West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Jul 1927, p. 4

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When constricting your primed re. quirements. consult the Review. Careful and prompt attention given business stationery, prize lists, pro- grams. lowers, factory forms. nuc- tion ale bills. etc. nnd orders taken for counter chock books. Phone 6. Review for Job Printing i We Deliver --- '===ao-,,===-, [j H steel frame. It wiiistak' and still remain presentable retails at the exceedingly lo Wo also hare a number $1.50 to " 00. J. S. llkllJlhml, Vacation Days are Coming Don? fail to see the new Coat Case Are you prepared for your holiday trip this season? We have an exeellent range of suitable for any occasion Men's Balluiggan Underwear at . . . . . . . . TS: Mel‘s Merino do at .... .. Loo Men's Fine Shirts at .... MS to 2.25 Ladies' Silk Hosiery, in all Shades Ladles' Silk Underwear Splendid Value Ladies' House Dresses al no euh Table Linens at 69c and l.25 per yard Kellogg's Corn Flakes Bran Flakes and All Bun Club bags, Suit cases& haiiGes A Full Line of Fresh Groceriis ALEX A. ALJOE MACKINAC Wonderful Liki, Trips no 0.50 “and: ‘né’a'larnd usual to“ union of tho regular trip no no. vllol tor this 'uk-Ill om. Stun" In"! Owon Bound on wub and trip Saturday It “.15 p.m.. lflet Arrival of M": er. “I CN. Quins. Returns to Own Sound loudly It A.“ La. connecting with_momlnc auth__bound "up. __ _ While most tourists wilt hope to plan for the complete tun on tho Str. ltnltoulln. thou who cannot Iparo the time will be glad to know that tho boat mute: . 275 mil. wool-and trip from Owen Sound to thtlo Current. Latin. Owen Sound on Suntan! “emu. tho “can!" [on directly to Kit. Iarney. than“ to um. Current. and return. Ins. all: It lanuowanlng Ana Kuhn”. no Irrlves In Owen Sound 33-h on blond-y morning. This will xiv- the may one. worker or business run and In funny III opportunity to - a In. who“ on tho water. This my " won to tho "can: on will also he wel- cono to Dull”- no: from the loath going but. Nation 01mm u no: can In“ good cannula- from North I or. Points. $45.00 swam to mom WEEK-Ell! LAKE TRIP Including Meals and Berth Comparison Courted s DAY TRIP Island and Return to t; use new um use in a solid It will.st.a.nd a_ll kinds of abuse , s, Manlggqliq’s New Holiday Service Georgian Bay - Manitoulin and North Shore - So; - Mackinac Sound Transportation Cd Ltd. ntable. This case agly low price of. .. 9.00 ovaeruight bags, prices from Subscribers are reminded that when remitting subscriptions to the Revlon by cheque that exchange should be added. Bank money orders or ex- press money orders do not need the exchange. neither do postal money orders or postal notes. Phone at, Durham . a (e"ae"===tt=aqtmqrg=tttii, The Cash Shoe Store Owen Sound," Canada ' A!" c. P. I. on c. I... " g or. Owen Bound to "tttt In. Marte “I Return scanner leaves Owen Sound on Kuhn-c trip every Monday at 11.15 p.m., “tor arrival of trains; returning to Owen Sound Saturday morning. The Porta ot Call " tho Elohim trip Include Kllurmy. “Milton'- using. Limo Currant. Klaxons. Gore Bay. mum River. Theasalon. mince Mines. Hilton, Richards mum, Saul: Ste. Mar'at and alanine " and. rho Owen first] Transportation CoN otool pouenger and freight steamer "ManitoUlin" provides one ot tho titteet trim on the Great Lake: during tho months ot July and August, when Mockinoc Inland is Included in the ports ot call. The nail ocrou tho bountiful Georgian Bay and along the North Channel, with ohort all. " Kanitoulin and tho North Short points, to the Soo. mnkoo on ideal outing. Ample opportunity is provided It Mockinoc Island for light-loom; on this mom picturesque inlandtho tourist centre " tho Grout not". Tho neamor "Motitottmt" in of at“! construction. 