West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Aug 1927, p. 1

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" pl. (ith re do: doa W E13 pr 0:0 drum» of l't miles. Ind both tin. ished fresh. Now they might qual- it'y for the big Toronto swim '. t. o. D. E. hold Social Evening Canadian Greys. I.U.DE. held an- other at their social 'dununy’ or three hand bridge: on Friday night inst. in their club room, when seven tab In! men in play. Mrs W. Picker- ing, Mrs Melton: and Mrs A. McFar- latte were the trize winners and each received a small favor. At the elose 4 cut glass sandwich plate was we wnted to a retiring member. Miss Sadie McDonald. who acknowledged the gift in an appreciative manner. Swan Wilder’s Lake Two yoqu people of the minute? vampers at Wilder's lake, Jean Manila}: and Bowman hmksmn. staged a swimming Marathon new: the lake from extreme south to Dr. Junk-son's cottan- at north end. a at one time or another. These may be obtained by the people who sent fruit it they witt can " Bem‘, Me Combs', or Volktt's grocery stores. Operation in Hanover Little Berni" tioeniR. the fl year um daugntrr of Mr and Mrs S. " e- m: of Nortututby. is lying in Hallo arr Hospital. seriously III as the re- cttlt of an operation last week. The tumble has been an abscess below the hip or diamond as osteomyell- tte. The operation, and to be suc- o-ussfnl. was performed by Dr’s How. itt and Stewart of Guelph. and Dr. J. L Eaton of Anon. The little patient is making progress as {an as might be expected. The Hospital have many empty jars and contain": on their hands left there through donations of fruit C. o. F. No “6 will hold thtip monthly meetin on Thursday. Sept. IM. All brethren' re requested to m present as bush! or Importance- “ill ho- dim-unsmt Prof " 'au. the well known or} double Iical Spa-ch t will be at the Hahni House, PM: Sept. 2nd. Headtutc,l Markd: dizziness. m: In: of eyelids. de-l, Durham "artist. vision. re ved through prorrl Ump vrly nun] [last-195. Hon: _ Presbyterian S. s. Picnic The Presbyterian Sunday School bad a gala time at their annual pie nte last Thursday afternoon. held in timnwood's now. 2nd ton., Glen- ely. The weather was as favorable as could be desired and may or the corttrretration as well as the young sit-rs. shun-d in the days' festivities. A softball name was playui and tom mos and svvoral kinds of novelty races indulged in. No picnic in can» plate "but the "eats." These we” bountiful and the scholars voted It: grand day. Poultry Wan" Bring in your ‘w Poultry Monday and Tuesday of . :h week to Peter McLaan’u blacker-it thou (“It cl Hahn Hotel). 1“th market prim-u paid. A. ll. Clements. With so much other nth arrivlnue Wednesday. we regret Glenettt Conn I an minutes have been crowded om' until next week. I v Sold Farm to Clonal. man Mr Jos. Patterson has disposed on his farm on E half lot 2. con ti, Er,. remonl. through the medium ot the Review. lo Jos Young, clouds. Mr. Young Kris possession the lit at September, Mr Patterson partswith this farm with somewhat of u shun. VOL. L, N0. 34 ror he purchase-1i same 50 years ago from the late Russell Wilder and with the exception of one year lathe West has been a continuous resident there. Mr Patterson while much im. provvd in health. u yet unable to walk as the null o a parabtic "trohe hr suffered some time ago. and doubtless he has left his farm- ing days behind him. Picnicltod " Beaver Madam On Thursday, Aug. mm. the Sun. day School of (man St, Church herd its annual picnic to which all the members of the congrenuon wvrcl Invited. A splendid PM!!! of sports had been planned ma winch! all enjoyed. There were also swim- ming contests and one especially which created much manhunt was “In. the may polo sure-den! our the river. This in won by Boyd Catmn. After mum we humans NJ in. mm M. In! - were - a! a not: fIJobelo unanno- Wm. J. Hewitt, Chief Ranger, Wu ”out by all. Then Durham and Dundulk girls clashed in the ttmu, with Daisy Math. er in the box for Durham. Durham got off to a good start with 4 runs but lmndalk came back with to in lat, and tttintps.1oohed blue. in the 3rd. Durham scored 7, batting A. Mont- gomery. Dundalk pitcher. out of the box. After that bad Ist, Daisy Mather pitched a strong game. and aided by smart tielditur, held the easternem in check to the end. The final score was Durham tl, Dundalk 18. and the Durham girls and eight town suppor- ters went wild for a few moments on cinching Grey Co. championship. in which four Districts, with 12 to l.) trams were competing. