West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Aug 1927, p. 2

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From the stern gallery still hung the ladder by which Don Diego had dcrcendcd to ths boat that had taken him ashore. Tho untry on guard in tho stern. coming presently round the , . CHAPTER IX. _ nu: mmxoxucr. There were. when the purple gloom of the tropical night descended upon the Caribbean. not more than tern men on guard aboard the Cineo Liaitas. 'Tho Spanish gunner and his crew-- TN ho had so nobly done their duty and insured the easy victory of the day--- were feasting on the gun-deck upon the wine and the fresh meat: fetched out to them from shore. Above. two sentinel: only kept vigil, at stem and mm Two wherrion under cover of tho darknesa cam. gliding from the wharf. with well-med rowloclu to bring up in silence under the Creat, Ihip's quarter. l Mr. Blnsd lifted the slight weight of Mary Twill to her horse, then turned to my goodbye to Miss Bishop. wr., was already mounted. The last he heard of them was Mary Tnill’s childlike voice calling back on I qdaverimr new " than never forget what you did, Mr. Blood. I shill never forget." had her w left behind Mr. Bk): north, where )ou will be safe. Moro you Ire in dreadful danger." The horses came at last-four of them, for in addition to James who was to act as her guide. Min Bishop had her woman. who was not to be What sharply The onfy male N170 groom. "Tho very man him got out horse [mum in white my: in the gleam of a 5 she carried. C Mr. Blood strode distraught tampon upon Arabelln's " n ndered herself to But he wasted no t After a brief pause the door traped wide. Beyond it in the wide halt stood Mists Arabella, I slim, Virgina] figure in white mrrteriourly revealed in the gleam of a single candle which through M the town death by Arabella An inte: in anzbadcs - ad charga; uf treat-o: England. Colone Peter Bk -od, true! another of his :1 reveal informatim an be made a h the town. Blood I death by a Shani! BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. Plans for man from Barbaria- nre mad, by Peter Blood and fellow Trutiratork, who have become slaves in Buibudcs 7 after oanvietlon on ghei,iy 2",! treason tr. King James of "I GO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER Ym.--ictmt'd.) At the sound of her Kiev, the F. How! had rescued neared W h Pu re. uncolored, delicious. Ask for it. The Aroma Captivates; -. [iii,;':.', iiitlllllrril,s?iii “mum”: 7 an?! canvxcuon on g 2 at treason by King James of 'lan'l. coma Bishop. owner of rr Blf’id, cruelly tlogs Jeremy Pitt, Thi'r of his slaves, for failing to al information. Before the escape be made a Spam): ship capture: town. Blood sues, from pmbable‘ h by a Spaniard, a girl friend of; Della Bishop, niece of the cakmeL; hastening friendship has been red by Blood and Arabella. I , Spcfghtown. or even 7th.!» wasted no Undo. â€" m have you here with you? servants?" ho demanded, th la's slender boicm, Lil; GREEN TEA TC' rbeq, " giilll 4 _.,1,..l.fliijiiiii"j:"i 'trl' the called y a passion of team “'33 in followed by his Ecn, who, falling said Blood. "Bid Then away with er voiee, the girl eued peered up tr. Den Diego mounted the ladder and steppe! upno the deck, dons, and entirely ttnsusyk.'vus. Bcfsre he could even look round, and survey the guard drawn " to waceive him. a tap over the head with a captain bur 'ffieieatty handled by Mattthorpe, put him to sleep without the least fuss. Thereupon those gentlemen of Spain} lwere induced without further trouble beyond a musket prod or two to dropl thrcugh a scuttle to the dark behyw.l It was soon after sunrise that the! lrebelwcmict who paced the quarter-,', ’deck in Spanish corselet and head-i lpiece. a Spanish musket on his shoal-I Mar. announced the approach of a) brat. It was Dan Diego de Espinosn' ' Valdez coming aboard with four) great trru'trure-ehests, containing ,ttflti twertty-ifve thousand pieces of eight,'. the rtnsom delivered to him at dawn; by Governor Steed. He was teeom-.r pinied by his son. Don Estaban, and by " men who took the on”. I, Den Ditgo mcunted the ladder and l, stepped upno the deck, alone, and 1 entirely ttnatmpk'.ous. L' ar The wooden tafs%til was a low one. or/and the Spaniard was taken com- xof pletcly by surprise. Save for the .of splash he made as he struck the "nniwatg. narrowly missing one of the , to crowded taut that waited under the ye",,' counter, not a sound