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Durham Review (1897), 28 Jul 1927, p. 1

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00 15 75 15 Queen St. W. M. S. | ‘The July meeting of the W. M. S. of Queen St. United Church was held on Thursday, 21st insst. at the| nome of Mrs Geo. Yiirs. Mrs Robt.| Smith was in charge of the devoâ€"| tional and study exercises and o;»! »ned the meeting with singing "O| *%._ Canada." Mrs Smith led in pnwr,' after which Mrs Knechtel and Mn,} Hay sang a duet entitled "He knows; it all." The scripture lesson from John 5: 1â€"15 was read by Mrs. W!g-! gins and Mrs Smith gave a reading on "Faith and Moods." The moods: of spirits and even our faith vary at! times from the heights of ecstasy to the depths of despair. . We muszi strive to anchor our faith on them-ki bed of God. In observance of Canâ€" Glenelg Centre Baptist Church will bold _ Anniversary Services Sunday, July 3ist, at 11 a\m. and 7.30 p. m. Rev. Mr Farmer oftOwen Sound, wil have charge of t services. On Monday evening an dress will be given by Mr. Farm and a good musical program will Aso be providâ€" od. Lunch served t the close. Admission 35¢ and 1l5c. change list Will Teach in England _ Miss Myra McLean, M. A., formerâ€" ty of Priceville, sails with Mrs. Murâ€" cay and son Tom, on Aug. 16th, for England where she will be one of the ~taff of the Girls‘ County High School »t Bishop Auckland, near Durham in England. _ Miss McLean has been on Thorold High School staff the past ear and is the third High School leacher to be appointed on the exâ€" nd 2 fne program £iv&@u. Aumlsl Durham get lacrosse team have sion, adults 35¢ : vhlldrx 15¢. |! a crucial gamÂ¥ on in Hanover Thurs Anniversary Services !day afternoon. \Crucial for Hanover The Anniversary Services of Krox| at least, for theX home team â€" must Church, Normanby, will be held ou] win to have a ch@nee for district Aug. Tth and 8th. _ Sunday serviws'honors- A Durham Wyvictory . means will be he at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p.| the group championshiy for Durham i. _ Rev. G. Purnell will be in| and a playâ€"off in the fiMgls with the charge of thÂ¥ services. _ Monday evâ€"| Toronto Maitlands. .r}inz a' gardeX party wm‘be held on Prof. KXz, the well known optical Watson‘s s('hoo' gm.unds for which .:a specialist, coming again to the zood program is\being prepared. A| rrann HouseNon Tuesday, August 2nd tunch will be served on the grounds. He can relie headache, dizziness, A ball game will be played in the €Yâ€"| {witching eye Nis, pain in the back ening. Admission 25¢ and 15¢. af waelk. Batedtiva â€" viston reterel Anniversary Services the Walkerton ladies. _ Two of the urhaim rinks succeedled in coming into the finals and brought hom» irophies of their skill. The rink «kipped by Mrs Morlock and comâ€" prising Mrs R. MacFarlane as vice, and Misses Mary McKechnie and Margaret Hunter came second plac in the 1st event and landed china cake plates. In the 2nd Event, Mrs. W. H. Smith‘s rink, comprising Miss CMe Hunter as skip and Mesdames MeDonnell and Pickering, came secâ€" ond place also, and each bronght home with them a pyrex pie plate. The annual GaNen Party of Zion +pworth League, Yill be held at the home of Mr W. . Greenwocd on Thursday evening, . 