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 total Durham 4 3 7 o 2 ' 2 21 [mud-ll: 10 3 o l 1 2 1 Is Dundqu I0 3 o l l 2 1 IS Durham's batting order was: Mary Brown. 2ndb; Christene Mecu1treh, et; Florence McDonald. 9.3.; Violet Mervyn, 3rd; Lizzie Hind. LIZ; Daisy Mather. pitcher; Sarah McCulloch. Ci Mani. Ritchie. Istb; Mary Bell, r. l. Town Rate is 48 Mil’s: Same as last Year Itundalk: M. Grier. V. Illbbert. M. Moody. A. Montgomery, E. Rhchip. M. Lockhart. A. Carson, R. Link-y, M. Montgomery. Umpires--- Findlay. Flesherton. at plate; H. Graham. Yandele.ur, ba-sns. The next iemi-tinal was between two other district winners. Dundalk and Mass“, and Dundalk surprise" the crowd by beating the touted Mate sie girls 16 to 5. Musk had a. bril- liant rvcord In their group. but had an on day yesterday. The How-ml meeting of Durham Council, cullrd last Thursday even- ing. pmved to be the liveliest ses- sion this year. for at limes the con- troversy raged fast and furious. Murkdale 3 3 0 o 4 " 3 H Durham 302530114 Empire}. T. w. Findlay. Flasher- ton; M. Henry. erkdale. The main discussion was over the Town Hall renovation. but striking the mn- also lu-nishml a diUetettt'a, ot (minim! L'rvve Bell and Treasur- er lulu-4:» Nought in the town 1-s- timotte, wuirh tequlrvd " 47 hiiil rate 'or i927. This would allow a sutplus of $2300 for contingencies and rpecral wmk. A motion to Mom t " will mio was introduced. l'o"ow- et: bv an an,oadment by Coulis. Hun- (Continued on page 4.) They first met Markdale in the :‘e-mHinals. tttvi won 14 to 13. llurhmu scoring the winning run with two out in last inning. Lizzie Hind pitched this game and it was partly the heavy hitting of Chdstene McCulloch and Violet Mervyn which kept Durham tV heaii. Violet had 2 triples. 1 singlv. and Christene l homer. 2 triples. l Murkdalt- Durham Martin Lauder will Durham's firat player in the worurs, highest hockey circles. the senior professional league, wo'. be Martin Lauder, son ot Mr and Mitt. A. W. H. Lauder, and recent can min or the Owen Sound Greys. Dom- inion champions. Martin’s brilliant record last winter brought him many attractive offers and he intends to soon turn pro. and sign with Boston Bruins at a salary ot $3000 for the winter. and $200 bonus for signing. United Church tiris Won Rev. Jas. Taylor Durham's first Championship Wk?) the School girls. boarder or worm-rs desired. Apply to M Wttt Firth. Durham. _ ' Just arrived-a ea ot Extras. New Brunswick Shingles. Special price. f'ottttratulatioets to RAVE. Lauder who won second plate in ontarhr,_ht writing the greatest number of Indiv. lanai applications tor the Great West Lite Assurance Co. for the bomb ot The monthly meeting of the Wm 93': Institute will be held at the home of In John Bun“. on Thur- sday, Sept. 1atptten addresses will be given by Rev. B. D. Amstm'ng and Mrs B, Stonoottsy. T _ _ _ " was a glorious victory 'at Mark- iiht iiliititttimtt tiltgi, Play Pro. Hockey N. Murdock 7 totai All favored holding the Reunion, one or two not strongly, while Mr. Laidlaw, Dr Grant and possibly one or two others, favored planning for it now and hoHintr it in 1929 whenl hall was entirely renovated, and to give ample notice to far away guns and daughters to secure holidays at the time of the homecoming, The majority of those present how- "lei'. reared enthusiasm would lag and mpenses mount before two years and desired a three or four day eelebration in 1928, the first half ot tivst full