West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Aug 1927, p. 4

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Durham High School Middle School Results 1 In the by!" School exam results rudiments of Durham High School in aluminum at Owen Sound and Illmovor, scored 100 per cent succrss. thuralululom to all. At Owen Sound Jean Mlngham took 4 tirskvs. 2 seconds. 1 third. t credit: Marjorie Ritettio 2 tirsts. , -o.v- -. - a. - nun-d an! you watered. drilled wen, um! house, hank barn and silo. mu- ". works in Mable. For fttrther pu- h-‘ulnrs tum-iv to Geo. S. Lawrratee. au, Fond. Ont. l I DURNAM STUDENTS PAS- o'S.D AT o. SOUND a HANOVER Arnett, ill-dull! ... third. Grace .......' Heston. Mary ....c. Blown. Mary ....... Volvo-on. Geo. .r... Fitter, Henry .... 02mm. Nor-n ....' Havvnn. Seaman ... Hay. Bum ....r.... bib-l. Fmr.abrth. .... Kearney, Blanche .., rimmey. Risk ..... Inwson. John auction“. “mm Hebe-u. Sarah ..... "erAutttte. John .... "eAutttte, Manuel. McCullocb. George . McFadden, Mama , Marshall, manor .. Inn». Inn .......... Mom. Clifton! ...r ' Moon. Eunice ...... Moon, Oscar ....... Hartley. XXIII: ....r Mountain, Vera .... Hltavets, Emu! ..... ammo, Damm- ... Robinson. Alma .... Tlnianov. Harry .... 'l‘nynor. Junk ..... Vilma. William ..... f c , 1 t'ottr,tt, Donna ...... c 3 e c I t c 2 .1th School Medal awardn! to Eleanor Marshall wounds. 2 think. 5 credits Good may at In container. "I" Indians "and.“ honors. "e" Indium. I imss. "2" hum-um Second-dues hours. "t" Minter: fallow. "3" ham!” Third-ch35 honors. _ . Ittt "was good had. ION ' and 4. n. 'M. ts'e. ‘emont. good man. well Though Colo-Ia Cu; opt-ted ira, principal ”(an mu. nun sum non TORONTO muwwmwhmwmw-udmmuwm Travel Fl “Mo- "- R. Madman, Town Ticket Agent, Durham, Ont. WM. A. MacDONALD. Countess St. Durham FOR SALE OR RENT - _ - wvuu- 'v-IVI‘II h“ Rprio Hun Int '.%'tt'siar/t'4sa"'tat'.trr't-t wt” Mtia 'f,g,N'Tv.git; mm. '10- Motio..oht Ont-do Smith‘s In“... all Pd"tta 7mm. on lab Ont-do h tioLCGaTuGiTic%Ti."iiiiiirJ; It.” I My. In“. AUG. 30th{ i7iaTGi7dC"iTaTIlrrara"'d Piet 'ares',' r"l.eMeht,',"g','ate f «Fm-“fluthhMMfldemhMWMM F‘u‘M 'hes-.g.Wuu.iac Tm . W. SEPT vo/ waWPmu-‘mumnguuaMu Amtorizel lord Dealers since 2914 $15 Je 25,000 HOHEY FOR SALE I would like to be one of" the first, In town to see FEW FORD. Please notify me when the NEW FORD is unilahle for inspectlon and send me details of your plan co ensure me an early delivery Ir I decide I want one of the NEW VOIDS "er, I see that. Name..... We a m. in your L Tth To WmiitrEG The New Ford Address............ Bessie This obligates me in no way SMITH BROS. MAIL Tng COUPON TO-DAY dit-a.- ln than. tho m pe 9.0: Cu“ rgtf..'let. 1'W, 5 When ronslderlng your printed re. 'tytiremonts, consult the Review. [(‘nreful and prompt attention given xbusines‘s stationery. prize lists. pm grams. foldvrs, factory forms. anc- ilion sale bills. etv. and orders taken tor counter cheek books. Phone 6. The successful ones writing at Hanover are: Kathleen Milne, Mar. Jore Pickering and (Forge Hay. The latter though only in attendance at Hanover School sums, Jan It. and ' days a week secured 3 thirds and 2 credits. Smith 1 am, 4 oacotris, I third.-1 credit. ln Middle school Hams Martin Lauder was snot-955111] in the lam:- nan-s, completing his Matrlculatlon. The Canadian National Exhibition Waterfront Is I“. miles in extent. New houw. all modern convmvltn- res, posawaaion Sept. lat. Apply to H .8 Grill or phone 117F'. FOR SALE OR RENT Harvesters Wanted r"t".teee.eyr-.rseyy-or.wua....e-a humans-chm; MIT-Unto, hum-1......