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Durham Review (1897), 4 Aug 1927, p. 4

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When ronslderlux your printed re mun-moms. consult the Rerinr. "awful and prompt attention given business stationery. prize lists. pro grams. towers. factory forms. am;- tion sale bills. on. and orders taken Revncw for Job Printing tor counter check habit: "GG-i, , . But fail to see the new Coat Case in steel frame. It willstand all kinds t and still remain presentable. This case retails at the c xceedingly low price of. . We also have a number 81.50 to $5 00. J. S. ltklillhl1'll, Vacation Days are Coming . . a suitable for any occasmn Men's Balbriggan Underwear at . . . . .. .. 75c Men's Merino do at .... .. Loo Men‘s Fine Shirts at .... L75 to 2.25 Ladies' Silk Hosiery, in all Shades Ladies' Silk Underwear Splendid Valve ladies' House Dressrs at [to earl: Table Linens at 6% and l.25 per yard Kellogg's Corn Flakes Bran Flakes and All Bun Are you prepared for your holiday trip this season ? We have an excellent range of Club bags, Suit cases& hat" bLass A Full Line of Fresh Groceries Owen Sound) Transportation Co. Ltd. ALEX. A . ALJOE MACKINAC Wonderfil Laki, Trips '1'» "iauiiratiai" iriiir- um (“a some. of tho - trip an trrs- vllod for this Inch-0M out. Rl", his I m tl 2,00 in 3.15: -e.i." 'aiikicirriG'. -iiiiGG' 7.: GEEK”!!! ?ettetat d._u_ l._ll|.. connoctlnx SM Irrlvu In Owen Sound again on Monday nothing. Thin wilt [in on but! one. worker or basin": man and his - an opportunity to "can a In. Nook-u. OI the wutor. This "In an wall as no - on. will “no be In)- eono to bill-u. not from a. south (on: Into Nonin- cum. " tho: can In“ so“ connection (to. North Olson Fttrtt.. t$teaggt" have: Owen Sound on weak- nd t.rty Sgt-rislnauJi Fp., up: arrival wtouiottsg, 'eiii..Fiuid 1iiiiiii. $45.00 While most tom-lit: will hope to pun for Nu complete (up on the I". Innlloulln. than who cannot up“. tho time will be Bud to know that tho boat make: u 178 lull. week-end trip from Owen Sound to uni. Current. anln. Owen Sound on Saturday owning the "on.” [on directly to Kil- urney. thence to uni. Current. and "turn- lng. all: u lsnltownnlnt and Kilian"- Sn. urn-Iv” In Owen Sound 11-h- swam to mono" . WEEK-Ell] LAKE TRIP Including Meals and Berth Comparison Courted S DAY TRIP Island and Return to tr u": MW L031 base in a solid It willstapd all linds of abuse S: s, 'illlam"tttu)trr's New Holiday Service a 'm"=====e"ae"====aetitaom=rii, Georgian Bay - Manitoulin and North Shore - So; - Mackinac of Overnight bags, prices from remitting subscriptions to the Review by cheque that exchange should be added. Bank money orders or ex press money orders, do not need the exchange, neither do postal money orders or postal notes Subscribers are reminded that when Phone 47, Durham The Cash Shoe Store Owen Sound: Cam ' MV G. P. R. on c. I. I. ‘0." The steamer "Mtutitoulirt" is of steel construction. 190 feet long, and modern in every "spat accommodating 160 pamnxerl, running water in overy stateroom. steam heated. observation saloon. excellent meals. Steamer loaves Owen Sound on Mackinac trip every Monday at 11.15 p.m., Uter arrival or trail»: returning to Owen Sound Saturday morning. Tho Ports of Catt on the Mackinac trip include Kiilarney. Minnow- anin‘. Limo Current, ”was, Gnu Ban Blind River, The-salon Brae; Imus, Hilton. Richards Landins. Sault an. Marie and Mackinal Islsn . rho Owen Crime Transportation Co}; at"! passenger and freight steamer "Manitoulin" provides one ot the tines: trips on the Great Lake: during the month. or July and Auguu, when Mackinac lsinnd it included in the ports ot can. The nail heron tho bountiful Goorglnn Bay nnd lion: the North Channel. with lhort an. " Manitoulin And the North Short points. to the Boo, nukes on ides] outing. Ample opportunity it provided at Mackinac Island for night-seeing on this man picturesque mandtho tourist centre ot the Gun Lakes. 