West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Aug 1927, p. 8

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"'"tlmazing f,tg,eg,itsd TiIICTt..1-Cj s,,';..',,:']); El M LN _= MIN” MW' t OW 'C, 'it,"; W?' km Then In 1920 this Chevrolet 2-door Sedan Cost Ii)iliP1ltMtlfimi WARMASIUAST A W. MOON, Durham Telephone now www.mm .llso runway-7;... ”mammal": COAL, “HMWOOD The Gilson Magic burn: any htel can", well. It heats three Learn all the late about thin Ines. electrically are welded new and sensationally priced (we. Our easy payment Ian enables you to have the MS,' We installed at once-the balance of we: synced over one yen. rite today. lune: later. The one-piece, heavy steel plate body, special cone-chaped grate, booster joints. which Eminent» pre- vent (as and t from leaking, " contribute to make the Gil-on "Magic" the moat tsatisfactory and economical furnace. Me. Built on entirely different principles, the Gilnon Magic brings new comfort to the home and 'uttr he] bills one-third to D. H6117”! I Mttt ALBERT NOBLE The amazing way that the Gil- aon “Magic Furnace gives a greater whine of warm moist air from I smaller Sree,'? of he] il_the_ heating yonder: ' the So. today. you get a Chevrolet with auxin QUALITY in its every detail at a fraction 'lf the coat of a similar model Chevrolet of seven years age M... with the Chevrolet of today and realize how radically Chevrolet has revised all conceptions of motor car value. In 1920, the Chevrolet illustrated here represented the highest standards of quality and value . . . at a price of $1795 (f.o.b. Oshawa) . . . over a thousand dol- lars more than you pay today for a Chev- rolet that possesses style, luxury and re- finement unthought-of in any car a few years ago. In following its fundamental policy of constant improvement. Chevrolet has built up a produc- tion volume which places it first among all cars in the world. And Chevrolet has shared the "w. ings of volume purchasing and production. with the public by reducing the prices of Chevrolet $1795.. COMPARE t h e Chevrolet of U Chevrolet of o"'""; seven years ago with the. Chevrglet of, today warn you 3m panam- rm BANK OF MONTREAL WHEN you have occasion to sea Money Orders they may be obtained readily at any branch of the Bank of Montreal. A Established 1817 Holstein Branch: C. R. LUCAS. Manager. in access of 978°.ooo.ooo In 1927 this Chevrolet 2-door Sedan (Coach) Cost 5750-00 SENDING MONEY ORDERS firan ?)mroritrthrt Euy Peymertta-. Saves 350.00 in Fuet-- Burns Any Fuel-- No Joints-. Can't Leak Gas. can: MoCauley tripled with two out to bring Brown home with the winning run. Fulton Cochin]: of Mt Forest m the leading hitter with Ave hm In ttre times at hot. Line up : w Holstein Twinks Mt Forest Leaf: Eccles Lf. P. Minna I a l was held to five runs in the first ii'v'iii innings and with two out in the) sixth, were trailing by seven runs.- when Lucas after fouling several? times worked Donald for a walk and the next seven up batted safely for seven runs to tie the score. Mt For-l est went in the lead in the 7th when McGllllvrny made a run with one , out and two on buses but Emlawlne and Ellis Med out to end their half of the innlnlg. Lucas stated the rally in the 7th with n We. steal- In; second and third Ind In": sing-j 1.;de hometotlothoeount.'rhen‘ HOLSTEIN (Twinks) 14: MT. FOREST (Leah) " Holstein won from the Leafs ot Mt. Forest in the most exciting game ot the season and by so doing are now tied with the Orioles ot Mt F'or.. est for the leadership ot the League. Mt Forest outhit Holstein 25 to It), but Holstein bunched their hits for, runs. Mt Forest started oft with N rush and scored , runs in three in. nines. three to an inning. ,Hoistelm The monthly