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Durham Review (1897), 4 Aug 1927, p. 5

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l and m» . Ibo In» lab" and “DIR laid I and two punk-d by “It. spun mm real the hat ade m g a nail 'ces John ml by ot he M )ul Mr “in in 1 " Krou m h M an HI bu Mn h M te '" (let our Price Hue you Sal your Wheat l a. I intend buying Wheat to chip by the Car load. GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN EY ERY DAY. PHONE Mt. t DAY '" NIGHT Custom Chopping Every Day Has Always Taken a Strong Stand for Qualily “thumfmumou. Resistance Against Cough: and SCOTI’S EMULSION JOHN McGOWAN Rich In Precious PRIOEVILLE sum: riEN0EIlS0N'S BAKERY m-u known tor their richneas and witty. Kept in clean, sanitary cases. free from dust. THE PEOPLE’S MILLS urnliv-nzs are of First Quality. Therefore when you buy our Bread, you are assured of the Best. AUGUST 4, 1927 Helps Build Support your Home Baker Hamill: THIS IS TRUE OF OUR BREAD OUR CAKES AND PASTRY Spending the - -- gun..-) '" A. McCualx's and attended chu service in the "all They will y other relatives before returning. Miss Dorothy Carson, Toronto, Miss Sadie Carson is spending a couple ot weeks in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Morison and two child- ren of the West and Mrs J. McLeod of Stayner, visited on Sundav at Mr I, handle the PRICEVILLB dy come to the Fresh: n Party on the ac n Friday. Aug. 5. Hear trio and the two vacation at home mod on Sunday at Mr and attended church "all They will visit “and" spending al On a. recent visit to her father, Mr, ls Durham Presbyterian are to be eommsttttated on the success ot their Men My on 3 ‘duu ave-In; but week. Also Neville Unionists on We spent a few days at m broil:- erU and sister's on the Durban Road Glenelg. sad we could not mm from the thought of the claws that the interning years had made since we were a small boy of a happy tam. ity ot long ago. Bad hay weather tad t lot lying on the ground for the last few days. This Monday morning. July Mth, is kind of gloomy. Fall wheat is color- ing that in spring crop is looking Aa we took an imaginary VII-W through Glam-lg. we found that of the very fr.w left of the old pioneers, we were highly favored by heading the aged list in the ad townshlp. While so many of the aged. the middleaged and the youth have passed any, we are left to tell the old “cry ot " and " yen-a ago to the present time. but time like an overdt"ring stream, keeps moving along. T The other day while in Durham we met an old friend in the person of John S. Black. We sat down in the shade on a seat at the Hahn House: and our thoughts went back to our, youthful days. Mr Black came to, Glenelg in 1855 and we beat hlm by; four years, coming here in 1851. We both forgot our years in talking or, old times in Glenelg. and thought. that our awe was renewed as the ong-I le. Mr Black's memory could go back to the time he was a good uemun as welt as a good penman. Many of the old bowed log buildings are only a thing of the past now, where, Mr Black was one of the corner men; nearly 70 years ago. In this respectI Mr Black beat us as we never took: up a corner but one. and (but for " pig pen. Four days of last week was good hay weather and a lot of hay was put in in good order. Everybodrbttsy some haying. some cutting weeds and those having turnips will be attend- ing to them these wet days. Mrs McConkey Sr, and Jr. motorel to Toronto with Mr Bert Aussem on Sunday to see Mr Robt McConkey In the hospital there. for treatment to his shoulder. the fruit or the are :5 rather of the great war. He is pro- gressing favorably. Mr W. G. Watson, undertaker. was called upon to convey a corpse to Toronto from Proton Station on Mon. day. getting home here at ttve Tues. day morning. PRICEVILLE & GLENELG Mr and Mrs H. B. McLean um! daughters Doris and Anna and Miss Olive McLean, motored from Toron. to and visited here over Civic hali- day, returning Monday evening. Mrs H B. McLean, a genial ftutrts ite here, contributed a fine solo at the evening service. Miss Olive MP. Lean is spending a couple of weeks with her parents during her holidays. Miss Ella McKinnon of Toronto. and formerly of Prleeville, in comp- any with Miss Helen Smith. left Sun. day for New York."'where they will sail on the steamship Manchuria for Panama and Ban