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Durham Review (1897), 24 Nov 1927, p. 1

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(| ening devotional exercises, the.. roil call was answered by a promise _ of God, which proved helpful to eaca member. Considerable business was disposed of, one item being systematic giving by the use of envelopes monthâ€" ly. Mrs. G. MceKechnie gave a splenâ€" did paper "The Christian Chureh‘s lous to have all subscriptions in as coon as possible. The meeting close.1 with the Lord‘s Prayer, after which Miss Weir served lunch. Presbyterian W. M. S. The November meeting of the . M. 8. of the Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs Adam Weir on Thursday, 19th Nov. The Presiâ€" dent, Mrs Derby, presided. After opâ€" responsibility to the Church at large‘ The Glad Tidings Secy. is very anx Bowlers Euchre had Small Crowd The progressive euchre staged by the Lawn Bowling Club in the A, Y. P. A. rooms Friday night, was a dis appointment to the management, as barely forty attended and only nine tables were in play. Why more of the citizens did not patronize it, the proâ€" ceeds being for new club house, was a conundrum, but it may be ascribed io no personal invitations, lack of advertising and many other claims on the purse at the present season. A zood evening‘s play was enjoyed, Miss MceDonnell, Toronto, sister of Ur W. McDonnell here, winning the ladies prize and Mr Wm Brigham, the men‘s. Abundant refreshmen‘s elsewhere. _ During this time, Harry aever had an accident of any kind. has always got along well with, and <peaks well of the management. He aotified the Company three weeks ago of his intentions and Mr Louis Van Slyke, a former Durhamite, has been secured from Hanover to fill his shoes. Is Taking a Holiday After nearly ten years steady emâ€" ployment as engineer at Durbam| Furniture Factory, Mr Henury Situpâ€"| son gave up his position Monday of this week, and intends to holiday lor; a few weeks before securing work| ere served at the close teorge (Grant, a member of Pais !ey‘s Intermediate N.H.L, Champions in 1926â€"27, has taken the jump into vrofesslonal hockey â€"ranks, havims signed with the Detroit club in the Canadian Professional League. Grant who played defence, was the indisvidâ€" wal star of the Paisley team last winâ€" ‘er, and should make good in the pro. MHas Joined Pro. Ranks Bazaar on Nov. 2§th The Ladies‘ Aid \ of the Presbyter lan Church, will 1d their annual bazaar in the A.Y.P.A. rooms on Saturday, Nov. 26th,\ beginning at 3 »p. m. There will be for sale besides (ancy and plain articles, bome made candy, vegetables, baking. ote. Aijso of age .years are telling with him, but we hope to learn of him recupâ€" erating and getting around again. Christmas _ ~Greeting _ cards with name and address neatly printed, make an artistic â€" remembrance for your friends. _ See them and make your selections. now at the Review Oflice. a reuit We regret to learn Mr Chas Brown ‘s again in low hbealth and has been bedfast a week or two. At 87 years ternoon tea served an ipper. U. S. S. No. 1, VArney, will hold a Concert in the se se on Thursâ€" day, Dec. Ist, at & p. .. Everybody welcome. Lunch serv Admission 25¢ and 15¢. Good â€" ac modation ‘oc and | or horses VOL. L, NO 47 ru( hot "The biggest ever," sums up the % crokinole social held by the Youn: nosplhl Notes Ladies‘ Auxiliary of Knox United Churrl.n. in the schoolroom on Monâ€" Mrs Thos. Daly, Sr. has returned day night. A crowd of ninety or a to her home in North Egremont, afâ€" hundred young people had been anâ€" ,, .. having a cataract removed from ticipated, but about 135 were presâ€" her eye at the hospital ent, and more boards and tables had ~ o i . % to be secured at the last hour, taxing the capacity of the large basement. Mrs. J. J. Smith, wife of our postâ€" This delayed the commencemeni Of mmaster, was taken to the Hospital play until shortly after 9 p.m., WheR the first of the week as she had conâ€" the president Mrs R, Catton annOUr© rracted an illness almost bordering ed the rules and twenty seven boards pp pneumonia. _ Latest reports stare were in merry use. Some of i}e it;s. Smith to be in an improved conâ€" crowd not engaged in crokinole, & qition and it "Is hoped the serious mused themselves in other games. 