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Durham Review (1897), 13 Oct 1927, p. 1

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Hu purchased Nownpapor The 'Reviens' was pleased last " wan to receive a Into-1' from Mrs H. P lone, tnee May Young) of Kel- vinnon. tush. who. tho" nine years ~inw she left Durham. still looksi'or- ward lo the arrival or the Review. um Lyne will in future have a mon- umpalhetic interval in III newspap- Besides these as chief mourm rs; his coat. Hannlnn declined to the men will also mourn . brother BIL} evfdenee " he denied he. knew any- tn Ashlin-d. WU.: 'thrvo sisters. Mrvttung about the money. County nos. Ann. “my : Mrs Mary no»; Crown Attorney Dyre prosecuted and of “ma. Wis. and Mu Annie Dav-i no. Tucker defended the accused. Damned In days ot health was“ Mush-Ion- mn and spent many yam in the employ of the Durham Mm Co. The when] the: pine today to My cemetery. his my tor. Rev. " Hares ot Trinity eon- extend our synwhy to the bereaved. manned was born near vttrnou, and except for six gears In Holstein, has spent his life here and near Gere wor since. His wife. who w“ a Miss Hraithwaite, he was married to over 30 years no and who ha proctor-ras- ' t him by {our and a half years. To man Vere born the children an fol- lows: Lorne at Brock. Sash: Mate xk " home: Nellie. In Wm. Prue. m: Edmond. Darcy. Sash: mu. In P .MCQ. Toronto. on Tuesday attertteon In! thelnat all came to Thou. MoAnulty. N. Chetrter 91,. Durham. after an "Int-u of he months. which Dem with pneumonia. He was " years of ate. was an occupant. " was a territiei )0" and Mrs Firth received the rulli "area. as the bark of her neck soc-mi u! powerless for a time. Slu- Iras :ak-l ‘n m Dr. Bell's. who-re she romaine-cl a.” night. and while yet feeling the!, .tfects of the jolt. is atrte to be 3-. mum] again. The other car got nwny’ a I no trace of the parties. I Mrs W. G. Firth had the misfor- vine to be in a mutt)" accident atthe IanH r or Lambton and Gannon on Friday night last, She had just on .red a car to return home after Rt. wndinx chotr matter at the Pres- tgxterhn Church, when another car ‘.om the south came touring “out at run speed around the corner. and cot mentoring distance properly. [an brains! the car in which Mr: Firth Renaud Severe Jolt Four Now EM.“ The past two Sundau in Knox ‘hun-h. Itham voting has been In ', rough-as for the once of four elders. T here was “Mundane of Rood mater- ml tor the omCes arl the tour elect- ul aro- mlly worthy of the honor con- erred upon them. They 'are Robert Mac-Parlano. Dr, J. P. Grant. w. J. "Hm, w. J. Ritchie (Glenelg) 1 Death of Tins. McAnulty rs that enter her home. " her hus- -.-nd has puretsased the "Radio". "no urn-paper in his town. and will run ' in conjunction with his oil and "a business. tthe hopes to be able $t roach Durham tor old Home fes- Aitit.s next. summer and bring her "o uiauxhters with her. Her hus- mut is a native or Clarkshurx. wan Speak at Tha"sturtterio. _ The Young ladies' Auxiliary of Mrs ft. M. Johnston. 2nd Vice Pres-i Knox Church. were entertained at .irnt ot the 1V.M. S. or the Toronto; the home or Mm John McGlrr on "rmferettrre, will gum-us the Thank; Monday trvertitstt, when the regular 'rtrerirttt ot' the W. M. s. of Knox my: monthly social and work meeting was "rd Church. on Sunday morning, on. There were eighteen lax-Hes pre- ,,,., Irrt with. ; sun and a very enjoyable evening was . . 'spent. At the close of the meeting. New Barber Shop '; lunch was served by Mrs. McGirr. New MM Shop The north sample- room of the Hahn House Is being renovated (his v.-ek into a harbor shop which will 'm oomph-'1 try Mr W. McDonnell in wo or three weeks. R. Whitmore. alto is now in than» of the shop in >iaslio‘s pool room. will then move ttro equipment to his own shop. The annual Red Cross Bazaar wi'l he held in the A. P.A. room: on Saturday. 01-1. 