"tt {ark 3rd L131 ttrt 2t on tur. kart the ink- was led of no Pertt Mrs and Mrs and in! nil " If?! der the iih an ho " IV lo Ct . DON'T FORGET , the Big Clearing Sale PRtGEVllLLE 6min": r1».lhrr Man and [field of mun. were Sunday visitor- at 3â€er home. ‘l-o’l lime was enjoyed at Mr. \n-hol's. lsr.) on Wednesday " to a dance. which was much "', In all present. _ Ilma Hooper was the gum! _ ‘rvnd on Sunday. Miss Mart who]. J. S. McILRAlTH. Edgar Dobson and alumni huuw after strendirtq the I".- .m her brother! James and McArthur. 1rthur Everist and " J. Rat. I m' Toronto. are visiting with ,1! F'wr.rlst here. Has Always "-, (‘lmord “hell and Mun-y lr-rt on Mood" for Tomato. 4 Normal School. Mu McLean. Tomato. visited at Mr Dan Campbell’s. N4} given by the Pricevllle ".-srplt. at Drolnon on Friday 'n " success. the proceeds»- . {19, m McCann" of meon Stn., n; her sister. Mrs A. L 1h- Milne of Chuley was in t,' week and on invitation nu mm, "O Man of Sorrows" at mum United. town farmers were having mm threghed on Saturdayand _ hast which turned out "ll. r rrnps all over. Any farmer ast "hams" farming swam SEPT st, 1917 All irc.tretlientt' are 01 our Bread. m; is the order of the day 'vF In», Mr Colin New u r-hittX on the Gavel and m- and R.3. Turner on the tre well known {or last week. m Mrkeetutie and sister Din "r, visited at the bone of ftest. Proton. at Mcllrailh's Shoe Store Bargains for the Whole Family ijEN0EPS0N'S BAKERY "ttr JOHN McGOWAN Iner. Thomtrury, visit: sister. Mrs John Me. Support your THIS IS TRUE OF OUR BREAD n tor their richness sanitary cases. free out cuifis AND PASTRY Taken a Strong Stand for Qualily of First Quality. Therefore when [L you are assured of the Best. no people of this mm. were} treated to the eight of an aeroplane,' which losing its way to Camp Bor. den on Friday evening last, was tore- ed to descend on account of increas- ing darkness. Essaying to stat-t on Saturday morning. some ot the local assistants pulled the wrong "string" while the aviator was cranking with the result that the machine went on on a trip on its own account without a guiding hand and ttttally crashwi against the trees in a. fence row, a bad wreck. Miss Marjorie Bverist returned home after visiting friends in Torom to. The harvest is past for another year and the crops have been good. Mr John Webster and sisters, Mis- ses Edna and Berta, motored to Lon. don the beginning of week. Misses Edna and Berta motored on to De- troit where they lntend to spend some time. Miss Ruby, who has spent her The Gospel train. comprising ten young men from the Alliance Bible College. Toronto, drew a large eromi " the Sunday services at Bethany chapel. They made tut earnest appeal in song and gospel message. This section was well represented at our school fair at 1'entry last Monday and secured quite a mtmber of Individual prizes. maps and quality. Kept nee from dust. Miss Douglas visited her friend Miss Berta Webster last week end. Mr and Mrs Chas Wale and family were In Owen Sound recently. Mr C. Ridden, Lintowel. was a Sun day visitor at Jas Riddeli's. The bridge contractors are back on their Job in this vicinity. having com pleted their work in Ptestterton. Mr and Mrs Jno. Sinclair and fam- ily, viimed " Mrs Hugh Binelair's and at Mr John G. Caldera. Mt Por- Tho Cash Shoe Store Home Baker summer in Detroit, returned to HOPEVILLE VICIII'I'Y you buy in clean. " L Again the seasons are changing land the sun is crossing the line and 'days are shortening and getting cold. {The days ot our lives are also pas- isimr away and as everyone is or Lshould be preparing tor the cold ot {winter. we hope that they may have lhealth to withstand the storms and even enjoy them. . i At present great preparations are Ebeing made for the fall fairs of the (next few weeks and the best ot the -yenr‘s produce in crops, stock and (mamtmetttre will be before the pub- 'tie. Some will be pleased with the :Judge's decisions, others will not. est. the tirtrt of the week, At the Sept. meeting ot our Insti- tute, at the juggle of Mr: Fred Sage- man int Wednesday, We had the pleasure of e visit from Cedarville branch. They put on a. splendid var led program which was gently enjoy- ed. Thi'a was Flower Day and nine display