iniieting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held Thursday. Aug. 18th, at the home of Miss Mor. Mr and Mrs John Gia,, or Lon. don spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Orchard here. Mr and Mrs Wm Aitken. Miss M. Aitken and Rev. and Mrs Miller, spent the tlrat of the week with friends in Chesley. Miss Maude Warling of Lansing, is spending a. couple ot weeks with her cousin. Mrs J. W. Brown. U1 Mr and Mrs Mervyn Belay ot Brantford and Mrs Beley and daugh. ter Bertha of Mt Forest and Mrs. McPhail of Mt Forest, visited with Mr and Mrs Chas Drumm recently. Mrs N. MeLauglinis this week vim ltlng relatives in Buffalo. Mrs Sparling ot Walk'érvine spent the week end with her sister. Mrs. Jae A. Smith. Mrs E. McDonnell of o. Sound. spent a few days this week with her cousin. Jyit Ethel Sharp. Miss Hazel Corbett of Tara was. the guest of Mr and Mrs Fentonroc-; ently. I Miss Reta Roberts spent the first of the week in Durham. The people or the village extend their sympathy to he Myers inthe loss of his aged mother Thursday of last week. Mr and Mrs Tuck had as guests last week, Dr and Mrs Tuck of Tor, onto, his sisters, Mrs Sinclair of Vineland and Mrs Burnett of [sling- ton and their niece, Miss Gardinerot' Mt. Forest, Mr Bert Gibson and daughter Eil- Pen left Monday to visit relatives in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs Miller, formerly of Holstein, are renewing acquaintances in the village. “new mama-am, g Monongau, 2nd o. Bree? ,,. Lynch, p. Hawthon Mrs H. Reid had for guests our the week end Mr and Mrs Norman, Cockburn Wm, 3rd Emev Ptetter of Hanover; Mrs Barbour Lucas, Ist Ell and son of Pittsburg; Mrs Young- Home runs were hit by C. F Nutt of Waterloo; Mr and Mrs C. and Mr McCauley. The featun McLellan. Miss Mildred and Mr Gots ot the Came was made by don McLelian of Montreal, Melvin back of first. Reid of Hamilton and Merton Reid, Score by innings: or Seaforth. I 1 2 2 4 5 s 7 Mr and Mrs Scott Eccies and am. Mt. Forest 3 , , 0 " 3 l fly ot Mt Forest. visited with her Holstein 0 3 1 0 l 7 2 mother, Mrs J. Brown, Br. I ‘__._._ - mom Ann PERsonui HOLtyrlElllhlr LEADER l ms CORNERS too numerous tis aaa: - V -Ne - nun-"mud, “m and Men My. wuchm . mud SWIG. 1he.r?yth,auitreantrotsa-u. {asylum homo arm-mun. Miss Jessie 1(ch of Vamey Is at present living with her nephew, Yam-a II-_.L-u --* . . "u' unclean from New York, a son of the late Geo Dickson, who was a former baker in Mt Forest. now occupied by Mr Thompson, was up for the old boys' reunion and visit- ed " W C. Dickson’s. Mr Perron the high school tmher took the service In Orchard church. Rev. Mr Jay is “my on nation. 1- -- -.r..Fr" slaying. I A. Keller hes made a. start with ihis threshing outilt and moved to Jon Elder's to start threshing opera- tions. This leminds us that the sum mer will soon be over. W. C. Dickson met with a serious accident Friday of last week while renalling the felt of which his house was covered. in some way he fell; from the ladder, a distance of 10 or, 12 feet, hurting his back. The D12: says there are no bones broken but all the same he came " lucky. I Wm Dickson from New York. ai P. Coral-h ls helpng Ins} rftw, days to iinitrtt Mr Jas Ball who has been under the Dr’s cure tor some time is not improving. it anything weaker. We hope soon to hear of a change tor the better. n.