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Durham Review (1897), 29 Sep 1927, p. 1

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El Will Collect tor Hospital The Ildles of the Red Cmu Incl“ " will trstt on the homes of Durham this week end for donations or him. “rues. frat, rte. for Durham Psed Cross Memorial Hospital. Kinny have supply ready when call ls made. The Hortbe%ttgral Swluy ml] have a displuy ot {all non-n in the window ot Mr E. Kress' furniture more. Friday nnd Summit). Sept. 30 and Oct. lat. Will members please can notice and bring In any ttoqrers they may have to Mr Krers' More on Thursday. Sept. Myth. Teach-N "mama. Oct. " and " The annual meetintt of South Grey Fo-achnrs' lnatltmr. will be held on Thursday and [Pl-May, Oct. 13 and II. at the Nth School. Durham. F. T. White. 1e.A., " Panel, of the Normal School. London. will be present both days and VIII deliver addresses on .dueattgtgtat tortes. Display " Flowers Pros. Ritchie Cunard Big Prisca. At Durham Fair last week. Presl- " George Ritchie won Ist for brood mare with foal in Arrieuiturnl I-lass. and thou-rm- receives I hand- »(-me silver trophy presented by me Mr James Burt at [Mann Pair n:- aimed six ears of Milk! com crown this year on his nephtw'a farm m knot. Man.. and I” awarded a "was red ticket. T. Eaton Co. and a no cash prize as wrli. Mr. Ritettie also landed the R. Manual: Co. prize or 35m worth ot mods tor best 2tr lb, crook butter. The W T.- at the bone Fhursday. Oet. Misses Etta Tyr, Ninth. Rev. W. H. Wturecra, pastor of l'arhdale Ave. Baptist Church. m- tamt. will occupy the pulpit of Dar- cam and Clem-lg Centre Baptist i'hnrches the urn two Sundays. Oct 2nd and 9th. with a view to n can. but Sabbath. Rev. Dr Scott. Supt. nf Home Missions of the Baptist Church in Canada. took the local pub pit and deiivered most inspiring sm- The Indies or mam Red Cross clock. 110 906i?” will by"! tho annual Mum- 530 o'clock in the Armory on th last Satunmv “new In trr:tober. mt .“M I.“ Prof. E. Kat the noted optical rpm-must, is eo in: to the Hahn House. Dorian]. Friday. Sept. GO, to relieve eye six t trouble. head- ..1-he. paln in the, t ples, dizziness, pain in the back o Pye. defective ision. ctr. All rellav 'hmuxh pro- wrh Atted glasses. y our great ~kill and experience we n help you wen when others fail. emembet VOL. L, NO. 38 Gunadi Grey s'. I'll ‘hah- openi t-tirtg o ll their club “than 'nons quits. No fun in being Famous According to the Alll: Alex. Hodge ttrsdg that t is not all run. tn fact t naite "fed up" with the he date According to the Alliston Herald.’ Alex. Hodge finds that being a tterol is not all fun. In fact he is getting (mitu "fed up" with the whole bust-f Hess. Too many people have been ,.isiiirte his farm. Two weeks and a Toronto transportation company ran' " whole bus load of people up trom' The city. arriving about nine in the wetting and staying for an hour and a half. Hundreds of private vars come even yet on Sunday. “Neath ~verything movable". says Mr Hmitte “has been taken away." There is not a knob left on one of the doom, inside or outside. All the slut-r knives and forks. given him by his friends m Scotland have been car ried away and every plate, cup and saucer contained in the pantry Vii-W1! be bid his money before going to his non. when he was confronted by no: Who. has _ been carried on. no. the voila the poper has been putty well stripped In all the nuns 'iTiG%idtaiiieeseaeht"ttlttt not mod. when he came tomy no It Wonthor‘p. on not serv- h; u salvo-in. Apparently It. W m no "but at! Mt hi. the - of my. . tr be present ttt Art {with}; net. 4m. A ailrmhnce is aslwd v?" v " I if'i'QPl4 one of the dome. All the MM! given him by his I have been car- D. will hold the season. a The Ladies' Aid f tite Prvs'vyum t jun Church. will hol a sale of how» , made baking in the .Y.P.A, mama. Saturday afternoon, ft . Ist, at 3 o" I The monthly study meeting of the I Y. w. A. of Knox United Church, 'was held in the schoolroom or the (church on Tuesday ev'x, Sept. 27th, with the President in the chair. The l metting was opened with singing