West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Dec 1927, p. 1

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0:0 Mm C. R. Corsrallen of Toronto, returned missionary from West China will speak in the Queen St. Church, Sunday. Dec“. um In the morning, not address will be on "The reign of "rumble." present condmons in Chltta" and in Healing. "China's trunks! widen-loved remotes. her uomnhood." Sr "--Alma Kress, Elsie Wing- Lam. Isabel Henderson. Reta Willis. Jr 'v--A1enevieve Saunders. Helen Your. Norma Allm. Gordon Grant, Donald Knight. Sr In A--Pranees Hay. Lewis Ne Comb. Bennie Firth. Margaret Site baht. Margaret Dunsmoor. _ -- The Women's (mud or Yrtnite Church. held their annual bazaar on Saturday last in the A.Y.P.A. rooms. and were (rectal with a steady stream of callers all afternoon. The ladies Vin have over $1(At as a result of their enterprlzc. lulu Writ! la Cunning Car In cadaver!“ to so: his Chev. var started Sunday morning. Mr Jim. D. Neruda: of the end can. Glen "te.ttadttttrrttttttttonbeoheet'ttthe wrist. than it baektired In trunking it. The Injury was a painful one aud will by him off active work tor la month or so. Sr ll B--aurtan Moore. Norman ”Hammond. Dorothy McDonald. Geo. lth-chnle. Bert Talon]. “ounce Kress. teacher Jr ll A--4.'oedoat Kennedy. Clark Saunders. (undue Campbell and W like) cum). George Prew, Gordon Gram. Jr ll B-lkther Donne. Erwin In- nis. leave" Middleton. Sadie Heath- Purl-tans Greeting cards with we all address mostly printed, make an arUst% retneantrrttgMte for your friends. Bee them and make your seieetiogts now at the Review "moo. Sr Ill W--Perey Greenwood. May Ttraittortutr, Alma Wilson. Verdun McDonald. Hazel Moore. Kathleen Firm. teacher Jr Ill A-Salie McEaehern. Arthur Koch. Mary Pickering. Susie Belt, Mom Havens. Jr Ill B--0ordon Mom". Gladys Ritchie. Geo-re Glass. Shiriry McIn- tyre. Non Byrd. .. " L Curt Keene, teacher Sr ll A--oleidn Hahn. Fhmet Mac- Arthur. no“ Wilson. Carman Noble, Clu- Thompson. t Chas B-Elmer (lienholme. Lou- ise New". Allan Pinkerton. Annie Tint-30v. Lou Wlluon. Daisy Mather. teacher Br " A-a-t Robb. Grace Vow-t. Arthur All“. Florence Mehean, Mar gory “lot”. , _ - ._, 11-“.-- A Ind,“ humus) pens and we JU, all col- ors. $1.50, $8.00, $3.50. , and up to $11 the set. C. Town I Chas A-Ross hinder. (Betty McIntyre And Pstrlck Clarke) equal. mmu- Tucker. Margaret Sprung. H. Arthur Minn. Florence McLean, Mar Jory “lean. Br Pr Harden McDonnld. Louise new. Hm! Moore. Jack Atkin- son. Ottitte Pvnrce. Br Pr C--rloeeaMN' Belg". George Hill. - Wilson. Gordon Osborne At the Walkrrton Poultry Fair as! week, W. D. Connor took prizes in Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Plymouth Rocks. Silva- Wyllldottvs. ttttode Island Reds. White “shows, Butt wahorns and Butt Orpingtous. Heorgt: Wright. an! H. Proton ".l Newly elected Reeve or Bentlnrk. farmer, died on Monday Dec. 5th. He" who defeated D. J. MacDonald at tise 1.tg.'t prominent in municipal affairs. Polls on Monday. The latter held the and had been a resident on con 17, who? tor tho past four years- all his life. lntt-rnwnl will be lugm Salv'u Wednesday. L. - " -- LUST: Last “Want-shy. between John CuttU and Hanover, one la . :3an covering for truck. Reward on return lo W. J. Votiettu store, Dur- ham. VOL. L, NO 49 DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL M II. ”on - .