'f..PrPeftueresn-etus-rae- '"'"rr'"ee"frePet-moo,a.asGitari. ”autumn" (ABM _ mmmoxmauwum '. Own loud to hilt In. In“ 1nd Return For Tickets and Reservations Write-. Hands that rocked the cradle a generation ago Were now hurling bowls with an adeptness and agility that made some of the younger fry take a back seat and show a respect for gray hairs that they neverdreata. ed of when they left home with their hats on. It was a pleasure to see some of thoee who could remember 'when "Mother Machree" was the law est hit and "When you and I were Eytung Maggie" was Just new on the Hob: it was a pleasure. we repeat, to see those. children of an ancient day 'doing their stuff and doing " well. n- ‘iongside the eligible beauties of lo- I day As nearly all competitors Wine iskirts as short as a Kittie regiment, land had their hair bobbed like Sam. lson when he lost all his strength, it iwas not Just the easiest distinmilsh- intr who were the older and who Wore the younger competitors on the grounds. In fact age so mingled twith youth that he sure know his {onions who could tell them apart. Member Canadian Weekly Newsmp . en’ Alma-non. C. RAMAGE & SON. Editor and Pro- ', prielon. Ir he 31::th Benign For any mere man to coach that aggregation and tell the ladies hor, to bowl, was Just like giving govvrn- ment dope on "How to keep the fur- mer" and the best way of making our Court Judges take good care or them- selves and not work too hard. In other words it was like painting ‘lw lily, which, as Shakespeare would say. needed it less than any other wood on earthy-Bruce Herald Times ROYALTY AND BRITISH PRIME MINISTER m CANADX Saturday last the Prince of Wales, his youngest brother, Prince Grange. Stanley Baldwin, Prime Minister of Britain and Mrs Baldwin. arrived at Quebec and were received with gn-zu enthusiasm. Later at Montreal and WALKERTON EDITOR SIZES UP THE LADY BOWLERS Ntttetrim rinks, including several nuartcttes in which grandma; and others with silver threads nmonzthe gold, battled for supremacy In he Trophy. Amociatlon and Consolation unnnts at the second annual Tourna- ment staged by the Walkerton Lad, les' Bowling Club at the Armory Kreen here. :9" "p, .v».'-. 'r,Wr,:'es.trriti'iiu:l:s.t; MACKINAC Ion-OOIICOOO $12.00 275 Mile Week End Trip to Manitoulin Island Including Meals and Berth x";\ Successfu! Church" was the foul». Hlation of his remarks and block by block built the structure, which was! “only possible through the united vt-', mm“ of the members and adherents.§ The steps in order were : (1) A “IN. irg" church: (2) a"latrotintr" church: (3) a "loyal" church; (4) a "luv-l ing" church, That a church might ttoarish and not possess these numb, ties. is dltncult to imagine or visual, (hselg Centre Baptists Hear Rev. Mr. Farmer The members and adherents of Wilkie of Toronto, and Mr Dave na. Gloneiz Centre Baptist Church were star of Owen Bound, spent the week fortunate In having splendid weather end with Mrs E. Wilkie. for their Anniversary Services, As, Mr and Mrs David Lamb spent. special speaker for the accustom Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dug. Clark. they were also fortunate in securing Mrs Alfred Noble and two children Rev. Mr Farmer. pastor of Owen of Owen Sound, spent a day recently Sound Baptist Church and his mes- with Mrs A. Symons. sages morning and evening were earn-I Mrs Geo. Searie of Guelph. and Mn est and inspiring. leaving an ituprecs Geo. Turnbull, spent a few days with on his audiences for renewed zeal in their brother, Mr Wm. Hill. Christian welfare. Special music try, Miss Jean Renwick of promote the choir. with Miss Winnie Binnie spent afew days with her friend Miss at the organ. was also appreciative- Catherine McLean. ly listened to and Miss Eva Redford Mrs L. McLean met with a very contributed a solo at the morning painful accident last Saturday. While: norviee, "Let Him in." This solo heading oft some cattle, in some way proved so applicable to Mr F'arttteyV, she fell and broke her arm near the evening discourse. that