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Durham Review (1897), 11 Aug 1927, p. 7

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et (34mm; Englishman: There Is huriii)’ an singie day in the yen: in ‘hinh it is trot pursibie to take up otie's daily paper and icarn ot some Instant-o in which scienca is ttetMtBei, |liy atreoiutr agriculture, both soil and crops. A century ago the law of diminishing returns was elevated to the dignity almost of a religious do& ma. But improvements In soil chem- hxtry. mycoiogy. entomology. and other branches ot agricultural science hue brought about in the minds of oconomists a serious modulation of this law. Sir A. D. Hall write-z "Soils do not set exhausted a A”. are properly handled; it they mi Ian-med an!” a wrath. 'ttiii") “new a m M" __‘_ _ many beautiful iiawer gardens. but they are tawdry In comparison with the dedicate beauties Nature has pro. Vidal fn these interesting waters.--. ' Sumt. J.P., in "A Land of orrmys mama," purple, red, green and II tioat!mg material attached um and the as [manner reef when we water ls oven h twarmlnp: with rock-cod. Incl other varieties. . . . l walking about tn tl thurp lookout has "t'orcdiles. as they ll lug in the mat t also. I was chasing a Making up I saw the foxes hanglng in the head. Dugong Bay is the urea teeming with , number ot welLknow: when that were not “hire-03h are very ple of them can be seen In: in the water. I tlocks of screaming g these tiah weigh up rounds. The tide: l hours twice in the t during this period the armed. . . . It is In to odenuately descri‘) coloring and been" no: reetn with mangrove: to no two or 1 distance with tl {wt of back sht while several d about in the has latter come m breathe, but the a second. All sm- muddy ere mittt sandy spit water, and in tl mangroves ther rr cochlea as I “him are exee walking about Wu WI 142.543 pa relief. IO, 370 outdc urge number of these sea mammals, re met there. It is a very unique arbor and extremely picturesque, be. " surrounded by islands and smaller aye and inter-woven with coral reefs. . . The hayisalmost entirely {ringed ith mangroves, and it is not unusual J see two or three crocodiles in the istance with their eyes and about six wt of back showing above the water, hile several dugong will be sporting trout in the bay " the some time. The ltter come up to the Induce to rt-Izille, but they are only up for about second. All around this little bay " mtuldy creeks and mangroves. :‘h sandy spits runnin‘ out into the our and in the mud and under the nugroves there is e limited enppiy I rarities ma large an e closed tist,, Ilirh are excellent eating. While} ""diintt about in the mangrove; a ier look-out has to be kept for un‘uiips, as they look like logs ly- g in the mud. On one occasion. m. I was (basing a big crab, end on "kintt up I raw thousands ot tiyhtir we hanging in the mangroves our] Science and Agriculture Mangroves and Coral Reefs la dir wh the In or Trade Disputes Are Lea and “Poor-Law" Relief Shows Tide Has Turned Conditions Improve " relief. The total receiving relief rks cut at MI per 10,000 ot estimat- population. In Wales there were .543 persons In receipt ot poor law ef. 10,173 indoor cases and 132.- outdoor cases. The rate in les for 'every 10,000 of estimated uluticn was EM. t ems-e from question. respecting employment ot particular claim Prsons, and the balance, 8, arose t various other questions. “laments were enacted. in the u! 22 new disputes and 5 old dis- l 660 per 10,000 of of th p, new disput Ot the sen {nor ot the ailing colors being blue. run and brown. with a.' attached which Is " " of 777,045 received. 634. relief In districts of Eng, lles. 115.789 receiving In " 518.713 receiving oat. ' settlement: 4 were of the workers, " in 'mployertr, and 8 were In the case of two dio- vas resumed pending . . l have seen r gardens. but :mer. All this over its surface cod. parrot-Bah. There 13 the year In to take up rn of some rates ot 434 the estimat ritain on one lasted are“. at. less than less than in numbers re- dates were ing "Why do blushes creep over slrls' laces?" Harold-"Your sunburn In very be coming." Gladytr--"Bo'tr your old tun." "Reading maketh a man fun," so leaders should be careful in selection of filling. No building permits are our Issued for air castles. lon "Are you the man wt little boy from drowning ott the dock?" "Yes." "Well, where's " cap duwn." Walter--", en his feet mu '0 bow-legged Little 1valtor--"Did cur new baby t'omo right down from heaven, mam. this m in a v the ma The quickest way for a doctor to "e a patient is to tell her it was only minor operation. One has to be raised to It In order enjoy 1oating. Mother-Wes, dean I NAVY TISSUE is soft and absorbent and, like all Eddy tissues, is manufactured under I the most exacting sanitary conditions. Each roll of i, 9‘22753: ,i“;:_d;ii:\“x\:‘\‘~ _ 9' 'NAVY" Tir ‘x;®*é§;§> sue is guar- a; 2iiiiiiziirili'i"i,C'_l) "e'----------. _ [ff 't1:1itgb,t1:'t1- J' 4d a aiEiGa Mar tam s eets. _.' N = Mft , E l wr.':).