___ _ r " C-Philip Spurn“. Donald "quently the m We '1 My. Cum)“ Steinmwm NotF try “to has“. an. R. Ha Alvin McCall-1. was Ada Helena. Lunch in Link: Sender. teacher enjoy‘ble evening to a; close. NOVEMBER Weilts, Mary Graham, principal a Morton. teacher William. teacher pr Amen. Hand a, Rowland nnd 9) equal. Mary Armst tong, Ross I927 Johnny The new tire escape was now being erected " Town mu, stated Conn. Hunter. " had coal 8160. f.o.b.. “any "ton and was bought from Canada Iron & Steel Goods Co. Towards the close the Town Hall renovation was brought up. and it was the general opinion to make a. ttood job or it before opening. To this end a resolution was passed that the lulu}. be gamed permission to rettoor luvwl' halltor dancing, should they see fit, and to remove first tioor at platform. This the l. o. D. E. tie- cidrd upon next evening. Conn. McClocklin thought new seats should also be secured for up- stairs and he and others deemed that now was the opportune time. " was agreed to write to Toronto or advvr- tise in Toronto papers. to see if any maroon hand opera seats were avail- able, and plan to have same installed about New Year's with the hall re- opening shortly afterwards. Accounts totalling $5184.20 were passed. includlng 842m County Rate and $200 Library grant. An account of $535 of F. W. Moon for new fur- naces In town hall. was held over as some had not yet been inspected, but a motion by Belr-MeClocklin, that he be paid $500 of the amount was carried. Accounts ot 320 for remn- tng English church bell. used as a tire alarm. and one from Magistrate W. Iatdlaw for $el.06 new also pas:- By-hor No. 833. ttsing nominations tor Monday evening. Dec. 26. and o- lectlon. if necessary. Monday. Jan. 2. Ins given its several readings an] passed. Nominations will be lurid tor Mnvor. Reeve. Seount-illors. 3putr lie school trustees and 1 hydro com- missioner. The polls are: One councillor suggested it was not for darkness alone it was necessary, but because of a nearby house where cars were parked all hours of (hr night. Reeve Bell stated that it ttny disreputable place rxisted uptown. the mrnstable should be empowered to search it at once. The O. ll. A. hockey draft of dis. tricts places Durham in Group H. In- termediate 0.H.A.. along with Palm- erston. Listowel, Winxlum. Hanover and Chesley. As Winrham. we learn has dropped out, this will make a fast and well-balanced "eettttt dis- trict. one in whlch Durham would have fair chances of finishing on tap. Liston] and Palmerston are and to be scaner as strong as last winter. Town Council will Further Improve Hall East Ward, at DID. Mohrlmm's shotr-W.R. McGowan, ID.R.0.: nan Meuran, poll clerk. West ward at Town Hall-J. Sun!- me. I).R.0.: F. Meliraith, poll dork The majority of the council had in- spected Main Suva near R. Milan's residence and decided a. light was re- quired there as petitioned for. A mo- tion to install same, carried. cue link, ar pins, tie pins in var ety of design' from 50c up. D. C. Town. North Ward at Library-C. Eh'ldgf D.R.0.; Geo. Shler. poll clerk. There was no outstanding qtw.sttion discussed at Monday's Town Cottnvil sesslon. at which all members except Conn. Arnold Noble wc-re present. This annual alluir came " wryi pleasantly And successfully last Fri; day night in the Peacock Tea Rooms.! Toronto. Filteon tables were in Pitts, and the enthusiasm WIS kept well upi throughout. Dr and Mrs Jameson! were present and were pleased to Gil come my old friends. The. former‘ also gave a little speech. in which he. congratulated the Club upon the splendid work they were doing and! stated Durham ttotspttal was nevertn, a more flourishing condition. with u. moat crowded couditibns. " the gentler sex were in the tummy. it no necessary for we “the ladies- toposenomenforthnphynudcon-I sequent” the m prizes were won try maladies. In R. Hewitt nod all“ Ada Nell“. Lunch brought an Five Club Groupsna in o. H. A. Durham Club Euchre in Toronto iii', ttt iii? tttlt (iiiiiii, < _iliiltgiittt.t H. W. HUNT hnmal Meeting Knox Young ladies' Auxiliary The Young Women's