week in August. Several gave facts as to the success or non success of the Reunion in other towns, but all felt that with hearty cooperation oi Council and all the citizens. it can be made a tinan. cial and social success. It is realiz- ed that an immense amount ofwork is entailed, but it the enthusiasm displayed by a number at the meet- ing, can be spread over the town, there is no doubt that Durham can put it over big. As one speaker re- marked, we have more old boys and girls to come home, who would like. this opportunity to toretrather, than any other town of its size in Ontario. a public meeting in the Town Hall on Monday night, at which about twenty were present. While more on- thusiasm in attendance may be desir- able, as one speaker remarked, great functions usually arise from small winnings. J. P. Irwin was voted to the chair: he explained the object oi the gathering and asked each indiv- idually for a free expression of opin- ion. Old Home Week Planned in Durlml nex? August The my steps in preparation for an Old Boys' Re-unlon here next summer was taken in the calling of In his four years here, Mr Taylor has "lentifled himself with every good cause. morally and spiritually, and his many triendte here, whilere- netting his removal, will wish for him God-speed In his new field of labor. The new charge is tself-sustaining, has a good parsonage, and carries an Increased stipend. The retiring patstot has consider- able pulpit ability and his gospel messages have lung with the true spirit of "repent and be baptized" and in such a manner as to incite many of his followers to a new life. As a preliminary step, a tentative committee. was nominated or volun. teered comprising RF. Mcilraith. W. A. McGowan. J. P. Irwin, R. L. Sunni er'.N, J. A. Graham, P. Ramage, with J. F'. Irwin as chairman and P. Raur age as Secretary. This committee will secure details ot cost and man. agement from other places which have held simllnr celebrations, ar. nnge for local itttaneial backing and also interview the Town Council at their next session. Another public meeting will then be held at which various committees and officials will be appointed. The appointment to Grimsby is in by the otticiul referee, A. C. Roos of! everyway a rise for Mr. Taylor and Hespeler. President of the 0.A.l..A. l while loath to lose him, would not) The boys started oft at a last pace) keep him back. it has been for and play was up and down the lirlti,‘ some time an open secret that Dur- both homes missing many chancestu' ham could not hold him long andiscore. Finally Fergus broke through‘ now Grimsby is to gain by his set-land in a scramble, batted the bani vices. This call is the mm which; past MeEaehnie, the Durham goulte,’ Mr. Taylor has received in a com- who had no chance to save. Play was paratlvely short space of time. ‘around the Fergus nets for several; The retiring pztstot has consider- minutes, and the Durham boys hull able pulpit ability and his gospell hard luck in not being able to bulge! messages have lung with the true the twine for a counter. Fergus. on' spirit of "repent and be baptized" and some clever combination, netted am; in such a manner as to incite many other goal, which ended the scoring‘ of his followers to a new life. I tor the first period. i Bid: kUds Rte-open Sep.6 The Baptist congregation are cai- led upon to partHrith their pastor at the past four years. Rev. James Tay. lor, who has received a. call to Grim- shy Baptist Church. Mr Taylor ten minutes his services here on the 8rd Sunday in September, the anniver- sary services of the church being held on the 11th prox. Both Durham High and Public Schools will reopen . for the fall term ort"rttetrday, Sept. 6th 'trttyt' Labor Day. It is hoped that all prea- ont and prospective pupils will be m attendance on opening day, that clas- S“ and work may be "pinged ttnd got urder way u speedily as pos- sible. . all-ed to Grimsby DURHAM, With which is incomnled the Holstein Lender The fourth and final frame started