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Durham Review (1897), 4 Aug 1927, p. 1

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nel The success ot 'Old Home Week? in neighboring towns the put mph: of summers. has been ample woo! that Durham could put one over " big. if not bigger. with Ill may tons and daughurs scattered across "anada and beyond. So it has " vady been decided that Durham will elebrate the tirst week in August. V923, and from the present moment, and winners. A team from Durham first defeated Dornoeh 17--14, but, 2m: the Mal game to Echo Valley. ' to 8. The Durham players were:', Lizzie Hind, Daisy Mather, Florence MacDonald. Mary Brown. Violet Mer. an. Jack Lawson, Wallace Hepbunn. A. D. McIntyre (pitcher). Lindsay Hunt. Leonard McComb. Durham will not b. Behind Lon Final " Dorm”. A tive team 1111de softball mama- mo-nt was held at Domoch on Mon- day afternoon, Echo valley being the with ice space of so x 180. Fave rows m“ seats rlch side provide seating aapaclly for 1100. On calling Mr ‘o-ndors the lowest were between $15,000 and 816.000 and these did not include foundation which In” 'tttte k mother $1000. The Rink Board plan to out a $5000 mortgage on " o cover balancr of emit and contrac- tors are to have it completed by Dee. The July meeting of the Durimmi "ranch Women's Institute took morel the form of a picnic and was held at the home of Mrs Stewart MeArthur. north of town. There were about to in attendance many being members at the Girls' Garment Making Club. (If which the w. Institute have an) oversight. Much ot the time lest riven over to arrangements for the) County Convention which in to he held in Durham on Aug. 16. Mrs W. Glass. Precident, presided over the meeting and opened with community Angling. The gathering were pleas- oi to hear Miss Florence Kerr given ukctch of her trip across Canada. which she took last summer. amt dwelt especially on Victoria and Van. muver. Miss L McComh also con- tributed s piano solo. Following the program. adjournment waa made for open air games and these were heart- Iy enjoyed by all. until the lunch hour. The meeting all through. was more of the picnic variety and the more serious side of life waa laid a- way tor the time to give precedence to sun-er - and diver-ions. Hanover 6m. may More Friday. selling Hiatoric Farm The splendid farm adjoin“; the ‘uun. owned by Mr T. G. Lauder. Is otbwred for sale by tender, as willbe "etun on this page. This farm has horm- the lauds-r name tor nearly 60 years and its many advantages. hdjolnlng Durham. Provincial High- way, sidewalk. schools. ete., make " i. desirable property. Mr Linda's health is not the best It present, or his " would not -. Walkerton a row months ago sub »rribed 811.500 to build a new skat- " rink. The proposed rink will be Mb wt long and over 100 " wule. with ice space of so x 180. Five rows Hamm- xirls softball team will play Durham here on Friday. August 5th. " 6.30 in the final district game in the Unith Church loam. Should Durham girls win. they will enter the seggits. Hanover played their -tptrtBed game- ln Holstein last Wed. nendav. deeUhety defeating the home team. Holstein has since defaulted its remaining um. leaving Durham and Hanover to an it out. Collie to tho llkh School (mad: May night and witness the content. LEAGUE STANDING will Teach in Clifford The Continuation School Trustw- ‘loard or CMord, have engaged Miss trim Blukvston. daughter of W J. mansion. Rtratiord. as principal for the coming term, with Miss VIII Ark won. Napanee. as assistant. Miss Blakeston is in Paris. Fume. en- nui-d in a special French course and will be fully nttalitled tor her posi- tion. nstitute hold 'Picnic' Meeting Lost to Walton” Durham mrls’ gonna" team playtd m exhibition game in Walkerton on 'Tuesday night, and lost to the team or that town. The return game will be played on High School grounds ".ere. next Tuesday Aug. 9th, " 630 When the bums Ire full Ind the batter doesn't knock the crowd does. Monster Guam rty at Hanoi Pair Grounds. Frid _ evening. Aug *1. under auspices of t. Janos