Auxiliary of Knox Church, met for their combined social and study meeting at the home of Mrs Alder, with the President. Mrs Canon. in the chair. The meet- ing opened by singing from Book of Praise Ito, after which the president led in prayer. The scripture lesson. Luke 2: 8-20 was read by Bliss Jean Hepburn. Mrs Sparlinx read a story entitled "The Christmas Rosary". An interesting paper on the 2nd chap. ter of our study book 'New Frontinrs in Christian Missions", was given by Miss Daisy Mather. The annual re- ports or the Sec'y, Treasurer andthe Treasurer ot the Birthday Box which were most encouraging, were adopt- ed. During the part 9 month period, the Auxiliary has raised $178.68. As this was the annual meeting and the election of omcers tor the coming year was next in order, our Honorary President, Mrs MacFarlane took the chair. The following ottieers wens u- nanimously re-elected to otiice for the coming year: Honorary Presidents. Mrs (Run) Smith. Mrs R. Mattarlane 7 -. President. Mrs Ralph Catton Vice President, Mrs R. Spar-ling Secretary. Myrtle Koch Treasurer. Margaret Edge ' Twas. Birthday box, Mary McKechnie Social Com.: Misses Mary Mckech. nie, Jean Hepburn, B. Lane. Daisy Mather, Mary Morton, Mary Brown Refreshment Com: Mrs Sparllng. Mrs Dumeld, Mrs Alder, Mrs Cut. ton, Miss Barbara Ritchie Program Com.: Mrs Porter, Winnie Blyth. Floral Com... Mrs Sparllng, Misses Jean Hepburn, Margaret Edge, Winnie Myth. At the close of the meeting light refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs John A, Graham is still a nu!- terer from rheumatism and wearios to be her active self again. That some one is always thoughtful of someone else in trouble was manifes- ted in a most kindly way this week, when several pupils of Mr Graham's fourth class. called at his home and left Mrs Graham 0, beautiful sheat‘uf 'mums. This greatly pleased the recipient as well as her husband. when. as he says, he lays down the law severely, in the school room at times. to these same pupils. Said it with Flowers Tho now Councillors art- Alt-st. 'Iotr king of the 2nd can, who lwadcd the poll by over 100 majority in his first tilt: Chas. Bailey, a former Council- lor. and Robert McCaslin. :mutnot' new man. from the north or thetown. ship. Mr. Hopkins ran remarkably strong. heading the race in four of the eight polls. “hilu- his home ward, Hutton Hill. showed what they thought of him by giving him 13% votes out ot 144 polled. That's prac- tiolly unanimous. Conn. Alt-x. Me Gregor. who lives in the north-wort corner ot the township, lost out by tour votes, bat he polled four more votes in the eastern polls of the township than two years ago. Irwin Brown 10 " 13 Alex Hopkins 21 M) 133 RON. MeCaslin 44 33 t2 Alex. McGregor 20 40 " Leave: Majority tor Hunt, 148 Don. Reeve: Majority fer Hammad, D. J. 'MaéIkmald DEPUTY REEVE R. Grierson n rum“ rather as a .svcpt'ise, the Resolutions read at Prov'l Convenz‘n manna in which Bentinck eltctors ---_v__. votr.0 their present Council "m ot' The Women's Institute met at the omre in Monday's election. Conn. Durham Hospital on Thursdnv hat. James Turnbull had mluntarily re- A goodly number of ladies “fwd,” tired, but the test met defeat ext'vpt nit-smite the inclement-y of the ic/iii-' Conn. Haywood. who aspired to the W. After the usual opening exercise.: higher seat or deputy-tvert', and Was a paper was read bv Mrs Jas Matth- successful in ousting that old \\':-i'- or on "Books suitahle tor Christmas hcrse,Robt.Grierson, by 110 mujmity Gifts." Those listed were books bv Iteeve Dulut- Iticbonald, who mu prmtlnont writers ol prose and pont- feasted H. W. Hunt newly-lvl 11V and suggestive for gifts for all rer-ve, by 65 two Hal's mm. had the members at the