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Durham Review (1897), 11 Aug 1927, p. 4

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been“! Auction”: [or Co. " an, Turn”, rs-asonabl». Sale dates - be arranged " the Review 050. Durham. Residence: R. I No. 2, ~th Piano tiur: ring 'e-a ' C.A.PtatMmG,Pt+. x We Deliver Northern Businesng‘mQJkge TOWELLING at. . . . .. CREPES, reg. 1.50 for...... " reg. 1.10 for...... That Girl of Well-to-do Parents Summer Dress Goods That Boy Who Needs a Second Chance That Boy Who Has P, the Entrance Who does not new to earn her living because present circumstances do Ittt require it. The girl who perhaps hu- had a splendid literary or musical ed- ucation. What about her? There h no person who can foretell what this girl'e needs they be in the future. if nt" inherits large wealth she needs a business training to enable her to tale cure of it. A change in a par- "tttth circenetencee may leave her yen-lea. investments me: tell and eke my yet have to depend on her eh exertion tor her daily breed. In a In ICON” at the Northern Busin- »..‘ college she my set Inch prec- {1.1 mm tint ehe viii never loee _.. utter whet invest-ens may tan. an “uncle- that will In. her in- _MI! rentals“ of circulate:- JOHN O‘IEIL Who. for some reason has been boy's wnm in school and has outgrown the other pupils in the public school. What about him, when he declines it " back to whoa] next Fall? You do not intend him to go through lite without another chant-s. Me needs and-l can and help by patient teael on who will sit down at his dank and help him over his ditttcutties that an is liable to solve himself. We ham Md Duly boys do well, who were fort-ty classed as Indifferent or stupid. Why? Because the studies var. practical Ind ttsetttt, and thm "when give them the personal help hooded. “In ”than nabbed his pain: echoOI course and does not went to take up the long years ot study required for one ot the professions. He has not enough education for his life work in the office, shop or factory. It would he a serious handicap on him to be without the education necessary to advance to the highest positions in the calling he chooses. A law months in the Northern Engine.“ College would t'erttttttly be a great atlvantag" to him. Clearing out all Ends at Peat Bargain Pr'cci ---------, ALEX. A. ALJOE on Sale {his Week F all Term Opens September 1 st M m In Imam Ennis-lion. Student. an Admitted Any Time. Write or telephone for Mar-Quo- About Courses of Study, Foes, Board, Et Emu half or lot 2, con " Earr- mont; also N. E. 25 acres of lot G, con 3, Egrvmont. F'irat class bull-l- Ines. Both Iriaces we'll watered and in good stat» of cultivation. For fur. they particulars apply to Palmer Patterson, R.R. 3. Durham. Phone 157. ring 2. Phone " Durham .... 12le peryer FARM FOR SALE .....1.10 per:ard . .. 89c per yard The Girl or Boy Who Has Advanced Education That Girl Who Did Not Pass That Ambitious Business Boy Sharp, bright and intelligent, who is looking forward to a businev's career. His use is very simple indeed. A Business Course or a Shorthaml and 'rysrewhtiag Course, or better, both or them. is jun what he needs. Suc"t a training not only (Its him to eater the buslnses ttttice or bank, but it puts him In a position to advama very rapidly. Who has had the advantage of one. two or three yen-3‘ training at High School or Collegiate Institute, And who is looking forward to a Maine-s career. What is his or her plrucul- ar need? A few months' practical 'trnining at the Northern Business College, where we specialize in we): work. We hare a splendid equipment of typewriters. adding machine, book keeping mlchinee, ca1ea1atorr. letter tties and cabinets ot nil kinda, card indexes, duplicating npperntu. etc.. so that we can [in him or her thor- out: ittntraetUn in the