West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Jul 1927, p. 8

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PM " (J. Mr and In Elmer mm and two children, Norm 1nd Gm. Mr Ae. or ad daughter mm of Bruce. were visitors Sand” with their ret. atives, Mr at! In W Birth. Messrs Prank and Wed IoCabe M Mr and Mrs Jno. Nichols of Grand Nmey (Mamet. visited " Dr G. M. Demo's last week. laden. visited the put week with their brother, Alf. Norah. Mr and Mrs Thou. Stewart. and ba- ty Roy 10! Holstein and Miss Merle Morice of o. Bound, visited'the Brest ct the week at Mr Jno. Maria's. Mr and Mrs J. J. Wilton and tam- ily attended the Caldvell reunion " Brannon! Thursday last. Mr and Mrs Wm Caldwell ot the 2nd con. Normanby. Also attended the tune. tion. Miss Ruby Morrison, daughter of Mr Richard Morison. its the new teacher at [1.8.8. No. 1, Norb'y and Egremont. or better known as Var- Ber School. Mm Alt. Vollett returned Saturday after spending a few dnys with her aster, Mrs Robt. Walker, Owen Sound. Three of the Walker chim- Mr J” Blyth. Mr Victor m N!!- xcs Winnie and Ruby, spell! the ttmt or the week with Hunmon relatives. Mr Elmer Fee has been a latent from blood poisoning in .his thumb. but at time "ot writing is on the mend. . Mr and In Nichol Bell other; and all” Janet Kerr of “any, N. 7.. tune to their mother's Mrs as. Kerr on Saturday. Miss Janet win remain for a month. - Miss Jessie McVean Is very ill at the present time and her niece Mrs. Jan. McNally and baby James from near Markdale is iiaitendanee upon her. Mr and Mrs Rex. Fowler and" daughter Vet: or Brantford wen vis- Mars last week and with Yr tad In Wilbert Blyth. nu returned with her, Mr and Mrs Richard Bryant, are both in poor health " present. Mr. B. has shown improvement in his condition of late while Mrs B. is not making the progress her friends would like to see. The weeds along the Provincial roadside are receiving their annual outing " the hands ot Albert Mar. old], the road foreman. Some of the farms along the roadside need attention as we" in this line. Born in Normantrr, on July to Mr and Mn Ehmere Rams, Owen Sound Transportation Co. Ltd. MACKINAC Wonderful Laké $45.00 "NEH-uni. -irri"iuGrt" Gair and usual good service of tho regular trip no pro- vided tor thin week-end on; RETURN m&m $1200 FIRE In!!!“ SAIURDAY To mum WEEK-Elli LAKE TRIP While man tourlsu will hope to pun {or the complote trip on the Btr. llanltoulln. those who unnot up". the that will be qtad to know that the boat muse- n 215 mu. week-end trip from Owen Sound to um. Current. Lonvlnx Owen Sound on Saturday avenln. tho “an!" [on dlnctly to 1m- Iarnoy. thence to Little Current. and "turn- mu. all: n Imitovnlnc and Kuhn”. she "then In Owen Sound .3311: on Monday moraine. This will [In the but! one. vol-tor or Malnu- mun and MI “In", on opportunity to near. a an. weak-0nd on In. Int-r. This In: as well u the "an: on. will also be "I. :omo to Dunno-I nun from the south cola. mto Northern Onurlo u the: en: mun good connection. from North B or. points. Steamer bonus Owen Sound on week- end trip Sunnis: at It." p.m.; utter - of night C.P. and CM. trains. Baum to Owen Sound Honky st 4.80 mm. conucctlnt wltlmomlng unnummnd "up. _ . Including Meals and Berth s DAY TRIP Island and Return to S. S. Manitoulin’s New Holiday Service l. I tron Georgian Bay - Manitoulin and North Shore - Soo - Mackinac ";r. G. Parnell, who come: to break the Bread of Life to them after a vacancy of two years. During this time the members have kept the /roreh of Faith burning by securing mlnlsterlol supply. and while in Most cases it has been_ot a satisfac- tory nature, yet-all rejoice that a settled pastorate with Mr Purnell land his family among them, will .be productive ot much good. , . Thursday afternoon tut, Amos Presbymrhn Church. We. was the - of may of m members and “henna, as well us those ot Ita sister congregation. Knox;- Norman- by. The occuion was the induction into these pastonl charges of Rev. The choir favored _the audiemie with a number and the're was alson duet from Mrs A. Kellar and Miss Webber ot Knox. . At the blots?. tea was unreal. allits the