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Durham Review (1897), 4 Aug 1927, p. 8

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'frets' Won 19-18 and New Lead league when the Peta shoved the villains I Petts r- um: the plate in the 8th .nleIxht Hawka int inning with one out. ttsereto)Biaek Cats, wanting the Night links Is-lt.,'; ---- the. Elvis did not exhibit the mp5 " sewing and vim of their bacon-5275 MtLE WI test and missed Agent Spurting {mini their lineup, who I: “my on bolt-E an. Erwin twitled for the Peta and; Every t9ttttt lclntym for the Hn'ks. i!'mP1 Tram " was a thrilling encounter Tues. - night In Durham Softball league when the Peta shoved the winning Owns to the Bowling Tournament!, not Thursday, the Block cas-pets!, sum was postponed. When this! .3th I: pulled " some night next; week, another three cornered tie mayl ii son _yui'i'""j=i=iii'i'vnim,l,,l The new road winds through one of the not: ple- num actions of the Pnrk--fiNd with unch- tion. of Minor. of Beetor, of osmotic: of "spin WnMpiom Darhenatrtna.aih-Nlu, MIN“ rim who; Winding an of Hold. the 03.1. than fee I“ ntduu._thettirttertotrmhipqrate9baeh, n YhsT'gatNi',tta/lTtg2T2Nttd {M the In“)! lab for a... all. uh]. a wood.“ do! at tho an” - It a... m nil-Aha!- mull 9 diets-Inb- uncen- WWI-cm ',iiiii"iei,'t5iiiiiliEi'iiii.1 trnasnqdf) 3"“!‘9'99: The opening of the Field-Golden Highway this sum- mer will mark mother mat Itep in the comple- tion of the hll-Canndhn highway from coast to cont. The continuation of the motor road, which last out was extended from Lake bank. to Field. but ct,', carried on this winter by the Pub Department, and penetrate. fifteen mile. farther into the mountains to the western boundary of Yoho National Park, gm. it Joins the new “venom-nil. “has!” from (I) In. In“ cl In" no- In. Sulphur “all. It A uni-duo In" mm mm - man ghojkunuu “new Canto; 18t I033“ - - which the - “I” wind. (4) Th. C)... an... In... MONSTER Red Cross Garden Party in Durham Rink Thursday, August 11, '27 =ao=|o= Come early and Enjoy Afternoon and Evening Ill Proceeds in aid of Darin-Rd Cross Hospth on Afternoon of Aug. ll at 3 p. In. on High School Grounds, Durham. Six of the best mixed teams in Durham district will compete. DURHAM BAND will furnish Music. Admission, 35c and Mc. Don't Miss it 10 Soloists and Comedians, will supply program and furnish snappy music for Dancing. iy2iiei,ii,uditeiit ' " -diaid ti.f..t if“ -"--- I and no“ u--. 3.. a hunch- mto! . - " mun-I- “:JH-s lat-e Another Link in Transcontinental Highway See the Midway, Baby Show, Minstrels, lite. and“ vac-Incumb- 'N"f'fdl,tT8tll'l'ulldl'lt'mGll'a'l'; - -- -- "i” m Fain mm GUELPH JAZZ BAND be created. that is It the Cuts smoth- er the Pets. Ottteririse " will be 275 MILE WEEK END Every Saturday evening the Owen Sound Transportation's Str. "Mani. toulin" leaves Owen Sound on a week-end trip of 275 miles to Maui- toulin and return. The steamer can: " Killarney. then on among the Islands to Little Current and return- the Pets and the Night Hawks for the In“. LEAGUE STANDING TRIP ONLY $12.00 Band-Wham fold. the oeeond, the action bo. an“: Radium Hot Springs to Emerald Lake try way of Golden uni Unnehoit, and “tuning the third day ummuhmiu. ' It about! on)! be I short an. new Mon tho wicket Canada. would- world in ”mince tttet-toN. PNrrsGouettti_euthftnat 1't'tg'fatfttLt,tgtunNit'gr,',ttne nomad. mitt-nail 1sninetratBe.,trut ahtset3-gset_hnvtptmn4ruert_bstftfkirruiAi bur-cotton“; magnum“ -xtttahkhe.dut-ofabexttt-aattG". tin "t*Rqib.tt_rttrftft--efudd- an.