with Durham facing a. t-roal deficit, but with that bulldog spirit so char- acteristic in the Durham team. and which never showod to better adam- tage than it did at this time. they went out and took their stard, play- ing their best lacrosse of the season. Fergus goalie blocked many shots, re- sulting from clever combination by the visiting home, but Durham were suc- cessful in getting two past him while holding the home team scorclvm. Score 6-4 at final gong. The return and final game will ho played on Show grounds, Durham at 3.30 p. m. With the championship at stake, some of the best lacrosse sot-u here in years will be staged. This is the. first Provincial tinal Durham “HS ever entered, and with only two goals against them, Durham how are hopeful of finishing on top Saturday. Come out and help them to do it. IAtts ham band will be in attendance. The third herlod started with Dur- ham on the offensive. They peppered them at the Fergus goalie from all angles, and were newarded when he let a long, low shot fool him. This goal gave the Durham boys new hopes but " was short-lived, as Fergus came back strong, and drawing the Durham defence out, slippr-l the odd man in on the Durham goalie. who had no chance to save. Then with tt Durham player serving apenalty. For nus scored, leaving the score 6---e at end or third period. Receives P. 0. lnspectorship The second period started out with Durham trying hard to tind the nets but Lady Luck was against them. Fer- gus scored twice on some good cam- bination plays, then with onlya few minutes left to go, Durham [USE/19 a determined attack and netted their first counter. Fergus 4, Durham l. Mr. Harold McKechnie receivedthe otticial appointment on Monday last from the Dominion Government, quali- ii‘yinx him to be "Clerk of Works" or inspector of Durham’s new Post or. flee now about to be erected. The position calls for his attention to Yattte each day for six months. Thnre were a number or applications for this work, and we congratulate our young friend on his appointment. The tirat semi final game ln 1hrl Town Softball League Tuesday night saw the Night Hawks victorious overl the Black Cats by 22 to 14 in a full) nine-Innings. The features were Jim' McLachlan'a home run ln the 2m! with bases loaded and snappy field. ing by Huglll, Neaves. Sparllng and, Schutz. The tlrtrt two innings ended! a tie, 8---il, but thereafter the Hawks, drew ”my. though the Cats showulK their claws at the close and shut’ out their rivals the last two Innings.) The game was Blamed promptly on time at 3 p. m., the ball being faced by the otticitn referee. A. C. Roos or Hespeler. President of the 0.A.l..A. (in? of the best Midget lacrosse contests ever s',taged in the iiolg was played In Fergus on-Wednesday when the Durham lads battled with Fergus in the thast game of the playoffs tor the Ontario Midget lacrosse cham- pionship. losing by 6 to 4. The losers, the Black Cats, will now play the Peta Friday evening at 6 p. m. in the second genti-fintgl and: the victor that night meets the Haiti‘s: in tinaiss next week, beat two out ot, three games it necessary. l THURSDAY. AUGUST 25. 1927 Midgets Two Goals Behind ; Lacrosse hUs Saturday 123456789toal Night Hawks 262245100 " BlackCats 44020002214 Hawks: McEachnle. R. Burnett, C. McGlrr. R. Swirling, E. Schuu. A. n, McIntyre. pitcher: Guy Kearney, L. Hunt, S. McBeth. Cats: P. Ndlnith. H. Huglll. K. Neaves. D.C Town, J. Meuehlan, Han-y Kress. Toe MoGarlty. pitcher: W. Mecryment, D. Even. catcher. 'Umplm. A. Clements P. Moria-k FOR SALE: hm Apply to Mm. Du vel, Vamey Night Hawks Enter Finals llmlth, H. Hug"), hll Mr and Mrs Gordon Geddes were) Town, J. McLachlan_ n St Mun over the week end viait), 'oe MeGarity, pitcher ' I lug with Rev. and In Burnett and; D. Even, catcher. [also spent I little time en route; Clements P; Moria-k ‘home with Mr and In Reg. 811mm,! _ - ', Fiii Marietta Pork) Stalled. H hi wWevereplouodm-ptnr tt8rtr, W Pekin Ducks.) McNeil of Guam on'My mm D. vel, Domoch. inc In an old PHeeril% boy and left " Chicago on Monday by motor/reacts- wary eft,1ttlti, Ing Wooduock and an old mm by a 'intsht.