ot beautiful bloom greeted the eye. Nurse Mary Russell in a iovial manner auctioned on the now- { Mr Herman How of Suit. is visit- ing with his daughter. Mrs Martin IWilson here and calling on many ot his old acquaintances. We enjoyed ivory much a chat with him over old _ times as Well as now. It is 13 years isince he last visited Ontario. Her- ‘man now spends his winters at the [coast and is enjoying good health for an old man. l We notice in the Dundalk Herald Lot last week an account ot. the yield of barley Mr Robt. Watson had. Ott " acres he took nine loads and ;threshed the half of it, getting one l hundred and one bushels. Mr Watson 'says it is not all for it a neighbor's :cattle had not not into that barley and the short man that was sent to , take them out, he would have had a "rreater yield. The cattle and the (hired man were both lost for home 'tinte and as he watched every few (minutes the man would Jump straight up in an endeavor to see the cattle or the renee. Next. We can look forward to the time when all wlll be Judged and each will get their just reward. The Swinton Park sports are pre- paring to trive an exhibition dance at the concert in Fletrherton on Show night. They are having a good time in anticipation and we wish for them success as good music ttttd a good dance is enjoyed by everyone. Threshing machines are all out and good yields. especially of barley.are reported. Mrs J. H. Richardson has gone to Lucknow this week with her mother. Mrs Cranston, who has been visiting at Richardson's for some time. (From another correspondent) Early in the summer our school trustees let the contract to have certain repairing done to SB. No H. Egremont known as Boothville school. A company took the contract and was to have same completed in quin- mer holidays. The company failed to comply with contract and another was made a short time ago. The company sent their men and hired some help ot the section. The neigh- bors were horrified when going IO church Sunday to see these people busy at their work all day Sunday. Such a thing should not be allowed. The Lord's Day Alliance should be notified as we are in a civilized country. What might have been a serious accident was when Wm and Mrs. Kinsman were going to his brother in-law's. Chris Wheeler's. One ot the radiator rods of the car broke and sent them to the ditch. Howev- er all came of! safely. Mr A. McCannei had the misfor- tune of losing tour or Bve young cattle with the black in: disease. Most of the remaining cattle are vaccinated to prevent spreading. MEADS--m Artemesia. on Sept hh, to Mr an! Mrs W. R. Meads. the gift of a son. (Kenneth Ray.) Pertilizets. Also a carloa of Acid Phosphate At a wry s lal price. Let us tell you about t em. The well-known Lauder farm, im- mediately adjoining Durham corpora- tion, on Provincial Highway. 100 ac- res. more or less. in good state rr eultietttitttt: good frame house. barn and enhancing: electric light. good water. 2 wells. one drilled; conven- ient to High and Public Schools: concrete sidewalk to soâ€. Tenders will be received up to September lot, 1921. Invest or any {cider not uncanny accepted. For farmer Information up!" on premises to A full line FARM FOR sAtle BY TENDER SWINTON PARK THOS. G. LAUDER. mm FARM FOR ML! J. W\ Ewen & Son. Phone 114 BORN Fall Wheat special Amplm was Wrecked Farewell Service of § mt hitmille. Rev. hs. Taylon en field in rear of Thos Nichol's home and decided to land there tor :the night about T p. m, as it was lgrowing quite dark. He found his [way to Mr Nichol's home and spent the night there. Next morning a crowd had gathered to see him start .06. but rain had fallen that morn- 'ing and spark plugs of engine had I got wet. Mr. Seller had started the engine, but stopped and cleaned i plugs and otherwise got engine in good order. Then he cranked pm- peller and had Mr P. Johnston, the Prceville teacher. to adjust throttle, but when engine started the machine leaped oft the ground. The aviator attempted to jump in and close " l control, but slipped on the step in entering and fell on, the tail of plane , knocking him over unhurt in passing. lThe plane nose a few feet and car- leened easterly, colliding with terrific force against a tree at line