West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jun 1927, p. 7

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re Resting I in; yo” " View hop-ta es Again A Cools Down BR MAM" d and RI.- 1m to 101'. u. Patek" of 3-135 'm and AL El t' Minna mod were dr-tznc: wh'm all w: driver Sun var, went in , road in Eng ‘pr any sen. "This my! back of " miirt). A: "Ween the Fre ach enttineer, Louis] Fuzm'v‘n. had finished buildhte the! Th-Hish Sunbeam'; when he had in- .rtul' , on the huge chassis one motor ‘F {-110 horsepower forward and an- who” like it in the rear, when the tires .rr:riz~ll_v trade by Dunlap had been subjected in a closed vessel to the test M tho centrifugal forte, that they'; Wt re dutincd to experience-in short. I whm all was ready, the ealehrated driver Segue, who was to run the var. went in tench of a track. No mud in Englund was fcund Initable,‘ gm any sen-beach. l, "T his supercar required n straight; track of at last 30 kilometers (M) mii:-=). A straight litre. for It the rye " cf 300 kilometers there was no qu-utlon of taking curves. "And besides. t read without trem, or fhutkU1g ditches was ne-rr-at hurt if it Were not 250 feet with. No Mm Cannot Travel Faster on I _r',.T' I Than the Speed Re.. mrd Now Standing feel'tst u if my from me. . . . E I made the (I! in a stra’qht " " " m add t is tit" is tho ubzo " The ki'vmeter " 325 Fer hood Hm firm. kilometers " 827. qg "from figures nprmnt the “or- ag,- (r going and returning over the :m' tpark. My man mead In. H'li ho! while running southward. "'1 lived in a vertigo. . . . 11:0 . f. 11: as if my car was getting away c, n: "11', . . . Shackled to my wheel, I .. "cl. the greatest efforts to keep 1" u stro'urht course. . . . " " Mn add that Mo kilometers an "Haw long does it take for n order from the brain to reach the must-lee and contract them? American psycho- Exists think that in u trained man mm. tkgrave it takes cbout four-tenths of . second. Now in this time the Mrterr would run over a hunched _. l F". "a" 1 hr .11 Humps (UL. J " , FT' I 'rrs 4-. dmunu. an! warm-aches! . [ ~‘ -- tirrl',r l Srmo ""1141“; , 'r. . r' ' “a? :s. Vet t .114 that It may' , rr ‘ _ _ " "ws it HH‘O‘CM‘IYH' with " "d"; 'fra I A rq . "t ." ;"-~p'ctl‘nlinn. In Europe M' sri' ‘v why-s un- interrurtod by .1- _ ', w‘n‘ theart, rtr "itc_rtry fwr T t' 'r (w c, Mary!“ t-t try his , "r.. (manna I’nytuna Each. E tr Mit " rr' ‘~~1 ', this {urn} of srmrt. IE a e Ct _ rt,. 'n-Y "t, “it" t f a y'),'?"..'-- t , F _, ',rf hug '. Wurkr? cut in a _ . " tr,), A! F)',; Ix)?” b a wmi '.'. , ' m“ ! .an LI cm‘ /1" an No Extra cost , .: F, 'rl, a l in 1,"s 11:1" rm J‘ an! . . . 3w: , ' V .r‘.:" 1 Win C, th. pururw Gum-Dipping " m a. ; l ', 'f ', ' ."e “f tiw Wt r'iwus elusive Firestone proceu. l ", , h A -! t, &|l":_‘:|.' d Engl" C _ TV ' ti, Ar-ian sh 'pe, WHO] It WI” and hip"!- "1 dual): whether a man can keep his Intuition thus on the stretch for wry lexug. The mechanical speed may inn-case. but that " the psycho- loxlc reaction can not. One limits the other and will bring the ‘ncord- breaking' basin“. to Bn end for good. "lt is a pity; for the “bani: doubtless has not said his lost wont we might. for instant, add two man motors to the Mystery or nphce each [What-spew" motor by one of 1,000. Nothing: mechanically impou- eve in this. Shane. not the Amenrun nape, men in the races. "What. then, is the exact impor- tnnnc of this shape? Hero it is, in Q tanne of tt few wands "Ot the my? steel genontin-g least MO tbl logical teacticn. "How long do: 1.173: enccah to it to 'pe " " track altogether. n the No. (maria. it I: not wheel to " "rose yourself as 1 guns widower be. t. no. you It}: has hay four. I sh vacuum ed at Ir, "But ant. we THE LIMIT REACHED ". the " ud.n, of course, he can 'sv,' i has moved, faster still; . n . :"r‘ra firma it is declared un- _'. thy.t a much greater need can .