-. ween "an ny‘ ’preciated by the many who were en- gaged in haying. Now the havest is ‘almost over and the grain harvest in next order. A number have already cut. their fall wheat and barley and the peas and oats are turning fast and will soon be ready for the bin. der. The crops are the best we have had for a number of years in this part which should cause us to hold up our hands in thanktitlness to a higher power who has given of His bounty. i The Mt Forest people are no doubt I congratulating themselves for the tine weather and the success they! had in connection wth their old boys' reunion. Many from this port spent! most of the week in the town. Miss Erma johns. nurse-in-training at Buffalo, is holidaying at her home here. Elmer Moore, Hamilton, is visiting his cousins, the Camount boys. Mr and Mrs John Carmount and children, Holstein, visited at Thus. Kirby's, Sunday. A goodly number from here attend. ed the Old Boys' Reunion at Mt. Forest and report a good time. Messrs W. o. Finder and Bob Kits by motored to Welland Saturday. Mr Wm Dickson had the misfor- tun to fall from a ladder on Friday morning and fortunately had no bones broken We hope he will soon be well again. Mr and Mrs AmeAH'h%iii,iin and chidren motored to Hamilton Sunday to visit his mother. Miss Elizabeth Ruttle and :irl Mend of Mt. Dennis. are visitinxthe farmer's aunt, Mrs A. Stewart. Mrs Hugh McCrie, Swift Curront, Sash Is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs Jas Mellvride. Berry picking is the order of day. Lucas, lat Ellis. c. Home runs were hit by C. Fenton, and Mr McCauley. The feature catch of the game was made by Lucas. back of first. Walls, r. f. McCaulay, s.s. Penton, c. f. McDougall, 2nd Lynch, p. Cockburn Wm, 3rd Lucas, lat Brown, c. The weathex: $78.“ week was THE DURHAM REVIEW ‘UN IAI-au oiiiisrtiviis TORONTO ORCHARD any}: nan-3;, Donald, p Cammidge, 2nd Grant, 3rd McGillivray, r.f. o. Brecht, r. f. Hawthorne, lst Emewlne. l? 24567 Total {as Blyth the the 13 ll _ ""--. ."--..%P" \uu' " merly Miss Mary McCreary, teacher .1 at No. 9) called on us last Wednes- "day. She was accompanied by her " son Douglas and friends from Dure " ham. She remembers with various ifeeiings her three teaching years ; here. 3 Mrs Summon. Port Eigin. has re- [ turned home titer three weeks’ visit _ with her nephew, A, Merchant and jher nieces, Mm W. J. Reid end the guinea Merchant. A Merchant ac- i commied her to Hanover. , Mrs D. Bruce's guests, Mr and Yrs i Barr and lime daughter, also Miss ed from their home in Drumhelier, near Edmonton. Alta., coming through Montana and Quebec, a distance ot 1600 miles. Next winter they purpose motoring from their home to Florida. Mrs J. B. Drysdale. Hamilton (for merly Miss Mary McCreary, teacher J. A, Mather had the pleasure last week of a visit from his cousin. Dr. Lumb, who, with his wife had motor- ed tram their hams In hmmlmIIr-n Mr and Mrs Fred Rawn, Detroit. visited here last week. Fred also en. joyed meeting old schoolmates at the reunion. Mr and Mrs Chas. McLellan and family of Montreal. were guests last week of their brothers, V. and Geo. Ailes. Mrs Bailey and son accompanied Mrs 'd,'. J. McEachem for a little visit in her parental home. David and Miss Bessie Alles were home a few days and attended the reunion in Mt Forest. Percy Whyte, Detroit, was also ov- er for the reunion. 1 Miss Grace Calder is visiting her cousin, Mrs Edgar Wilton. Mrs John Marshall spent a few days in Mt Forest visiting friends and attended the Old Boys' and Girls’ reunion. Misses MajorieC aldweil and Ruby Morrison are in Toronto this Week attending the great Educational Con. gress. Mrs John Tiiompson is away West on a visit to h_er__son Wellington. to tie it. Don't tell anybody. Rev. Mr Flddes' sermon in Knox United Church, Durham. on Sunday last, must have convinced the large congregation present that he is a preacher ot great ability-at all c" rents we thought Bo. We agree with the worthy Editor there is nothing to hinder Durham from having an old boys' and glrln’ reunion in 1928. Go after it by all meamr-it'te not too soon to agitate it We have just completed drawing in our wheat ott 4% acres. We took ott 12 loads and took 