and prayer, alter which the business was taken up. As the meeting was or a Jubilee nature. the President opened the subject and Mrs Henderson read i the story ot our first settlers, the Ind- lians. Miss Mary McKechnie read ,the scripture lesson bearing on the [topic and Miss Margaret Edge the prayer of the immigrant. The re- sponsive meeting led by the presi- ydent was answered by the. following members: Ukrainian- Mary Brown: ,ltaiian - Myrtle Koch: Finlander-- Jean McKay: Greek-Margaret Mc- I Fadden : Dane-Violet McClyment : icelander - Mary Mekechnie: Mus 1'l2't'r'lt'ir'-Vr", Catton: Swede --matu barn Ritchie: Pole-Caroline Mitt-li- ell: Buuarian---Mrs Dumeld: Czeeho _ Slovaks - Mary Morton: Hebrew--- L Daisy Mather: Armenian - Myrtle I Koch : Chinese and Japanese -olive 'y Middleton. The questions and re- F plies to these different nationalities entering Canada. show the matchless / opportunity offered us to do service . for the ages to come. The meeting closed with the repeating ot the class , text and the Lord‘s Prayer in unison. Owen Sound W'awanekas and Cult SVutlkas. two crack glrls' ballteams played Int. semi ttnat at Mt Forest last Saturday. It was the best tr,'As' game named in this part of tlwprov- nee and surprised the natives. Owen Sound won 4 to 3 by a thrilling last inning flttitrh when a homer by Owen Sound's star pitcher. Wilda. Plants, brought in 2 runs and a game ttat appeared lost. O. S. had the edgeitt their battery. but Gait excelled ln the tleld, losing by lack of timely hit. ting. About 15 Durhatnltes attended and rooted for the Wanna. They now meet Nationals of Toronto in tht. finals. Study Meeting of Knox Auxiliary Chesteraeld S 'tte, 2 pieeew. couch and chair, tapes! _ covered. alnrout new. Solid oak d . room quite, G chairs. table and b et. Alec ' Mot" ris chair and 1 chin' cabinet. Will be sold togetheror a stately. g..rute may be arranged. "ly to WM. Laidlaw. telephone No. 7, Durham. Will Vote tor four Elders ' For the next two Sabbaxhs. the members of Knox Church. will be voting on the selection of tour "N thins, at least two preferably to bo- representing the rural districts ot the church in Itentinck and Glerrsis.t. I Wawanekas were Winners ”unwary "new will be me an Zion United 'hun-h. Glenelg. on Oct. 2nd am 3rd.' Sunday son-lens at :30 and 1.30 an and will be take: by new. H. Hales. Enter- lainment Monday e an: at " o' clock. Refreshments unwed. ld. mission Mc Att 20c. Furniture for hte Commencing Monday of this week. the motor coach out in morning and returning at night on C.N.R. has been replaced by a steam train. The time of departure from Durham station is unchangrd---7.06 a.m. also its aniw al 9.05 r. m. Now, however, athroug'n service to Toronto is provided on this train without change at Palrier- ston or Guelph. The noon train ar- rives now at 12.55 instead ot 12.30 and leaves at 2.35 p. m. as formerly The through train to and from Tor. onto morning and night means that three or tour families of the opera- ting crew will be resident ln Durham. These men are endeavorlng to rent or buy homes here, a tlittieult mat- ter with the present scarcity of suit able houses. Durham to Receive Peony Bulbs from Prince Mr J. N. Murdock. Mayor of Dur- ham. has received a letter from 11. W Britten. Manager of the Bank (1' Montreal. to the effect that this Bank has undertaken the distribution of the many thousand peony bulbs to the many towns and cities in Canada which are being donated by His Ro:.- al Highness. the Prince of Wales in 1.ommemoration of his Canadian v'cr it in Diamond Jubilee Year. The bulbs are being distributcd from each branch of the Bank of Montreal and where there is no local branch in the town, will be 'ship‘p'ed from the nearest point, which will be Hano- ver. They are to arrive in plen'; of time tor fall planting. We would suggest that the monies be called the "Eddie" brand. after the popular Prince. At but he could have chos- 'en no 2'2' way than to show his app “Say it with tiowerr" C. N. R. TRAIN CHANGES or, . -uL susreihserve' te iii? minim ililttritittt rm he be 'W be Monday evening the