Whutpool Speech Iroadcum Mr Roxxlr L. Campbell ot Queens- 'uwn, Alta. but t‘ornwrly of Swlnton l'urk district and it former student m Durham High School. ls stepping up in the axrltultnral life of Alberta. llo-griq- is now maunxor of the Queen- 'rtoNlOt Anode: Limited. which I. in plan vernacular. a In! estate once. He us also, guys the Bow River News. hr! "his artbele wad sertratint try Leonard It erbltt. publietty dir- rotor of the Alberta Wheat Pool. as the Malling part ot the wheatpnul troadt-ast from station (TON recent- I). Thus thousands of intelllgent. poo toe were able to enjo) this address Mulch Norman Smith. mitor of the t'.N..&. Journal (Olllclal organ at the United Farmers of Alberta) H-rtns highly lnspirlnn." Taking [Mot-cod Holiday The Senior Editor or the Review is this Week enjoying lor enduring) a cessation of actiw work by a hum-II right mum. The hand in a familial operation came in contact with nev- "r of the press and it was snmciently powerful to tear the hack of the hand, "wiring right stitches. in an Accident 1 Mr. Wm. Weir. Sr. met with al nasty accident on Saturday morning? last. and for which now he is thank-i “til he came oft so well. They were rammenclnx threshing operations for the day at Thus. Tumhull's on the gravel road and the machine washe- tnz taken up to the ttarm. Mr Weir. Had ho'i of the tonne of the ma. chine and as the incline to the barn at a little rough. the tongue at one huge gave a shrug and with such a tone as to knock Mr Weir on the tioor of the ham. Ag a result. his met! is badly scratched and bruised. as well as lip. cut. and for that day .0 swollen that it was impossible to we. At date of writing (Tuesday) he can use his optics again and the mwetiintt is decreasing. It was an ac- cident that was as unusual as " was painful but we are glad to know that Reen- Weir will be still able to con- duct township business for years to POM. The Horticultural Society WI" have a display of full ftowertg in the window of Mr E. Kress' mmlturo: More. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 30 and on. Isl. Will members: please who nouce and bring In any ttoWt.us may any have to Mr Kress' "ore on Thursday. Sept. "th. Anniversary "" _ The ladies' d of Queen St. l'nib rd Church. will vothelr annual bot upper in the hoolroom of the church. Monday r hing. Sept. 26th. Tom 6 to X p. m. M! program ful- iowing. Admlsaton 5 : childrrn Ut nlw tnretve, 25c. Poultry Want . “mm in vour w Poultry Monday uni Tuesday of 0 h week to Peter McLean's niacin-it “on (can cl Hahn New). Highn- arhet Irriecs paid. A. c. ‘lemenlr. Phone 3K W and e will call Entertained at the Lake 1 The Ladies' Aid ot the Presbytery tam Church. as well as a few ot the' "Aids" of the other auxiliaries in the church. Trere entertained on Thursday uttemoon. Sept. sun. at the oottegvot Mr and Mrs J. " Herding at Wild- err'S Lake. and to date no casualties or "ott sides" have been reported mm: over indulgence of cats! As l0 weather conditions. the day we: a it ordered and the gathering of llxty five Indies forgot for the time the drudgery of dish washing end other mundane humanoid tasks and bested in the sunshine of n beautiml Sept- ember day on the Lake. Dr Junke- nou'n motor launch and the row boat: VOL. L, NO. 37 ot tho mttaxors Were kept busy and. that some mmthon swimmlnx stunt-)1 were not pulled on. was not the, mm of the water. for it was beating tully calm. The lunch hour was a particularly appealing one out! quarts of tea and pounds of flour ln con-l castrated eakes and to. torutts,l Inn stowed away. On behalf ot the mum. the President. In J. P. Grunt. undead [hunks to the hosts aad all land they vex-e worthy of a... 11h little procedure ttt can. b MUG. It any anthem: it they wish to be invited umber tft-C; 4.4;. 23' ".ateat e date G o -aTzruo.3yr,..i)tl!e ,:,riiillii.i.u8lhPitllt ttrrived---a car 0 Extras. New irk 3mm“. s tlal price. J. N. Murdock {a vertuttuul, Dr. Turnbull. of Flesherton, haire- thlicily dir~ ceived an appointment with the Done at pr “A inion Department of Health and will _ wheatttoo1 leave this fall to take up work in TN' n-cont- London. England. His successor in .liigertt wo-l F'lesherton is Dr. Frank M Lively, his address formerly ot New Litrkettrd, and who itot. or the has recently returned from a post I arm-n "Illuminate course in lfnited States. , Aitrerta/pesherton has had Dr Turnlmll tor the past six years and they are go- 1 ing to miss him. as he has proved a iputrlie spirited citizen as wrslf as a met with aicapable doctor. » We had a letter recently from Mr. 