West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Aug 1927, p. 7

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ttor EU attre at5 mt Tim philosophers qrgo an to step on-.v:.rJ and upward, but the modern World Is moo”: antenatal tn m cm. _ l. "l ' \pvriem'u of a young bankert l , V nth-r eight years at absencgl si",,. 211“] at the station of the town oti r t,' birth. There was, despite " ex-‘A MAME-35L. no one on the platform, “hum he knew. No one' Disco“ Um? no sought out the name I”. hr L trirml since boyhood. To Pr) at I: .:.t he would be welcome. and IO! mu about to extend I has"! - In'. when the other spoke ttmt. "Hello, George." he laid I‘M'l mmy 'r'---.'- Yorker. "What do you think of Mr. M?” "t h. my; one of those poop]. that '" ynu ax the back before your taco. in! bu l wx in the eye behind your hock." A Man Who Does Not Like Cats Mum to the ho oy" who has In: is rarely, we I might be. In 1 have to report uperience ot I her eight Veal 1.. straight out Into tho dol- pmnrng. New Mexico. land. "u!rlii, in which live. an old mm (.‘uwbvy. better known 'lr l'l ' old Tom nukes his gunning gum and doing odd t r myth; and mining elmm. by Fred t‘urnelinn " tt mum-f pmspector's cabin. mm at him, the have“ Dummy, ten miles away. My has no pets, nor does . He says; that If he takes audio horse and two put 1:4 dune n-plenty. He does r dogs; and as for cats. t ran'l stand their pres- the old man In a kind- "V. He has been known wn life In climbing to the legraph pole to rescue I that had kittens under a I lengthen, old Tom bade , and mounted his horse ride home. Tho return m, more quickly, for it hot now, and the horse t to his coniforuhlc quar- c could rest. arrived at the cabin, old Ind the horse um! pm able. then went up to th. t some hay. As be new get the hay. he heard a most (mused him to turn- o loft. It was the meow Loohintt under one side M. he new three kitchen. nuugh to open their eyes. rot dotrott know About um man said In I loud 'tr kittens and ten miles heir mother. Sure wish nl a-Lold me she fetched 'rr. it nun-o would have Darla at Moment, w the home town of the o has made good in the 1y, we have understood. be. In connection with o report the particular. tht sloes not W) to town (:v'suary; and when be In best part of a day l his home there and h the this ht la ty 8mm me eat He m hay who to and a eat tscratching tried to drive had definitely her home; so mm and nude wit. The old when he went He tried 13am only ran bark UP n mcepted her was ttred.-. nth ba be when Gray's have _ get tired ma tt I A medicine for tho baby or growing , umwhlld~one that the muher can tel.) put Insured is absolutely sntn as well as m. t Mcient--is found in Baby's Own licl it. let». The Tablets are praised by d “thousands ot mothers throughout the ttnrlcountrr. These mothers have found gowlby actual experience that ihero is no side I',',?,',',,', medicine tor iittio ones to equal wens them. (men a mother has used them ”litor her children she will use'nothlng tottt else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles oud Hutt, Tanrock Island, N.S.. writes: lies "I hare ton children. the baby being wish just six months old. lhavo used 'ry',',',':,,?',',' Own Tablets for them for the, ave past 20 years and can truthfully mir 'that I know of no better medicine for| 'om little one». I always keep a box of; P attbe Tableau in the house and would) lav. advise all other mothers to do Bo." [ he Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all hit. medirine dt'alf'r" or will be mailed up- and on receipt of price, 25 cents per nox, ,mlby The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brcckville, Ont. the be A judge tho ottier day halted his court until a woman present rolled up her Mac-kings. Probably he is a pret- ty keen Judge. It you have tried to dig any worms lately. you’ll understand why Coolidge has changed to tiieg. hli) IEhsii' MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Baby".) Own Tablets. "Queen of Shanghai" Dies White Girl "Went Native" Shnnxhn'x- 711‘1121 Krliv. d,; Hm: 'lr; NATIONAL F ERTILJZERS, LTD. As a rule, properly fertilized wheat matures from to ten days cartier than unfertilized wheat. Get the advantage of an earlier and betterquali this season by using National Fertilizer. Every bag is uniformly mixed with guaranteed 1 attached to each bag. All National Fertilizers are in Canada" from tested formula, it has taken y perfect. You can't go wrong on "National". Write us now. Ask also about National Stock Foods-they get results! AGENTS WANTED in districts Bahy'Buzz amGas a"nsesa"ca11 FIJI spray clears your home of flies and mos- qultocs. