West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Dec 1927, p. 1

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Christmas Crank cards "with name and address neatly printed, l-ke an anhtic rergtembragtee for your friends. Soc them and maske' Your selections now at the Review (Mice. The funeral of Norma Maud stew-,', at, wife ot Robert Barton and a daughter of the late Duncan and: Jane Stewart of Normantry, who died} m Mt Porest. was held Thursday! last. Damned Was In her Mth year; ad Is survived by her husband and) one daughter. l First Woman Madman» In Ontaria At a meeting of Mldhnd Town "one" on mm mm. Miss tttval, Park was appointed leader ot the', Palmnton Thirsty I A delegntlon from himerston has; tinted the Liquor Control ome" in Tot-unto. taking for a. liquor store there. They claim the nearest shopi is " miles awny. The Commission have promised to the the matter! their careful attention. l "ar as is known, Inn 3 may Wu“ “def. by 1 w t watch. Newest de als” from 50 to 822.50. D. C. To", Jeweler. MIMI-nth. Won “Resolved that Eagtern Canada of- 'ers young mph more opportunities than Western Canada" was a High School acute last Friday. Eliza- beth “Ind and Rex. Amen supported the Maldive and Eunice Moon and Frank McMhur the negative. The judges. luv. Eh Mares on! Mr P. Ir- win, awarded the decision to the tor. our. Coming Again! Prof. E. link the well-known op. Ludhs' and Ch n's and Gents' i'mbrettas, 81.40 to $8. D. C. Town. jeweler. Mrs. Rom. Barton Dead Prof. E. Kat the well-known op- tirat sperlullst. o test your eyes. will be at the Ha House. Durham, on Wednesday. Dee.' 7th. Will relieve the, eye strain and banish the hetur ache. Why not end your tagged and nervous ferting by see us a pair of mu- lunous meniscus taste. Br our um! skill and method. can help um. even if others all. Enterprise Mr. C. R. McIntosh. Edna: of tre North Battleford News, came out 1WO weeks ago with I " page “Spec- ial Editbn." whk-h is a egedit to him and his stall. " Is brimlul ot pict- ures and reading mutter rrhllng lo North Battheiord and surroundan communities. . . . “luau Coat In...“ J,'i'ee"ivi"/vra,'ll,t"2'd your tagtted LGI The late Mrs. Atkinson was, T?? marvous ruling by securing a pair of ious to her ntarrlage Miss Jane Weir, Nu. [muons meniscus leis?- By our IPy"ttr or the late John and Me. kreat skill and method. can help, Weir, and wa.c. born and brought up l T even it others fail. ion the 2nd con., Glenvlz, where her fue, |hrother William still relies. Here, The Durham Worn D's Institute wilt on the 4th Nov. 18w, she was mar- moot at the "tspit on Thursday.‘ rled to James Atkinson and wnieh hoe. lat. Papers ll be given by; has proved a happy union. They Mrs Morttey, Mrs B wn and Mm; were blessed with a family of tour Mather, also a. report ' the Provin-', sons and two daughters, one son AG cial Convention by sits Mellrnlth.i bert passing away at the age of two Music by Mrs Earl Maponald at"!‘; years. The other children are John, Mrs Bert MIL Wiitl, the ladies; at Bender. Sask.. who was home for Kindly bring homemade leaodr Pri the funeral Wednesday: Will, Toron- t'hrlstms ulna tor the Mldren‘i to; Herbert, on the Atkinson farm. Shelter " Owen Bound. full “bl out of Upper Town; Ema. Mrs. {ounce Wed- I)“ Ityie-, Mechtre, Toronto and Bessie. kindly Ming II Nate. cur and .poott. Mrs Ben Cams, Bentlnck. Sllver‘rare as " ideal Christ-i Early ln 1911, Mr and Mrs Atkin- an gift. Bed our "mum stock. son loft clonal; to take life a little D C. To“. low If less strenuously In the city. but at . least every your returned to visit m ”M Woll relutlvea and friends In Durham and The W’ Aid ot the PPttrrttrvietntty And who were always sud hm Church held their-snug. It""." to Volume them. VOL. L, NO 48 A box social aid concert will h 'wld at s. R. . 12. Egrrutont, I). Friday, Dec. 16t Admission eir, ladies bringing es, tree. ‘iliuns' Band in succession to her father, the hue J. T. Park, [crummy mars leader ot Dumb“: Band. Mid. and Is the only town in Ontario. as 'ar I: is known, with a lady band Slit/ensure I!