“ 13 years depe ndable service RETURN“ tao hem WINNIPEG Bu ri out an I‘lr. mine _ _ - A - ”in: to Wind” tor and Arnold Noble that " mills tie rate to provide safer workingmar- gin. This Was supported by Coon. McClocklin while the Mayor. Conn. Noble and Reeve Bell voted against. This made tt' 8--8 tie vote, and a- mendment was declared lost, and the motion for " mill rate carrial. The rate is made up as follows : _ Public School ........ 12 3-10 mills, High School ............4 510 mills “How 535 .............. 6-10 mills Bylaw 552 ............ 14-10 mills By-law 578 .... ..........1 mill lly-law 639 ...............2 mill By-law 735 ..............13-10tui." By-law 756 ................ 8-10 mill By-lnw 795 ............... 4-10 mill Ity-law Mit ..............2 240 mill County Rate ............ 6 7-10 mill Library ........... .....l 3-l0 will General ................ 12 bl" mill " mills The question of installing a. new heating system now in the Town Hall, was intrrdueed by Coun. Hun- ter and was the storm centre of an hour and a halt argument. All Cav- cred it but the Mayor Reeve and Coun Alb. Noble wanted the decision held on till next meeting and secure more definite estlmntes. Coun. H m. ter retorted he had "ures now at $600 for two furnaces a very rear. enable sum, and wished to let con- tract " once while the renovat‘on was proceeding. The mayor and Conn. Noble wished to issue debexr tures for several thousand "ollttrsttttd completely renovate the hall new. brick veneerlng. renhingllng and wat- ing as well :whlle Conn. Hunter and others favor spending between one and two thousand a year on It till renewed, and pay costs each year without expense of debentures. No agreement was reached and the que'v tion will be settled in Sept.when full Council are present. At the Queen St. Parsonage, on August 12th, the marriage was ml- eutnfxed of Nellie Marie Fhtlklnghtttn, daughter of Mr and Mrs Nowell FNkiturham, to Mr Alfrrn Batesonul' Toronto. The bride was becoming” dressm in pale pink crepe with lace trim ming.; and hat to match. Members of me bride's family Were prem-nt at the ceremony, which was per- formed by Rev. H. S. FThbas. The happy couple will ream» in Toronto. Tho record attendance for a single day at. the Canadian National Exhib- ition was made on Labor Day, 131:6, when '258,000 people passed through the turnstiles. Town Rate is a Hil's RATE-ISO)! -- FALKiNGHAM (Continued from page 1) HYMENEAL the .. 4-10 .3 240 6 7-10 .1 3-10 12 5-10 mills mills mills nulls mill mlll mill ( mill mill mill will mill mill l, "The public urn of British Colum- {bia has sustained an irreparable loss .in the passing of Premier Oliver. He ‘was a man ot splendid physiquc.bril- Iliant intellect. and remarkable pc-Wer of analysis. No task was too arduous no problem too intricate to daunt the power ot John Oliver. The acid tcst ihe applied to all his problems was: i'Hs this decision in the public inter. Thursday of Int week the Premier of British Columbla. “Honest John" Oliver, passed :wuy ntter several months' Illness. though “ways able to consult and advise. He took a sudden turn for the worse and trttea at his home before his physfvittrt could be summoned. The passing of this statesman calls for comment. Not many years 'P.go his father pulsed away in Ammo-sin where his family are well-known. a nephew. Farqnhar Oliver, being Rort'lt Gmy’s member in the Legislature, The deceased visited his father a: in- tervals and it was the writers Drivi- lege to meet him on his Last when here and to form a high opinion of his mental calibre and his worthy manhood. He