ladles' Sid completed the Anniversary services by giving a splendid supper and con. cert, which was a success flnatteitul, as well. 880 having been the doorre celpts. After opening services, atev, Mr Flddes in the chair. the arches,- tra comprising Mr and Mrs Earl Mc- Donald. Bert Saunders and W. lien- son gave good selections. Mrs Hen- llt y song three times in a clear con- trullo Voice. some fine selections with oncorm. Readings by Geo. Hay and ll. Pudfield were well received. Mis- ses Lawrence sang "Lead Kindly Light" with fine efteet while Mrs. Pattlfield's piano solo was strongly en- cored. A duet .by Mr Benson and Mrs E. McDonald was well rendered as was a. solo by Mr Benson. A cor- net and trombone duet by Messrs C. Buschlen and Phipps was vigorously moored. They had tumbling them Mrs lieu-I After a tine supper in the school- m'y or Hammer, atonncr Welsh choir room. the congregation assembled in member. Me amt: two solos alike} the church, W. H.' Mount. presiding mornim: service with great '"r-"u'rrt-ldeaeort, in the chair. He called upon an”. the choir also contributing two, Rev. Mr Crfekintrton to open proceed- gnthems. tings in which the latter praised Mr. Mr. Fiddes preached from Junixps Taylor for his earnestness and tsplen- 7; 4, showing how God raised up did pulpit ability and hoped they tliree hundred men to be delivrrcys, would Boon have another pastox- m of Isrvel under Gideon. [take his place. which would be hard At the evening service. Mr Fiddes gave a splendid discourse from Herr rews ll; 24. '25, which tells of the momentous decision of Moses, chins- ing rather to stiller utiliction withthe people of God than to enjoy the pleasures ot' sin in Egypt. There are great decisions that etteet the world's history :'Caesor’s when he decidedto cross the Rubicon: Pilate's whonhe had the choice to tree Jesus or de- liver him to the Jews to be cruci. fied. 'Twas but a step from Moses' decision to the decision required of every Christian and he earnestly placed before the people the choice between evil and good. The choir rendered two anthems in good style: a trio by Mrs E. McDonald and sis- ters Misses Smith and duet by Mrs. McDonald and Mr Benson made up a line program ot musir. Anniversary of Queen St. farewell Evening in Baptist Church a Splendid Affair Church for Rev. Mr Taylor Mr. Fiddes preached from Judges 7: 4. showing how God raised up three hundred men to be dolivrrm-s ot “one! under Gideon. At the owning service. Mr Fiddeé gave a anen/lid discourse from Hetr As the ohaitnan's address. Mr Fid- des gave some historic notes of Queo St. Church. taking them back to 1852, to the union of Methodism in 1871. He had also words of apprec- iation for his church workers and choir. He. had no need to beg or preach Christian stewardship - they lived up to their profession. The Board had sent out letters to mom- bers asking them for $400 and $265 was given in the morning and alltite $400, less $32 was made up in the evening offering. The concert had gone over the $400 mark. The {\lmi‘versari' stltet Ittt ly,' Est 'iGiksiaLUL, I'?. 91 Queen Il. Laud Chu“f"i.t-steem in whl l h were Tery 1T.e'-.'y,'l,'t/,l.' good r'fef,r.',i.5t",txlsryyei in a tim" a! both name”. In the wemne Bx's Smith, PiMes Hymn): erery available space was puxzent of the town utilized and cluirsmthe aisles. Knox Mr Richards. Hana United had cancellvd her evening Ree' H Criekitutton service to apt-ad " am! an enjoyed l Farmer. Owen Scum the able .Ihscoumes ot Mr Hades: Iaith. were present and the musical part ot the son-1cm, lthuony lo his worth OperaLions at Hospital Mrs Jus. McRonald ot the 6th con. Bentlnck. was operated upon in Dur- ham hospital Wednesday for append- icitis. On Tuesday in the same building. Mr Oliver McCainn under- went the surgeon's knife. Change in Barber Buliness M§james Allan has disposed of his barbering business and fittings, located in north front' of Katie's pool room. to Mr Robert Whitmore, who took possession Tuesday moun- ing and is at work there. He intends removing the equipment to his own shop now occupied by Mr Wilfrid McDonnell and with whom