Ang- I‘ran church. Good p mm. Amuse- mwms and Hanover d in attend. am-w. Admission Tir an 200. VOL. L, NO. 31 behooves all the citizens to talk lid Home Week." A meeting HI] mnly be held to further discuss :0 project. '3 TsraE21ltd. W ago-nos Won Loot To play 1 Weather conditions looked none too promising for the mixed bowling Ltomament here on the morning of (the event --Thursday last,-bttt It was considerably brighter before noon. and the games went on mm- frily afternoon and evening in splen- jdid weather until rain fell late in the [evening Just at the conclusion or l the sport. i There were 30 rinks here. shim-n ii'rom outside points and fourteen :toeal. Meatord. perhaps the furthest 'dutant town represented. sent three winks. With halt the bowlers ladies, pt this tournament, an even more lsociable time was enjoyed than at .the recent men'tr tourney here and inuny of the fair sex proved them- !selves to be equally adept as men in l, rolling their bowls to hug the kitty. The ladies of the Red Cross are asking for donations from town 'tttd community of cake, sandwich, cream and home made candy. tor their gar- den party to be held Thursday, Aug. 11th. in aid or the Red Cross Hospi- tal. All donations my be left at the Rink the afternoon of. Aug. lith‘ Any person wishing to bring in doni. tions of Candy or baking the day previous (Wednesday) may leave same " Variety Store or Kreas' tur- niture store. As no personal appeal is being made, the Society hope for a liberal response to this request for donations from the ladies ot hath town and country in aid of this good work. At the home of his daughter. Mrs Room) at Dornoch. the death of Mr Thos. McKnight, one ot the best- known residents of that Iocality,took place nn Saturday last. He was a victim of pneumonia and had been seriously ill for only a. week. 30 Rinks compete in Mixed Bowling Tourney The deceased was about 70 years of age and for forty years has been a resident of Domoch, where he Im- merly conducted a general blark smithing business. His wife. whose maiden name was Annie Dunratt, predeceased him several years ago. Surviving are his two daughters Mrs T. Ware (Maimie) of Toronto and Mrs John Koepp, (Lysla) of Dor- noch. . The funeral on Monday afternoon was largely attended. interment tak- lng place in Latona cemetery. . - “a '6rgB%Fr'riy. N" - .n. mum.“ T.ehr.. o'e,ttul',.'2Tv' o§cai£$infie§tihl h): for first 50 hours used per month: drowning in the 'Saugeen there sai. (2) 1.9 per kilowat hour for second urday Miys Moore in oompanywith 50 hours per month; (3) All the . . f . _ . rest 3.3 kilownt hours per month. another girl. Miss Pauline Cootsey, . . . went in bathing above the dam. Miss Fhe following slight reduction has Moore went too near the overttow now been granted: and was caught in the current and ll) 2-3 in first case carried over the dam. Sh» saw an (2) 1.5 in second Ctt88 opening in the planks and put het (3) 3.3 in thin! case foot down into It. thus holding ttet" The street lighting per lamp will self until Frank Cooney, who was be $16 per year. With the refund swimming nearby, fought his wav the individual subscribers are re through the strong current and res. ceiving. the town at the same tinto cued her. receives a refund of $400 on street Tl”. 1mm“. .r thucs "4.:‘ Puma on. lighting. Durham rinks won first and second prizes. and Meafoni the third or consolation. First was T. G. Good- child's rink his aides being Mrs. C. Pickering. Miss Margaret McKenzie and Arch. Clements. The ladies won luncheon set: and men. lamps. J. & Momma rink came second, the otir en being Misses Mary McKechnie and Eleanor Km: and Frank Mell- nith. The men received lunch kits and the Indie- nndemnr. Rum- sey'a Mouton! rink. in third place, won cup. and saucers for the ladies and an: BOX for the men. The event In: . ttnanetat sAtC7i..q,'s uwellanda good-mmlbel- whble to help dear the new club Mr Thos Hazard, F'1esheHon, wae, operated upon in Durham Hospital Wednesday for appendicitis by Dr's Jamieson and Turnbull. Dr Turnbull or Fleshenon also had George and Ruby Akin of Rock Mills at the hug. pital Monday for the removal of ton. ails. Hanover Girl almost Drowned A Durham rink. comprising Messrs J. H. and W. S, Hunter, Thou. Hen- demon and Jos. Firth of Toronto. rompeted in a bowling tournamentin Hanover Monday and ware success- ful. Winning flrtst in the third vvrnt, each rvceiving a casserolv, Mrs Lochie McLean of Rocky Sam wen. had the misfortune to receive a nasty knock from one of their cum while in the lane Saturday last.cau.