'Norman Brown of Whiting, Indiana, who still has kindly remembances of Durham and its people. He read Hum the Review, he says. with much 'rtorret, ot the sad accident and Edeath of the late John McLean. as ihe knew John Well personally. He lthinks two of the happiest years of , his life were spent in Durham and it is the hope of Mrs Brown and him- Iself that they will be able to visit _ here next summer at 'Old Home Week' time. Come along and we will I do our best to show you a good time. Hans. J. P. HUNTER LAID _ TO REST SATURDAY Former Durham Pastor Grey Presbytery Chairman Leaving Flo-Morton w.“ try for Old Home Week Rev. and Mrs W. A. Matthews of Liott'g Head circuit. were tendered a most appreciative farewell at Centre- ville appointment, prior to their drs parture for their new fleld of labor at Ponsonhy. Mlss Florence Fox, Prerident of the Y.P.S.. read an " tlx-euu and Mr W. J. Walpole present- ml them with a purse or gold. Mrs. Matheson was also presented with a lite membership certltlcnte and pin, by the w. M. S. of Lion's Head oi which she was 'President. The funeral of the late Mrs J. P. Hunter was held on Saturday lava! to Durham cemetery. and while at a private nature. the utmost respect. love and esteem was shown to ORC, who. in life proved herself worthy of all these attributes The ttomU oi- brings were matrnitieent and heaped around and on the casket and com veyed the sllent sympathy for Mose who remainwl as well as affection for the departed one. Rev. B. D. Armstrong conducted appropriate ser- vices at house and grave. The nail bearers were Messrs J. H. Hunter, Dr. Pickering, G. C. McDonald, 0.8. Hunter, J. F. Grant, John MeCoirkery Dan McLaren. The regular fall met-ting of Grey) 7 At an appropriate time, the Presi- Prvstrytery of the United Church of dent, Mrs Ralph Catton. called on 'Canada. was held in Division SL'Mias Florence McIlvrlde. who had‘ Church. Owen Bound. Tuesday. tttIndiv consented to give her story otl was a profitable game-ring with " her trip to the Yukon this past sium/ most a full representation of eierrs)mer. For " hour, at least, Miss Me- and hilly present. Morning, after. llvride held the close attention or I noon and evening sessions were held."her audience as the save in Inter- Pow W.H. Smith. ehairtnan of PTe.e outing fashion I. panoramic View of bytery. presided. and his year being,the West through which the travel- cotnpleted. Rev. J. E. Peters. Men-Ila: and from Vancouver, up the coast ford. untitl recently pastor of Queen lino cue“; to am I!!! Damon 1Rt. Church hero, VII elected his sue-iid. Her experience. m my _ cessor. The mm of Grey Pres-lulu varied and " the clone the com- ' Mega tor turar, Main. it tt-liiGei.di her listeners to do more ot . tens Fund. ' . was readily new“. ~g..cm um" and not have iewoted. Nl report can week. it for American tourists On their The l'nitp. Church of Hampdeni.s holding Ann rsary Services on Sunday. Sept. th. Rev. Dr. Me, Donald. a ret ned missionary or Korea, will take e services at Ita. m and 7.30 p. m. on the following Monday evening n old time tea- meeting will be hel Fowl supper served from 6 to x. Excellent pro gram following. Adm]. ion 350 and lac. All welcome. Remembered are Leaving Those atlendlnx the funeral from a distance were Mr Geo. McFarlano. (brother). Toronto; Miss Marian Me Furlane (niece). Ctutnintttort; Mrs. Shaw tnee Jessie Mchrlane. niece), Hamilton ', Mr Dan McLaren and son Allan (cousin,) Richwood; Mr and Mrs H. G. Mistele. Hamilton. and chair. ta any covered. almost new. Solid dining room suite, 6 chairs, table a buffet. Also 1 Mor- rls chair and l ttina cabinet. Will tre sold together 'separately. Terms may be arranged. Telephone No 7, Durham. Hampden Church Anniversary Annlversn Service-s will be Ir ld at Zion Unit Church, Glenelg. on Oct. 2nd and 3 . Sunday tservices at 2.30 and " p. m. and will be taken by Rev. H.' . Fiddes. Flcter. lalnmont Monday 'enlng at S