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Durham Review (1897), 10 Nov 1927, p. 1

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Â¥| mother, Mrs Wmm Noble on orgsan : James Langrill in song and resitaâ€" tion and Peter McQuarrie also in a recitation. The ladies of this Instiâ€" tue branch are active in good works and will find many avenues in which to dispose of the receipts, The Women‘s Institute of Aberdeen had their coffers enriched by over $39 as a result of a box social at Aberdeen school house on Fri‘ . night last. There were 10 beau;:iful boxes and 26 equally beautiful «nd tempting pies on the market and Auctioneer Chas. Shewell had little trouble disposing of them. The hish est box, the property of Miss Jessie Stewart soared to $2.560. Mr ‘an MeCormick occupied the chair for the program end of the social and had excellent order. Rev. Mr Smith of Owen Sound was present and showâ€" ed his versatility by being able io sing as well as speak. The chairâ€" man also made some appropriate reâ€" marks and there was violin music by Mr Wes Noble on violin and his The Junior Mission Band of Knox Chureh, under the tutelage of Miss Margaret McGirr, arranged one of the nicest concerts these young tots hbave yet put on, Friday night last in the schoolroom of the church. Mrs. H. S. Fiddes of the Queen St Church was present and gave an interesting address to the children on the habâ€" its, customs and manners of Japanâ€" »se children, and tho‘ different in many respects,. yet at heart and in the desire to do good, are we all one. 4A pretty seene "Thanksgiving Gates® was then rendered by the Band and as cach row of children stepped upon the platiorm, singing their resp(-ct-‘ ive song of thankfuiness before the wates were opened, all present ferâ€" vently hoped that the same spirit would always carry them through life. Miss McGirr had the chlldron{ well trained and is deserving of the appreciation bestowed upon her that: evening. Mrs W, Porter ably assis:â€" ed at the piano. $19 was taken asl a Thankoffering collection. | Aberdeen Box Social week passed . away. Deceased was fomerly Miss Emma Smith and prevâ€" lous to her marriage two and a balf vears ago, resided in Toronto. They have spent the past year and a half in Detroit. There will mourn with the husband, a step mother, Mrs, Yorkie Wilson, lower town and Mrs Neaves and Mrs Bowman in Guelph, aisters : also one brother Albert Smith. _ The funeral takes place on Thursday in Detroit. Mission Rand give Concert is mourning the death of her sisior, Mrs Wm. Warmington, in Detroit. she wave birth to a baby daughtey on Tuesday and on Wednesday of this Loses Sister by Death â€" Mrs W. J. Neaves Into the diteh. Some ladies in the car were thrown through the ‘op, one had face seratched, but escaped with only a slight shaking up. ‘The car fared worse, both front wheeis and top being smashed. It is in Nob Coasting down grade near Latom:a‘ School in a Star touring, Austin Trctâ€"| ter of London, a driver wih only a‘ tew months experience, suddeniv ap plied the brakes Tuesday anernoun-.' and the car skidded acroks the rouaq e‘s hospital for attention, Ab Nobic Iriving the party home to Lomjon nat afsernoon. Car Accident at Latona sume pastoral work. While in Ire land, Mr Smith underwent an oper ation in Belfast hospital, which de layed bis sailing. Rev Wm Smith, pastor of Genova Presbyterian Church, Chesley, who witk Mrs Smith and son, has had an extended leave of absence from his congregation to visit his early home in Ireland, sails on Nov 11th, to reâ€" Will Resume Work Shortly at the Habn H , Durham, on Wednesday, Nov. 16 Aand will relieve headache, twitching etelids, dizzine=s nerves, defective visiok. We have helped thousands of of%rers, we can help you. Glasses rth $10 for $5.90â€"for one day only. Prof. Katz, one, of the most noted optical specialists Ontario, will be at the Habn H . Durham, on Chesley can boast that she has no| anemployed. All her branches of ln-, dustry are progressingy rapidly. The | ‘urniture factories are now mehnd: with orders and the Chesley Chair | Co. bas been forced to start nlghti work. They are now running 12 hours