190 feet long. Ind modern In - rupee; nccommoduln. 150 plunge". running Inter in every stateroom, gleam netted. obsomtlon saloon. excellent mull. 'f,PraftefritoPresr.-oaa-,st- """e"'etote---a.aiGiUiiiii. Mir-mJ-duugm .. 113m " ""rgNmrirorr-t-gaarm Por Ticket. and Reservations Write.- Hodge is 47 years of age and canv- from Scotland 17 years ago. He was smaller but stronger than his op- ponent. Beyond gettlng his finger., chewM up and his eyes blackened. he is none the worse but the bandit is ttnrt"eotmizable. It was so plainly a case or self defence that no charge will be laid against Hodge. Sou".- recognition ot his heroism is liyvty to be made. Then there was a struggle. easier imagined than described. in that dark kitchen. Hodge got a blow ov- er the head but struggled away with varying success tillthe bandit's head struck on the store: the advantage was followed up, fists and feet atus teeth being used in the death grips, which lastci for about " minutes and incidentally made a wreck or the kitchen furniture. At last the bandit lay quiet and "Breathless all Fitz-Hodge arose" and went to a neighbor's hours to mum!" a story seldom heard. (in returning they round the "Flu dead and evidence a-plenty to show that he was a professional nook: pistol. flashlight, chisel &c and some articles belonging to a neighbor who missed them a short time ago. Over $150 was found upon him but nmh ing by which he could be identifbU. How many readnrs of this article could face a similar situation Him this if they had to and come out as well ? nan Just nttMute0 plums the money The Prince ot Wales, Prince George safely away when suddenly a Bash, and Premier Baldwin of Britain aw. light and pistol opened heron,- him as we write, on the Atigntic speeding and a voica declaring "i'll kill you" tttwards Ctutada. Mrs. Baldwin and met his ears. Without hesitation ho Beeretariea accompany the puma.“- knocked pistol and light aside and and the Prince has a big retinue also. closed with the man in the 'larknesv, At Ottawa the Prince will perform for the light had Korte out. some dedication duties and he and Then there was a struggle. easier the others are expected in Toronto imtutined than described. in that the beginning of next week. The dis. dark kitchen. Hodge got a Mow ov- tinguished visitors, the swimming er the head but struggled away wiih match. and the C. N. Exhibition will varying successtilitho bandit’s head give Toronto an unusual thrill. Alex. Hodge, a bachelor farther. living near Beeton. Ont., has causal an unwonted sensation. He had Just come home from the town when he heard his name called from the roadway and on going to see who wanted him found it, was the men who had bought stock from him and by the light of the car headlights " p. m.) they pull him 8610. Without a thought of danger. he returned to his lonely home all in darkness and had just t1nished placing the money Member Pee Weekly Newly-D A new C. RAMAGE & SON. Editor Ind Pro. I]?! Frr1rtms 31min! MURDERED A BANDIT MACKINAC 275 Mile Week End Trip to Manitoulin $12.00 Including Meals i The Lethbrldge Herald says of WHOSE MONEY " IT? ‘him: “Unable to read, he had to Since the Conservative weekiics ot take his instruction wholly from tbe the Province have been carrying lectures he heard in the class room. large and handsome ads. from