4th. A keen ball game between\ outside teams will be played. Good \supper served «nd a& fine program giv&p. Admis sion, adults 35¢ : childrek\ 15¢. nisfortune to fall Wednesday and breek her thigh bone. _ She was reâ€" moved to Durham hospital for treatâ€" ment. Also on the same day, Mr. Thos. Ball of 16th con., Normanby, fell and fractured an arm. Mrs Mary Greenwood, mother of Mrs Jos McNally, Glenelg, had the vAa‘s Diamond Jubilee, a review Of| next scene of the day‘s sport, where our Home Missions was taken by| at five pin bowling the choir enjoyâ€" nine of the ladies. Mrs McCraeread ed themselves for three hours. That our national verse Psaim 72 : 8, "He some of the choir members «an shall have dominion from sea tosea: bowl as well as sing was quite evi and from the river unto the ends of dent and the elimination games were the earth." Good reports ,were now splendid to watch. Small favors given by the watchtower. The :ainâ€" were given to the high lady and utes of the previous meeting were gentleman scorer, who proved to be rea d and adopted. Garments for Mrs G. Kearney and Mr Kenneth our missionary box were broughtin. Kerr. In closing, one minute silent prayer The party reached Durham at waidâ€" was offered for our missionary, Miss night and voted the day one of the Harris, followed by the "Mizpal", best of the many fine outings they repeated in unison. i have had. VOL. L, NO. 30 ady Bowlers Visit Walkerton spnssssusoe mase some Three rinks of Durham lady bowâ€"| Kno x United Church choir were rs bowled to Walkerton on Thursâ€") fortunate in two things for their anâ€" ay morning last to participate in a} nual picnic this yearâ€"the place and «ies‘ tournament @arranged by the| the day. The pretty ard romantic ly bowlers of _ that town. _ There| little village of Leith, five miles north ere 17 rinks in all arnd as well ns’of Owen Sound on the Georgian Bay ome teams, they came from HoP{ was the locality visited and Monday,. ein, â€" Lucknow, Wingham, â€" Arthus.! 25th July, the date chosen. The day eeswater and â€" Palmerston. T‘uc% was ideal for a picnic and four cars lay was most enjoyable and the Ioc-; left Durham shortly after 1 p.m. to I rinks have thc-l kindest thlx::.; “;i while away a few pleasant hours in iy of the good sportsmanship of| summer diversions. The district 1e Walkerton â€" ladies. _ Two of lhv! surrounding Leith is full of rural urhaimm rinks succeeled in coming: charm and quiet country life and an ‘to the finals and brought hom) ideal spot to have lost health and rophies of their . skill. The rink! vigor restored should it be so unforâ€" kipped by Mrs Morlock and comâ€"| tunate as to be necessary, most enjoyable and the locâ€" ive the kindest things to e good â€" sportsmanship of rton â€" ladies. _ Two of the nks succeedled in coming fAinals and brought home #f their skill The rink unter came second p‘lac: event and landed china . In the 2nd Event, Mrs. th‘s rink, comprising Miss r as skip and Mesdames and Pickering, came secâ€" also, and each brongit them a pyrex pie plate. Knox United Church Choir go aâ€"Picnicking Prof. KAtz, the well known optical specialist, \s coming again to the Hahn HouseNon Tuesday, August 2nd He can relie headache, dizziness, twitching evye s, pain in the back of neck. _ Defecive vision relieved through properly Kttel glasses, He can help you tho‘\ others fail. Reâ€" member the date. $12 glasses for $7.50. Sheep Stealing Sheep disappearing in Bruce Counâ€" ty somewhat frequently led to Bruin being blamed, till one day a farmer saw two men chasing his sheep in a secluded field. The men when seen. took to the bush but the number ofi their car was taken and it was found a Dobbinton man was the thief. _ A search warrant was the means of securing seven sheep which were reâ€" turned to their owners and the two men meantime are in the clutches of the law. Shortly after arriving a snapoy game of ball was arranged and the "Babe Ruth‘s" and the *"Ty," "Cobbs" had the summer citizens of Leith for an audience. There were no limitations set to the bounds of the ball field so the sphere smashed through an upper window in an unâ€" occupied home and tho‘ the house was securely fastened against marâ€" auders,, didn‘t prevent the ball from getting back to its proper owners. Some striking hits and more striking runs were made ard