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Durham Review (1897), 27 Oct 1927, p. 1

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ale frofacls 4 VOL.L, NO 42 â€" ply W Apply to heater in good cheap. . AppIy pOR SALE : C hair and a {eW The annual Red Cross ba Zad® be keld in the ANY . P. A. room Saturgay, Oct. 240th, \ Doors will at 3 pm. The Red\Cross will serve a 35¢ heot sup trom & Everybody welcome. y dong thankfully received. An autograph . quilt sam«e eveDink. mu‘e, O with his Rev. John Wa a 10 will preach at bo sen~ Monday, Nov. ith, Thas +ning, a fowl supper will 2 good program yeD( re wlon 5$¢¢ : ehildren 25 Picking R October lor giving rood weal vear. No rood weather of any vear. Not infrequently nave dashes of snow fore this date, but non far and very little fro weason has brought . ® various fruits and ye #v for the past two ®* Â¥r icking Raspberries on Oct, 26 | October must be awarded the pulm‘! or kiving us the most unexpected vod weather of any month in the ear. Not infrequently in past yeas mave dashes of snow appeared be ore this date, but none has fallen so ‘ar and very little frost. The mild wason bas brought second crops 0f «rious fraits and ye editor and famâ€" ty for the past two weeks up to Oct. "6th, have been enjoying meals of aspberries plueked in the family warden, and stilh _ more promising. Here‘s boping the fine weather conâ€" tinues for & month yet. st C Am â€"4 ClR 3 Abaidbtadaad PTTCT F Annivessar lfirvirrs of st Columâ€" va Vnited Chixch, Priceville, will be »eld at Thank iving time, Nov. Ath and 7th. T special preacher on Sunday at 11 & K and 7,30 p.Mâ€" will be Rev. C. E. Kegny, B. aA.,. of Cen â€" . Prasaw â€" CCanimel ral â€" VUnited (‘hn‘ m Monday night & »ntertainment will ning at go‘clock. ne in cha‘ge of 8t lub of Flesherton Anniversary at Rurns Church ‘early filled for wmsical jay , (Oet, 29th. \ Doors wilt onn; agant s€U0E! O 0 0 Cogke s p. m. . The Red\WCross will also â€" vacation,. . Mr Vollet is still bhale and a 35¢ het supJ from & to ".| heasts and looks good to hold down body welcome. ny donations his office for another fifteen years. fully received. | He is numbered . among Durbam‘s P w | oldest citizens, . but has yet five Robert Renwick, Jr. 0! Di0 | yeis to go to catch Mr James Burt, , but who has been employ "“g who recently celebrated his g0th anâ€" his two eldest sons at the l)ur-! niversary. Mr_â€" Volet, with â€" his Furniture Factory for some thn¢ | jaughter Miss Sarah, weturned Saturâ€" ""*"" / 2s familvy o tOKH this gay from a holiday with the Anderâ€" M Ee i oo cnametin *k [ Rev. br. FOrDCS teal October weather ent, which attracted rarham and Pornoch n each side. Dr For ions that we have the He expecis us to look & welfare in a plain way. us to give & goodly . po possessions ard if right will â€" give our personal well. "Any community n in bome and foreign Mmss iscot lim, sho" ions that Oe PRBRE CCC CCC te expecis us to look aiter our own velfare in & plain way. but expeets is to give & goodly . portion of our «ossessions ard if right at heart, We will â€" give our personal service as well. "Any community not interested n bhome and foreign mssions will beâ€" come as dead as & doorâ€"nail," was & pertinent remark. The choir of Dur hamk Pâ€"eabyterian Church, _ sixtee® strong, rendered two fine anthems. Aberdecen Women‘s Aberdeen Women‘s Institute I The Aberdeen Branch of Womenr‘s inctitute _ held their â€" monthly me«-t‘ ing on Oct. #1, at the home of Mrs. Nonald â€" Stewart, with 24 members and three visitors present. Mos Stewâ€" art read the seripture and two interâ€" esting ard helpfal papers were givâ€" en, one by Mrs Dan McLean on "Ianks@giving" and one by Mrs. D. MeQuarrie on "Cheery People." The NULILE buus aftunmle s n A. MeGow olumba [A nniversary nivessar .