-. Quality and Er slililtil,llt.r__,:.i,_.'____'i, - E c o n o m y i _ d,., Itll ‘ ,.' A l ".' . combined. the stand Yof, mu say you were present When man and his wife were engaged I very violent quarrel?" inquired magistrate of the witness. 'es, your honor," replied the man OWL-LAWS a was he saying?" wasn't saying anything. your yr the 'Bathroom.., .,, may: " Navy Toilet Tissue m the man who saved my from drowning when he fell Use NATIONAL FERTILIZERS For Your Fall Wheat Ask about National Sfock Foods --they get results! NATIONAL F ERTILIZERS, LTD. I guess he must have m nd that's what makes him For plumper, heavier, higher-grade grain-use National Fertilizer this season. Youll be surprised at how early your crop will mature with a good dressing of this superior fertilizer. National Fertilizers are properly-balanced fertilizers, "Made in Canada" from formulae it has taken years to perfect. Every bag is uniformly mixed with guaran- teed analysis attached to each bag. Good fertilizer is an investment, not an expense. Order yours now. We ship anywhere in Ontario. right straight West Toronto 9, Ontario A man with a aean collar and 11 toothbrush can go to the seashore and have a better time than a woman with six trunks. Buyers' strikes are the most costly stupidities in the business world. May the nation be spared from them for- evermore. . When buyers quft%uvirur-that is not economy but a false notion of what economy is and does. Economy implies getting the most] results with least expenditure of: money and effort. It does not imply! deprivation and niggardlincss I What's become of girls with track led noses? A. No one man can win a repay race but one man can lose it. mutelfnod cake." "He.c,It yo' moutl" retorted the other. "You 3111' nevah et nothln" When mah wire, Iodine, cooks up a passel o' beans Ah feels has like goin' nut " huntitt' me a Job." Forming good habits is a good way to break bad 01:03. Two negmes: were discussing their wives' culinary abilities. ""‘H " h'mstetl the am. "dat wife o' mine am so good dat when she lllhncn run pout: hit taste jes' like Ngb) AGENTS aiii'ie_ifiC,i","i."i? WANTED T, W _ FA. . . . 55.155“ tAire? 1n districts i%llllilii2', where we are , ll" not repre- :4, Bb, IN., sented. "i'd whistle 'Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here." "lt you were walking along a dark road at night, how would you protect yourself'."' "Mama, Is it wrong to kiss girls because it's fun or ia it tun to kiss them because it's wrong? You oughta know, mama," He--'tan't you forgive the past'?" tme---'ut you give me a nice enough present." Stude (at box otl1ce)--"Tsyo tickets, please." Ticket seller-lor what date?" Slade iabsently)---"Oh, the one 1 had with Marion." Next to reputation the easiest thing to lose is an umbrella. There, little Janitor! Don't you cry You'll own the building-by und by. Ever notice how a handsome woman usually marries a man who looks like :-omething the cat brought in? ."Beeause, it they ran they'd kick up too much dust." Economy , Right in the centre of the cluster of bells-between the upper and lower sections-is the key board. it is faced . by a seat. seven feet long. The caril- ‘Ionneur slides back and forth on this 'moveahle seat playing the wooden 'keys which are like those ot a Plano ‘but larger and longer with protudlug ends. The player hits on these with his hands, or upon pedals, like those ot a pine organ-with his feet and. both keys and pedals are connected with wires that lead to the clapperir, inside the bells. The "blow" is only: .an inch and a halt in length, The playing is all bx hand or foot and not by machiery. The keyboard and pedals each embrace two rows. ii) strepuous is the exercise that the Carillonneur has to wear a sweater while a special nhOWer bath has been installed to enable him to cool air. The bells of the clock chimes a: well u the mochanium of the clock iself are both operated " electric