“ 0. any!“ dimet' and. m The construction of the Field-Golden Highway presented some very difficult engineering problems on account of tho steepness of the slopes of the aid. hills. A good deal of excavation had to be done In solid rock. The probable cost of the new highway on sccount of the diffieult topography encountered in estimated " 824,000 par mile. There will be inanguratod this summer s three- day circle tour from Banff and Lake Louise. covering the 2rrat. (in! the ”at Riemann, soctlon of tho pass of the Kicking Home to Golden on the banks of theA)o1umbin river. Lost To play Ing can: at, Innovating and Ku- hmey. She We. In'Owen Sound on Monday morning. This short trip provides a the opportunity {or a weekend on the water. without loss Tho’faro tor this 276 mile week- end Including met}: and berth u $12.00. The Btr. "Mtu1toulin" leave: after the arrival ot evening c. P. and C. N. trains at Owen Sound and arrives in time tor morning South-bound trains. The motor roads are good to Owen Bound. This trip Is an added tservice to the Str. "Manitoulin'ts" weekly tive day trip to Mackinaw Island, on winch she leaves every Mdnday Pv- enlng. Dan Kingston and James Clements two well known farmers of near Dobbinton, who are out on 85000 bail, on I. charge of stealing sheep on the Bruce peninsula. were arraign- ed before Magistrate McCartney at Wiarton tor trial. Clements admit. ted the offence and gave evidence implicating Kingston with him. King- ston however entered a plea of not guilty. and as the court did not heve a tstenotrrapher, an adjournment was made to Saturday week. Clements then entered a plea that his case should be tried in this court, but the magistrate took the view that both should be sent to the higher court, and they will appear at the Fall As- sizes. WILL BE HEARD AT "FALL ASSIZES IN BRUCE or other marttuderts, but when it i' m- tinued again this year, Samuel Wat- son and several other Albemar1e'yar. mers reported the loss of sheep to Chief McCievis of Wiarton, who be- gan a quiet investigation. Later on a clue was placed in his hands when Samuel Adams observed a couple of men in his tieid chasing sheep. Find ing themselves discovered they disap- peared into the woods but their auto- mobile had been left on the road- side and Mr Adams took the license number which he handed to Chief McClevis and the ownership traced to James Clements ot Dobbinton, who when charged with the offence ad- mitted his guilt and returned the sheep in his possession to the own- ers and at the same time implicating Kingston who is protesting his inno- cence. The bonds for their appear ance at the trial was renewed before the court closed and the accused were permitted to return to their homes. The farmers of Bruce peninsula had missed a number of sheep last year which was attributed to bears In the United States national ttol, iday seems to be also a national dis- ascer. Two hundred people were kit led and thousands injured in the 4th of July celebrations. On Sunny. 1m. my, to a. new I hundrod damn to know jut bow mottleunde “tutu”, lunch Inner would Invent!