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Durham Review (1897), 3 Nov 1927, p. 4

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Ing t The Eostow forwards subscriptions to all dais papers at a saving to subscritrs Let us send in yours. Â¥You may Enroli any d Individo s« instruction cnables you to boeg» a course at any time in _ AGUNT FORE®T > f 1y one t us, i i. W. MOON, Durh: Guilzxz Refg. Co., Limited PHOoNE 133 The v@vER TOWN C KEZEP YOUR HOUSE WARM AS TOAST haviace. Our casy payment xhn enalics you to have the Gi Magie :‘-tafled at on::dâ€"tho batarce of pa spread over @:a>* ’.:e-'. moday. NEVW AKND FRESH Le BURNS HARD OR SOFT COAL, COKLE OR WOOD Ti~+ Gilson Magic burns any fuel cpriatty well, It heats three tm=, faster. The oneâ€"piece, age. Built on entirely different Tins .lmuing way that the Gilâ€" soma "Magic‘ Furnace gives a great»r wolume of warm moist ac fsom a smaller quantit’ of fuet is the heating wonder of the brimcs new comfort to the home avl cuts fuel bills oneâ€"third to n s m«4u"T FOoRrtst ont. GROCERIES Also Cured Meats Coutectionery, Bread Cao» i and Gasotine J. C. HOWELL wl t Che * L 29 ° H1mali(etlege) a¢ w* â€"â€"ping, Stenography, Typ-'g But money is not wasted th e«manship, Secretarial work!r ly spent on an equitable pl i one. Practical Methods. :" payment for reliable servic« ‘aurse for Farmers‘ Sons . | SESCCSAAINETEEKK Ee ce neves, fl"mnnon. Best Results. ;'Apartmento to KHent + Catatogue on request. Furnished or unfurnished * A. TRIMBLE. Principal | ; ;;,» M‘Adaugh House. nent vocalist says that « we shou‘l1 clench some < bands. Thats so thai i ws old boots or anytning hove something to throw wply your Needs ay m. _ Telegphere 140 W â€" | 1| 5C York St., GCusigh, Ont. In the United States the zame state of affairs used to exist as hers, but some years ago the system was modernized so that now rural mal carrying is paid for on the basis of mileage served. Under this plan the service costs more, as it should. beâ€" cause the men are at present underâ€" vaid in the greaat majority of cases But money is not wasted that is justâ€" ly spent on an equitable plan of fair payment for reliable service. The man who drives mail twenty miles every lawful day in the year, wet or dry, stormy or fair, is, says the Toron:to Star, doing a work for which there should be a known. a right and just wage. And the rean who does the work should get it. He should not be talked out of it by high pressure contract makers sent out by the government of the country. (On several occasions during iLe past three or four years this subject has been seriously in need of govâ€" ernment attention. As a rule the men who do the rural mail carrying o badly underpaid, and the systoem whereby inspectors are sent out to Serooge the tightest bargain procurâ€" able from those who are renewing taeir mail contracts or dig up someâ€" body else who will do the work for a dollar and a half a year less than the regular man asks for the job is a bad one and a reproach to the country. RURAL MAIL CARRIERS TO GET A HEARING It is probable that at the next sesâ€" sion of parliament something will be heard on the floor of the Houseâ€" or proposals will be made by the vovâ€" ernmentâ€"in regard to revising and modernizing the _ conditions under which rural mail carrying is handled, contracted for and paid for. C ic Rurthum Revierm Member Canadian Weekly Newspap ers‘ Assectation. Easy Paymentsâ€" Saves $50.00 in Fuel! Burns Any Fuelâ€" No Jointsâ€" RAMAGE & SON. Editor and Proâ€" 4e se c 001000000 0000000 0 080 5, se® prietors Can‘t Leak Gas. Apply / . Tendersâ€" will be received up to September ist, 1927. Lowest or ary tender not necessarily accepted, |__For further information apply on ~| premises to The wellâ€"known Lauder farm, in mediately adjoining Durham corpora tion, on Provincial HW‘ghway. 