the Deprived of his eyes he depended Ontario government about good roads upon his ears. He was active all weed control and drivers' licenses, the time in university affairs and int the question arises as to whether it the campaign to build a l'niversity is public money or Conservative tho-1 rink. The tendency of course is to hey they are spending in this fashion nxoralize when we compare Jack Mass The idea of using advertising to tolt shalt and his disability with omen the people of changes in the law, young men possessing all theirt'atul- which affect them seems to be agood ties. The one is not discouraged By one but why those ads. should in; his handicap but by an ambition, confined only to papers friendly to strikes boldly out to achieve what Premier Ferguson is not so clear. lt his mind is Set Upon. The others. Mr it were a matter of spending party too often, allow their gifts to go to campaign funds, the Conservatives. Waste. take life easily and end up would be quite Justified in sending‘ with a blank score as regards worth- their advertising where they like. but? while achievements. Canada is alt when it is public money which ispaid) the better for the youths with ths into the treasury by every Onealike. spirit of "Jack Marshall." the present system is not far from? ---_------. being a misappropriation ot public" money. incidentally. when election) CRAWFORD time is here, and it is campaign funds: Mr Watt. Scales, Mr Albert Cook that'are being spent. the ads. are u’ and sister May from near Hanover. ually sent where it is felt they will Mr and Mrs Robt Edwards and son f" 1"tid."i",t, fre"', because then it ‘5‘ Spencer and Mr and Mrs Chas Me. ma er o lie and death for the; Clocklin of Zion, were the guests of party-and then the papers that are Mr and Mm wm f‘nmnhnll Run»...- Many accidents have been record. ed tusthe result of horse-drawn vehi- cles helm: nnlighted on the public highway at night. The tanner may not take too kindly to this regulawm " first, but it is sure to Prov" a boon to the motorists who heretofore has had no indication that anotiwr vehicle was on the roadway ahead oi him until right on the top ot horse A new regulation requiring all horse-drawn vehicles to be equipped with . white light ahead and I rm! light behind on the lent hand aide of the vehicle comes into force Aug. ist. DlsTiNGUl8HED VISITORS WILL REACH CANADA SATURDAY ALL HORSE DRAWN VEHICLES MUST CARRY LIGHTS Island and Return and Berth THE DURHAM REVIEW TORONTO Nonmnby. Ayton, Sept. " North Koppel n Wolsely. Sept. " South Saint, sun“ Luke, 891120 Sarawak. Bunny Bach. Sept. " Sullivan. Duboro. Ben. " Bantu-ash, Bockiyn. Sept. 23 Sydenham, Annan, Sept. " Osprey a human. Sept. " Holland. Holland Centre. Sept. 27 Colllmood. Ewan. Sept " Glenelg. Sept " Following are the dues tor the Grey Co. School Fairs: Proton Tp., Ventry. Sept. " DATES FOR SCHOOL " culls him "the nun with a handiv icup." whose spirit has risen to great courage- and undismayed he hos con- quered. Hardly had he entened the [university with the hopes of his friends tixed high for his life when the awful calamity of blindness over. took him. Undtunted he titted him. Iself for the legal profession. andlho‘ overtaken by the night early in life, 'he is Confident of the morning and we predict that this masterful young man whom the blows of eircumatttrr ices could not beat back has a bril- liant future before him." The Y. P. & met on July '2hst and the meeting was opened by singing "Come, let us sing of a wonderful love", after all Joining in the Lord's