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Durham Review (1897), 27 Oct 1927, p. 4

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'Aarnlltoo "92'7ka ', What ttaN'r has 'p7G'ilir""""'" " Lemme-0 Lanauun MI- lamtwl cimnlauon Why, Can. M Minn up»: to he saw. Tho New. --_--- Fork Tun» 8.3.8 that "if awry People mad 'Review' Wattt Ads. c. sheet m" PM)" Psodured In Canada! We are as near to you In your tele. 'tor" n... .wtc-r mark, 'made in (human phony. Our phone No. I: 6. - E'lty,1','.7 5min!“ of at." my: ot Nations will soon be held by “Whom. Mots Secretory-Omani. Hm viru- hmmmoml. Special tebphone muimtia DAM command for installation in the tongue :Ieém‘nu'nm (shown above) permitting Gonna to link up with Paris, lmdon. Dru-sob. Berlin and Rome. and tri ' j ammoncic service with Washingum and Dunn In the sum ot extraordinary developments, when a sun! ' Jun-tum m vltaL much precious time can he saved by telephone MW. 'tmo inform Mon Fa of supm'hl Interest. to Canada, whose 1-me Senator Raoul Daaduraod (No. l now/e. J", Senator N. A. 1brHortrt mo. 3) have taken such prominent. part in recent Lew discussims. (No. .0 Sir Hub?“ Amen, Mrmorly M. P. for the tR, Antoine Division, Montreal. was for some you" Pttganeiat Advise: of the League. CIRCUL \TEG EVERYWHERE New Things Ate "lhm" EliEP1lWltBlINi WARMASIUAST IBtntN. Kagttl, on - ”Al. “I. OI WOOD The Gum Magic burn: any fuel tqua'1y _ well. It., heats tpree t? W. MOON. Durham Tclthnc HOW mange...” -l156!~uu..o~n.u.o-¢. Tbe. amazing way that the Git.. son "Magic Fume give... greater volume of warm mom air FNtet a smaller 'g't"ftt of fad ia the heating wood" the us- Ahfs1t 09 at!!!” New.“ hoary steel plate body. special caosOhaped Crates, booster has“. electrically arc welded faint; which ggTg,'g"lg pre- IT" gu_ond t from legging. Bring-i neie comfort to the tsoase nnd am he] bill: one-third to vet)! can and dust from taking. alt C oettrthatet to make the Gaul! . Mattie" the most satisfactory 1-11 mania! furnace. Lean " the fact nboot this ttd."4 and sensatietoatlr pticed in tt ate. our easy paymenm ”all; you to have the . Miami: installed at once-the Mayne of payments spread over on: pear. Write today. m "tot M PAW PLAN Give tlte maple the good no" of now ibirtts nt whom-goon!- price.. 'lhoy lot-k to you for this “no" new.“ and will respond to your muting". Let n- show you thnt You have tho Kt.' Mid and the desire to sell them. The readers of tho 'Review' havethe money and tho desire to buy. The cart-arctic link is ADVERTISING Every member of every family in this community is interestedinthenews of the day. And no items are read with inner relish than annoumements of new things to oat, to wear or to on- joy in the home. The Durham Review League of Nations Turns to Telephdne is " Invitalion da', there would hardly be 3 home in America without a certified Canadian product." Easy Pa-te---. Scm 350.00 in Fuel- Burn; Any meer-. No JoWatr-- Can’t Leah Ga. n he saved. by telephmo discussion. min, whose rapt-Wen Senator Raoul Dandurand (No. 1 taken such prominent part in recent League discussions. (No. Antoine Division, Montreal, was for some years Financial nardly be a homein . . '1 cett'tfted Canadian Eh. Harbin aft!!!” n .s cm: or mi- m F. Trtntty Church We. Guild will hold their mum! on Sunnia)’ Dec. 3rd. in the A.Y.P. moms. Incident, nailing