fence be. l tween Nichol's and Stothart’s. A iield at the reu- ot Tho- Nichol'; The sum: Manna: a... ...m. u... and John summe- um, west ot day evenlns Ind half of the school: Priceville, wn the centre of interact room as well. when the pastor. Row.) Saturday, on template having come James Tsylor preached his areweit, to grief there about nine o'clock that before departing tor his new charm- mornins. in tstarting oft, it nectden- " 1mntatry. The Presbyterian con' tally second without the pilot, “a negation withdrew their evening ser- collided directly against a tree, bully vice. tor which eourtevy the tumor wrecking the machine. thanked their pastor and ottieials. The aviator, Mr. Seller. had come Rev. Mr Armstrong and Rev, Mc. from Hamilton Friday sfternoon with Crichtngton, Baptist paBtor at Ma. a commercinl plane and was en route loch, occupied seats on the platform to Camp Borden. Having only a and both assisted in the service. land compass to direct him, he lost Rev. Mr Taylor’s farewell message his way and alighted in a. tieid near was a brilliant effort and one that Markdale. Here he learned he was will iong remain with “is hearers. forty miles too tar west and set out The congregation will be fortunate Co tor Borden. Becoming dusk, howev- secure a successor of his ability and er, he didn't take chances on land. earnestness in expoundin'z the gospel ing there on unknown ground and truths. He chose. tor his text and turned back. He espied the large op- Cor. 13 .' " "The trrtce of the Lord en field in rear ot Thos Nichol's Jesus Christ and the love m' (Miami home and decided to land there tor the communion of the Holy Ghost be ', the night about 7 pm. as it was with you all." Ag " eoitt in frequ-nt : growing quite dark. He found his use becomes worn away, so often do [way to Mr Niehol's home and spent we use this text that we seldom the night there. Next morning a pause to consider its meaning. It is crowd had gathered to see him t/iart a statement or church doctrine, the .03. but rain had fallen that ntorn- doctrine of the Trinity; we haveiho 'ing and spark plugs of engine had names of three distinct persons coup . . _. #"% .._,, .74. _._M.__. “A blned in one God. The aviator, Mr. Sellu. had come from Hamilton Friday ntternoon with a. eotntttereitr1 plane and was en route to Camp Borden. Having only a land compass to direct him, he lost his way and alighted in a. field near Markdale. Here he learned he was forty mites too tar west and set out for Borden. Becoming dusk, howev- er, he didn't take chances on land. ing there on unknown ground and turned back. He espled the large op- That ended Its career, for It was almost totally wrecked. though the engine is yet in good condition and a few other parts can be salvaged. The aeroplane was worth about $5000. They are uninsumble and was owned by a Hamilton Co. for com- mercial purposes. Mr Sellar. the pi- lot, states it was one of their best ours and while regretting lts destruc- tion. is thankful that neither he nor any of the spectators assembled were injured. He wired to Hamil- ton for a truck to remove it and spent the day at Mr Nichol's until th" truck arrived Saturday evening. an: tr.rths tP run.“ during 1926 ’o‘a'h'l 2't"""5 the birth-rate for “w nine rs-r-tr-ro bein 24.3 rnr ‘hmmand oe r-tmoron. mam rt a" anâ€: rurvo-ro4 ""7318 in the IMM"’*'~, a r?†nf 11.4 par thou- 'ond Fun-s: of N'WI nver that!“ in tho War was 1't4 897. A foul of 66,570 marriages were reported during the year. The grams! cool weather for th" season of the year in British Colum. bin and the amount of moisture about has saved a great deal of timber from deetruet.ion byL fire. It umuer um" u\ "'...t.