the game clos ed with the score ending 26â€"23 in favor of the "Babe Ruths". Dr. Lynn Grant bas been dentist in Walkerton for the past ten years, and last week left for Stratford, where he will become a partner of Dr. J. A. Beatty of that city. Dr Lynn has identified bimself with evâ€" ery good cause while in Walkerion, and its citizens are going to iss him. Important Game in Hanover. Come to t Priceville Presbyterâ€" ian Church GaÂ¥rden Party on School Grounds, on FrNay evening, August 5th. â€" Hear the\ Brunswick Trio ol London, Prof. Ky and Mary and Ilene Clark, highl@@d â€" dancers oi Hamilton. Admission Oc and 25¢. Lunch free. The water was also a popular aiâ€" traction and while the beach is not as fine as Wasaga for non swimmers yet the water was the right temper ture and for a time the fish in the locality received a bad scare. Left for Stratford At 6 pm. the gathering sat down to a real picnic supper, the number being pleased to have with them, Mr and Mrs C. C. Middlebro of Owen Sound, the latter a former member of the choir. At 7.30 p.m.. the Georgian lecâ€" reation Rooms, Owen Sound, was the next scene of the day‘s sport, where at five pin bowling the choir enjoyâ€" ed themselves for three hours. That some of the choir members «an bow! as well as sing was quite evirâ€" dent and the elimination games were splendid to watch. Small favors were given to the high lady and gentleman scorer, who proved to be Mrs G. Kearney and Mr Kennetha Stewart McArthur on Wednesday. Aug. Sre, in pla of their usual monthly meeting, AN members will please atieyGt and visXors welcome. The Purhom Revien. : Before the Police Magistrate insisted that the car, a Ford truck,! There was also an autograph quillt struck him and not he the car. %â€"the work of the Ladies‘ Aidâ€" to George Hahn, son of Oscar, said| be put up for auction‘ that evening, that just as they were opposite Morâ€", but this also was held over for anâ€" rison‘s gate, the car swerved in on other time. Laterâ€"This hardsome them. Morrison had given no wam-]qullt has been sold to Mr Lochic ing either by horn or sign nor had. McKinnon of Calgary for the sum of he, but he had applied the brakes.‘ $10. Had had no conversation with Mor-] Miss Agnes MacPhail, M. P., was rison. ‘one of the audience, having returned Wesley Hauck, driver of the bus, was one of Hahn‘s passengers being taken south. _ Considered himseli a judge of speed being an "expert chaffeur." _ Saw the car coming and without warning turned to the left. He too insisted Morrison hit Hahn, Oscar Hahn said he saw the car coming, alleged it was "wobbling", he was on his right side and the car (Morrison‘s) ran into him on his left side having given no warning. The car went 50 or 60 feet alter striking him. Admitted he was 5o ing 30 to 35 miles an hour. To Mr. Robertson, Oscar declared he slowed up when he saw the car coming and insisted that the car, a Ford truck, struck him and not he the car. Wm. Morrison testifiel that he was coming about 15 miles an hour, that be had blown his horn when at the (Continued on page 5) Elmira School had 30 candidates writing for Entrance and all pasged, no fewer than 20 taking honors. Spring and Summer hats selling at balf price. Mis&s Truax. Saturday _ last â€" Police â€" Magistrate Laidlaw had before him Wm. Morriâ€" son of Normanby, charged by Oscar Hahn with careless or reckless drivâ€" ing. Traffic Officer Culpe conducte.d the case for Plaintiff Hahn, Mr Robâ€" ertson off Walkerton for Defendant Morrison. _ The accident or impact took pla?:e later on the same day of the bus accident by which Alex. McDonald met his death. Honcred by Section. On leaving her school in New Onâ€" tario, at S.S. No. 5, May township, Webbwood, Miss Ruby Morrison was presented by the section with a fine hat box and a complimentary