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Durham Review (1897), 8 Dec 1927, p. 4

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J. L. SMITH, M.B.. M.C. P.S omce, and residence. corfwaCruytju 'aJJL-n;ht;u GroGoite am Poet can own; hours : , to It mum. 1.30 to 4 p. m.. 7 to ' p. In. Sunday. excepted PBULTRY FAIR Mil SALE mus; CASH Geo. Campbell OWEN SOUND WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 ' 15 The "New Idea Store" Eyes Examined and Corrertor “a; mm on Munduy at tho- lmuh- ol Ottu" Hon": 2--6 St. m., 7-9 9.". Sim (‘ .\lht-lntyrn bwhen quit" it mum . . i wr m t e mum ers wow prn-n-ni. Sunday! excepted Tlte Mission study was read by ILss. ""'--'"-'"-"'"'"""'""-'l 'tttcr: Mrs Lediugham rum! rho __â€"â€"____-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_= wripturv, Prayer by throw of Mr 'r‘wmbe-rs [@10me A [em-r wad ruurl r.," from Mrs Reid. Mvalord. asking Hm! SOUND ‘ tho funds In» sent In by Jun. Shin. ' Tho Dornoch Women's lnslimw will ho held at the homo of MI,. ll. In I I.“ n. I r McCracken on Dec. lith. altars and retailer on hard to offer the Ir any quantity of c i205 otiered " those co DR. A. M. BELL mint: bu ‘ino " clhys pa rising of arr Atooeitittiott. _ C. RAMAGE & SON. Editor and Pro- Melon. the Durham- amnion! On thu sumo day Renfrew vuted on the sauna quostion and though it Paw r majority. ft fell short of tht, thrm' tttths by Ht votes, so will ro- "min drv. Other places are agita- ing. for a vote and it looks as if m.- quuor Control Act may gain sonn- strength. Tho- Provincial Teasury Ps gt-tlin: full glnd so an- the jails it is ram-L ml. During tlw sun-n months tho L. C. A. has been in oporutlon thr' r-r- unno- has been benetitted by $3.3m. mm. Handitry is increasing and Tor. onto police want 600 additional mm on their staff to cope with lawless- ness. Are wt, wrong in concluding that above conditions spring from causp and effect t Goldsmith was right when he said: _ . “ill fares the land to hastening ill'nt Among plums adopting early Dec-E ember elections are: Ben'inck. Sin»: Poe. orunttevilie. Leaside, (fungal Cornwall and others. Mayors wen-i elected in Walkerton, Wingham, Rat- nia. Orampwille, London. Hatttiitotr,l Kingston, Georgevown, Itranttsrrd. etc, Wt. venture to predict there Wm he, more next year. i, “all. Monday last voted to haw- a liquor store "stablished thew. A threetifths vote is required and 'hoy had 1:2 over that requirement. Slaw 1910 the city has Mon 'dry' and rum- it must be 'considered among tire 'wets.' . Out at 29 polling places. all but three- gave majorities for. sothr, Scotch city wlll likely get Its liquor store. prey Who-n wealth accumulates and Hon decay." Th" llarguvul home was a swam-or imuwitttrrttt on Thursday noon win-n 2s Irlvmls sat down to a fowl Ilinnvr in honor ot Mr and Mrs Will Dar. tmvel. All enjoyed therusolres till late in the allemoon. Mr and Mrs Jack Lowe and mmily. stpvnl a few days with friend: at “munch and also visited with Mr and Mrs Who. Kinghurst and In! for Niagara Falls Sunday afternoon. Tho Women's Missionary mwvinr “as held on Monday at the hum.