o' clock. Rerreshmen served. Ad- mission 3Ge and Me. Rev. J. E. Paton honored by his to. Iow clergyman at o. Sound Prestry'.T Furniture 1 Sale ' Good Par! Suite, 2 pieces; couch iiiht El tttttttgi, tilttrititih The rucvs advertised had to he cancelled the morning of the fair, though four horses were present and more were coming had they been pro- ceujed with. It is possible the Aar'l Society and citizens may cooperate and stage a race. meet here early in October. This should meet with hear- ty encouragement. _ The Young Ladies‘ Auxiliary ol iKnox Church. met Monday for their Humming meeting of the season at the home of Mr. q Chas. homage. with a good uttewinnce ot thirty young lad- 'ies. Needle work occupied the fore part of the evening, and plans were made tor future evenings ot the So- itiety. With such an unfavorable morning Wednesday for bringing in stock. it is little wonder the cattle and sheep classes were lightly represented, while We were informed there were no swine brought . out. Quite a few horses Were. entered and for teamot driving horses, there were. no less than five competitors. R. Irvin, Hol- stein trot the red ticket and J Me Robb the blue for second. Irne school. No. 9, Glenelg. braved the elements to attend and compete in the school drill. Miss D. Nichol had her la pupils present give agood drill .march and song, tor the. enter- tainment ot the hillside crowd-and the prize. _ Piper Wm T ray of Orchard, stirred up the air during the afternoon witn some inspiring bag pipe music. agetnenl would. be hard put to keep, Miss Mellvrlde commented on the ageing. Dates have been changed, tact that in her travels in that north- this year some of the others changed I westerly point, she was approached by as well but it seems to be of little a. a. lady who saw her name on the her tail in changing the luck of the WWI-i tel register, as one coming from Dar- ther. Thain. This lady in question related In tue hall the ttoweps were alto Miss Mellvrlde that it was the beautiful picture while ladies' work [ tirtst time in her eight years residence and baking classes were well tillod lthere. that Durham had been repre- up and of excellent quality. In fruit. ' sented on the register. This lady the apples were smaller than tvusat,'mrmeriy hailed from near Williams while in fruit, vegetables, grain and ford and was now a Mrs. Gare". dairy. the quantity on exhibit wasi Altogether, it was a most interest- starcely up to former years. ling evening and at the close the For the tirst time, we belive, Pal. Kress & Son had a furniture display in the hall, showing a dining room suite of solid oak and also a. tire piece bedroom suite. all manufactur- ed by the Durham Furniture Co. it attracted much favorable comment and interest. Alongside Smith Bros. had a neat radio display, radios at Westinghouse, Atwater-kent and De Forrest Crosley makes being on ex- hibition, The showers tame intermittently most or the morning, and for an hour or so in early afternoon, thuunh later on the sun shone brightly fota time. With the chilly atmosphere prevailing the day was anything out eonducive to at large attendance Hui the Kate receipts were out down to $129.00. Only once in the past ten or twelve years has the local manage- ment struck u tine tlay all through. and but for rain wants, which willbo again forthcoming this year, the mam atrement Would be hard put to keep ttgoing. Dates have been changed, this year' some of the otticertt changed as Well but it serum to be of little at- vail in changing the luck or the wra- ther. With a good Matt of Directors, the Pres. and new Sec'y. Messrs G. Rib chie and Jar. Mather had things running smoothly, the iatter's first year in the saddle and required on. ly the cooperation of the weather man to transform the day into " complete success. The concert in the Rink at night, put on bythe "Olde Tyme Village Quartette." Ir" nothing to be desired. Each of the quartette is an artist in their own rank and their part sing. ing showed a beautiful blending of voices, The directors should elem a little from this concert. Miss Florence McIlvride tells of Yukon Tlip The usual Jonah of South Grey Agricultural Societ.v,-mrin, was azaln very much in evidence both Fair days, Tuesday and Wednesday, and