“ an menu bulls;- mu gift. Bed our beautiful stock. o. C. To“. Jew F." - mm W." The IMM' Aid of the Presbyter- ian Church held their mm] ulnar on Saturdhy Inst in the A. Y. P. A. rooms. The weather nun might hue provided a nicer day but he didn't. The ladies however, were not tits- munged and succeeded in disposing ot the most of their Artie-lea. There were lacy tort. apron. eamtr, Vet-'- uble. home mm and novelty booths. with attentive indies in Mum. not to mention a ‘gnh hag' charge. not w "WWW uerartment. Afternoon “and, " well} a hot lo a. tittlo over $266.00. 1 lmvlng in Danton i Martin Butler. who has been ill inl a Bolton Hospital. having undertone an operation for hernia. is improving and expects to be out of the hospital term a couple ot weeks. His mucus Bl node a rather inauspicious debut for bill in pro. hockey with the Boa- ton Bruins. but the Club are “Ring him well. meeting all expenses. and expect to have him pnctising " Inst. on" New Years. Erhen - is the second but“ lad to ml pro. And be is North’s room- nu end “tenant there. loving " Grit, met-“II; expect to ttave “an, utter Ne! Best solved of mean: ends. " and I5c. . C. Tows, )c-Vul urban). _ iiiGs gym: Boston ll..- T..'- -"--'"" - M u 1... not had opportunity to null mo the out lc. \c. social and t s. S. . . le, Dec. "it T inning es, an Greteti QQWN’EQQ Keen Electisn F'ght on Ii-sic-tj-lil?"!.',!."!.'!.').?'.')? in Bentinck Township mernoon ten was also I a a hot 35c suppers“ day's receipts amount- was also ...t 'kbc'Tr." u. WE.r_r.I'e" ._. .......,l. ""e_"' 't . tin , had Lotdone so. but he was :turo- The newly "lectetl "WM ot Mint. ull Mere conscientious. He wan agemetit ist: glad to have: three members of [Wu-r; Ptvsident--Ed. Kress here: the press had always fairly rc- Viee President --John McGowan ported him and got his correct mean-' secretary-W. 9. Hunter inx. ! T "eassurer--Peter Ramlge He rmlcwed Ihc fmanciai sum-- Maturing Com. - E. D. McClocklln, ment, printed up to Nov. 15th. $12'J2 Thus. Henderson, J. N. Murdock, (Continued on [page 5.) i, J. A. Rowland, W. J. Menuldrm, f Jas. McLachlan. _-------------- 3 it Was felt that the skating rates ours too low for adults at 15c, when Passed Away saddenly other rinks charge 25e-too low for . the men at any rate. A motion was, itt Toronto samfday unanimously passed fixing the skat- ing admission for all men over 18, '__'- . .. at ba: all hulietr,--tutd girls and Tho death took place m loronto. boys 13 to is years of age at 15c Saturday evening “d ti p.m.. Nov. 26, and children 12 and under. We. of Mrs James Arkinsom. at the ak" This makes no change in admission of tit1 years. l‘ur ""'1'."."".' deceased “mm tor men. but the age limit for has been a noun) ul hikh. blood "W” children will be more strictly on- sure and mulch tunnnated in a forced as well. I Brothers And sister who mourn are .Wlllkun. more of Glenelg: John, ot iNorttt atrremont: Adam, Detroit: “In. Jon. Atkinson. Edge Hill. A "ister, Mrs Davis, died some years 1 :30. l The funeral Wednesday in the Pres- tmural! Church. every seat filled, has a marked tribute ot respevz to {the memory of the dead and sympa- Reeve McDonald was the tirat can- didate to greet the electors and in a tiuettt speech ot'exactly an hour's dur- ation. without use of notes, he dis- played his strong grasp of township and county affairs, and a wonderfully retentive memory tor (not: and tlg. ures. He had nothing to conceal: wanted full light thrown on untran- sat-tlons. It was not natural for all members of Council to always agme, they had not done to. but he was sure all were conscientious. He was glad to have three members of press here: the press had always fairly re- ported him and got his correct mean- lug. That Bentinrk ratvpayrrs take a keen interest in matters municipal. was evidenced by the