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, um. and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Hit toduy. .e7diisi5, Bil pei5)be' 1 'CY. PF- 'd ng‘aN For se ('2‘J‘L " m oae-iocamursrsgg.maocli-uAr-'". our Fail Wheat ,‘cmemry recently in tin, her only mourn- riest who prayed for tinn Army man who Isle of Somewhare." ts and She had be K West Toronto 9, Ontario 9 burie years wt rame tt lem TC y mixed with guaranteed analysis Ill Fatirpal Fertilizers are "Made '6)- I'Ag: Am ',v,: " a'nf- th BQ co " when: We are not represented Sum-ooo do you do your hard. est work?" Fat--'metore breakfast always." Mm--'Nhat do you do?" Fat--"'" to get outa bed." t Charles I would never have remem- bered it he had not had his head cut oft.-C. F. G. Masterman. Autlrulid. too, is experiencing a Hun” aviation lumm. Clubs are func- tioning well and rru?verral schools are gelling into working order. The principal Queensland daily mun-r, vim Brisbane Courier, is con- zomnlnting the oxtungion of its news- paper spruce. Its airplanes carry in” loads of papers daily to 'l‘oowoom- in: and generally return with full loads of passengers. The Journey talrcs, an“ hour as compared with be- twm-n Ho. and six hours by train. in New Guinea, over which Aus- trulia exercises the mandate. gold in lnrzzu quantities was discovered some m 1.:Zl.- t inland over very dimcult (tummy. The journey. which took six days or more, can be done by air in GO minutes. The Australian Government has up- prm‘rui the scheme of a transconti- nental service. To start with, a nor- vfm will be ftown between Adelaide and Perth which will bring Sydney and Melbourne 3 week closer to Eng- land fur mall purposes. The Latecoere Company proposes to start its service from France to South America in September. The total time tor the 13,400 kilometers is to be eight days, of which three days will be by fast. steamers from Cape Vonle Islands to the Island ot Fer- nando de Noronha. The French Government is again offering bonuses totalling nearly 1.- 000,000 francs to encourage the gain- ing and retention ot world's air re- cords. The making and flying ot Bea. planes will be specially encouraged. The German summer program com- prises 80 air lines over which about 60,000 kilometers will be covered. Following on the signing of an air navigation agreement between Czec- linsluvakla and Austria, cooperation is taking place in the operation of the Vienna Prague, Dresden, Berlin route. Flights will be made two day: I week by Czechoslovakia, two days " Ana- tria. and two by Germany. and better-quality CD Canada the air vote for the year Aviation taken years ttt doubled and aviation I: nerally. Forest and sur- l being extended and new awning up. a week rop I". I‘ I ,',. WEAK AND NERVOUS "I can most hmrtily recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all weak people," says Mrs. Augustin Arsen- nult. Wellington Station, P.hhI. "Be- fore I began their use I was very weak and nervous.. I had always worked hard. with no thought of my health, until suddenly my strength left me. I began to feel tired and de- pressed, and did net sleep well at night, feeling Just as tired in the morning as when 1 went to bed at night. I began to feel discouraged when I would think of the work neces- sary for me to do. I got some medi- cine from the doctor whom I consult- ed, but it did not appear to meet my cue as I showed no improvement while taking it. Then a. neighbor ad- vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I got a. supply of this medi- cine. I very soon found they were helping me, and I continued