the latter day it fell at frequent p. nough intervals all day to make a failure of the fair, outside of the standpoint of hall exhibits. Several classes in the hall had splendid dis, plays. Rain Again Matted Dmham Fall Fair The Pecple ready to make it a record Attendance day had it been fine DURHAM, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1927 With which is tacos-pound the Holstein Lender ‘ Her descripdon of the Robert Sor-i vice country, with its many incidents lrelating to the rush to the gold ilields of 1898, uni the many victims; of this rush. were most vividly told; Especially did the speaker dwell on, i"soapy Pete," a hatd-boiled charact-I er of those stormy days who "did" (the Klondyke rushers in many var-l ,lious ways. Strange to say this thug' has the third monument erected to' his memory, an anonymous admirer; forwarding a $50 cheque for thethirtl headpiece. The third monument is: now chlsplied with names and will _soon require a fourth one. l, A pretty wedding no minimized! at twelve o'clock noon, Wednesday all the home of Mr and Mrs Thea. Young Durham, when their daughter. Who] B., was united in matrimonial bonds‘ to Mr k. Stanley Arthur, eldest son' of Mr and Mrs Thus. Arthur of Otter-i ville. The ceremony took place In front or a bank of tiowerts. The _eyrt) was attired m a beautiful white crepe de chme dress, trimmed with lace.1 wearing a bridal wreath of orange' blossoms and pearls in her hair, and! Altogether, it was a most interest-) lng evening and at the close the speaker received R hearty vote at] thanks for her racy address. It may interest others to know that Miss? Mellvrlde has given consent to in-t spector R. Wright of Hanover, tol relate her travels and experiences At' the Teachers' Convention in Durham this October and we can assurethcut of at least a pleasant hour. ( At the close of the eveniryr, Hunt refreshments were served. Ulurnu-uo nun In“..- ... .wi. ""-"". __V,, a white tulle scarf around her Show" tiers. with white shoes and hose to', match, carrying a bouquet or yellow', butterfly roses. Miss Hazel Young"! sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and wore a dress ol' shell pink orepe-l de-chene trimmed with lace and rib]l Irons, and black satin slippers, carry-, ing a bouquet of pink sweetheart I'D-i sea. The groomsman was Clayton) Arthur, brother of the groom. l The bride entered the room on the arm of her father to the strains of the Bridal Chorus played by Mrs Fred Mekie, sister of the groom, her pas- tor, Rev. W. H. Smith. tying the nup- tial knot After the ceremony, the guests partook or a sumptuous dinner The tables were adorned with a four storeybride's cake, and trimmed with pink sweet peas. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of Adams stainlmas Cone munity plate silverware; to the bridesmaid a white gold breast pin set with a ruby, to the groomsman a ring set with a topaz. The guests Were.' Mr and Mrs T. Arthur, Otterville. the groom's par- ents; Mr and Mrs Fred Moxie (sis- ter) of Norwich, and Messrs Clayton, James and Kenneth Arthur, brothers ot the groom: Rev. and Mrs. Krewain and Miss Evelyn Mcmn, Hanover; Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Alex. Hay and Mrs. (Rev.) Smith, Durham. The bride was the recipient ofmauy beautiful gifts, including a cheque ot one hundred dollars from her father and mother, a Princess Pat kitchen range from the groom's parents. a cheque ot titteen dollars from Mr and Mrs Merrie. an electric cooker from Mr Clayton Arthur, H. B. pure wool blankets and a beautiful hand-worked luncheon cloth with serviettes from her sister Hazel, and many from oth- er friends. boat while in theyYukon. there were, - only four Canadians who could ius~f . Mt . 