announced his Me misadventure. i of: "Whist!" hissed Mr. Blood to his 1d,"waiting rebels-convict. ."Come on, renlnovr, and without mise." Within five minutes they hadi swarmed aboard, the entire twenty of them overflowing from that narrow gaflery and crouching on the quarter- irl dirk itself. Lights showed ahead. ‘up Under the great lantern in the prow thcy saw the black fittute of the other: I sentry, pacing on the forecastle. I ' Crouching low, they glided, noise-l! ed less as shadows, to the quarter-deck'; all rail, and thence slipped without soundl‘ 2iHown into the waist. Two thirds of. l And then. from out of this uncouth park of savages that beset them,, stepped a slim, tall fellow with light-l blue eyes in a tawny face. He “LI dn sst them in the purest Caastillian.| "You will gave yourselves pain and trouble by regarding-yourselves my prisoners, and suffering yourselves to he quietly bestowed out of harm's mm DIEGO MOUNTED THE LADDER AND STEPPED UPON I/tiii: DECK. ALONE, AND UN.. ,susmcmus. them were armed with muisGG2nie- of which they had found in the over- seer's house, and others supplied from gallery, was suddenly confronted by the Mark shadow of a man standing before him at the head of the ladder. Egg Rafael 6ahidirri' optima. mum ' new h'SA WAC-1n 'Y I, There ls a lot of mind gambling on 31:0”. but tor ml: we cannot blame the l Scots. The Caledonian does not risk 1 money; because it excites him too lmuch. Occasionally. when there are I no Elders about. a. couple of Scots will 'play a match', the loser to put a pen- 'ny into the plate at kirk next Sab- ,bath an dthe winner nothing, Instead of I hallpenny each. But not often. lThoy don't belleve In risking. heait attacks north ot the'Tweed. I cover which one. When a. man and a girl marry they become one: bat it ts tor m to Mr. Many are the ttolt links who and It easier to hole out a double whisky in one than to grasp their way round the links in a hundred and any. Held steady as a rock, eyes fixed frenziodly ondhe froth, right arm raised In one long sweeping motion, the whole body pivoting on the waist- coat button which won't do up. they tciloworO through till the glass is empty. _ Mlnard's Linlment for ccaly scalp. f " , a n l. it carefully) for each numbér and Ict, WE‘SZT; “Kagggfh‘a (vigil: address your order to gutter" Dept., . . F ' ' ' ' ‘ . . {no ' T vaguely familiar addressed the plant- .W.ilsoe Iubl)?h...,, Co., i'0 West Ade. 'er “We‘ve mada the best of the laltde St., "liolomo. Patterns sent by ' . u- _ , H. (Spaniards' wardrobe in honor of this. " urn ma ,visit, though it was scarcely yourself, m ----t-----, ,we had dared hope to expect. Yoa' . "ind yourself among friends-old Russian Hymn of Hate For ‘friends of yum. Ill." I _ En land A pea“ l The Colonel stared ln 1Pef,trctiisml g P ', "Peter Blood'." It was an ejacuh.-r chlet Russia's, hymn of hate agalnst Jinn of amazement. Satisfaction fol- England has Just reached London. The :lowed swiftly. "Was it you, thmf-ompoaer, Alexlj Berymenskl, In re- all in black with Silva-r lace. n ii').:),.) HOW TO billed sword dangling beeide him . . from a"trold embroidered baldrick, i'"),,",,',.?,',' you broad castor with a sweeping plume Lugs!“ 11 ret above carefully curled ringlets of p: J.,", n as. deepest black. , amps pr, Ct courtly gentleman who advanced to greet him-a lean, graceful gentle- man, dresrcd in the Spanish fashion. all in black with silver [mm n onlrL "l believe I'll become an avietrix." "Well, you have the 'ttix' all right." _ Ranged on either side, athwart the deck, stood a score of men in two well-ordered files, with breasts and backs of steel. polished Spanish mor- ions on their heads. overshadowinz their faces, and muskets crdered at their sides. ( Colonel Bishop could not be owed: ed to recognize at a glance in there the ragged. unkempt scarecrows that but yesterday had been toiling in his ptHntrttirnsr. Still less could he he etpeeted to recognize at (race the iiia,,it,ye-rii-,ci"il ci-ii-ii-r-rr ___V_ _- up--. If the Spaniards understood no- thing of this, the forlorn islanders ashore understood still less. They {saw the flag of Spain come down “mm the nxfn-rmst of the Cinco ;Llagas, and the flag of England soar tto itii empty place. tn go in person-went Colonel Bishop as the Governor's deputy, attended by two cffieers. to Upon this errand -- Governor Steed's condition not permitting him [ That the Cinco Llngas was now in friendly hands could no longer be