- of Just to hand a large assomnvm of MEN'S, LADIES' a CHILDRENS SWEATERS from. . .. $1.60 to $5.50 For all kinds sf new Fruits for your Christmas Baking. Pure Wool and Fleece lined Under- Wear in Single Garments and Com- binaCons, from "s...... 65e to $2.00 Fl ANNELETTE AND PPR}: worn, BLANKETS PANTS, OVERALLS a SMOCKS --- .5155 to $2.45 .... F....... ..r-.. (‘ull and saw my Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Extra special why as I must have reduced stock. Also Nuts and Candy at right priccs A gran variety of work shirts. also Mom's. Sox and Hosiery. J!ritMiti'gtiit'MNit' 8llllllWti's STORE RR BARGAINS and Lemon Peel, 30c lb. Fresh Raisins & Currants mac: Cherries, Mc a lb Choice Xmas Nuts, 25c lb Choice Xmas Candy Grapes, 2lic a lb Oranges at varied prices Freshly Drained Grange Christmas Lines PHONE 139 The UPPER TOWN GROCERY DECEMBER ELECTIONS W75. BRIGHAM J. C. HOWELL .‘lidduugh Block DORNOCH CONTROL ACT Nor "”9 To the tPeet of Balm Ladies and G tie-men: My hearty t 3h are due to you, for the very ' ', support you gave me on Months! lain. placing me at the head ot the poll. It will be my aim and count t endeavor in all that concerns 0 townahlp. to moril this eontideggee b earnest underarm to advance its int ests..as far “my efforts and abilltle can do. I hope increased Interest ll be manifested by all ratepayers o township qua" tlons so that your rvams on tho council may feel " ulatml to ilo their Very beat. . Again thanking y ' I am, yours, (or Prvice. ALEX. H IONS Wishing yo all the complimenvsof the season a d prosperity throw!!!- out the comm year. Your bediom servant. H. W. HUNr To the Eluctor of Blintlnvk Town, ship Ladies and Ge bsmen: Ladies and Ge .lomen: Allow me to xpress to the many friends who so oyolly supported and worked for me, uy sincere thanks. We Int up a cl an tight and though defeated. l have 0 regrets for unv- thing I have don . either during the campaign or duri gmy term of office. 8incwtely yours. D. J. MaloNALD To the Elceltfrs f Bentinch Town, ship Ladies and Gentle on: Although not a vi or in the rnr-nm contest. I wish to stneereiy thank my many friends, ho so well sup ported and worked r me last Mun- day. Wishing you the \ompllmenls of the season. FORM m. ---PHYSICs. l Geo. McCulloch loo pc-r ct., Eisivi Kvarney 8:5. Vern Mountain lid, Fran-l ces McArthur M, Item McFadden <1] I). Arnett 62, Helen Melulitttt F, (Li Baird 60. Maude Kelsey 60, Flotvttreei Bailey 55, Eunice Moon 55, Prod Vol- lett 55. Janie Traynm' G,",, l-Illom Mar. shall 50. Mary Brown trr, It. Tinianov H. Norma Gagnon 45. It. Milan: 45,l Kenneth Wilson IG, Fllstro Wiliis 35.l Elizabeth Hind M. Claitw ilowo 25.. Blanche Murdock 25, C. Anderson I?.' Class average, 52 per cent. i FORM II. - COMPOSITION. l H. Harding 90, G. Noble 85, Plan, Ritwo NR. V. MacLean 75, W. Smith 75, H. Clarke 73. G. Glass T3, Dorothy Pickering 72, N. McIntyre 72, Fran-(i MacArthur 70, A. Taylor 70. G. Hay' To, Roy Wiggins 69. C. Mitchell tci,) A. Bell 67, T. Bull 67. R. McGirr 07.1 M. Noble 67, C. Traynor 67. H. Ryan 66, E. Baird M, D. Ritchie 65. L. Rrvay i 65, G. McCrae M, N. Low» 65, nor. Robinson 64, N, Burnett iii. C. Mac-, Loan 64, M, McFadden lit, A. Ritchie (H. E. McGiilirray 63. l. Allan 63. 