I. A llisit to Two ht. standing Bani-ck Farms and Byways In Grey". lore panic.- lady she writes up H. W. Hunt ot b'tekera. u a result oi smelt visit :0 , r-Jomtul 'yeht. tme goea on to sav that “we were rather Im- uny interest“! in that plantation. lu-canse most farmers are quite It ware Ihat they have mount to do without Menus: anything else. whatever: yet it is the lumen who have vision enough to do some ew perimenting who seem to get the most fun out of their tob. The Hunt firming does not mm to have eur- tured In any respect. because Mr and Wm Hunt both make a hobby ot planting trees. The corn behind the barn in thick and tall, the dalryho-nl of jet black cows is 'ronintr' fat (and ncideataihv, all their cream. summv‘.‘ and winter. is churned at home and in“ special brand of dairy batter b, uwyrly bought by private customers) wafer tor stable- and hottse is pump- v--i by an o-ngim- from a 300 ft urn-s- un well. Promos: has not bccn ".'acketted by tree-planting. Mrs Christine chlmvray Camp. "ell of Ilentlnck. has an intensitig "ntcle in the lv'annen’ Advocate oi Ms: week relating to the “Highways A? é ft Abounds In Cod- i liver Oil Vitamins OW +F+ s9e00H0e00000000000-oqeoq-- -Cw‘ ""er.R.itm8.eel..w-- Stu" & Ft . - Turpin", OI! Safeguard Your Body Against Winter-Ilia With Vitamin-Rich Nourishment-- Take SCOTTS EMULSION Du not fail to see this large display at DURHAM FAIR Can-at our Show rooms at any time convenient to you. tuthorized Foul Dsalers since If). l. We have just received a shipment of Westinghouse. DeForest, Crossley and Atwater Kent Radio Sets; QSK FOR A DENONSTKATION IN YOUR OWN lit-ME. We will be pleased to install one for your iespectier Also, a fresh supply of Batteries, Tubes and all Radio Accessories .'.6i RADIO 1 SMITH BROS. - ~--- - - --:- -._ ----.u "t was Just out counting my oaks", remarked Mr Hunt. coming in from the'gardon. Naturally We had to see the oaks. There was a garden row ot thriving seedlings. grown from a- coma put in laat (all. These. togeth- er with the windbreak tree. supplied by the Ontario Gov't, will benefit by the richness of garden soil and the help of garden cultivation till they haw: reached P. size when they may be safely set out to take care ot their own growth in hedges and windbreaks or these latter, there are smvral windbreaks already welrtrrown that protect the buildings and barn. yard, while thick neatlrtrimrw t en} ar hwllo-s outline the lawn In the field, a large part of which was re- forested two years ago, at least me ambitious pine has grown as tall as its owner These trees were hoed in that year and so had an advantage over areas where grass and weeds are given the right of way. Last year's shipment of trees seemed to have become heated in their strip ping crate, Mr Hunt intormed us. 11'] many of them died. Betgiden H»; planting efforts. Mr Hunt is allowing cm of his farms to re-forest Itself." Mrs Campbell also goes on to de- scribe the Tolchard farm. one or the show places of North Bentlnck. " is entirely managed by the Tolchurd llros. and their orders for their Wh. Leghorn Chicks cannot possiblv be ttlled. Last year their income ttout eggs alone was $800. Their buildings are welt equipped and numerous c.» nough to accommodate all kinds of {arm operations. There are mme conveniences and improvements than one can count on one's lingers. all gradually installn'i by the family and at the i-Vpense of the farm products. Yet these people have found time to do a bit of landscape gardenng. Year by year, in step with the work ofthe farm, grew the beauties oI border and walk and drive around the house- yarul. while in the barn-yard great shady maples were allow! togrow, adding lunch to the attractiveness ol the place and the comfort of the an- imals. Few people having eyes to see could pass the Tolchard tarm with- (â€it noticing the wide graded and well nravelled drive with its honey- locust edges lined to the Ugo or the gravel with deep perennial borders." 