____e__ -- far this year there have been only 216 forest fires in the province, " compared with 570 for the similar period of last year. The present condition of the woods are excel- lent l Call in and see cur display of new Fall Goods Suits for " Youths and Boys just Arrived for t, Fall in the new styles and weave. THE DURHAM REVIEW u -mn-‘u- - MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS We want to show you the new fall and winter samples of Suits, tailored made. Here are the latest goods and every measure guaranteed Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Hosiery --all real nice goods just in. The well known brand. Leather Overall and smock always lopt in stat} . SWEATERS for men and ioys in coat or V- neck - latest pattern. All new Fall Goods on Display are and There (i. S. Burnett The tirgt gift of Jesus Christ is rvrtMNy---4Nte of the richest words in the New Testament. It expresses all Jesus did by His life and death. Our Saviour laid down His life not only for His friends but for His enemies. The speaker enumerated the blessings grace had brought: it made it pos- sibie tor God and man to come to. gather: it delivers men from sin and has secured a full, free and perfect salvation to men. It was the grace of Christ which made it possible for the love of God to ttow down to men. God is the eternal spring of love, the greatest thing we an say about Him While grace and love Ire individ- ual gifts, the fellowship ot the Holy Spirit indicates a brotherhood. Pet. lowship of spirit is the bond we tltvd in all friendly and fraternal societies. The bond ot fellowship of the Holy Spirit is mighty and enduring : earth- ly iriendshipa are tshattered, while it in perpetuated throughout eternity. It brings about unity of purpose. that church people work together for the salvation of the world, and brings love for one another, inspiring us to seek to help and speak well of oth- The Baptist Church was Pled Sun. In closing, Mr Taylor said he had. enjoyed the fellowship of God's peo- ple in these two churches. There There had been ditfieutties, no church had none. They were not to be avoided but were a challenze to men to do their beat. He enjoined young people to be not afraid of liii's' diillouldies bat learn to overcome and master them. He rejoice-'1 trecaureof' the loyalty, love and patience shown by the two congregations in his 0'.Pl' four years' pastorate here and would take to his new field a happy mem- ory of sacred fellowship. Ho would still be interested in the mark here, and hoped a successor faithful to the gospel of Christ and its central theme-the Crucifixion, would be chosen: as he had always endeavor ed to be. He thanked all who had cooperated and stood loyalty by him and enjoined his hearers to give their new pastor undivided loyalty and de- voted service. The combined choirs of Dttrhtttn and Glenelg Centre rendered a tine lu, of It; " ll. 3 chm at Wodhilge anthem and the leader. Mr H. E. PMPDS. I ttttht "Open the gates of the Temple," in pod form. After a long and lingering tltnms, Mrs McLean. beloved wife ot Nell G. McLean. was laid to rest In Hitierest cemetery. Woodbridge'. Mr and Mrs llama were mun ried in Much 1928. That run Mm? McLean was uken III with mums} which gradually new worse ull wtr) nary last when she was taken to Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, for fur- ther treatment. The belt medical air: procurahle was given her there for some time. but she '13 13mm tttian back to her home just beyond Woodbrldge as it my beyond any earthly physician's skill to renorclo health and strength nun her once healthy body. Her mother. Mrs N. Cuneron. a- waited her ttormreotnintt and with Mr McLean's constant nuisance trhe was most tenderly cared for and her every wish 1nd mint gratified until last Monday, Sept. 5th, at 1 pm.. when she was called to her heavenly home where suffering is no more i The pull bearers were her two brothers. Duncan and Chum. John {Mom-ran. Chu. McDonald, Jas.Bmwn and Gordon Leah. It was a long illness and she Fur. tered constantly, but even when the pain was worst. she was never hem-d to oomplsin end when once overlhe intensity of one pain, she was ready to smile and take part in any con. versstlon till min seized by that almost overwhelming pain. Mrs McLean’s maiden nune was Christeua Cameron. daughter of the late Neil and Mrs Cameron of Booth. ville Ind was born there March 7. 