“ Exam; a they “a 1 ad what he would have Accomplish- Oxtord run. Owner alumni“. math” 'rsarhedatttqh. ottMsadveethse-t.V tkiehh-t-arrerinsteadotntsome. With the 48th Rwanda; Band ot Toronto supplying music. Lottridge's Midway attractions. donning after. noon end evening. and concert each night, there's something doing allthe time. Home nee. We, and Thunder and athletic events Wed- neodnyuethe Wantsotthm i Mr and Mrs R. J. Arnill and fam- ily left My to attend the Me !Laehlttn--Marlow reunion at Black- Istock. Miss Laura Bailey who has ybeen visiting with the Aral]! family :for the past month, accompaniel fthem to their home In Blaekstoeh. Visitors in the village and 1ttl rounding district over the holiday were Mr sod Mrs Sadie:- snd Bobbie not Win-ton with Mr and Mrs Rite; er and Mrs Harry Brown, Toronto. Gid Mrs J. Brown, Br.; Mr Wm, lThorne, Stratford, with his parents ' Il?, and Mrs Jns Coleridge, Toronto, with his brother, Mr Dan Coleridge: er and Mrs Roht Eccles ot Philadel- (pttia, Mr and Mrs Page and son Dick tor Trenton, NJ. with Mrs Jss Ee lcles ; Mr and Mrs L. B. Nicholson iand sons Bobbie and Kenneth of iWeaton with friends in the villagv: Uh Clinton Rice. Oshawa. with his (brother, Milford Rice; Dr and Mrs Percy Ross and daughter Eleanor or lI)etroit : Miss Lizzie Ross, "Detroit '. Mr Jno. Ross. Mr and Mrs Harold -Rotus. Mr Ernie and Sadie Ross. all of Btrattord; Messrs John and Geo. -Ross ot Orillia; Mrs Twichel and daughter Betty, with Miss Ross ; Mr 'and Mrs Moses, Toronto; Mr and ‘Mrs Shiels. London. with Mr and :Mrs Jno. Orchard; Mr and Mrs Jno. iManary Jr and family; Mr Albert t LOCAL Alb PensoIALS There were my girls' teanur- Al. ma, Harriaton, Drew, Goldswne, Mt. Forest, Dayton and Clifford. In the semi-Inns, Goldstone beat Barrister: 6--lk 1nd Clllfox'd beat Dayton 11-- o, than in the fintua Ctitrord won out from Goldstone Ib-a. ton 4--0, but met their waterloo in afternoon, when a. Guelph team won] by Il--'?,. The Guelph pitcher hm: blinding speed and the titst halt 01" game. Holstein could not connect with his delivery. Guelph beat the Picket: of Mount Forest in until. i Softball occupied part of the mom- ing and all afternoon. Holstein men's team played a top-notch game in the torenoon, when they defeated Dray- On Monday, the parade and soft. ball tournaments were the features. The parade was a crackerjack, with 40 or 50 cars in the procession, many beautifully decorated, interspersel with clowns and several hard-looking outfits. Among the ttnetrt of the de. corated cars were Flatt the tiorigt'r, Bondl with fruit display, Mt, Forest, Hospital, and Levlne's. tit Forest Welcomes her Sons and Daughters Home Mount Forest ls celebrating this week the return of many of her old blys and girls. and large numbers from surrounding towns and country as well are taking In the sports held each day. Sunday, the pulpit: of the town were occupied by former ministers. Sturrock; Mr and Mrs Clinton Bute ston and son Kenneth; Carman Bun- ston .all of Toronto. with Mr PM Mrs Manny, Sr; Mr Edison Kerr ot London with Mrs A. Bullet: Mr and Mrs Jan Kerr, Mrs J. F. Bum! and Mrs W. L. Fanrao, all ot i9rrrfruhehl, Mass. with Mrs Mchdyen; Mr and Mrs Arch McDermid of Windsor with Mr and Mrs Jae Bilton ; Mr and Mrs Jno. Rocks, Toronto, with Wm and Mrs Nelson: Alex McMillan of Dun, dalk with his parents; Mrs Stench- combe ot London. with Miss Ethel Sharpe; Mrs Paleriskl and son ot Toronto with the McCall family; Mrs JD Main, Waterford; ClareLcc Malcolm of Scotland, with Mr and Mrs J D Roberts. Mr and Mrs Jno. Lem: spent the week end with Mrs Thos Knox, near Guelph. Mr and Mrs Arthur Kerr of Tor ‘u- to, who were wed in Toronto last week, are spending part ot mm- honeymoon with his sister. Mm. Bul- ler. Mr Jas Biebner of Ingersol. is spending a couple of weeks