Miss Red- wrist. ford compiled with his request to render it as well at the evening ser-, vice. Miss Mary Benton also contrib-' MULOCK med a solo at the evening service. l Monday evening the church was We extend true and heartfelt sym- nough to turn their heads, were given with the certainty that they will be continued at Toronto and other points. The Prince of Wales makes tidy little speeches and at Ottawa roused his audience to white heat by announcing that his father intended to replnce some famous paintings that were destroyed by are in thé Parliament Buildings. Baldwin's speeches make splendid reading and he is making warm friends by hie simple earnest manner and kindly spirit. it was warm at Montreal and he was applauded as he dotted his coat and spoke in his shirt sleeves ' nicely tillvd to hear a literary and musical program and this also tras- sad oft successfully. The pastm. Rev. Jas. Taylor, was in the chair. but his duties proved to be light Mr. Geo. Blnnle also added a few words, while the address of the can onlng was again from Mr Farmer. Ottawa similar demonstrations. e. and Return THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO _ -_. l -- .... -. non-nu Centre, Gnu] ' old girl. he was given 4 yarn and or Albert “w. Dun-hum 20 lashes for this otreneo. while lotf -""'"--.-...u I indecently assaulting the Harold! Many a nu would feet sunny camber-a neuenceuon m. ','t.1tttt.dgouiiGri, {mutual-V immanent. both sentence- to run. ting sullen. Ibo-M In -- - -- gMtghgtqar-i. Mrs Andrew Katie is visiting Tor- onto relatives this Week. returning with Mr and Mrs Dan McDonald for a week'- visit. Mrs Vickers of Durham, is spend. ing none time with her son, Mr Sam Vicken. _ __ -_e__- n y.“ for her a successful year. Guests of Mr and Mrs Will Adl Tuesday were Misses Vic and An AOoe, Toronto; Miss Eva Redfou Durham and her "friend, Miss Hip, Toronto. Mr Sandy and Miss Kate Bmwn. and Miss Mary McKechnie were ree- ent visitors " the home of Mr and Mrs. Arch. Benton. Glenelg Centre. Miss Mary Tumbull its the new teacher in S. S. No. 6 and ma nmrliu-I Mr and Mrs Reg. Sharp and fam, ily, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Alfred Bailey. Mr and Mrs Whitehead, Misses! Hazel and Willa Bailey, called on,' friends here Monday. Pleasd to know, Miss Vera Bailey is much improved; in health and able to be out and u-l round again. I months Mr and Mrs Geo Brown, Mr Jack and Miss Faith, and frinend, Mins Smith. Sundayed with Mr and Mrs Newton Philp (nee Miss Hattie Lawrence) Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs Dan McDonald motor- ed up from Toronto to spend the hol- lday with sons Warren and Evan, who are holidaying at the home ol Mlss Annie Hobkirk for the summer ford; quartette from Zion viz: Mr. and Mrs T. Glcncrou. Mrs J. o. Greenwood and Mi. J. Rowan; solo, Mrs Will Lawrence. An instrumen- tal number on Vienna was given by Messrs Allan Melanie: and Jno Me Warlane and recitation by Miss K May Firth. Zion; Duncan Meh, an and Jean and Gordon McGlllivruy. Lunch was served at the closu- of program. 532 was tuken in at thc door. Mr and Mrs Bert Jordan and son, Wilkie of Toronto, and Mr Dave Fra- ser of Oven Bound, spent the week end with Mrs E. Wilkie. Mr and Mrs David Lamb spout, Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dug. Clark. Mrs Alfred Noble and two children of Owen Sound, spent a day many with Mrs A. Symons. Mrs Geo. Sear-la of Guelph. and Mia Geo. Turnbull, spent a few days with their brother, Mr Wm. Hill. Mr Dick Shank and daughter Dom. thy, with Miss Beulah and Mr War-l den Patterson. Guelph. and Mr Pros. per Porter, Lakelet. were guests of Mr and Mrs Spence Hopkins last week. Mr and Mrs Finlay McCualg. Mas- ters Kenneth, Lawrence and Lo., 1. spent Sunday with friends at Top cum. Mrs L. McLean met with a very painful accident last Saturday. While heading oft some cattle, in some way she fell and broke her arm near the wrist. "giuindid musical numbers were " so heard from Mr Phipps in