Bob has veeentl.v been employed. Mac is looking up a new place or tuttsittesrslu town. Mr Alien and family will 1e- move from town, but have not yet settled on a location. New. 1H. s. Fiddes, passer, at“ 1 mm: Speaker and “dudes large audiences betttt ”who: An Exciting Runaway While delivering milk up town on Wedttesviay morning. Frank Lake, who drives McDonald's wagon. could not control the horse, and it broke a- way from him and tore down the hill. Passing through the business part of town past Garal'raxa bridge, it nar- rowly missed several parked car3 and when Geo. Gray attempted to halt it rowly missed several parked carsanll! at 8.15 p.m. he omeers of ttto when Geo. Gray attempted to halt it Township will be esent. as wellus at Hahn House corner, the s'ov‘dl Mr McPheeters of e Creamery Co- saw-1M d onto the sidewalk betwwnlOperative Co. and l A. Amos, the Brigham's store and hydro polo. in; U. P. o President. his is one of}! front. where it slipped and t'ell (“miseries of educative elings, one to its wild dash was thwnrted. Two be In each Township f the Riding. wheels of wagon and front axle were; Miss Isabelle M ire, exhibited broken while there WIS a drop in'; three articles of hand work at the milk as well. 1 number of the lu.t.|Canadlan National Exhibition, Tat-on- iiJsUeing Green. The same animal had . previous runaway record. Want aver Financia) objective DURHAM, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1927 yawn .aho tttte Presented with Purl: and mum‘- - Manama , mentary :49er by mgreganon With which is incorporated the scum. Lender Here an interesting break took place when Mr John Ritchie read an address, expressive of their respect and esteem, Mr Duncan McLeanpre- senting him with a purse of mom-v. as a tangible token of appreciation ot his labors among them. In replying, Mr Taylor said it was the'hardest thing he had to do to say good byo and in spite of all dif- t'vrences had enjoyed his stay. He thanked them all for making him feel so much at home-the deacnns, board of management choir and Y P. Society: their hearty cooperation had been good to him. He would like to repay some of Mr Smith's compli- ments, for ever since he came to Durham, Mr Smith had been 3 great help in his work and any measure of success in the pulpit, he attributed Continued on page 5. Rrv. Mr Smith was glad to have an opportunity to express his apprec- iation of Mr Taylor. It was good to have an occasion once a year for tho ofriCituts to tell how they appreciated their minister. Mr Taylor often ask- ed his advice on various matters but would not do so concerning one to run his home for him'. They nwcr had a finer minister in this congrega- tion, a diligent student and scholar, conscientious in his work, and would grow to be one of the outstanding preachers in the Baptist Church. He hoped he would often come back to visit us and wished him even grout- er success in his ministry at Grima- by. to fill, Coupe and Truck Collidcd At the corner at the foot. of Dar-T ham hill Saturday afternoon a Li) iision occurred when the delivery: truck of the National Grocena or o/ Bound, was struck by a Noni om1pe,) driven by Eddie McQueen of town.' Both were traVeiiing north past Gara- fraxa St. bridge, the truck a little a- head. Eddie stepped on the gas to make speed to climb Durham hill, expecting to pass the truck. when it suddenly turnch to the left at corner at toot of hill, and the crash follow- ed. The radiator and tenders ot.'he coupe were. damaged, but the only in. Jury to truck was the tail light being broken off. A farewell to Rev. Jas Taylor who is leaving for Grimsby, was given by the eongretratJon ot shellauurl church last Thursday, when the respect mm .e-steem in which he was held, was _vxtnnplftied in a marked degree, nx's Smith. Puma-s and Hayes Were paw-m of the town clergy and Rev. Mr Richards. Hanover Baptist Clt.: Her. H. Crickingwn. Mulock; Ru, Farmer. Owen Sound Wolstencrottm mm). were present to give their teg. Priceville' Presbyterians Call a Minister A congregational meeting of Frivo- ville Presbyterian. was called for in McKinnon