m- chinery, ' Minard', Llnlment relieve; Backachg. er. Stomach troubles. cholera in. ,fantum and diarrhoea carry off thou»? Vsands of little ones every summer. in; most cases because the mother does, not have a safe medicine " hand to; give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets: relieve these troubles, or if given 00-; (ii'ii1ii'ai's', to the well child they tIll; prevent their coming on. The Tab. lleis are, guaranteed by a government, !anal.vst to be absolutely harmleasi (even to the new-born babe. They are; .especially good in summer because,', [they regulate the bowels and keep the; gstomach sweet andapure. They are; "old by medicine dealers or by mail l: at 25 cents a box trom The Dr. Wil. ii iiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. I A visit fo the tower shows the ar-' rangement to be comparatively simple] The fifty-three bells are hung in al ‘steel "trantry." in rows. They arel stationary and, ditrerlrur from eom/ mon conception, do not swing at all. In the upper part of the gatry. in tiers, are forty-seven liens while, below, are the six big ones. Ottawa-ot the performance of the parliamentary carillon. whose music has been wafted successfully across the whole continent. much has been said, and been written but little is known of the inner workings ot the bells which produce such a volumin- ous melody. Canada's Carilioneur Has a Strenuous Time Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasondbly sate during the hot weath- SAVE mf CHILDREN "_--..-- I Czech Literature l In Summer When Childhood Ail-l Cm»; literature developel nnly t radua I ', and act uired a hi h artis- ments Are Most Dangerous. ‘fic 1'1'd.i,.1 onlylut the on;I of the Mothers who keep a box of Baby's nineteenth century. During the whole (Msn Tablets in the house may rlei,lfirsst half of the nineteenth century, that the lives of their little ones are ' Czech .po.etry lay under the spell of, reasonably safe. during the hot weath. l, t"?,ma,nttilry apd produced gunman. it-ls government as militaristic. The strongest criticism has been made by [Sir Joseph Carruthers. former Pre. ‘micr of New South Wales, who has just visited Samoa. He states that the island was being governed by "something worse than martial law, indeed, something resembling Mos. cow methods." While expressing no opinion regarding the facts in dispute, he denounced the deportation of lleriditary chelfs without trial, which he said had nearly provoked an arm- ed uprising. "Surely someone in Samoa has hiundered in taking this high-handed attitude," he concluded. New Zealand Government, under the} terms of the League ot Nations man- date. The penalties tor offences in. clude deportation for tive years in the case of Europeans, and twp years for Samoans. Premier Coates admitted that the situation was serious. While the government is fully supporting the Administrator. its opponents (inscribe Premier Coates added that the ma. Jority ot the natives and Europeans regard the action of the agitators as unwarranted intertorenee with native affairs and the leading chiefs, who constitute the native Parliament, are not the opinion that the dissatisfaction [of the whites with the prohibition of iliquor law, which is considered et"; sentiai for the natives, is partly re- sponsible for the trouble. l One chief has been deprived of Pi title, two have been sentenced to six 'months imprisonment and another} [has been sentenced to four months.!, ‘Tho Government is supporting Sir) George Richardson. Administrator orl Samoa, who is regarded as an excel-l lent otiicial for the position, and a bill ' has just been introduced in the Newl Zvaland House of Itepresentativesl giving the administration wider! powers for dealing with persons hirrl dering the functions and duties of the I The present agitation. says Premier J. G. Coates, is due to a small body who seek to destroy the confidence of the natives in the New Zeuland Gov- ernment and the Samoan Administra- tion. The agitation is conducted by official members ot the Legislative Council. three Apia merchants and several natives. one ot whom is stated to be a notoriously bad char. acter. Much Criticism is Unwarrant- ed, Says Premier Cgates Wellington, New ealatid.