Fransisco. Cal. Mr Jog. Black, Toronto, spent " , week end on a visit to his paren's and other friends. ()n the following Sundays. services will be conducted in the absence of Rev. Mr McCormack on his holidays by Mr Robt Dingwall on the 7th. 14th and 28th Aug, and on the let. by a representative from the Dom Prohib- ltlon Alliance. l "Abide with me" was diseourtsed ‘upon by Rev. S G. McCormack at the pm service. Tho' often used as an evening selection. it was not neces- sarily referring to the close of day. but to the evening of life. Hym .s wr common property of all denomin- ations and creeds. "Lead Kindly Light" was another prayer composed by J. H. Newman. who later became -a cardinal in the R. C. church, from not being tsatisfied with existing con- ditions then, with its doubts and un' certanties. He left himself in highm' hands. The application was to mu, our trust in God and He will direct our steps. 5 - 7V~-_- __...) .v lltl III-HUI. I'll- jG. W. Tryon, Dr Miss Mary Tryon of ‘Detrolt was up betlmes and armed iwith a spade. betook herself to the long swamp by motor and secured a ':spruee tree which she planted at her l, father’s residence, which she planted ifather's residence and before other, "were out of bed. i Mrs Jas Davies ot Sutherla "l, i.?ffltc. (nee Miss Lizzie McGrade) is (renewing old acquaintances of he: lyounger days in and around Price. _ ville. Sunday last was a busy holiday for non church goers. Four fully loaded busses besides innumerable cars par sed through the village early in the morning and late at night returning. "Mad autos race with shrieking horn at godless. pace, and thus adorn, God's Sunday I'" The hay is coming on fast these days and there will be a lot tutitstt up this week it the weather 13 favorable. Mrs Median: ot Hamilton is visit, ing her sister. Mm McMeekin. Mr and Mrs A. L. mack; were Sunday visitors " Mr Doug]! Me, Cunel’s and attended service at S. Park church Sunday. Rev. and Mrs Jones and son Ede, were visitors at D. G McLean’s last week. Many were glad to see them back In Prieeviue and have a hearty handshake. I We have been having some visit- ‘ors of distinction the past few days. _A few of the older people will ro- 'luember the late Rev. John Mchl~ in ot Mt Forest and brother of Duncan McMillan of Proton. They are home for the celebration in Mt. Forest-the two sons, Rev J. W. 'McMillan now of Toronto and chair. man of the Minimum Wage Board ’there. His wife was a daughter oi' gthe late Sir Joseph stelle. who is [also here with her sister Miss La. _veile. In conversation with Miss La. :velle. she says they have always :heen stumch Conservatives but they have use been staunch temperance 'peoNe and voted against government 'etmtm1. Along with them is Rev.) IKerr McMillnn, president of 3 col. ;lege in United listen and who on 'SW morning tn the old home Ite st Mt 'trmqt. move 1 thought Mr and Mrs Geo Wilson and Mr. not In but Scott ot N. Ee... chnrch. the manner thought you were sick and did not forget to en. quire tor you. But now people went hither and thither and were not mm Md and my were strugers tnthe ehtgreh--not 3 very favorable com. pal-hon. These nu-tiec are Ill visit- in: their friends tn this pan. today. The Hardy {may spent Sunday In Owen Sound with friends there. Goon-3e luv and family spent Sum day with Hanover friends. t Dr. Milne is getting along well in his practice in the vicinity oiPrice- ville. There are not many of his predecessors living now. Dr Seaman, the tlrst there, has passed away long lam). Dr Ghent. who came in 1865, Is ‘aiso gone as is Dr Burns. Dr Boyle. went as a young man : Dr Hix prob 'ably gone also and one zone a year ago. Those living are Dr Dixon of Calgary: Dr Carr, o. Sound: Dr. McFarlane. Arthur; Dr BranderiMrs Rev. D. L. Campbell). We forgot the death of our good old friend. Dr Hutton, who departed life ttwe" years ago. Dr Hutton came to Price- ville on June 12. 