13 years d: rend:le serv'ce ers' Aaaoe'attioti. c. RAMAGE & SON. Editor and Pro- minors. Member Canadian Weekly Newspnu THE RURAL FAIR HAS A CHARM ALL ITS OWN Hail the rural (air! It is the tram, boyant harbinger that summer sun and soil and toll have produced 'm- other harvest for mankind. Lautzh at the prize pumpkin if you must, but its mutil yellow belly ism true reminder ot what one little seed may do Sheer at the fat potlo er, but its contented grunts t' merely a forerunner of the human sighs of satisfaction) which will come later with golden-brown scrappleaml Huang» with hot buckwheat mm cakes. Rows of bright Colored jams and jelly glasses who! your appetite and greater ranks of sen-led apple, plum peach and pear contalners do noth n; to allay it. Listen to the cacklc- ol Mistress Hen as she does her duty in showing her sister the way to a more bountiful supply of eggs. while Mr Chantieler, proud upon his blue ribbon porch. challenges in loud cull his r.’!mlrers to produce his equal. Sleek cattle in their. stalls, Colts that have not yet felt the cruel" of lash and collars and huge sheep clothed with your future gal-11mm un- attractions at the country fair. , I' Barbra: 3nd!!! Gossip and good nature abound at the country fair. One finds at rural fairs a grand swapping of tall "tot" ies. all redolent ot unprecwiemerl corn stalks potato yields and eve-n physical prowess in performing mm:- herculean agricultural job in a lift). A fil'ty cent piece wagered on the white trotter to beat the black and bay will yle"l a bigger dividend i: thrills at the country fair rm-etravk than would ten thousand bm at tin; Derby classic. llt'lu) unuaalc. l" " So let us be thankful that thel'ore sharp tooth or time has left hardly (Pver a mark upon the rural fair. Other mar things may change, empires rise and, to t tall, we swap]. the world with a finch; Stot of radio and man crosses the whim-5g tinent in a day on wings, but mu i and dan Bee today at Durham exact!) i that the same kind of crowds atidjoy urn-.019 grandfather doiighted In many ymr‘sl care Mo. C , I so I This Joy will be 'all yours on Wed- ttmvlay next, Sept. M, when you at. tend Durham Fair. The Prince ol Walt-s will not be here to omninlh' (pen the event. but there will be princely stock and princely exhibits and princely welcormmg. Mr. Geo. W. Spotton ls the nvv: M. P. (on North Huron constituency in the Federal House. It will bo no Ir up to him to leave no ‘spoton' his carver in the House of Parllamm . Some of the visiting Britishjourlr Mists touring Canada didu't takt 10 corn on the cob. Oh well, they urn unfortunate in not having acquln-d the proper Canadian taste. The Tor. 011:0 Daily Star thinks this isn't ptMi- sible.' They probably could not con- .qcrtt to gnaw at a cob of green corn in a public place but in fairness in them as visitotu and in I'aimpsi to green com on the cob as one of Um national foods of Canada they should have been provided with a com feast in some private place with col. Lars and coats oft. . Toronto Exhibition has become a factor in Empire building for Canada but it must be remembered the Wea. ther man works hand in hand with the aggressive Board of Directors for its success each year. Order your job printing trom the Rtuview - IAttterheadts, envelopes, sttttvmentB, billheads. Invoices. auc- tion sale bills, dodgers and hand- bills. wedding invitations and an. nouneetntutts, etc. i The tryeasleetion in North Hatxttt on Monday elected H. B. Spolton, the iConservauve candidate. by nearly 200 over Hyslop. the Liberal nominee ‘who came second. Bricker, the U. F. o. man was a bad third. NORTH HURON CHOSE SPOTTON And I hereby can t do take imm ate hove any errors 1' om ied according to l w. t 'appeal on the th ember. 