(txmaairntneotoerersetor 75E _ Rev. and Mm T. W. Cosens of Lyn- den, and their son, Rev. and Mrs C. , De Witt Cotseus and three children oi ISpringtield, were visitors in town o- iver the week end with the rortrirr's lristers, Mri, H. McCrae and Mrs. M. "inechtel. Sunday morning in Knox (Church, there Were tour generations ‘oi this family reiksented, the for. iruer'B aged father being also a “or- I shipper. j Mr and Mrs Harper McGirr or he .n'olt and Ross Lauder of town, vis, lite-d last wi-ek with Mr and Mrs Wit Ehart Blyth, Varney. Miss Florabel Nichol, B. A., re. turned Monday from Quebec, when! she completed her summer courseiu French and other subjects, obtaining 100 per cent In her exams. She also spent a tshort time with Miss Lane at her home In Prescott. Mrs Ball. organizer for the Spiwila people at Niagara, was in town rev (may and states the Company is all set for another year's big business. Dr G. M. Leeson, Miss Margaret and James of Varney, visited Grand Valley friends recently. Mr ard Mrs Geo. Hendermn and family of Karney, New Jersey, U.S, have been visiting the past couple or weeks with his brother Thomas here. Mr and Mrs John Young and fam- ily ot Owen Sound were vistors with his brother Thomas, en route home from visiting their son in Thorolii, Miss M. McNiece, Vurney. has bwu visiting with Paisley friends the past couple of weeks. Mrs J. C. Nichol and son Waiter enjoyed a. holiday of two weeks at Port Elgin Death. Mrs H. Lobslnger and two chum-v11 of Kitchener. is visiting her mother, Mrs Jerry Allen! of the Rocky. Dr. and Mrs Wolfe and Miss Pinw- be were in Tara last week visiting the Dr's lumber. Pq-ler Wolfe. also Mrs Wolfe's brother. The Inner rv malned over for a week. Mr and Mrs A. w. Lauder. "ov. Martin and Miss Warrilow of Owa-n Sound, “shed in Toronto recently. Mr and Mrs Watson Gray of Fort William were guests of Mrs H. Mor- lock and family last week. while on their honeymoon trip to points east. They made it by motor, a (“stance ol 1600 miles. Mr and Mrs John McLean, Shri- burne, Were visitors the first of the week with Mrs McL’s mother. Mrs. Girr. Miss Chrissie McGirr returned with them for a few days' visit. Mr and Mrs V. E. Lewis announce3 the engagement of their slaughter, Ilelen Scott. to Mr George Wells Curzlmia. son of Mr and Mrs Getige Cushnie. Mount Forest. the marriage- to take place this month. . Mrs Witt. Leith of Drontore is vtsit-', 2T.u---er ing lwr sister Mrs Jas Brown "i, "00““. Hunessan this week. , 'iuern I Miss Ethel Hewitt is visiting ml two weeks with her sister. Mrs J. Livingstone. Detroit. Mr Frank Ritchie is visitng for two weeks with his aunt and uncle. Mr and Mrs J. Livingstone. Detroit. Mr and Mrs Green or much mm- vitsitors last week with their cousin, Mrs R. Moorhead. Mr and Mrs James lamb and little daughter Nancy, of Toronto, Were visitors the first of the week with Mr and Mrs W. R. Alder. The Misses Creative“ from near', Cornwall spent over the week end with Mr and Mrs Moorhead. One or' the sisters was on the staff of the High School here I. yen ago. i Mr and Mrs Waller Porter am ho] idaying for two weeks with the lat tvr's mother in Penetang. Mr Wm. Hunter and son of Terra Cotta, near Georgetown, spent the firtrt of the week with his sister. Mrs David Ritchie, Upper Town.' Mr and Mrs Ernest McGlrr were visitors with the formers mother OI er the week end. previous to taking up homematrintr in 0331mm. Rev. and Mrs John E. Bell return- ed Friday last from their titv to Eastern Ontario and left Tuesday bv motor for Brookdale, Man. . Mr and Mm Wm Campbell, Town to, are spending this week at Mr. J D. McFayden’a, Edge Hill. Mr and Mm Murray Smith andi family of Brighton are spending their, holidtys with his parents. Mr and Mrs John Smith. ', Mr. D. Pugh, Toronto. visited over the week and with Mr T. Henderson and family. l EXHIBITION GAME Arrangements had