1888, the day the corner stone was laid in the Preshy- terian church by the pastor, Rev. D McLeod. Have you been out picking berries yet? This is the question for the ladies now and for the men "How are you on with the hay l"' A tew more tine days and the hay will be gathered in, then a few days of rest before the grain harvest, which with favorable weather promises to be As the Review is going to many parts of the world, those getting it will be pleased to hear of olden times in their former home in Price. ville and vicinity. Personally we have many relatives and friends in different parts of the world and we know their memories go back to Priceville cemetery where. as the case may be, father. mother. son or daughter's remains are laid there to rest and also at McNeil’s. Those ber- eaved family's thoughts go back to the time an unbroken family ciretr. harmoniously lived together. But Death makes a change and it is only a sad reminder of the past. We were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Angus Kennedy of Pricevllle. Now the lonely husband will have to pass his declining years in loneliness. We are pleased to hear that Robl. Conkey, postmaster or Prirevllle. is Well again after a dangerous spell ot sickness. Mr and Mrs McLeod and family or; the south line, paid a ftyintr visit to; their friends, the McDonald's or: Edge Hill, recently. i Mr Arch. McCualg. Top Climspent, a pleasant afternoon lately with Mr; Donald McDonald of the D. Road., Glenelg. As both held responsible; offices in the days ot their activity,', their thoughts probably went back to when little boys going to school} barefooted in the old school section} No. 2 and the many changes since,’ makes them feel the passing chime. l Miss Dora Cameron, Toronto, spent lint week with her cousins. Mrs Mc- ,Cannel and Mrs McPherson. Miss "huneron has a number of relatives in the vicinity of Pricevilie and Dur- lham, but her time was limited and .she did not get to see a number. By her pleasant manner and personality Miss Cameron makes herself a fawn ite with all. Manx of his church members will be pleased to have W. W. Ram- age as caretaker, as well as a gun! precentor. By his long experience as a choir leader. his services are highly appreciated by the audience. Pleased to hear that Mr Hugh Mc- Kinnon ot the B. Line Glenelg, was able to attend church services in the Hall, Pricevllle, the last few Sundays after his long experience resulting from an accident that bet'el him ov- er a year ago. We were pleased to meet Mrs H. Greenwood at Mrs McCannel's the other evening. She was accompanied by her nurse. Miss McLean and after her long spell of sickness, is now pretty well on her way to usual health attain. Mr John L. McKinnon B. A. of Saskatoon Collegiate arrived at the old home Saturday. at his brother‘s. Arch. McKinnon's and attended Ber. vice in Priceville Sunday. the success of their garden party re cenuy. On Aug. 6th the Presbyterian: of Priceville will hold this annual event. THE DURHAM REVIEW SWINTON PARK ', Top C1itt,imentl l lately with Mr: of the D. Road, held responsible; ot their activity,', " acre farm In Allan Park for sale or exchange for null may ht Durban. Pa bu Int dual buildings. A "a for quick sale. seen u the omco o the architect. Mr. J. T. cure, Owen . Ont.or the amnion-d. on or not July " Lowest or any tender not necessari- ly accepted. For further intorimuton apply premises to Tenders will received up to September lat. 192 Lowest or any tender not necessal y ammed. The well-kn wn Lauder farm. int, nteditttely adjo ing Durham corpora- tion. on Provln ial Highway. 100 ac- res, more or as. In good state» tf cultivation: frame house, barn and outbuildings electric light. good water. 2 wells. e drilled; conven- ient to High am Public Schools '. concrete sidewalk gate. People read 'Review' Want Ads. We are as near to you as your tele. phone. Our phone No. is 6. Mr and Mrs Colin McArthur, Miss Manon, also Donald and Colin Jr. Mr and Mrs J. C. Ferguson and tam. ily of Owen Sound. visited Sunday at D. J. McArthur's. The Ferguson am. ily attended church services. Misses King and Saunders ot Tor, onto are spending their vacation at the Maetartatte home. Misses Kennedy, Toronto, are ttol idaying at Mr Walter Ewing's. Mrs Margaret McKay with daugh- ters Marion and Jean and Mrs H. E. Bowerbank of Toronto, visited the past two weeks at their sister's, Mrs Mr and Mrs sou Arthur of days recently McArthur's. Mr and Mrs Donald McCoskt-ri: Miss Elsie Mecoskery, Miss Sophia Burnett and Miss Esther Melanis. spent the week end holiday at the latter's home. Miss McCoskery will remain with her sister, Mrs Mal.Me Innis for a time. Mr and Mrs T. Davis with son u. Donald and Leonard motored recom- ly at Maetariane's and attended An. niversary Services Sunday. Mrs