney, Cape Breton, to Dawson, Yukon, true Canadians are entoring into the spirit of the day and are either actively enâ€" EVERYONE CELEBRATE COMMEMORATIVE OF THE PIONEERS AND SETTLERS WHO LA!ID ouUR COUNTRY‘S FOUNDATIONS. To be read by the person presiding. It is appropriate that the first note of Thanksgiving should also be commemorative of the early ploneers and settlers who by their labors laid the foundations of our nation. The words of the following hymn have been sunz throwgh many generations and in many lands. They acquire a new signiflcance as they call to mind the trials and privations of those heroic men and women who, in deep forest or lonely clearing, made the first Canaâ€" dian homes. Leaving behind many of their own kin and friends and the securities and comforts of civilization, they brought with them a high courâ€" age, firm endurance, and an abiding faith in the God of their fathers. Then shall be sung by all present. TUNEâ€"MARTYRDOM. C.M. First Tune. FROM SYDNEY TO DAWSON A NATIONAL JUBILEE Precisely at 2.30 in the afternoon, (local time) the proceedings shall eommence. C No. 1. Whilst the order of proceedings here set forth is one which it is hoped may be followed in all parts of the Dominion, it is recognized that additions thereto, or subtractions therefrom may be deemed advisable by local Comâ€" mittees; also that substitution of other numbers for those printed may be necessary, especially where translations are required. It is therefore underâ€" stood that alterations of this kind may be made whenever local Committees so decide. The person presiding shall announce the several numbers in the order 8f proceedings and read aloud the explanatory passages. With the exception of the first and last numbers, the singing should, where possible, be proceeded by the playing of the air by accompanying musical instruâ€" ments as arranged for by the local Committees. To facilitate unison in the passuages to be read aloud, such methods shall be followed as local Commitâ€" tees may arrangoe for in advance. Let Nothing Intefere With Your Arrangements In Canada the municipal system lies at the very basis of its parliaâ€" mentary institutions. It is therefore proposed that in cities, towns and vilâ€" lages other than capitals the National Thanksgiving proceedings should be eccorded a relationship to the Municipality similar to that given it at the several Capitals,. No settlement or hamlet in the Dominion is too small or too romote to participate officially in the National Thanksgiving. At the Capitals of the several Provinces it is proposed that gatherings @imilar in character take place immediately in front of their respective Legislative Buildings, the Lieutenant Governors to be responsible for the order of proceedings. ; At the capital of the Dominion, Their Excellencies the Governor CGeneral and Viscountess Willingdor, the Prime Minister and Members of the Cabinet, Members of the Privy Council, the local Members of Parliaâ€" ment and of the Ontario Legislature, the Mayor and Members of the Counâ€" eil of the City cf Ottawa, and other public personages, together with the heads of all religious denominations, will be asked to take a central position immediately in front of the entrance to the Houses of Parliament. Anâ€" nounsement of the several selections will be made by His Excellency The Governor General, and participation in the singing or recital thereof will be alted by such facilities as the Local Celebration Committee may decide. _ It will be for provincial and local committees to make the arrangements necessary to the assembling of the people in their respective communities, and to the ensuring of due precision in the time and order of the proceedâ€" ings The selections below have beéen made and issued by the National Comâ€" mittee for the Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, with a view to providing an order of proceedings which may be followed in all parts of the Dominion and which will permit of participation in the National Thanksgiving by the people as a whole. ocean to the coasts of the Pacific ocean, the people of the Dominion of Canada are invited to assemble and participate in an exppression cf T hanksgiving which will be nationâ€"wide. On Sunday, July 3, at the hour of 2.30 in the afterftoon, from the coasts of the Atlantic for Joining in Canada‘s Birthday Party Festivities. . All present shall sing. TUNEâ€"OLD HUNDREDTH. L.M. Key of G. Order of Proceedings O spread Thy covering wings around, Till all our wanderings cease, And at our Father‘s loved abode Our souls arrive in peace. Through each perplexing path of life Our wandering footsteps guilde; Give us each day our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. Our yows, our prayers, we now present Before Thy throne of grace; God of our fathers! be the God Of their succeeding race. O God of Bethel! by whose hand Thy people still are fed; Who