‘w'aL :4 than that made recently ijur Remove in his racing motor- " Irc', Daytona Beach, Florida, when .m le '.y13 miles an hour, and, with ,' w,rrl, over 207 miles " hour. In Lite!“ contributed to u Pmgrm l “12m tParis), Jean CIbNMS dio. " _ this record-breaking perform- .-.., an! gives teamwor- his conclu- T, that it represents pmetieMr the m: of man's weed-power on the rth's surface. We translate and ’ nu- as follows: Icnys Segrave:--- .. " have beaten the world’s mod Im' Mty would be enough, in a icuum, to make the recon! establish- f at Daytona. "But if air-retrutgrrtee is so import- it. we no how important may: be my: of the projectile. "The driver's problem is in mny nys similar to that of n tramway 29":ttun; it thpends on a psycho- V th K abso‘ute limit at which an nin‘v- can run and keep on tho MANLY IMPOSSIBLE I was the spoken mp strsl over the transatlantic '1 Marrh 29 Inst- u "R3333! If the recently creed super- name establi'fhed on a machine , can scarcely mtm to 'me of 'vehiele,' touches, th, limit of achievement. several mom, of which " is not mechanical. as I 'ieht. but psychological. depends " much on the of the human brain as on 'c of pneumatic tires. resin by examining the wh'ch Mai. H. o. D (mt. "My first experience with this mmiitine was in my girlhood, when, {ohmuing an attack of ecu-let fever, I was loft in a badly run down condi- lion, and the pills restored me to good health. Later in my married lite I had a severe attack of rheumatiun. ,The pain in my right arm end should- or was so bad that I could not are" .myaclt without help. Agein I resort- !,ed to Dr. Willieme’ Pink Pam. and again they proved a Meeting to me. las soon the rheumatic pains and "ttt. i'"""' disappeared end there he: been A Welland Lady Tells, of Value of Dr. Williams' Pi Pills in Her Home. my boys was threatened with St. Vitus dance. Hie limbs and (Ice would twitch end Jerk. I sue him the pills, end again they did not tan, an under the trentment the trouble ceased. I hove the given the pill- to my little girl. who we. mule, and in this case else with the great- est benefit. Naturally when l heel- anyone complaining of not feeling well I recommend Dr. Willinml' Pink Pills as I know of no other medicine to equal them in building up the blood and restoring health." Dr no return of the tronble. Dr. wi llnms’ Pink Pilht have 1an been ot great benefit to my children. One of lee Dr. Williams' Pink Pill. for anaemia, rheumatism. indigestion. neat-nigh and other nervous troubles. Take them as a tonic it you no not in the best physical condition, and out vtiatu a resistance that will keep you well and strong. You can get these pills trom any dealer in medicine. or by mail at 50 cents a box trom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Camels are commonly understood to belong exclusively to the Old World. It was not always so, however, " a specimen recently acquired by Can- ada’s National Museum at Ottawa amply demonstrates. This is the lot willed frame of a camel which a few million years ago roamed over the western plains of North America which were then dry. This curious specimen has been placed on exhibi- tion in the Hall of Palaeontology. h FAMILY MEDICINE ECO If sometimes the ten you are using does not taste as good as it used to-Hurt see what kind of a package it is in. If it is in paper that in probab- ly the reason. No chances are taken with Rod Rose. It is packed in clean, bright Aluminum. f c Camels Once Roamed Over America do a Fresh“ rue-com sum- the Mann-Dipped Til- mien every strand of - cord with rubber. Intern] friction and heat are reduced able. wulls are greatly strength- ened. Firestone Full-Size Balloons absorb road