West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1928, p. 5

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'tat a Wm “In" saw-d. pw-I and It; Star 'In. In Alt It Morrr P march My was up from " In“ t m " Rt can!!! md Ilsa le MISS I handed me. who 'ir m; M sou. I cloth” has up _ewilnagrt many " ) com. nts manta. I Enbk _ a tarm. Mook ks TO Pa per Id. Ind Mid mas. to. Mich parents all M tt rt.. all. Rober . Miss Dixon Philip atur, WI. b wat." an! ht TH In f it} " l o " Get our Price before you Sell your Wheat l .. as I intend buying Wheat ttt ON. try the Carl“ m C3005 DELIVERED IN TOWN EV ERY DAY. PHONE No. t, DAY OR NIGHT PRICEVILLE & GuNEUI Custom Chopping Every Day Royal I Iona-Nd Flour per batt Mal-stir. Plour. per has ... " ('annda Flour. per has... Kim: Edward Flour. per has Peed Flour. per his ...... Pastry Flour. :1 lb has ... Pilot “our. per bag ....... Manic Ira! Flour. per tog. 311mb: Pruie Flour. per his Best Quaiity of Flour & Feed BLATCHFORO'S GALE. Pitt AND POULTRY FEEDS. A!” GUNN'S BIG 60 BEEF SCRAP AND POULTRY FEEDS. PRICEVILLE 6.6.3: Extends to Friends and Patrons, Best Wishes for a Happy s, Prosperous New Year an dosing scene ot my exist. '. F. tMo has taken a turn and ol merry-making " my birth. "r,tar'tst Marts you have (our mum: is outlot at the closet)! .. v,- new. During my 12 months 'uhwrg and mothers. sons and 'r, Hid in their nan-ow beds .2~)'»rvnv cornetertet, all over 'd Anl now my young suc- wm; say: l come, I come a- [ uw'vt you. I come to sing my "" - .mnx.’ And as the Psalmist rt"' a ihousand years In Thy rr but as yesterday, or awateh OLD AND TH! NEW VIM! p, J. A. Inbound unis has posted any. sm'uy passe- by; =l pilgrim now may say rfhz you: me drawing nigh' “I when! of time has again 41‘] on this Sltlrlhy Mt. . rwcomber, 1927, we be" " the rum"! procession of the .r'" Its sentient: Is withthe '. of its predeeessortr, tt took ' L with an uroplane swift- .: varrswelt to the thousands I'm whom Its pilot - weep- "... paw-d “on; To one. be JOHN McGOWAN H EN0EltS0N'S BAKERY T HE PEOPLE’S MILLS " enjoyed my Mum Par. war ago and now you are. :4. do the use celebrating 'lulay of my new! To mam): Ton enjoyed Gl mm a whole family gather "hrate it one rear ago. and olcht. Dee.. 3hst, 1927. we :urbing the passing of the and as the big clock of -: 12, " cannot discern : of tho dying rear any We solicit your patronage. We handle the JA N. 6, I928 “and sell them at Reasonable Woes. d F'loar W, bag ”5: Screenings ....$33.00 per ton r. pm- 'I',',', ”.135 Chopped one. per 100 lbs 1.6; mt, per g... .25 . ' r Flour, per bag 4.00 Crimpad Oats, por100ttrs H? per bag ...... 2e.sl Strong Chop. per 100 m: 1.6-.) 2t tb bag ... 1.00. Crimpod o1t1 per ton.. 33.00 let' bag ....... 4.30; Oat Chop, per ton ..... 33.00 'lour. per bag. 4.CC, Mind Chop, per mm... 33.00 Flour. Der ban: 4.eGl (man's Tankage. 100 ttrs 8.60 rpm-bag 4-753 bag ....4.25 1 'bag... 4.254 perbeq IM) l ;...... 2.251' bag ... 1.00,‘ ....... 4.3031 er bug. 4.75“ not has 6.25% Two hundred acres in Glenelg town- ship, being lots 7 and 8, con. 13. On this property is a good frame house and bank barn. with outer buildings. Plenty of water, good orchard: seven miles from Markdlie. This is a splendid crop farm. Witt be sold cheap. with very easy terms. Apply to Mrs Neil Livingstone, R. R. 2, Holland Centre. Ont.. or Albert Livingstone, Durham To friends far oi Gtriar. at hand. angling; from their old friends are extended and that they any on- Joy Me's comforts during the New Year, with long lite and prosperity added, Is our wish. Those debuted from attending DI- trine wonhlp yesterday in the various branches ot the Christian churches on the birthday of the New Year. on account of the epidemic cry rm er. perience deep regret. and as it ls said that the prayers of the righteous te vaileth much. so the united pron-r.» ot all Christian brethren will betth the Great Protector will protect all the citizens of a certain locality and town near by from dangers seen and unseen. blow. Mixed with sleet and snow; " drove the old year right ahead. To be buried with kindred dead. more than we could yesterdny. The dying year reminds us of the passing ot the and in giving a backward look, It’s only as noonume yesterday when any were privileged to cole- brate