29th. " wilt mm .d 3 Fm. The Ru! 9 will also v-vrve a 35c hot supper mm 5 to 7. men-body welcome. A donallom thankfully received. Norman Carpenter. son of Mrs. (Rev) E. Hayes of the Rectory. Van ulna In! Issue of Review, operate»: upon at Durham Hospital, for app. r.. "ttomy. " Don't miss caring Dr. Forbes ami'; menus served. AdmissoKL’Scand 15e a.» Owen Sou d Male Quartette andi Commencing Monday, Oct. 17th. the Jr! a hot sun at the Presttyterit'rr Rural Mail Couriers on Rd: 1 and 2 , much Monday In". Oct. 24th. All Durham routes. will leave Durham m one atlmlsslo 5trc. l Post Omee at 9 a m. fnstend or 11-20 FUR SALE: A Tear! Oak' parlor hater In good condition. For salt rheap. Apply at the Review one" Furnished or “tarnished at the 30/141:th Home. Apartment. to Rant VOL. L, NO. 40 s pleased hat tey from Mrs H. Young) of Kel. Mn Monday morning last. Constab~ Ir lit-molt of Owen Sound. was sum- mom i to the home on Mr Otto Kon- hy fold. Gleuelg. tor a charge of theft. ‘lv :tppram that Thos. Hannigan. who .hus been employed a mile south ot "ist; Konohrs farm. at Thos. Campbetr'u, F. N. has lirt'n coming off and on to the 1r...se; Ronald home. Mr. Konold had mis- wo, mi tlit from his trousers pocket on (ago.' Thursday last and had suspected rm"... Hannigan or the theft. but could not Itil': swear to anything. When Hannigan Itrei came to the Konoid home after mid- "e night Saturday. he was admitted to ov'"; the house by Konold who was a'one. "et; In the morning his purse was mis- To, sing in which was the money and t foHsome, papers. On Demon's arrival MRS-'he loud Hannigan asleep, "t . Prue', woke hi. 3nd asked him to dress llk-I'anti then sun-bed him. and!“ tin 1 money uni the puru- in the pocket ot Mira; his coat. "autumn declined to Ave Apply ll. B. Bennett Chosen Leader i The monthly meeting of the Wom- jen's Institute was held at the home lot Miss Annie Weir and was hr:- ,er attended, there being 40 in at- 'tendanee. After the reading and a- |doption ot the minutes of the last 'ineetllng. the roll call was ansWemtt by ways of storing vegetables for winter use. The business or the month was discussed. alter which an interesting health talk was given by ‘Miss Margaret Smith. R. N. on the Etreutment of diabetes. This was I followed by community singing andn Scotch recitation well rendered by Mrs Stewart McArthur. A very help- [ tul paper was given by Miss E. Tumm- :ley on the care ot house plants and 'many hints were passed to the lad. lies which should be a benefit. The _ meeting was closed by the singing or ‘IIhe National Anthem. A dain'y ,lunch was served by Miss Weir and f assistants. Mr. Handgun has been before the courts before. as about two you; I- so he was pron-n guilty in removing an overcoat belonging to Mr Haley ot Glands. from the Queen Street Church shed. M m- pnsent then he “a sentenced to two months in the county Jail on Monday morning. by Humane Creasor. Convicted of Theft Richard B. kennel. Minister or Justice in the Meighen cabinet 1521. and Minister of Finance in 1926, was elected Conservative leader at the grunt Winnipeg Convention on Tues. day. Bennet was declared elected alter the second ballot, having over 7m votes. while bumrle followed with over 400 votes. Hon. 'Bob.' Rogers received the large I vote of 3. per Salem Anniversary Services -/_........ .v..u.u. 'w... "any: uulualu ( Post Omee at 9 a. m. inateud ot 1.30 p.m .us at present. This change rt time takes place a. month earlier than usual, due to the lateness orar. rival of the noon C. N. R. train. _ Sam. Corn The largest and best table corn we have Been this year was that shown us the other day by Mr Geo. Shier. The sample la 12 round, perfectly tV ligned and a beauty in every way. Mr Shh-rs gunk-n is but small. but in tioral and vegetable display hard to beat. ' WANTED: A young girl. willing to so to Toronto with Mm. Martin. gApply to Mrs David Jamieson. l The Durham Club of Toronto. will hold Its October meeting at the home of Mrs. Young 118 Hazelton Ave., on Monday evening, Oct. 17th. The annual Su ay school concmt of Knox Church, rmanby. will be hols! Friday evening', Oct. 14th, at 8 um, Good Drona and refresh- ments served. Admisso 25cand 15e (iht B um mm ilhttrititt Given two Month; cook! be held this week for lack of heat. It is hoped to hare it In read- inm for next week. Among the 21 schools, fitart place and the shield tor champion school went to No. 6 Sullivan (Marmlon), whose 84 pupils were exceptionally well drilled by their tetcher. Mr. F'. Ahrens. No. 7, St Vincent won 'Ind place; Markdale school. 