Sonar L sh; look mt upon it. Bullion and t" I. o, D. E. Chapters Trttt In!” her. f Canada has lost one of her out. standing women in the death of Mrs H. F'. Burkholder of Hamilton. While her life and work has been ettiedy eoutined to 1.0. D.E. welfare, "he has shown broad sympathies with everything that carried an uplift tendency. As Psovlnclal President at the Independent Order Dnughters of Empire since its inception. she will be best and lovingly remembered. The. writer has Been her conduct more than one meeting and her admiration, for he: ability in this line was al. ways strong. Her quick wit, sympa- thetic understanding and inherent sense of honor was shown on theo, orertarions. Her husband was a mu- stant lieutenant to her at these Prtri Vini'lll gatherings and aided in ii) ery way possible to the smoothness ot the meeting. On one panicular occasion he was used u a scrutiu~ eer in counting the ballots at the re- election of oilicers and of course Mrs Burkholder and many other Hamil- ton members were returned to ottlee. This muted resentment among some ot the delegates. as they thought it was too much "Hguttittmt" and it came to Mrs Bttr%toider'n ears that her huebnnd m not the proper mar. to not no acmtineer. “ladies." and. Mrs Burkholder. in explaining what she had heard “This in the unkindest cut of all." Her eyes Med it: a few moments. as it it were possum!I to think her husband guilty ot Gly. term the may i, South East Grey would make 3mm- noise were Miss MacPhail excluded from Parliament because she is not a "person" under the original mean' * of the word! The matte: will at least give extra spice to her speech- as she is giving in Manitoba at the present time. At t he time the voting law was enacted "person" applied only to males and when the question arose in Britain or giving women the vote. enacting legislation was passed, hmadening the meaning of "person" to include both sexes. a, Agnes MacPhail Shaun there be a uhadow ot doubt as to this elegibmty, the government will of course at first orportunity. enact the necessary enabling legis- lation tor the day r, now pastwht-u the sex question can be considied in this connection. Trinity Church Now son" as may be tippointed to the Senate without enabling legislation. It the Supreme Court should decide thnt such is necessary before a wom- an "person" could qualify for the Senate. then it is suggested, let us say an: med, that the same obstacle would prevent a. woman taking a seat in the Commons. We ask the question because the Dominion Govunment has recently referred to the Supreme Court the question whether a woman's a "pers Mambo-r Canadian Weekly Newtonp enl' Asmwhuon. C. RAMAGE & SON. Editor and Pro. urn-torn. DEATH OF MRS. BURKHOLDER FOR SALE oor RENT be Unsealed? is just . "ttlo, manhun- "Mr to red acres. be he an: more of less. will be sold y salad tender. mtt0eet to a reserve bid, hcéompanlod‘ by mar'mi che for tea per cent of tho nmoun tendc:ed. Trivia remind m: to twt o'clock on the 2nd day or November, 193?. IN THE. MATTER r THE Fitr TATE SE DONAL A. LIVING- STON, LATE or HE Town- SHIP OF BENT CK IN THE COUNTY OP G EY, FARMER, DECEASED. NOTICE is he y given that " and “again- that can“: mm! or tract ot land at te. lying and being in the Town-hi ot Bentlnck in the County of Grey and being coupons! of Lot Twenty- he