100 arâ€" res, more or less, in good state «f cultivation ; good frame house, barn and ou‘buildings ; electric light, gocd water, 2 wells, one drilled ; convenâ€" ient to High and Public Schools : consrete sidewalk to gate. * New house, all modern comvenk nâ€" ces, possession Sept. 1st. Apply to H .S Griff or phose 117 F. 2 ECCC CCBICN IHese neathen wom en are giving up their veil and tukâ€" ing the‘" place side by side with men. Mrs Hepburn read a letier from Mrs Goforth. After cosing bymn and prayer, My‘s McTCannel sepâ€" ved lunch and a pleasant bour was spent. |_ _A real oldâ€"time Halloween Social { took place at Rocky School Thursâ€" day night last, when the spirit of witchcraft hovered â€" over the school, , and when the goblins and sprites held the premier place in the evening‘s piox zram. It was also the annual meeting of the UFYP.0. when reâ€" < election of officers first took place. E This social was arranged as a compâ€" «liment to the Edge Hill Club whom : they entertained that evening and aâ€" : bout 50 in all were present. _ Mrs. + Thos. Turnbull as Young Peopl=‘s ) Director, presidel < over the business +‘ meeting and the following were elscâ€" [ ted for the ensuing year : President, Mr. Joe Crutchley | Vice Pres., Miss Corinne Lawrence :‘ Sec‘y Treas., Miss Kathleen Firth | Program â€" Convenor, Miss Islay Mcâ€" _ Kechnie. | _ After _ this procedure, the â€" new | President took the chair and extendâ€" _ed a welcome to all. The school was _ in semi darkness all evening and the: ?propur spirit descended on all to ~n~i joy the evening. Community singing | was indulged in and as well the| "witch scene" from â€" Shakespeare‘s | ‘Macbeth‘ was enacted by Misses l.' McKechnie, Catharine McLean, Kath | leen Firth and Harold_ and Georg»| \ McKechnie . Mr Peter McQuarrie reâ€"| cited a suitable number and Hiss’ â€" Corinne Lawrence rendered a solo.' | "The Haunted House." _ The Presiâ€"| dent of the Edge Hill Club, Mr Howâ€"| ‘vard Ritchie, added a few words nl" appreciation and games and con?u»us’ â€"of a Halloween nature closed the proâ€" gram We were told that a "serump tious" lunch of pork and beans was ithp last item on the program. Whatâ€"‘ | ever that term conveys in the mlndsI â€"of our readers, will best explain !hc: word. | Presbyterian W.M. S Miss Sadie Lawr'rrernic-e spent in Owen Sound recently, A"~ and Mrs James Wason and family, Toronto, were visitors the first of the week with the Watson and McLean families. Mr and Mrs Geo. Turnbuil and son Archie spent a day this week with Mr Wm. Hill. Miss Kathleen Firth was a guest on Wed. evening with Mrs L. MceLean. Mrs A. Thomnson setumed home on Saturday after spending a few weeks pleasantly with friends in Wiarton, Mr and Mrs Gillen Boyd and Mrs Jack Boyd spent a day this week with Mr and»Mrs. L. MacLean. Mr Malcolm McKechnie‘s threshin= outfit is winding up the season‘s work this week. Miss Mamie Crutchley spent the week end with her sister, Mrs Rusâ€" sell Moore, Meaford. countTy MEETING OF FaARmM YOUTH RALLY IN DURKAM There was a county meeting of the Farm Youth Rally at the Hahn House last Wednesday evening, when election of officers were on and arâ€" rangements made for the coming ~inâ€" ter‘s program. The past President, Mr Howard Graham, Yandeleur, was present, as was also F. R Oliver, M.P.P. There were 18 present The following officers were elected for the coming year : Prosident, Wilfrid Anderson, Haripâ€" den. Vice President, Kathleen