doubted after the proofs it had given. But who, the people of Bridgetown asked one another, were the men in pcssession of her and whence had they come. It remained to ascertain the precise identity of these mvstey- ions saviors, and do them fitting honor. l The three boats that remained headed back for the whtrf at spec}. After the fourth shot, with one accord they went about, or attempted to do so, for before they had accom- plished it two more of their boats had been sunk. Plump into their middle came a third shot, smashing a second boat with fearful execution. Whilst they discussed and fumed and cursed two more shots came over the water to account for yet a third of their boats. But if it silenced these, it gave tongue, still more angry, vehement, and bewildered to the crews of the other seven boats. They paused at their oars, u- handed into.silenee for a moment. Then speech burst from them like an explceion. They were still curs- ing when a second shot came to crumplo one of the boats into splin- ters, flinrintr its crew, dead and liv- ing, into the water. l i WitttcCoiora Bishop at their head, and put-ridden Governor Steed sit, 'tir.g on the rains of a wall beside him, the survivors watched the do. parture of the eight boats containing the weary Spaniah ruftUns who had F'sut'.ed themselves with ravine, mur- der, and voilences unspeakable. The boats pulled may from the shore, with their loads of laughing, jeering Spaniards. They had come midway-between the wharf and the tthip, when suddenly the air was shaken by the boom of a gun. I Real Ejoyment l?" hubs!) and the fellows who manned the boat came up the er, one by one. to be handled with (To be etonti'nued.) __ tyNraiuo ARCHIVES TORONTO _ tled, Shoulder to shoulder, out or higher Eug1and---wordr become deeds; command is: Pita! See, England! Our ta wide eyed. Mine-shafts (rush tee stacks clench fists Peasants' huts ml'scledi See, FI For the deep caress cf the long-drawn curse! Blood, groans and death-screams from China to Egypt’s sand. Australia ant: India‘s palms Join the wall with the golden Rand. air For the d Curso, "up In your ear like melted lead. England.' We have no enemy worse! Your ships' guns thunder to clear the England'. in purple or lroned top-had; Lipsticks am! toxtrots, dreadnougbtsp and grenades. il Your Meal-Laws forming a paunch ofl-f (at! [ Home of assuming in frockrcoets and I walkfrrr..sticio, . " Cn their ligs Iles, but bearing a ; crucifix. be chlet Russia's. hymn of hate agalnst England has Just reached London. The composer, Alexlj Berymenskl, ls rc. gnrdezl as one of the most lmpoxtant of the purely Comrnunfetie writers. Following la a rough translatlon ot tune stanzas or the "hymn'": England! You country or brainleu kings! ‘urscs! Week word! We act Instead! Write your name and address plain. ly, giwng number and size of aucll patterns as yo: warn. Enclose 20e in stumps or com (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ada laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. vac-urn and}... and Oahu- " Ina-III) nun. Thu llama nu “um um tigttt. hur Inna. The up": noun ”than a! In: khan. n """t manna ml tum. In usual to and In. I“ van. In! pum- lulu-nun cm. tbt hunch-MM. no You“. "an”! In “rule; " "than" in” Be4tste I". Imus "Outta“. un- You CR1. um I am yun' Cour» d Yninlna h you. an". and” no The designs illustrated in our new Fashion Bock rte advance styles for the heme dressmuker, and the woman or girl who desires to wear garments dependable for taste, simplicity and economy will find her desires fulfilled in cur patterns. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. -- -lv... .9 saga; aqu-' :(d and smartly short sleeVed for com-' ‘fort and proves that practicality and! ifashirm may go hand in hand, fer it. ‘is simple enough to launder well and keep its freshmss all through the sea- son. A new feature is the pointed yoke and plait each side of the front and centre back. A narrow belt is, caught under the edge of Each plait and ties in tke back, while patch: peckets len'd further adornment. The I slaves may be long or short, and the collar Worn high or low. No. 1386 is i' in sues 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 _ requires 3% yards M-inch material." 