\(‘rvirrsq roil call was «" tection and the tion drawer. M «ppointed to £0 vention in To Three letters of tion were read. meeting a quilt boxes of fruit | The Branch int social in the n# pla y meeting held at on Sunda U Hi t& Rent show ng selection n'.;ghorton and * A Ro“‘h I in a plain way. but expocts ; erery ORERUYT OO O idiact ) Prea rive a goodly portion of our Leonard McComb grabbed her it ions ard if right at heart, we} arms and smothered the . flames ive our personal service as veloping her. Any coramunity not intereated Plaving in the wear of MeF e and foreign mssions will beâ€" drug store, some small children is dead as & doorâ€"nail," was a; a bon fine there and she must nt remark. The choir of Durâ€" approached too close to the fl Presbyterian Church, . sixteen Jean‘s clothes, mainly of cottof . rendered two fine anthems. | terial, quickly caught and she . | screaming on the street. Her i een Women‘s Institute .. . | happened to be in Câ€"ant‘s Aberdeen lh.fam-h of WomeR‘s | parlor and â€"seeing her im J ite â€" held their monthly _ M°*C ; hrough the window, rushed ou i Oct. 21, at the bhome of Mrsâ€"| Leqonard McComb hen Te ifn 4 Stewart, with 24 memb<® the drug store, heard her se hree visitors present. Ms SteW yeached her at the same tin ad the seripture and two intei picking her up, rapidly smo ; ard helpful papers wel? 5* | out the fames .The parents ar one by Mrs Pa» MelLean OM | grageful _ for Leonard‘s promp nksgiving" and . one by MrS. Dâ€"|rimely aid. The little g‘1 was arrie on "Cheery People." TP" ing a woolien sweater whien 1 rall was answered by silver col-‘ catch, _ fortunately preventit m and there was also 2 «ICC* | flames reaching hber face an drawer. Mrs D. McQuarrtié Y9®, Her lower limbs and hands & inted to go to the Institute CI0â€"; were badly burned, her clothe on in Toronto in Novembe‘.‘ me sweater being beoned off e letters of thanks and @pPr°C®t) was bathed in oil and suffere were read. At the close of |hel p‘in for a d‘y or two atter. ting a quilt was guilted and tW9 er the burns will quickly heal s of fruit packed â€" for hospit@ls. a week she should be complé Branch intend putting on 4 10X®| covered. al in the near future. A d;laty“ nssm meoniim h was served at the close of the ting. . The next meeting wil bet LoU FOR SALE. 1 at the bome of Mrs Jas Ewens; Brick dwel All conve Nov. 18th at 3 pm. All IsAieg‘ on George St. r High Sc covrdially invited. 1 ply at once. : W. A. M At oncc\'hwsemam. (Dr.) P. Jamieson, baby cutter, 1 high w "ther articles. Apâ€" CGowXRn. Durbham. as the text VR % God expecis us benefits, what He We should give condition. For SaÂ¥ i the Review OfMice will be held on Cross Bazaar wi‘l Y.pP. A. rooms On Fort Rocky Saugeen . Rocky Saugeen, Wwas the Anniversary set afternoon, in charge Farhes â€" of TeeswWalcs mare FPOCCCOCCOCC‘ fine weather con| Laid to rest in God‘s Acre 1 yet. \_ The late Mrs Geo,. Watt was laid | to rest on Thursday last beside her hesaty . _ ..\ c | late busband, and amid the respect viges af St L._‘““m'e and love of old friends and neightors | P"“'f""""',"“ DC\ ag well as many who have made img Sitit‘s Nov» €1h | neyr acquaintance since & resident of “*"'”'_"r"“h” 9" / purham. Rev. Jas. Taylor came P , and 140 y. t “i\" from Grimsby, to conduet the funciâ€" py, B. A.. ol Cm" al service and left a comforting n=sâ€" * .h.‘ “‘f"“ Sound.