address Miss Morrison will teach at Varney, her home school, the coming year. Anniversary Â¥Services of St. Paul‘s Church, Egrem@nt, will be held on Sunday, July 31Â¥t, at 3.00 and 7.30 pm.. when the pastor, Rev. E. Hayes will preach. On esday, August 2nd the annual garden Warty will be held on R. Barbour‘s lawX Supper served. Softball gameâ€"Knox \Norm@nby . vs, Edge Hill. Gocd pro@tam. Admisâ€" sion 35¢ and 20¢c. Everkone come. Presbyterian W. M. S. The monthly missionary meeting of the Presbyterian Women‘s Missionâ€" ary Society was held over to Tuesâ€" day of this week, owing to the garâ€" den party falling on their Aate. The President, Mrs A. Derby and Sec‘y, Miss Mary Calder were in their re spective places and the former openâ€" ed with devotional exercises. Mrs James Ledingham gave the scripture reading, while Mrs (Rev) Armstrong had the paper for the month, which was on "Moslem women." The ladies are arranging for a bale of clothing to be sent to a New Ontario outpost hospital and a com. was appointed to arrange for same. The building is to be of rug brick, stone facing for doors and windows, one doorway with granite steps and the promise is made that it will be ready for occupancy by December 1st next. Here‘s hoping this will be accomplished to allow Postmaster and staff to enjoy the Christmas rush in the new building. Postmaster Smith has informed us‘ The Presbyterian congregation for| of the above fact and no doubt prepâ€"| the first time in recent years, encourâ€" arations for construction are alrevdy | tered bad weather for an outdoor under way. It is to be a oneâ€"story function. This time, in the case structure with basement dimensions of the Garden Party last Thursday ‘ 40 feet by 40 feet and height above evening at Mr Robert Lawson‘s, it ) ground 22 feet. The contract is let might have been much worse. The‘ to the Britnell Construction Co. of| lowering clouds which hovered over; Toronto who, we understand, had Durham from 4 pm on, did not reâ€"‘ contracts on Government Roads in lease their weight of watery vapour| this vicinity. The amount of the tonâ€"| till nine pm.. and by this time a| der is $17001, and the balance of the Jarge gathering was present. . The $25,000 will be applied to interior eâ€"| D@an@gement as on previous occasions quipment. | ensured themselves financial success, The building is to be of rug brick.' by writing out rain insurance, but stone facing for doors and windows,| 48 their gate receipts were over amli one doorway with granite steps an«| AbOve that necessary to be maie beâ€", the promise is made that it will be: fOre benefitting, they were not the ready for occupancy by Decembor| losers. $6.00 above that of last year| 1st next. Here‘s hoping this will belwas faken at the‘ gate which was| accomplished to allow Postmaster| 8OMething over $300, Of course the and staff to enjoy the Christmas rush | refreshment and candy booth receipts in the new building. ‘fell down somewhat but considering mureretts WeW Oy t es eevicusccy the Aeluge of rain which came on that‘ inight and for two successive nights P afarsa tha Paliaa Manmistrapa they were fortunate people after all.; Mr Robt. Hopkins and son of Hutâ€" ton Hill, had a bath on Wednesday evening, July 27th, they will rememâ€" ber for many moons. Whiie driving a team attached to a. wagon across the wooden bridge over the Saugeen on his farm, one end of the bridge gave way, and man, boy, horses and wagon had a 12 or 15 foot drop into the river. _ It was fairly deep there too, but Bob and his son, who had jumped from the wagon, quickly got ashore, The horses were swimming around, but were cut loose, and a‘so saved, none the worse. All‘s weil that ends well. Contract let for th: | New Post Off‘ce Dropped into River. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY 28, 1927 With which is incorporated the Hoistein Leader Jean Grant .... | Oleida Hahn .. Louise Jamieson Miss Agnes MacPhail, M. P., was one of the audience, having returned the day previous from & speaking tour though Saskatchewan. Three young men in a car, gh'ln.'zi their address as Niagara Falls, have been operating in liquor between | Dundalk, Flesherton, and Markdale. | Constable Johnson of the latter place | got suspicious, made a search and ifound the liquor. He had th--m' brought before Magistrate Creasor, | who fined them $100 and costs, not for peddling the Jliquor, which it seems the new law allows but !nr] | keeping it in a stable which is not: | their "home." The Standard says :. | "If the Control Act permits tlis ; kind of thing then its not what the: people were led to believe it would be and is not what the pecpie | want." + 4 The crowd were loath to leave the grounds and despite the everâ€"increus ing drops, dodged the drops under trees or invaded the Lawson home, in the hope of it being a joke and there would soon be a rift in the lute. But the weather plumber had completely gone on strike and eventâ€" ually the grounds became deserted. To the credit of the Brunswick artâ€" ists they deducted $25 of their usual fee. (Arrived too late for last week) The following are the local centre results of the Toronto Conservatory of Music midâ€"summer â€" Examinations in Piano. Pupils prepared by the Misses Fursman. The Brunswick Trio were on hnd again and ready with an allnew program, but only had a number or two in, when they had to give way to the onslaught of rain. Also seâ€" cured as extras, were Miss Mary Bishop, character dancer; Miss Jesâ€" sie Butt, contralto soloist and Miss Jean Walker, elocutionist. These all were heard and seen once or twice ere the retreat began. ‘Presbyterian Garden Party ‘ Ran against Wet Night Maximum number of marks is 109 Pass 60 marks : honors 70 marks : first class honors 80 marks. INTERMEDIATE GRADE Fisie Kearney <.... ‘.......80 1 Jean Harding .. â€"..../... A1.3 Mary Hughes (Hanover) ..74 : Norma Gagnon â€"......... 63 1 Eunice Moon . Gordon McCrae Jim Henderson Florence Bailey Frances Hay . Holstein girls will play their first| league game on the High School grounds here Friday, July 29th, at 6.30 p.m. against Durham girls in the United Church League. Durham won their first. game in Hanover last| week. Come and see the first home‘ game. Admissionâ€"10c. t With softball so prevalent, hardâ€" ball games are now an unusual event in this locality. A good exnibition of the latter took place last Wednesday at J. W. McKechnie‘s, north of town, when Rocky Saugeen boys won by 4 to 3 over ‘Onward‘ of South Artemeâ€" sia, Unfortunately only five innings could be played before darkness inâ€" tervened. Peddling Liquor no Crime ? Rocky Defeated Onward. Holstein Girls Here Friday. Successful Music Students ELEMENTARY GRA PRIMARY GRADE JUNIOR GRADE 70 68 64 m# DE 81 171 W\ 13 marks marks marks marks marks marks marks marks marks marks marks maiks | _ Mr and Mrs Dane and Mr Edgar | Brown of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, | have motored north by stages to visâ€" |__ Misses Annie and â€" Viectoria Alioe, ! Toronto, are spending two weeks with their brother Alex and nume» | ous friends in and around Durham. ! _ Mrs Geo. Gliddon and children, ; has left for Toronto Tuesday where | she will join mner husb«rd, where he , has been employed for 2 year. They ihave been residents of Durham for | seven years. ! Mr and Mrs John McQueen were _ agreeably surprised yesterday to reâ€" ceive a visit from frierds and rels | tives from Stayner. The party com ‘ prised Mr and Mrs Percy MceEachern Mrs Gilchrist, Miss Rena McQueen, Miss Carrie McColman. They came | by Eugenia, and after enjoying the | hespitality