Firth Sec‘y, T.S. Cooper, Markdale d Treasurer, Miss Sadie Oliver, Aveâ€" mesia. FARM FOR SALE BÂ¥ TZnNpER Rocky Club THOS. G. LAUDER. Durbam FOR SALE OR RENT ROCKY â€" SAUGEEN Entertains Edge Hill wing how| _ Mr and Mrs Jas. Greig of Shallow mon.th shov mg.hm; | Lake spent their honeymoon in this the influence oi ”“', locality last yweek, â€" visiting among these beathen womâ€"| friends and relatives. Mrs Greig was their veil and takâ€" formerly Miss Esther Sh:. p, niece of side by side with Mrs. Sharpe Sr. us _ & & 8 a day Mr Bort Byes with sis‘+es Nettie and Audrey, 2!so Miss Widmeyer, motored to Mr~kdale Saturday where the Junior Farmers‘ Judging Contest of Grey took place. Of a class of 51 or 52 young farmeis,;ranging fro:m 16 to 23 years in age, Wm Hughes of Steel Bridge won most points with Bert Byers a close second, thereby winning the privilege â€" of having ail expenses paid while attending ibe Winter Fair, held in Toronto the latâ€" ter part of _ November, Congratuiaâ€" tions. Mr and Mrs Wm Mather of Souih Bentinck, were ~ecent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Seim. e %o0 20 112 $ Quite a number from here attendâ€" ed Anniversary services in Hanover Presbytcâ€"ian _ Church when _ Major Tolmie of Port Elgin delivered cloâ€" quent sermons. 30â€" Jn i: contndiiautirsick c Ad Miss Blanche Sumpton, Allan Park, spent Wednesday afternoon with Ms Sharp, Sr. Mr and Mrs Andrew Fulto family visited with Mr and M Koenig and daughters recently Mgsolcne c os T Mr and Mrs Alber seldt were recent visi of Mr and Mis Bert we ask you to accept these cardle holders and fruit dish and Miss Irâ€" ene this shower of handkerchicts from the Ladies‘ Aid, Mulock. _ We also extend â€" best wishes for good health and happiness and God‘s blesâ€" sing in your new home. Signed on behall of the Aid. Miss F. McDonald, President Mr Jas, we, as members of Mulock Ladies® Aid, regvet very deeply your removâ€"| al from our midst. . We realize we are losing a true friend and member of the ladies‘ aid and a willing work| er. | ‘TOGâ€"»SHOW â€"Ourâ€"el@LanntAiheis Bsc le ucces id t en t i scA 3 1 $ ere you leave for your new home«â€"} Toronto, where you will be relieved from the worry and work of the farm.| During the past $ years in cur : neighborhood we have always found both of you kind and obliging neighâ€" | bors, always willing to assist in any good cause and lend a helping hana in time of trouble or difficulty, and j we can a‘ssure you that it is with no passing regret that we learned oi your intention to leave this vicinity.| Wishing to expross in some tangible | manner our apreciation of your regiâ€"| dence among us, we ask you to acâ€"] cept this purse as a token of our es-’ teem and expression of our desire for | your future success and prosperity, Signed on behalf of neighborhood l Mrs Wm Fulton, Sec‘y | (Intended for last week) j Rev. Mr Crickington returned from | attending the Baptist Convention in Toronto Thursday and was called to the bedside of Mr Mark Baker, Noâ€"th Glenelg, who is seriously ill. The monthly meeting of the Ladâ€" ies‘ Aid was held at the home of Mrs | Spence Hopkins on Oct. 20. The Presâ€" ident, Miss F. McDonald, was in the: chair and the meeting opened with| singing. Miss Mary MceGillivray read| the scripture lesson and led in prayâ€" er. Then followed the Seey‘s report and other business, after which Mrs. Dunn, who is leaving â€" for Toronto, was presented with the following adâ€" dress and gifts : | Mr and Mrs Will Beaton and son Emerson, Mrs H. Patterson and litâ€" tle Miss Janet and Master Goldwin Patterson, Priceville, were guests of Mr and Mrs Wm Fulton Sunday and attended