through this weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. LOCAL THANKSGIVING THE PROGRAMME AT OTTAWA cof July Ist, 1927, will go down in history as an inspiration to the patriâ€" w‘sm of cur reople, espécially the In the smaller centres lacrosse, baseball and competitive sports have been arranged, while many prominent sons are visiitng he scenes of their childhood to plant trees and to parâ€" ticipate in the celebration ceremonies, OLD CUSTOM REVIVED. l CANADIAN NATIONAL THANKSGIVING _ _ _~â€" young, so that the:' will appreciate tion and the narrow confines of race a_ consciousness of healthy Canâ€" or creed, making our country‘s birth n'dhn.lnn,lndvrfib joining in a naâ€"| day the symbol of a closerâ€"knit, kindâ€" tional celebration may they join in a lier Canadian people rejoicing in the spirit of national . unity arising | heritage of Cansdianism and all for above and Beyond party affiliaâ€"| which it stands ya> :M To be read by the person presiding. On this day of National Thanksgiving it is especially appropriate that we should keep in remembrance those brave men and women who have made the Supreme Sacrifice in the service of our country. We cannot more worthily commemorate their memory than in prayer that we, the living, may derive strength and courage to hold fast the principles of service and freedom for which they died. M 1. COMMEMORATIYE OF THOSE WHOSE LIVES HAVE BEEN GIVEN IN THE COUNTY‘S SERVICE. vi. iv. H1 No. No. 5. COMMEMORATIVE OF THE FATHERS OF CONFEDERATION. * To be read by the person presiding. The value and interest of history are derived chiefly from the lives and services of the men whom it commemorates. Without these the progress of the nation would be little worth recording. Upon this day of National Thanksgiving it is fitting to recall the eminent services of the Fathers of Confederation, through whose efforts the scattered Provinces of_Canada have been united under one constitution. Our appreciation of t,l@fi' greatâ€" ness increases with the passing years. To follow in their footsteps in deâ€" voted service to our country is the highest tribute we can pay to their mem#ory. Expression is given to this tribute in the words of the following hyman. 5 Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingâ€" dom come. Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.â€"Amen. p"ho: P ,,,t in l h s 6 ie n e s i o. 4 uie Psn tnns enc ied esntc Eh6 uces Sn Be thankful unto Him and speak good of His nams. For the Lord is gracious, His mercy is everlasting; And His truth endureth from generation to generation. _ " To be read by the person presiding. The text of the Lord‘s Prayer as here set forth is as used at the openâ€" ing of each day‘s proceedings in the Parliament of Canada by the Speaker of the Commons and the Speaker of the Senate. No. 4. O be joyful in the Lord all ye lands; Serve the uord with gladness ard come before His prosence with a song. Be ye sure (.at the Lord He is God; It is He that hath made us, and not we ourseives: We are Hi1s people, and the sheep of His pasture, O go your way into His gates with thanksgiving and into His Courts with Therefore thou shalt keep the Commandments of the Lord thy God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him. For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land; a land of brooks of water, of fountains, and depths that spring out of the valleys and hills; A land of wheat, and barley and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of ofl, olive and honey; A land wherein tnou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack anything in it; a land whose stones aré iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass; When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which He hath given thee. Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God, in not keeping His Commandments, and His Judgments and His Statutes.â€"Deut. viii. 6â€"11. Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and ye shal be My people; and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.â€"Jer. vii., 23. Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commandâ€" ed thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.â€"Deut. v., 16. And what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.â€"Micah vi., 8. If thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as noon day; and the Lord shall guide thee continually.â€"Isa. lviii., 10â€"11. These are the Statutes and Judgments, which ye shall.observe to do in the land, which the Lord God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth.â€"Deut. xil., 1. Let the Children Color Canada‘s Emblem, Then shail be read aloud by all present. Then shall be read aloud by all present. PESALM C. TUNEâ€"T. ANNE. C.M. ~Third Tune. Then shall be sung by all present. Lord of the nations, thus to Thee Our country we commend; Be Thou our refuge and our trust, QOur everlasting Friend. Amen. Unite us in the sacred love Of knowledge, truth, and Thee; And let our hills and valleys shout The songs of liberty. O guard our shores from every foe; With peace our borders bless, With prosperous times our cities crown, Our flelds with plenteousness. Then shall be said by all present. Our fathers‘ sepulchres are here, And here our kindred dwell, Our children too;â€"how should we love Another land so well? Lord, while for all mankind we pray Of every clime and coast, O hear us for our native land, The land we love the most. July 3rd; 1927 TORONTO begun in 1709. In 1851 the fort was No. 12. No. 11. No. 10 especially for this Dominion, and herein more particularly for the Governor General, the Senate, and the House of Commons, in their legislative capacity, as also for all legislative and municipal bodies in the discharge of their public duties; that Thou wouldst be pleased to ‘direct and prosper all their consultations, to the advancement of Thy glory, the safety, honour and welfare of our Sovereign and His Dominions, that all things may be so ordered and settled by their endeavors, upon the best and surest foundaâ€" tions, that peace and happiness, truth, a~41 justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all genera‘ # s. Amen. No. 9. On February 19, 1927, a Select Committee of the Canadian House of Commons reported "that it is desirable that the business of the House be opened, each day, by prayer to Almighty God 4o invoke His blessings upon its deliberations." Save as to the italicized parts, rendered necessary through its adaptation to the present occasion, the text of the following prayer is that of a portion of the prayer as since read by the Honourable the Speaker of the House of Commons. No. 8. No. 7. Mere shall be sounded * "® THE LAST POST To be followed by a minute of complete silence. At the conclusion of the minute of silence * Shall be sung by all present td ty ELDERS. 10.10.10:10. Second Tune. "It is the earnestâ€" wish of Parliament that the Diamond Jubilee Celebration for which plans are now being rapidly matured shall commemorate appropriately and enthusiasticâ€" ally the accomfplisbment of Con{ederation and the subsequâ€" ent progress of the Dominion. We trust that this commemâ€" "Resolved, that as Canada is approaching the sixtieth anniversary of her founding as a Dominion, the Parliament of Canada place on record its deep appreciation of the achievements of the Fathers of Confederation, and with united voice express its faith and confidence in the future of this our country, and its development as a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, owing allegiance to His Majesty the King. CANADA‘S DIAMOND JUBILEE RESOLUTION (Passed Unanimously by the House of Commons and the Senate, Ottawa, April 14, 1927.) PRAYER FOR DIVINE GUIDANCE IN THE GOVERNMENT OF OUR LAND. To be read by the person presiging. "Most Gracious God, we humbly besecch Thee Then shall be sung by all present. MORNING LIGHT. G. J. Webb, 1803â€"87. God be merciful unto us, and bless us; And cause His face to shine upon us; That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise Thee, O God; Let all the people praise Thee. O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: For Thou shalt judge the people righteously, And govern the nations upon earth. Let the people praise Thee, O God; Let all the people praise Thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; And God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; And all the ends of the earth shall fear Him. O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriotâ€"love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. O Canada, glorious and freo! We stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! From ocean unto ocean Our land shall own Thee Lord, And filled with true devotion, Obey Thy sovereign word. Our prairies and our mountains, Forest and fertile field, Our rivers, lakes and fountains, To Thee shall tribute yield. _ Amen. Spiendid you passed, the great surrender made, Into the light that nevermore shall fade; Deep your contentment in that blest abode, Who wait the last clear trumpetâ€"call of God. Proudly you gathered, rank on rank to war, As who had heard God‘s message from afar; Ali you had hoped for, all you had, you gave To save Mankindâ€"yourselves you scorned to save. Through dust of conflict and through battleâ€"flame; Tranquil you lie, your knightly virtue proved, Your memory hallowed in the Land you loved. Then shall be read aloud by all present. God save our gracious King, Long live our noble King, Goa save the King: Bend Him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us; God save the King. Then shall be sung by all present. NATIONAL ANTHEMS Then shall be sung by all present. Then shall be said by all present. GOD SAVE THE KING PSALM LXVH. THE END. 0 CANADA IV. Aimen. of Contederar.;n, "Blectricity vou]d have been as counted a black are in the Middie Ages," says a writer, In other worde, anritish ane #6 Miss Hortense Cartior, caly surviyâ€" ing daughter ct Sif Coorge I:t!c!