+ ing a bad fracture of her right arm. A Durham woman says there is no sense taking her husband berry-pick- ing as he never lost the small boy habit of picking three to the mouth for one of the tin. Death of Thus. McKnight iiiht El tttlt ill,lilii, i.l,fihttritittk _"ie'- The Teachérs and ii' their Schools for 1927-’28 a Laclllan to Prieeville Mr Campbell McLean Latona Misslsla) McKechnie, Rocky Sangeen Miss Esther Petty, Hutton Hill Miss Scott, Meaford, to S. S. No l, s S. No. 9. Glenelg Miss Hazel ‘Bealon. Edge Hill Miss Anna Mary McLean, Price- ville. to B. S. No. I, Gleuelg. Mr. P. Johnston and Mrs Alice Me- Normanby Miss Chrissie McGIrr, Campbellford Miss l'rsie Matheson. Ottawa Misses J. Floyd and Armenia Me, Kechnie, Holstein Miss Mary Turnbull, s. S. No. 6, Bentinck (Mulock) Miss Ruby Blylh. S. S. No. R, Bon- tinck Mr Irvine Sharp, s. S. No 3, Bentinrk (Vickers) Mr Dan McCormick, Aberdeen Miss Jessie Twamley, Lamlash Miss Emily Hunt, Habermehi Miss Sybil Lawrence. 'Brick' School. (north of Dornoch) Miss Adeline Widmeyer, Neustadt,to S.S. No. 8. Normanby (Hampdenl Miss Isabel Marshall, S. S. No. 7, Normanby Jr. F. Seibert from Hampden to his home school near Mitchell Miss Agnes Williamson from, S. S. No. 7 Normanby. to her home near Wlnxham. Miss Edith Edge to Sault Ste Marie Miss Mary McQuarrie, Aberdeen, to Miss Ruby Morrison. Vurney Miss Donalda. Nichol, Priceville. 10 Nomlanby Miss Florence Mcilvride, S.S. No.14 Toronto. Miss Ethel Greenwood to Proton Station Miss Emma Oliver to B. S. No. :3. Egremont. Miss Lavina Black, Goderich, to S. S. No. 2, Egremont Miss Violet Mervyn, S. S. No. 12 Eg- Erremont. Misa Katie Morrison, Maggie, Hol. land Township. Miss Maimie Sullivan, Separate SM... Dornoch. Miss Elizabeth Machaig. 8.8. No. IO Durham can stand many surpluses ot this nature. remont. Miss Dell McIntyre. Swinton Park Miss Helen Christie, S. S. No. 14, Glen. & Egremont. Mr Allie Mclnnls, Mono Road Miss Reta W. S. B. No 5, Glen. Miss Mildred Lemon, S. B. No 9. Nor, manby tLauderbaeh) ' Miss Lavina Manley. Richmond Hill Miss Pearl Manley, S. S. No l, Hol. land. Miss Florence Kerr, Madawnska Miss Mary Bell, Moons, Kenora Dist Miss Edda Bmwning on Toronto oc- casional In! Miss Mary Lamb. Blenheim Mrs D. McCornuck, near Blenheim Come to the cevme Presbyter- ian Church Gerda Party on School Grounds. on may evening, August 5th. Hen "tttt B wick Trio of The old or former power rate sit-ml as follows: (1) 2.9 per known! h.ur for first 50 hours used per month : (2) 1.9 per kilowat hour for second 50 hours per month; (3) All the rest 3.3 kilowat hours per month. In a letter from the Commission, dated July 4th. they give rate as re- duced from $36 to $35 per year. The domestic and commercial pow” rule remain unchanged. The Ontario Hydro Association are: this week, through their local Swen" C. C. Elvidge. Issuing checks to the' town Hydro consumers. a rebatei of one sixth of amount paid in 1926 due to the splendid financial condition ot, the Association. They prefer this" system to lowering the rate to any! appreciable extent, as unforsevn rss:-) pensos may arise when they would require all the admin; Meantime) it has meant a lot of work for Sec y Elvidge, who has to titrure out the, amount coming to each ":',':ish"",i',) and write out the checks, which inI all number four hundred and twenty. I Will Receive Relate from Hydro Association DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST 4, 1927 With which is incomratcd the lolsteiu Leta" Me Don't forget ugust 11th, as the date ot the Re Cross Monster Gan den Party in Du am Rink. Thar-3 will be a Midway, Baby