irregu- Iarities-mahintr driving eu- ier and riding more comfort- position to save you money and serve you better. See your nearest dealer to-dly. _ r have mrny muons for pulsing \Vlniams' Pink Pills,” says Mrs. rge la. Swick, R.R. No. 2, Welland, . "My ttrat experience with this nils‘l'ONE rm: t RUBBER CO. OF CANADA. LIMITED Hamilton. Cut. MOST MILES PER DOLLAR 7611 True; Firestone Dealers are in I Tells of the I "A picture," says a Chinese pro- verb, “is worth a thousand words.” "tow fast we've been "talked” It {since the advent of the movies. Lmdorc-"l should like to we the formation of a treaty of commerce between England and Frame," said M. do Flarinu, French Ambassador in Britain, at tt Chamber of Commerce dinner in London. Tho chief ob- stacles to Anglo-French trade. he added, were differences in the fiseal systems of the two nations. In other words, the crux of the situation is that, while Britain wants free trade to raiueo the cost of making the goods it exports, France dim: to a tariff in order tannin the home market for A good den! is nld about June brides. Ever hear anything about June Groom"? It the groom: [only want . due they might adopt April lat. Straws show which way the wind blows and knees show when the wind blown. The difference between the impou- elblo and the possible merely cousins in knowing how. Treaty Mottedforrrance and Sunset. The sun sink in the tnotttttaintt When evening comes around, The nun links in the ocean, The sun links in the town. The sun Ilnkl in the Main. sky, The nun link. in the West; But on 1 patch of tender Inn The sun links on the but. o the Brig-h Board of hide, who responded, brought tltts out when he To-Morrow. I know that winter's coaxial. Summon “most done. the autumn breeze In lighlnt. There'- lou of glaring Inn. I know that winter": coming Not very In “my, For I I“ u Christmas number Of n mulne to-day. crowd: at . bathing girl "we, or n buthtub Duty, men aren't much In- terested in whut woman WNW. about that eye medicine." "What about it?" "Do I drop it in my eye before or after meals?" Grandma (looking up from paper) ---"It says here that young women are abandoning all restrictions. Now mind, don't let me catch you. goin' out without yours, Ethel" said: "If it be the darlro of France] On stone fruits a 34-60 or even a to make the proportion a little fairer; 2-2-50 formula is preferred, owing to between tho two countries, you will' the greater tenderness of the stone- find me very ready to do bum: with: fruit foliage. For the usual garden you. In the year 1926, however, whilel may. th 4.4.50 totntN In usuaHy all we sent to France over 381,000,000I that is required. although some grow- worth of manufnetumd goods, France er: so as high as 6-650 tor a few crops. sent us 269,000,000 worth, and of that} There is Just one more thing about Fools rush m when who man re- serve their seats long before they're all taken. Truth In Minimums: "Big Sale Now On. Don't Go Elsewhere to Be Cheated-Come In Here." Grabbing the buck intttetid of pul- lng it in one sure way to win promo- tlon. Phlppe’ Chips. Here lies a young nlesman named Phipps. Who married on one of his trims. A widow named Block, Then died of a shock, When he saw there were six little chips. twthirdn can. in free of duty of Any kind." Judging from the Bitte of trf, Philip Cup1imr-Ltuter, ppesident Ott, doctor, I forgot to to! you OWL-LAFFS '0.th After the limo Is thoroughly mixed we add the correct number of gallons of Rock mlutlon, ouch gallon ot which represents one pound of copper lul- phate. The engin) on the outfit ls kept running all the time. In this way the copper is almost Instantly mix. ed with the dilute Mme solution and a very perlect Bordeaux mixture re- suits. A stock solution is prepared by dia. aolvlng copper