undo-date healed: need in the large business otttem. Who tailed in her Entrance Examin- ations or who for any other reason is discouraged at school. or who has outgrown her one: and does not want to return to school. What is she ta do": Whether she wants to go into office work or not, a tew months In the Business Department of the Nor, thorn Business College would do her nun-h good. The personal help given by our teachers at the student's desk frequently gives her a new start and me "makes good." it she wishes to earn her living at office work imme- diately after completing her coum. or at some future time. she has the education that (its her not only to take a position but to ndva::u is opportunity offers. I the future by that boy or girl, is the one that con- fronts many parents. The capabilities, the desires, edu- cation and circumstances are so varied that we have only space to refer to a few of them. THE problem of what school work will be taken up in ths, fllhlrn In; that Ln" A“ o...'.., e... ac, --_- n . THAT GIRL ii THAT BOY What About if , ye Burials: ionic; Princes and Panic: ' Acclaimed in Toronto Every street was lined withcrosds of cheering citizens. a vast assemb- larte gathered at the City Hall to hear or witness the civic Welcome to visitors. The Prince of Wales shook 2500 hands at the Garden Par- ty at Government House and was the centre oflnterest everywhere anu tspecially at Chtistie St Hospitalfor The train bringing the entouraz-; to Toronto was given the honor of being ilrtgt to enter the new Union Station. no long the butt of jokes because of delay in opening. A simplo- con. many was staged and the Prince de. cinred the station opened. from Toronto through Hamilton. St. Catharine: to Niagara Falls was a- llame with patriotic outbursts of cheers and welcomes to the Prine. of Wales and brother George and Stanley Baldwin. Premier of Great Britain. C. WAGE 1 SON. Editor ind Pro. Member Saturday and Sunday but Un- aruu --OR OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO. Weekly Revamp That Discouraged Boy That Girl Who Has Passed the Entrance '1 hat Boy Who Did Not Pass Who has got on the wrong side. ut things geaerally-lra_ not got on with his teachers on account ot work poor- ly done or u glccted, perhaps not an his (unit; may bu, he was slow or late in mental development. We have had many such boys, who, with person! work at their own desks and sympaghy tron: teacher; have undo I fresh start and have obtained the educntion tin! was neceuary for their life work, so that they won renewal or the necessity of doing the hard- on work tor the poorest my. It you hue inch 5 boy that you he! mould luv. author chines write to u or call at tho NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE ud let us tut our an en. with you. _ . _ Who has tittished her public school education and has no desire to be- come a teacher, but who wishes to earn her living at office work. What is she to do? The present day need tor office work is a thorough practi- cal course in business subjects, such as, book-keeping, banking, arithme- tic, letter writing, pettmanship, com- merciai law, em. or I. special course in Shorthand and Typewritiug. The Northern Business College his speci- nlized on this work tor over 40 years and he: prepared thousands ot young people tor office work. What this College has done tor others it can do tor your girl. Who failed in his Entrance Examin- atlons and is discouraged. He feels that it would be a year almost lost to go all over the name studies again. and he wants to go to work. You know he would be much-better pre- pared tor his lite work it he had a tew months' good practical training in the NORTHERN BUSINESS COLL.. EGE. The boys like it because it is an education that they know is use- tul. Premior Baldwin's spurt-h was nub ablv. as