show. Min- strels. Pte., while t e entire program will be furnished . Guelph Jam Band, who will play 'or dancing as well afterwards. IN ham Citizens' Band in attendance. dmission 35c and 25c. Come to Durham Rink on Thursday night, Aug. ll, for an even- ing or real enjoyment. St. Paul’s Church Hold Anniversary Services Monster Garden Party in Rink, Aug. 11 Better still, come at 3 p. m. in " ternoon, when on the High School grounds, amixed Softball tournament will be played. Six of the best teams in district surrounding Durham will compete. All proceeds in aid of Red Cross Memorial Hospital. l A large reception was tendered Mr and Mrs Will Knlsley, (nee Marguer- ite Carson) try the parents of the bride, Wm. and Mrs Carson, Nor. manby, on Tuesday evening. This young couple were tnarried the Tues- day previous by Rev. H. Caldwell of Georgetown, and the gathering at this week was planned as a. welcome home for them. Over 200 guests Were invited and while the house assum-d crowded conditions. yet all were in reception mood and the time passed most happily in dancing and card- playing. The bride for the occasion wore her wedding dress of peach crepe de chene and received the good wishes and congratulations with her husband, for a long and happy life together. They also received many beautiful gifts. About the mid- night hour'lunch was served and the guests present sampled the splendid wedding cake. At an early hour the gathering dispersed. after sending an-l other young couple oft with their' good wishes and will. The young couple will commence homemaking in Hanover. where the groom is Fuller’ Brush representative. 3 St. Pauls Church, Egremom, were successful in securing splendid Wea- ther for their Anniversary services on Sunday last. When you have the weather man on your side. success is-praetietrlly assured. The rector. Rev. Mr Hayes had charge of the services on Sunday and Ms inspiring- discourses were fully worthy ot the occasion. Tuesday evening the annual garden party on Mr Robt. Barbour's lawn, was a drawing card for many, when supper was served from well filled tables and by attentive waitresses. A game or softball between Knox Corners and Edge Hill young people proved interesting to watch. though only 5 innings could be played when darkness came on. The runs made showed Knox ahead by 8---8. Rev. Mr Hayes was chairman mm the program which followed. Dro- more choir were present and tendrr.. ed spirited anthems as well as a quartette from the choir. Another good quartette from Zion, com- prising Mr guad Mrs T. Glencroes, Mn: J. o. Greenwood and Mr J. Rote son. was present and aided in tttts program. The Suplee family ot Edge Hill pleased all with their instrumen- tal number: u did sin a dance by one ot the trio. Roy Wiggins and Jno. Dun-moor with their instrumental number-n, also proved vapour. Miss Katie Hey Firth of Zion contributed Mm: linen Lennox a duet ttnd Mr and Mrs Wm Matthews of iii-- trait. residents of near Allan Park about 50 years ago, motored m'r-r from Detroit with Mr and Mrs Wm. Bell and daughter. to visit their num- erous relatives thereabout. Mr Wm. Bell is a cousin of Mr Allan Bell, and is a son of Robt. Bell who lived on the 21st con Egremont nearly 40 years ago. Mrs Wm Matthews is " cousin of Robt Matthews of town. Reception to bride and groom Mr and Mrs David McIntyre. 217 McVicar St., Port Arthur. announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Mary Lillian. to Mr George Frederick Taylor of Port Armor, youngest son of Mr Thomas Taylor, and the late Mrs Taylor of "Mel.. bourne," Cambridgeshire, England. The marriage to take place about lite middle of August. Mr. T. Meein of Toronto visited at Mrs McCannel's ovc-r the week and and rendered a tine solo in the Pres- byterian Church Sunday evening. For Sale. A five burner Benoit wicklms coa oil stove. with loww awn. in gtilt"i cottdiha. Apply to Wm. Calder. Proceeds " gate were $70. 