sulphate at the rue of one pound to the gallon. Our nook tanks hold about 300 gallons, but I tight barrel would serve Just as well for smaller quarttitletr. After some experiments we worked out a Ilmple plan of making Bordeaux. The copper sulphate ls l. hard blue crystal and does not dluolvo readily. However. the process can be wooded up by placing the copper in an old tun- ny tttut--- use several ot them it you have a large ttutk--attd than hanging this sack In the water near the top, of the tank. Fifty pounds of copper sulphate will dissolve in 3 barrel ot water in about twelve hour. it lt I- treated In this way. The stock solution will keep hide fitu'tely, and when we are ready to make up a spray tank full of Bordeaux we till it nearly full ot water. To this water we add the proper number of pounds ot hydrated lime and start the engine on the spraying outfit. With the engine running, the water and lime are thoroughly mixed by the mechan- ical agitator, I have avoided mentioning the exact quantities of copper and lime used " cause they vary according to the crop on which the material is to be used. Many other fungicide: luvs been in.. tmduced in recent years and some of them have proved excellent for cer- tain purposes, but more are um many ftqrldit where nothing takes tho plnco ot the old rename Bordeaux. Nothing has ever been found that equals Bordeaux as a. potato “may. in the garden there are manyimss for Bordeaux. It make. In excellent spray tor tomatoes. melons. beams, eggplants And other crept. toting both as a fungicide we " a. mild repellent for some insects. Bordeaux-The Old Reliable In the apple orchard ita plece bu been only partly taken by the commer- cial 1ftntrtrulphur solution. This new- er material has proved to be excellent for the early apple sprays and; la prob- ably Just as effective as Bordeaux when it comes to keeplng apple ecub in cheek. Also. fruit sprayed with Bordeaux during cool weather ls apt to be rumreted. Later in the season. when very hot weather comes along, the lirmrsulphur is inclined to burn both foliage and fruit. For apples the noun! mixture is known a the 4-4-50 formula. This means 'kat tour p'ounds ot copper and tour of lime are used for each titty gallons ot solution, \ As a remit ot these conditions most apples growers use tho 1imessulphur solution for the early apple apnys and then change over to Bordeaux for the hot-weather applications. In this way tho greatest good is scoomplished with the least risk at dututurfug the fruit. Many cherry growers still prefer Bordeaux to dilute lime-sulphur. Bordeaux that every grower ought to remember. It is the uchenemy ot iron. Consequently in buying any spray machine, regardless of the, see that the working parts are of brass or bronze, and after using Bordeaux mix. ture be lure to wash out the tank and the pump. . For garden use only the small brass. tank spraying shculd be used. A light galvanized iron tank will cost less but it wit! stand about one trip through the tomato patch. The brass tank on the other hand will cost about double, but it will last for years. Lfinard': Linimcnt ts "llama. Old Frank Atwin's four more years do not hinder him from turnin‘ out Dome of the ttnegt models ot the Indian canoee made by the Indians ot New Brunswick. This trafbttardeesed Malecite. photographed above. is holding a tinitthed model or a canoe of which. very little is known, being that ot one ot the sea-going use). used by the Indiana In them they need to scout the shores ot the Atlantic and according to oldtimers some exceedingly daring trips were made. St. Andrew'aby-the-See when-(this old Indian lives with Ingny ot his tribe members bu an attachment of Indian romance and adventure that almys appeals to the tourists to the part ot New Brunswick. Well-Tested