was that of Vice President Dawes and Bec'y of State Kellogg. All who spoke rejoiced in the friend- ship of the two peoples, even tho'at Omen; their representatives hadnot A white ribbon was stmtchcl a:- cross the centre. of the bridge and the Prince of Wales and Vice Pres Dawes of United States shook hands over it and then the wife of Hunt. Gov. Ross tor Canada and Mrs Dawes for the U. States sew-red the ribbon with scissors and the bridge was de elated open. A Sunday morning open air naili- tary religions service was held " Ex. hibiion Put and the sand stand was packed full. The party of the Princes were then whisked by motor to Hamilton where a brief delay en- abled Prince Edward to place a wreath on the aoidiers' memorial, which he had also done in Totmtto. There followed the much enjoyed r'.i-- to St Catharines with ruralroads and urban streets lined with cheering ritizens. A brief stay there, then on to Niagara Falls to take their mm in the opening of the new ‘Poau- Bridge' where American and Canad- ian statesmen made warm addresses all rejoicing in the harmony that M‘- isted between the two peoples. I broken soldiers where he endeared himslf to the inmates by his evident Interest in their welfare. THE DURHAM REVIEW oNTAmo ' ArteT4ivrtB" TORONTO and Mrs ll wink}; Mr and Mrs J. n, Ritchie for a few days last week. Mr and Mrs H Williams and two; children ot Mlmleo, spent the week end with the former: mrents. Mr and "a: u “an“-.. the guest of $1315.; Ritchie tor a few a". Mrs McPherson of Lambton Se. is spending a few days at the McDonald Minn .Miss Margaret McLean of Gait. v.'s. ned last week with Mrs David not) (“can Miss Florence I Spent a few an” Catherine McLean. Mr and Mrs Tya and Mr Jim Miller of dim " the Ben m, Inputth use Mr Wining). week with his mum. Mr and high ot Toronto spent aunt. Mrs A. TT, Mr aim si/T Gi,': Kenneth of Sanford Miss Hannah Symons of Butrato, spending a WMR'S holidays with i: parents, Mr and Mrs A Symons. v.. a-.. u» - . We regret to say M: not Improving much in is at the home ot Mr Marshall. Egremont. Miss Scott ot Mearon new teacher in S. H. b by. There were 28 am) .uru mw‘n‘tt Hoy and daughter. Helena of Welland is holidaying with her parents, Mr and Mrs Thos. McAllister. Miss Merle Marlee returned to Southampton Tuesday where she ls camping for a month with Mr and Mrs H. Bowman of Owen Sound. Born, in Durham hospital on Aug. 4th, to Mr and Mrs Wm Begin a; daughter. l Mrs Evetvtt Hoy a Helena of Welland is with her parents, Mr am McAllister. Mrs Irving Blyth returned to her home in Hamilton last Sunday after visiting two or three weeks at Mr J. W. Blyih’s. who accompanied her. Mr and Mrs Eli McNaulty and fam. ily and Mrs Cobb of Ashiand, Wis.. Miss Janet Kerr returnm] Tuesday to her Julie’s in Albany, N. Y. hospi. tal. Her mother. Mrs Jas Kerr ac- companied her to Elem where they will spend a day with their daughtex and sister. Mrs Bell. M I Alas. to that goal of our doslre rthere is as yet no royal mad. Prob. llwns have when and will arise. l plnions vary and will vary as to how they should be solved. Only revert- ly we have had an instance of this. We have had to differ tor the mom- ent, but We know in our iteartathsat this does not affect our fii"nuship. The first task of tho statesman as m the bridge builder, is to lay hist'ouu- dations secure. The statesmen o: tho past haw, as this bridge testi- ties, well and truly laid the founda- tions of friendship and good will in the hearts of our people-in the hearts of both our peoples: We. who have succeeded to their great respon- sibilites are building, and are deter. mined, so tar as in us lies. to build an er-luring structure worthy of its foundations." -it, stands as a Sign and symbol at more than a century or peace be- tween the United States ot America on the one hand and on the other. Canada, with all the nations of tin- iiritish Empire. t wish that un- path to international peace wvn- as smooth and straight as this mat highway. "It is a. cause of profound tratir faction to me that, by a coincidence which to me at least is tritmfficant. t am table while on a vlsit to Cam.