family, young and tables decisively turned on him on old. Another paper "Putting atl in Monday, but he went down with an life that life will hold," was r'ead by unsullied record. Mr. Hunt's hm Mrs C. Mortley, giving examples ol majority of xix was it surprise mull. people who did so and vice VC'rstt. and he may well be proud of thtu ' mandate given him by the electors. . Music was interspersed wlth the He has had several years' eqwrivnce merit” gutl;bers, ftf"'eef, I', 00:]- in the reeve's chair. before losing it mun y 5 as ng tut a. se ec on , to the present incumbent tour years Mrs Farrell and Mrs Earl McDonald, ago. and being a level-headed and accompanied by the latter on the gui- cautious legislator, the ship ot state tar. remains in good hands. Mrs W. A. Glass gave a splendid Monday, but he wu-m unsullivd record. Mr majority of 11x was a and he may well be mandate given him b: Councillors. Bentinck E'ectors lhrna/s Institute ‘HoYd j Change their New December meet’g at Hospital REEVE COUNCILLORS i:rdiiiiiur, THURSDAY DECEMBER 8, iiii/ "Nopetrts, miter. Mac“ lin. WWo. Clark's H.Hill Al.Pk C.Cor. Lam. Use Elm. BENTINCK ELECTION RESULTS. " 16 " 14 10 21 54 50 44 " With which is Iruatrroraeed the Holstein Leader III 33 13 133 t2 " " 52 M It II' -It0 64 41 111 ll 129 20 "Our Women's institute desire to express. appreciation of the reducs tions already granted by the Hydro Commission in cost of electric ser- vice in rural sections of our Prov. ince: and in view of the fact that it is very dimeult to get help in farm homes. be it hereby resolved, thatthe initial cost of installing Hydro in the rural districts be further equalized as compared to cost in the more thickly settled sections: We also beg to request that arrangements be made for supplying electrical equip- ment through the Womn's Institute at wholesale prices on cash payment" "Recognizing the great ittilueuee or the tilms; we, the Women’s Institute in convention assembled. humbly but to request that every effort be tttade to furnish educative wholesome mms, and to eliminate anything ot a de- grading and useless character and we beg further to request that a more strict censorship be introduced, so that gradually our people will be ind to call for nothing but the best, and that the use of British films be on- couraged." "Resolved that the Government be asked to extend the municipal traa. chise to farmers' daughters ot legal age on the same terms as it is now trivers to farmers' sons." "That we co-opemle with other women in their protest against the beauty contests which are beinghold in our cities as being detrimental to the womanhood of our country." "Resolved that the Institute show more interest m our new Canadian women and that they be asked to our meetings, in that way making a beginning to Canniianize our foreign element." Owing to the shower of gifts for Christians ty the phlldren's Shelter, Owen Sound, not being complete, " was decided to leave the packing un- til next Week. Anyone wishing to contribute to have same with Mn. Mclhuith during thits week. Mrs W. A. Glass gave a splendid report of the Provincial Convention. held in Toronto, Nov. 15-17. Timo and space will not permit an account here, save that the following resolu- tions which were drawn up and pas- sed, may be ot interest, viz: RESOLUTIONS "Resolved that in View of the shift- ing or rural population to the urban centres. that the suggestion be maxi» to the Dominion Gov't that consider- ation be given to the policy of plat-- ing selected Canadians now city dwellers on the land under condi- tions similar to those in force un-lu-r the Empire Settlement Scheme." "Resolved that an earnest exert be taken to induce rural trustees tose" that our tyral