1927. 1Data! August M), 1 27 The result shows that all too frrq- uently when a Liberal and U.F.O. oppose a Conservative. it means git- lng the victory to the Conservative. it was so in this case and Spotted. tho' winning. is a minority earl date as his vote is 3 Ion: way from equalling the other two candidates. The surprise was Goderich. usually a Tory town, giving a Liberal majnri ty of over 300. This may be account. ed for by the hope of favors fox-their harbor it they supported Hyslop. the K'wernmenl candidate and again it may not. Premier King and his stalwarts have received a cheek. So has Mir ; McPhail while Guthrie will lilwly think (but not out loud) that the vity tory should aid him in getting the Premiership at the coming Winnipeg Convention. Premier King can can y on without the vote, but the importance he and his cabinet seemed to feel attached to the winning of the seat, has made it appear as if he were defeated. Not so. But the victory is a sweet mor- sel tor the palate of the Tory Conven- tion in October. New house. all modem annulm- W‘s. possession Sept. Ist. Appty to ll .3 Gritt or phone 117 P. THE BAD EGG DRIVEN Concrete proof of the effective- ness of the egg grading law is Kiv-en by the experience of the grading station at Guelph which has now completed a second year. When this station was opened in May 1925,.the number of bad eggs brought intollw market averaged over 10 patent paill‘uls within a week: within a year this had been reduced to {our pallfuls ard is now not more than 2 or 3 per cent of the receipts. Be- NOTICE is hereby given that I have comp ed with Section 9 of tho, Voters' Li t Act, and that I have posted up my office at Durham, on the 30th ay of August, 1927, the list of all sons entiiled to vote in tim said mu cipaiity for members of Parliament or, as the case may he at r.umic'pal e ctions) and that such list remains th rein for inspection. or 3 per cent of the receipts. Be- fore. the station opened one egg in every four oftered on the Guelph market was not fit to eat. accordinr: to the reports of the Dominion Live Stock Branch otticials. Now a bad ogg Is the exception The farmers and other producers have learned that they cannot sell bad eggs in Guelph and are gathering and taking care ot their eggs while being held so much more carefully that they do not appreciably deteriorate beforebe- ing marketed. The result of this has been helpful to the farmer:. in two ways-it has increased consumption and it has in- crunsd prices. After the station had been in opn'ation a year. (‘ags Were bringing a premium of Tc a (lot- 0n on the averar on the Gurlph market, compared with markets or surrounding communities when-Hum was no grading station. "Chase three wild bull frogs three miles and gather in the hops. Totlwm rrld ten gallons of tan bark, halt pint shellac. one bar of common laundry soap. Doll 48 hours and then strain through I. W. W. sock to keep it from working. Egg-grading stations in operation in Ontario so far haw trsen established by the civic by-luw and an) opvrated under the supervision ol local mer- chants' asstwiatitm, the .munc-pallties commuting towards the expenses. Guelph ,Kitchener and Parls lum- stations now and Brantford and For oral other places are planning to op- en them now that the validity 6f tht, egg-grrding law has been settled. Valera" 1927. Municipality ofzhe Town Durham. County 01 Grey. as was the British Premier, Mr. S. Baldwin, they will use printer's ink freely when they get home. Editors, however, are usually critical chaps, and they often see things not intend, ed for their gaze.