service here, M and Mrs Dan â€" MeArthur, Duirâ€" ham, were recent visitors oi Mr Danâ€" can and Miss Tena Livingstone. also Miss Winnie Fisher, Elmwood and Misses Lottie Fletcher and Sarah McCormick, Aberdeen. A pleasant time was spent Friday evening at the home oi Mr and Mrs. H. Dunn when their neighbors and friends gatheved to bid them fareâ€" well before their removal for Toronâ€" to. Following is the address : Dear Friends,â€" We have assembled here toâ€"nignt to spend a few social hours with you Guests of Mr Donald and Miss F. MceDonald Sunday were Mr and Mrs Hugh MceDonald, Mr and Mrs Peter Hay and son Hubert, Miss Sadie Mrcâ€" Donald, Durham and Mr Will bar gavel. They were also guests of Miss Annie Hobkizk Sunday evening. Miss Edith Toiy, Toronto, was a welcome visitor last week at ’lx; home of Mr Clark Torry. iMsses Islay and Willa McCuaix were week end visitors with Mr and Mrs Finlay MceCuaig and attended service here Sunday. Mr and Mrs Dan MceDonald and family, Toronto, motored up Saturâ€" day and visited friends heve. M and Mrs And. Hastie with Miss Annie Hobkirk, attended the anniverâ€" sary services in Hanover Presbs‘n Church Sunday. Mr Laverne McCallum, who has been working in St Marys, the p=st few years, came home Saturday and intends remaining for a time. A meeting of the BYPU was held Tuesday to reorganize for the wintor months. The following were clect=d to office : Hon. Pres., Rev. H. Crickâ€" ington : Pres., John McDonald : Vice Pres., Geo. Brown : Sec‘y, Miss Loâ€" lita Mighton : Tweas., Elton Adlam : Organist, Hazel Torry. We wish to congratulate Mr Douz ald Hastie, one of our Mulock noys on being a prize winner at the »»c ent judging contest at Markdale. He will get the free trip to Toronto. Mr Matthew â€" Warren, New Westâ€" minster, is at ‘present visiting hs sister, Mrs Wm. Lunney. It is 16 years since Mr Warren last visited Mr and Mrs McMillan, Ceylon, were visitors at Mr F. McCuaig‘s on Monday. suow ouresteem othe: than woras o o ie o ue wond and Mrs Alng'@ Glasser of Als FHE DURHAM REVIEW Smith and daughters of recent visit s at the home HAMPDEN Andrew _ Fulton and and Mrs $ im / _ Sr_ IVâ€"Sicily Hopkins*, â€" Maude Picken*, Reta Vollett*. Jr IVâ€"Clarâ€" ence Ritchie, Raymond Hopkins*, Jas Armstrong, Arnetta Manto*. Jr IIâ€"â€" Alfred Dyer®, Wilhelmine Manio®*, Gordon Dyo*, Fred Roseboroush*., Dawson Vollett*, Doris Dyer®*, Irvine Mountain. _ IIâ€"Sarah Dyer*, Freda Ritchie*, Daniel Armstrong, Smith Hopkins. _ Iâ€"Elia Vollett*, Margaret Murdock. & Prâ€"Elmer Noble*, Eay] Hiscox, Milton Manto*. Jr Prâ€"Wil helmine Hopkins, Emest Murdock, Pr Aâ€"Catherine Dyer. ! Average attendance 24. * meem' present every day. e Mr Howard Lavfwzncq is with team on the Good Roa« near Hanover. Mr and Mrs Alex Hopkins and tl:see children spent an afternoon the first of the week with M:and Mrs Alâ€" vin Notle at Varnev. The threshing is pretty well wourd up in this locality and all seeme1 quite satisfied with this yea‘s yield, it being more up to ine standard than the year previous. We are appreciatng the lovely | weather we have been having lhcf past few weeks. It is quite helpful in | getting up potatoes and picking ap | ples and also the fall plowing. | Mrs John Clark and little da'ughu-fi Betty, Toronto, spent a couple of | weeks wth the former‘s brother, Mr.