schools be properly supervised at noon and recess." "We hereby request the Gowrn- mom to make adequate provision for the care of feettleaninded." "The large number of mamas among pedestrians on our highways, demanda that provision be made tor either paths or more stringent regu- iations for both pedestrians and au- toists and we hereby pledge [ha co operation of the Women's institute in whatever manner is thought desirab- 1e." "That the Women's Institute in convention assembled assert their be lief thit in the B.N-.A. Act the word 'person' used in reference to mem- bership by the Bennie should betak- en to include both men tad women." Music watt interspersed with the literary numbers. consisting of cum- munity singing and a selection in Mrs Farrell and Mrs Earl McDonald, accompanied by the latter on the gui- tar. The Women's Institute met at the Durham Hospital on Thursday hat. A goodly number of ladies attended, nit-spite the inelemency of the wetttle w. After the usual opening exercise.: a paper was read by Mrs Jas Math- " on "Books suitablv tor Christmas Gifts." Those listed were books by prmmwnt writers ol prose and pom- ry and suggestive for gifts for all members ol the family. young ttttO old. Another paper "Putting all in life that life will hold," was fead by Mrs C. Mortley, giving examples ol people who did so and vice VC'rstt. 119. 122 20 51 37 91 It 1:: 101 103 61 69 69 59 H " 36 30 " 119 19 " TORONTO 37 Total I 241 514 341 337 45% 442 561 Hardwood Floor for Lower Town Hall A bog social a concert will he held at S. B. No. 2, Egremont. on Friday. Dec. "th. Admission 25e. Bunessan Public School teacher and pupils will hold concert in the. school on Dec. 22nd. play, enmiml “Pa'a new Housekeeper' "' will bemo- sented by the young le. Admir sion 25c and 15c. gnd eat-pupil assisted by Put. Kyle and the o tn. we having 1 non- cert in the tom of a. Chum-u un- The meeting was called mainly to) discuss the advisability or nun-atlvisv: ability of laying a new hardwood'; tloot. in the basement of the newly, rt novtued Town Hall. The Town Council members feel that they haw" dipped into the municipal treasury as far as they can go. regarding tunnel" improvement to the Hull and would! not consider the new ttoor seheme.! While the Chapter feel responsible? only for the stage. they also reel, that it this extra work Were not done? while overhauling is in process. it, in; all likelihood, would newer be under; taken. Mrs Harding as convenor ol, the Chapter Town Hall lmprovenu-nt i Scheme, presented tigttivts to thei meeting from two ttrms for price as: to flooring and laying of some. Thu; figures', of J. N. Murdock was au~npt-; "d for $365.00 for tttirteettttvsixteentitl No l Maple and which means tltei floor to be completed in a tinishrdi manner. i Admission 25c 'ar.tse. Canadian Greys, I0D.E. held a sprout! December meeting on Tues- day night. when much Important bus. tum-'8 was lmnsacted. The Regent, Mrs Kearny, was in the chair and " good turn out was presot. Ills wife and five daughters surv vive him. Two ot We daughters are tuttrried am! living near. Health-z; these as chief Inuumers are this mother. at present in Durham lmspi. tal; five brothers and sisters: Wm., and Mrs Knight (Margaret). Dar. ham; Douglas of Eyebrow, Sash; Mrs (Dr.) Lorne Robertson. Strat. ford: (Mary) Mrs B. Tillman. Ctitt. tonviile, Wisconsin. We extend sympathy to all the mourners. The Sunday Schoo Chriulms Treo and Entertainment o Durhnm Pres. bytemm Church. wi be held on Thursday evening, De 22nd. in the schoolwom. Painful news last week maclml Wm. Munro and Mrs E. L Knight here, that their oldest brother Lair der, had passed away at his home at Eyebrow, Sask. on Dee. Ist, the cause as tar as can be