20 cents. I i Wilson Publishing Cgmpany a v a o l tiflh a itker 1 4iiftlgit (91.9.9 This 27iG7Gh 1tt',it?r. WASHABLE FROCKS MAKE STRIPES A PART OF' THEIR CHIC. NURSES under the edge of mach plait :9 in ttfe back, while patch lekd further adornment. The may be long or short, and the ashable frock is ORDER PATTERNS ur factories “a cledikc knots are teeth, chimney- crr rues g'ayly strip- The and A golfer missed the ball three times, ploughing up the turf. "You've re- voked," said his partner. “But I'm not playing cards,” remonstrated the unfortunate player. "All the same." was the reply, "ynu've been playing a spade instead of a club.'" _ At capturing live game the bird proved a great dhmimointment. She could only catch hares and rabbits when they ran downhill-a tact the animals had sense enough to appre- ciate Captain Wright believes that a goshawk is ten times as efficient at hunting as an eagle but was surprised to tind the larger bird so tractable. On the whole the experiment proved a great success, since excellent slow moving pictures were secured ot the eagle seizing the artuicial lure, carry- ing it away, and pen-hing on its mas- ter's arm. Once these films were taken the bird was set free. l l L. Stevenson, MS. Extension. - The thart time this thpened the lure was not extracted in time, and the eagle swooped down on the Cap. ‘teiu's head, opening up his neck with her talons so that three stitches had to be taken. After this episode the trainer covered his tttrt and forearm with mail and wore a fencing mask. To bear the weight of the bird he had to support his arm on a crutch, and the eagle was attached to a telothes-, line, tied to a strap on either leg. I [than ot a. 3mm Amy. reecued‘ . you'll: tonne eagle. which he he: Glace succeeded in training to hunt like I falcon. At tint the bird was nervous, but she soon learned to perch on her master's arm and feed there. After being made to feel at home, she was tempted to go tor) stuffed rabbit-skins and sacks ot tood.' The bait wen swung or thrown in the air, and the bird would be attracted to it from greater and greater distances. She then learned to tty up into a tree and watch Captain Wright until he produced and projected hi: lure. It, ‘however, the bait was not thrown up promptly the indignant fowl would make e. bee line tor the trainer's head, and in order to save himself the Cap- tain would have to toss up the bait at once. A Education is the Big Factor in Making it so The Ontario Agricultural College Pa Buzz will get something soon DDT wrav cléars vnnr In“... A: ---- .. IT 5 ray dial-s your home of mosquitoes Fwd ages. It also kills bed bugs, roaches. Inn, and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. ml a Click " FRI} l’ki‘bw 0C... Limited Tm ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Basic Sciences and English is given iota?! Students at the O.A.C. Write for Calendar. Tuition, first and second year, only $20.000 per year. Board and Room $5.40 per week. Profitable Farm Operations and Content- ed Home Life follow the Enlightening Influence of a Course at the Ontario Agricultural College. The opportunity to attain a full knowledge of Crops, Soils. Live Stock, Poultry, Farm Engineering, Dairying, Apiculture, Horticulture, the The Rural Life is the Beat Life J. B. Reynolds, And Minard’u Llnlment for sore feet. Know: All the Holds. "Ethel ls quite tut athlete." ' "She must be a wrestler, I thlnk." "And why?" "Her men friends say she knows all the holds." Wotnon don't really like wicked men-they only like then to seem wicked. A. M. Porter, B.S.A. ' Registrar. 'atithrrt 'resident. of mosquitoes s, roaches, mu, A tenpoonful of Gillett’e Lye 'rrinirud in the Garbage Can prevents flies breeding Uu Gillett's I.” for all Cleaning and Disinfect!" 4couu thunk ot." Hamlin ma 11:31:"th Ito victim ot holdui): “.an you were being relieved of Your mum; did you can lho Rhee!" “can: "Yes. everyuung I “A $1-; 7-» To write a good, appealing limb: v Ittter--psaitik, Winsome and l . vitteimr--is an art or accdmpliéhn t 1 but few of us have attained. an! iv: how important it is that the tom. soil“ from your ottiee lo numb.” :.t a distnnt point should Colli'PV tin- right impression and pmdtu-e the u- GIT. if it is true that ever) low-r [written represents an u\'ern':e “A: f i809 it u important that your 1w.» [should be good. There is conun‘t‘tu l [in letter writing. Not any C(ulii: ‘i "etrnrAbat%, wilt meet the cc;tu::, lion at all-times. and yet this imp-v: nub-part it advertising and t,..le, i, woefully neglected or tttittured. l w- hen 'rhmssoloer, hackneyed torm- Ind “MM! Verbin‘e seem C, t' '1 riot In Maine: eohespondence. u. think it u largely the