in the Ninth Con- cession. in c said Township ot Bentinck. tad containing one'hlnd. The beef ring meeting for the pat- rons ot the Schnienert ring will be held " the home ot the butcher this I‘ddny evening. Mrs T. Hopkins of Mulock. was a Sunday visitor at the home of her uncle, Mr R. McCan. Misa Isabel Hustle ot Chesley Cts. ited over the week end with Miss Jennie Hustle. The Crawford Y. P. B. met on Thursday evening. Oct. 20 st 8 p. m. A tine progrsm Ins presided over by Mr W. Campbell. Recitations were given by Miss Mary White and Mate ter Rancid McDonald. Miss Elsie Boyce favored the audience with a well rendered solo. Misses Jessie and Florence McCaslin sang a pleas. ing duet. A paper was given by Mr. Geo Hustle and a talk by the pastor, Rev. R Young. " was decided to in. vite the members ot Laminsh Y. P. B. to I. socinl evening in the nee." future. l Mrs R. Boyce is spending this week as the guest of Mm C. Howell. Dur- Mrs Sandy Campbell of Elmwood, visited recently with Mrs Alex Mc- Donald. ulnbLmno' anagrams, sanctum " 1115me LWTNGST0NF.. Mr and Mrs J. Sharp and family, attended Anniversary service in Dun“ ham on Sunday. Rocent visitors at the home of Mr. and Irs Arch. McDougnll were Mr. and Mrs Canning and son, also Mr. Canning. Br. of Barrie. Mr Jas. McDougnll and sons, Mm. John MoKechnie. Mr and Mrs Edgar Boyer and sons spr-nt Sunday even. ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Rom. Ledittgtttun, Domach. Mr Hewson, son of the late Mrs.' Hewson ot Bunnie. spent the weck; and visltlng his sums. Miss Demy' and M3 Jas Kerr, Varney. ', Rev. Wm Shula and bride ot Wat. orloo motored while on theit. honor- moon Gis way and visited with old friends and relatives in Hanover, Hampden and Ayton. Mr Chas. Balk-y, Lamlash, is us- sisting Mr J. Sharp with the mm cutting. Miss A. Widmeyer spent an even- ing recently with her cousin, Miss M. Little. Mr and Mr: And. Plastic and son Dougaid. tteeotnpattied by Miss An, nie Hobkirk. visited with Chesley friends on Sunday. of the week and visited with H's sister. Mrs W Mather of place. Mrs Thog. Stimon met with a pain- ful accident whed she fell on a. board breaking several ribs. We al- so hope she will soon recover. h )MiNlSTRATORS', SALE The severe frost or Tuesday mom- ing a'emlnds one that winter is draw- ing near. Miss Islay McCualg. teacher at & S. No. 9, spent over Sunday at the home ot her brother. Finlay Me, Cuttitr, Mulock. Miss Jessie Twamley, tencher at Lamlash, spent the week end at the home of her brother Frank. Mr and Mrs Frank Twamley and babe and Mr and Mrs W. Camptwll and two sons, were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs C. McClockln of Zion We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs David Rustic who is cotttitted to her bed with heart trouble. w" hope she may soon be quite welt Reeve D. J. and Mrs McDonald and two children visited Sunday with Councillor A. McGnegor, near Ches- ley and attended Divine service at Gsartovn Presbyterian church. Mr and Mm John Sharp and rant. ily spent an evening recently with his. and Mrs A. Fulton. Mr and Mrs Wm Henderson terol family motored to Prloeville the first Mr and Mrs Jno. White and their daughters, Mary and Margaret, were Sunday visitors with Durham Hernia. Mr John Derby visited with his cousins. Mr ttttd Mm Albert Monon- ald last Sunday and