wwtainm from a. telegram, being a utmku of paralysis. He was In his G2nd year. Lauder Is the tirgt break in the family of Mrs Munro and her hus- band, the late John A. Munro. who was prominent In early days here. While the upper section ot the Hall wlll not be eompleted ln thus for the Christmas season. owing in the main to luck of seating locomo- datlon. the basement will and ac- cordingly the I.0.D.E. are arrangIng for a dance, to be held on the new Mor during the Chrlstmus season. A committee was also appointed to curry on the “Christmas Cheer" de pelrnent, of the Chapter. case for the council ot that Town- ship to look in to. See our new pearl tone 'oilet Svln' in colors. These are the I est. D. C Town Mr H. Mooney and Mr and . rs. P. Mooney and family, ”sited at Mrs. W. Ritchie's the tirst of the week. Congratulations to Barrister Cami" bell Grant ot Walkerton. who was elected Monday as a member of the Council of that town. “and” Ind other: aid was ash-d tor on a. needy case in Gleuelx Tp., but It was decided this was rather a Mrs Rom. Keith. Dromore. was on erated upon In Durham Irrspttail lor appendictomy. Mr Geo. Kress, Toronto, was un from Toronto. seeing his father. Mr. Mike Kress. who is in a very poor condition of health. Mr Thos. Bell returned last uni: end to his home in (Renew. aflerlh" fall months spent in the Wesu-m harvest fields. He also visited "n route home, his brother, Rev. John Bell, at. Brookdale, Man, Mr Arch. Clements spent a few dang in Toronto last week. K. s. B. NP. 10. (Topclil) school IVE: Lauder h. Munro Dead COMING EVENTS TO THE FIRST 50 CUSTO. MERS buying $5.00 worth or over, we will give FREE one cot-sage bouquet. And many, many other bsautifui Gifts which yuu must see to 13;) ”cine. , McFadden 8 Drug Store Our traveling have shown so many thte gifts. that we couldn'i wfune buying. Now We have so mam nice thinqs we are Just piling them up. Perfume Atomizers French Ivogy Goods Perfumes, of all kinds Boxed Writing Paper Toilet Preparations Pearl Toilet Articles Safety Razors, all kinds Shaving Supplies Boxed Chocolates. Cigars in oft boxes B. MOBETH 'teel. Helpqu Suggestions BACK through the centuries Christmas has always been a time for the giving of presents-big or little thing to delight and (ladder: the hearts of children and their elders But where are the Christmas presents ol other ,eartr--the toys. the useful thing t Broken-men out-a-tten. Keep alive the spiritol your gift. Let it bring happiness and Contentment Iron year to rear-add a Royal Bank Saving Book to your list of Christmas presents Chm Frau“ Cour: on WWI“ Gitt M Puhmued Weekly at $2.00 I you In dance. To United am 82.50 1 you In advance. u. WE & ION. “but” REG. PRICE $1.00 STANDARD BANK The‘ngal Bank of Cénada Durham Branch - J. A. Rowland. Manager ta, Ward/l (ttore Christmas Sitta OF CANADA DURHAM BRANCH- W. A. Johnson. Mund- a M '9)“; This Equipment 5: is at your Disposal in abundance ad Mo For the Christmas Shopper HR Sultan"! Bunk is woulmwd T to make colloctions locally or through in net-ms in even (on ma city in MGR. This m-r- vice should be ot vulue to poll. The Collection Department of the Stand- ant Bank Otters you thr usisuucv m a. highly developed organization that In mum to a tine drttnstr in this all! Wt branch or businms practice. THE Fountain pent, .'.. 50c to $7.00 Out Glass Goblets, .34 per dog. Gift Tollet Sets,.... 50: to $7.50 Bond Stationery, .... Mk to $3 Boxed Chocolates,.. 50: to $5.00 Bond Cigars, ......2se to $3.00 Fancy China, Hand Batts, Per. fume Atomixers, Ivory Sou, Mil. itary Sets, Pipes, Kodak. am Books, Ilihlu.. Hymnnln, Satay Razors, Phonogrlpho and Ree. order. 9mm and 8min" DUBHA“

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