1894 and is survived by her mother. two sisters and three brothers viz: Mary of Toronto and Sadie. Duncan, Charlie and Neil at home. The funeral service was held at her home, Sept. 7th " 2 p. m.. her pastor. Rev. Mr Davlea of Wood. bridge Presbyterian Church conduct- ing the service and took his text from Psalm 46: l, "Grd is our Rel- uge and our strength, a very present help in trouble." Mr Davies spoke very feelingly ot deceased and made mention of the fact that he never called but what he found the Bible and Hymn book on the bed beside The many and beautiful nonitrib-l lites spoke of the high esteem in] which she 'ratt held: a pillow from, her husband: ‘Gntes Mar' Mrs fi,) Thompson 1nd Mrs Egan: wreath from Cameron family: sprays from! Mr and Mrs Jno. McLean. Sn. Mri and Mrs Jno. McLean, Jr., Mr am“ Mr: Harold Wilson, Mr um Mrs Wm! Lelth. Mr and Mrs Ju. Brown, Mr.' and Mrs Chas McDonald, Mr and Mrs Sunley Watson, Mr and Mrs Jno ,thson. Miss K Wild. Ludies' Aid of her church. Grout family (Mt Forest). er and Mrs Elmer Hadwin, Misnm Ruth Ledlngham. Ten. Wilson. Mer. garet Smollie and the Menhenitt Crt. _ (Mary's office.) I Relatives and friends presentfrom I distance were Miss Sadie. Messrs .l)uncan. Charlie and Neil Cameron. ,Mrs Wm Ipith and son Gordon. Mr. and Mrs Chas. McDonald. Mr and her Mrs RM Wilson. Mr and Mrs N. A. McQueen. all of Boothvllle: Mr and The Mrs Ian. Brown and Mrs Wes Arm) Auccl an, Mchllhms. ia, 1 TALK ‘OLD HOME WEEK' To INSTANT FRIENDS “no you thought out your [in of o'd Durhamltes you would like to Bee in Durham next summer " the Old Boys' Ind Glrls' reunion? an all“? to get llwir proper address-vi that an lnvluton in due time will he sent them. A reunion of this tttttttte calls for team work of every lndlr- lduul in the town. We take subscriptions tor .1le papers and periodteats. You don't need to do business of this kind with strangers or go to the trouble of sendlng by mail. Pay us and we will be responsible to getting your dull) to you 'ell'ilid.of HONEY FOR SALE Good honey at 1.00 per IO lb pail WM. A. . DONALD. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO NEW AND FRESH Lot u supply your Needs. PHONE "' The UPPER TOWN OWBY GROCERIES Also Cured Meats Confectionery. Bread Coal Oil and Gasoline l C. HOWELL Mrs Nebula were mar. count'ess St.. Durham J. L. SMITH, tM., " PS. IAIN 8TREET, MOLCTEIN, ONT. OMee Ind residence. comer Cmntco and Lambton opposite old Paton a Dilution": .tollhln" 1.80000 p. m., , to Dam. Sudan um (induce ot Toronto UM (W to the his Dr. Bub) OM“ Hours: 2--6 pan. r-" pl The Science {ha-i iail'Lifo to ORS. C. G. AND ' BESSIE McGILLIVRAY yours and you: to life. Call and Bee III. Consultan- In. In Durham Tuesdays, 1'th no “tut-days J W. C. PICKERIHG. 003. L08 Hosea GRADUATE of Mo Univorlity. Mute of Royal Gallop of Donal snml of 0mm Ron-o Over I a J annulus New Stan HONOR GRADUATE Tomato UM my; Graduate Royal Collm but! Surgeons. Dentistry In all " bun chem office, Eut ot Comm! Dru can Entrance on Mitt Street. ‘5Llcenud Auctioneer for Go. of (In, 1 Terms, reasonable. Sula data m We Arranged at the Review on DURHAM OWEN 000100 Lunbton St. 868 2ttd An . c. c. Mlddlobro' J. M. McCall-fl. Mr. McQunrrle will be all day may in Dundalk. Llano“ Auctioneer for any cm tHier taken on renouble tor-t Duel unused It Herald once.“ duh. use through Durham Review a. Mathew»: Adana. 0001:. Danna. Dundnlk P. o. Phone " r 4-2. J. F. GRANT, thos., LOS. MIDDLE BRO' & McQUARRIE 'twtdettttqt Phone 607 Auoclnuon witt Ihlp Rock from w bum. on Tuesdays. Shipper! m n enacted to give thus - notion. MELODY BOYS' ORCHESTRA 1t))al?ilBlAMl [BEIGE (iWCBl(t))(t)yl,, Intending pupils should prepare to enter ttt the beginning of the an term. lnfomntlon an to course. my be obtained from the Px'lnclptl. Each member of the an! In a University graduate and an nyrr Each member of University graduate laced teacher. t. Junior Matriculation e. Elm-Inc. to the Norm! “no“. The School In thorough:y and.†to (the up the tailoring cool-la .- The School ha a creditable no." ht the you which it hops to m min in the (more. her! Wand! Water thy tettadbrhnetrtqswrttdF.t “Wham-nun Mytmunnchneennd- xmtertttntt.pertutrdaadtmSt'" What in Good Bulth Worth t Graduate. Duvet-it, of ma Musk hr in Gee-ohm For rues. and open dltel. - an B. E. PKIPPS. Hun-cor GEORGE E. tMllUull Durham 1: tut ttttrnetive nnd_te" once on [when Bt. Eyes Examined and 00m“ M. C. McLELLAI 0513935919 Chiropractic Sputum. NOTICE " FAILIEBS r12 EB. J. "A". 't.N.6, an... JOHN tylllElL JAS. LAWRENCE, Shim Barristers. etc. John Monica". Oh: man R. A. No. e, â€Cowm- ring 2--5. 4: " ,. LN '31