been made for Walkerton girls to play Durham here [Friday night, but as they later 'qttst word they could not come for a Ye! days. Chesley girls were secured. ,Dtu‘ham presented an attractive any ‘ penance in their natty new scaziet land black sweaters. The visitors (If-t not arrive until 7 o'clock but proved ,thetnselves a snappy team, winninga !tlghtly contested game in seven in- .ninga by " to 8. The visitors always ;held the lead though Durham tied it -up at end of 2nd and Mh innings. I Mrs Koch and children. Wani. Myrtle and Arthur. are visiting with I minivan in Kitchener this Week, 3 Master Harry Howell, Toronto, is Iholidaying with his cousin, Boycr.in . Upper Town for a few weeks. Miss Katie R, MeAulitte, nurse-In- training at St Michael's hospital. Tor- onto, its spending a few days at homo in Upper Town. Rev. and Mrs Jas. Moore (Genie, McComb) and five sons ot Arcana. are holidaying with her parents in town for a. couple ot weeks. Miss Wright, teacher, Vttndelettr, was the sues} of the Misses Scarf a couple ot days his! week, after hav- ing the hospital, where she had beets a patient. Miss Gnce Baird with "like David Miss Ghee Baird with litm- David and Catharine Rowland. arr visiting in Embro for a couple of weeks. Chesley Durham Mrs Albert Hooper and sister, Miss Mldred Leeaon visited Walnmduy with old friends at the Review Or.icts. Miss Mildred has recently attended the ttteat Educational Congress in Toronto and wants to be able to at- tend the next. two yenrs hence, which meets at Geneva,iMvitseHttnd. Mr um Mrs Thos. Henderson and family returned the first of the week after two Winks spent at lnverhuron Belch. CHESLEY GIRLS WON A visitor in town last week was Mr R obt. Cochrane of Winnipeg, who Is I. son of the late Adam Coch- rane. who tuurtv1 largely in the buss iness life of Durlum over 60 years ago. Mr Cochrane has been over 30 years In Winnipeg, but is glad to meet the few old friends In his birth. place who remember early Durlmm. Priceville. ttrat culling on his old friend, John A McDonald. who per- hay: is more "ettrmrentativas ot Price- vllle than any other mun living. Dr. McNel's name lives in “McNeil's cemetery". the fine (In he made to the village and community. Durham: Ellen Hay, EO=°=°=U Willilns’ Luxury Slum: (new. Urge lube. . . .. Mc Minty’sSMvingCream.... ........... .......35c Ceieraatcltitrcreattt r................'.....'. 50c fitmyi" Sticks. Soaps, Brushes, Slrops. Runs. (in. WILLIAMS 45m vein _ -- The atsioattifie “tor-uh “in. prepuntion...50c bottle B. McBETH Published woeuttt a ".oo I you In “was. In United m 81.50 a year In advance. 6. m3 & ION. Putnam:- The Royal Bank tta8 of Canada J3urhaat Branch - J. A. Rowland, Manager SHAVING REQUISITES ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 10 Lizzie Hind, 043 l; total l FARM FOR SALE l 200 acres on Provincial Highway INo. 6, four miles south o; Durham. under cultiuuon balance moods and Inns“!!! land. Good want". Now In ,school and church. largv barn an x ;65 um! good outtntNtnvs. : man» Home. Apply to Wm. (Emu. Mr For .est. Ont. llknlBlili's Drug Sim ANDERg0N-GRAMFrrT--- At Trier ity Church. Barrie, on 20th inst. by the Rev. Canon Reiner, ambled by the Rev. All. Beverly, Mary Dor- othea. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry J. Gmsett, to “macaw under Norman Russell Andenton, Rorat Cancun Air Force ind son of Mrs Anderson. HnmmM. Chaley: Clam Catnpbe!l, PJM‘R son. Louisa McLean, M SIIH'hl. Mum Holland. L. Sun-Han, Mair) Bollard Varnn Gran Ip), Kate “Himmler. Cut%tine McCulloch. Florence Mr Donald. Gmce Baird, Dairy Huh", Violet Mervyn, Sarah McCulloch, M. Brown. AUGUST CHINA SALE Kodakl, Fitme, outlmt Suppli“ Developing and Priming. Our whole stock of CHtNA C CUT GLASS Induced 20 pact. USE W!LLS' SALT Regutar Itre Rail " 20¢: Roll .. Me Roll Man 4 Wall Paper Specials 1 Biliousneas. Mre Ir'-l' an Me 75e MARRIED Roll Roll tor for for for tor tor tor Inf 12c "e 19c 28e 290 39c 59c

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