took in the Am ulversany services " Durham. Miss Mannie Burgess of Hanovei Puhllr School teaching staff, was a recent visitor with Mrs And. Hustle. Mrs Mather Sr. of Pteevue spent. a few days In: week visitng her sis- ter, Mrs Slum. T Mrs M. Byers and Miss M. Oed- des spent an afternoon with M13331. McGauchie of Steel Bridge the mid- die of the week. we 60min REVIEW CRAWFORD HAMPDEN Administrator Mrs. that P.! Mrs D. Wilkie is spending a tear .2. days with the Hesiip family at Glen. _, mden. is-f Min [slay McKechnie we: the guest " ot Mrs' Jae. Miller MoevUy evening. l Mr and M21 L. Sheltmth. Cheney, a visited Sunday, " the home of Mr. er Bert Ritchie. "aunt-.1 Admin mot, or his muc- lton, wt! of their clung. duty moved. on or fore the 15th day of November " ' and After such date the estate I be distributed. having regtuxt on) to the chum of which notice I then hare been Magma. DAT st Durham "this 1,5tlt u}- ot Octo r, 1,27. - DUNCAN LIVINGSTON. nlminlstmor or mate of Donald A, UMM. try his alum nmnuznno' & MeqUAlutm. i NOTICE ia hereby given that all persons having chim- umnu the estate of DONALD A, mGBTON. late ttf the Tomb!) 'Bentlnck. in the County of G Brunet, who The [TYPO ere entertaining the young people trom Edge Hm on this Thunder evening. _ Mr and Mrs Geo. seLiiL Vere visitors thin week with ter’s brother. Wm. Hm.. Miss Corinne Lawrence was thel, guest of Miss Eunice Moon Saturday; Mr Jim Veggie, St Marys, spent the week end with his mother. I I I" chairs and a wicker tray. Mr Juo. McGirr was chairman and Reg. Ar- /nett rerl the address. On behall ot iMrs Watson as well. Mr Watson thanked them all for their kindness. ,T'he remainder of the evening was gspent in dancing. ' ' Mr and Mrs S. Pam-non spelt a tew days last week with friends in I Chester. -. - I .1, AAA vv-_.__-.,. --1' Mr and Mrs Hugh MacDonald and family, wen Bunday visitors at the lioness home, Crawfami. Miss Merton Ewen returned home from Mrs. Ed. Lindsay’s Monday. Mr 1nd Ma's Geo. Noble, Durham,‘ visited the tirtrt of the week with Mr and Mrs Herb Hopkins. Other' visitors there were Mr and Mrs Per. rin Hopkins and son Maxwell of Campbell's Camera. ! Mrs Frank Hinds, Miss Violet and Muters View: and Cecil of town. were Sunday visitors at the Ewen home. Mr Russel McFarlnne and Miss E. Styles, were guests of the Intel’s aunt. Mrs Miller. Sunday. Mr Alex Fletcher and sister Chats lrme, were in Priceville recently, their aunt, Mrs Murchison returning home with them. Miss Myrtle Boyce is spending some time with friends in o. Bound. AWft3" ARCHIV‘ TORONTO On Friday evening a. large number of (Hands and neighbors met u the home of Mr and Mrs Clark Watson and presented them with two wick- Miss Mle Mair. Gum-.1 Mair and Wm Agnew, Cbesley. were recent visitors at the Fletcher home. Miss Ada Miller spent Sunday with her aunt in Meatord. Miss Barbara Ritchie visited I week ago with her friend, Mcts Geo. Whitmore. Miss hurl. McKenzie, Mrs John Van Wie, little Luna and Jackie Mc- Gowan, spent Tuesday of last week at the lamb home. Misses Belle and Margaret McGirr of town spent last Satmz'lay with the Nichol family. Mr and Mis Will Lam-ence stimul- od the funeral of the late J. Cook " Zion on Monday. Mr and Mrs Will Weir, Jr. spent Sunday with friends in Egremont. Don't forget the date, Nov. 4th and place-Aberdeen schoolhouse, for