their use until I was well again, and I have been strong and well ever since." Dr. Williams' PJnk Pills do one thing--and do it well. They build up, purity and enrich the blood, and as the blood supplies the whole body, new life is given to the entire system. Better sleep, steady nerves. improved appetite, increased vigor-all these can be yours by taking Dr. Willlabs' Pink Pills. Begin to-day. Bold by all medicine dealers or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A man who any years 350 said nothing was left to invent died the other day In Edison's home town. The summer girl who used to won out the hammock Is now wearing out her shoes on the tennis court. The Condition of a P. E. I. Lady Who Again Rejoices in Good Health “That's all right and safe; but when you meet Methyl don't drink at all." When Not to Drink at All. "I met Ethel and she sings 'Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes." A mother was singing her baby to sleep, "It I Fere a raby." said the baby's brother, aged six. "i'd pretend to be asleep." Mlnard's‘Llnlmont for burns. Few people realize the length ot an ocean liner as they see the ship in port or at sea. The above illustration shows how, it turned on end by some glam hand, a 14,000-tort Cunard Canadian Service liner would top by some 150 feet the new 23-5torey Royal Bank of Canada building, now under construction in Montreal. The bank towers 395 feet from the street level and is the tallest office building in the British Empire. The Cunarder Berengaria, one of the world’s largest ships. ta 919 feet 1mm Liner's Length Compared 10' me "Dey and dey would hub to scrut- lnlze mah credentials thoroughly; an' " don't want no hawspital work done on may sweet body.'" lodge ?" A smile is quite a funny thing. It wrinkles up your (ace. _ And when it's gone you never tind Its secret hiding place. But tar more wonderful it is To see what smiles can do; You smile at one. he smiles at you, And so one smile makes two. He smiles at someone since you smiled And then that one smiles back; And that one smiles until, in truth., You fail in keeping track. Now, since a smile can do great good, By cheering hearts of care, Let's smile and smile and not forget, That smiles go everywhere. Bambo-"What is do dittvrence be. tweeh a dog and a book?" Rastms-"I don't know." "mbo--"Well, Butt, do book has Its tale on de inside. while de dog has ita tail on do outside." The time has come when it a stock- ing isn't silk all the way up, it might just. about as well not be silk at all. An honest confession is also good tor a front-page story. "Your son must be the idol ot the family.” "Yea. He has been idle for twenty one years'." "She Wu only the garbage man's daughter-thath: why I'm In the dumpl." Death is the only blessing in which everybody will share. Small tanr--oitrcutstsin. "the 1927 bathing suit. "What Is the ttrrrt thing you notice early in the morning?" a man was "Son. how come you didn't Sine the "Ah don't blame you." one-items you from?" Two-iota/ewan." "Bad cold you got there, boy." Huh. do 'nishlauon wuz too strong OWL-LAFFS ton With Lam) ISSUE No. 34-"27 Let's Smile New viear--Nuite a. lot of people [and coughs during my sermon this morning." Ohf Verger - “Coughs? They ain't coughs, Tur. Them‘s time signals." Bankers should know something shout farming an well as banking. None will deny that they know how to nuke interest grow. The railroads would like to no automobile trucks taxed heavily, but the railroad operators should look a little further ahead-Mt won't be long before airplanes carrying perishable, freight will be the hottest competition the railroads have ever had. naked. "The head of the house out In the yard looking on the morning paper," was the reply. Mlnard'; Llnlment relieves Backache The test of greatness in the nut!» her of kinds of soap, tobacco and Mr oil named tor you. Fhsrater-"iiow did ye come by that bitch ere, jnrge?" "rge---"Ole cow had a way of Rick- in' me face wi' her tail, so I tied a brick onto it." It the girls are to we“ only II: ounces ot clothes this winter, no doubt about four ounces will be In the hat. 