Prayer. Miss Laura Kaufman mad the Zlat Psalm, while Mr Jas uni Miss Blanche Boyce renderedapleas- in: duet. A paper on 'Joan ot Art” was read by Miss Mary White. Sing. ing was next, followed by a reading by Miss Blanche Boyce entitled “in League with the stones ot the tiehi." The meeting closed by singing that beautiful hymn "Breathe on me Breath of God" and prayer by Miss Nellie Stlnaon. All enjoyed . con. teat after the_ close of the meeting Inow‘being itpsoed set their and! of the ndvortlslng which I: Intended to 1mm the votes ot the electors. When itttsamatteroteaatintrnttanttCtut Ptuurutt, is made (breach all the elm- l torate, but when it I: a change In the {law that mny result In the newspa- per mder landing in court. the pub flit: money becomes fruit on the oar tieal plum tree.--Pergut' News-Record A baseball team from our can» munity Journeyed to Welbeck Tues- day week and played a picked team tom that locality. Our boys and girls brought home the rfbbomr,ttaw ing defeated the Welheck team IW- 23. The return game was played at Sandy McDonald's on Monday and the visiting team walked ott with the honors witha score 15 to 10, thus winnlng by 1 on the two games. Miss R. Rance of Pittsburg. Pts.. ls visiting her mother. Mrs John White. Mr Wm Cook is at present assist- ing Duncan Livingstone with the haying. Mr and Mrs P. McCuaig and child- ren ot Mulock, spent Sunday evening with Reeve and Mrs McDonald. Mr Ind Mrs Dan McDonald and sons Warren and Evan macaw-J from Toronto, the former ramming. home - Sunday. the latter three re- maining for the holidays. Recently the Chaney Enterprise had a picture or John C. Marshall. son or the well known Duncan Mar. shall. Dominion Liberal Organizer and hands the (allowing bouquet to a young man. who. desplte a calamity, takes hold vigorously of llfe'a dunes! Mr and Mrs Arch McDougall and Mrs Doug. McDonald of Lamlaslmn- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thompson. of Walkerton. Deceased was a cousin of Mrs McDonnell. Mr Watt Scales, Mr Albert Cook and sister May from near Hanover. Mr and Mrs Rom Edwards and so" Spencer and Mr and Mrs Chas Me. Clocklin of Zlon, were the guests of Mr and Mrs Will Campbell Sunday. Principal Hamilton of Hatunep High School with his father, Rev. Hamilton of Guelph, visited Saturday at Mr And. Hustle's. Mr and Mrs And. Hastie and Dou- gald, were guests Sunday ot Mrs. 1r- win and daughter ot Hubermehl. Honor Jack Marshall FAIRS ANNOUNCED 1. " f The bride's gown was of white sat- in not»! canton crepe with mllahlrt. Istanding) collar Ind long sleeves with Dutch can; ot white moire. Her not veil wu up shaped with a wreath of ‘onngo blossoms and lilies of the vul- ley. She wore . silver neckhce and _ a platinum bow pin net with diamonds I both gifts of the bridegroom. White :roses. lily of the valley and babies’ ' breath formed her shower boquet, I The maid of honor was Miss Smile Ferguson. a sister ot the bride, who ’chose for her costume a long waist; ed dress of peach georgeue with More skirt trimmed with cream lace, Ittesh colored stockings. silver slit- I pets 1nd I hoquet of yellow let rus- lea, larkspur. Illles of the valley ..nd babies' breath. Sound Tmnsportattoet, "utT.