3rd; No. g, Proton, 4th: No. It, Etrrernont, 5th: and No. 16. Sydenham. 6th, Fhst place had 90 points and the others were all close up. For the Boys' public speaking con. test, Bmle Jackson of Holland Cen- tre earred off the Rotary Club’s gold watch: Wm Mink]. Sullivan. came 2nd: Earl Anderson, Bentinek, 3rd: Bert Mather, Egremont. 4th: Thou. Dingwall. Proton. 5th. Ruby Patterson, of Blantyre, Ea. phrasia Tp., won the Kiwanis Club wriu watch in the triritf contest. Minn Hutchlson, him-hide. and Ffl- sie Brinkman. St. Vincent. won mid watches donated by Miss McPhnil in her contest and our lady member presented her own when. High School Not Ho Owing to the new being in ptaee-and with aiteratioqu, w South Grey Schools in the commit- top. Ivere: Rock Mills No. 17, Arte. mrsla; Allan Park. Bentinck: No II: Eprernont: Sep. No. 3 (Dornoch). Glenele: No 6, Normanby: No 8, Proton: No. 5, Egremont. At the Fair grounds. schools were calledin alphabetical order of townships, each had 10 min. for march and drill. and the Judges Major N. E. McDonald, Ald. Smith of Owen Bound and R. S. Duncan, Toronto. Supt, ot Ag. Rep- resentallves. had a busy afternoon. Ful County School fair Drew Record Attendance ville. rendered solos with his own guitar accompaniment; Bro. Chalmers of Mt. Forest, a Scotch mutation: and War. Bro. It. E. Richardson, a reading. Altogether, it was a gala night, which will live long in the memories of tho local lodge. the chair. an enjoyable program of' ih. toasts to king and craft, Grand Lodge} visiting brethren, and to Bro. James With t Burt, the guvst of honor, was helm! perfect g which latter toast was proposed byjthe Alla, Bro. Rev. W.H. Smith. Speeches '",'J."i together also glven by Wor. Bro. Skales, Mt"gehtleme Forest, Bro. Rm". E. Hayes, Durham“ home of ll or. Bros. Ammis and J. E. Smith at l to spend Orangevillo. Bro. Falconer, orarurc-l,T,.,2' m, [ Tuesday evening was a big nightinf Frilny last, the main day or Price looal Masonic circles, when 3 Drew ville Fair, was gloomy and intermit- emotion to Bro. James Burt to com-l tent showers made a migempk. day, memorate his ninetieth birthday was i affecting the attendance considerablv, combined with the omciai visit of Rt; Thursday had been tine, however. ni- "vor. Bro. Dr. w. J. Price of Orange; lowing loyal patrons to come out with ville, Dist. Deputy Grand Master Mia surprising amount of exhibits. Grey District No. 25. He was T,.':,',",',)?,'.?.'." old-timers said tt was the host panied by several Orangeville. broth-i ever, and certainly the abundance of ren, while a large number of the tom] l ladies' work. brer.i and other odm!rts, brethren, and some from Mt. Fort ;t Ii roots and vegetables. etc.. were in were also present. 'proi‘usion. Fruit, as in other plates,‘ . During the evening Bro. Jas. LurtIShowed a tailing ott. I was in the limelight. when Rt. Wor- The display of horses. heavy and] Bro. J. F. Grant made a consrratul.v light. has rarely been better; somo‘ tory address to the oldest member, good cattle Mock were shown, and. a; while on behalf ol' the Lodge, '((Cf..'li'iTiriiiiii; amount ot poultry. Alto-; Bro. itobt.Burnett presented him with gether the Show was good, spoilodi a fine suit of clothes. Mr. Burt wattn- only by the damp, cool wetttlter. AD" ly appreciates the esteem in which proximately 900 entries were made. 1 his brethren hold him, and hopes tol During late afternoon, the Camp-' enjoy many more years of Masonry.