with his brother, Bert Brebner. Rev and Mrs Jay left this wens; to spend a month’s holidays with relatives at St Annes and Smithville. Ross and him Rife are spending part of their vacation with relatives in Detroit. Ring the past month with relatives in Ridgetown, returned to her home this week. _ Mr Andrew Hunter who was kick ed by a home on the left side close to the heart as he was unhltchiag the mower, is doing quite nicely, tho' still emtihge.d to bed. Miss Stevenson who bu been vis- Fi6iL"itHt'jii:tN LEADER THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO After manna tributes had ’beeu mid to Jack Miner by the citizens " his home town. Kingaviite, when he delivered in address on “Ca“... homo. The Right Holman Mb: T. Wilson, Toronto, and Mm. WM and, My. Woodbridge, are was Edna Fernley. a week end guest ot her friend, mu Mable Hop- kins, returned to Toronto from Mt Forest to-dly. ‘ Golden Wedding Cele- brated in N. Ezra-at Manama Burns and Ludwick with their little dnughtera. Helen and Audrey, of Baltic, have spent the week with their brother. Harry Bkaiea, " W. J. Phllp's home. Mr Bert Brown, Toronto/is also home for the festivities. Mr and Mrs J. H. Shines and Miss Dorothy, Inglewood. were week end guests ot their cousins. remain. ing to enjoy the city in town. Friday evening, July 22nd. Mr Ht') Mrs Edwin Wells celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. A! sumptuous supper with 1 three story] wedding cake adorning the table was served to members of the family at; 6.30 o'clock. Afterwards a number' of neighbors and Hands gathered and spent an enjoyable time in chat; followed by a dance good music be-} ing supplied by Messrs David andL George Hooper on violins and Mm} Thos Moore with auto harp. I Mr und Mrs Hart, Allan and Miss Nadine 1nd His. Addie Hus visited " A. Raaa'--tointng the Toronto con. tingent today. (By our N. Enema! correspondent) Mr: Todd (nee Charlotte How burgh) of Harmon. Man. is the guest of her mother, brothers and sisters. We are glad to hear Mrs Horttburtrh, Br: is this to be mud again. Mr and Mrs Wm Ellis, formerly of Yeovil and Holstein, but now resid- ing In Edmonton, are also visiting T. Keith, A, Ross and other friends In this locality. This venerable couple were mar- ried on July M, 1877, at Fergus, Ont by Rev. J. L. Wilkinson. Mrs Wells was formerly a daughter of Mr and Mrs John Leask, Egremont Tp. Mr and Mrs Robt. MacArthur. Mr. and Mrs Dan Keith and son, dauglr ter and grandchild, of Scottvillve. Mich., are guests of Thos Keith, Jun. MacArthur and other friends. In the fall of that year the newly Weds took up farming on the 20th con of Egremont and have since re- sided here, respected residents of the community. ' Last Wednesday was a titte day an! over 200 guests from varirm directions gathered at Thos Ellis' home and participated in the Ellis- MacDonald reunion. The family consists of three daugh- ters and tive son: as follows: (Mary Jane) Mrs Geo. Young of Buffalo: John Edwin, killed In saw accident, May 1915; Wm. H., (Annie) Mrs. Abe Hooper; Arthur, Reuben, tMin. nie), Mrs W. G. Wilson; Murray. There are also " grandchildren and one great grandchild. We have greatly enjoyed the first two days ot the Mt Forest reunion. Yesterday morning. Dr Gardiner's sermon on the text "Oh that i knew where I might find Him" was surely " feast of fat things, a feast at wines on the lees, of fat things full ot marrow, of wines on the lees well refined." To-day. great pleasure “as derived