17 lbs of twine to tie it. Don't tell anvho.dv Most of the farmers are through with the bumper hay crop and are now busy in the tall wheat and bar- ley harvest, both of which are also .1 bumper chop, though the fornwr Is considerably affected by rust. Mrs Hughie McCrle nee Lizzie Mc- llvride) of Swift Current, Sack. ar- rived on Tuesday last to visit her mother, who is in rather delicate health. The anniversary services held in Knox Presbyterian church Sunday last, drew large cowds at both morn- ing and evening sevices. The pastor, Rev Mr Pumell. had charge of the services and preached a thoughtful and earnest discourse from the text, “Follow me and I will make you Oh. ers of men." And they straightwny left their nets and followed Him.' The unfavorable tendency of the Weather Monday night unfortunately handicapped to some extent the sur- ceasful outcome of the annual gather- ing in the school grounds. Miss Grace Robinson, Toronto, is holidaying at the home of her uncle, James Eden. Mr and Mrs Jos. Noble spent a day visiting the latter's sister, Mrs Geo. Pollock. Mr and Mrs Eden with the Han- naa's, spent Sunday with the femurs daughter. Mrs Lends ot Orchard. Mrs Wesley Pollock and family of Toronto, are visiting at present with Mr and Mrs Geo. Pollock. was and noauuvny. Toronto, visited her ulster Mrs D Duds a few do.” recently. Mr Richard Hanna of Fergus is at. present visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Jan. Eden. km Knttis Davis is " present en- gaged at the home of her uncle, Dr Chas. McGIllivray. chiropractor. Messrs Jns Eden and J. C. Queen an the Joint purchasers of the farm recently owned by Wm Nelson. for- merly known " the Doyle farm, and which they require tor pasture land. At present Mr Nelson has not found a. permanent location for the future. nu Jennie a.“ all many. Hot. stein. vista-d Sunday wth tertirter', tik Wm I Ann slid attended Knox V Ifriord Allan. Toronto. is spend- lng his Won " the home of his .YomTqtitli . ““1 um... 1'2?,.??,PettttyhiiitFairi,ro"irJ1 H '1mr-"12iiiiii Fr5iikrc7rirr; -rtGtTr'"iTigr=-r..e. $15 00 To WINNING tt ijiliit'i?,'iiit ,llllllijlll)0i8'hi!lf'iiji RLYTH'S CORNERS h-‘- - - Ill Unlll'lo, u '. "h--arrom anions in Ontario, Ta --.----=L==hi'", -Neo-. Au . ”on. lh1'lhtttiimtgat ”PM“ I - no} mg. (mg: 42.30“; (maniac can) 1.- - 9.00 le: tu mum e,".""'. M I,?,, Sttttef Landon. Hun-mo. tu-Lic: -- YEOVIL _ V --""""em-- ,...- v mun-w "tob- VI'DII ”AWL” ace... t m. nw%&AWgz)xzaop.-sw.wm swag. mum a... n” u -2. pan; . pa. from tomato, Ualedoa East, Baton, Mel South and But in Ontario, also Saunas in atrom Statiom in Ontario, Toronto. Ink-4 Tenders will . Vrecelved up to September let. " . Lowest or any tender not necessa y accepted, For further info, premises to FAR FOR SALE BY TENDER The ll-known Lauder farm, im- mediatel) adjoining Durham corpora- tion, on vincial Highway. 100 ac- res. more t' less, in good state " cultivation; ood frame house, barn and outbuild s; electric light, goal water. 2 well one drilled; comm- lent to High d Public Schools: concrete sidewa to gate. a number of their old friends line past week. [0' Shoes n.all styles at greatly reduced ll przces. l TAYLOR & til., Dmmore Mildred Petrie ot Carbon, Alta. and lirrtt Bond of Bright, Ont. left yester- day (Monday) after several days vis- it. While they were here Mrs Bruce entertainednfew ot her old acquaint- ances of Mrs Barr (Nona Petrie). Mr Alexander McMillan. Mrs Mc- Crae, Mr and Mrs Boyd and little boy of Toronto, were week end guests of Mr and Mrs W. J. Philp. Mr McMillan has been " years on the Tomato police foree-30 years in the main omce. __ - I-lll. VII m __ C-r--' IOU-"l and 1w. " GmmetiriG and “than! -----, Best quality Western Oats, extra quality Rcclcaned Screenings. on