“ during her com year of Conrederu-l tiou to be present today with their, Royal Highnesses and the Primui Minister ot Canada at this thanksgiv-I in: and dedication service an] to, meet on this bridge the Vice Pm“! dent. of the United States and the1 t$ec'y of State. I All bridges are proofs of frivtur shlp: across them man of good-will may go on their lawful occasions, whethet. of commt-rcn or cul'un-. But this bridge is no ordinary bridge Premier Baldwin made a wry fine speech in Toronto dealing with Ed- ucation. Following we give his. speech at the Peace Bridge: Tttig function over, a drive to Brook's Monument followed and at. ter 1 brief stay they wont on board a vessel at Queenston and thence to Toronto where at North Toronto station, they entrained for the Ion: trip West. where no doubt similar welcomes await them, but in the meantime they will have a blessed rest on the long train Journey before reaching the R. P. ranch in thefoot. hills of the Rockies. agreed a few days boforo on the Question of program tor war shin . and Mrs Tynan and two sons. Mr Jan Miller, spent a couple Lyn " the Brucq peninsula. a monthly meeting ot the U. P. t. will be held at the home ot Nichol“ Melosh, Aug. 12th. Mrs E. Wilkie. krs S. Stockley and family spent a few days with her A. Thompson. 2 Jordan. Toronto, spent. his grandmother. Mrs R days 'iiiriid VARNEY r. H. Firth an] (um. Meatord is to Lineweber MeDona .'-_l of town, SAUGEEN 1' ”Pomona, was l. No 1. NJriGii, applications. Miss Mchan Is in helutt. She Mix}! ndrdiii.1 friend, be the Jas, her ,____,.. null relatives In! pf Durban. I ot! Mr and Mrs Thor; Young and son“; 01mm and Bound and Ityet.ei) laden.“ Dal-bun, you Sunk; W:: I , iltom at the home of Mr an! lfla, ! Edgar Boyce. ' l I Mm Arch. Brown visited In Elm- ( Is~rwood last week " the nest ot the' .0 Putter and Cook families. i I In no In D. I moon.“ and is two children. who Mr tad In Rotrt Id nee-um Ind funny. spent Sunday: 'oVelllng with Mr and In Robt [all H mm. I LN In tk hit-"Mb" . ~â€"â€"â€"u vs“ no“ Week t. tal in the athletic sports. We in ed to any he met IM- ----.t In te. McKechnle ia spendlnxtwo weeks with her parents In Humiltoq. Mr J. D. Brown was In Mt Forest during Old Home Week to take m" tn the. .".bs.a, -'""-V gvlv 1"n'r.t:,' I"; not: at the home of Mr and Mn, Edgar Boyce. ' Mrs Arch. Brown visited In Elm- wood Int in” -- AR - _.-.....m “consul: ls Apr-v.1- in; her holidays with relatives In Durhun. Mr and Mrs Those Young and son». cutout and Dould and daughter" Helm.“ Human, you Smut“; W:: Itom at tho lw-‘ _A .- Miss Jean f. has been the I Torry the pa Itotue, aecomp who will vltsit several Weeks. Mr and Mrs A. c. the tirat or the wee Wetheek. ”V -wvl. “I" Ma, Bernee, Master Eldon ertee Whitmore and Mrs J: of Durham, spent Sunday and M... In ma Mr arufiirr)' family, were w the home ot Mr Mr Jas. Sherman, Buffalo; C Sherman. Aberdeen. Wash.; M, Mrs Smith and family. Pun were guests ot Mr and Mrs G Brown last week. Master renaming over for several _ holidw. Mr Und Mrs Miss Bernee, w Mr Robert Ellison and Lena, spent Sunday friends, Mr Geo. and Torry. Mr and Mrs Dan McDonuii onto are now spendng I. holday with their many the and at Durham and Walker: The Ladies' Aid met at t of Mrs Alex Morton when quilt Was started. The I finished at Mrs Wm Adia sold to Miss Eva Redford of for " Miss Mildred Mighmn ot I Is spending a momh's hoiida home here. Miys Morena 9 Mr and Mrs Ralph Brunt of Han- (over, former residents of this place. ihnu- thss deopest M‘Illputhy of :he i',',11'."' community In tho death of itheir beloved son Ralph. a banker in I Detroit. who tttot his death in a mot. ior accident near Sarnia Saturday lmoruing. He was motoring from Elk-trait. accompanied by his uni-lo. (Dr. James McGeagh and both Wen' Ito be present at the owning Ot :hu [Memorial Gates in Hanover Surlav. (Near Sarnia they ran into a pain ( protruding from a load of hay on the i highway which wmcked the our and _ broke Mr Brunt's jaw. He survived for only two hours. Dr McGeaxh was ialso severely injured and is now in 'Samia Hospital. The deceased is L, lneghew of Mr Jas. Brunt. Bentinck. I Mr and Mrs Colin Manly: daughter Mary of Domoch ant Marlon Pink of Toronto visitec friends here on Friday. Sorry Marion could not have remaim or for a time. Mrs Mary Mighton and daughter Hester and Mr and Mrs J. C. Clarke and dwghter Betty of Toronto. spmlt a pleasant holiday at the home o'Mr and Mrs Robt Mighton. Mr and Mrs he Walker visited on Sunday at Mr and Mrs Thos Mitt, son's. Crawford. Rev H Ctickiturton leaves this week for his annual holiday. His mother- in-iaw. Mrs Reed and daughter Mar. Jorie of London, who have been his guesis over the week end, are re- turning with him and expect to spend the holiday with him at his cottage. We were pleased to have with us Sunday Miss lnez Twamloy or Dur, ham. l in.” Dan Ritchie is [landmine for a week wth his cousin. John Rit- chie. Enema". Miss Christine Anderson is spend- ing her holidays with her brother and sister at Huvkcsione. Mrs Geo Simpson of Vancouver. B. C., Mrs Irvin Anderson, Miss Goms gina and Mr Angus Mean-mark oi Glenolg. spent the tirtrt of the week with Mr and Mrs Adam Anderson. Mr Gd Mrs Victor Williams um family visited with Mr and " J..l Manley, Arthur the ttrat of the wrung: Miss. _ Jean Ledinghtutt, Dornoeh, was the truest of her friend, Mins Margaret Anderson recently. Mehr. Mrs H. William. Mrs E. Cream In. wood and two children spent the spent 1 Brat of the week with Mr 1nd Mrs. Mar s: J. J. Henley. Arthur. Mr ' Mrs J. Firth and daughter. Miss ”a of Bernice of Shelburnt‘. visited friends Henry in this neighborhood recently. Mr ' Mr David Robinson has pumhssod "y not a. tine new Massey Roms hay loader nttd 3:: Miss Belle Mom" of town is visit-, Mr tt in: this week with Mrs W. J. Ritchie m of M155. TiGiicrriiaie and when Firth. If? visiting with friends in town this week. _ the here Mr and Mrs _ Boo. visited trit hood In! week. Mr w. G. Wt Sy of Tomato. are spending we not " their home here. Mm Mary Robinson. o. Sound the guest ot her cousins hem the week end. the DES! week, ite ‘Pcommmed by y CRAWFORD Joe Mrs Dan McDonald of Tur- now spendng a pleasant In their many friends here .a.- -~J --- .. ICU - ”on“ t magnum”. o. Mus; Bury um an on the job. ', ot her cousin: hem over; W tuner I: buy an.“ N end. ith, w. m Some tutve uh. / Mr: Pred Williams of the at! an. my. barks. Th, '/,,', od friends In tho neighbor- we unis: ad in a Week m 5... , week. . June“ will be over, G. Ritchie. Toronto. spent. If I.” In Marshall and ll few days with his patents: WI. Sr. of Pullinch. visited ',,, itttCAm'et"ton_tytt Tummy 1351' Ball”)- of ,__.-...._‘ wuu Mr. Porter and family. I Arch. McKechMe and week end visitors " Mr um. “* “ MULOCK In and Wilkertoh: -"-_t- Aid met " the home Morton :hen another :st quusun Is Colin McIntyre and tt Domoch and Miss Toronto visited with Frldny. Sorry Miss t have remained ov- C. McDonald smut Eek with ttlends at are spending the sum Ir and Mrs 0.9;}; Master Smith for several weeks of her coirsin,' u Ivhitruoro 0rd ot Durham; I n of Hamilton, holiday at nex-I mtmoro and m and Lawr. Jaa Honkius " with Mr. he last quilt', Adlam‘s "as! 11081713. ' Sound who sister, Mun With their Miss Hazel Sam Vit ii L Mr aid George Erie, ”can: no ii, The cram rows 030mm ':'t Let u We sincerely wish to Hunk friends and nelqhbors for a»: nest: and hospitality extend Illness I” at the mum-n1 m loved mother, Mrs. Harvey. GROCERIES -' NEW AND FRESH: mTCHtEu-At Durham Hr; Wednesday. mm Ann. lo Mis rim-ray mm”... a my HILL-At Rnburt Bunn- HILlr-A' Robert Burns Hm on: Park. Chicago. on July '. Rev. 1nd Mrs Wm H. Hill. Ella Barber). 