Tenders for the interior fittings of Durham‘s new Post Office are adver tised for in this issue. It is improb able that the building will be ready for occupancy before the end of Jaiuâ€" uary. The windows are now all in place, and the name "Durham Post Oflice" appears in large letters on the front of the building. Working Overtime VOL.L, NO 44 ~ fp 5OW NB s opice Neaves, Upper Town e death of her sistor |__ We have tearned with regret that ; the grim reaper, Death, has gatherâ€" | ed in an old friend, Mr James Atchâ€" 'ison. of St. Helens, where for over twenty years has been his home. | Previous to that he was a resident of | Bentinck, where we first made his | acquaintance and learned to apprecâ€" late the kindiy Scot. He was nct only a countryman but a native of | the same county in Scotland, Ha4â€" | dingtonshire, and many a "crack" we | had in the old days of things and | places in our common county. Death of James Aitchison BORN BELLâ€"In Durham, on Friday, Nov. ith, to Dr. and Mrs A. M. Bell (nee Irene â€" Huta) a daughter. _ (June Elizabeth.) NEWELLâ€"At Durham â€" Hospital, on Nov. 4th, to Mr <and Mrs Lovis Newell, a son. BOVINGTONâ€"In Durham or Wedâ€" nesday, Nov. 9th, to Mroand Mrs. Geo. Bovington, a daughter. STEPHENSâ€"In . Elimwood, on Oct. 22, to Dr and Mrâ€" ®R. W. Stephens. (nee Glenna Campbell) a sop. Not a few residents of Bentinck‘ will still remember the deceased und; cherish kindly memories. His wife . predeceased him five years ago and five sons and one daughter survhe.‘l Mr. John Mills of Durham, is a broâ€"‘ therâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs â€" Aitchison being a sister. . He attended the fun=rs! on‘ Saturday last and testifies to the ; respect shown for his memory by. a‘ large funeral. We expect a fuller obituary next week. 4 to whether Mr Geo. Arrowsmith, who did the work, was agent for the Comâ€" pany or for the Defendant, ruted that the Defendant pay claim of $17.75 and costs in connection. £. B. Lacas, Jr.. for Plaintiffs, J . MeQuarrie for Defendants. Other business was dizposing by the Judge of sums of money paid inâ€" to Court by Garnishees. The one case of prominence at the sittings was the suit of the Metailic Roofing Co. of Toronto against Arch. McCuaig of Glenelg. Plaintiffs claimâ€" ed there was a balance due them of $17.15 on an order for roofing maâ€" terial of over $600. The Defendant claimed the weights of the roofing sheets were excessive, he having weighed six of them and found them defective in weight. The Plaintiffs pointed out that the shees varied ‘n weight and they protected thenselâ€" ves, by using the word ‘approsimatâ€" ely.‘ The Judge thought weighing only six out of over three hundred sheets was not a fair test for an ayâ€" erage and after much disenssion as The appeal case where one Hurchâ€" ison, an engineer of Proton, appealâ€" ed against a conviction by Magis trate Laidlaw at the instance of H. . Jackson, preacher, was dismissed with costs. Mr Laidlaw was present but neither Hutchison or Jackson. at the Assizes, having to be postpon ed to January court, ; Business at Division Court on Tuesday was rather slack, several cases owing to demands on Counsel Few Cases Tried I candy, ".x,.mbhk baking. ete. Aiso J. B. Moon, town clerk of Mt !-‘ur-I | afternoon tea sefved and a 35¢ hot ®8t, wrote asking for coâ€"operation OI'I supper. A t Durham with Mt Forest and about 20| _ h R us other towns in Ontario of under 21000 , |_ In the Daily Globe of Nov. 7th is population, to ask the Public H?s!n-' sue, appears a photo of Pr. Jqs. A. ways Dept. for a 75 per cent grant of | Snell, of Saskatoon, brother o‘l Mr. cost of paving central 20 feet of , ol‘ "hel of tfown. and Mrs GEOTE" nighways, as villages | now receive. | Binnie, who has been :‘tppolnled prinâ€" Towns at present get only 2 50 per | cipal of Saskatoon l\orm‘al S(.-honl. cent grant. in Education Dept. towns It goes on to say "Dr. .&r.wll 18 "" undepr 2000 receive same grahts +.s educationist of long experience :-.n(l villages and Durham Council were in after leaving Chatham, was m'lnc'.