the birthday of the year now enrolled on the history of the past. tho north east the wind did now it can be and FAR! F03 SALE TI'ESDAY, JAN. 17, 1928 Farm Stock, Implements and House hold Furniture ot ISAAC H00PER, LOT M. CON 3, S.D.R., GLENELG Sale at 1 o’clock . No reserve. Bee Bills. GEO. DUNCAN. Auctioneer ‘ The darkness descends Prom the wings of the night. And the mist is encircling The steep mountain height. The friends 01' my childhood Have from me been torn. Alone to this valley The; have left me to mount. Tito birds among the branches Aro leaping with joy: ‘Mong the sweet budding spray The offspring around them, Are happy and gay: But mine have by (lentil All been taken away. My brow now is furrcWed And shaded with gloom : For my heipmace once cheerful ls laid in the tomb. And three little Children--.. Our joy and reward. Now sleep in the churchyard, Beneath the green award When Winter’s stern tyrant Makes all things look bare: To a kindlier climate The songsters repair. - Returning when Summer Decks valley and lea. No seasons can e'er bring My friends hark to me. The homes of our fathers Are bleak and decayed, And cold is the hearth Where in childhood we played. Where the hungry was fed, And the weary found rest, The fox has his lair And the owl hath her nest. No herd boy's shrill whistle is heard in the vale, No milkmald in gloaming Hies out with her pail: Where oft I have heard Her sweet song of the fold. Her rich golden ringlets, How tair to behold. The chamber is silent No harper is found To waken the echoes From slumbers profound. The lad, once so buoyant, in innocent mirth Oppression has raft Prom the land ot their birth. Success to the living And peace to the dead, The gloaming of life Now encircles my head. m tho grave l'll soon rest With the friends gone before, Where sorrow and pain . Shoil oppress me no more. town students. will present their med- ical teertitleatet, or successful vac-ch» anon " the High School tor inspee, tion, from , to 4 am. on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd. _ - Where conveniently possible, Dur. ham High School pupils espechlly The Lament of the Aged Gael Mr. Editor, I am sending you fora change the above poem takrrn froma song book presented to me by the Editor dating back to Christmasi910 and New Year 1911. The Editor was then in the prime of life. although noun the worse of the passing years. The writer was 17 or 18 years young- er himself and wonders how tithe» mes. Again wishing the Editor and staff and many readers far and near, and a" over the Dominion the hap. plest. time during 1928. Some of us are wondering where the cut came in last year. A " duh "ease just before the election. follow- ed by the institution of drivers' per- mits where there was a. large tam. ily, the cost of these permits pneu- cally amounted to the license cut and now there is to be no decrease this year. The govvrnmenl is strong and an election not Bear. So why should they worry if they are not getting a square deal in this regud. We all enjoy the pioneér writings of the veteran correspondent for Gtenelg. Long may he be spared to give we younger ones that connect. ing link with the past. No cut in automobile licenses this year, the Governmest announces. To you, Mr Editor and to tut Rev. lew readers, may this New Year be happy and prosperous and may good fortune be your constant companion. A Happy New Year. with the times. Artemedn voted on Monday foritg 192R Township omchls. Every seat 13 being contested Ind a merry fight Is on. No uninteresting acclanw dons in Anemesla with two running tor Reeve, tour for deputy and tive tor Council Cattle are higher in price than for some time past. Add the hog whats described as the mortgage lifter is so low in price-wen, that we Just don't talk about it. We Just grin and future. (Translated trom Gaelic by Floanu) ARMIA SOUTH look 1928 on your letterheads now, now that you are keeping up AUCTION.SALE "dng for better days in the J. A. ROBE. Principal NOTICE J. A. McDonald ed to Grey Co. and he received his schooling at Bum-sun school, not ar from the town of Durham. He came West in 1910. then went hacK East for the winter and returned bright and early next Spring to be- gin homesteadlng in north western Saskatchewan. The land he took