‘ sage for the deceased‘s family. These aÂ¥fow1? Suppet ‘"."”I all were present with the exception e Ne aitolls bek"‘| of the two daughters, Barbara and a rHy prograill M‘},Hattie in Sask. There were a!so si. John S, Dm"m“"i present at the last rites Mrs Cress O “nd,w'" ",l_c‘f‘me; well nee Sophia Jack), Misses Mary ough Diamond" 204 ) pagpyrn and _ Gillies, all of TOY 8. ‘ ono. Six grandsons of deceased act on e o \ ed as pall bearers and were Gibson Con auill so Aoeipas ies Forbes xt Qf & Oak‘ parior For sale er. _ Aduiisâ€"| boxes free.| be sold the‘ give thanks to our outward acâ€" the Wonm tavo nun ongregations : took Psaim | an earnest us to reeos us Apply right spimit \ _ Priceville PresDyterian Chureh will | hold a Fow!l Supy and concert in MecKinnon Hall, Pri ville, on Friday, Nov. 4th. Admissio® 50¢ : children th« 24€ The Durham â€" Furniture Company 3 mill closed at Rock Mills on Oct. 14, having _ finished cutting their large stock of logs. They have had seveval months steady sawing and have bad a large quantity of lumber piled in their yard there. Is it a Durham boy ? The â€" schoolmaster wrote on the back of a boy‘s monthly report : "A wood worker, but talks too much." . ue s t back of a boy‘s monthly report : " 2Â¥ good worker, but talks too much." The â€" father signed â€" the report and then wrote under the remark of the schoolmaster : "Â¥ou â€" should mee‘ his mother." Passed his 85th Birthday IFT 5o uvccsose in Passed his 85th Birthday Best wishes to ourâ€" venerable Town â€" Clerk, W. B. Vollet, who on Monday last, observed his 85th birthâ€" day by settling down to his duties again after & pleasant . two weeks‘ e dE P o c 0 Ned / hn Te‘ n mrol Tuconto, who ZAYC MC" _time, l llwukcrton Hospital to \ _ At a meeting of the Ii;&ruce County _ Hospita | it was decided to puscl ‘ machine for use at the \ new machine will cost kas uptodate as Any Walkecton Hospital to have XRay | At a meeting of the Trustee Bd. of ;‘;ru(‘e County Hospital, Walkerton, it was decided to pwchase an Xâ€"Ray machine for use at the hospital. The , new machine will cost $4000, will be | as uptodate as AnDy in use in &any | of the smaller hospitals. Miss Langâ€" staif, the assistant superintendent, will be given a course of instruction and will be responsible for the oper. ation of the machine. The Board, says the Telescope, also purposes e1â€" ecting a new verandah at the hospiâ€" tal. A new heating plant has Lbeen installed ard _ other improvemeonts made during the past â€" few months. ‘The financing of these impâ€"ovements has been made possible by the beâ€" quests in the will of the late David |’l‘rai| ($20,000), Alex. Rae ($500), â€"and Mrs Malcolm Thompson ($1 000. N The Purham Reews. ono. Six grandsons of decea ed as pall bearers and were and Allan Watt, RoY Vollett Forrester, George watt and PAAGERTEE TE CCC us no. â€"Six grandsons of deceased actâ€" ed as pall bearers and were Gibson and Allan Watt, RoY Vollett, Harry Forrester, George watt and Gordon Clemas. Deceased‘s sonmâ€"indaw, Mr. Frank Clemas, London, is acting @8 a« executor of the estate. Micht Have Been is ¢ Little _ four daughter of 1 was happily PA 3 AM® AM 0 CCC ug store, some small children made f’ bon fine there and she must have I proached too close 10 the flames. ° an‘s clothes, mainly of cotton ma-“‘ rial, quickly caught â€" and she ran reaming on the street. Her mother & ippened to be in Câ€"ant‘s gentat * irlor and â€" seeing â€" her in flanes I wough the window, rushed out, but eonard McComb when in front oft he drug store, heard her screaias, p eached her at the same time and ‘ icking her up,. rapidly smothered â€" ut the fames .The parents are very â€" vateful _ for Leonard‘s prompt and imely aid. The little g>1 was wearâ€"" ng a woolien sweater which did not atch, _ fortunately preventing . the flames reaching her face and hair. Her lJower limbs and hands as ii is, were badly burned, her clothes below the sweater being brâ€"ned off. _ Fhe was bathed in oil and suffered much pain for a day or two after, Howeyvâ€" er the burns will quickly heal amd in a week she should be completely reâ€" covered. X tle four year old Jean Town, ater of Mr and Mys p. ¢. Town, happily reseued from being sovâ€" burned Tuesday morning, when ard McComb grabbed her in nis ‘ aond emathered the fiamées e Fatally Burned . â€" All conveniences, lation £OIU6 near High School. Ap Peace River \ W. A. McGOWAXN nmlesa to Gral of MeBeth‘s M;ér Won Athletic Meet | with 3 Points Lead: Walkerton, Durham S A Peace River Missionary Spoke at Pres. Anniversary Under the most favorable weather | conditions the Anniversary Sevvices| of the new Presbyterian congrega'iun‘ here, on Sunday and â€"Monday, wet¢ most successful. Rev. Dr Forbes of Teeswate:, a pioneer missionary . of the Peace River District of Northein Alberta, was the preacher of the day, aml his earnest messages wee cat erly heard by large congregations, that at night fillin gthe church to caâ€" pacity. The choir had gpecial music at both services. (mn Monday night over tlwee hand red â€" attended, the main attractions sn u0k cicihermae * Ki EC ARATETT WBP ORCCs (mn Monday night over tlwee hund-] red attended, the main attractions being a sumptuous fowl supper, St. Andrews‘ â€" Male Quartette of Owen Sound and an sAdress by Dr. Forbes on his north west experiences. The church was again filled to the doors, fow: â€" carloads coming . from Owen Sound, and others from Chesley, HMar over, Teeswater, Mt Forest and Dor noch. 200 rustwss omnsre ihe TCO adr. Scotla 1s,! Whe low bad & She eign 1 uen Caned While eighty at eachn SIEUHE "C0C j C enjoying the chicken and other deliâ€"| y cacies in the basement, others awuitâ€"“ 4 ed their turn in the â€" avAitoriiuam m’I 1 the church and | it WAs 8.30 before | s the fourth and last sitting, almost ;\'s full quota also, had finished their reâ€"| ( past and the program commenced. " Pastor Rev. B. D. Armstrong acted || as cpairman,. The choir opened with | a well rendered anthem "O Woâ€"ship | tie King," after which _ St Ardrows‘| Quartette, Messtr3 Boorman, Dedui(sk,"‘ Kellough and Kellough supplied the ; musical part of the program. Two of| 'the quartette, Messrs Boorman and | Kellough sang â€" here previously und‘ _ in their quartette work, the audience | _ enjoyed a musical feast. . The har-l _ mony, blending and sheding was PiQ | i nounced and they were forced to re'! , ‘ spand with several encores, â€" Popula® . quartette numbers were "Kentucky Pabe" "Swing Low," "Story J & aDeX C RATTTC it Tack," and the finale "Steal Away." Other fine numbers were solos "The Trumpeter," by Mr Boorman : "Belis of the Sea‘ by Mw â€" Kellough and a duet by these two. 1 Lo s tm c Wnn EGC C MB o P w Rev. Dr. Forbes, in opening, con gratulated . the congregation _ UpOI their substiantial church ard firstsat« pastor, Rev. Armstrong. He honore« the â€"pioneers, one of whom befus him, Mr Gilbert McKechnie, he meT tioned as having called the organizi PP dn 77 Laltwar 4 ther fine numbers were sO08 . 