5q 6f the iliness is averted. â€" After 12 rounds had been played, % + % Â¥ % Rev. W. H. Smith announced the winners as Mrs Norman Kerrcand Mr. Wilbur Greenwood, of Ziou, Wm. Grierson, Bentinck,, for the ladâ€" son of Mrs John O Greenwood, was ies and gentleman‘s prize respectiveâ€" operated upon Wednesday evening of ly, to whom prizes were given. \ this week at the hospital for appendiâ€" bright, brief program was also proâ€" citis. This young man was plowing in sented, comprising a duet by Misses the afternoon on his mother‘s farm, W, Blyth and Jessie Bell, piano ind when these sudden symptoms of the mouth organ insrumental by Mrs K. trouble appeared, They continued to Catton and a solo by Geo. Bell. Light grow in violence and at 7 o‘clock, an refteshments followed and a mo:t cperation was performed, to give reâ€" enjoyable social night was conclud=d lief The operation has been eons!d-“ by two circles in Auld Lang Syne ered successful and all his friends and the National Anthem. The proâ€" hope there will be as successful are-‘ ceeds were over $33.00. covery. = of Wales peonies in the Monument Square and plans will be extended next year for further beautifying of these grounds now under the jurisâ€" diction of the Chapter. At this meetâ€" ing it was also decided to again preâ€" sent oratory prizes to High School students, which event will take place some time on in the New Year for which due notice will be given. Crokinole Social a big Success The November meeting of this patâ€" riotic organization was held on Tuesâ€" day night, with a smaller attendance than usual present. The Chapter had been making plans and preparations for a grand opening occasion worthy of the newly renovated.and improved Town Hall, sometime in December. However there hopes have been turnâ€" ed into fears that it will not be in a sufficiently completed condition for the Christmas season and accordingâ€" ly plans are still indefinite. _ The Chapter have put out well over $400 on the Town â€" Hall _ Improvement scheme and before the work ds comâ€" pleted will have a further outlay of $150,00, Miss Weir, Treasurer, reâ€" ported of the planting of the Prince |_ _A meeting of the Ebenezer Corm: ;mlmil,\' Club, was held in the school, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 15th. The following officers were elected : Irvin ;Sharp, President : Arthur Derby. 1st | Vice President : Sarah McCulloch, gSec'y Treasurer : Effie Milligan, the 'President of Program Com. A proâ€" gram was arranged for a social evâ€" _ening to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 29th. All the young people of the community are invited. The Durham Women‘s Institute will meet at Hospital, on Thursday, Dec. 1st, Papers will be glven‘ by Mrs Mortley,\ Mrs Brown and Mrc. Mather, also report of the Provinâ€" cial _ Conventio by Mrs Melraith. Music by Mrs \Warl MeDonald anmd Mrs Bert Farrel Will the ladies kindly bring homK&made candy or Christmas Gifts for \the Children‘s Shelter at Owen Soun A full atâ€" tendance requested. Eakh member kindly bring a plate, cup and spoon. Canadian Greys, 1. 0. D. E. in Session All past due acck&unts must be setâ€" tled by cash or n&te at once. All remairing unpaid by c. 15th will be placed in other hands Yor collection. Ebenezer Community Club The death> has taken place at Brantford of Mrs. W. H. Langton, the wife of Rev. W. H. Langton, forâ€" mer pastor of the Leithâ€"Daywood Bapâ€" tist churches. Mr Langton is now pastor of First Baptist Church at Brantford. Notice ! Minister of Lands and Forests in the Ontario Cabinet, who will address the Men‘s Club banquet in Knox Unitâ€"d Church on Friday evening, Nov. 25. HON. W. H. FINLAYSON other hands r collection. J. N. Murdo®k, Durham he Burham Reie. Mrs. J. J. Smith, wife of our postâ€" master, was taken to the Hospital the first of the week as she had conâ€" tracted an illness almost bordering on pneumonia. Latest reports staue Mrs. Smith to be in an improved conâ€" dition and it Is hoped the serious side of