‘p.tl‘ hearty accord with this movement to ol Moosomin Collegiate Institute, appoint a delegate for a deputation to Death of Mabel Larter ; interview the Minister of Highways (n Monday, Nov. 7th, at the rost &nd if possible, obtain this boon. COn dence of her brother, Manson Layâ€"r, motion of Hunterâ€"Henderson, Mayor Toronto, Miss Mabel Louise Larter, Murdock, chairman of Bd of Works, passed away. She was a daughter of WAs appointed delegate. J the late Wmm and Mary Larter, ant a _ About $850 of accounts wers pase | former resident of Durham, the ifamâ€" 8°4. Also $3 each to D. McLean and { ily removing to Toronto over thirty FEd. Watson, special constables Ior‘] ,u;urs. ago. Deceased‘s mother was a """0“'“‘"_, and _ $46.80, rebate on ? sister of the late Charter Smith and taxes to Red Cross Hospital. € her cousin Mr Geo. Smith of the Ford _ _A Petition for a , street light in ; Garage, attended the funeral in To;. front of C. Kennedy‘s, Upper Tuw‘l.l, onto Wednesday to Mount Pleasait P‘esented at last meeting brougnt a | cemetery. |report from Chairman Ab. Nobls BHae|. In the Daily Globe of Nov. 7th is sue, appears a photo of Dr. Jos. A. Snell, of Saskatoon, brother of Mr. John Snell of town and Mrs Georg»e Binnie, who has been appointed prinâ€" cipal of Saskatoon Normal Schonl. It goes on to say "Dr. Snell is an educationist of long experience »nd after leaving Chatham, was principal of Moosomin Collegiate Institute," Death of Mabe! Larter 1 The Ladids® Aid of the Presbyterâ€" ian Church,\ will hold their annuai bazaar in Ythe A.Y,P.A. rooms on Saturday, NoX 26th, beginning at 3 p. m. There I1 be for sale besides fancy and plai articles, home made candy, vegetabl baking. ete. Aiso alternoon tea semved and a 35¢ hot supper. . ‘ is more than business interest as it was here his grandmother, the lato Mrs Finlay McRae lived for many years, as also his great uncle, Mr. Thos Harris, now of Hamilton. Bazaar on ’ov. 26th Mr Norman McAlpine, of the bord firm of Stewart, Scully> and Co, Toronto, was in town Wednesday. Mr MecAlpine‘s interest in Durham Che Burhiom Reir. at Division Court ed to all. MARRIED CORLETTâ€"BOYCE : At the Presby Deceased was a member of Do nâ€" och Presbyterian Church. â€" The funâ€" eral conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. A. McWilliam took place at 1.30 p. m,. Wednesday from herâ€" late resiâ€" dence and interment was made in Latona cemetery, The ladies OM Trinity Chureh Cuild will hold a 25¢ Â¥ea at the Réctory, on Thursday, NoWk 17th, from 3 to 6 p. m. _A cordial itation is evtendâ€" Those living are David, James and Wm. at home and Mary (Mrs Frink Cain) of Desboro. She was married 39 years ago and leaves to mourn her loss a lovirg husband, formerly a member of Beonâ€" tinck Council and four childrea. Three children predeceased her, viz: Katharine, Archibald and Scott. last, Mrs Jas. Hewitson passed away about 9 p.m. Sunday evening, at her home in North Bentineck, on townâ€" line Bent. and Sullivan. She was 63 years, 8 mos. of age and was born in Glenelg, near Markdale, her maiden name being Elizabeth McDougall. Passing of Mrs. James Hewitson in N. Bentinck After a long iliness from heart trouble, being bedfast since March Don‘t forget the Memorial Service put on by Canadian Greys, .0.D.E., at the monument tomorrow evering, 11th November Also let us al heed the request of King George to hold two minutes silence at 11 a m. as we thoughtfully and prayerfully ponder the great event the day celebrates. _ Widenitg the Durham Road in the gully just east of Garafrexa St. was mentioned, but Coun Hunter stated a more urgent need was the repairing of the board sidewalk there, as with holes and loose boards it was in a dangerous condition â€" and the town would be liable for any accident. The Council had looked up the deed of the old Public Library bu‘ldâ€" ing now used by Hydro â€" Com, nnd‘ found it belongs to the town, not m‘ Library Board. It may be granted to some young town boys as a g,\'m-’ nasium. tle Boyce, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harvey Boyce, Bentinck, to Wilâ€" liam Henry Corlett, son of Mr. Philip Corlett, Sulltvan. > terian Manse. Durham, on Weinls- day, 9th November, 1927, by Rev. B. D. Armsrtrong. Miss