27"" | ‘rumpeter," by Mr Boorman : ‘Bulls‘ The new post affice is rapidly beâ€" {f the Sea‘ by My Kellough and a | ing built, and it is hoped to bave it luet by these two. | ready for occupancy by New Year‘s. Rev. Dr. Forbes, in opening, com , Last Thusday the masons and brickâ€" rratulated _ the congregation lmf-xll. layers â€" finished their part of the beir subsiantial church ar d flrsl-:ale‘wor.k and the building now appears pastor, Rev. Armstrong. He honored | at its full height. _ The roofers are the â€" pioneers, . one of whom befu.e}| at work this week and the hot wauler him, Mr Gilbert McKechnie, he nenâ€" heating system will soon be instalied. tioned as having called the organizaâ€" With present summer weather pre: tion meeting to bring a railway to | vailing it looks as though all exteriot Durham. He stated the late George | work will be completed â€" before the Jackson had named this town Purâ€"| first snow flies. ham, after Durham, England, his naâ€"| s‘ 90â€" arkl tive place, narrated . the origin of +. Teeswate;, his home town, and Ais se a closed his native home as Aberdeen, Thanksg“mg Da’ "'ce Scotland, the city of granite. smm smm hn \ _ When a little fellow, he said, he The â€"ministers . of the town hay had a strong impression to be a forâ€"| made arrangements to hold mornin eign missionary. After graduation in | service as in past years On Thagk Canada, he met in with Dr. Robertâ€"| giving Day. This year the servic son, the pioneer Presbyterian mi# will be held in Knox Church at 11 soniy of Western Canada, who sent| m., Monday, Nov. ith. Rev. B. | him to Fort Spcntchevnn. Alberta.| Armstrong B. A., will give the A © chewalt * ""1 Loce the other ministers taking t n, Hanover, Chesiey and Schools Competing PDURHAM, ighty at each sitting ~ere| he chicken and other d(-li'l the basement, others aWuitâ€"“ urn in the aviitoriium ofI h and it WAs 8.30 before. i and last sitting, almost a . also, bad finished their reâ€" the program commenced. 1 Py‘ & the shield for three | s, emblematic 0f the | Grey and Bruce Inâ€"| ssociation, Purhan s beaten the fourth se â€" margin of t'u.ree1 in â€" for geveral years thletes â€" of Hanove?, Adress by Dr,. FODU® est experiences,. The Miss Bail Speaks at Thankoftfering 8 n cedndintiaing o At rap t t NA in filled to the doors.| The Young Ladies‘ ~txiifary or | Thone. anld. & former coming from Owen | Knox Chusch, held their Thankofferâ€" | teacher here, to Willia ts from Chesley, Hanâ€"| ing meeting on Tuesday â€" night, wlx'nl, idan, D. D. S., the MA ~ Mi Forest and Dorâ€" | Miss Elma | Ball, Hanover, | 38 the | pace | in | St. Pauls®‘ ‘specinl speaker,. Miss Ball has been | Church, Hamilton, 0n at each sitting ~ere| doing mission work for the past few | Mr. Alex, McCorma hicken and other deliâ€"| years at Wahstao and Kolacreeka ja} Wednesday night from asement, others awuit-“ Alberta, but owing to the serious 1. where hbe has been in the avAitoriium Of | ness of her father R. J. Ball ,exM. p.| ment for an irritated d it was 8.30 befc=e | she is remainng home this year. The | Mrs Martin and last sitting, almost a‘ speaker gave an interesting story of Winnie who have bee , bad finished their yeâ€"| conditions in these . mission homus.& friends in Durham an program commenced. iwhere most of the pupils are of y., past summe:, and wa B. D. Armstrong acted | kranian blood. They adapt themselâ€"| her home in Seattle The choir opened with ; ves, wonderfully to Canadian influenâ€" . been detained in _T d anthem "O Woâ€"ship | ces for good or evil and she st,-e_g;,|.