wished to retire some time ago. but his colleagues persuaded him to keep on, and a Liberal caucus amenity ago nominated J. D. McLean. Minis- ter of Pitttutee and Exiudaiion, trunki- up his work as acting premier. I-lets is what McLean said of the deceased premier: est, Ire was a man of the people by birth and temperament, more pro.0cr ent In the rugged arts of the pioneer than any other Canadian statesman. Miner, farmer, Woodsman. engim-cr, stone mason. he brought to the Pun Inlershlp a first-hard knowledge at the pioneer’s problems that gyro-ally, helped him. He was born July M, 1856. in Der. byshire, England, second son of Robt. and Emma Oliver. His father. all,» inully a farmer went into the min. Ing business in John's youth. A few years in elementary schools cum- prlsed John’s school' days. Hid 11th birthday found him a donkey boy in his father's mine on half time. At age of twelve years, he quit school, and entered on the business ot col- looting eggs and Selling them at Bu; ton market. He bought a pony and In his public and private life, his straightforwardness was recognized, and so he earned the worthy title of "Honest John", and who could wish a better , . His wife was Elizabeth Woodward, and of the eight children born to them, tive sons include a doctor, a lawyer, mineralogist, a. soldier and a farmer. Four of the tive are Uni- versity graduates and a daughter is a school teacher. The tryout against reckless and carciéss driving or motor cars im out public highways. does not we Fear. reach the eyes and ears of some vi our young men, or reckless men or any age, who give rise to the cry-out. Only the stern hand ot the law can reach that class. either try arrest. thre irttpt8soument, or Cancellation of li. centre. A cuuai glance at our ex- ch'mges led us to write out a few cart and as a farmer's agent, slid well for a few years. At the use of fourteen, he. emigrated with his fa- ther to Canada, settling in Welling- ton Co. John entered with vigor into his fathu-‘s farming duties and be. camo an expert farmer, as well as an expert wcmlsman. He dug wells, and in tho quarries blasted stone and it is said that one of the crafts he was proud of to the day of his fit-am was that of stone mason. in 1x77 he migrated to D. c., and worked as an axeman for the C.P.R. He took up tt homestead, built brid- ges, bought and operated himself a threshing outfit, and was amongst the first ilcencees as steam engineer in B. C. in the Delta district, he built dykes and ring drains. and dabbled in politics. in 1898 he made an ex- tempore speech which attracted at- tention. Soon he was recognized as a debater of merit, and 1900 found him in the Legislature. He ran in 1909 tor two constituencies and was defeated in both. He went back to his farm and dykes tor seven years. In 1916 we find him in the Legisla- ture again, now Minister of Agricul- ture, and on the death of Premier Brewster, John Oliver was made pre mier, and as such to his death, many benetieeat measures stand to his credit. A great and good man has gone,' given. Mrs. D. Lamb gave. a splend- but his career carries many lessons. id report ot the Convention held in gDurham, Mrs Wm. Noble and Mrs ----_---- (rt. Lawrn'nce contributed instrument. al music which was much enjoyed. THE MODERN JUGGERNAUT Mrs J. Caswvll gave a paper on “Or- The cryrnut against reckless and any: and Lemons" and Mrs p.Stvw- careless driving of motor cars onom art one on "A day oft.". There was public highways, does pot we '.'var, also community singing and a ques- reach the eyes and ears or some m tion