but! Cornet and vocal solos: duet by urt pathy to the bereaved friends of the late Edward Milton, a former mail carrier ot Route 4 for the past 6 or 7 years. Elmwood has lost one of Its itnest citizens and R. R. 4 one of its best mail carriers. He was of it sunny cheery disposition. a friend always ready to oblige. The sterling character and the straight forward principles or deceased in life were" . characteristic traits. The esteem in which Mr Milton was held as mail carrier, was shown by the large number who attended his funeral on Saturday and the beautiful tiorryl tributes placed on his casket and donation in money left over. Mrs H Dunn and sister, Mrs Vine Toronto, accompanied by Mr Ford. Toronto. and other friends from Guelph, spent the holiday at the for- mer's home here. Mr and Mrs Ewen Knechtel and two children, Mrs Weber and daut‘r ter Naomi. Hanover. spent Friday ev- ening at the home of Mr and Mm,. A. C. McDonald. Miss Mary McGillivray accompnn ied by Mr and Mrs Dirstein ot Elur wood, let Monday to camp at Mus koka for several weeks. lite. The address was brimml of good advice and Judgment and struck by his masterly summing up I le- sponsive chord in alt. ROCKY, SAUGEEN 6 and we predict Will Adlam and Annie 1 Redford m I or ~-_ mu. “In In a :snhndid crop Mt Will be new iwhen). with very my. menu. Apply to Mrs Neil Livingstone. I a. It. 2. "out“ Centre, Ont.. l or Alien u-c-M-v - w “mg m (new? town- "ttip. being lo 7 and 8. Con. 3. 0n 'thls property u good frame house ind but bun. th enter buildings. 'iriai; ot mar. ”Mn-b h" u... "earls cumot ell that to say joe only knows how e miss him, ', In lives that we I eooxne terdar. “Jack dear," we think ----- - - an: “Hour, wn‘o I Mr 1nd Mrs Jack Matheson and fam- Hly of Owen Sound and Mr and Mrs gThos Darlington of Southampton. I Mr and Mrs Arch. Hustle. Messrs? (Henry. Otto and Val. Kauttmut, mot-l ored to Detroit to spend the week' ‘end with their sisters and brother. I Mr and Mrs Reid Hastie and Miss! lanbFl. visited on Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs Geo. Hustle. i, tin; ren or Hnnover. spent a. any recent- tr with Mr M It“ Gallon. Mr and In RM moms-ed to Latowet and went 5 any recently with ttiegttb. Mr and Mrs Study Hopt and fam- " of Carrick, visited with the Sharpe family recently. Mr unit In annln. son and (bush- ter ot Goderlch, motomd over and spent a tsteasant Mildly with the Anderson funny at "The Mn». s." Mrs Anderson returned home “ill! them to visit with her skater (or a Mr and Mrs Alf Flddis of Chesley. Mr Russel Fiddis of Brant, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Eda" “mm-a Mr Bert Byers with his sisters. Misses Nettie and Audrey, spent the week end It Wang Beach. guest.» ot Mr and Mrs Miller, Toronto. few Guys. IL." stud Mrs Montgomery. Toronto. are spending their honeymoon at the latter's home. V. Prefer on the 16qu Mr and Mrs Cart Rum, Jr. Mr. and Mrs Claire Zeiyler of Kitchener. were the guests or Mr and Mrs Brrt Rahn over the holiday. Mr Jim. Summon, Port Elgin, I: spending a tew days with his many friends in this vicinity. He spent Sunday at the home of And. Hume. Mrs John White spent a pleasant week's holiday with friends in Tor. onto. Mr Thou. Ball Is “trying his mm! In a sling these days. We hope it, will not be long until! he has the use} of it again. I a suitoble boarding place as she takes chute of the pupils of this section for the coming year. Mr Seitrvrt has secured his home school and sent his resignation in a few weeks Miss Widmeyer of Neustadt was through this way Monday looking“): Dr 1nd Mrs Alumna and daughter. of Toronto. meat the week end bol- Iday with Mr all Mr: Wm Inf-hall. Mr and Mrs Austin Ball and child- - Miss'Mui-iel Henderson is 3mm: this week with Priceville friends. We presume Hampden must no somewhat ot a. summer resort for the people from the cities. tho' Wtr have heard of no 'reul camping ground. We do not begmdze them wanting to see our wonderful coun- try, the "land flowing with milk and honey" as the saying is. We had visitors come in truckloads from New Hamburg. Toronto. Coder- ich. Hanover. Lamlash and Kitchen- er to visit their friends over the imi- iday. We cannot furnlsh the names as some would be in the line ol tongue twister: and no doubt beyond us in spelling as well. Misses Aileen Fiddis of Brampton, and Marie Fiddis ot Chesley, are hol-i idaying with their aunt and uncle. Mr and Mrs Edgar Boyce. !, Mrs And. Hustle is spending this: week in Toronto, as the guest of Mr: and Mrs Dan McDonald. 