(|,\Vinnio has been 0 terâ€" which St Ar:ir\:ws”‘ the point that we do our utmost ai attack of plewisy. ssr3 Boorman, Deduick,| the home base in prayers and flnan-“ Miss Jean Hepburn Kellough â€" supplied the ; cial need to reinforce the workers at | the parental home &! f the program. Two of | these distant points. Miss Ball was| two with North Bay tâ€"care Roorman and| accorded a hearty vote o_f thanlfs atil Mr and Mrs A. A. wl d K 22 cBans sys t 1 n conr en t took place last: n Show Grounds, s keenly contestâ€" iish. It was an sports, severai 0| i off in the mortâ€" wn. quite & nunrâ€" With ivian CR which is incorporated the THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1927 bio ofi id t i4 s Ad ols t it I isly and| the close for her illuminating address.| audience | Mrs Porter rendered a solo sweetly,| The harâ€"| and Misses Winnie Blyth and Jessie| was pr0| Bell a duet. . Over $30 was realized ; »d to reâ€"| in the collection. | Popula-xl is gentucky ‘ s 1 o » « Post Office Walls Completed with the people, !" leave â€" Fort ground floor : | sold out, load Tplles and & Awhieh served | and reception \ they set out a team of poni vices there. As ministers to carry theis goods, on hitting A sunken supplies â€" lost, but reached â€" Grand Pr field was 80 by 80 must be prepared . to endure nNarO: ships and be weady to do anything and everything. ‘ PDr. Forbes‘ experiences were atâ€" tentively listened to for over an houtr the â€" quartette concluding the pr0â€" vram. . Monday‘s proceeds were about $155.00. Successful Euchre Party i A â€" successful progsessive euchre was held last Thursday â€" evening by the A.Y.P. A. of Trinity Church in their rooms. _ Sixteen tables were in play and the finals saw the Nobles on top. Mrs Vi¢ Noble won the ladâ€" ies‘ prizeâ€"a cut glass dish and Mr. Arnold Noble the gents‘â€"& deek of cards,. Over $30 was realized. !Another car Mixâ€"up PRTTCTCCC C The Review had . almost decided | there was no car accident of any natâ€"| ure to report this week when well learned â€" Wednesday of a â€" collision that morning in town at the comer or‘ Albert and Saddler Streets, a block east of Foâ€"d garage. Georke Lawue\ was coming south on Albert in & Ford sedan. % ‘;Nei\ Livingstons was ~dtiving . e# "om> Saddler® in aA Ford touring. The high bank on north: iwest corner obstructs the view and neither saw the other till at close iquarters. Lavelle‘s â€" car overturaed Livingstone in his bus but while thae ltop was smashed â€" and other damâ€" age done, Neil luckily escaped uninâ€" jured, Geo. also was unhurt, though in Hiney was sadded to the casuaity his Henry list. Miss Baii ont ) Aress, the other HAIM!® td | rest of the service. T s a| be given . for soldier puâ€"| the Christie Street 1 the| to. It is hoped there 30 | attendance of church vith | people of the commu R Henry was added The ministers of the town have | h made arrangements to hold morningi TO org“m ‘.’ ll.Clfl gervice as in past years On Thagksâ€" me= giving Day. This year the ser-.'lce\ A meeting . of all Hockey plf will be held in Knox Church at 11 &.) and enthusiasts is called for m., Monday, Nov. Ith. _ Rev. B. D.\ Tuesday, Nov. Ist, at 8 p.Mâ€" i Armstrong B. A. will give the adâ€" | Hahn House to discuss the h Aress, the other ministers taking the situation and organize for 0 irest of the service. The offering will| more teams this winter. Let‘s be given for gsoldiers‘ . comforts at a full houseâ€"and on time. lthe Christie Street Hospital, Toron-| With the summery brand 0 io. It is hoped there will be a large ther now prevailing, ON€ nai ‘ To se C at l rcs it ~Jbnt there: it BO o; the community after holding setâ€" stem will soon be installed. ent summer weather preâ€"‘ looks as though all exurrior‘g be completed before ”wi ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO â€" ~ . k * > members and Hoilstein Leader week and Mrs | motored to week and : wick‘s am Mys Thos. Mrs Thos. Atchison, Mr and Mrs