to the {in ttmt the letter writer (nib to put M in ttte position of the one in- k'lul‘dnz. Smut. or cunning In... an out»! place in good let.. - writing. Btmne, “min! argu- 'tttatt' and mutation no qualities TN much b'h united. fi l "Everyone bu recognized the d, (on of executive speed by the In)" imbue. but when a vnmze gammy-L. a mulmum speed ot fltteett mm r "tour while the metropolitan mu. m. “Now one to drive IMrty. it i:, on... to look upon the regulation as t,tt tuned merely for safety. The nu :. club has taught the municipal “NHL [In {utility and Injustice ot thi, l r, lation In hundred: of imuanres a ready, and when the touring now come: again. hundreds more wir, mu taken down these signs of rem-1m. "The mm for uniformity of mam "(motions in continuing. In an mama. more equitable Ind .iuy reguhuom are being obtuimd t-tl -.h where," the antenna: conciudes. um) w" caused try ignoraurv I “Probably the mast “eh-(mm provemem wrought In thst wth brought to many communnips a n liberal speed limit law." Mr L- uyl. "Nothing has Fo Mann and irritated the momrfu on mm tho conspicuous '15 um. speed A, “m that have greeted him Y. I: dred- of can! towns, villus” union. of hundreds of glans I "Speed limit, " miles an ho reasonable parking reguluuu confusing but on driving that are generally aprm'vd: [ tendency to warn instead the traveller and a general where vlollllon of the reula Ibly In caused by known To Among the “vantages mm come to the motorist as a ti thln campaign by the motor rm Ion rigid and rptrictive spew tations retteeted in the disapm A. "___. I - lune Ittltude I]! minitesled i; munieitmlitiea adjacent to Ili: In which the club headquarter located." “An excellent measure or so: has nursed theae enorts in hung of commodities and. in this, om ot the ndtlonnl motoring body .u the stimulus to touring Crusted, Broader Policy Prevails "The circumscribed views on tr» vehicle movement held by loco: thortttete in many puts of tin w try hare been supplanted by a n better perspective. The nui‘rtm. toned vision of trattic that '" tourist has found It one time or other In both yan and large rm. rapidly is (lying wny to a In 'i.,' . policy " 1rg,y",'Y,1t c'.uh w -. 'motordom' cue to the local It;- hon. learn Ind to be " fair and Jus the most sanguine could hope. NN they were tom, an In many omen were. that the local regulamm l reactionary and successful china] driving nway bualneu, they Us: an their r-lose attention 'in club's Ipokesmln or commlum- i "Tothe credit of the munim now. generally. they not uni} revealed I wmmgness to Hum 3:: In can on with their tlght ft: the “ml ot the more vnu! too, tum: all national code, the unit» (r the A.A.A. have been muting a num- oua onslaught upon reactionary an unduly restrictive provisions of th, locnl code. with which the molar ttcr, in come- ttt contact, Thomw P Henry. president of the natxmul motoring body. declared. He l L- tinned: I Wuhln‘toll. D.C.-tt the m ir- MM doe- not completely unifrwrz. Git', mutton. this summer “luv. to (on forth“ " annual 'tLo',.): Journey. he " lean! will be Cerium w! tindtne more equitable and Just (ms. < >91-971mm. u a result ot the prom .L :of tho movement toward unifmmzu in mu features of motor um 'ir, oodu. according to a Rtatement him. the American Automobile Assoc-11114;" recently. Broader Policy Adopted Result of Co-operation by Auto Clubs SPEED LIMIT LAW LAWS IN mm on ALL ‘HIGHWAYS Good Letters mites an hour"; 1 " regulations; " on drum: pram Hr. “(I accrual! on tour ‘nlion a M h JO'tt WI Tl er as Once min be than. but bu town, end- It the "away wanton. Moot tHpeoMqstn'tattowrtarxrttem bot It "W6es M can. g cm Th. break I. a quark-r of a a qruoagrdttseoqtt It the - Ila yaw: Into (In mum had: New“. In "othor italf hour a “I at Nah/me and. of mum. on 1 lane. for that a {In only dry in (but In In this part of the Un." Stun. may lump. an hour's Mice our I and heedoen, ml landing. The (Mn! lao of u St. [Amity and; t, "no!“ can the L m In the vie-tern vtsir, This I. the I Web the load route [m the warm tue . hour-{:2 that a wide ' nut tho work luggage who m h 0m tah no haw Mme dock- tit Chr 6mm and Wand-r at have!" th ttt (In. 01 mucky ml the a! tlt for ml the hip an that h " " ll " b " Ot AllRu Only Sign: of Lie-Zn“ Vultures Soaring Ove Animals, and Other er They Are Though Tl inmon Shc Louisiana Par) Atchnfa FLIGHT OF PATH I lhtiv Th an u Ni. me ll " uid PEt rm "

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