| Thos. Miligan. Mr Clark motcsed up and spent a couple of days, all 1e turning home together. | Since we last wrote Messrs Elijah Armstrong and Alex Hopkins spent a pleasant six weeks at Simpson, Sask. Wet weather delayed the work, so they returned home a couple of weeks ago, Is it possible that we might apâ€" pear again in your columns. It seems quite a customary affair :or this correspondent to take a layâ€"offâ€" sometimes quite a lengthy one +0o, but we are just one of those "don‘t bother" kind and are waiting one week after ancther for something to happen, but all is still quite peace> able. | The beef ring meeting was held at j \ ym Fred Schrienert‘s last Friday wh-rnag ;I"wobl:.lmdrrdma;readn Gcl::e,;m':;:‘ large crowd was present and every.| Ship, being lo ancg c h thing passed off like clock work. The this property is a goo§ frame house satisfaction of all the patrons is a ; &4 bank barn, with otker buildings. good recommendation for the fine Plenty of water, good or§hard: seven butcher. The average weight this| miles from Markdale. his is a year was 503% lbs, Mrs Schrienert | splendid crop. farm. WNI be sold served a dainty lunch at the close of| cheap, with very easy ternig. Apply the meeting. * | to Mrs Neil Livingstone, umc»f I\'drlssest Peg:l;y }\]'ouns and C.| R. R. 2, Holland Centre, Ont., , Of Toronto, who have spent a Durhan pleasant 3 month holiday at Mr. T.‘ or â€" Albert Livingstone, Durham Boyd‘s returned to the city Monday . | . ommemennmmenoos. Anmmenenmeommemmmennnnenmmmmnnmmmmmmm These little maids certainly BADOM® | 2oo cecaicconces m to come to the right place and I‘m flâ€" sure they‘ll never forget the kindnvss‘j'if of the Boyd family who believe in || ,] n A n A Home Mission work. 'h Miss Nellie Stinson of Hanoiver H School spent Sunday with her par ents here. M Henry Gonder has rented his farm to W. Anderson of Bentinck. Mr Gonder is having an auction sale on Nov. 10th. Miss Elsie Boyce attended the misâ€" veliuneous shower at the home of Mrs P Gagnon, Durham, in honor of Miss Steila MceCrae, who was married recently to Mz Harry Kress, also of Durham. We wish to congratulate Andrew Milne and his bride upon their secent marriage. Andrew was a former t awlord boy and his bride, formerly Miss Hilda Bierworth is well known by many of the people in this comâ€" munity. We wish them many years of wedded life. The C.Y.P.S. meets this Thursday night. Mr Edgar Boyce and sister, Miss Elsie have caarge of the pro gram. Miss Winnie Fishe, Elmwood, was the guest of her friend, Miss Tena Livingstone . for several days last week. Miss Islay McCuaig held an enjoyâ€" able Halloween social in the school house Monday. _ A large crowd was vsesent and all appeared to be in the best of spirits to enjoy themselves. Games and contests were the main feature of the program. Miss Mcâ€" Cuaig has endeared herselt to both pupils and parents and their wish is to keep her but as this is impossible they have engaged Miss Elizabeth Allen of Chesley, We regret to report the illness this week of one of our citizens, Mr Thos Stinson, who took a weak spell Satâ€" urday night and tho‘ somewhat imâ€" proved, is still under the Dr‘s care. Miss Helen Watson, Durham, was a recent visitor with Mrs And. Hastie Miss Annie Hobkirk was the guest n* Mrs Arch. Brown, Hanover on Sunday. Visitors at the home ol Mr and Mrs Thos. Stinson Sunday were the Misses MilCsed and Lolita Mighton and Mrs Geo. Mighton of Mulock, alâ€" so Mrs J. Honess and son Cliffo=_d of Hanover. Mr and Mrs Louis Unruh and fimâ€" ily were Sunday visitoss at the home of Arch. Hastie. Mr and Mrs John Sharp entertainâ€" ed a few of their neighbors last Thursday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs Jas. Greig, Shallow Lake. Mr and Mrs Herman Hass, E!mira, visited with the lattor‘s niece, Mrs. W. Seim over the week end. Most of the farmers have housed their turnip câ€"op while the Indian Summer weather lasted. Holstein and Mr Henderson, Yeovil, attended