Annie Myrâ€" moved, or a light would be needed at every house. Reeve Bell suggestâ€" ed thal the residents have a light placed above their door which would illumine che immediate vicinity. The Reeve end Coun. Hunter advocated a fixed policy of street lighting, othâ€" erwise petitions would continually be coming in. MEMORIAL SERVICE taxes to Red Cross Hospital. A petition for a â€" street light in front of C. Kennedy‘s, Upper Town, presented at last meeting brougnt a leport from Chairman Ab. Nob!s, He stated it was very dark in that viâ€" cinity and â€"recommended two new lights, one in front of Kennedy‘s and one in front of Mrs Jackson‘s propâ€" ertvy _ At least four trees should be removed, as they were much too thick and present lights lowered 4 feet. _ There was much uliwusslon.‘ one strting more trees should be 1eâ€" Mr F. (W. Mnon was awarded the contract for installing two ceal furnaces for new Town Hall heating system, at price of $585. Work vill commence at once. HOSPITAL GET TAXES REI!ATED' Two unusual police court eases l | were tried before Magistrate Laidâ€" There was little imporant business l@aW here on Friday. They were laid before the Town Council at h=ir|by Inspectors Morrison and Wooadâ€" monthly session held Friday last, os~ Ward of the Provincial Dept., against Monday was a public holiday. |ege dealers of this locality for nonâ€" Mr F. W. Mnon was awarded &rading, Messrs A. C. Clements, Durâ€" the contract for installing two câ€"al. b@m : Runstadler, Flesherion and furnaces for new Town Hall heating , Dietrich, Mt. Forest. Four different system, at price of $585. Work vwill Charges were laid against Mr. "1"" commence at once. :ments. on each of which he was: J. B. Moon, town clerk of Mt For. fined the minimum of $25 and costs, Armistice Day 1927 Council Lets Furnace Contract for Town Hall DURHAM, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1927 With which is incorporated the lol‘teln Leader Mr and Mrs Joe McCaslin, Smr,-‘ hampton, visited â€" with rélatives ard relatives and friends in town over the holiday. | Mr and Mrs Stanley Arthug of Scotland, Ont. returned â€" Monday, arâ€". ter visiting a few days with Mrs A‘s parents, Mr and Mrs T Young. Miss‘ Hazel Young, Mono Road, also spent Thanksgiving at the parental home. ! Mrs Jack Ray, and sons Donx!ld and Gavin, Dornoch, spent over the Thanksgiving holiday with . mother and sister, Mrs P. Reid and Miss Miss Janet Mountain of Meaford, visited over Thanksgiving with her Mrs Wm Marshall, and parents, Mr. and Mrs Douglas Mountain. Mrs Will Johnston, with daughter| Blanche and son Donald of St Marys, visited with hber mother, Mrs P. Reid | over Thanksgiving: $y EVY En TTE NCOR O LH Mr and Mrs Frank Clemas and holiday time with Mrs ‘Thos. Bauks family, London, were up over the | Mis. Geddes, formerly of Holstein, week end, attending to the sale of but now also of Collingwood, accomâ€" the effects of the late Mrs George| panied them down and went on 10 Watt. Â¥ | that village to spend the time with Miss Janet Mountain of Meaford, kith and kin there. Rev. W. H. Smith, Dr‘s Jamieson and Bell and J. J. Smith, all of Krox Church, were in Owen Sound Tue: day night to hear Rev Geo. Pidgeon, D. D. address a large meeting in Cenâ€" ral Church there, on the future of the United Church in Canada. scripture lesson, Rev. H. S. Fiddes led in prayer and Rev. W. H. Smith conducted proceedings. _ An offering, amounting to $11.60 was taken tp and will go to provide comforts for the wounded soldiers at Christie st. Mospital. The Union Thanksgiving service in Knox Church on Monday â€" mornin« was sparsely attended and judging by attendance there would seem to be small thankfulness on the part of the citizens of Durham and vicinity. Rev. B. D. Armstrong was the sbecâ€" ial speaker of the day and took for his <Thanksgiving text Psalm 114 : 12, 13, 14 : "What shall I render un to the Lord for all His benefits towâ€" United Thanksgiving Service na‘u, who ~survives him with eight children, viz : Wm., Robert and Fdâ€"| ward, all of Derby Township ; David | _The death occurred on Thursday, | Nov. 3rd, following a serious illness | of about