--Parmer's , Ivocate (Yes. this may be true, Brothel Weld, but is " not often}; mod thing they do , Anything that Con't "Add one grasshopper to each pint to give it a kick. Pour a little into the kitchen slhk: if it takes oft the enamel it is ready for homing. Wash bottles before and after uslng.' A party or 100 editors of English daily and weekly papers have been touring Canada from coast to coast. It they are as favorably lmpres-nd EDITORS A CRITICAL LOT THE DURHAM REVIEW FOR SALE OR RENT 1027, 1 Durham SE is her mp od with Li t Act, 1p my 30th ay of rll p Mons l mu clpali unem or. a c"pal el via ains th rein hereby cal 1mm an r' errors t' ding to l u on the ' 927. HOME BREW W. B. VOLLETT. Clerk ot Durham OFF THE MARh ET call upon all voters ate proceedings to t emissions Correct. w. the last day for th day of Sep:. _ At the home of her daughter. in. Smith. Domoch. Mrs Wm " Wm. Buchanan Died at Domoch anal: mated awty last Friday even- ing, in her seventy sixth year. She has been bedfast for three and a half years. suffering a severe stroke about three years tuto. Others follow- ed, the last one on the Tuesday prev- ious, resulting fatally. Mrs. Buchanan was born in Eng- land, coming to Canada as a girl of twenty. Her maiden name was Both- la Saunders. and about fifty two years ago she was wedded to Mt. Buchanan. who predeceased her fu'- teen years ago last March. They re- sided in Holland. near Williams'mvi. and to them were born one son Jas, and three daughters. Mrs Wm Smith (Mary Jane) ; Mrs Thos Mefteth, Eldersiie (Alice) and another who died at the age ot two years. Seven grandchildren also survive. Over sixteen years: ago they re- moved to Eiderslie township and since her husband's death. the de. ceased lived with her son James on 2nd con., Elderslie, near Paisley, un- til over one year ago, when she was taken to her daughter's. Mrs Smith. in days ot strength, the late Mrs. Buchanan was a most industrious woman, held in the highest regard by frierds and neighbors and she. bore. her long illness with Christian patience. The Well-k hs Lauder farm. im. nudiaiely adjo ing Durham corpom tion, on Provln ill Highway. 100 at- rvw. more or tur, in good state " cultivation; tr frame house, barn and outbuildings . electrlc light. good water. 2 wells, e drilled; conven- lent to High In Public Schools: concrete twewnlk o gate. Tenders will received up to September Ist, 192 Lowest or any tender not ne y wormed. , For further info Zion apply on The funeral held on Monday after- noon, Sept. 12th, was largely attend‘ ed, her pastor, Rev. Mr MeWilliam, conducting the service. Interment took place in Williamsmrd cemetery. Mr Geo. Skene spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs James Benton, Dromore. Kenneth Dunsmoor and Nelson Schafer are employed with Bob Mort- ley for the threshing season. Mr and Mrs Jas Crutchh-y motored to Toronto Sunday t 030v Miss Maine ie Crutchley, who is seriously ill in St Joseph's Hospital. The last word received was that she was tretting a- long as well as could be expected. The funeral ot the late Mrs Buch- anan was held Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. from the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs Wm Smith, to Williamsfnrd Presbyterian cemetery. Rev. Mr. Mc- William, the pastor, conducted serv- ices at both house and grave. A awn! many friends and neighbors Won-u prospnt to pay their last respects to their departed. The sympathy of the community is extended to the hub caved family and friends. Mrs Graves and son, Owen Sound, spent the week end with Mrs Schai‘er A full line of PM? Fertilizers. Also a cal-load of At a very special tell you about them. Mr and Mrs Hector McDonald and two children ot Walkerton. sm-m Sunday afternoon with their cousins, the McArthur's. Mrs Hugh Fulton and da.ughter Is, abella spent last Thursday In Tor, onto. ti Miss Lena Schafer is spending a few days with Mrs Bob Mortley. Miss Mary McGauchiv of