‘ bell orchestra ot West Toronto, cone; Following the business session, a 2'18"": five sons and daughters or!, splendil banquet was served, RtAvoic; Conductor Campbell, rendered SOME} Bro. Price had the honor of cutting snappy music In the hall. the birthday cake. He proclaimed it ",9 Prize Ligt tells the story "I? a. unique event. and felt assured no detail. It appears on mute 5. I one else had had such a privilege as ---_--- ( thus marking the ninetieth birthday of their esteemed brother. {Cal-Inn Wuha, at II S. s. No. 12, Egremont, wins Sth place in School DrillCompetit on -First place you to Sullivan. Durham’s Oldest Mason Honored Tuesday Night With War. Bro. F'. F'. Mollmlth in DURHAM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1927 With which Is incorporated the Holstein yet ad- The annual Track and Athletirr' Meet of the Grey and Bruce Inn-r- scholastic Association. will be held'; in Durham, Oct. 20th, 1927, at Agn-i cultural Grounds. Admission. tne.", Athletes from Hanover, Chester." Walkerton and Durham High SchoolsI participating. Last year at Plano; ver 104 pupils contested various ovr' ents. Durham he. won the shieldJ held by school scoring highest num-l ber of points for the put three yearn! Citlsenu of Durham and surround:I ing country should turn out in large numbers to witness thin are tutdttt.', tereoting event. Thursday. Oct. 20. I The ladies of Durham' Cross Society will hold their um 1 Inner In the Armory on the hat “May in October. Durham Preabyte Church An- niversary Services wt be held Bun. day. Oct. 23rd. " wh Dr. Alexand- et Forbes ot Tee-w will mach morning and evening. On Monday evening a hot supper be served. after which Dr. Fogbel ll give an sionary In the Grey and Bmce Athletic I Contest here, Oct. 201 The company left during the early hours of the morning after wishing Mr and Mrs Willis the best of health and happiness the remainder of their. life. Ito spend a pleasant evening in sur/ !prise party manner. It was the 50th' ,anniversary of their marriage mi lthelr golden wedding-- on Monday,' lev'g. Oct. 10th. They were taken by; ;surprise greatly, but nevertheless op? ened their home and made all We? ,come like the good old pioneer days.‘ (They made ideal host and hostess. 5 After midnight a dainty lunch was partaken of and games and dancing indulged in by the young people and some of the elderlles. The evening passed all too quickly. We would indeed be ungratvnul neighbors if we allowed such an on- casion to pass without in some way showing our appreciation of yourl‘el- lowshlp. We would ask you to ac- cart these gifts and we trust that you may long be spared to enjoy them and your remaining years be golden like the pleasant tints ot Autumn." Mr Willis thanked them in his us- ual genial manner while Mrs Willis said ‘thanks' couldn't be expressed. It lites us great pleasure to gall:- er here together to celebrate this 50th anniversary-your Gallon Wed- ding Day. It has pleased God to spare you all these years and has oer- mitted us to be again together onthe auspicious occlusion. Tho' iiot near relatives your friends and brother are with you. Doubtless the labor and trouble you had was often hard to bear, but Jott overcame it and now you have the satisfaction of seeing the result. After all had gathered and while) everything was humming tuerriiv,V M. W. Byers called the company to' order and Mrs Byers read an an'ldl-rssf while Mrs E. Bailey and Mrs luhnl Sharp presented suitable ttins-a" walking cane and ihpe to Mr Willis: and a gold pin and leather hand hm:l to Mrs Willis. l Dear Mr and Mrs Willis: _ With the moon at the full and " perfect Autumn evening. the ladies at the Allan Park Women's Institute. together with thelr husbands and gentlemen friends. gathen-l at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Willis. Sn. Golden Wedding of Mr. and " Wm. Willis During late afternoon, the Camp- bell orchestra or West Toronto, com. prising five sons and daughters at Conductor Campbell, rendered some The display of horses. heavy and} St Church on Bunday. light. has rarely been better; somoi Mr and Mrs Reginald Ramon (noe good cattle Mock were shown, and a: Marietta Park) of Stratford, visited surprising amount ot poultry, Amy; her parents at Allan Park the tlist gether the Show was good, spoiloai of the week. only by