Hall, Priceville, on Med. nesday. Sept. 28th. to select a pastor from the number they have heard in the past few weeks. Two or three names were mentioned. but when " was noted the majority were in fav. or ot Rev B. lanes, all present made their wish unanimous that he be giv- en the call. Next week we will most likely be able, to state as to his ac- ceptance of this call and In the mean time the eontregation are hopinglhat his way is clear to do so. Mr Intwit is a. man of middle age and "nptv's- sed all with his earnestness and for var when he preached in Prieevilte u- bout a month ago. u. F. o. szmp MEETING Every I', o. member and all interested in e movement, are cot" dlally invited attend a Bentinck Township Meeti to be held WEDNESDA EV'G, OCT. Sth AT LAMLA H SCHOOL, Miss Isabelle 2mm exhibited three articles of hand work at the Canadian National Exhibition, Town- to and had the fortune to secure a prize in a ladies’ tea cloth entry. ohrramdTiiieTiiirE"ii TORONTO 'he omeers of tho esent. as wellas e Creamery Co- l A. Amos. the I Mr and Mrs Will Buchan and son living of Dtttutviue,with the farmer's mother, Mrs Buchan, Bayfield, were visitors with their nuuwrous “in lives In Durham over the geek .ud. :Mrs Buchan, Sr. chief object in com ilng north was to see her sister, Mrs (Munro in Durham Hospital, who is recuperating slowly from her stok- miss. Mrs Wlll Buchan sang a solo ‘acceptably in Durham Pvtutsbyrvtissn Church Sunday evening. l, Mr Hauck of Toronto. who is .'is- _ iting at the Queen St. Parsonage ad- idressed the congregation at Zion on Sunday afternoon. i Miss Lizzie Hind is in Dunllalk tn- , day, Wednesday. attending the Young } People's Conference and when on I behalf of Durham United Church ', Softball League will receive the ’shield emblematic of the chaumolou» lshlp of Grey Co. The shield is hunt :for one year. Miss Magnet McGlrr is spending a few any; with her sister, Mrs John McLean in Shelbume. Mr Wm Porter and.Miss Porter, and Mr and Miss Winter ot Elmvulv. Were visitors the tiistrt ot the week with the farmer's son Walter ot the Standard Bank staff. Mr and Mrs Norman Kelsey Inte Isabel Cameron) of Weston, Wt'lu? callers on town friends last week end. Mrs S. Tilleson and little daugimw or Clintonville, Wisconsin. is visiting her sister, Mrs Knight and mother. Mrs Munroe. Miss Amy Kelly has gone to Tor- ono for a few Weeks. acceptably In Durham Piwsbytvtissn REAY - In Belllim-k. on Sum“). Church Sunday evening. ', Supt. 25th, to Mr and .Mrs Han) Mr Alex. Simpson of Port Itover,' Reay, a daughter. came Monday on a visit to his hum» MeKEOWN-ln Gh-nelg. on Smur- er, Mr Donald Simpson, at the hmm- Jay, Sept. 24. to Mr and Mrs Leon. of Mr T. M. McFadden. . I ard McKeown. P so". Mr Geo. Hath or manner was N MARRIED visitor over the week end with his‘ WATSON-STAPLES: At the Quin-n sister, Mrs (Or.) Bell. ' HI l'nIn-d l'arsmmma, hurhauL rm Mr and Mrs Geo. Mlddlebmok of Weston were visitors the first of the week with Mr and Mrs John Bur- gess. In: and Mrs E. Lauder. daughter Miss Margaret and son Ned, Were in town over the week end from Torotr to, at his brother's, T. G. Mr and Mrs Roy Pearce of Strai- I'ord. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs E. w. Liluin. Miss Edna Moore of Mildmay. is visiting at Wm Moore's, l-Ilgln St.. Miss Myrtle Dean, nurse-in-training in Bruce County hospital, Walkerton, has been successful In passing lieu' probation examination. Mrs Victor Canon returned Thur ;- day to her home in Grlmsby, utter a couple ot week‘s visit with her "all ents in town, Mr and Mrs Dan Mm Lean and relatives in Beutinck. Mrs C. C. Miedlebro, Owen Sound. is visiting a few days in town this week with friends. Misses Marion and Ruby Scarf an, spending R week with Toronto relu- lives and friends. Miss Jean Harding who is taking up Fourth Form work at Owen Sound Collegiate, was home over the W9:k end. _ .Mrs. W. R. Alder is spending a few days with her parents in Cree» more, while Mr. Alder is allmdinga Highways Convention in Toronto. Misses Julia and Christen: Me Lean have leascd their home for the winter and in a short