--Troubte which has tken brewing in Samoa since 1921, when some ot the chief: petitioned the King,- praying that the mandate be transferred from New Zealand to Great Britain, is now con- sidered to have reached serious pro- portions because ot the agitation against the administration. _ TROUBLE IN SAMOA BECOMES SERIOUS J‘Why do they always give a show. er to a girl who is going to be mar- ried ?" "Merely a quaint old custom to symbolize the beginning of a reign." He had been knocked down by I motor cor, which had not troubled to stop. “Did you get his number?" naked the policeman. 7 "No," said the man, "hut I'd recognize his laugh any- where." 7ntively little of permanent value. lt' Ilackcd and dreaded that enthusiasm,) ithat unbridled imagination, loft)" (irony, and lyric emotionalism which; iconstitute-d the magnetic charm of" iWestern romanticism. it often lack-I zed also in artistic beauty and in; vwealth 3nd diversity of ideas, nndi 'adhered generally to those tcndeneirs lwhieh it considered useful for patri- otic propaganda, for the promotion of culture of the language and of na- ton-liam. The chief ideas of Czech romanticism were: nationalism, pan- Slavism, Old Slav mythology, lam, guage and folklore culture. The greatest talents which it produced} were Macha. Erben, and Celakovsk.v.l, -Viadimir Nosek, in "The Spirit of‘ Bohemia." Didn't know youll factory girl, May." In Shakespeare's Works. "Ethel is always delving in Shake speare's works." M irytrars Lin 5 m ' ki"i; ESnt _ V pvhich contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 which: Atso bottles of 24 and 100-Drugguts. with h the M lurk treeutrred in Canaan) of Bayer Manta-mm of Imam-mm- lckhnu of ullcyllucld (Anal Salicylic Add. "A. I. A."). While it I. won kuan 355:9”;- - 1htryt moan-rum}. a}!!! the will“ null-t lull-dell. the Tabla. nu am Inn. lam nun-1mm. to mm the .uNIr null-u Inn-uh}. uid Timed ummrmummmmm-«tm'W-1cm" You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medl- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds - Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia' Toothache Rheumatism To do this ion hue only to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A short course of these pills will quickly tone up the ‘momach and banish indigestion. Here ii: a. bit of convincing proof given by Mrs. Chas. Ladner, Elleralle, P.E.l., who tsays:--") some years I was a sufferer trom stomach trouble. Every. thing I ate canned distress, sour stom- ach and belching. I could not eat ‘meat or potatoes, and I grew weak and nervous. No medicine seemed to help me until l was persuaded to take Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and these simply worked wonders. I took the pills faithfully for a couplo of months by which time every symptom ot the trouble disappeared. and there has not since been the slightest symptom of stomach trouble. No wonder l praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." W (C::':'::):";;)';:;::)',)':)' The only way to overcome these troubles is to tone up the digestion so that you can kasslmnate all your food. a' Wonderful is the process by which the chemistry of the body changes the food we eist into blood. And the whole ot our wcll-being depends upon thin tteine maintained day after day, year In and your out. Somettmes the process becomes faulty, and then food begins to polaon the blood instead of feeding it. This is followed by all the pause ot Indigestion, sue-h as gas) on the stomach, pains around the' heart. often nausea after eating. audi a dilltke for all kinds ot food. I I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I h WEAK STOMACH I be Strengthened through the Use of Dr. Williams’ . Pink Pius. ':i:i:iii)'ilrgsgtie associate with Acccgt on]! 1%sr1ee2ye a fireman: Build- the Only Ohm-Dipped Tires With but half the usual air pressure, these tires are very soft and yielding. They absorb the holes, run and bumps in the road. They cushion the car and and panama: from shocks and vi. bration. Fireatmte Gum-Dipping-by which uh 'itindytratsydotcoedinthetiee is impugn-ad "El coated with pure os-tids the minding! strength and flexibility which makes the Balboa oomtruction practical. Fireatmte Dealer: are kept up-bo-dm on tire development and tservice-con- tinually progressing and improving their ability to oerve you better and save yoizr money. Seethe nearest Fire- stone Dealer and let him handle your requirements. llmTONE TIRE b RUBBER co. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton. Ontario thir, year?" lremcly less “Firestone of the sort. S mm the P.neitk r, more calm and dark, with only silvery glitter [low and again thumb of our propeller. And C horizon hung the pale sickle new moon, sharp and curved I bent bow of Montezuma, William " Sweden, in "Betwn Continents." Ious faces and took up their positions near the lifeboatr, to see if they were ready to lower away. The phenomenon lasted only a little while, but for the time its power and intensity were of a degree unusual even in these waters, which ure re- .nm u. - wuwm, wmch ire tts nowned for almost fabulous displays " tu, .H‘J n A. " .__ _ Firestone pioneered, developed, tested and placed on the market the Balloon Gam-Dipped Tire-the genuine FULL- SIZED Balloon Tire. ing ten miles from the land. so it was merely an effect of the phosphorcs.. cence. The incident, however, was enough to make several of the pas- sengers swear the nssel had touehe:l ground; they came on deck with anx- lous hires and took up their positions near the lifcboats, to see if they were ready to lower awaxn 1itttttt,,tt, CANCER Gum-Dipped Tires " mas of molten metal. . . NW and Justin a shoal would leap right out of the water, splashing the silvcr about like handfuls of coin, and presenting at I distance exactly the effect of bunker- So much so, indeed, that the engines were slowed down and the sounding: taken, for it really leaked as if the water were breaking on a met ahead. The lead, however, show- ed a hundred meters, and the roekon- There was a new moon, und the darkness brooded silently, only the can. twinkling through a thin film of "new min. Then uddenly it ‘seemed as if a flash of lightning shot through the water. Faintly at first, as if hesitating, then again, and yet again” clearer now Ind more pro-, nounred. And soon the whole surface; Was alight with a silvery-violet sheen/ with the crests of waves gleaming onei behind the other. A thousand sparks! shone out and faded, to reappear: again elsewhere. It was as if thei vessel were cutting her way throuth MOST MILES PER DOLLAR At La Libertad. the Tmuville of dendor, In our was? loading mar. and when the dun drew ita veil over Rad. de Tepeagua, the San Jun was once more heading south. _,,VV ___'-' uv-‘lll. "ML“. It was a wonderfully beautiful night that followed. Things Worth Knowing About rt Phosphoresccnt Reefs Are far-Mona Is rt" mob---".; ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ghe P.neitie hy way through . . Now and twmn n in (we! a 'f,','. " (‘an ince wo LVIW law: rd. iirir' l RESTORE” It " GOOD HEALTH In a recent "suntrr-wide canvas of purrhisssers of Lydia E. Pinkhnm'l chcmbk Compound. over 250,000 up ks Wet t received bad 98 out cr every 190 new any wen beno. titmibritaRK. _---.....-- Ili Buckingham. Quebec.- "l mm the mother of eleven living childrm, and my baby is rr v. we months old. . , . itimonly3A'years k? old and l have 'rs' taknn Lydia E. Ee' . Ps Pinkham a Vega- " I : ‘5 table Compound :f for wvalmuui And _ . 3‘ mjnorvval knew , 25% _ of it from my " “ sister, Damo Ed- : ‘ _ ounrd Bvllofcuille = it . " F' of liamsayville. " . _ For five years I was in misery and Was always ready to cry. Now I am so happy in haw; food health. My daughwr. who is 8 Pears old, has also lab-r, it and wil be haypy to rt-r'.-,'...' " to {AI yam!!! m: is."- Dan " \\'x:.!.:.m luis ENT, 130V 42 1, lininvwham. Quebec. ll 12y suffer for yum: wt}: buck- ache, m'rvuu‘nesa and Mix! nilmenll‘ common to wmm n from curly life to I middle aggwhen Lydia v. Pmkham'l Vegetable Compumd will give you Mint? - ll hy tpoo." ache, new“ common to '.r,tiddle 'Ne, i SGisGG.- UHIIUL" SENTortriEt2UEtrr '1 ell: “use of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Wtute foe .t to-day, mentioning this paper. Ad. grin Irtd/antytoltu Cancer Hospital 1ndiatupolU, fnd. Vegeléble Compound Her Interesting Experience Mother of Eleven Children Paige: Lydia E. Pinkhgm's _ l) I _ fir" I " ,1. > F' ' turn t ed, be Use Cuticui'hvSon And Ointment 1 To Heal Sore Randy Write Den-wanna: " hrbuciey, G NON”, Esattwiorr, Turmlo 3, for pictorial buckle“. 1hssified AuiaTiia,gid Mix Minurd'c “In: 'sweet or (Team. and apply. u and permunml relief. iii-tt ia a WI a"i"lq1t!,,ytrimt nd-mender 135 submitted a ple the Royal Academy. It town! will be the tiret Macademiciarr AN entirely new and awe-Inspir- IngGrand StandSpec- “do: “CANADA" presented by L5” performers. New AtVicutturat Pavilion >1" 8 acre extension to the C.N.E.t1rtiseum. te'envtt60,000Dumomg Jubilee of Confedera- tion Entnncemnd the 850,000 World Champ- ionship Swim, Wed- nesday. August Slat. These are only a few leaturu: of the great Confederation Year Programme. FREE BOOK Tugmdl‘ 1i i3 "

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