of the Durham friends, went home by Owen Sound and Meaâ€" ford, testing the scenic beauties of both routes. | _ Miss Ina Barnett, nurse intraining | at Western Hospital, Toronto, is on a holiday at her father‘s home here. and was one of the number at Knox picnic to Leith Monday. it the remainder of the summer with the latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs T. E. Brown and many other relatives and friends. Mrs Martin and daughâ€" ter, Miss Minnie of Seattle, Wash., are also down East after an absence of 16 years, to visit her sisters and brothers, who several years ago mode the Henry name well knmown around North Egremont. Mr and Mrs Ernest Manning ond three â€" children of _ Newmarket, are visitors for three weeks with Mrs M‘s sister, Mrs Geo Gagnon. Messrs E. A. Hay, John Morrison. R. E. Richardson, DPr. Grant, F. Me Iraith and C. Moffat were in atterdâ€" aance last week of some of the sosâ€" sion of the Grand Lodge of the Maâ€" sonic Order meeting in Guelph. The two latter were delegates from Durâ€" ham Lodge. Inspector Galbraith oi Mt. Forest was appointed District Deputy Grard Master for Grey Dis» triet. Mr Wm. Ruttle Hanover, in comp any with Mr John McQueen, motorâ€" eA on Tuesday over Egremont and Proton, in the interests of the Grey and Bruce Ins. Co. Mrs. Wm. Patterson and her sisâ€" ter, Miss Anne McDonald and Miss Aitken, all of Acton, were visitors at Mr John MceFayden‘s, Edge Hill, and with other friends intown. Mr and Mrs Ozlom, (Sadie Hartâ€" ford) and Mr and Mrs Barney Hartâ€" ford, all of Detroit, are visitors with their mother, Mrs E. J. Hartford. Mr and Mrs Dan Sinclair, Mrs Gilâ€" christ and Miss Janet Buchanan of Keady, were visitors the first of the week with the sisterâ€"indaw of the two marricdl â€"ladies, Mrs Neil Sinâ€" clair, at the home of Mr Alex Mcâ€" Cormack, Upper Town. Mr and Mrs John Erbardt and daughter Eileen â€" of Cleveland, Ohio, were visitors with Mr and Mrs Jas. Lavelle. Mrâ€" and Mrs Fred Willams of; Sault Ste Marie, are down east on a ; visit with former friends and are| guests with the Misses McPayden of | Edge Hill | Mr Calder Noble left this week to take a position as a plumber Guelph, being employed by a rela: tive there. Mrs Wm. Ruttle of Hanover has gone on a trip to Victoria, B.C. in connection with Girl Guide work. Dr. Cecil Wolfe, Toronto, is hoii daying at the parental home this week. a couple of weeks with Mrs Wilt Buchan and at which they will ocâ€" cupy a cottage on Lake Erie. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Howell motâ€" ored the first of the week to Dunnâ€" ville, where the latter will visit for Miss Clark has returned to her home in Brantford after visiting with her aunt, Mrs S .F. McComb. Dr and Mrs Cassels of Toronto were visitors at the home of th« home of the former‘s niece, Mrs Fz ra Schenk over the week end, Mrs. (Rev.) J. A .Matheson, forâ€" merly of Priceville, returns this Friâ€" day to her home in Quebec after a five month trip to England and the continent with her sister, Mrs Hull of Calgary. Mr and Mrs C. Ramage, Mr Peter and Miss Alice, were visitors the first of the week at Mr Alex Mcâ€" Gregor‘s, townline Bent, & Sullivan. Mr and Mrs James Livingston reâ€" turned to their home in Detroit on Sunday, after sperding a week with the latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs W. J. Hewitt and other friends. Mr and Mrs Calder and two daughters, left the first of the week for Stratford, where they will in futâ€" ure make their home. Mr Calder will remain in the employ of the Hospital Board, but Mrs Calder, who is convalescent from a serious sickâ€" ness, will have to rest for some time. Black Cats 0 0 0 0 06 9 0( Night Hawks 5 7 1 2 0 4 x 18 Night Hawks â€" MceKechnie, o1 ; Burnett, 2nd; McGirr, s.