the box social to be held under the nus. pleas of A. Women's Institute. A special program is being prepared. Come out and bring a friend. films; Annie Amen is taking ttttus- inesa course at Omngeville. Miss Minn Haul-ave left Tues- day for Toronto where she will spend the winter months. Mr Ju. Atkinson is driving 3 new Chev. coach. Mrs Will Williams, Toronto, mot, ored up and spam over the weekend with her mother, Mrs Rom. Bell. Mr Jag Atkinson has rented his farm to Mr Melville Anderson ot Edge Hill. Green Grove beef wing closed for another yen: the average weight was 440 lbs. Mr Geo. Hopkins was elected President; Walter Nichol, as Sec'y Treas. " is the intention to carry on tor 20 weeks next year. These are still a few shares to be taken. Mrs Jno. Nichol and family of Mr And Mrs Murray Ritchie and m. tle son visited friends in this neigh- borhood the first of the week. Mrs Edgy: Ritchie Extent a Week with Mrs Will Weir and returned home Sunday. Mr and Mm Geo. Hartgnve and family of Detroit. spent over the week end with Mrs W. Knmve. M: and Mrs Farr Lawrence spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs W. Alchisou Mrs Jno. Nichol and family of town spent the first ot the Week with the Nichol family. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Andy Lindsay ls under the Dr’s emu NOTICE TO CREDITORS ROCKY SAUGEEN and". Guelph, the lat- If; Bent.. 4th. P, White Eerr--smrtins, It i 8. Proton. 4th. h Oats from home tam L, Allen. Bit. 2nd: Wily 1-114 k1. 5th: Him. I C Ben. 6th. Ml BaHer--Mittoe, " 115%!” 2nd; Fai: T It. 2:1. 'th. I is Bus ’0me M, & Not. In! I Kaila- * i Yeast rolli- Bentlnck. up. I School Lu [Est 4th. i Doll's Drona .4. "L 3rd. t V -.'__. “I K ar. lune. No T, mm., lat. Writing. 8rd book-Ruby Wan-um, No 8. Ex't, In: Mule Ankara. No 3. Ex‘. 2rd: Kathleen McCarthy. 58.5. No s, GM}. 4th. Davin: Pumr'dn "-orant, Grunt". No 5 Bit. 3rd ". Bathe: Parlor. No 't Bent.. tth. White EREJ-\n-‘Hnn "-4 -. - No a. Bent: it; _ Knitted out! or he. School thneh-rev. Gadd. No s. Eg't. 4th. Doll's Drrtsss--mttry Gammon No. 4, an. in]. Button Hetuq--uiva McDonald, No. 6, Dent... 6th. Butte: sponge eahtr--velrmt Blyth, No I, EC! & Nor.. 2nd : Myrtle Glen- cross. No t, Glen'g 4th: Irene Martin No 13, Art., 6th. Bak. Powder Biscuits-thet Back on. No 5. Eg't. 4th. Yeast "ttu-vis" xenon”. No ti, "as-g- DAL Boquet from Home Gtmiett--Marie Aitken, No 3, Eg’t tat.. Isabel Flrth. No t, Glen's, 4th. Coll. weed Beedg-Mae End; No 4, Eg't, 5th. Col. woods-Isabel Arth, No 3. Glen's. trd. Any model In wood-Eddie Lawr. ence, No 9, Gle'g, tith. Whole Wheat bread-tnv, MeDon. ttid, No 6. Bent.. 6th, Tart Ne-Ethel Sachem. No remont. 6th. Oatmeal cooklel - Ver, Slum-1. No IO, Bent., 3rd: Ulva chonnld No 6. Bent.. 4th. Coreopstir---gohn McLean Beatinck. 5th. Asterts--Ketuteth Gould, No 3,Glit, 3rd: Frank Ketchabuv. No 9, Pt remont 6th. Sweet Peas-Irwin Funston No b, Eg't. 5th. Calendula-vera Stenrt. No lo, Bentlnck. 6th. Carrot-liver. McDonald, No a Bentinek, 5th. Ptrrtrttipsr--rathieen McCarthy, No, tr, Glenelg. 6th. ”mun. rur'un --43mat, Crthcm, o 5 Bit. 3rd ". Bathe: Meier. No 7 mt.. tth. White Egg.:-.\nrline Cmbeu. No Proton, 4th. can from homo: (arm - Knuth Ilsa. lift. 2114: Wilson Clark, No i m1. 