2 tily sing "God Save the King," "s' compared to the many who (-ould do'. . the “Star Spangled Banner." The' speaker illustrated her {.itlress by, Mrs Frank McKay and son Geo?Ro runny anecdoses and risenaI inci- returned Saturday after spending a dents, but her impressions of innit" few weeks with her husband's par- and other beauty spots were diiticult outs Mr and Mrs Geo McKay. to describe. " was much as one! Mr and Mrs And. Dane, their niece lady who registered at Banfi. who " Miss Jean Henry and nephew, Edr,ar ter chewing her pen for hail" an noun? Brown. have returnrd to Fort Lau- in a vain attempt to do justice to derdale, Florida. after spending tlw this scenic spot in her diary. at last summer months with their numerous simply said, "Saw iianff." (relatives in and mound Durham. The bride's going-away apparel was? a rose blege erepede-ehene dress withi hat, shoes and hose to match and; trmehel-head blue cont trimmm with grey fox fur. The young couple left about four p. In. for n trip to northern points by motor. On their return. they will re- side on the groom's them near Otter ville. Along with many of the bride's friends in Durban and throughout South Grey, the Review extends sin- cere good wishes. ARTHUR - Y OUNG HYMENEAL l, Miss Lizzie Byers who has been Au/te ill at the home of a cousin in Index: Glove. near Paisley, returned, ,to Durham last week and on Sutur- iday, in company with her sister. Mrs Adam Brown of Parry Sound, te- tamed to that town where Miss Br; ‘ers will enter the hospital there for further treatment. It is sincerely hoped by her many friends here that ishe will regain health and strenkth. _ i Mr and Mrs McLachlan, who have been holldaying with her parents..) lid Mrs Wm Lnidlaw. returned Mon- day to their home in Ottawa. I l Interesting visitors in town over l the week end were Mr and Mrs John lScoon ot Sydney, New South Wales, {Australia They were guests of Mr. land Mrs Bert Stoneouee. Mr Sconn (being a. first cousin of Mrs B. While Mrs Scoot: is a native of Australia. ‘Mr Scoon also now considers it his 3own land, as he has been a resident ltheve since "GI. They are delight- ;fully entertaining and their hosts Hound their time with them all too !short. They arrived in Canada on ithe 9th of June and purpose sailing (about the middle of November to be lhome in time for Christmas. Mrs. iScoon in her travels in Canada to idate. states she Btidtt the people ot (the Australian Commonwealth have l much more conception of Canada and {her people than Canada as a whole knows of Australia. The press or ltheir country is not sparing in pub- Mr lid Mm I. W. Turner arrl am John of Hlllsburg. visited the rtr.qt of the week with the farmer's sister. Mrs J. H. Harding. Mr Turner is recuperating from a long and pro- tracted illness. Messrs T. M. McFadden and Peter Bantam: and Mrs. McFadden and Misses Margaret Hunter and Alice Ramage, Were in Owen Sound Tues- day evening attendlng the concert of Edward Johnson, the world famous tenor. given under Rotary Club ans- piees. Mr Will and Mies Dinah Thompson with Miss T. Byers, ot Knox, Nur- manby. visited the first of the wan-k at Mr Jos. Noble's. Upper Town. Mr and Mrs Thos. McNiece of 2nd con. Normanby. have left tor tht, West on a visit to their two sons. John and Bird. Mr and Mrs Green of Guelph “no: visitors last week with the latter's sister. Mrs Wm Petty, Benunck and cousin, Mrs Wm Ritchie. Mr Gwen remained only a couple or days. while his wife stayed over. Mr John Montgomery, son Andros', and daughter. Mrs McLean. of Not-3 mwa. visited the tlrst of the week at: Mr John McGowan's. i Miss Alice M. Lush, pupil nurse at Durham hospital, has left for her home in Grand Valley where she win recuperate her health, which has bo. come run down. Mr and Mrs Jos. Lirslsay of Sun erior Wis., was a visitor at John Mu “News. Edge Hill, last week. Mr. Walter Porter or the Standard Bank, is relieving the manager of the Tiverton branch for a couple ot weeks. Miss Marguerite Hutton, Tomnto. ls visiting at present with Mm A. McGowan and making arrangements to have the Hutton furniture, which has been in storage here. shippedto Toronto. Miss Bessie Smith, daughter of Rev. W H. and Mrs Smith leaves on Friday for Totonto. where she trill enter Anttesley Hall, as a student at the University Miss Marjorie Pim- ering leaves the tirst of next WW4: and will be en wsidence at Qer-n's "all lor the same purpose. "ahing anything relating to Canada and home papers they have received since arriving here show that Can. ada's big Confederation your receiv- ed much favorable publicity and al- so the movements of the Prince of Wales while in Canada was given prominent space. In company with Mr and Mrs Stoneouse they also Inn-19 n tlytng visit to their min, Miss Morrison