basement ist the church and hopes are bright that ultimately much fruit will result from the new choice. It Your Label Cofroct t _ Is your label right .at not ttp-to- date. please remit. We have made all corrections. It is up to you read- er to tell us if all is right---and ob lige. The Publishers Rev. John McKenzie, Palmerston, Moderator ot Presbytery. was in charge. of proceedings: Rev. Wallace Johnston. Holstein, addressed the congregation um! tungsten Benne- Kay of Mooretieid preached the ser- mon, while Rev. Mr McKenzie 'put' the necessary questions regarding to beliefs, etc, to Mr Fume". A Good Time WWII Say The United Church minister: in' Ashfield in the last eight days. has preached seven times to different good sized conventions. attended and taught in two Bunday. Schools, on three different occasions giving addresses to large crowds of people. attended and enjoyed three tine pie- nics. took in one garden party. agent halt a day and assisted at a church building bee. held an important and lengthy Quarterly omcial Board, made seven pastoral calls and travelled by car, largely in the interests of the church, 187 miles. Who said the ministers weren't busy and didn't have a. good time ? OR ANY o. P. I. OR 0. I. I. all Ga, My, Pastor Owen Sound, Canada ' s or, Owen Sound to Saul: Ste. mm amt Return ' The Port: of Call on the Luckinlc trip lncludo Kmuney.’ Manna;- swing. Little Current, “we”. Gore Bar, Blind River, Thessalon. Bruce Mines. Hilton. Richard. Landing, Sault Ste. Marie and Mackinac Island. rho Owen Crist Transportation Col. oteel pas-anger and freight steamer "Manltoulin" provide. on. of the finest trips on the Great Lakes during the months of July and Aucuat. when Mackinac Island is included in the Porta ot call. The all ncrou the beautiful Georgian Bay and along the North Channel. with short calls at Manitoulin and the North Short points, to the Boo, makes an ideal outing. Ample opportunity is provided at Mackinac blond tor light-seeing on this most picturesque inlandthe tourist centre of the Great taken. The steamer "Manitoulin" I. of steel construction, 190 feet long, and modern in every respttt “commenting 160 plunge". running water in every stateroom, steam heated, oblervatlon uloon. excellent meals. Steamer leaves Owen Sound on Mackinac trip every Monday at 11.15 p.m.cttttt ar_rivtt1 313nm; 'ttynpyr to. ngn 'o1tm19vtttrday morning. ',__. ' MACKINAC ".'c? “1 Owen Sound vi. Georgi-n Buy. “and“: nun. North alone. Bault8te.MarhttoMte_asar-montr.tg. Manitoulin. Return Fm, Indium; Henl- .. eae nn For Tickets and Reservations Write- I' Mrs H. Strong and family are this ._week visiting 'yith her mother, Mrs. l Jae. Eccles. T _ Mr John Fenian, son and daughter ot New York State. visited recently with his brother, Geo .Fenton. I mum” to MIDI Floyd and f'iiiri";G7G;rirlt her “mm mm“ WWI This . morn! 'edtteatur we necked . 1.0tMk "D PERSO'AL word 3:33:43 medal?“ Iain come h tummy-90’ l a Holstein School. Robert Christie c' successful in awning it. Con- Mr Bert Gibson. mums e.tt:-xi/'l;',ilt1'd'tlll',tl, Bobbie. mu Mord had i'l','t"auPl','l; 2,33%. Itnig','l,'"rt,'h emu out of nine pupils pass the Ent- u , ' t I to the city Monday. '3‘: which speaks highly of her Mr Marshall Burrows with Mrand Mrs Geo. Bun-own visited frieatls near Listowel the ttrat ot the week.: Mrs W. ttrr,'di'3.rgtei Prteev'inis, visited her brother', up. Coleridge. and other friends for a few days this week. *_ Bobbie Sadler of Wiarton i” ld. '1 his part ot his vacation (eff/St, cousin. Ross Rite. , YK. Li) rilltteggar July 18,. thir. Libr'lrydn will, .closed for-jwo weeks while '1 the Librarian is hlving het holidays.' I . Mrs Wm Freeman and son Bertof Teeswater. are at present visiting her mother, Mrs E. Johnston. Tess;ateru Gii'iit" present vitsiting her; oia'/nt,".,) I. r. 85:32:35)). p. __, mother, Mrs E. Johnston: gBrown, e Campbell, c Mr and Mrs R. J. Arm]! and tam-', Walls, r, f. Pike, 1.f. ily left Monday morning for a motor Tyndall (Red) 5.5. Grieve, 3rd trip -to Niagara Falls, Burma andI Feritori, M Pennoek, at Detroit. -_. . Lynch, p Weiser, s.s.