Steel Bridge, visited with Miss Margaret Geddes the beginning of the week. TALK 'OLD HOME WEEK' To DISTANT FRIENDS Have you thought out your list of oil Durhamltes you would like to Miss Jessie Derby tureontptutiedthe Derby family of South Bentinck lo Mooref1eld last Wednesday and sprmt' the day among friends. Mr Fred Selbert, of Mitchell, was through this way and called on old friends the beginning of the week. We are pleased to hear that little Bernice Koenig is able to newâ€: home after being in Hanover Memor- ial Hospital for some weeks. last Thursday afternoon in meat of the church. Mr Wright, P. B. I. of Hanover, visited at No. g Friday. Mr and Mrs P. Benninger and ram ily ot Ayton. spent Monday evening with Mr land Mrs T. Widmeyer. The W. ws. held their monthly Mrs Wm Marshall visited with Mi, Anderson last Thursday afternoon. FARM FOR §ALE BY TENDER' TORONTO THOB. G. LAUbER. Durham LATONA HAMPDEN , n Laude Lia ing Durhz Vin ill HIghw; r M, in go 8 frame I Inga . electric Ila, e drfile au Public :walk It gate. W. Ewe & Son, hone 111 'id Phosphate p CP. Let us Wheat special ago they re gmor. Mrs. Wm Buch- apply OI monthly the base- was. We understand Hutton Hill school is entering this year, making a total or 13 schools. At Hanover Full-hi: prizes are offered for: Best drill by country school. $10: 2nd, 86; Std, " . Best uniformed school ......."' 55 School coming longest distance, $1. Who will be the winners , A goodly number from this section were in attendance at Toronto Ex- hibition list week. Mr and Mrs Jno. Palmer and hm- ily. Desbom; Mr Jae Walker and Miss Gladys. Crawford spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs ivy Walker “no family. . .. (“Haunt 0.“. bei Mr H. Dunn and sons Leonard and Sydney, accompanied by Mrs Mex. Morton and little daughter Myrtle, motored to Toronto Saturday and are spending several days in the city. Among those from here who Bttvrvl- ed the Anniversary services in Dur- ham on Sunday were Mr and Mrs A. C. McDonald, Mr John and Miss l'l- va, Rev. H. Criekltuttort, Mr Donald McDonald and Mr and Mrs Wm. Ful- ton. 75 acre mm In Allan Park Inr sale orrexchnnge tor small property We were sorry to hear of Muster Charlie Campbell of Welbeck being kicked in the face by a horse Friday morning last. Dr D. il. Jamieson was sent for at once. The jaw bone was badly splintered which required seven] stitches. We sincereh hope ibis little laddie will soon be alright again. Miss Maud Cuff. Toronto. is spend- ing several weeks' holidays with Mrs Hopkins, Br, . seveal stitches. HO' sincerely imp.- Mrs Hagyartl (r) lbw-1:41 .., this little ind'lit- will soon he alrisri-t is visiting lwr l;t'ml:v:_ Il l again. Hastie. Miss Maud Cuff, Toronto. is spuvi- - __ - 7,,, ing several weeks' holidays wiIhMt-s‘ - Hopkins, Sr. l “RM 'ttit S†E Mr and Mrs Dave Adlam and frrtu- Two hundred a t'.s in lilrl, W ily of Durham, Mr and Mrs Joe For ship, brim: lots 7 ind 's ttsi: , ter and family, visited with Mr and this property is a "(My 1,.†b [ Mrs Fred Torry. 'and bank barn, wi 1 â€tilt! I. t: The d September meeting of th" Plenty of water. :0. I ortirrrl. _ Ladies' Aid was held at the home ot miles from Markdal TM» Mrs Wm Fulton, on Sept. tith.uitlr'vpitandid crop Inn†IN li ll, an attendance of 30. The Presidt-m. cheap, with Vt'l? my. um. _ Miss McDonald conducted the luv-b to Mrs Neil c'cr),Ni'c:', ing. After opening exercises. the it. It. e, Holland (a h;- , scripture lesson was read by Rev H t or Albert LivingMun- t Crickington, after which the Sue'y 1eree1ePer"P""r""-"""""'--- gave her report. Several items at business were dealt with. The in“ m" V _ - meeting will be held at the homo ot . Mrs Spence Hopkins, CJct.13. Ti»! WHEN USING LN hostess served lunch at the closts.os , sistvd by Miss Faith limwn, Mal. WILSON W' garet Lunney. Mildred