up was chosen in 1910. Since then Mr. Dullield has bow!) living and doing iirse development work in the Paradise Hill country. He is a successiul tar. merand reputed to be one of the "Every mnn for miles and mile»; to: round knows John MacArthur. He. buys cattle. runs a farm and can do more _ things at a time and set through with them successfully than any other cattle man in the north.' Mr MacArthur comes from Grey co.,l having Been brought up on the Price-i ville Road. east ot Durham. He has been in the West for years and has done well. He located in the Pora. dise Hill country years ago and l thinks there is no other stretch nil territory in the province that canyiel with it. Mr MacArthur and Gordon Chouinard of Cleeves are in partner-l ship in the cattle business and both men are highly respcted. What eith-l er does not know about buying and selling hoseies and bollocks is not) worth knowing. He owns 480 acres; of good land and is a typical Bcottl knowing how to get possession oil property and afterwards exercising! care in the holding of same. He lsa pioneer of the Paradise Hill district,i having come there in 1910. He is' Vice President ot the Paradise Hill' Farmers' Development Association. He has always been active in (ll':.,'))) good cause having tor its objective: the opening up or the North. Mn] MacArthur ships his cattle front', Cleeves and Spruce Lake. Thousands' of head go out of this tine cattle! country every year. He is an uncle of Mr Archie Duffield, who like Mr.' MacArthur. came west from Buttes- san. Grey Co., Ont. Like practically every other citizen in the district he is a Liberal and does not care who! knows it." This is about 'Archie' DuMeld: I "Mr Archie A. Dullleld is a farmer in the Paradise Hill portion ot thei North. Archie was born at Grami' Rapids. Mich. Later his parents may-I best organizers in the country whenit comes to getting anything like a rail- way or some other community Irene. tit. . . Mr Dumeld is President or the Par. adise Hill Farmers' Development As, sociation. He farms 320 acres. When the railway gets into Leciair he ex- pects to develop more fully his ngen- cy for Canadian Pacific Rallwaylands and also his agency mr tire, hail, tornado and life insurance. His ag- ency for threshing machines. tract- or: and Massey Hands implements will at the same time come in for more energy and thought, He wants to build up a business in each of these lines that will contribute to the advancement of the district and at the same time pay tor the amount ot time and trouble expended upon it. five him a little time and he will do t." Through the columns of the Review Mrs John McLean. Pricevillc, wishes to express her warm thanks sad so predation to the following people, for their kindness and treatment to her, during her severe sickness. Stu, states in her letter that she thinks the qualities of these people should be better known and " is nico to think she lives in the midst of such Christian people: Mrs Frank Reilly (who served me with a dainty lunch before going to hospital): Mrs Mather and daugh- ter; Mrs Farquhar McKinnon. Miss Maimie Stothart, Mrs Robt Canker. Misses James, Mrs Donald Mensch- lan, Mrs Hector McLean (N.L),Mrs Jno. McMeekin. Mrs Angus MeViear, Mrs Arch McKinnon (Top Cliif),Mrs Malcolm McLean, Mrs Alex McEach- ern, Top Clitt, Mrs Wm Aldcorn.Miss Mary A. McLean, Mrs anley. at Wingham. Mrs Roy Gibson of Turin to, Mrs McFarlane ot Arthur; Mrs. Thos Nichol, Mrs Nichol of Toronto: I'_.. I" .- -- _ Mrs R. McEachern, Mm Kate McAr. thur. Mrs Dan Campbell. Mrs Rama. dell ot New York; Mrs Arch. McAr- thar, Mrs Cameron Smellle. Mrs. Charlie McKinnon. l We wlll buy a limited amount ot maple. elm. beech and birch logs. Apply at omee or to Mr D. Kinnee, Durham Furniture Co. Ltd. Apprecuales Kindness Shown The Durham U. P. o. Live Btoet “mum-n will ship mock from On ham. on Tuesdays. Slum" " " querted to ttive “In. lata' 00000. For-ct 'a Ernie: git Publicity in 'Battlefotil News The Review in his: week's issue. referred, to the epoch! edition pre- pared by the North Bottieford News, showing the extension and growth and improvements of North Battle- ford and its environs. In this big Lumber, there are pages devoted to the welfare ot nearby downs and in many cases n‘shot't 'write-up' ot the principal citizens. Ot these placen.