%riii". tom" java. Owen Sound on I unnu- - VICE 'MMM" on I weekend trip of 215 lanes to Maur 275 MILE WEEK END Preceding the procession! trtayed on the orgun by Edwin McDonald. Albert E. Overtun. ehoirmaater of the Auguburg English Lutheran Church, 73rd Bt.tutd Wabagtt Ave.. the church of which the bridegroom its a mem- ber. snug "O Promise Me" and "t Love You Truly." the skirts. Miss Enke'a dress had In insert of peach georgeue in ma skirt. around which were peach and blue tlowers. At the waist was a haw of silver ribbon. Each brim-s- maid wore n neckinee of pearls. the gift of the bride. Their bouquets were noses in harmonizing shades. few Weeks with mu mun Ulku. I The Mulock buck." team “new qrtttt Mr ball game with Welbeck mt wm' Rev. I and won 19-14. Monday m: a WW large crowd saw the Mum - - " here which Wele won by is-MY.' Mr Ihr; Communal» " Chm McDonald“ with Be Arthur Adlun and Harold Dunn who: " K successfully passed their Entan of Tom extuttintrtiorttr. "“4 Mrs _ A wished I Miss Betty Pierson. 820i [Jilin Ave: Miss Tracy Naningt. 8237 Lin-, coin St.; and Miss Marion Erika, 6915 Michigan. a cousin of the bridu. groom, were the bridesmaids. Tiny wore sleeveless bouihni “natal frocks with bodice was in colors on: orchid, blue and peach, mpecchlyJ The dream of Miss Pierson and, Miss Nursing: were similar with long' collars that extended to the wttista,' and two rows of silver lace Around? Visitors It Mr an! In Geo W" am: Mr: Willis. ter. Mr Jack Will“ and niece mu Blanche Sculpto- ol Dauphin. Munch; Mr and In Jno Phillips and My of ma; Mr. and Mrs Smith aid in“ Smith of Fort Erie The latter I: remaining a row Weeks with Illa: Nth BMW!!- In Hanson of Toronto. spent I plenum bolldny at the home or Mr. and Mrs A. C. McDonald lut week. Mr and Mrs AtcthIld IcDougnll “tended the tuner-II of the we In; Malcolm Thompson on Monday ot this week. We extend sympathy to the bereaved friends. any (The following account of a. pretty Chicago wedding carries local igtter. est. as the bride is a niece of Mr. D. Meorarrde, Mrs Neil Livingstone ot Glascott; Mrs L. McLean of tho Rocky and Mrs Jas. Ledlngham of Durham.) was Florence Kress ot Durham. m a welcome visitor hem last week. Her many friends have will be pleased to have her visit menu! highway: Long is the hotidry guest of Mrs Wm Fulton this week. EUVBI. III "I” II In. au.v.. ..._~ _ Congratulations to Mr and an tc' Mtghton on the arrival of a but)" girl. Mr Brd Mrs Chas. Lunney. son Keith and daughter Aileen or Torcn to, is spending a pleasant hon-LT with the tormer's parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Lunacy. Messrs C. Wilbur: and J. R. Ham- llton and Rev. Hamilton of Gueiph. were visitors at the home of MrALJ. Hustle on Saturdu'. "The Second Presbyterian Church of Chicago. 20th St. and Michigan Ave., was the scene of the marriage of Miss Edna Ferguson. 7920 Indium Ave and Harry J. Lundgren, 7950 Indiana Ave., Dr. W. Clyde Howard omeiating at the ceremony. A reception for 100 guests was given in the English mom or the Blackstone Hotel following the wed- ling. After a honeymoon trip to San:- muck. Mich. Mr nnd Mrs Lundgren will live at 6124 Vernon Ave. Every mully evening the Oven LUNDGREN - FERGUSON HYMENEAL TRIP ONLY um steamer ml]: ' among the t,tgtigtgtrrazt. "W8! W51. ami-"dirfiiaki""iiiiii7G.' Mm’ or “I!" tender not Yss" ly Accepted, "Ole contact or e so‘pau tildes Involved. for the building u addititm to Durham h SCYUM Plan and street) s mm 1 seen at the office or the archnw seen at the oWtee or the archih Mr. J. Y. Clare. Owen Soun ' Our Elle momma. on or after July Tender- wul be re ived up 1.: Ell. loudly, August ti 19:7. for t Mia. Stub McLean is holidaymr Toronto with In Mason for it I ' pl ot weeks. Mr W. Clare. Misses B. and L": Smith. visited the beginning O' . week with Paisley friends, Mr w. Bell and twer sons visits: m My friends In: Week In K. Carr, Mutt