Formulas AN OLD AGE INDUSTRY AT ST, ANDREWS One of the greatest pussies to the careful parent is to know just what medicine to give the little ones. When the child tells ill with swiping veins; is seized with cold or tever, remus tood or vomits what he he taken, when he cries a great deal and our not get the sleep so neceesnry to the growing child, the parent is in e quandary. What is to be. done on such occasions? As often " not there is not a suitable medicine in the house. The pulzle is what to give him to set him right quickly. It is to meet such emergencies that Baby's Own Tablet- were designed. These pleasant little Tablets quickly reduce fever, hreek up colds, relieve constipation end indigestion and al- lay teething paints, Thye quiet the nerves and promote restful health. restoring sleep. They ere gum-en- teed ebeoluteiy hermleee and late tor even the youngeet and meet deli- cate baby. Baby's Own Tablets ere sold by medicine dealer: or by meil at " cents a box trom The Dr. Williams' medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Husutui--"I hare Just been seeing poor Mrs. Blttckedged. How captlrat- ing she looks in widow's weeds!" Wife~“lt is unfortunate, my deer. that we can't all be widows." h GREAT NMI TO CAREFUL PARENTS "Oh, she's always Mdling with something about her dress." A Kind of Musician. "Why do you call her a kind of muBicitut'."' Ease sunburn with Mlnlrd's Linimcnt. Quint old city. Visit the battle- ground: when Canadian Bis- tory was made. See this unique city when the old world mingle. with Ight, new. d m 'ttttdat/S, 3... melt-3’- WWW" tairaurT COKE! Cruise down the blue St. Lawrence to this STEAMBHIP LINES CANADA for booklets. rate: and full ittforteatCor-p/tt, _ CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES LTD.. 46 Yong Street. Toronto}, or ' Victoria Sq., Montreal VritSha W __ "can": 3' iEaOiaaa . I... 1i1utd.--the Ramon» St. mtrmteer.Mo-r--oi"" and a. "By the month of June they have cessed to attack the fruits. attacking the young shoots exclusively; " nud- July the Caloooris has reached the adult stage and dlnppears. Atjnt the fruits which have boon prichod exhibit, wherever the puncture has occurred. pustules having raised edges with white granulation in the centre. In this manner thoro are formed little islands of hardened tie- sue, at whose level and immediate neighborhood the pulp undergoes scarcely perceptible growth, although " grows very rapidly all around them. Little by little these isleta appear to be burying themselves within the fruit, though In reality it is the flesh of the fruit which grows and sur- rounds them. They begin to exhibit the aspect ot little cupules whose cavity grows deeper day by day. At maturity a punctured fruit will have from three to ten of these pits within which are heaped little stony nodules. and with I diameter of about one- tourth of an inch. Pear Grit Now Proved to be an Insect-French Entomolo- gist Explains "The-e larvae teed up the up of the youu; lanes in the buds, no Vllv Jble Injury, however, being earitaed by this. But It Boon as the blossoms hare formed, the larvae tvttaek the newly let fruit, perforating It Ind leading upon the juices. "The relulm were quite intereating. The Iota trotted on April M. and May , produced " per cent. ot uninjured frutt, while the control trees. spayed It we ulna ulna. had hardly 10 per cent. The iota truted on April " nod Mar " [no mediocre results, the am am bolus tsomerehat too only, And the latter too 1.tt.---Le Cor ru’ondent. PM“. "By patient resourch, M. TouVelot h” learned not only the habits of this deltructtve Insect. but that it is particularly aenultlvo to Insecticides containing nicotine. He, therefore. recommends treatment with a solu- tion of soap and tueoUn, sprayed up on the budding leaves and the newly not fruit. In experiment: in 1920. four "pli- cations were made In April Ind Mny, to Iota of trom 10 to 100 trees. The liquid was "rared plentifully Bo as to thoroughly moisten not only the you: leave- and fruit but the old but curmundinx them. 