a week, of one of the old ipioneer residents â€"of _ Derby Townâ€" | ship in the person â€" of Robert 8. ll\lundle. Sr. at his late residence, lot 11 con 5, Derby. _ Deceased had lnot been in good health for some time, but only recently was it taken ’as serious and death was due io stomach. trouble and the lnflnnlth*s‘ of old age, He was highly resperted' and esteemed by all who knew him and his passing will occasion sincere | regret on the part of many f riends. ’ The late Mr. Mundle was the son ol the late Wm and Mrs Mundle of Smith‘s Falls, Ont.. where deceasâ€"| ed was born a little over 80 years . ago. He came to Derby Townshlpl' with his parents about 64 years ago,| and had resided on the same farm on which be died ever since. He was; married 52 years ago to Miss Elizaâ€" . beth Lauder of Glenelg, near JDurâ€"| Death of Well Known Derby Tw‘p Residect Several charges againsts Dietrich were held over till Friday, Nov. ‘ith at 10 a m., when the matter will be finally disposed of. or $120 in all. On one charge Runâ€" stadler was fined $25 and costs. He did not appear owing to iliness and was represented by his wife. The late Mr Mundle was brother. inlaw of Thos. G. and W. Laudes Fines Imposed for Fo â€"Grading of Eg:s w â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"alfte ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO Rev. E. Hayes read the +"°6 7. MRCC| ~Mrs E. F. Rice and son Wilbur, of | Collingwood, were visitors over the Clemas and holiday time with Mrs ‘tThos. Banks. up over the | Mis. Geddes, formerly of Holstein, the sale of ‘ but now also of Collingwood, accomâ€" mr? and Mrs Harry Rress retarnâ€" ed the first of the week from their wedding ‘ trip to Northern Ontario. They have leased the Ashley house on Bruce St, adjoining that of Mrs K‘s father, Mr McCrae. Mr, Geo.â€"Arrowsmith of Sagina w, Mich., has been on a visit to his mother, Mrs Helen Arrowsmith, who has been unwell of late. Misses Mary and Alix Edge of Si. Thomas and St. Catharines Collegâ€" iates respectively, spent the Thanksâ€" giving time at their home here. _ Mr and Mrs Will Buchan, Dunnâ€" ville, spent the holiday with relatives here. Messrs G, A. Allan and Robt. Brown, Toronto, visited at the Misses Searf Monday. Miss Eula and Royden Burnett and Albert Kress of Western University, London : Miss Jean Harding of O. Sound Collegiate, were students at home over the holiday. ham, and Miss Becker of \\'all{ertun. visited with Mrs P. Reid, Sr and othâ€" er town friends over the holiday. Mr Jerry O‘Shea of Midland, forâ€" merly of the Standard Bank, Durâ€" Mrs Groves of the Queen St Pas sonage, enjoyed a visit from her sisâ€" ter, Mrs J. B. Coram, Mr Coram and daughter over the Thanksgiving hotâ€" iday. Mr Geo. Hahn of Upper Canada College, Toronto, was home over Thanksgiving. Mrs R‘s and Cecil‘s parents,'Mr' Al";d Mrs T Atchison Sunday and Monday. Mr and Mrs J. W. Renwick and Mr Cecil Atchison and â€" Miss Ruby Howe, all of Toronto, were guests of of the late Mr=â€"and Mrs Messerâ€" schmidt of Hanover to Mr Froiire Grebe, B. Arch, of Detroit, Mich, the marriage to take place quietly on 16 November. Miss Mary Plunkett, of Toronio, was a guest over Thanksgiving of Mr and Mrs J. H. Harding. Mr and Mrs Wm Scarf and Mr and Mrs Wim Sharrard of Toronto, wore holiday visitors with the formers sister‘s, the Misses Scarf. 1 __Mr. Arthur Allan, Montreal, spent _ the holiday time with his parents, Mr and Mrs Thos. Allan, while Mrs A} lan visited her parents in Hamilton. J Mr Will Vollett of Toronto, is visâ€" jlting at the parental home in town for a few days. | Messrs Eddie MeceQueen, Ward Koch ,Lloyd MceClocklin and Orel Meinâ€" tyre all of Toronto, were at theirreâ€" spective homes in town over the holâ€" !lday. The former is now in the pr(»l duce busness on his own hook in the I'(-il_\' and prospects are bright for ‘him. _ Ward Koch as well as worl-:-! ing for his M. A. degree at Tommo‘ 'T Unversity, also instructs Ist year _students in botany. | Mr The engagement is announced o Pauline Ernistine, youngest dauglner with her cousins at Knox Manse. /o Mrs W. Porter is spending Thanksâ€" n giving week with her mother