1 Mr Mr Wilfrid Becket Edgar Boyce, CRAWFORD W or our dear btts. brother, John Me Bed I'Iy one STEP ' in his 36th year. 9‘ 1 picture l to rest; 'e will keep it e or the bent WIS We loved “a 'YP'! Mr and Mrs Delban Splan mm i' with "I ily of Wine. spent Sunday a [Mr and In B. Davey. Brampton Mr Wm MoGllUvray of mu. ', f" hel, mums. and John MNiillivrm E Mn Food Witte and two roll‘ rSenforth. we spending a lew das {the Fletcher home. The Realm family have Hm lbenuelvel to a 1927 F'ord tounm Mr and Mrs Gilchrist and Mr Mn - or Tomato. spent the w end " the home ot Arch McLean Rev Cdcklngton of Mulock, _ ed on the line "candy. Mitgts Merrou Ewen is holhluyrm her home att present. Mr and In Hugh McDonald funny went Sunday at Wm Hour. Mr nod In John Bauwr and ...n tty of Kitchener. spent over the !.,, ldny with the former's mother .p Mothers here. Mr and In K). Hamilton and 'w children of Known tuwompattior! s, Rev. A.M. Milton of Guvlph. ;, tut My ttt Wm. Smith's. Council-Mons an due Mr v. Vaughn. with Mr and Mrs John I ma of Swlnton Park, mm: hue: and Hugh McDonald', t thy recently. In S... Hopkins and Mis, t' of near Hnover. also Miss Elli”; Toronto, [pent Thursday with V Herb Hopkins. Kalil” who in murlud last Tm day to It“ Reta Carson m Kw, Coma. Mr and Mrs Wm Smith and dat, ter Mm nttended church vlce In Primevllle Sunday his! Anniversary Semen The Anniversary Services w k; , Church. No by, will be lwlvi b Atttt. 7th a: 8th. Sunday .wll. ' will be held m ll sun. and 71:, m. Rev. P.IG. Pump” will b. charge or the services Mowia, ' auto; a garden party will be hm; Wluon's school grounds lop wlm good will UP"lrur pr"lcir-l lunch will be M ed on the Kl‘num Softball gum? il'Sii'e.i, evettine-Pccc emu vs. Knox. mission 25 .s I ' Mr and In Ceril Mountain . Ramon. spent over the 1mm»; l the former“: home hett. ' A number from this ttrxitrhbrrr, attended the reception ttt Wm 1 son's Int Tuesday, ttiven in hm... Mr Ind In Witt Kaisier Mm Hulda Cuff. Toronto i» y, ing at Wm Pickers Berry picking and wheat Itlr'i, Is the order of the day in um hu: Mr Wesley Heine and Miss M. Damn. Tomato. visited owz' ', week end " Mr Hugh McDonald SOUTH EAST BENTINCK Clea-tom. Scuba! mama-d -hhsr--artiether it in knockout». Occuion- atiteattimrutsoid custom- 'este Long Dimisu and my to cam con- tinue: of their patron- AUGUST 4. 1927 Recognize the con- t Btant opportunities you have for doing a large business with a small stock. All the resource, of wholesalers and manu. ileum-rs we open to you. Order goods from them by In: Distance one day, and receive them the next. Customs: coon hm t topatroetis “hem [here they can order You have one great t advantage over the big city stores that seek your customers' trade --hecause you can serve You have t advantage big city t teekyour custa --because you them persGUy. Get our Price Custom Ch MaNr. W Flour him Me View Best Quali a I Mend buyw coco. DELIVERED IN 'toret "oust-bu 1304' Pr Matrstie “our. po-r hat; o CM- Hour, P"'. ha Eh: luv-m Noun P" m hour. Has Always Tai, All Ir Next the Sta ndard a. - 111mm m Men's d, Hm: Ties. Caps, Felt Hats Aw uncurbncn can CUNN'O no to ace Boys' & (lirls Men's t Box Men's and B Resistance A Coughs a MEN 'S F Clearing EMULSI PRIC Rich In Free JOHN HENDER Chil Spec Sma $3 Kl Specia THE P hump" bag Instr. :0 ttt b Cod-liver t Vitamins AUGUST W. so a Support Boy s' Shoe 9.00 this $1.00 thts Men's Boot THIS IS " 0U!

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