David Sykes and Mc and Mrs Will Alexander of Birch cliffe, Toronto, visited the fist of the week with their brother Bob Ales ander in town. 7. se ce cpitens uBs [~j PORTRRCUE CCC "l. Mrs John Mo! n\ Woodstock spent n" her parents, Mr & k in, Mrs Limin e \ home for a short a Mr and Mrs J. 6 , G. Koch, Holsteir a‘ the week at Mro varney. Misses Elma and â€" Mabel Bail of | Hanover, were £uests at Mr C. Ra»â€"} age‘s Tuesday, On the occasion ul ; the former‘s address to the Y. L. A.g of Knox Church. ‘ Cl Cew) yrllts and sn Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs W, H. Limin and s0n Ea.l of Vancouver, B, C., are visiing at the home of the former‘s brother, ; Mr. E. W. Limin. % | Mrs J. H. Hunter of "The Hedges", | veturned to Toronto Monday, where she will coccupy her apartment there | for the winter months, Her daugh ter, Mrs L Somerville, was UP for u! few days and returned with her. l Messrs C. J. Howell and Bevt Fce» rell went Friday last by Car to Tobâ€" ] ermory in â€" Bruce Peninsula, from | where they boarded the tug at midâ€" }nlzht for Manitoulin Island. _ They ‘will be a few days on this Island | looking for the season‘s game. ons o No M o We oo AS e o cce AAXE SHO. , with Mr Edward Fee a few days ago, | just lately returned â€" from â€" his first | trip West where he was visiting his \ three daughtces, He is an observant 1man and has some clearâ€"cut concep | tions of western conditions as All | who coaverse with him will ackuowâ€" ilo(‘-,::c-. te saw thousards of ac es of | grain in shock, waiting for dry wea: â€"| ther. He was particularly pleased ‘\ with Dauphin City and marvelled at "\ a wonderful stookdoader, a piece of *‘ machinery lately invented, B\ Nr. Will Dargavel of Vancouver, ® / B. C. has come to his mother‘s home "‘ at Dornoch for an indefinite visit ";The Review expectis to say more 1e *‘ garding him later, F atuftnraieme ctmamqetint > Mrs John Renwick and Mr Harold Atchison, Toronto, ) Duham â€" the first of the were guests of NMrs Renâ€" A Mrâ€" Atchison‘s mother, gavel of Vancouver, to his mother‘s home _ an â€" indefinite visit. ; 4 in % Willard‘s Famous ! ; Chocolates 60c and $1.20 | MeFADDENâ€"iIn Glenelg, on Monday, | gith October, to Mroâ€" and Mrs. x LAwrence McFadden, a son. | MARRIED | vOLLETTâ€"CAUCLFIELD : At Cedat ‘ Cottage United Church, Vancouver on Sept. 36th, 1927, Miss Jean Caul The ‘Review‘ is pmeased to pre of a wellâ€"known tamily residing Jas. Hooper, her son Isaat M. Dougall ; _ ber Aaughter, Mrs P Puntisned Weekty . zn c cae c mmn caum ue + «camp smm c omm omm c 0 cures cuen : mm Carr‘s Heart and Nerve Capsules A Tonic for the Blood & Nerves. 60 for $1.00 An Esremont Five Generation McFadden‘s Drug Store BORN ekiy ars $2.00 a year in advance. To UD in advapce. C. RAMAGE & BON, d T933 025010 10e A. insd ie 4. Shcits ioi esd 1927, Miss Jean Caulâ€"| visitors this week at Nr J. Burges L. mm ccammn RRIED | Mrs S. McComb, Palmerston an< FIELD : At Cedar] daughter, Mrs Mitchell, Chicago, and Church, Vancouver,| Miss Jean _ Mclean, Priceville, * BE s l 2e Are Â¥ o Murencs‘ to present this we« M. Hooper : _ s s Porey Harrison $ North Egremont. jney «hC r :o his daughter, Mrs, Thos Harrison and Master John Ma. feld to Mr Clarence w, Vollett son of Mr and Mrs John Vollew Vancouver and grandson of W. Y Vollett, Town Clerk, Durham. s ce â€" o 0 aram c mm cute mt reum e ># The Remedy for Weaknesse,â€"Anaemia Blood Poverty Haemoglobin Capsules Rich â€" Red a five generation plictus emont. They are Mys ..‘...---d-."-..n.-\‘; To United Btates, will give you Ma..iso!

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