‘ Mr and Mrs Mekinnonpd yrfij,ir,iiiiiiltrfiy, 2nd Ball, 2nd Mrs McDermid from near Pricevule” Coburn, 8rd Bowtsfleld, lst were'recent guests with Mr and gran Lucas, lat Devan“, P. f.' C. McMillan. . . , [Gibson Beverlv lnlavwl rm- mm“..- Mrs Hector McLean, Rflteyille. visited for a tew days; this 'yféek at Mr Colin MeMillan'tr.' I. Mr and Mrs' Herb Lamoft visited friends in ‘the village. Abe tirttt ofthe week. _ Mr Nelson McGuire. with his Sun- day School class, . '.gttiqYed a day's outing; at Wauga Bach Tuesday. Mr Dos Matthews. Mister Harry and Miss Isabel, and Miss Johnston motored from Toronto Tuesday and are visiting with Mrs J. Brown, Sr. Lawson and Ada Morrison of Mt. Denis ,are spending part of their va- cation with their grandparents. Wm. ant Mrs Brown. Mr Wm Main and sister Mrs Bruce Snlvely ot Norwich, visited last week with their cousin, Miss Reta Roberts Mrs Gray ot Britton, is visiting with Mr and Mrs Jas Homburgh. Holstein L. o. L., No. 2296 cele- brated the 12th July in Walkerton. On Sunday evening previous, the Orangemen attended service in the Presbyterian Church, when Rev. W. Johnston addressed them. HOLSTEIN LEADER Sir, Holatajn Softball Team by defeat- i.'-. "_rttr thefPickeu of Mt Forest last Jii Thursday evening, ft up even il, ' with the Crimes u Leafs ot the; 59 league making 7 ree teams tied "yi5, for 131: plaDe 'Mit" e schedule halt ' over. . ' 'Ili.: 'PWINKS (H in) ll t F J, PI ETS (Mt. Forest). t 3.1.Score by Innin s: ', 275 Mile Week End Trip to Manitoulin Island $12.00 Including Meals and Berth Trinks P eta 'ttSf, mcvougall, 2nd Ball, 2nd Coburn, 3rd Bowtsi1eld, lst Lucas, lat Devan“, P. f. Gibson Beverly (played for McDoug- all tirtst two innings.) Miss Ethel Sharp, who has been in charge or the Post omce here, since the death ot her father, received word last Thursday ot her appoint.- ment as postmistress. On Thursday, June 30. a pleasing function took place at Boothville School. Miss H. Christie. teacher. She is a popular teacher and has been engaged for the 5th year and before leaving she was presented with the following address: in our behalf and your kind and pleasant manner which made our work a. pleasure instead of a task. We ask you to accept this boquet of flower, as a token ot our esteem for you. And we hope that the sad "We, your pupils .of Boothvllle School have gathered here today to hear the results of our examinations and it is a pleasure to us to know that all have passed and a great many with honors and we wish to thank you for your untlrlng ettorts $32.00 I'HE DURHAM REVIEW and Return APPOINTED POSTMISTRESS TEACHER APPRECIATE!) 1234567totat 020351x11 0101104 7 TORONTO 'u bad u the message would imply. lWe will be looking found to your now: reading your father's health which you hue but received and much CattSet' you to lave for home t On Thursday, July let. Holstein W. I. intend holding their usual hair py annual pienie on Mrs Rogers' lawn lwhen 8 W. l. Societies are expected {to be present. plenum and enjoyable to you. Sign- ed on behalf of the papilla Lloyd Kinsmen, Edna Harrison. John Richie, Vera Hilks (The teacher's father mentioned tV bove as being tll, has since died and much sympathy is being extended to her.) Good two storey brick residence on Gamma: SL. Durham, , doors south ot Rowe's Bakery, water in house, good garden. Occupation given " once. Apply to Geo. 8. Lawrence, Mt. Forest, Ont. Mr and Mrs Fro] McCaw and children ot Arthur spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Mildred Rug- ers with Messrs Hall and Runnings. motored from Toronto Saturday ev'g to visit her home folk. Mr Runnings. of Owen Bound Collegiate, is In Tor. onto marking papers at University and proceeded to o. Sound Sunday for a. few hours visit. The glorious Twelfth! Some are going to Markdale, some to Walker- ton and others to Guelph. Last Monday was an ideal day lo, be in the woods and an enjoyable uf-g temoou was spent at the U.F.O. pied hic in A. Merchant's bush. P. R. Oli- ver, M.P.P. and Mr Amos, Paimersn ton, gave interesting addresses; mu- sic was provided by Swinton pipers ; a. softball game between Swinton and Dromore teams in the evening and dancing at night, provided