‘:jp Cariter, one of the Fathers of Coni~dâ€" eration, who came to Canada a few days ego as the guest of the White Btar Line to attend the ceremonios in Um,._"2 in connection with the jJubllce his mania in the Stntes, extendin@ from tlx’Coa.st to De‘rcit over a perâ€" iod of two years. THE MISSING FLIERS. Rumor sti‘l holds out hops that Nungesser and Coli may still be a‘ive in North Quebsc. Search parties are scouring the section from whence the rumor eminated. . Everyone hopes against hope these French hero~s may be found alive and unharmed. Winnipeg.â€"A manize supposed to have left a trail of brutally murdor»d women across the United States, did two innocent victims to death in Winâ€" nipeg. After a fourâ€"day hun*t bo is behind the bars. The quection new naturally arises what to do w‘th him. If hopelessiy menta‘ly deranged shoald he be exscuted or incarceratei for life, and if the jatter, should Cana *i or the United States (his native »yinâ€" try) shoulder the expense of his fuâ€" ture. Eightsen victims are credited The Treasury‘s balance will an~ proximate 240,000,000. Did Mr. M<â€" lon work overtime, we wonder? CANADA. Washington. â€"U.S. Treasurer Me!â€" lon is reported to have had a rather busy~day Thursday last when the treasury turnâ€"over was about $1,188,â€" 000,000. About $378,000,000 was paid out on matured certificates of indebtâ€" edness and $70,000,000 interest dis bursed. More than balancing these outputs were receipts of approximateâ€" ly $400,000,000 of tax payments, $20%,â€" 000,000 subrcriptions to the new bond issue announced early this month, and $89,000,000 due from foreign go ern~ ments on account of debts. d _ Canada‘s Minister of Trade, Hon. Jas. Malcolm, made an excellent imâ€" pression in his recent address in Lonâ€" don. Unemployment continucs to im« prove. The Angloâ€"Egyptian crisis has apparently been averted. THE UNITED STATES. * Lindebergh, while having passei from the headlines, will live long in the memory of this generation as a sterling national character. Even the great ovation accorded him failed to dispel his inherent modesty. His fuâ€" ture will be watched with great inâ€" terest by all. It is hoped he will accept an invitation to visit Ottawa during our July 1st celebrations. RUSSIA. Still more murders are reported (or "executions" as they are called in that land of liberty). Some 46 have been done to death as enemies of the Sovieta. prmwesnargiy nxiwr t un / Neb e * 6 uh. future. Mussolini talks of building| a future Italian war machine, his| authority having apparently gone to his head when he pictures Italy t ing a foremost place in the European ; arena by the strength of her armaâ€"~ ments. Ireland is rapidly assuming norme! alcy as Cosgrave‘s (Government) maâ€"| jority gradually becomes stronger as‘ the intricate election returns are interâ€"= ‘ _ Relations between Poland and Ruasâ€" sia appear from despatches to have | been, temporarily at least, patched up by Poland‘s acceptance of Russia‘s three demands. Jugoâ€"Slavia and Alâ€" bania still look at each other askence while Italy and France watch the | situation with interest. Europe does "monkey with the buzzâ€"saw" of na« tional dignities, and sooner or later} drastic action will be taken by the: same hotheads that may cause anâ€"‘ other Armageddon. On the League of , Nations rests the hope of a peaceful | | WarScare Resting [X TYE [JMIT REA not seem even yet to have loarned its lesson: that it is impo-iblo _to. Boiling Pot Cools Down â€"â€"â€" NEWS IN BREIF °% ENGLAND IRELAND. filled these conditions, a were next examined. have sand that is so «ol perve as a raceâ€"course mum of preparation. rtraight beaches are i ێunes. It was therfore Segrave to go to Flor car, on the famous D: long devoted to this { His car, when he left, w what claborate share, > the W} hour, had 1 public 17 Man Cannot Travel F l.‘fld Than the S:r\('(‘ Ep< #u} but on terra fir likely that a m be obtained tha by Major Segras ear on Daytona he made 208 n« the wind, over : man article contr Civique (Paris) yve cusscs this recor ance, and gives r« wion that it repre limit of man‘s : carth‘s surface. m as follo *Says Segrave : "*I have beater This The i log " "The kiomet« the five kilomct=r " "Thece figure: age of going an same track. My reached while ru "Such broadcas "*I lived in a feeling as if my from me. . . . i I made the in a stre‘ght *"*I will ad hour is the a autamobile c th "I doubt his attentic very loog. may increa log.e roq the other breaking‘ "It is doubtless n # HUMANLY I\ Link In the W r‘be yourse‘ll as use your wife h W 44 Ih th th cord Now on t} ar th th a pity; 10 has not sai for instanc and w t1o n thu The rdy, the L We hay fey th U the TY m th

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