drawer. Mr, It. A. McGiilivray our young men, or reckless men or or Kitchener dropped in at the close any age. who give rise to the cry-out. of the. meeting and sang several songs Only the. stern hand or the law can which were appreciated. it was de. reach that class, either by arrest. tine ciao! at this meeting to send fruit to impttsoament, or cancellation of li. Durham Hospital, also Sick Cttod. cense. A casual glance at our pr. ren's Hospital, Toronto. The Nation- ch-mges led us to write out a few al Anthem closed the meeting 1nd I __ [dainty lunch was served at the close. _ ',The next meeting will be held It tho home of Mrs Herb. Hopkins on Sept. . 8th at 2 p. m., when ell ladies are WWI: to invited. “HONEST JOHN" OLIVER DEAD. “tummrmom. H Abouan In Health- Civing Cod-liver 9n SCOTT’S EMULSION Susceptible to Coughs and Cold: ? You Are Probably THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Greenoett'---'Hit and run motorist tin- odu-'C- damaged in collision' - ‘thed into new sedw' ...-.'tyx your old child missed death by a mlncle' ---'Ford coupe hit a sister coupe send- ing it to the ditch' --'Dodge sedan struck a buggy; bugxy badly smash- ed and nothing worth while left a- bow the chassis in the cat" -Toron- lo man in serious condition followtng motor crash' ---"rwo men killed when nun-s colllde' --'Motor our and trunk meet in Motion collision,’ etc. om modem headings such i _ The Aberdeen branch ot the Wo. 'men's Institute held their monthly meeting at the home ot Mrs. Wm. NoNo on Friday afternoon. There were twenty-six members and eight visitors present. After the opening exercises, and business had been con- (eluded, an interesting program was 'given. Mrs. D. Lamb gave a splend- GLlDlON---.In loving memory of our beloved an only daughter Clara. who died Aug. .1924. use " years Far and on our ttta do wonder, To n grave not (a any; Wherr they laid our ling daughter Just three you: a My. . Donotnakttaitwe 'hor. Oh. there's such a. v at place: We on think we hear he minnow. Or we see her smiling . Sweet is the word rel-an . As those few lines will . ' You Jtit always be remain . la the urs that come and . --.49adly missed by r. can Such is the work irt this modern Juggernaut. that takes toil ot the pleasure this modern vehicle can and does furnish. The speed tlend is a public menace: surely the resourcvs of? modern reatraintive legislation should be a match for the menacu With no fewer. than 425 entries in the great Marathon swim being sug- ed in Lake ammo. by the C. N. Ex- hibiton on August 3lst, the truth ot the old saw that "Misery loves com- pany" is bound to be esompMed. The winner tn such a contest will have world wide time. as well as $50,000. Quite. a number or women have entered and entranta oofne from allover the world. The start ls bound to have some comedy stunts, while there will be tragedy for over 400 aspirants. The offering of big money prize for aeroplane ftittttts has led to ex- traonilnary activity In the air. Flights east and west across the At- lantlc since Lindbergh led the way pmmlsea to become common in spite of the fact that Nungesser and Coll ward, have apparently met tlmlr death In Labrador or adjolning coasts. as no trace ot them can be found. The Paeltie Ocean has also turu.h ed tragedies. Flights “on: California to Honolulu have taken place and on Saturday Art Goebel, Hollywood and Martin Jensen. Honolulu. received $25,000 and $10,000 respectively for their success. J. D Dole, the donor. making the presentation himself. one wanna may have met death,for the yhave not been seen since they went oft. The