crowded school house tor the nomination proceedings at Lornlash Monday. Clerk Chittick received nominations until 2 p. m. and being voted chairman, called at- tendon to the "no smoking" requegt written on blackboard, and to theity orvasiux attendance and interest. The death took plare in Toronto, Saturday evening at 6 p. m., Nov. M, of Mrs James Atkinson, at the an of titt years. For som" time deceased has been a victim or high blood [mas- sure and which laminated In a stroke of paralysis on above date. is : For Reeve-'a,umnd McDonald, pne- ent new and H. W. Hunt, t-h" reeve. For Deputy Reex e--Hobt. Grimm»), present Deputy and G. H. Magwood. at present a councillor. For Council " to be eltreted)--hlex. McGregor of the present council. C. Bailey, Irwin brown. Rom. Mecatr lin, Alex. Hopkins. Jas Turnbull, ot the present conn- eil, was nominated but retired. Jno. H. Smith, Wm Hodgson, Isaac Hang. Fred Hang, were also nominated but withdrew. Remind township gets into the limelight. in this locality by being the only municipality to hold its view tion a month earlier than usual. Last year an acclamtion was in ordvr. but next Monday, a bonnie fight. is on to decide 1928 municipal rulers. The slate to so to the ballot next Monday Contests for all Scat: a Monday's Nomination The lute Mrs. Atkinson was truly a home woman and loving mother, and the memories she has left behind tor her funny and others. are noth- ing but what ls pleasant. Rev. B. D. Armstrong conducted m appropriate service. basing his com- torting remarks on John I] : 25,26, "I am the resurrection and the life. . . . Whoooever liveth ttnd Dena-ah In me null never die." Interment took phase to Trinity Church cemetery. the pull boners be ing Mum Thee. Weir, Cart Amin- ton, Win Weir. Jr.. Arthur Atkinson. iii; IN thd may mourning friends. Over a dour: tioral wreaths and oth- er non] olerings told the same tale. I}. Immune Joe my“ the Int Ive nephews of deceased and the tatter . neptrew-lwuor. The mourners sanding the funeral «Em iii) ttth iiiiti, tiltgitttt Tho annual meeting of the Dur- ham Amusement Co. Ltd.. was lwld in the Rink on Thursday evening, when but a small reprosentation of the stusrehoidcrs were present. The timsncial rv'port was adopted which showed a small balance of $12 on hand. During Inst season the skat- ine receipts tell ott seriously, whih' the hockey Fates Were also a little below the precious year, though con- siderably ahead of the average. The year's total receipts were tl005.24 and expenditure $1063.39. The ex- cess expenditure ls accounted for by the {an of a large balance at the opening of the season. Included in the expenses is a payment of $150 on mortgage principal, and $254 w pairing on the root of the rink, up although receipts fell off, it was still a satisfactory year. Annual Rink Meeting: Men's Adnission Increased The question or fitting up Iwo amusing rooms upstairs at front of rink ior home and visiting teams, was brought up. As no delegation was present from the hockey club. and the Amusement Co. at present have no funds to undertake the wu- ovation, the matter was left in obey- ance. On receipt of the sad Int-asap on Saturday night. Mrs Ben Coulis. MM- srs Herb. Atkinson. J. J. Atkinson, and Wm. Weir motored to tho city to comfort in any possible way the strickrn homr. Floral offerings wan- eoutriburwl by: wireaths--Hustrand, Mr and Mrs. Wm. J. Atkinson. Toronto; Mrs Jos. Atkinson and Wm.Weir: Sprays-Mr and Mrs Ilett Couus. John and "urn. Atkinms. Mr and Mrs J. McClure. Mrs Md‘lure Sr and son Jos, Town- to: Mrs McCulloch, Toronto: ML: Jennie McDonald.. Miss Bella Weir, the ntightrors. all of Toronto: Mrs. John Davis. Manitoulin Id; Mr and Mrs Wm. Ihothrrton, Toronto. Mr John Schutz, last year's ice managwr and caretaker, has sins-e been reappointed. “Moi-e seiectiti your guts look over our stock. D. . Town, Jeweler trom r. distance were deceased’s hus- band, son Will and son-ln-law, Jen» McClure. all