the illiness is averted. > to her home in North Egremont, afâ€" ter having a cataract removed from her eye at the hospital. The village of Kilsyth and many farmers in Derby township are preâ€" paring to nave hydroâ€"electric power from Eugenia installed, The farmers are getting out and erecting the poles while wiring will be done by men of the Owen Sound hydro. Not a man will be brought from ‘Toronto to comâ€" plete the work, it being under superâ€" vision of Owen Sound Public Utilities Com. This means that the service charge, which has been practically prohibitive in the past, will be brought dJown to the point where almost evâ€" eryone can enjoy the pleasuresâ€" and conveniences of electric light in both home and barns, and also in public lic buildings. Kev, Mr. Spencer, of Lakefield, the newlyâ€"called pastor of Durkam and Glenelg Centre Baptist congregations, with Mrs Spencer, arrived this week, and have taken up residence in the late Neil McLean home on Countess ®t. They have no family. We wel come Rev. and Mrs Spencer to Durâ€" ham and trust they may spend fruitâ€" ful years here in the Master‘s canse. Mis first services will be on Sunday next. Hydro Power for Derby Farmers A shooting accident which had the result of sending one of the party to Durham Hospital, occurred on Tue:â€" day last. Three hunters from Guelph were in the vicinity of Flesherton, the first of the week on the look out for game and at time of writing, two bave returned to Guelph, while one, Dominic Borin, is lying in Durham Hospital with a badly shattered joint in the arm, as a result of a shot entâ€" ering at this juncture, . The posliion‘ of the hinters at time of accident As | not known, but doubtless the shot hit wide of the mark and what wasl‘ intended for a rabbit, was received by one of the party. ! Shooting Accident his wounds, and possibly be able to leave the hospital this week end. All wish him, with youth in his lavor, a quick recovery and later a brilliant season on the ice puckâ€"chasing for Durham hockey team. He plans _ reâ€" turning to High School after New Year‘s. ed up and waving his hand, caught' the attention of Mr Hewitson, m.:in-’ eer of the donkey engine, who \\'el:t,, to his aid and had him conveyed io| his home and thence to Durham hosâ€" | pital. He was found to have suffered‘ three cuts in the head, one a large one which bled profusely, but fortunâ€"| ately no broken bones or other serâ€" ious injury. _ Wednesday evening he was doing well and it is thought and hoped, will recuperate rapidly / {rom New Baptist Pastor Here _ What might bave been a serious or fatal accident befel Wm. Wilson, eldâ€" est son of Mr and Mrs Harvey Wilâ€" son, manager of the Stone Plant, there on Tuesday. He has recently been employed at the plant and weikâ€" ing along the tressel, he fell through a trap door and experienced an 18 !t. drop. _ He landed among stones ans burdocks and rolled down the omâ€" bankment, lying there unnoticed and uncenscious for hali an hour. Had he not fortunately rolled down the bank, a load of gravel shortly to be dumped might have dropped on him and extinguished life. When he came to, bruised and bleeding, he stagger Saffered Head Cuts only in 18 ft.fall at Stone Plant DURHAM, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1927 near Flesherton With which is incorporated the Holstein Mr Putnam denies that there is anyâ€" thing like politics behind Mrs Banks‘ charge, but that her name was not suggested was entirely on account of her health, he was told. "I know that many of the women of Ontario who voted for government control at the last election are changâ€" ing their minds about that institution.‘ They have,"â€" she gaid, +"seen more drunkenness than ever before and they would cast their vote differently next time.