woman. wtth two men in one or the planes. was Miss Dor- an. a Michigan school teacher, who had ambitions as an aviator. An ac- tive search ha been made for the two pines but without success at this writing. Not only these but one of the searchers, the “Dallas Spirit" on its errand of mercy, has also gene No word came from them, silence followed. justifying the conclusion that they law also met death on PatMe waters. It is to be feared that the hurry and excitement to be first to win the prize may have led to overlooking something that was necessary for safety. The paths of every new en- terprise on land and sea is strum with deaths and aviation is no ex- ception. The conquest of the air may yet be made but at present it is in tho pioneer stage. It least for long tilghts. Other Pacific Ocean meters in runes called “Golden Eagle" and “Miss Donn" carrying tour men and A tanker vessel reports having seen thtrett about 300 miles west on San Fransisco. It waited tor Jay- llght but found nothing, the smut ocean koeplng its secrets. THEY'RE AWAY NEXT WEEK Aberdeen Institute Meet AVIATION TRAGEDIES IN MEMORIAF ailing . rem . rs xrttt . ' remem . come and . d by r. l "tsd tr as the follow- " Mr and In Wilfrid Buck andtwo children and Mr and Mrs Wm Stew- art of sum Sundtyed " 'the Plenu- er home. Mr Clifton nose". H sister of Toronto. visited -- A _ ___ “A alllc- v- __..7 sister. Mrs “ember New. Recent vlaltorl at the home Stewart wove: Mr Jim. Puma: and two sons and Mr and I Putherbbugh of London: was Stuart and Mather Harold W Toronto. , - ‘A “dunk, .............; "unease. your mm:- nnd bushes: Into the public mind ml ‘thnt when mph think of anything. ,' in your line, they connect mum»; with it. The business that la were»; ttred keep. in outlet With mm- ot tttttnes oven-5.1m '. V in" mi Mrs Rom. new Kitchener viyited recently Lem McPhul are holidaying u the ML- Cornnck home. Mrs Geo. Nichol, Br Ind dauxhter Alberta. are spending n few ween with the tormer's dmgbter, Mrs Jno Lynn. - - n-‘j_.,‘" 'cmnq ”mm- mm “Ruler Want Ads To up In mr to you ll you tele, pbone. Our phone No. to C. Mr and Mrs Its (:00ch Jr and Miss Goodwell. Wm Henderson of Glenelx, were Mr Arch. lemurs Sum” Mr Harvey ouoreil of hos Cal. with Mr Ind Mrs S DI and Master Dick, spent end in Stratford. --M'..9._r. I‘ll 'll'I put two Sands”. There will be no service am Sunday but the pastor. Rev. Mr Mcwmun I: expected back (or the Irst Sunny In September. Cu“ Ill .P_.-"""""'" Mr and Mrs E. McKinnon ind daughter. Toronto. spent a couple ot Guys with Mr D McQurrie and [am- ity. - --_ l __I_6-.,. Ella“ "J. Mr W. J. Smith and sister Ellen. of Crawford, vlslled Monday with their Mater, Mrs Jno McDonald. -7,__-_ u. nu; .llll Jack is progressing favorably after Mailed“: uccldent. Mm iiiii',srdrier,son of Hannah-r, spent a holiday under the panama] Mr and Mrs Thos Hood, Miss Dory othy Walker and Mr Hodgens of Tor-' onto, also Chm Rudolph. Hanover, visited " the Lynn home Sunday. t Miss Ella Edge, Toronto, spent a couple of weeks at her home hero. i Barrister G. W. Skovm and hm children', Helen and Alex and Him Elaine fekene, all of Calgary, accnmlr panied by his sister, Mrs W. J. Mn Gregor and son Donald of 1huteey, Ont., spent a very pleasant holiday} " "the Mlples' Int week. I Mr and Mr: Bob Mortloy 1nd Rum with Clus Manley. Victor Wintatutr, and Mm McKechnle visited with Mr‘ and Mrs J. J. Honky of Arthur on; Sunday. We are planned to my that'; 1:01; h, -.-.