time'purpose leaving for Hamilton, where tiny will spend the winter. Miss Kathleen Milne leaves this week to attend Toronto University. A very pretty wedding was solo-mu-i ized at the Manse. Inwood, Wedtres-, day, Sept. 7th, at 1.30 run, when Hui- ith Violette, daughter of Mr and Mrs Alfred Warts. became the bride of Mt"i Percy A. Barber, son oi" Mt' and Me. F Richard Barber, Durham. Miss Eiiiaf M Warts, sister of the bride, actwd "s, bridesmaid and Mr Bert Barber, brother of the groom. oi Durham. as best man: Rev. Mr Hagelstein, their pastor. officiatcd. The bride wasmost attractively attired in a peach are." gem? gown, with blonde shoes and hose to match, .and carried a boquet of roses and maiden hair tent and wore a becoming picture hat. The1 bridesmaid was gowned in a maize, georgette dress, with shoes and hoste- to match and white hat. Sho carri cl av bouquet. The groom's gift to the' bride was a rope ot indestructible pearls: to the bridesmaid a midi compact. and to the groomamzm tt' silver cigarette Case. l Immediately after the cerem "r," the happy couple returned to the? |bride'a home where a dainty wedding ,dinner was served to about thirty. j guests. The dining room we. beauti- j fully decorated with Bowers, pink and 'white streamer! and Wedding bails. IThe table m graced bye three story wedding entre. lit-and Mrs. !Barba left by motor tor a trip to Park, Chicago. and Morris, Illi- HARDER - WORTS HYMENEAL '3' MARRIED WATSON-STAPLES: At the Quin-n St. United Parsonage, Durham. on Wednesday, Sept. 28. by Rev H. S. Fiddes. Finderim Naples. daughtvr or Mr and Mrs Fred Staples, tq Wm. C. \\’atson.son of Mr and Mm W. R. Watson, (Ho-new. nois. the bride travelling in a row: blush satin crrpe dress with blue: trimming and coat ot sand ch JK, trimmed with fur and glows. pans», shoes and hat to match, on thin return they will reside in “mood. They recoivod many beauriful and costly presents, including a inund- sume cheque 1mm the groom's Pt'." ents. together with a miscellaneous shower from, the people of inwood and one from the people on St AM- rews. The Review joins with the many lriends of the groom in extending best wishes to this former Vaotvy tryy Those from a dielancu ulwndm: the wedding were Miss Mary Turn- ball, Durham and Mr Ben Berber, Durham. I! use i {lquihb's genial Cream l 1% s. McBETI-I , -r_mw-t.. - u-v - - - ‘I-.4 -.,‘.-..- -‘-.-~ - ----- - -P.. You are cordially invited to see this display and if you desire select. your new winter over- coat from this up to date stock. One of (he leading firms of Toronto will have a choice assortment on display at our Store Published Weekly at $200 a you tn “no” To United aunt. $2.50 a year In advance. u. “LOB: a DON. Pnhluhen Wednesday, Oct. 5 for pr'erierrtrtion of Teeth and (3 mm. Made with Squibb‘s Magma Mogneria ' --Neutralizes mouth acidity Philip Lawrence LA0IES' COATS STAN Dkiih BAN K Afternoon and Evening, BORN - V or CANADA DURHAM BRANCH-W. A. Johnson. Maytag" sob-nr-Pts-ttu Fall Display of Standard Bank Safety Deposit halts F you desire to place any of your I valuable lumen. 'eweller.r, or oth- er precious belongings in one of our Safely Deposit Boxes, mu will tir.t our slat! ready to render pmmpx and oouneous service at all llmrs during banking hours. The cost In you ls only nominal and we am glad to be of any possible nuisance whrn you wish access to your box. 450 a tube Durham McFADDEN'S Drug Store II pmmotvs the gmwtthalth and beauty of the hair. it Hum Mates the roots. hummus the circulation and muririon of the scalp tissues. It has a pleasant odor and Is easy In apply-a mu Hair Tow ic which makes the hair was- " and mow- lumrinm. " out of 100 of the titst users ot Ken" "98" Hair Tonic said It was the best product they hm! "ver tried. That's wite.e we Kot the name-mu vane '.'4 uni, ago. "93" mm bu irletity of staunch [mm]: and mm». Why llerall E '%' Hair Tonic ! Gannon: size but" spl'lnklvr top for a dam. So'J undvr the usual guarantee a====ao-"====""ao is Best for you to Buy Druggin and Sudan”- Phone 3. DURHAM --------.co aun-

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