in greeting old school mates and friends, some having motored many hundred miles to be present. Mr and Mn Wells are still quite active and in good health and here's hoping they will be able to celebrate their Diamond Wedding. Reuben who is Manager of a branch ot the Bank of Montreal in Sask. was unable to be present. They were the recipients of many belutiful and useful gifts on this historic occasion. Mrs Wm Lawrence Durham, visit. ed on Sunday last with her brother, Wm Moore. The beer ring is giving good satis- faction this year, so far 16 beefs having been put in. They weighed 6927 pounds, making an average ot 433 lbs. The next 16 beefs will be lighter we expect. There will be no service Sunday next at Amos Church. Mrs Vernon Non and children of Detroit are at present on a visit to her father, Mr David McKelvey. Mr and Mrs Fleming and baby. al- so Mr and Mrs J. M. Findlay of Tor onto, were recent visitors at John Scott’s. Mm Joe. Moore is spending arew days " Mono Road and Toronto this week. Mr and Mrs John Moody spent Sunday at Wm J. Wilson's. " the parents! ll, Shoes m.all styles at greatly reduced II prices. ll TAYLOR & C0., Dromore 0:01 Do you want to become slim and have that pleulngly curved waistline that In so much to be desired at the present time You my have it and only by a little simple self dental m food reductlon and intelligently un- derstanding the needs of the body. Dinner Cupful clear broth. 3 heaping tea. 3 Misha. spoons cabbage salad 4 oz. ot broiled steak. Slice bread 3 tablesp. beet greens. Sq. of butter Medium size potato Glass skim milk (boiled) 2 2 tablesp. cream Lunch l as or average Sm" slice bread serving cold meat. 'd sq. butter 3 heaping tableap. string beans 1 slice watermelon. Tea or cotree may be used in m d- emte quantities-not over one cuptul of either at each meal. DIET NO. l-tooo Caloric: Breakfast 1 orange 1 egg Small slice bread. Glass skimmed milk % square butter. Tablespoon cream A reduction diet must meet the. following requirements ', It is not wise to lose too rapidly. One or two pounds a. week In fut '" nough. Therefore begin with Diet "o l, which will supply the body WM: 1500 calories and " grains of pro- tein. " you are losing too mpldly. add a. small servlng ot some deaacnt. If you are losing too slowly, on Diet No. II or Met No. m. It 15 nov- er advisable to go below 1000 color- ies. The diet need not become 'mon- otonous for any vegetable or mm of similar type may be substituted for those listed : First. it must supply the body with protein, to build new tissue and re- pair the old Lluue. Milk, meat, ttah, eggs. 1nd cheese are excellent pro- tein foods. Second. it must furnish madam bulk to establish a normal bawel movement every day. Third. it must supply the body with sunk-tent minerals and vitamins. Fourth, it must supply the body with an adequate quantity of water. Three Diets to get Thin Best quality Westem Oats, um quality Rum-u Screenings. on Feed, Tuba, Mixed Gail (M Oats. Barley and When, testing 42 IU. per m. ym' 1ttitt W “I -aStte1tett GUI for Spring and -----M- v. ""'f"'"""60le.tpdb.aM, 0‘“ Namath” Miammwu. dertodnr'rr+t.tuotheattartdt. 1m"tnemdoett-iiti. Como when you “my. at it good. THAT’S SERVICE Prints and Voile: Ladies' House Dresses NE PEOPLE’S MILLS, Mt. Forest Hosiery Crockery ink: pe war-m: leAt' Itc- um um W. 3M. GROAT We have reduced the balance of our stock to clear at prices that are bound to sell every one. Just a few left in Voiles and Ginghams. .. . . . . . .. 