14.. Hopkins 62. L. Whitmore 61. Jean lienwick for, l). Firth 60. G. LN"lly; 59. L. Bell M, M. Armstrong 59, Hr, Wilson fitt, ', Rz-sults of Examinations held Nor entber Nth. 1927. FORM ID- LATIN. c. Mitchell 95, M. McEaehrsrtt Sm, I. Twamlpy XS, K. Mervyn Ill. M. Stormy 32. E. T'unkuu. 're, J. Melton- ald TR, T. Milligan 77, J. Styles 76, R. Willis 74. R. Ilenwick 65, V. Nolole 62, G. McKechnio (il, W. MiddlnMn 50, F. Murdock 55, It. MacArthur il. J. Schutz 36, A. Turnhull, absent. Class average, 70 per cent. M. Cox-lea M, N. Kelsé: l-‘Alkingham 90, o. Burn Htnd 88. G. Becker 88. J. v. Armsm-ong x5, J. Fun-o Greenwood H2. L. Jacques lam 77. J. irendetreon fox'. son 67. l. Jamieson fil, ll. M, L. Brigham CCI, G. Edd) liott 22. Class avm‘ugv. TI Question: Why is emul- sified cod-Iiveroilso won- derful a food- tonic for young girls and women ? Answer: Because it abounds in nourishing fac- tors that are particularly beneficial to people prone to anemia and other con- ditions due to malnutrition. Keep ypur system vitamin. ttm't EMULSION Durham High gehool THE DURHAM REVIEW Cards of Thanks FORM I LESSON No. 19 ROBT. (mucusox of Bentittch Township A - LATIN Kelsey M, p, Burnett W. V 88. J. Clark Sr :llconvr 3’) M. Coll Jamimr per c Mr and Mrs Burrows Smith, Dv- trait. motored over and spent a. few days with their parents, at Holstein and also at 'Bonnie View Farm' In“ week. Mr and Mrs Wm Rahn. Hanowr. visited mcemly with Mr and Mrs. Bert Rahn. . Mr Thos. Fulton is nursing two or three mangled fingers these days. having the misfortune to get tanglod up operating a gasoline engine. A lew or our local sports down cast are motoring to Guelph this week to be present at the Winter Fair. It is reported on good authority, that Mr Alex McLean bought the Derby farm and takes possession in the Spring. We are sorry to loselhe name Derby from one of our flttest farms in Normanby. Mr and Mrs Jas. Smith and their daughters Ruth and Lyla of Holstein, visited with Mr and Mrs MByers on Tuesday. Miss Islay McKechnio and pupils are busy preparing for the school concert which is to be held the ex"- ening of the 2lst. Mr Wm Crutchley. new“. is a visitor at the parental home at pres- ent. Mr and Mrs S. Koenig and family, were the guests of Mr and Mrs And.. rew Fulton recently. Mist Barbara Marshall, Durham, visited a few days with her friend, Mrs A. Thompson. Miss Beth MacGillivray spent the week end with her friend, Catharine McLean. Mr Wm Hill is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs George Searles. Guelph. Messrs Harold McKechnle and Ice Crutchley are in attendance at tho U F o. Convention held in Toronto this week. Mr Earl Vessie made a business trip to Toronto this week. Mr Sterling Miller, Durham, is spending tl few days with his brother here. Mrs D. Wilkie is visiting the Hes, 1irtfarttil,v at Glenroadin at present. The U.P.W.O. held their monthly