'ttritetotte Hume Build. the Oniy Gum-Dipped Time The Firestone Dealer in your locality will gladly explain the Gum-Dipping ptocest, the tscientifically designed tire trend. and other advantages that only Gum-Dipped Tires can give. See him Thin tread must be placed on a came" that has the qualifications to withstand terra'fic flexing. The Firestone carcass is made of cord: dipped in rubber solution which not only saturates and insulate. every fibre of every cord, but unities aidewalla with can-can. elimin- ating any pouibility_ of "paratims undéruie "extrease Firestone Dealers . large ind-cue in volume that enables them to sell thee tirmtoyouatthetoweatprieesin the history of the industry. The Firestone Bellow: Tread, aden- tifieally designed three year: no. and unchanged today has the wear-resisting qualities that give thousands of extra RED ROSE _ The demand from car ownm for Fire. stone Gum-Dipped Tires has given Why Gum-Dipped ‘ ‘I % _ 1 " u ar, , MI _ MiIit% " P. " . - _ “RESTORE TIRE a RUBBER co. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Mileage Costs Less "Per Mile" "riic) . ”gen 61 ) Am: Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache _ Rheumatism aw Bode "Bayer" boxes of " (xbhtn Also bottle: of " Ind 'OO-iii.". aqttrtn In tho M and hon-tun I. Cum“) " in" hugme.et- " Ila-onwa- Im at What“ (A-(u Bntgerue Adi. "A. I. L"). In-n- tt I. we“ - that mm - Sun nun-emu. to min at We noun-I mun-n. u. - gummy-mum“ tuieidiii_mnr%o."Bareroet"c' You must try RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE. A little higher price than other teas, but a real difference in quality. Sow, packed in Aluminum. I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I a , l/ SPERM ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Cis good tea" which contains proven itirWiTonT. CiEiidihil, UmuMut SENTonEiL..UL5T Tells cause of tumor and wind lo do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. IN 1110 foe it to-day, mentioning this paper. Ad. dram Indianapolis Cancer ”undid Indiarmpolis, Ind. I ADV olt GENTLEMAN WANTED A in every city, town and VIII . In Uni-Ho. to not " exclusive 'h"MU'l (“In tn distrlbullnn of the BIN. Prayer: whole or put time: position of tmpdrturtce; do business art home; plena- Int and protttabu ocvuuntlon. Apply " letter oniv. Bib]. Prayer Alloelnuon, 618 Ontario Street. Toronto. We wonder It Deinpmsr will be anxi- ous to light when or it he wins back the title. DANGER Gout: Light Up Later. Automobile lambl to be lighted out half hour utter Buturet.--Wturttitsgto. Star. l B-_-ru-ter-ree F Add a. ‘nulinn Depot: “Man PAY. an I'iu', 51:31.1- Lst Cuticura SJ}; Keep Your Skin Fresh and Youthful Campers. Two More Cases of Feminine Ill. ness Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- Inn's Vegetable Compound Barrington, N. 'JV.-", had torribl. feelings, headaches, back and Hid. aches and pains all over my lmdy. l would have to go to bed cw)"; mmth and nothing would do me anal. M husband and my "ther dié my wur! for me u l hive two children ml we have quite a big Uh?.'. I " Id h the paper about Ly E. Pinkl:nrtN Ve cable Compound. and tht n rot I Huge book about it throng:k thr Inglis and my husband sent to ., ton'ts u got me a bottle, and thrn we got more from the store. I am feeling fine now md do all my wok and u- able to go out around mum. I I: " my friends it is Lydia E. Pirkham'y Veg- ctablc Com tund that makes me fad no well. ' I'fg rs. vItrrott Ricuuwsou. Harrington, Nova Scotia. St. Thomas, Ont. - _ "l took for bottles of Lydia E. Phil lmm’s Vege- table Comdxund and found great ro- lief from dull, lwnvy pawn: in tho amnll of my back and the weakne. from which I suffered for five yam utter my bog was born. After taking the Vegas le Compound and mini Lydia . Pinkhnm'n Smntive Wash an feeling better than I have for the {at seven years, and advise my riends to take it." - Mrs FJOHNBOUI. " Moore Street, St. Thom Ont. o, Classified Advertisements reliabl 'rrlre"rtr_TH, on]! 1ryyitst.CtucitM Dull Pains in Back OVER BODY tir It F REE BOOK remc mi it:

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