3 dummy-xx f Jean) MeCULMrCH--tn BPnllm-k m: an. to Mr and Mrs W. G, M loch. a son. Mr Donuts Derby who Ita, hr., Detmlt. for the past month PM} Int week and in hvlpinz his In” a! with the harvest. Park. also Mr lid Mrs Noah M. ger of Cttrtanthe, and son Garriwm Hanover. spent a day worm") iit ', old home, the guests ot Wm and u Benn. We were sorry to learn that ll Helena will be oft duty lor I , any- owing to an ttcrithmr uh drawing in [my Wednesday hm Mr and In Bert Hahn w: l. Hummer Sunday evening and 1.. the sacred band comm-l. A number from this mm mm. Anniversary services at Knox Sunday. also the game-n 1mm Monday evening. Kr and In In. Hahn and am no of Ulmwd. visited with Mr : 'c' In Con BMm recently. Ir and In In Byers and mum together with If Wilfrid and Mi Nellie Andean notorwi In um: iett the henna: of the w.” A visited with mktives. Mr and Mm Hy Emir-n. Nr-u-, : , Mr 1nd Mry, Fred Brvutizan. w. It and In Join Sign) and l,t' tty motored to Shullow Lake h't'w'y "f spell} the ttay monk n-lun'x. Kr and In Matt Tom. and mm: non of out. mum with Mr and M 'e"' 'tftr_t'r. recently. mu my Houlnrgh mi (SJ, ”at. loudly utter-Mn with m lay Sham. lawuu‘ Interurban Service t o t towns within say 2.3 miles are very low-- so low that no one has an excuse for not telephoning instead of writing or trav- ailing. Occasionally calling up old customers by Lore Distance is the finest kind ofnmy toettsureaamtinu. once of their patronage. Also Cured Meats , “Infamy. Bread " Coaiihit attd 0.90%.: i trtttitte charge for tele- phoning. Long Distance service was never so quick. AUGUST It, IN'? m the delays prompt delivery.' tanner: now expect l to have new part, ordered for them by Lou; Distance, so they can gm CARD or/paso,., They have learned gut it is the delays Automotilists and Mar News BORN Ana. to M Ile. a tron -The rsu' the eir In w [an (on? from Dart-och. M Mon) and am songs m much Roy Witwin t'twttNtmettty oompnniud , mother. Wis "The Map given by t ot Durham toll! Conn Rev. W. J Banana and K M -tttr.tt and Fr ty an: nun (I h t0.ved betor, Int Dunn-sun 'trt were sunk-(em m victor} In Kim: I over tho- plulv N) Rev. Frank ti yrwt chairman i outdoor [Hummu- The owninu nu!” II the evening tlo. W. (the I numb" .8 I“ to gain will Mr. Fund! spoke trom , so: "Flow Inl- atrl I a like" of men." At, m .1. It " today. ttte speaks r tttnt touching. pwarlnnv m the - vssn-mlzd h; the can“ Irmmor no law "mild-d the, I oat-vices being Withtlrnun but only six mo'lubrh u m M! hld duuhllv“ h with {Elf tmutrlt \ 'l' tMo wow regtrb.re.,-; I. u]. Yhtnratertitw “may: M M ”Wank-c1 " 1.111%! tt garden [mm mm: M the 'tttnorlmerr - cum- chillivr. N, (t r,', m I ml numlw: i"' "tboat KNund: 1.. ' “I. - and program (In, Ina-by l may largely - mreattter fauna! l w mnlhm lor " - OI Sunday tt" m M Mr PII'IIP" Inning berth .eevteea. A well-ttlt (a the morning lward a mm C Joan bring Rt “on. The hom- uualcnl Ila-men. Get our Price b u I intend tturmtt 6°00: DELIVERED IN Royal [louwh'd “our rm . b ”all? “our. pvr has . 0 Canada “our. per has Kilt [MI-rd Flour, per in Wheat Flour. per In; .qV» Putty Hour, " ttt bag . m Flour. per has, . _.. Mark ltd “our. pm- but PHI“. PM Mr. Pei' In Custom Ch Best Oualit hs Always Taken ILATCHFOIOQ CALF, CUNN'. " 60 BEEF l S. liklulk ‘l , . Don! fail Rte“! flat: and stil r reiaiis ol FUN Ne Club bags, si Vacation JOHN as HENDER $0 to THE PE We solicit y AUGUST ll Support THIS IS in see ttt

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