~. The. Government knows this and is working through Mr Puiâ€" nam to control the Institutes. | ‘The few on the board who are noi of Conservative leanings, were practicâ€" ally insulted at Friday‘s â€"meeting. "I wasâ€"simply passed over," she declares. Mrs Sydney Banks of Shelburne, a vice president of the Provincial orâ€" ganization of Women‘s Institutes, and a speaker at the County Convention, of that body, meeting in Durham in August last, has started something. Her charge is that as 1st Viceâ€"Presiâ€" dent of the Ontario Federation, she was in direct line _ for the Presidency but believes that her prohibition terdâ€" encies kept the offer of the Presidenâ€" cy away from her. Mrs. Sydney Banks Sympathy. of all goes out to Mr. and Mrs Padfield in their bereoveâ€" ment. Deceased spent the most of his life in Mt. Forest, where his wile predeceased him about five years aâ€" go. Since then his granddaughter kept house for him, and ~after her mar riage two and a half years ago, he came with her toâ€"tewn and has since resided with her and Mr Padfield. Three years ago he actively assisted in the building of their fine residence on Bruce St. He has not felt so well this summer and five weeks ago wont to Detroit, where his three sons and a daughter reside, for a change. Two other daughters live in Toronto. Last Wednesday, Nov. 16th, in Grace Hospital, Detroit, the spark of life fled from Mr Wim .Patton, a reeâ€" ent resident of Durham, with is granddaughter, Mrs Rees Padfield. He was only two weeks ill in hotpiâ€" tal and his death in his 78th year, resulted from a general collapse. Resided with his granddaughter here â€"Mrs. Rees Padfield Letters from the Watchtower were given and plans made for our Thau«â€" offering service on Dec. 11th, when Mrs Carscallen, <returned ~missionary from West China will be the special speaker. In closing, the last vers» of ‘Love Divine‘ was sung, followed by Mrs Twamley offering prayer. of great suffering are revealed, causâ€" ed by long hours, lack of ventilation and _ children being of very tender years. _ The challenge comes to the women of our land to lend every asâ€" sistance in bringing the gospel and with it happier times to our sistors in the Orient. Queen St. Church W. M. S. Wiarton is to be one of those forâ€" tunate (?) towns that are gsecuring a government liquor store and wiil in all likelihood be in operation by the| early part of December. It is undc-r-" stood that two prominent Cons»x'vu-| ives of Wiarton will be at the helm,| current reports connect the name of Mayor Walker and J, J. Stephens ef | Wiarton Town Council with the posiâ€", tions. | |__ WANTED : 8 cords of good green , wood, must be body wood, 16 inches long. Apply at Review Office. Cleaned off the Clothes Line A resident in the south end of e town the other night, had left cloinâ€"! _ Mr and Mrs Thos. Ellis, Holstein, ing out on the line to dry and n»xt, 424 Mr and Mrs Geo '140‘"‘- Dromove, morning found the lines clegred wich, Yi8ited Mr and Mrs Thos. Atchison the clothes pins laid in a pile K is: Monday of this week. Qtlnel- visitors rather® a despicable form of &neak| With Mr and ‘.?lrs Atchison recently, thievery, and it is suspected the thief were Mrs _R. Taylor and Mrs John does not live a great distance away., Renton _of Dromore. + We hope to learn of no more such‘ Mr Wm Coleridge of O‘.\'en Sound, depredations. | is spending a few days with his sisâ€" ter, Mrs C. Ramage. Mayor and Councilior for I‘quor shep ’ Mr and Mrs Jos. Dixon. North Feâ€" Death of Wm. Patton ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO in the Limelight Beverly Trimble of Walkerton, hnas been elected by acclamation as repâ€" resentative for East Bruce in the Sevâ€" enth Older Boys‘ Parliament of Onâ€" tario. Walkerton and Chesley have the only organized Tuxis Boys‘ group in the Riding at present and as Chesâ€" ley failed to nominate a candidat»e this year, Walkerton had the priviâ€" lege of electing a candidate by acclaâ€" mation. The member elect is 16 yI8 of age and is a son of Herbert Trimâ€" ble of Walkerton. The Men‘s Club of Knox United Church are holding a â€" banquet and social evening in thke schoolroom of the church on Friday, Nov. 25th, at 7 p.m. Hon. W. H. Finlayson, Minisâ€" ter of Lands and Forests, will give an address on Northern Ontario and Reforestration. _ A musical progiam will also be given. Tickets are on sale at John McKechnie‘s store or may be procured from any of the ofâ€" ficers. Ladies as well as gentlemen, cordially invited. Walkerton Boy Acclaimed