1 Mr and Mrs J. Burgess, with Mis, ises Elm. and Mary Calder, spentthe tfirst ot the week with Mr and Mrs. ; Moon in Wiarton. i Mr and Mrs Don McCoskery 9nd {Miss Sophia Burnett, Tomato; Mr" ( Elsie McCoskery of Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. Mclnnes. son and daughter of ine/Y Markdule. were-guests of M). and Mrs John McCoskery over the l week end. _ Mr and Mrs J. F. McLeod of Col- ‘iingwood and Mrs Neil McMillan. of I'Swinlon Park. were visitors at Mrs. [N. McCannel's lust Friday. I Mr and Mrs Fred Stoneouse, Dun- das, and Mr and Mrs Will Cooper oi Hamilton, were visitors over Chic Holiday with their cousin, Mr Burt Stoneouse. Mr and Mrs Ralph Joseph, (heron mer's mother and killer's sister. Mrs Walker, of Toronto and Port Hope. respectively, spent over the holiday with Mrs Wm Hay at Dromore and Mr Peter Hay of town. Mr and Mrs J. S. Drysdale and son of Hamilton, spent over Civic Holi. day with friends in town. Mr and Mrs Guy Sherk and the tormer's mother, also Mrs Murray Hoy, all of Detroit, spent the holiday. time with Mr and Mrs T. C. Malina East Lambton st. Mr and Mrs John T. Clark and daughter of Toronto, were guests of Mr and Mrs Thos. Milligan, Bentlnvk from Saturday to Tuesday. Rev. W. H. Smith and family leave this week end for their annual holi- day. Rev. Mr Flddis returns this week and will continue the union services ot the United congregations --Sundat at 11 am. in Knox Chum-h and at 7 p. m. in Queen St. Church. Mr and Mrs Will Scarf of Toronto, are visiting a few days with his site ters and other relatives here. Mr Eddie McQueen has made a good recovery from his illness in Durham hospital and will recupmate further at his home this week. Mr R. L. Saunders refereed the Southampton-Owen Sound harass" match in o. Sound Monday, which the Sounders won 5-4. He reports Martin Lauder played a tine game on the o.s. home, scoring 2 goals. _ Miss lsalwl Lawson, of Toronto. 1,S {visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. R. I Lawson. ' ', Miss Jean Hepburn is visiting wi.h Mend: in Walker-ton this week. Mr and Mrs Geo. Armwsmlth at Saginaw. Mich. are visiting with his mother here this week. Mrs D. McGllllvrny and daughter. Mlss Nellie of Paisley, are visitors this week at Mr J. D. Meruydenht, Edge Hill. Misses Annie and Vie Aijoe ofTor. onto, visited their brother Alex and spent a day at. Mr J D. McFUyden's, Gleueig. Mr and Mrs Will Watson and daughter Onaiee, Detroit. visited or- er the week end with the forum-rs brother, R. R. Watson N. E. Noe mnnby. Mr Jim Watson returnmi home with them after a few wow-k5 spent with his sons in Henry Ford‘s home city. Miss Coventry of Birmingham, Mir-.1 is visiting Mr and Mrs John MeCos, kery at present. - Mr and Mrs Jog Reid and family of Milestone, Sank. and his sister, M18 Fagin. of Hamilton, visited Mr and Mrs Thea. Mlllisan, Bentlnck. tltig week in his old home section " Hut. ton Hill ma where his father. the late W. K. Reid taught for some time. Joe left Mm in 1907 audit is " years since last here. He is now practising law in Milestone. Mists Ada McLean ot Toronto, spent over the week end with Mrs. Moo-nae! and In. McPherson. Mr and Mrs Arch. nickelhn spent Civic Holiday nou- Acton with the former- Inter, Mu Geo. Plum. Mr Baht. mlmett with Mui Eula Ind Mute:- Nod. are motoring tn New Ontario and mum on friends Miss Margaret Hunter left Tues- day for Lachute. Quebec, where s"." will visit tor two or three weeks with Mr. and Mrs Ridden. The lam-r couple's daughter, Mrs. Arch. Huma-r of Vancouver, has been spendingtlu, summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James McKen'Lie. Mitchell. Ont., announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Martha H., to Dr. Charles Coleridge Haulage. w Brussels. the wedding to take place quietly in August. Mr and Mrs Joe. Firm, the former of Toronto Normal School staff, are visiting relatives at Edge Hill. Mr George Kress of Toronto, ts visiting his parents here. td,i,rid:sm'rrr---At Mt Forest Gwen-41 Hor- Fre and: pull, on Wednesday. Aug. 3rd, 10 1 Mr and Mrs Lame Smith. a mu. Mr and Mrs C. Smith of Tommc. glhe latter a cousin of Mrs John Mc- IGowan, visited the lane-1’s home her" the beginning of the week. Mr. 