Chas. McArthur 'or Niag t'a Falls. is visiting at A. B. MaeArttr, D. J. McArthur’s and attended Ann-r versary services. Anniversary services were held on Sunday last at Glerteltt Centre Bap. tist church. Rev. Mr Farmer of (r. Sound conducting very appropriau- services. The day was ideal and many visitors were present. '"""'"uer0W mm a reception a Week from Monday evening at the Manse Mr and Mrs Jno. Bittort have ro- turned from their holiday trip to Fergus. Mr and Mrs Jno. Sinclair www- early in the week visitors at Mr w. R. Weir's, Durham. Rev. Mr Bentham is now in charge of Cedarville and Hopevilie United congregation. These congregations are tendering him a reception a Work from Monday evening at the Manse. Mr and Mrs Wm iiiiEaonse and friends spent Sunday at Mr H Al- len's in Durham. Mr and Mrs Jno. McEachnle visit- ed the tlrtet of the week at Petor MtEaehern's, Egremont. Apply or write Rarir '07; 1:; l like Joule Hellman is enjoying al 25 YEAR' AtMt lholldny at home here. I From Review Me. July M, 190:: Many will take in the garden per-I A very notable step bu been tak- It! " PHeeeitie Friday to hear the _ en by Mr J. A. Hunter, so long and gunman: Brtutoriet trio of London "5 favorably known as proprietor ofthe ‘they are the but of their kind in I "Big Store." He bu laid his blah Cum today. iness to Mr Alex Russell ot Elora. a This is the day that our worthy man of experience, integrity and at)“. M. P. meets the Prince of Wales itt'ity. Mr Hunter has decided to go Ottawa, on apeclnl Invitation fsous,west and will mk scope for his Viscount Willinsdon ‘grent energies with In: brother. Mr. ---_---- .H. A. Hunter ot Minneapolis. I Another cltnnge that is also notab- HOPEVILLE jble. in that it cuts another link with . . . ‘the past and the present. In in ttas, a 1l2,2lrr,t,"t,p,"c1 r olonto on ' sale by Mrs Jae Burnet or the P'?, The Women's Institute will hold PM' 80 long carried on by her, lurl, their regular monthly meeting at the ' son Joseph latterly, and previously l home of Miss M Walsh-y. Aug. til. I by her husband. We are glad We anal Program: "Opening our eyes to the not to lose the ttunity. f wonders of Nature" hyMrs Jas Mit-' Born. in Buntinck, on July 2R, toI chell: violin solo, Miss Ethel Jack: 3:133; Mrs Donald McArthur, d te','."";.,',',',":':"' r31" 22:23" £13“. Miss Lizzie Laldlaw who has had} whistle or par. . . "” I charge of the Entrance class for the; Misses C. and A. Fetus and sis, ters Mrs Nell McEachnie and Mrs, Alex Henderson went on a moior trip to Sarnia last week. Many will take in the garden por- ty " Priceville Friday to hear the humus Brunswick trio of London as they are the best of their kind in Canada way. This is the day that our worthy M. P. meets the Prince of Wales in Ottawa, on special invitation tions Viscount Willingdon. FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER The you“! and our“ unend- ed the Tho-n-Mer-ttan wedding "_f1eorzetorm Baturday last. ,7 Mrs Martin Wtuon here and "com- pcnled them to church. issuance rod an: TENDERS WANTED FARM son 8ALE BUNESSAN THOS. G. LAUDER, Durham J. P. GRANT, Sec'y Duncan Campbell and Buffalo, spent a t'ew at Angus and A. B. at MELODY BOYS' oh:nEsreh Holstein corr: Miss Lizzie Binnip has been engaged as teacher In h", tu" No. 9, Etta-mom, commencing arm holidays. " Dromore corr: Sunday morning ie Amos S. B. a special service was held, the occasion hem: before thc departure of Mr John Adams fmm our midst to take up his abode in Durham. For may years Mr Ada, tti has proved himsell to be on “tiff worker in the BB. as 'nutetitttendent and teacher and as an appreciation of " you: of tterviee in This Qork a hundsome teachers' bible was pre sented to him. East hut of I t con 21, F.grr. mont; also N. E.' " news or lot ll, con 3, Ettremottt. First class buiier Inga. Both pluces en watered and in good state of en "lion. For fur- they particulars I. ly lo Palmer Patterson. R.R. 8, mam. “none 157, ring 2. Miss Margaret Petty left Wednns- day morning to Join Miss Bea Me Cncken and a. Shelbnrne party win are cunning at a lake 20 miles north of there. Mr John McAulitte. Upper Town, lost a valuable young cow last week under most extraordinary vim-um- stnnces. She was noticed ill for mo days and in spite of remedies dia': from what struck them of having tut. en some poisoned thing. They openui the animal and were amazed to tind in the stomach a. live snake which had eaten the lining of the stomach causing what must have been ex- cmciating pain. The little omee. dovetailed in ne- tween the McIntyre block and Whit. mow's barber shop, is being vom- pleted and before many days ‘Hvllo Central" will be In new quarters. H. H. Burgess, school inspector for North Grey, has given out the ttr formation that there are fully " vacancies in his inspectorate and that these are chiefly Coatitted to the rural schools. " YEAR. AGO Prom Review ryle. Aug. 1. 