Men‘s Club Banguet Friday Hahn Hotel, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1927 HAIR GOODS Ryrie Birks Building \ Yonge & Temperance St. Toronto Mr Wm. Henry was taken ill with symptoms that had all the earâ€"marks of appendicitis, but this Wednesday, his recovery has been so favorable, that an operation is averted. Mrs McGrath, Sr. has left for Tor ontto, where she will spend the winâ€"‘ ter with her daughters, Mrs M(-Ph«vl and Mrs A. Cameron. | You imnay call p »irsonally or phone 85 W or 85 J . Mr and Mrs Wm Moore, Elgin St.,. visited with friends in Mildmay on] gusecome I have opered up an ofâ€" fice next door to McIlraith‘s Shoe Store for the transacâ€" tion of business in Coal, Coke, Wood ard J vmber. Mrs Heintzman and Mrs Spinkes of Toronto, are guests of their sister, Mrs Hayes at the Rectory this week. Miss Plorence Kress spent Saturday in Toronto. Miss Margaret Hunter is spending & 7t‘¢w days this week in Toronto, Mrs Calhan and little son, Toronto are visiting this week with Mrs Wal ter Porter. Mr and Mrs Jos. Dixon, North Kgâ€" remont, visited with Mrs J. Burgess, last week, the latter accompanying them to Owen Sound. New Office E _ Opened upi! Advice on the scalp Makers of paient stmucture J. B. |KNIGHT M JOHNSTON & KNIGHT formerly with Dorenwendâ€"Pemter Ladies and Gents Durbsm, Cnat. â€" . MURDOCK Leader )duw rem es ome amore 4 [ 2MCC00B8 & ENCRTC on PHGay “""““‘“-‘THOMPRONâ€"On 17th Nov., at ited | Dec. 2nd, at £.30, in the Peacock Tea Cross Hospital, to Mr and Mrs Ai | Rooms, 112 Younge St., Toronto. ‘TiCs! bert Thompson, a daughter. | ets 50c. CAMPBELLâ€"In â€" Bentinck, on Nov : e 19th, to Mr and Mrs Donald Camp ELDREL â€" ROBERTSON â€"At Dorâ€" bell, a son. ‘ noch, on Nov. 17th, at the home of MeDONALDâ€"At Durham Red Cross _ the bride‘s parents, by Rev. \W. A. Hospital, on Sunday, Nov. 20, to | MceWilliam, of Chatsworth, Mt-rlc’l Mr and Mrs Wim MeDonald, Darâ€" |\__Johnson Kay, eldest â€" daughter 0| ham, a son. _ Mr and Mrs Jas Robertson to Josâ€"| NOBLE â€" In Bentinck, on Tuesiay, | eph William Hexry, son of Mr and| Nov, 22nd, to Mro and Mrs Cecil i Mrs Ernest Eldred of O. Soum1. © Noble, a daughter. |_ The Durham Club of Toronto are ; having a Euchre on Friday evening, | Dec. 2nd, at $£.30, in the Peacock Tea | Rooms, 112 Yonge St., Toronto. Tickâ€" . ets 50c. S., McBETH ®?= for preservation of Teeth and Gums. Made with Squibb‘s Magna Magnesia. â€"â€"Neutralizes mouth acidity 45c a tube BACK through the centuries Christmas has always been a time for thegiving of presentsâ€"big or little things to delight and gladden the hearts of children and their elders. But where are the Christmas presents of other yearsâ€"the toys, the useful things ? Brokenâ€"worn outâ€"forgotten. Keep alive the spirit of your gift. . Let it bring happiness and contentment from year to yearâ€"add a Royal Bank Savings Book to your list of Christmas presents. Visit the Rexall Store for the Besi Values in Greeting Cards, Seals, Tags Stickers. Our Assortment is Unrivalled DBeautiful New Designs Unusual Engraving Effect: MANY SELECTIONS AT 5¢ and 10c carry a message ol thoughtfulness and of Christmas good cheer which makes them @ppropriate and desirabâ€" le even where gifts are sent. Eve: yâ€" body likes to receive cards. Greeting Cards STANDARD BANK Published Weekly at $2.00 a year in advance. To United Sratea. $2.50 a year in advance. C. RAMAGE & BON, Publishers The Royal Bank of Canada McFadden‘s Drug Store oF CANADA DURHAM BRANCHâ€"W. A. Johnson, Manager Subâ€"Branch at Priceville ham Branch = J. A. Rowland, Manager Christmas Presentation Cogers are provided for Gift Books. OLDERS of Victory Bonds maâ€" H turing on December the first, next, _ will find it profitable convenient to convert them at this Bank. We are prepared to pay cash for such bor is of any denomin «ation, and suggest that for the sake of safety, simplicity and convenience you deposit your maturing bonds to your credit in a"Sandar1 Bank Sav~ ings Account. Bring Your Maturing Victory Bonds To Us THE Druggist and Stationer Phone 3. DURHAM Omormâ€"â€"â€"â€"10r10 BOR N

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