«; Sparling 1st; Schutz, c; Kearney, lf.; Mecla tyre, p; Hunt, r{; McBeth, 3nd. Black Catsâ€"Kress 1.f; Thompson, 3rl; Ewen, Blyth, cf.; J. MeLachiaa 2nd; Mecliraith, r{.; Town, s.s. and p.; Garity, c; McClyment, 1st; Huâ€" gill, p. and s.s. Night Hawks Pets Black Cats Not only Jdefeat but disaster as woll befel the Black Cats Tuesday nigls when the Hawks squelched several of their nine lives by a 19â€"0 score. The Hawks fielded sharply, and their pitâ€" cher, A. D. Mclintyre, had the Caits eating out of his hand by forcing them to pop up fiies. Pets Nt Hawks Petsâ€"â€"Steinacher, ¢; Busnhlen, Pinâ€" der, 3rd; McComb, 1st; Clements, e.s Morlock, ¢f; Erwin, p.; Smith, 2nd, C. McLachlan, rf.; Lambertus, 1.1, Night Hawksâ€" Melntyre, p; Bur nett, s.8s.; Schutz, c; Sparling, 1st Kearney, 1f.; Hepburp, ri; Hunt 2nd McBeth, $rd; McKechnie, c. 1. These Night Hawhs are going great guns in Durbham Softball League, bayâ€" ing decisively won over both their cpponents the past week. Thursday last the Pets held them to 3 runs the first four innings but the Hawks then got their heavy artillery going, drove Erwin out of the box, and also hit Rev. Smith hard, counting 19 runs. The final score was 22â€"13. Melntyre pitched a steady game throughont. Mr and Mrs Lochie McKinnon and children returned Wednesday to theis home in Alberta, after spending a few weeks with their many relaâ€" tives and friends in and around Priceville. They were guests Tuesday evening with their â€" cousin‘s, the Weir and Burgess families. Misses Julia Weir and Mary Edge have returncd from _ Toronto where they have been on the examining Board for the Departmental â€" Middle school papers. Mrs Thos Banks returned Wednesâ€" day from a month‘s visit with Deâ€" troit and Stratford relatives. Mrs J. J. Sutherland of Stratford returned with her. Miss Myrtle Rae, Mt. Forest, is a new probationer nurse at Durham Hospital. Nisht Hawks lead League 6715 EmE h4 c« P me Willin: oC t is 1 s “; AJ ..‘-___ P P sude ~EW HEAD OFFICE EB m . MONTREAL _ Williams‘ Luxary Shaving Cresm, large tube....... Minty‘s Sbaving Cream .. .. ..... ... ... ks ks e Colonial Club Cream ..............} .. > > > > +> > > Shaving Sticks. Soaps, Brushes, Strops, Razors, Etc WILLIAMS AQUA VELVA HALIFAX S$. McBETH Published Weekly at $2.00 a year in advance. To United Statea, $2.50 a year in advance. C. RAMAGE & SON, Publishers * Tiim! fivrlf?mw ue ga No CM a Uy |‘ UV â€" an Ay of *"}t LEAGUE STANDING Won _ Lost The Royal Bank of Canada Curham Branch _ â€" â€" ]J. A. Rowland, Manager ONTARIO ~ArRcHIvEs TORONTO TORONTO W every phase of Canadian enterpriseâ€" Through the largest number of branches in Canadaâ€" For the greater prosperity of Canadian business. Oâ€"OPERATING with [ To nlay LW HEAD OFFiCE MONTREAL wpth Can$TRucTion Cl O 19 13 22 McFADDEN‘S Drug Store Found : NAir Review Office, a lad ies‘ purse or Ynesh bag. Owner may have it by ng expenses. _ Apply to John McEaQern, Upper Town. For Sale: A Yfive burner Detroi: wickless coal oi stove, with lowe:; >%4, in splenrd condiâ€"ica. _ Apply to Wm. Calder. No children under 12 allowed to pick. Picking July 29 & Aug. 2 Bring containers and pick your own. Wm. Jac Phone 611, r 3. Men who have used it say it is the best Shaving Cream in Canada. It makes shaving a pleasure. It makes the blade ten times more effective, It does not dry on the face. _A small amount is all that is reâ€" quired. We invite our customers to try it on our guarantee. It is economical to mse. The tube contains twelve (12) feet of creamâ€"more than 250 shaves â€"for 35¢. It works equally well with either hot or cold waâ€" ter, and softens the toughtst beard instantly. Rexall SHAVING CREAM Kodaks, Film:, and i all Vacation Supplies is Best for you to buy RASPBERRIES l2¢ a Ib NANCOUVER ormlo f

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