‘ the Cleaves District receives a place and John hit-Arthur of this certain district, as Well as Archie Dumeld at Parndise Hill. For the betteht of our readers who may not be Informed as to the "who'rwho" cf these gentle- mn, we are going to explain. John McArthur is a brother or Mrs Joseph Firth of Upper Town, and a. broth-er of Mr' Don MacArthur of the Glen. While Archie DutBield is a nephew of ot the latter two personage; Here is how the 'Newi writes them up: “P110! YO VARXEBG Ms. LAWRENCE. out.” THE DURHAM REVIEW L068 WANTED i .A new distillery tor wine: and ‘brandies to be built M. t9tuatta---Prtyt PMI. June 4th: The Kuckenhnlmo-r Distiller-lea of Canada to build a new ,Dlstillery at Kitehener,--ie Press. ;Juuo 6th: Hunks Lear Brewing Co., waking to (stnbiish new brewery in C'aatham--Border Cities Star. Juno '11: Canada Gazttte Innouncus $209. i000 brewing and export compnnv or- ganizing: at La h3ailsx---Jlordrvr Cities, Aug, Ili: New 6rewery to in: oreetpd (in Peterboro, under tite charter and renewed license of the defunct Cal. ftutt Brewing & Malling Co., (Juanita temperance petition to the contrary: Carling Brewing Building Addition. .840,00th-Mtut & Empire Aug. 19th. We understand that a waleroom or bravor's store of this kind will be opened at Wlarton and Walkerton. An unexpected development is the opening ot brewery warehouses all over the province. It appears that a license to make and sell strong beer gives the brewers the privilege ot selling at their warehouses beer by the case or by the bottle and Ware- houses may be established anywhere. in etteet they um nothing more or less than beer stores and of course. the brewers are establishing ware. houses wherever they will pay. Theses may be opened right alongside gm- ernment stores and will compete with them for the beer trade. Whiskey may not be sold in this way. Think of the vast amount of mote ey that is being put into this liquor business and there is nothing more certain that in " or 15 years from now the whole business will be wiped out. Conditions which bought prohib- ition before will bring it about a- ttaim The white people ot this rou- tinent will not stand for excessiw‘ drttnkenes.s. But, with all these tutttdtede,. of thousands of dollaralnvested in brew- cries, dlstlllorles, wnrerooms and all the equipment necessary to the trade, what may be expected ? In the first pines adesperate struggle. These men will tuttt for the buslness and for their property: and when the) see. defeat comlng they cry for com- pensation. If they are to be deprived of their business and the value of their property destroyed, theyshould be pald for it---so they will say. W9ll,thalr present pmsperlty is due to a luw apparently supported by public opinion and it that opinion changes and demands another law, which will destroy the brewing and distilling business, We do no see that there will be any grounds for com- pensation. They know. or ought to know, the. chance they are taking. They have not paid the province for the prosperity it has given than and they should get nothing Winn that property is taken away.--Lucto now Sentinel. 3min ”NW: Referring to activities or Claudiun' industrial Alcohol. Walkers Limited, Gooderl'nm & Worts and Seagramswl Mail & Empiro, Aug, 12, tstates-l 'Those who haw a knowledge of what these companies are doing mtg the moment believe they will have no ditticulty in piling up a volume of business approximating $6,000,000; Re Carling Brearerieg-"It is the 0'. pinion of the management that (no, volume of business over the ensuing‘ " mos. should be at least 1,500,000' etuyea."--Mail & Empire, June 14. Rel, Lake Ontario Brewing Co. - “The: month of July is said to have estatr-l iiahed a. record earning peak in the? Company’s history." The shares rose) to over $80 per share, a 20 per cont: advance over the original Ttrico."