----_r_, - _ "if!" 71an Mrs Herb Hopkins and raw fly, Sundnyed at A. Ashtey's, Walk- erton. _ inane! Mrs D. Clarli and children of o. Sound, visited friends on the line recently. "iii,/im,wri rand Miss Cassie of Han over, visited at Hugh Mclman‘s we ently. Mr and Mrs Lumsden and family ot Tomato, visited Sundsy at the home of Mr Archistir, Mr L.A, McLean and sister Cath. erlne of Rocky Ssugeen. spent Sun- dsy with Reeve and Hrs McDonaH. Mlsses Hilda and Pauline Blerwonh and Messrs Andrew Milne and II. Bierworth were the guests Sunday of the Henderson and Geo Hustle families. Mr and Mrs Wm Duer and son ot : St c, o. Sound. were Sunday visitors at' ston, the home of Archie Hustle. iwm) Miss Myrtle McLean ot Rocky Sau-' Mr seen is the guest this week of Miss funil Florence McDomId. Inn 1 'Mr and Mrs Kirby and daughter, Dorothy, also Mrs McDonald and son Dunean, all of Flint, Mich.. visited“ the home of Mrs McDonald's broth- er. Duncan McArthur the. past was-k, Miss Annie scuierrix' Sound, ls épendlng her holidays with ho-r par- ents in Glenelg. . The C.Y.P.S. held a social gather- Ing " the home of Reeve McDonald on Thursday last. Two sides were chosen when our society began. The winning side was to be given by the losers at end of year. Mr Douttald Hutie's side was ahead by M. The 2 captains. Herman Blerworth and ‘J Hastie are to be congratulated on the interest they took in their ttwtttt1. tendance throughout the entire year. After a. sumptuous reput the mem- hers ot the Society which number over 100 Journeyed to the church for the program. Misses Elsie Boyce 3rd W. Blyth of Vnmey. favored the audience with well rendered solos. Mr Dan McDon- ald nve a comet solo which was a treat to the audience. Miss Mary White recited and the meeting was closed with benediction by Rev. Mr Young. Our ennui meeting is to be held in the no; future when new at tieertt will be elected for next term. Mrs Jno. McDoupll. Harniitoldi, visiting at present with her son Jim. A_d\'ertishg CRAWFORD Arnold ot Want!!! and Mrs LATONA TGa ot Dos Angelo-s. and Mrs S Dive}; baby Dick. spent the I've): Mel-June": Goodwoll, James II, Wm and 31153 r, were guestsor the home of D. um tor I no. Putter-touch lawn m Mr and Mrs B. covery for on.' was Jeanie hoped for. Harold Watt ot Mr and Hood, Miss Dor- loculvny of entIY the Me Home“: and ed with their u the Mc. Mr WI MI I“ Ion Mom-- l Cheney uni It and Mrs A Wm . of an one town. wind at ",, Brown's Int - to but um Mum Joi F Helm ot Aberdeen had to tv. 'trt outed upon today In Durham H“. Mtat for agrpemdtettits. Dr Brad Jr: Seton m the “moon. A 'cpridy r - tor this bright littie lam“. I l Mr and In Wm Lunnoy mm M: land In Henry Spiel m Hay-mm 1rsot1Trt to Hlmllton. Niagara REL ISt Cathlrlnu. Guelph and lama-q non. nll enjoying a pleasant 1mm, [Vial their may fHetttis. Mr m Mm D. H. McDonald 9:1 “any, will.“ been visiting v I [In A. mum-k. spent Tuna-4;. I Owen Sound. Mr Holmes of Durham will l, i' the IBM“. SEMI! 2ttth, inst In '), absence of our pastor. On Sup! C' ‘- Rev. I CKekhttrtort will be tro:, J take charge of his own “with; in Witt union! of man: w ' seven! darts Iut week with het fer', In. In And. [halls and Mn v, Brown. We extend mutulalmn her answer Marin who won m. ver cup donned to the best r" . it the milled festival in Walton _ um mm long of Walkrmon l , In; second. We are also pun». , know that Mr "tnes Mil". Srst In the tenor solo class. Ree. uni In Couch. MLS,, Maw and "In White of Woodstork VI '. In Kenneth Mekeruie ol Thom u. (whose daughter tg married m tl, Mr Coach's son) were visitor, u -) Hrnd In A.C. McDonald tia o' (My. Rev. Conch was I former 7m, ,, at Crawford Methodist Church n 30 you: Mo. Mrs Mekenzi, , ' cousin to Mr A. C. McDonald Messrs Fred Lunacy. Geo Jr Arch. Price cum- by motor br ., Miettitran Friday last an! syn-m re enl by: with Mr and Mrs Wrv, u my and funny. “I " Wing 111-me A,l M " Cam Mr Will Mekeetutie has il,'rt ' " In I W; ”chino: an: _ mm its - of ths, s., Durban in spending a In di, " [ the home ot her uncle. Mr I) l F _ Mr Cod] lehyden, Straw. , ' m' . tow data with hm 1 _ W Helm. In J. o. Greenwood. Mi,, A and later Gordon of Zion, I, 'r. guests or Mr and Mrs Wm hm..