and sis | O ter in Toronto. A Misses Bessie Smith and Marjory Pickering. University â€" students, Torâ€" onto, spent the holiday at their reâ€" spective â€" homes. Miss â€" Jacqueiyn Jolly, Toronto, also spent the holiday with her cousins at Knox Manse. Mr Robt. Hughes, Guelph, spent the holiday with his sisters here. + _ Mr A. B. McArthur, who has beon seriously ill at Durham Hospital for | the past jew weeks back, is now well on the way to recovery, though ’\vill not be able to return to his home at the Glen for a little time | yet. Mr Gordon Gun, Weston, was at the Gun homestead in town the last week end and on Monday returned with his aunt, Mrs G. McKechnie. Mr and Mrs David Foster, Markâ€" dale: Mr and Mrs Wright, Vandeâ€" leur and Mrs Sibbald of Leith, we>» recent visitors with Misses Marion and Ruby Scarf. Mrsa Jas, Browne, Bunessan, before leaving for St. Petersburg, Florida, where she will spend the winter. Miss Ada Browne of the O.A.C., ut Guelph, was home over the holiday, visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Miss Eflle Milligan, Bentinck, is spending | Thanksgiving week with friends in Toronto. Messrs Fred Ford and Geo. Coulâ€" ing and Miss Florence Copeland, of Toronto, were visitors over Thanks giving at Jas. Browne‘s, Bunessan. Rev .and Mrs W. H. Hil and sinâ€" ily, returned to their home in Oa« Park, lllinois, on Monday Jast .also Mrs Wayne E. Babcock to Morniis, lllinois, afier visiting their parenis, Mr and Mrs Richard Barber. 6 V CIS LONDON, onTta&R10 n WE SELL the HERBES the JUICE Comes From ! Cnmmanzensmamal 0) fool O) Knd C K O Emmmmmmey o4 youy 2t pomemmmntnmmmmmny 24 mase on __ S. McBETH for preservation of Tecth and Gums. Made with Squibb‘s Magna Magnesia . , â€"â€"â€"Neutralizes mouth acidity 4S¢c a tube BOX 513 To all our cussomers taking Herb Treatments, this book (250 oldâ€"time Herb Formulas) the longâ€"cherished secrets of fathers and great Herbalists like Nicholas Culpeper and Past who lived nmany years ago and used them with #weat cwe Gaull Stones removed without an operation, Goitre removed withâ€" out an operation, Asthma, Piles, Heart Troubles, High Blood Presâ€" sure, Stomach Troubles, Skin Diseases, Bedwetting, Worms, Nerve Troubles, Constipation and Appendicitis, Kidney Troubles, Paratysis, Diabetes, WFhright‘s Disease, Lung and Bronchial Troubles, Angemia, Catarrh, lIwopsy, GravelyOver Patness, Female Troubles, Arthritic, Rbheumatism, Neuritis, and all Diseages. HER!IL DOCTOR BOOK FREE Tuesday, Nov. 15th i MR. MURPIN, the Proprietor of the Canadian Herb Gardens, Exnert in Herbs, will be at the Herbs, Roots, Larks, Berries, Leaves and Blossoms for the Healâ€" ing of the Mation and if you will use them in their natwrmal state instead of drugs and pilis, you will soon be on the road to HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY IF F YOU WILL OBEY THE Laws or NATURE, DISEASE Can. NoT Exist The Body was rct Made to Suffer from Discase for this Reason NATURE HAS PROVIDED Gall Stones re Willard‘s Famous Chocolates 606 and $1.20 A Tonic for the Blood & Nerves. Carr‘s Heart and Nerve Capsules STANDARD BANK There is an Herb for Eve"y Disease REMEMBER THE DATEâ€"TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th You Can Be Well Pubiished Weekly at $2.00 a year in advance. To United States, $2.50 a year in advance. @. RAMAGE & SON, Publishers Canadian Herb Gardens McFadden‘s Drug Store ONF DAY ONLY â€" ALL DAY AND EvVENing Hahn Hotel, Durham 60 for $1.00 of safety, simplicity and convenience you deposit your maturing bonds to your credit in a Sandard Bank Savâ€" inys Account. OLDERS of Victory Bonds ma H turing on December the first, ~_ mext, will find it profitable convenient to convert them at this Bank. We _ are prepared to pay cash for such bonds of any denominâ€" ation, and suggest that for the sake Bring Your Maturing Victory Bonds To Us CONSULTATION FREE Druggist and Stationer Phone 3. DURHAM as Culpeper and Pastor Kn«i; them with great success, Haemoglobin Capsules The Remedy for Weakness,â€"Anaemia Blood Poverty Rich â€" Red â€" Blood will give you contuins our ‘oreâ€"

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