5th: Hilda Uaruh. No li. an. 6th. In Public Speaking and Parana only lat prize winners were tbetN'pt- ed. mu- two in three -etitioair --Boys and GMS' and Miss Mac- Phul's competed for the goldwutch- es and cash prisms Mend. The iinnncea ot the championship School Fair were provided as fol- iows: o. Sound At] Society "60.0" and County Council 8100. The Ronny and Kiwanis Clubs and Miss Moc- Phnil donned gold “when. The Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs also om-s ed to take the boys and girls in cars. Only four cars 'however were npcvs- sary. The Judges of the Champlain- ship Fad-r were: Grain and Vegetables: Geo. Down- ey, Brampton; Mr Crosby, A. S. Smith. Max-Maia. Domestic Science and Sewing: Miss L. Row, Woodstock: Mrs T. S. Coo- per. Mark/inks: Miss E.B. Walker. Markdale. Writing and Art : C. A. Fleming and R. Armstrong o. Sound. Manual Training: Mt Saunders, Technical School, o. Bound. Public soaking. boys :Rev. J. L. Melanin, A. R. Trout, Jas Garvin all ot Owen Sound. Girls :Rev. E. C. Kenny, R. D. Little, Rev. J. T. Struc- han. o. Sound. Miss MacPhaii : Mtucv Dottie. Banner Outs. igtteM-Wilson Clark, No 14, Egremont. 4th. Mtutgeir--Davttt Allen. No 9, men. e15. 5th. Potatoes-walter Aitken, No 3. Eip remont. 2nd: Earl Hahn, No 13, Nor, manby. 6th. an... ”a... .....w there “a " when! thios the possible entries were 38 in each class. 0.A.C. Barley. quart-Earl John. son. S.S. 23,Artemeun. lat: Douglas Johnson. No. t, Egremont. 2nd: Wil- bert Brodie. u. 18, Glen & An.. 3rd. ship School Mr Wu he'd In men Sound in cooperation with the ax- ricultunl Society's Wir on Oet. 6 to Cth. It was a succeu In every way. Altogether thine “are 1800 entries. In no class us there less than " and in some over so. Only lit and 2nd prize exhibits it " the Town- ship School Mr: were eligible. As - ‘ - . =.-, -.ubi. Runner Oats. quart-tmarie, Allen. No IO, Bentinek, 6th. tutrseulhirlllli-s Judged Domestic ins. Flowers, etc, The following are the winners in the various classes in this locality, nix prizes being given in each cuss: The championship Fair in are all oth ', Township School Fairs. were under the control, direction and sup- ervison of the (trey Co. branch of the Dept. of Agriculture, with T. Stewart Cooper in charge. twisted by AS. Smith, Ag'l representative and Kiss B. Walker. Sec'y: Messrs A.C, Stewart 1nd Geo. Dundu ju'lgod par- ades. speeches and poultry, while Min L. Row and In: T. S. Cooper judged Domestic Science and Sew- Parades: Major N. E. Mval-l. Major Prank Smith. R. ti. Duncan. Directv: Agricultural Repesetttati'.es Parllunent Bnitditttrs, Toronto. fertst _htrrk-aay The In annual any Sky-m" . Ill. 'iHreAM' Mm. F a Dt. ' “We" ”may, 2;. tyours-waiter u-Milton Mnnar. Na, Fat.: WWI”. No, taee--tetidmd Mis- -G|ndn Howie be'd In Owett with the Att- and Parades Mcrttr. No IO, I. En. No. K. WON! no (i, r; m. um Town once.“ '8' mi ii'irss--srzarrriaimas-:-.,il-ll" Hi. Diabetbl'd: atmtatent.... 13' B. C. “chm. my sheet Pw... xv .Pem Kmuter,trmdintr., 1'7 [no Gdenon, Mu ....rr.r ‘i W. Kennedy & Sons. bltte prim '4. Sun Times. rd we may ..... ,yr, HotoverPttat.do..........., '_'. Dept. of Highways, 145 barrel, ot cement ....... ....., HI 1C.N.rtr.co.,tr- w...... ‘iv B.P.Ahreru, tuc.Nt-..,.. ", One meeting of council Wrm-. i 71 ( Council “burned to mm \um {dun Nov 12th for transaction o', .'r " _erat mines: um! prepniuz n: r, .2; ' ch] sun-meat. I Mnqwood-4rrierson: That mm [don be held at Lunlnsh Mondm .' day of November. at I o'ctoek Attr, I ”action it ventured on the follow '. ionday with the following (Mn-v. ' iclurge: Poll No l, Hugh R. Rmm (I Jan Walsh: No 2. [mm Mn... 4. ' McLean: No s, Chas awry“ w. G. McCullough. No 4, Alldlvv :Pu'k. Douglas Donnelly: No I. 