church services in Hanover and were the guests of Mr and M~#. M. W .Byers, ‘Bonnie View Farm" <10 ARCHIV TORONTO HUTTON HILL , NO. 11, BENTINCK CRAWFORD avyvence is engagod» the Good Road System: . Petty, Teacher those "don‘t waiting one something to quite peace Two hundred acres ‘in Glenelg townâ€" ship, being lots 7 andÂ¥\8, con. 13. On this property is a g frame house and bank barn, with er buildings. Plenty of water, good or&hard: seven miles from Markdale. his is a splendid crop. farm. WNIl be sold In the course of a few days, lhe; total results will be sent to all the boys, There will be a team of 3 boys, and 10 boys in addition taken | to the Royal Winter Fair. The Repâ€", resentative is delighted at the large| class and wishes to assure each and all that theÂ¥ acquitted themselves honorably inde in this first Royal Junior Judging ntest. Of tre 54 boys entering, 3 did not complete the judging. Of the 51 reâ€" maining, 15 received over 600 points out of 800 and only 4 of the others were below 500 and then only slighttly The fifteen winners were : No. points _ Name _ Address _ Tw‘p 674 W. J. Hughes Neustadt, Norby 658% Bert Byers, Neustadt, Nor‘b, 654 A. J. Ford, Owen Sound, Derby 651 Elwood Dawn, Heathcote, Euph. 635 Wm. Linn, Meaford, St Vincent 631 Gordon Wilcox, Markdale, Euph. 624 Clifford Neil, Heathcote, CoTd 623 Amos Bowles, Markdale, Arte‘s 620 Ivan Patterson, Meaford, St Vin‘t 607 Dougal Hastie, Elmwood, Bent‘k 606 Sta‘y Gillies, Cedarville, Provon 606 Clor Black, Chatsworth, Sulliv‘n 605 Wm. Owens, Elmwood, Bentinck 603 Gordon Ardiel, Heathcote, Coll. and Euph‘a. 602 Elmer Ward, Wiarton, Keppel The contest was in charge of ‘{. Stewart Cooper, Agricullurai Repoâ€" sentative, Dept. of Agriculture, Markâ€" dale. It was a success in every way. 658 654 651 635 631 624 623 620 607 The judges for the contest were : Messrs G. R. Patterson and Ross Osâ€" ler, Dept. of â€" Agriculture, Clinton : Messrs W. K. Riddell and A. R. Donâ€" ald, Dept. of Agriculture, Walkerton: Mr Allan Findlay, Chatsworth and A. S. Smith, Ass‘t Rep., Dept. of Agriâ€" culture, Markdale. Normanby Boys The Royal Junior Farmer Judging Competition was held at Markdale Department of Agriculture on Saturâ€" day, Oct. 29, 54 boys were in attendâ€" ance. Oats, Wheat, Alfalfa, Potatoes and Poultry were judged in the Dept. of Agriculture in the forencoon while the stock was judged at the various tarms.. This was provided as follows Horses, Messrs T. Wilson and Frank Taylor : Shorthorns, Frank Taylor : Holsteins, R. L. Mercer : Sheep, Mr. Harry Shaw : Hogs â€" Mr Harold Knight. 200 oldâ€"time l{«:fg' formu {athers and Eltat Hor] Kneipp, who lived years Gall Stones removed without an Operation, Asthma, Piles, H Ftomach ‘F roubses, Skin Disenâ€"e Iis, Constination and Apnendie} ach tpu.ll, __ OO 1+ HNCS, Heart Troubles, High Blond Ftomach Troubes, Skin Disen e«, l;.-d-w'-mng_ Woims, Ne 1cs, Constination and Amwndlr-ltis, Kidney Troubles, Para tetes, Bricht‘s Dizeage, Lunrg and Bronchial Troubles, Catarch, Dropsy, Gravel, Over PFPatnoss, Female Tâ€"oubles, Rheumatisim, Neuritis and AU Disantac * To all ow Royal Junior MR. MURFIN, + ~/ * VAf UNLYP â€" fours 9 s.m. to 7 p m. TUESDAYy, NOVEMBER 15in Could Not Walk, but Restored with Natural Herbs 1 must write and let you know how our son, who ha creeping paralysis, is improving. He had taken your med ivine ibout + week only when he could walk and in thre« weeks had rained 13 Ibs. He helped his father with seed ing and is working every day and is feeling fine. Our daugh ter is also making an improvement, is gaining nicely, but is still taking your medicine. We certainly cannot praise your medicine too Highly for what it has done for us all. We do not think there is any medicine sold on the mar ket so effective in building up a runâ€"down system as Mr Murfn‘s Natural Herb Medicine and we highly recommend it to our neighbors and friends. Hoping to see you soon, we remain, Sincerely yours, Mr. and Mrs. Wnm. Li [so wood, M.