'llll? IEA? RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. in Sun-r Mnzar Plenum Cc. You and no“ woUoe veal demtokup SMPPea-l or. gr,fl'tt,lrtsnz'.'"ttI'g the trick in, iiFr. MatU.in You see it everywhere-the pearly gray enameled ware that spells long urvice and real, old-fashioned satisfaction. This ttttl kitchen ware, SMP ad Enameled Ware, deiies wear and tear and in surface, like all SMPEnImded Ware, is so chin:smooth and clean it has-boa no taints or $7. ttrdgttuhu'atntt NOI'I'IIAL TWONTO 'lle'lG ”Mormon VAncouvu (“our Imported direct from the Orient in metal lined chests. Blended and packed into 11b., y, 1b., 'Alb. bright Aluminum packages. A NEW BUG 5MP "" or mum mum TORONTO A!" ”min. AD Ill, Hah and. Barred - "urban. tm. "-------- Tim "on: mm LONDON, Cm “no a! lam II trs 1mm: nu Mm m mun-M Nut-u, Ill Dunn-mu nuns; ll loud Menu-u 2 - (1th cum-v 'att-et - Mk. can " "uit or an tint. I. B. - so. In It, Tomato A North American negro war. Ket- ting the worst of it in a tight with n Inc“ on the qunyuide. Sudden!" am- other North American negro leaped out ot the durkneu and vauqu rhed the lunar. The titat negro upprou-h- ed uni held out " band. "lh‘midvr." he said, "you shore done mp a gum] turn tomight." "but": all right." said the other. "We Anglo-Saxons We 333' (on. (tick togedder." - Hawaii-7f“ Tara 'GGGUTA W who: - final"! null-In.” dun“.- - m unnum- " Irons-u a“ um. I an" - a Isl-(My All“ let an"... but. mud and "a! Whitman. «may»: " my). I. nu 'a-ot “In In. “I. .1e%at" I'm-tr. "heme "'mmuAqt. yum; In“... In. omit. hum-a not nun-An: Fr“. _ hm “uh-uh". 51m. & Wont-gm; lANOND Jl'IlIJSI: UF.LLBitaTitth MAXI "' w - num- sum-mm. ow.'P'rw - "can with In Ian Anna. Gar 'ts mm- Inun. an. and lot mud" and whal ratc win In. Impl- mammal "r. Janus-c Fiast M II Own Wat. Toronto. Ali-"u an be grown over the wid- est range of dimatic condit‘m‘s of any legume yet grown in Canada. It i. now being produced in every provinco from the Atlantic to the Pacific. UHI‘UEII SENTonHECt'EST Tells cause of came: an vsmu m d. for pain, bleeding, odorictc. h I up {or it touday, mentioning. this paw-z Ad, dress Indianapolis Cancer limpntd GitTirdiahl," -fnd DANGER is good tea" '~uusx:x "0r"nrrmuin’ tilerki, G s an In an "on “use mun“ unnum- _llll1iB.jll1tl.l.kll)jilj.,jj, 'dt,,, IT,, baban-‘tum _ x " and a h ol and i_t yavy‘me u i." to do. Sol thought I would try Lydia E. Pinkhnm'e 'egeuble Comwund. n l hed reed so much aboht it in the little books. I foandadifterenee mm away u my head was relieved and my tired feel‘ng's (one. Hy sitaee bed been doing my washing and we continued doing it., w she raid ts might set me beck if t tufted to do hex-in. have did help me au I lull taken just two bottles when " j My cunt. He is e htse big by, now nearly fwe months old. l ;...| akin; I',",','; medicine gain and l h a lblcto o mv work all by m (U . I than recommenJ the vigour,» Compound h women. Bad (‘IIIW'lh iv to expectant. mothers. as I Milne they need help " the-e Curses."-- Macaw: Hugh“, " My»: St . Chatham, 0.4.129. e ' You “will urn-nu [mun aGiro7 It“. M rot-lu- all who “A. Ila" In. man I” mm. new. wt. ”-61 Ila-d , M and. land Ida; - "o" um - Any-hen. "H. “mm Ina-m cuaiiied Advertisements At'.r ”wig. wvn‘num mummy-(1 " non -uirrutiririr..-ki:w MIMI. CNN“. *1 a KI mun“: , 317% was: a an; dun-nun om- ro"|m-nolnw: our Inn-mud mm; l in”! 3’. Ciiiicura Loveliness A Clear Healthy Skin [M s," rvmyJ-v Ueef, Culiczur- 5M. FREE BOOK i

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