enter", tainment tor the crowd. [ The special Confederation program arranged for the W.M.S. of the Unit. ed Church, was carried out " our meeting last week and proved to be very tine. The presentation to Mrs. Johnston Sr. of a Life Membership Certiheate, was also a pleasing fea- A pleasing incident last Thursday 0 was the Philp picnic at the home of II J. W. Philp. Four generations wure‘o represented. There were 30 present,' viz: Rev and Mrs Jos Phiip, Hamil- ton; Mr and Mrs J. W. Philp and, the Bailey family, Arthur; Mr Rob; Philp, B. A., High School teacher at; Brampton; Mr and Mrs Jno Widdis1. and E. McRobb family, Mt Forest ;.; the J. A. Mather, A. Nicholson andie We were glad to hear last Thurs- day, that Miss E. Sharpe had that day, received notice of her appoint. ment as Holstein post mistress. We also wish to congatulate teach- ers and pupils on the success at the recent Entrance exams. No's , and 10 each passed 100 per cent-none falling Well done. Mr and Mrs R. A. Nicholson and Jack. spent the week end with Minto friends. Mrs A. Nicholson had the pleas- ure ot having Mrs Brockenshlre of Port Hope for her guest over the week end. They were room mates while nurtsetAn-trainintr at Guelph Hospital. Mr and Mrs Swnyne, Toronto,were holiday week end guests at her par- ental home. They were accompan- ied by Mr and Mrs Allen, who pro ceeded to Owen Sound Jo spend a couple of days at their reunion. w. J. Philip families of this location; Fearing the lawn might be too damp‘i dinner and tea were served in the house. There were games, etc andal general good time. For over M) yearsg there has been an annual gathering ot the Philps' of Durham Co. and a committee was formed Thursday tor; the purpose ot arranging for a. cele button next year ot this branch or, the family tree. 1 Last Wednesday, Mr and Mrs Jas Bunston were guests at the wedding of their brother Joseph to Mrs Lottie Taverly of Proton. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs Geo Alexander of West Luther. The immediate relatives were present in the Mternoon--oth. ers coming later to spend the even. ing progressive euchre. We extend best wishes to Joe and his bride. Mrs McLean, after spendingrfour weeks in Durham hospital, was able to return home last Thursday. Mr and Mrs AT k. Henderson visit. ed Elmwood friends the beginningof the week. Mrs W McKenzie spent a few days last week with her aunt. Miss Mabel Hopkins. Mrs Rennie, Toronto, who has been Miss Hopkins' guest the Ali-ii)?! -irr,i "iG.Hiiiiir1irent to Guelph Sunday to attend her uncle's fuggral. yeggming yesterday. past two weeks, has gone to meet ner husband at Victoria Harbor, where they will remain a couple ol weeks. For Sale " DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. w. MOON, amen Agent Phone Dar and ”Night. 140 blue. but very low in price, ranging from 830 to “2.00 Ic- oordlng to capacity. I handle the Mistotte, the An- ter-Holth, the Mme] Bail-bears Danton and Runnable in price I also Mhnndle the Olympic Twenty Second-hand 1Cretytrspparators RESIDENCE FOR SALE WANTED [I TAYLOR tl C0., Dromore I Wedding bells are ringing in this locality-mot for some bachelor to I get tied up. This is going to be a golden wedding. More later. Mr and Mrs Ernie Greenwood and Mrs Herb. Greenwood end children, visited " Jan. Geddes' Sunday Inst. Mr and Mrs Wm Wells and Mrs. W. G. Wilson spent the 12th In Walkerton. Will reports 32 lodges in the march there. On a recent Sunday we were shock- ed to see a large Chrysler car park- Some have started buying this week and it will be in MI swing by the middle of next week. A good crop this your. _ . Along with the glory surrounding the few airmen who have success- fully crossed the Atlantic, come stor- ies ot death to others who have "crushed" ‘to earth in the air ma- chines. An aviator is not a good In- surance tfsk--.vet. A wild wind and hail storm has made devumtlng streaks through Alberta and satrkatehewan. ed near the river and the occupants busy t1trttintr. We trot their number all right but will let them so this! time. But the next guys we notice‘ showing the same disrespect for the Sabbath, someone else