of Holstein and In Wm. Grant of Mt. Forest. only daughter of Mr and In P. W. McLean, Tomato. home the bride. of Robert Alina "mutsarmtes. young- qqt son ot Rev. Dr. Willin- ud In Mahatma. The service In: com FARQUHARSON - McLEAN IT, I A loss to the leaching profession in innlario. took place at North Battie- ‘l'ord. Sask. on Sept. 18th, when the ‘dflllh call overtook Duncan McLaren fChrirtie. Mr Christie was formvrlva 'resident of Rangoon Tr. Bruce m. and was a son of Donald (ihlislio rm) nephew of Peter Christie, M.P. of 'Port Perry. He was educated at Port Elgin High School ard the l'niwrsi‘ ducted try the. groom's father, It} :slsted by Rev. A. Dawson Matheson. (The bride wore her travelling cos- ;tume of navy geoigette and beige , with hat and fur to match. tht their return from their wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs F'arquhtsrsort will reside in Toronto. Mr Famu‘narson is a val- .ued member of the editorial stun of (the Globe, Toronto, I (Many of his former Durham friends, here and elsewhere, will Join with the Review, in wishing Bob and his bride much [luminous on this occasion.) I lmmediutrly after the rel-ennui) the young couple left by motor tor the bride’s home where a dainty wed. dine reception was held. After the usual congratulations, Mrs lu' Tuck of Toronto, sweetly sang “For you a- tone." Tha was followed by a sumpt- uous wedding dinner. Mr Homer E. Tuck Ind Mr Arch. Benton proposed the health of the bride to which the groom made a neat reply. The no- mainder of the evening was spent in social intercourse. songs and music. The many costly wedding gifts re. ceived from city and horm- friends, show the esteem in which the yam; bride was held. The bride wore u frock of Mimiâ€- mu- tatteta with tulle tricture hat to match, grey shoes and stockings and carried a shower bonuete or Animi- can beauty rosrs and maiden hair fern. Miss Bessie Benton, sister at the bride, acted as bridesmaid and wore yellow Reorttette with black hat and velvet slippers and hurled Col- umbia roses and maiden hair fem. The groom was supported by his brother Mr Harold Goodfeliow. The gmoxn's gift to the bride was a rope of pearls. to the bridesmaid an oynx bar pin and best man a tie Pitt. mm a! Prominent School Impede: GOUDFELLOW - "EATON Tomato, Satunlay noon. Sept. 17, at the manure of Rev. W A. (finnemn. pastor of Bloor St. Baptist Chum“. was the scene of a pretty Autumn wedding, when Mary, daughter ofo and Mrs John A. Benton. Glenda Centre, was united in nun-ring.- to Mr Lorne Bryon Goodfe0ow, son or Mr. and Ms Adam Goodt'ellow, Nobletou. Ont. "i5rh'hAto xiiruvca, TORONTO (172' We have a full supply of Public School Readers and otter Text [can Scribble“. Pencils, Pens, Slates. Inks. Fountain Pens, Examination “New. Etc Secure your requirements here. momma wow-m u “no 3 you In mpe To mum 3mm 88.50 3 year tn dance. e, mun: & NH. Publbnm Ready for School Opening 'o McBETH of Canada Durham Branch - J. A. Rowland, Manager Tthgyal Bank (Uri! mum) 3!: vacuums Drug Store TQueen St Church Anniv- i, ersary Services, Sept. 25 , The Anniversary sqervirw.c of 11.9 [Quéen t'sttret Mited Chum:h wil! be. 'held on Sunday, pt. Mth. Srrvivo _ u " mm. and I .II. and kl the w ttuetrt o f the o I Board. Rev. H, S. Hades. the min ter' of (In v-hun " 3w!" much the so ns. ty ot Toronto, tmer which he b. came a school [ember in Norqhers'. Ontario. A.H.L. Coiquhoua. drum} minister of Edumlion. speaks in w highest terms of Mr Christie u an lnlpecior. saying "t knew Mr Chris'- ie well. He "as one. or mo- may competent and man highly napalm school inspectors in the Province? The hue Mr Christie wns an uncle In Mm John Hill of Boothvme and alsu to Miss Helen Chistiv. Ivar-Mr at F. B. No. It, Egsemom. Mrs Henna, form ' mpmuo to mm in Ladies" We Choir. an: sing at Queen M. n-h Suum} morning and Monday night. Hm M: of local (new. the expansion of trade in Wall Paper, IS p c. dis. Globe Chocolates The two tor 59c China It Cut Ours, 25 per cent discount The two for Mc Magnesia tooth paste. MK Our-nt‘d tooth brush 50c The no for Sh Klenzo Tooth Pasta... Jlic Pocket carry-all case, 35c Kleuzo Shaving creau. 50c Durham Duplex razor. 40c FALL " WEEK 1 SPECIALS ! Dwain and Bruin-n Phone s. DURHAM Reg. 00c. for 3h I