'Smlth ts an old Mt Forest boy and they attended the reunion there. Misses Mollie Ferguson and Nellie McLean of Prfeeville, virfted with Mrs McCannel and Mrs McPherson on Tuesday. Mrs Nessie and daughter Jean at London. Misses Mary Nichol and Ilrlv en and Emily Young. all of Owen Sound, were guests of the {armors brother, Thos. Young the first of In.“ week. t Mrs (Rev.) Morris and two child- ren ot Woodstock, motored up last week to visit her pawns, Mr and Mrs E. W Limin. Her two chiidmn, Marion and Edwin. who have Mon visiting here for a month. returm-d with them and were accompanied 'Y her mother, Mrs Limin. They no to Rev and Mrs Morris' summer cottage at Normandale on Lake Erie. whcrv Mrs Limin will remain a week or Miss Blanche Johnston of St Mary?, Is hawks-Ins with her grandmollu-x, Mrs Peter Reid Sr. : Misses Stella. and Clara. MeCrao, lMarjory Pickering. Merle Livingsline HHamllton). Florence Xmas. Elva ;Schutz hive returned from Wasorp.a Beach, where they enjoyed com-Am Mr tad Mrs Jas Falconer of To-,' onto, waited Mr Harry Fakoner ov- er the holiday. Mr James A. Hunter of Minneapo- lis. is a welcome visitor at the hom" ot his mother, at "The Hedges," in Upper Town, for a. week or two. Mr John Kelly is spending a tew days In Toronto. Mr and Mrs Knight of Collingvmml spent the week end with Mrs E. L. Knight. Rev. and Mrs R. Herbert, Preston, spent the week end with the latter's sisters, Mrs E. Knees and the Misses Hughes. Mrs Di1lion (Louie Luella) and Mr and Mrs Russel Lavelle and Mr R. Richard: of Chicago, visited in town lust week. Mrs l. H. Rocks and son Nelson.‘ Toronto. visited a few days last week) end and this with her sister, Mrs D.! Leith, also-other relatives and {Hands In Holstein and Proton. _ Mr and Mrs J. Candy and daugh- ters Lillie and Carma, or Tmzrtto,l were visitors overCivitHlolitiay with Mr and Mrs Hugh Firth. E Mr and Mrs W. McDonnell and son Alex and Mrs J. Kness. spent Chic Holiday " Wasaga Beach. Miss Alma} Hughes is holidayinc for a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs (Rem) Farr, Kincardine. life for a. week Williams’ Luxury Shaving Cream. Inge tttbe. . . . . .35c Milty'sShnvingCrnm............... ........35c Colo'thlubCru- ........... .............. 50c Shaving Sticks. Soaps, Brushes, Straps, Razors. Etc. WILLIAMS AQUA VELVR S. McBETH teel'. PtMtitatsed Woeuy " mm . you In Mum-e. To Unwed 0mm. ”.60 I you In ndetutge. s. MIMI: & ION. Pnblhhui STANDARD BANK SHAVING REQUISITES OF CANADA DURHAM BRANCH-W. A. John-on, Manny" sans-hum BORN When Your Money Travels by " END your retttittar,res Is:. 3 Random Bank Money Ordms, They are convenient, etficiiy.r, and economical. The money) ist'ull) Smumd Against loss or men intran- sit. " can reach only the [ammo to whom it is addressed. Standard Bank Money Orders an) as good as cash and are movable anywhexeln Canada. TORONTO We are taking a big chance inn}- ing that the avenge farmer would prefer his job or tsweating In the hay field to that of receiving addressm each and every day since his arrival. as has the Prince of Wales and REL an: away from movie and (alarm tiendg. Found: Near Review Ottitw, a lad. Ies' purse or mesh bu. Owner may have It by mytng expenses Apply IO John McEachern, Upper Town. llkfhlBlili'S Drug Store Mrs Wm. Hay of Dmmoro. is visit ing with bet. sou Peter new. Bring containers and pick your own. llc I lb No children under I? allowed to pick. PICKING Friday, Mg. Sth Tuesday, Aug. 9th Friday, August Itth " heres, Phone 611, r 3. Men who have used " any It is the best irhnvintt Cream In Can-d... " make: shaving n pleasure. " nukes the blade ten times more elective. It does not dry on the (Ace. A small amount In all that is re. quilted. --tor Mc. " works equity well with either hot or cold wa- ter. and softens the toughtst heard instantly. We invite our customers to try it on our manure. " Is economical to as". The tube conuins twelve WI) feet of cream-mot- than 250 shaves Renll Sllhlllltil CREAM Ldala, Films, and all Vacation Supplies is Best for you to buy 2hgBlillllllii ' "

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