2 tablesp. apple sauce ir Plain White Caps, only 90: do: . flaunt...” ...... “c in Fancy this. at prices to com- pare with any catalogue. in Silk and Cotton,as lowas................ ‘in Voues .........' New.” '.1".'.'1"."..".". Ith: pr DIET NO. 2..-t2tttt Caloric: - Breakfast Medium orange. 1 egg Small slice bread. Glau skim mm; 55 Mt. butter. Tabkap. of cream Lunch 4 oe. cold meat. Small slice bread ' heaping “New. 55 sq. butter Dinner Cupful clear broth. , heaping table. ' “dishes up. cabbage and 4 oz. broiled steak. Glut! “In milk ' “New. beet greens. 1 lute applr. or , table-p. mph “are NET NO. b-lotto Calon'u mutt“! “this Senna. 7 Glass Iklm milk Slice watermelon hr Informs! n that vi]! lead to the conviction the per-Ion who male from the bu her shop of G E. Bye on Main St. expoae ot b Hydro Iconic Fl cal Statement for 1925--1t)26. Medium orange. Benatt slice bread. 1 1 glass skim milk 4 oe. or new serving of cold Inf-LL , heaping table"). suing beam 1 glass sldln milk. Slice wunmetou Dinner Cupml clear broth. 3 radiates 3 hearing tablesp. abuse and 4 oz. broiled weak. Glul skim mm; , heaping “Help. beet {menu Bookkeeping. Stenogruphy. Typ- lng, tgatetunantsttip, Seeeetariaiqrtrre Emu student receives peraoesat%t. mention. AUGUST 4, You my Enter at Anmi Let us nut mu on the road to Call or write tor Cawogue. $25.” REWARD Dr w. P.Vttitr. Holstei: 16 so. butter at“ My. A hearty pint In any“ by all but an min “. White the “a: - than have“. rqtd picnic of tho ”awn " Lt the Plat Rod. "art of M Mill Dam. Them. In» a so: "entaGon of members out ".me "It; spun ir. trio and diverrtioets, The nu..- tver m mano- to bring l members tat hom.r Iran-w workers. In Imhrn tl" of Durham Public Samoa anon. Pmldenl. and”. miles in question. Minn» . "ttataU "In! Print [Show “In“. leDchc-m Ina-my " m My hononed. but not able to be pN-sem M up“ the mun-t CM the It their mmovul trom t and ot the cum-m In . new kid by I" pram-m. In. W and Mart M m (and at an the and on m: ot -ttod [In lone-AM 'ingitieha and blue an an all III-a 8mm ”I '10 um c .4 "can mummy. -- we may m and “In“. II - hr the other. we bu the your): Quwn‘ the other shows not", .1! the an: “In vouet prim the nude. a mind" of tl m of tho long-1M relax A history. mm Downing Mu at the coronation on I which look pure. on She ascended the um 1837 and II the mm: ant an amp was child at school " R x (mm. Miss Vol ittte Mrs Geo. Isaac old tot going In 'tho and always Rum the new at the time onngc now than the M Miatqrie Vacuum: Mod um Sarah Toiiet in In rm ken-Mr. twin: 51 um at the commuon EM Q0"! which look pure. on Jun. She amen-M the tttt- tM The Young Lrdies' Knox United Church he this cit y krmrdinxl) thi having a new a and to be I‘m-d {all Mr Hunt-4' uf Iced every d possible and on union. " try 4, D Cc. Uni. to he "organ My manna: 01 this I Hui-on. Know-r. will br Mtnnlu- the local mllill non-Haw drilllnx Immun- Wilson hu had the An through a Imam-leaning “on for the {mun swims. (nu-Ills a nu roNiitab was. nd The New Poet Oetiee Work has Mull”! _ In: for thes no» I'm! (on- ian: "10- tone te 'itkd. II is to be a hasten-em amm- and me In etticiettcy. Nu Car o rs We 3w Ink 530m modrl. All in mutton. Xv 0th C an ilro Radio home m1! _ Ma‘s; on the Gen 'n mum and drum parttr. Spurious pal Maul building h: rt VOL. L, NO. “new tot cl tl I'hool ther ' Mt two wok ' in the I Just r “no 'roBtpont aw in mum“ a). Inc-L MK)“ WI Ott “In! 'do it

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