of Toronto: Wm. John Atkinson. Toronto: John Atklwon. (son) and daughux' of Bend”. Sank: Mrs John Davls (Annlo Atkinson) all Manitoulin Id. Notice I All past due no uuts must be set- tled by cash or n te at once. All rnuainlug unpaid by c. 15th win be pied in other bands for collection. Ott 'very Christmas gift list there is someone who would appreciate a subscription for the Review. Such a gitt--in formative. entertaining and ed- urative - will keep alive the Christmas spirit 366 days of the year. " will brinxto mind once every week, the thought- fulne’s of the giver. " is of in- unrest to men Ind women, young and old. AN APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFT No other Rift you can buy for $2 lor tg.50 it in the Unit- ed States) will so completely retUset your kindly thought. and at the stue time payso delicate is compliment. " In both g personal and impersonal gift. It can be sent to anyone. " In always acceptable. It meets one": needs and suits one's fancy. Many ot our old subscribers will. v.iil give their most Cher Ished friends " a distance . year's 'rtstteseriptoon to the old DURHAM, THURSDAY DECEMBER l, 1927 J. N. Murhock. Durham With which Is incorporated the lolstein Lender m Hon. W. H. Finlayson, M. P. P, tefla of Ontario's Fore“ Wealth at Men’s "d Club Banquet. 'f. Ontario Forests are a 'l. Crop; not a Me The Late Joseph Patterson Hon. Mr Finlayson's car was late) in arriving, due to tire trouble ati Mt. Forest. Accompanying him was Dr. D. Jamieson. Dr. D. B. Jamieaon,’ President of the Men's Club, preosid~ ed moat etiiciently. He firtst caliod upon Mrs Porter and Mr Chas. Lacg for solos. the Ritchie orchestra for anl intrumental and Mr w. G. WeicheLI M. P. P., for an address. The iatiwr; was brief in his remarks. He had; been coming up to this locality for', wars on tlshirut trips, to Bum-mm! On Thursday ot last week, than! passd away a Wen-know: chum of North Egremont for may years. Mr. Joseph Patterson. He died at the home of his son, Mr Palmer i'at- terson, south ot Varney, where tor the last three months he has been tenderly cared for. For a good many years he had suffered from rheumat- ic complaints which at last protwrl fatal. With a splendid speaker, prerwded by an excellent supper. prepared and served by the Ladies' Aid Society. the banquet wax a most successful function. There was abundant" of good things to satisfy the inner mam with prompt service by members of both Ladies' Aid and Young Ladies" Auxiliary. About a hundred and twenty tive guests were entertained, including quite a number of ladins After the caterers as well had pur- taken there was much to spare. Deceased was born in County Down, Ireland, Oct. 13, 1854. and when about four years old came to Canada with his parents and our: sister, later to be Mrs John Quinn. They Were eight Weeks on the occean. landed at Montreal and took tralnto Guelph. Here they hired a team and waggon and drove over rough roads in many places to Fleming'k on 2nd con. of Egremont, from whence they walked to his uncle's, Wm. John Pat. terson. on the 20th con. of same township. Near here they settled un- til in Itl77 they purchased and mov- ed to lot 2, con 21, Egremont, and lived there till Sept. 1927, a period of 50 years. The schoolroom of Knox I'nmwl Church was filled Friday night lor the. banquet given under ausplws ot the Men's Club at which Hon. W. H. Kiulayson, M. P. P., for East Simone. Minister of Lands and Forests in Ontario, Witty the speaker of the tru ening. Mr Pirtlvyeon is tall, and n most intrrestlng speaker, holding tlw close attention of the large audionur throughout. He has made an inn-n. sine study of Ontario’s forestry prolr Inns and is active in taking inn-mm to conserve and renew the {oust wealth of our fair province. in January 1884. Mr. Patterson married Miss Sarah Elizabeth Bell of Proton Township, who proved a worthy heipmeet. To them Were born two sons and four