â€"B Ns ®° Aus Mr. . J. Murfin Dear Sir :â€" PARALYSED : JRFIN, the P"oprietor af the in Herbs, will Hahn House ONE DAY ONLY â€" Hon There is FARM Won 1st and 2nd cusiomers Cusiomers taking Horp Tre Terb formulas, the longâ€"che Eieat Merbalisis like \i~ r _ Farmer Judging Contest Â¥YoU, TOO, CAN BE WEIL thma, Piles, Heart . Skin Disenses. n Herb Docter SALE a He:b 1crrhn; consuLtTtaTion FREE House, Durham 280 and 0O Hours 9 e qy 3 [ C G208 Nh Blood Pressure ®, Bodâ€"wetting, Woims, Nerve Troup tis, Kidney Troubles, Paralysi®, ‘)ia and _ Bronchial Troubles, _ Anaemia Fatness, Female Tâ€"oubles, Arthritis Diseases, ter Bock Free > . .0 0000} GHS Poosk coniin longâ€"cherishod secrets of our | fore like Nicholas Culp per and Pasio 1 used them with great succe: P operation, Goitre | The *"Vancouver Express" is ( ‘adian Pacific and she leaves Toron: | Union Station every evening at 9 | _ _Reservations, tickets \and all tm ‘el information from R:hn MacFa , lane, ticket agent, Dur L Canadian Har be at the ! _ Mr and Mrs Fred Bleech of Ow.», ,SMI!‘. visited last “'Pdl!?sdl,\‘ with lthe Dargavel family, , _ Mr J. E. Picard leit Monday 1« 'Tomnto. after a week‘s stay at his summer home hereâ€"the Model (um The comiort d service found o this excellent tAnscontinental tfi have earned for §t an enviable râ€"p tation with expertenced travellers, i fact many of her htrons use her e vices the year round, always enjoyin the same accommeodation they wou! in a favorite hotel, They coms . know the waiters | and porters an look for them when they go abosrc There are more than a hundred *>.» who do this and it speaks well 1o the "Vancouver Express." C From OctAlst until the openin= oi the next Toyrist Season, the "V.; couver Expréss" will have the dis tinction of ng the most direct lin} between Torohto and Vancouver. \n. til May of 28, when the supeo "Transâ€"CanadaÂ¥ resumes service, tho ever popular "Wumber Three" as sh, is more famili@rly known, cardes on alone. > We were sorry to hear of the death of Thos. Muldoon who died in Sa) last week. Mr Muldoon was bor near Dornoch some 73 years ago an lived for years just north of Do,â€" noch, moving to the West some ; years ago After the death of his wil» he made his home with his grans daughter where he died. He leave« three brothers and two sisters who have the sympathy of the communi ty. Mrs J. Melntosh, Owen Sound, (, merly of Dovnoch, spent a day wih friends in our burg. Miss Annie Clark, Toronto, is .; iting with her sister, Mrs D. Momi Mr and Mrs John Buchanan visites with Mr and Mrs Wm Smith. ENSURE A PLEASANT TRrRip TRAVEL YANCOUVER EXPRESS3 Elmwood, May atments, this xt Toyrist 3 â€"Exprées" n of bding th n Torohto an y of 28, â€"CanadaÂ¥ res opular "Wuimm!t e famili@rly | comiort And ccellent â€" trAains arned for Nt with experte NOV. 3, 1947 Diz g: removed without book contains rdans, Exnert 19th, 192 who had vyour M ‘ Get our Pri 1 it Mr Jno. M »0ther and si Wicaham Sun Tae fowl are going wees. A fowl supper MacKinnon Hall, Fr zood concert is after Admission 50c and 25 day aight (Thanksgis be ome also at 8t C. { J. S M t Custom GOODS DELIVECRE Best 0) Has Alw BLATCHFOR D GUNN‘S BIG 6 PRI J OH ENDE W THE The STR as | intend SWIFT W YoVv ers da the mark CREA eM IDD cll U 2 rea S

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