1912 The management of the Cemen: Works have started operations on a short stub line to enable them to de. liver the clay from GTR can; on 1110 level instead of hauling It up the hie hill aid dumping it from the high trestle. Crawford: An exciting time was on here when the brave heroes of the 8th and 9th oon's gathered at the home of Mr Sandy Brown to 11139 his barn. They chose Duncan McLean and Bob Grierson for tiuir captains and after an hour of hur0 work, Duncan and his men came out victorious, The Pesbyterituu, have arranged to have their annual garden party on Alex McLachlan's grounds on them-- enlng of Aug. 8th. Mr Cottrell ot Yale, B. C., and Mrs Cottrell (nee Gertrude Metvdiut)atv spending a'few Weeks in the aid home town. Miss Lizzie Laidlnw who has had charge) of the Entrance clus for the past two years, resigned from Awr duties at the close of the term. Hunt: for all ion. For rates, and open an B, apply to H. E. PRIPPS. - Durham, Phone n PHONE 18. The arm TOWN GROCERY NEW AND FRESH IN DAYS OF YORE GROCERIES Coal Oil and and!” J. C. MMil,1, Also Cured Meats FARM ttm SALE yttur TORONTO tom. 1eeetticiriii"eaau"G. bot*utrte0mmttterthsisioui. ttert'ts*oettt-edttauer- nth-hum “Mutton-In- tntattnthef-. munmnammuu thrtmmang (“I m "ateeMadneWatreaa_d-'iiri'iI Mammam J.a.".'-m- . “mum-Mm“ one: "ttte beginning an.” . mm te the Norma! OM SCHOQIL Th School I: My w "mouth. Idiom coll-nun- enacted to give that an}; neg. - JAS. LAWRENCE, Shipper Water ! Conulsung or house and stable and In; acres of land, in good state or cultivation. well fenced and “and” unable for retired farmer or DIP ket gardener. Bituated on Durham In“. within the 00th ot up Town of Durham. Will sell " s tr-tes to quick buyer. Why then tahe . chance and In Inter (but I. polluted And null for domestic we, when pure water cu: be Ind by luvlng 3 well drilled. I “to bundle Pump. and Pump nun-I Sttisfncuon tNarnnteed. ED. J. PRATT, mu. Duo-hum Phone " r " Sale: taken on Insoluble tom Dates "ranged " Herald emu-.m- dalk, the through Dunn Review at Flo-henna Adana. Geo.E. Duo-l. Dunduk P. o. Phone " r 4-2. Llccnud Auctioneer for Co. of (In, Terms, reasonable. Sale dun lull! be Arranged " the Reetew Olin. Durham. Ruldoncc: R. A. No. 2. Dumm- DURHAM OWEN u Lambton St. 868 2nd C. C. Middtebra' J. H. Me Mr. McQuarrie will be all day in hundulk, Licenced Auctioneer for What is Good Health Worth ? HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Balm any; Graduate Rorat College Doom Surgeons. Dentistry In all la but ches. omce, East ot Central Drag Bun. Entnnce on um Street. w. c. ”exams. MS, L08 HONOR GRADUATE of Torque University. Matte of Rays! tNil I! pongsl 85113319: 9!: Guthrie 'CIT, DR. C. tttrLtiLLAit Graduate, University of , Successor to Dr. lair. om: Residence, Phone 2, H: MAIN STREET, HOLCTEIN. ONT. ORS. c. 6. AND ' BESSIE MtaLLigttAr The Science that lddl'Life years and yours to life. Catt And Sec II. Cowman I tn Durham BR. h. M. BELL once on Lambton Bt. Eyes Examined and Com one. Hour-l: H p.31... 7... P... Sundays except“ MIDDLEBRU' & MCQUARRIE Ollie: Ind residence. comer Comm nttd Lumbhon. opposite old Poet 0.03 Dulce he!!! " to ll_u.lp.. I.” to a I. L SMITH. 1Ltk, " " J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. The Durbun U. P. o. Live Moet uochtlou will ship stock troll DI:- Mn, on Tainan. supper- m to Graduate ot Toronto (Successor to the late 9.111.. T to " tn., Apply at Review 06100, Durham GEORGE E. DUNCAN PROPERTY FOR SALE NOTICE T0 " “Ills J c J iimhiiriiii;ut%T J. E. MiLNE, M. B. Chiropractic 8mm JOHN O’IEIL CHIROPRACTIC Barrhsters, ete Water! I Water Tettop, Thump all of Toronto Unlvenuy to the late Dr. mm) l. A. No. 2, Friend". PRICEVILLE, ONT. OWEN SOUND 868 2nd Ave M. J. H. McOuarrie Ndn. y " p! "

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