'r Fatima. Edward Rehkopr: Nes ' gm New, Jno Claw, A“ , Wm Heath-non. Robt .McCaHm V, ft, Geo “Wight. adv-I'd West. i, Me Gretror--Ttmsttttii: That "I.“ juror my all accounts by chm”. l, older to conform with the Man luons of the Dept. or Publir um ways. Carried. up"... " Mull. In: lame nu w. and; M-et Donovan. Sullnz.“ 8rp, Christen Mean". 4th; M:/ mm Katrine. Beatinck. 5th: I- on luau. Amount-sh. 6th. NH“: Breaking. Boys ---Billy Jan son. 1 Holland. lat; W. Mincke, an “VII. M: BIT! mm lh'milu, 8M; Them Dunn". Proton. my nob mn, Syrian”. 5th; Bert ,m; “was. Harkdnle, 6th. Public Spotting. Miss Madman eontest---Nina Huvvhinuon. Man-mm. In; Isle Brfttkmtut, SI. Vim-pm, I't., Evelyn Hangman. Holhnd. 3rd Jon. Match. , 84nd: tile . J. B. mbteet, cutting Weeds mug, 8W y, T: , Ine, tuieatnaauttirr. Strength“ welrli Civil Service. Practical Method “will Qua-u tar Farmers' Sons Cur-ml Attention. Best Result, PM Catalogue on requeat. W. A. Till-LI. macaw "mdets---.Nrt. ' Sullivan. tst; a ' St. Vincent, 2nd. Murmur sum 3311; No. 8 Proton. 4th; No. 12. m. mom. tith; No. 16. Sydenhnm, (Pr, Ttte following “counts Wt-rp {M MrsP.Haa1itt.1ltuntt....., $' JottnA_,1tstteett....,v.. 1: Ch“. Mignon. I sheep ...... n: T. H. uwrenoe, Inspecting Ftw ; Frank Murdock, " rods (nun. _" Clans. Luvrence. inspecting _ , Phllp Schmidt. my astteet .._. i', David Chltuck.do .m...rm.-, - Elmer Human. do........... '., Henry Schultz. do .......... ", P. mu. Abodeen bridge. . 'w 1 P. Scum. tos hours ......._ . z: % Idol 'BMeqeg --Brrt Humv- U. NO " Ptqtqgtt Mpllnn Corb- M NO. 8 “on. 6th. Public Spams. Girls --atutrr It,r Purim! to adjournment, Crtrt met on the wove date. Mnmlw pro-em. You may hull any day Individual instruction enable: 'tr'l to begin I course at my nm- ',! NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES Ceeeetuaerr, Brad Coal Oil and Gambia: J. C. HOWELL “to Card Mean 8iEimrdr'htreh.Nos OCT. 21 I987 J. H. Chittick tsletl 16 The Hturincr cud ..I Manny, Wow day ewninx Luv ”4 ttttd Mis., Lou “I In mun-go- I Met. Niorv " CID-d: and nt-ixhh or 60, who ovum , " can of the bu: D no the Cerem0t', we or the on an“ be hoard tti mantle“. h the eoMP.ny sax s' IAN“. the bridrk hm. Momma on' he owning I qt-ttation um! _ Ir and Mrs l Hun-1 IWHII) cm to roam!" at ume of v, 'ilil w for Mr Ma (WIT. His da was“. oI Tom .,. 1.4! Mrs Col WI. Mr and N of Mn. "Biterf I am I.vL»un'> w accompanied I mrttere IN mritl Hm rut-us. In It Wm. AM ter spa-din: " in Yogot1to. " Sir-h Mi " Alan MM'; ted on "buds Ol weed: and sprint 8t Home (mm new?! mervir mun (‘huwh u' .nd Mr: Mead- on aim My. Honda). ‘M m I lot 0: " A. C. "If! is lumhn (it! our PM Custom lupin hm: Pum- Ped. Royal "Mb-'1 ”A’s-Mk Ho Best Qua: M Ftour. pe Mn: Flour. 1 "at “our. P"' Has Alwavs r, Kina IHI‘un J. S. likll. 00098 DELIvtRE In the costumes, the parado We ha for every wear. A large ways in st All in RATCNFoao's CA CUNN'B Biti 00 Bi PRIC OCT " HEM”: JOH The V THE u I intend bu syn-m Hlnrl Sand Mil Suppor Tttl Re tr

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