Mutated"- Cir, ot Tom“). Mutt Kennedy ol Arthur 3“ In E. Oviatt of Rochester, N 1 visited with Mr And Mrs Rotrr, Mo by the ttrat ot the Week, mkmmdtbeda) .t mad in! We the one!» womb». If can. Honky Jr. returned L, III hone OI SM)’ Btter Bre Kw, - In Durham Hospital. We hr,” Mb VIII noon recon-r his uwm mm and uremia. It Campbell Helen is may“ with Mr Jill Ctetehtey u Present Mee. uni In ucwumm and vu., Men mixed With Miss M In“ [use [Aw-on is spending couple ot week! with her parrms M and In in“. union. mu Myrtle “cu-an of thea Rm hoMtared with her friends. Flor-v: and Acne: Even. It Arch New!" had the 7.. fora-e to lose a numb!» hors1 Mr and Mrs Hotness of Crawltr spent Sunday vim Mr and Mrs Iles, McDonald. Mr: Mitchell and chiIdmn from H k mum have been recent rirdtors un- Mr Mid In Malcolm McKechnio- If Slide!“ and son Ray and w of Ohio. spent a week with M: J Mrs A. Cutchky. IlluCuherlne McLean is spend; n few can with her friend. Miss t o inns umnce. XIII m Tnlord spent a w an VIII: her liner. Mrs Jar. Mill, recently. Mr 8cm Hepburn, Cltesley, is mm. In; 1118 Vacation With his grand». entaMr nnd Mrs A. Sims. A number {mm here attended t mu! Immune picnic at How- ud . good the is reported. It and In A. Atchison. tlodru" and In Nell McDontld. Pt Els. visited with Mr up] Mrs Areh l [an recently. Mr and Mr! G, H. Nichol and x. Win Me. aad Mr and Mrs GeoNo ol ot Southampton. visited with ', latter'l daughter. Mrs Jno. Ly nu Mr and In Jno Turner. son u two daughters of "esboro, vi.ui" " the home of Mrs Dan New” Hillel Annabel and Jean Shim era ot Tomato, the holidann: the McCormick home. Mr Will. Bell and two son; s u day with his tuber in Bonk»! Mr Wm Chrk of Elmira. vi., Mianett Btu-ban And Anni-t Smim ttrat of the Week. Mr ad Mrs Arch. “CL-awn y family, Visited friends in Berkel.. Mr m Milne of town, a," Sunny at the home of Mrs John v. Donna. Mr and In Jtrts Heslett. li Ruby and Mn J D. Clnrk Hum: t way With Mr and Mr> Viz" Ethan-go... A, Build Strong Bones Abound: In Cod- linu- Oil Vitamins SCOTTS EMULSION Vitamins To Aid ROCKY SAUGEEN TENDERS Mateo JULY 28. 1927 J. P. GRANT. sh»; vGi Another tins. Bt Column Sm Wank ph II. oId Psalm - PIN." It i who by the wa. lllnller Abbm N. Me it, the hymn writers l hymn, nun: 1m a. the own min in the ooverlng Illa metal "aottng use mm. unions “IS Tlto, Holman m 1 In Jun. [Maura "tttng her ttister, m. w. ll, In Clmord Rumsdvr. w be the Fteet In! [If m. Mr John and MtotAnrt for the now I - Sadie McKinnon a a with to her pan-u and In Farah." Mom - Janet Multuna -tAeasatd vttsit to man t-etd test 'wk to hen Judging try th I. the ovum ll tn the ft wet-In; his til Get our Price GOODS DELIVERED IN 30531 blouse-bu I‘mu: IMHO Flour, P'" b, o Cum!- Plour, Pr'.' “It Edam Inoar, 3 M Flour, per bat: Ptsrtry “our. 24 m t Hm “our. per hug .me but Flour, pe we Pride Flour, p Custom Ch Best Quali hs Alwavs Tak ILATCHFORD’. CALF CUNN‘. BIG 60 BEE Elili? yah can... Mu. C... ”NS HARD oi GOAL, COKE on The Giluon Magic equally well. I times faster. , heavy steel plate mac-shaped gm joints. which r vent (as and gm all contribute to n Learn Bil the fun I Met. electrically an new and sensation-H furnace Our my pm cables you to have n ”We kindled at 0 ce q ts " one Year. Ween; "Huic" the n and economical principles. brings new l and cuts in one-half. PRIC The Hunting Ion "Hume" greater volun air from a sr he! in the hey JOHN HENDER THE P WRITE POI 1 PAYMENT . u I “New! WWW JULY $8. l Bail Support F. W. MOON tu THIS IS th ttl tN

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