Feed, Tallinn, Mind Gain of Oats, Barley and When, testing 42 lbs. per tas. Ydhw Kiln w Cart, Tale only Bate Corn for Sin-inn mu. out lemme brands on hand of B.C's , x and ' x and itMglet New Brunswick Extra. Att u price: oon-Idenhly un- der today? market. Bee them and be convinced of the quality. " . . - - - Come Where you always get it good Il!li.fliil?LE's MILLS, iii, Prints and Voile: Hosiery Crockery Ladies' House Dresses THOS. G. LAUDER. Durham Mr and Mrs Miller called on Just a few left in Voiles and Ginghams........., We have reduced the balance of our stock to clear at prices that are bound to sell every one. ,, -_- - - pa lune new tow paintball-ni- mbs, Muller-n, 1lyta.--itdTisGriit Tum 'ltBh'iiiiciiiiii, . mile to Win-beg, . out plus "o." to iiialll'lid,. P. 'e--.---'.""-"."-'--"-'"", Lelilble _ brands on don apply on *' -. an". no u and West and South theme ""--aGiari=i"_", in Silk and low as..... Plain White Caps, only 90e do: T'turrtriers...... ...... 6tte do: Fancy China at prices to com- pare with any catalogue. lk and Cotton, as tettmmerieGiiik. r1“ VUUCS ........." 786103.98 25.006 WANTED Two hun red acres in Giant-Into“ u- ship. bet lots 7 and 8. con. is. On this propo is I good frame house and bank ' with outer buiidines Plenty of n r, good orchard: sewn miles from * rkdnle. This is " splendid "on farm. Will be Hold cheap, with ve ' any terms. Apply to Mrs Neil Vin-mums Bookkeeping. swoon-why. Typ lug, Sulemnshlp. Secretarial work Civil Service. Practical Methods Cait or write for Catalogue. Fall Tenn Opus Sept. 6th Business Tut-lug wlu place YOL' in 1 Position of Responsibility. T.').".".". l". 19¢ Pr AUGUST It, 1927 Mrs Neil vinirstone, r in". R. R. s, oil-m! Centre, Om., or Albert vvitttttttorte, Dark; pu now" route? iiht propo is a good tram, bank ' with outer bu ty of w. r, good orchard s from . rkdnle. This [did CNP furm. Will p, with we ' easy terms. Mrs Neil vingstone, R. R. 2, olimd Centr rr Albert vingslone. i ‘. THAT'S SERVICE W. A. TRIHBLE. Principal FAB] Fort SA LE for ttttring and ' Forest Will. not! of hr l‘ruu'y. Hummus MW! brim o; t “when meeting J. [W Was I of the Alumni. .\ out "Manor in Crdvenstty and t In alumni work. In thr. Mm am Mchr “Mild. the following twfetn Mr J. Bum". a nu mm of harm-m. a Run makes his t Weat: “Though b69. spring. some wry l an to be M In the diam-x. Mr J “1" of (bun-1 v tine . pierw ot MM "odd wish to 80+. high And hauled ou mu Inland: ueieqr ( tie4d for and. He tent mm of Dunn pet “in. This " M“ which is won “at. " CW1! 3i: titty Mel: per I " Han Otd new lean A pullmlmry ornmuu for the holding m an Mk union in Durham tl" hr Angus! nut war. has u the Town "all no»: Mun Aw. 22nd. An In. hall I tn ttre midst of Gurus!“ tt h doubtful " " um be when from tl and com wru- tlw .. me Provinc other olenc I“. ”Mr " Alana The Jilly now of Ila iverUty North Damn» aaigge Ins tvartr-t u.- _ ("If I. photocrulvh 1 My. August K.xe Spa-in!“ Tautor opticml l will um their IL Imam h whewtw the “mum. new citir.et the to claw New Car We 5m r med (and mg. Thr Illu'liny thas ' Him and mus-r ti,.) the buying connnHH- u mum. and other mm? $06.! - Non up. Mn. all." the I“? "‘11an a "In Hotel's lulu an“? In“. could tte Ink by all. In Wm. In», at. hi norm-d "on: 1 PM a! had [an C., “In: the ttaf Jack. tlt, John Want McLean's blacks Hum Noun. ll My. AIR. 12. M Km w. I. s. Moots. The notably mwmw s. of Knox: tuned Hm the but of Mn Mm. Poultry VOL. L, NO. WOW Girls New Frat Walk-411m cub um nm In wulmll 0n Mich Su-hm Walk rot urn human n- hrncuom 'ct and the t Durham. Attila" lav-v new or the pm"! tNt The In: rim; n It and s Sun! “was“: "I Ulla. tor Law Invrachon has! who! Wante 'tttt III owe aloof! l; pm:

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