Mighton. bid- ith Vickers, Hazel Torry and v, in FLY PADS Walker. _ memI Master Clarence Swiuer who has been holidaying at the home of his aunt, Mrs Fred Torry the but two weeks, returned this week to his home in Toronto. Guests of Mr ard Mrs Finlay 31c- Cuaitr' Tuesday of last week W9“l’f Mr and Mrs Baird, Miss Pearl Ms Cuaig, Pontiag. Mich; Misses Mary and Irs1ayMcCupis, Messrs John Alos and Arch. McCuaig. Top cum. Anniversary, Services will be held in Mulock Baptist Chuch. Sunday, Oct 2nd. when Rev T. Richards of Hanover will be the speaker of the any. Fuller announcements later. Mr Jno. McCullum spent a pious-5:3 ant week's holiday lately at the?†home of his uncle, Malcolm McCall-PdI lum, Durham. it} Mrs Jack Wilkle and son and son and daughter. from Snskntoon. spent a couple of days with Mrs D. Wilkie. Crtttmtautiotttr to Mr and Mrs Mal calm McKechnle on the arrival of a young daughter on Sept. 10th. Mr and Mrs L. Mcbein and daugh- ter Catharine. spent I day this Week with Crawford merds. HOME FOR SALE Good honey It 1.00 per ll ROCKY SAUGEEN n. In looklnl for- the minus! school ONALD. Bt.. Durham 10 lb trail cannoi h ol now Vii/fgi’“ - h- ol - " "'l"' WHEN USING . M175; t WILSON k'j' r - Nhl,-, FLY PADS - Inn I i., ‘ _ one mnccnous H: iM mommy AND tl:is (if; - ‘OLLOW THEN it [man up ialltl . II " "Br and In L McLean mudmuz' ter Catherine. spent Bundny with M: and In D. J. chonnld. In J. IcKecrnle, Mens A, Has-m I!†B. Boyce, with Mr and M; Bdtgnr - and two sons. “silo-d " , Sandi! " the home of Ruxsvll 1"; dis, Brant. mu [slay McCuulg. Top Him, touching u apply for Miss lily-1. who recently met with an urcidm while In Toronto attending th" r hibldon. We hope Miss Blylhu tn; soon recover. Chillâ€. the three year old so: I, Mr tad In Wm Campbell met w: rather . let-Iona accident lam F†day mom“. The driver. "los. with the other horses. was In (m of the table for . drink. Chm“.- somehow came In too close mmw with the driver and was kicked I the bee. Dr Brad Jamieson ‘v. summoned and Ins the little lad l l t, on the le to recovery, tlio' 1.: _ mouth It: quite sore and painful. l hope Chnrue may soon feel lik.-' ls, self mm. [we nuptial Bttower on Monday n given a the home of Mr Russel dis. In honor of his sister. Miss I) whole mum-g» takes place um. urdny. _ ur'md Mrs Edgar "0)â€- children. aecotnpotied by Mim-> sic and Blanche Boyce. attentsud The Beptember meeting m (' ford W.M.B. met at the how Mlss Tenn Livingstone 0n “HM day, 14th inst. when a large an woe wu present. The missio, bnle v13 packed at this meeting next meeting. will be held a: home of Mrs Richard Boro Mrs C. McClodtlln of Zion and Sandy Campbell of Elmwood, ' been saluting Mr and Mrs ll m 1" bell nurse Charlie sinw his aH'M " mm Btettogrophy, Tv',, “I. Win. Becevtariat wank OM! Service. Practical Method _ can or "it. for Catalogue. u. A. 1111qu. Prtuctpnt Best of nil Fly killers-loc and Me per packet at all Drumzidx Grocers and General Morn Fall Tenn Opens Sept. (il Blaine. Training will plave M" "I I Position of Responsibility, This security salt r! “Us the investor again H [K .u through the gourumee hf I" Collateral depositml with the Trustees undrr issue of the bonds. A sure , 3f, incr me with m the Wardâ€! ittct'her,tal ',ti ordinaly inveunu my. SEPT. 15. 1927 WRITE, PHONE cr CALL FOR PARTICULARS P. RAMAUE with Guaranteed Security ncome DURHAM, ONT ' Du . -19. cums School Drip Admissin fresh fr, Canad iat supply tl Horse Raw Custom Get our Price Child's NI h Child's Best Ouali [Royal H" Majestic o (fund Kill Kd Women's Wad 0: Am. M Flou Pantry FT Pile! Fnout Marlo» Le:, Prairie Ihr Women's lil Has Aim 00008 DELIVERED Lii1E At Sout ILATCHFM D's GUNN'S 8'6 6 Q 0-9T. 15, 19-27 Durham HEW! “Ye Olde N JOHN SENT If Hosie THE er I. I wand buy IN m 0n Support U " ll “I: "IE I TERM IE1 MCI h M m p