the damp, cool weather, Ap-i Messrs Arthur and Harold Ramage, proximately 900 entries were made. (Proprietors or the 'Review Herahl/ Priceville Fall Fair Encountered Poor Weather ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO District. I The Ladies' Bridge Club We're on- .tertained Tuesday by Mrs Dr. D. B. IJatnieson at her cottage at the Lake. The visit extended itself into the ."ol, Mowing day and the ladies did not return till mid-afternoon Wednesday. i Miss Kathleen Milne, who is all-l ‘tonding Toronto University, was at' F her home over the week end. i _ Mr and Mrs Percy Barber of It“; ,wood, spent Sunday with his parents.. 1 Mr and Mrs. Richard Barber. Durham; I Miss Bella Morton, Aberdeen, had' (the misfortune to fall from a chair, {at the home ot her uncle, Alex Mor-g Iton Aberdeen, last Wednesday. while) icleaning windows, and dlslocatv her) arm. Only last winter she suffered .x _ break in the other arm. ( Durham music lovers who attend the Presbytcrttn Anniversary km supper. Monday night, Oct. 24th,will be treated to I program of Manchu marten“, Iolou um duet: In addi- tion to the address or Dr. Alexander Forbes .Two members ot this our tome. neur- Doorman and Kellouh, delighted Dumas on n former oe Mr. Chas. Brown suffered a sliulu' stroke of paralysis on Tum-y while: passing down Main St. He was not-f iced keeling over and aid was soon; forthcoming. Dr. Bell drove the sur-l ed gentleman home 1nd at Drown; he has regained nemarkubie use on; his limbs. l thI. Miss Malcolm will be accom. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH MALE QUARTETTE. o. SOUND, HERE The engagement is announced of, Jean Kirkwood. only daughter ol Mrs," M. J. Buck'uam, Ptoeville and the; late John K. Buckham. Innitsttril, Al- berta. to Albert Manley Maltby, rec-' ond son of Mrs M. J. Maltby. Tor-i ontot and the late Albert Maltbx or! Brampton. the wedding to an pucel early in November. L Mrs. Young of Toronto, returned on Saturday last to her home, aim“ spending a week at her brother's. Mr; C. P. Khmee, : Miss Lillie Martin. Paisley, is visit- ing this week with Mrs Jno Burgess. Mrs A. B. McLellan spent the week end visiting friends in Branlford. Miss Florabel Nichol, B. A., was in Toronto last week attending the I'm- versity Centenary festivities. Mrs (Run) Wm H. Hill and child. ren Lorna and Doris Jean, of Oak Park, Illinois and Mrs Wayne Bab cock ol' Morris, Ill., are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs Richard Barber of Dnrham. Miss Juiia and Christena Mela-an left the first of the week for Hamil ton, where they will spend the win ter. They returned with Mr and Mia} M. K. Heddle and two children, who came up for the week end, bringing Miss A. L. McKenzie. who has hem visiting with them for tive weeks. Mrs Thos. Coleridge, London. tis, ited her relatives at the Review or tice a couple of days this week. Mr and Mrs Hugh McCrae, Dar. ham, announce the engagement ol their elder daughter, Stella Elizabeth to Mr. William Henry (Harry) Kress, son of Mr and Mrs Edward Kress, also of Durham, the marriage to takn place quietly the latter part of octoto, or. I Messrs Arthur and Hamid Ramage, l Proprietors or the 'Review Herald,' I Thornbury, visited in Durham who {close of the week, and in company i with Mr and Mrs C. Ramage and non E Peter, visited Dr and Mrs C. C. Ram- (are in Brussrls. Mrand Mrs Jag Livingstone, Hamil, ton, Mr and Mrs John Temple and Miss»; Merle and Audrey, and Mr. Snell, all of Hamilton, Were in Owr.n Sound last week attending the Robb- Mcllrlde nuptials. Mrs. Alex Henderson. Dromore, vieited her sister, Miss Falls, at Durham hospital the Bret of the week Rev. H. S. Fifties was in Conn on Sunday. speaking on the occasion of the opening or Conn United Church, while Rev. Mr Westcott of Conn. ad- dressed the congregations of qucn Mrs Peter Reid and dtuurhter,Miss Jessie, sant the Brat of the week with the farmer's daughter. Mrs Jun. Reay, of Dornoch. Mrs Thos. MeGirr left Saturday Io visit for a couple of weeks with bur son Ernest in Oshawa. and daughter. Mrs