- Sundny. Mr Wiibert and H’iw a spent I few hours at the salm Am In Penna and duuxhtm- um Danton, spent Sunday with M: ln IN Mckeehnie and dauzhm- Nl,, They also callrd at the horn" tr' F Andrew Katie. Mr and Mrs Wm 1.4le”: ' chlldren of Brant and Mr, 2' McDonald of Crawford ”mm _ with the McLean fantllic: Mr Roy Thompson, Pinshu., home to uttend his mums .. Mr Albert Reid, son mu .an Itsttbet Mettuarrte ol TUIUH‘H Yukon With Mr ard Mis I. V. the In: ot the week. Min um Lunom. Fin: -mding I» Week with her , I!“ Catharine McLean. Mia. Bull: Lowrance is 'r' "In Week In Mt. Forest. Mr and In A. C. McDonald '.2. - “tended smwives in Up In; ttat church Sunday. Miss Sudl- NI, Donald manned with them 'tr' Veelt'l vhlt with her many m- 1. '., Sorry to hear Mrs Jas, McKay-J 1 1 threatened with appendicitis mm the treatment of Dr Smllh, m- u hope the will recover without y' (t' much. Mr Ind In Albert Midrllv “In” Injury. spent Sun: Mr and Mr: Neil McLean. We m plotted to have tsir', for I time In. Mary Mmmlr. tho In." Jean Long am ji Hartley. The U.F.W.O. held an it." meeting It the home of Mrs N! Melon: last Friday. Quit" a I of members were present and T nttendnnce ot visitors. l') pleased to hnve Miss Mat-Phu' with In and enjoyed her um, ' Western trip. The next nun-'1' he held at the home or Mre “drum. on Sept. 9th. The lymnlth)’ of the col: E. ‘ " emndod to M” A. Thmm-sw: - over the death nrhunm¢ father. The funeral to Mapirv mm Monday was Imuv (Intended tor mt Week l Mr and In Leslie Tuff and ter Glen: of Toronto. hi'" week end with Mr Ind Mr, awn-once. Mr Cunpbell McLean Ls u few days in Stratum]. Mr Ind In Geo. Searle ;.'. Will of Guelph. and Mrs um hull of Bentlnck. axe Spendin: din with their brother, WIli u. AUGUST " mm Flu-vest II In tall swing Iln rd Marv bright lm ROCKY MUGEEN J. but: and ttttle daue week's budget l and Man ht Mr 91 M il tt Ir Henry Wu gaunt. wife and an " mum: on _ <tr, brother W.G. an and Louise ho- 10th con. Prom union being G. McCormack “zoning wo mum: our: the Hunt. The "Mu Tp. w in continuousl 710': In Mn] ' her Saviour b: "ter she was Re.. Donald F Mr Rom. Mr? 1-'tttt In Tom It. .IIIL Me 1- Mr Fred Rur fro-nun. are til holidays with Ir [BI Alice Rt Mr M. Dingwa do“ for the In! It -gtatrty " lit 1‘01 sage! of Rev. Mrtju Rev. Walter Ni Mother on the uyof the xiila an: Sunday to z I. "e ttttent (may holidays vn h s In Barth-m up E T-to. " ll Pr"s" may renown-d tho house, etc. Th.- tum-ml Pena-son Van I. in). her nun- "th con. P iaurtit.v m' I In C. MCI Get our Price Royal House-L d 1' on: a $utesetic Flour, Ftv, ha o Canada Plum. p'. t King Edward ”our, ' Feed Flour. pm true, Pantry Flow. 2! m ts Pilot Flour, per but; . M Ira! Flour. rm We Prue Huh. " mos DELIVERED Us Custom Ch Best Qualit hs Always Take: Women's [Ha Sires Child‘s “hire “in” White totie (inc Pair. ?.6 Child's White Lisle One Pair. 2is Child's White (one One Pair, Ii J. S. McILRA Women's "lack I All Ar BLATtrr4Fttfttt" can: noun-s BIG so am PRICE (TM JOHN HENDER AUGUST 25 THE P H Hosie u t "ttend buy. Wear M Support H U

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