meeting at the homeot Mrs Geo Nob lo, when there was a. very good at- tundance. The resolutions that arnto comp bolore the convention were dis- cussed. Mrs D. Lamb being the delrs Rate to represent the club. After the business section was over the meet- ing was closed by God Save the King. after which lunch was servod. The mm meeting will be held at the home ot Mrs It. Lawson.. NO. :2. GLENELG_ Ar, H'wlsszel Firth. Mary Anderson Alva (:r-“vnit'oml. Jr IV-Viola Nev!) Olive Allen. Adeline MoNally. Iluby Staples: Sp HI-Margaret Firth. Jr. IIl--itxlon Cwenwood. Willie (Hen- n-oss. Agnes Anderson, Jimmy Cos, Jim Bell. Sr "--Jeatt F'irth, Mary Allen. Hmold Greenwood. Jr H-AI. mla Stank-s, \l'm..Scheurman. Crettisao Sclleurman. Jr i-Margaret Edge, Coc‘l Anderson. Henry Williams. EZO. ll, BENTINCK Sr iv--3icily Hopkins'. Maudol’ic- lien', Rita VolIntl‘. " IV-Clara- Ritchie. Amen-1 Manto’. Jim Arm- strong', Raymond Hopkins. Jr lit-- Fred Itos1eborough', Wilhelaminu Manto', Irvine Mountain. Alfred by e, hurls Dyer", Dawson Vollen',nnd Gordon Dyer, equal. Jr II-Suit Dyer". Freda Ritchie, Daniel ttatt- “yen". Freda Ritchie. Daniel Arm- y'r'm. Smith Hopkins. Ist class--- Ellu vollett'. Margaret Murdock. Sr Pr. --rllatt Hiscox, Elmer Noble, Mil- ton Manto*. " Pr.-WOeltotttte Hopkins, Ernest Murdock. Pr A - Catherine Dyer. . means present ov- pry day. Average attendance. 25. E. W. Petty, teaeluar . stands for irregular attendance Sr m-Clarence Vickers 333. Erma Migbton 203, Albert Riemann Itra, John Monanum IOP, Stanley Sprung it:,", Cordon Ihunt TP. Jr IIr--Don- r’! Anderson. Henry Averagi- attendance, Hazel Bt NO. 6 DENTINCK (MELON?) ROCKY SAUGEEN SCHOOL REPORTS HAMPDEN mo ARCHIVES TORONTO zol Beaten. to :30 aid Walker 205, Harold Sprung 263. Eddie McDougall 153', Cameron Mc- Dougall 110'. Sr Ii-Roy Brunt HE". " H-Levi Riemann IIR'. Sr I-cross don Vickers 100. Jr I--oeorte l'or- ter 59, Frank Sharp? (P. Sr. Primer Laili, Violins 1oi. Carmen Hopkins 102, Elsie Blemann 67'. " Primer - Kenneth McCuaig 4S. Berinnors--r?r ih' {my mmwmxmmmwa l. W. McKechttie, leachvr Sr tv-au-" Quilllnan, Man-2n. at Eddy, Willlo Quilllnnn. Jr l\' Evelyn Hear-(h. Sr m--_'liattuil Ilnnn. Mama-l Black. Jr Ill Hm elyn Haley, Henry Mammy. ll A'Iin ton Haley, Catherine- O'Neil. In“... ttttret Harrison. Vincent MrKrur'.sn Mary Haley. Pr.--Mtuo lurk-mu; Donald O'Neil. Buy yo clocks wltero HIV) mm In remind. " shipment m sum“ fancy clock Juyt arrived-tee.", i 812.60, Absoikly zuammo-ml. D. c. Tov.v In loving mory of Janet Jo' man, who di . 6th. 1926. 'God called her owe. it was Hi, v But In our he she livmh still Her memory's in as sweet mu” As in the hour b' passed away" --Niece Thoma vnl SEP. NO. T, GLENHLU Kmhloen McMillan, 1.1. "l l\ MEMORIAM H i E W322? . IS Gust L Get our 5’: goods. it Lerchiei China. I Ties. Fr children Also kc Christmas . :~ Fruit. Shellt‘ KARSTED We are Prepared [ for the Christmas. Trade In th costume the par; ways " We wa to Thun NI GOODS D New tl ”ENHTM The h TAS JOHN DEC. 8, [9:17 S. likllR "

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