Thea. Watson In Gait. Lean I the local ministers. . by. Ir. Reading of minutes oflast meeting "UPty work tVvieet, for "yior 3. The Auditors' Report l f?ftees.rP.st' Rita G. Bailey, s s. 4. General Business I No. s, Bentinek. G. Addresses or Welconw I ---_--- J. Presldént's Address: Mr I). Me-, Cormiek, as. No. lo, lloentlnck i noun 7. Report of delegate to U.E.A., Mr McDON'ALrr-on thu., Oet. tith, at. w. J. Messenger, Markdale I Durham Hoapltu. to Mr mud Mrs, x. Arithmetic in Junior Classes-nr. Howard McDonald, ti (much er. E. T. White, London r'ATKrNSoN--At Durham Red Ctorti 9. The organization and work of a Hospital. on Wednesday. Oct. Gott Rural School of eight "ltosets.---Mr.l to Mr and Ma; Herb. Atkinson. Herman Bierworth, R. s. No 3.! 1nee May when») a son. Bentlnck. KREtm-- At Hotel Dion hotrpital, 10. The Mackinac THp-Mas Agnea' Windsor, on Sept. tthh, to Mr am: Hume- Anon Public School Mrs Harper Kress. a daughter. 11. Art and Constructlw work in a. l Today and tomormw the South Clnatsetr---Mi" Nellie L. Human Grey Teachers' lnstltutn. are conwn- Hanover Public School. lug In the Presbyterian Churehtrehoot 18. tgpeltine--sttt" E.E. Range. SS. room. This step wus necessary as! No. 6, Normnnby due to building operations at the 19. The teacher In New (Mario - High School, heating armngemenlsl mu Ruby Morrison. Tamey Put, could not be made. On behalf of the lie School. cltlzens ot Durham. the Review ex- " Geography In the Junlor Grados~ tends a Welcome and hope that {he Miss Esther A. Ries, Hanover Pal, sessions will be enjoyable as well as He School. profitable. Hem is the ugmda for 21 Report ofdelegtrteto tlu- Worlds the two days: I F. H. A., Tototgto-- Miss Charlotte l. lk vollonal exercises conducted by y. Weinert, S. S. No.13. Normttar, Durham Welcomes the he.” . Teachers Here this Week' l - f2re Styas 's genial Cream for preservation of Teeth and Gums. Made with Squibb's Magna Mngnesia ---Neutralizer, mouth acidity 450 a tut" B. McBETH Pure Cod Liver Oil AYERST ........50c and $1.50 One teaspootttul of our Oil is oqual In Vitamin A mule-m to one pound of butter, alewn pints ot milk, or nine eggs. "UlBWs...... 50e and $1.00 PARK DAVIS .......... 61.25 PURE TEST 40c and TSe Keep the Body Straight & Strong STANDARD BANK “mum-d WPOIIy u “.00 a you b was. " can: am 82.50 I year In advance. C. “Ital & ION. Hm McFadden's Drug Store OF CANADA. DURHAM BRANCH-W. A. Johnson Sub-Iranian“- with CRC'HAMNC, cormnoditirs try Ppayinx " dollar down and adul- lar aweek" has grown into (was popularity. Often the object purchas- ed is worn out before " is paid for. and the purchaser continues to pay. Buy yourself 1 fortune on the install- ment plan by pinning regular insuli- uuntu of your comings in a Standard Bank savings account. The money is always tunable for use " required. and there in no depreciation. but ttty cruing interest as time noes on. Buying on {he Installment Plan I wish to dispUe y mummy once: postwsttion can arr-aux“). A. McGiilivtnt.v, Chub-worm 100 acre far . lot 27 con 7, Bot: tinck Township about u or In acre" bush, one quart mile tmm who» and church. seve hum, from Murmur. ten miles from a ver, three and a half miles from ' vineiat Highway Nearly all of farm der tatllivtttior, Good bank barn ct d good urn-m,- house. Fairly good ttBe. Carr's Diarrhoea Mixture Creates a natural condition Safe for children too. 50c pct bouts Sprayed In the room kills tiles And other insects inmamh soc per bottle McDONALrr-4h, tut., Oet. mu, at" Durham Hospitd. to Mr. und Mrs. Hound McDonald, is (mach er. ATKrNtgON--At Durham Red Clans Hospital. on Wednesday. Oct. 5'12. to Mr and Mia Herb. Atkinson. (nee May McKechnie) a son. KREM- At Hotel men hospital. Windsor. on San. 30m, to Mr and Mrs Harper Kress. a daughter. Flies carry Disease 17. Reading In the Second and Third lie School. IB. The Touching of mtstotT--Mr C. T. White. B.A.. D. Paed.. Normal Drama and Station” Phone 3. DURHAM FARM FOR SALE INTO YOUR HOME FLY-KIL ' Manager ‘.-.-----.----~- -6

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