daughters, who with their mother sincerely mourn the departed. The children are: Palmer. south of Varney: Mrs John Bell and Ruth Patterson. Sash; Mrs Wm In ..' once. Detroit: Edith and Geneva, in Toronto. All were home for the fun- eral, except the two western mom- bera. The funeral on Saturday was a marked tribute of respect to the memory of this worthy citizen. A. mong beuutitul flowers were sprays from Edith and Geneva: a wreath from the Orange Lodge: wreath from cousins. Mrs Geo. Stmchan and Ad. eline. Zion City and others. Interment took place, under the auspices ot the Orange Order. to Maplewood cemetery where his kind. red lie. Rev. Mr Parnell. his pastor. made an Impressive discourse and was assisted try Rev’s Hayes of Trin. ity Church. Durham and Rev. Chas, Jay. United Church minister, of Hol- stein. The pill bearers were Robt. Eden, Wm. Caldwell. J.W. myth. Edward We, Joe. Lennox, Earl Matthews. Farr Lawrence. Jae. Hurst-ave. These eight brethren carried the remains from the house to the graveyard mar by. The writer. a friend of deceased for over tro years. extends sympathy to the mourners. To the zany" ends who showed sympathy and kin 835 by word or deed, during the Incas and at the. death of Joneph terson. we 'ex. tend trppreetntion. I the duh days of death, human tr may " com. rotting. (Continued an page 8) CARD or THANKS ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Miss Edith Chadwick has been vi.- iling a. couple or weeks with her mis, ter, Mrs Roedding In Kitchener. Miss Alice M. immature is vitritinr: over this week end with friends and relatives in Toronto. Mr Donald McIntyre of Flint.Mir"1. and an early Glenelg resident, is at present visiting old haunts and w- newing old triendships in and CV round Durham. He has been: a 11-mi- er of the Review for litany yours. His ttieee, Mrs Griggs, also of Flint. came to town with her uncle for a. visit with friends. Mrs Grimm was formerly Miss Allie Patterson. and at one time held the 'stiek' in the Review Ottice. Mr and Mrs Frank Love, Holsu-iu. were visitors last Week with Mr and Mrs. Thos. Atchison. Mr and Mrs Jas Tumbull. Bentinck were in Toronto the past week 'at- tending the funeral of Mr Han-v Sluice, a victim of pneumonia. De ceased's wife. was a niece of Mrs Turnbull and a granddaughter of the late Archibald Hague of Bentinck. on Dec. 8th. They will occupy the cottage In Upper Town, recently va- cated by Mr P. Hay and owned by Mrs Jas. McRonald of Bentlnck. Wo weleome them as near neighbors. We neglected to mention last weok ot the operation. tor nppendicitispvr- formed at the hospital on one or ill» nursing stall, Miss Vera Marshall. She is making recovery. Mrs. Jos. Snell underwent a serious operation at the hospital Saturday and Mrs. Ed. Bell, Glenroadin. the same day, t1rtderwent an operation for amnrmii citls. Mr and Mrs Geo. H. Torry (mm Reta Boyce) ot Mulock. will become residents of Durham, after theirsale Mr M. Kress is seriously ill at ilw hospital at present, with attacks or appendicitis. which have recurred at intervals. To Organize Grey Co. Club in Detroit Mr and Mrs Herbert Truffonl. Cle, nelg. anuounrte the engagement of their youngest daughter, Eva Oliw to Mr Alfred Orchard of Guelph, tite marriage to take plate early in Dev ember. Mr. John A. Black. Che-sky. al" LU"r2",T,1'.' - “" 1"T.,'.", Ahh' mum-es the engagement of his su-I 'i1'11',s'22,rr Jdefy,"/C,a,",?.'rg, cond daughter. Jessie Flora, to Glen' ii/ ot 'J',',',?,',,,'.',.'),?",')'.',','.')',"' 'l' Abbey Allen of Windsor. only son of manby Townthu " r " Mr and Mrs J. A. Allen. of Stratford,', . p. the marriage to take place qulvuy mt0CKLEBANK __-- xix-(mm - late is December. OI' intcreet to (hr) County real- dents in Detroit and Windsor Is the forming of a temporary oommltln-n in Detroit to endeavor to get tsttftlcVrtt ex-residents of the above district to form a Club where they could trivet and become acquainted through soc- lal monthly