will have a, chance to look after them and we don't mean “maybe." i GrntrrtottrtioU to Mr Joe Watt and Miss Gladys Rawn who were married recently. A large number from this locality spent the glorious 12th in Markdale. We Orangemen were ever favored with splendid weather and with no advance notice ot the day in the local papers as usual. However the 12th always draws the biggest cmwd of any day we are aware of. Messrs Geo. and Joe Wilson along with some others, spent over the week end visiting relntives In Mil. verton. A severe earthquake has occurred in Palestine and last reports any tb bout 300 lives lost. season are opening In the papers. Too bad that homes and communi- ties should 96 thus shocked. En- courage swimming but preach cure- fulness. The usual tale of drowning! at this Best quality Western Oats, extra quality Redeemed Screenings, Oat Feed, Tank-1e, Mixed Grain ot Oats. Barley and Wheat, testing 42 lbs. per in. Yellow Kiln Dried Corn af,',',',',:"), If; {00" tor Bpring Rnd Slides Beat rellnble brands on hand of am " and “(and New Bronx-let Extra. All at m Manly an der today's whet. Bee then-M be convinced of the qtutitr. W] M. GROAT & SON 1Yge,t,t'e'i',,tf/"l'2,' 533.1333 m. 10.5. ' 12.75 Screen Doors We carry the Stnndnrd Doors, stench 2.N t " Screen Windows In different sizes s..............". " and w Wire Screen In Various Widths Come when you than get it good Lawn Mowers NORTH EGREMONT Linoleum, only, per sf, " Oilcloth, per sq. yd. Squares, rue PE0pLES MILLS, Mt. Fore; A beautiful pnitern. Continual delight to the eye JMu'es, In Linoleum, Oileloth and Congoleum In many sizes. A 9ft. x 9ft. for only 12 u In 2 yard ind I-yard widths '8--30--32---36 inches wide. The Government Beetewte That the government or Canada ne- oeives beneitt from the annual search for position on school sun. is shown in the one of Thombury School. Mr T. G. Idle who received 291 applications for vacant and po- sitiona there, given out the iactlhat name on - amounted to $6.10. The bundle of applications weighed 8% lbs avenlupota. Following up tho "tues and placing a hut hour at taken to write the letter, testimonial envelope, etc., it will be seen the total time to write these applications. would be 18 days of 8 hours work in addition it takes another day lo read the pile.---')": Review» Herald. Bookkeeping, Btemtemphr, Tnr lug. Sulelmnnhlp. Secretarial work Each student receives pemooat%t. tendon. You my Enter at AMT-e Call or write for Catalogue new" roan? (Tut. . THAT'S SERVICE FAR“ FOR SALE it, Gov-batten troy to True job to In deep!) etut mm Gov't the work. school .111sz 'teqtemtterqd ere Leavmg Mime Juan-Ho 'irrr. l an! fou (tumors t t Immoral: " nu in; and ho "Nancy" at of the work was has work which in Rune mu! 5 place a doctor at Tobermi Catharine livid-In Inn- 1 purr on "Canada‘s Humor I.“ Mm Mury Mean an m excl-[lent our "mu m tt "Indus for." Tim Anthem closed tho mee%at1 n- servod by the hosted by a tow of the In“ l “In; In! to huh! at - on Aug. 10. u , - In with inn-ad that? of the M!" can . union pa “'lison's school I: good program ir t Inch Wm be mm A all We will t 0mm: Mud let for Mr Ilolstin Lg ledge 1 Nor! he lander Men Women”; "mm A goodly number of m the Aunt-en branch " Institute. “tender! the mo I. held It the hour or on on Friday nuernoou. an: etteetelttetr, In: n. l the Wuw lesson: th an ot in v Bum: Bram-h ceo" who t6eCl and Thelma M' (Mid dun car to Wilt VIII be II m (has. hurl he In mend not! huh-m, Norma! Graduate (‘onxrutulmim..~ Mun High St have anll) Rom“ esatttitw 1'ullyqunlmml h mess Inlay her interir will lend: Inn-am Don'l town Ante of the R, m Garden Pal ttth ther, Mille Aluminum-y Services The Angtive I".) 5 Church. 'iiiii'ii: Au. 'ith and ht will be Inc-Id a! 1 a Itgty 901. Mr " fund hm'orv Man “an!” Inn in I and m fitted In? I Fur dil undue!" ell”. a! on alto: cane " 09 O'Nei Maine-n: Matted Mectmg an» " Tho Cmie The an: Presbylrrl. Be held on Good pm: for puma VOL. L, NO Sprint: nu prim Mu Rev, Ge thr te-g Into " 'arrt of lppM $Uref M M End "al let" Rt " u \\ N ol, tiow M wt, tr M M to " H Toberr "

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