affairs, such as suppvrs and dances. There an: a great number ot people belonging to Grey County and tho adjoining Counties who never 11100! one another in the big metropolis and the forming of such a Club should prove a source of much enjoyment to all. As the Committee Is anxious to get this Club in full swing for the Vintn- months, let everybody send in their names and those of any others they know to Mr Ir. C. Lamb. 578 Macm- bee Building, Detroit. Phone North- way 5064. Bunesaan Publl School teacher and pupils will ho! a concert in the school on Dee. 22nd. A play. entitled “Pat's new Housekee ," wilt bepre- sented by the young ple. Admis- Mott Me and 15c. U. bl. S. No. 1, Varney. will hold a Concert in the so olhouse on Thurs;- day, Dec. let, at. thm. Everybody Welcome. Lunch B ved. Admission 25e and 15c. Good tteeommodtttion for horses. U. S. B. No. 0, (Tomlin) school and tut-pupils. as sled by Prof. Kyle and the orchestr are having . con- cert in the form 0 a Christmas can- tata. Monday, Dee mm, at 8 um. Admission Me and 15c. The Womens" Gulld of Trinity Church wlll hold eir annul bazaar in the LY.P.A. ms, Baturdta.v, served trom 8 to 7 p.61. Toilet Sets, Town. jewel COMING EVENTS a mum ttne or Booth: tor y and fancy REEVES - WEIt"sER--At the Prcs- byterian Manse. Durhum. on Tues. day, Nov. 29. 1927. by Run B. o. Armstrong, B. A., Albert mum-r. son of Walter Reeves ot Egrmmm to Miss Ruby Edna Weiser, daugh- ter of Frederick Weiser of Nur- manby Township. BORN GIBSON - In Durham. on Starla). Nov. 27th. to Mr and Mrs John Gibson. tt daughter. MERS buying $5.00 worth or over. w. will give FREE one col-sage bouquet. Our travellers have shown so many fino gifts that we couldn't refuse buying. Now m- have so many nice things wt. are just piling thetn up. TO THE FIRST 50 CUSTO- Published Weekly II " 00 I yet! in “on. To United at." 82.60 I year In advancef G. “I“! & SON. ”Milne" Perfume Atomizers French Ivmy Goods Perfumes of all kinds Boxed Writing Paper Toilet Preparations Pearl Toilet Articles Safety Razors, all kinds Shaving Supplies Boxed Chocolates. Cigars in rtt boxes BACK through the centuries Christmas has always been a time for thegiving of presents-big or little thing to delight and adder: the hearts of children and their elders But where are the Christmas presents of other years-the toys. the meld thing? Broken-worn mat-io-ten. Keep alive the spiritol your gilt. lat it bring happiness and contentment horn year "trear-odd a Royal Bank Saving Book to your list ot Christan. patents “in“ Pun-hm- Cox-n on MI» Gift Bah. S. McBETH Helpful Suggestions REG. PRICE $1.00 ROYAL WINTER FAIR McFadden's Drug Store Christmas Sitta The Royal Bank of Canada Durham Branch - J. A. Rowland, M; ta, Qatar/l &ore desire to give expte ion to their appreciation of the generous pact age which the publrc have extended the six "Royal"-a fitting tribute to Canadian Agn hurt in this jubilee Year, and for the Fair an un . rallclcd success. MARRIED The President and Directors of the For the Christmas Shopper "oo ”any "at ',t Fancy China, Hand Bags, Per. fume Mominrs, Ivory Sea, Mil. nary Sets, Pipes, Kodak. am Books. Bébteo,. Hymn), Satay Razors, Phonograph' and Ree. ordu. Fountain pens, .... so: to $7.00 Cut Glass Gottlete, .10 per doe. Gift Toilet Sets,. . .. Mk to $7.50 Boxed suuonuy. _... Me to $5 Boxed Chocolates... bOc to $5.00 Boxed Cigars, ......25c to $3.00 Trinity Church Lidia! Guild tr'yl hold their annual bazaar on Saluuln) Dec. and. in the A.Y.P.A. rooms. ItRoWN--mMMFut - In Westtnitr. ster Manse. Mt. Powst. on Sahar- day, Nov. 19, by the Rev. Dr. US. Men”, Miss Louis". Immune-r to in Henry Brown, both of Runner . Knox Church Manse. Durham. 01 Monday. 28th Non. 1927, by nu. W. H. Smith. B. A., William Btu-l.» lebunk. Mt. Forest. to Miss Caro- line MeGirr, (hummer of Mr und Mrs. Thus. Medina Glenda. Drum» and Sutionr Phone 3. DURHAM

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