---; Kingston Whig, Aug. 31. i Hundreds of thousands of Ameri. can magazines are sold to Canadian homes eaoh month. The ave-manna is 25e per copy, or $3 a. year. Com. pare that with a worthwhile Canad- ian publication. combining a weekly newnpaper covering the world's news, a family magazine with which few.” any. of the Me monthly magazines can compare in supplying t-verymem- To Show how thes beer trrihririatitt whiskey distllllnx Maine“ is nour- ishing and expandlng in _0ttur1tt un- der Governruvnt Cottirot-or more properly .Gowrnment Sun. the “H- oncer" collected the (chairing brief statements. manly headiines.sttltitt rem-m weeks: "may fuvera1, la 1 lake, chasm 12.. w 1 Question f Why do growing children, partie. ularly girls, need emul. sifed cod-liver oil? Answer: Growing chil- dren, and particularly girls, need vitamin-rich nourish. ment to help them through critical “use: of extreme, tax on their SiTri't EWJLSIBH ii VALUES COMPARED LESSON No. 16 l Once upon a. time-attd not very :long age-there was brother and [sister who haul a friend. A wry ‘special friend tw was who told them! ‘stories about men who flew through" the skies over far tlung 5mm: it; ', the earth: of boys and girls who', ill-d thrilling and mysterious maven-1 Ctures: of others who had moat un- ’usual situations confront them, yat 'managed to come through their tests! (with steadfast and mnuragvous hearts: I '0! wild animals in Joop tuturtes---i lhow they lived, hunted and died.; 1 Such a host of things did their good : ffrlend tell them of, and how inter- 1eatingly he told them I g i Came the time wheat their fri,ntd moved away to another town. Broth-f ‘er and sister were saddened by bits' Egoing. tor they know they would: .misa his cheery smile and the “my derfut stories and amusing nttet"i, idotea he Wu so fond of telling them; Then one day the postman brought; them a letter trom their friend. in; lwhlch he told them he was sending: :them the Youth'a Companion so that} they would not forget htm. and that! in it they would and Nat the sort or, istorles they had so much tmloynd‘ hearing. him tell. l ' And sure enough, a day or tuul later the magazine arrived and tt,)2'1lNmlflilAligl ther and sister round that it truly! did have Just such wonderful stories! 1-1.] GM of adventure 3nd sport and mystt-ry,‘ ' and Just such Jokes us they loved sci fwell. And every time that a 1'iciSCllBDtDh number ot the Youth's Companion? .arrived, they wrote a note to their ‘friend and told him how much plvna- Intending WI! would that" In gun the magnum gave them. "e,',','.,',','.' "S',tr2'te'gut', use ; You, too, may hum Just that same . "It ipleuure. or give that pleasure. My" obtained from the Fundy“. amounts of atrutrseription to the Youtli's‘ EM?" member of the m i I Companion. Subscribers will receivet University graduate tutd an "w. il. The Youth's Compauuon-12 idi/,rr,,2"ttga,, (to , monthly issues in 192% ami i Juan“ to tnl") at ' I I 2. Two extra numbers to new mil»; The School u t m s scribe!!! ordering within so days. he tue up the At',',',',',':"',,', 'Se I All for only " l Th School m 1oqrtng mmf 3. The Companion's new book of har' tn "I: put Which "d have. to”. i1"C,'?toLf?y,? MP""." SEN?” alsol; an: In the future. Funeral of " Waiter Evil: Visitors from a (nuance to attettd the hat rites were J. D. Kennedy and son. Alex Kennedy, all of Toronto. W. B. Todd, Rochester, N.Y. :Mar- amt McCon, Pelmlm: John Me Munus, Wyoming. Pillow from Glen]: Centre Bap- tist Church; spray trom Mr and Mrs Edward Lindsay, Egremonl; Mr and Mr and Mrs John Marshall, Durham; Mt and Mrs Ted Duds. Toronto; wreath from any staff ot General Post omce, Toronto: Todd family of Cleveland. Ohio: spray, Mr and Mrs Geo. Stewart; spray of roses, Miss Jennie Ewing, Owen Sound: spray. Miss A. C. McPhnll, M.P.; mam trom brothers and .i,ml.sters'. torPy from husband. The pill bearers were thee broth- ers of deceased. J. D., Chis. H. and Alex; J. McManus. Cam. Kennotly, (nephew) and N. A, McQueen (bro ther-in-law). In View of the result of the elm:- tion top Reeve of Glenelg, it becomes me to any "Thankyou' wry tsincerely for the one support you "Ye me to the Read: chair. it will be my mm to prove worthy of the honor by do. ing everything possibln to advance the interests of our good township. at home 3nd It County Council. Whining you for 1329 happiness and prosperity. The funeral ot the late In Walter Ewing. Buncsnn. on Friday Inna?“ largely attended by both young and old, in the section and beyond It, to pay the last tribute ot respect mane who had moved In nod out won; the people or that district and who are now going to miss "the touch ot the vanished hand." Rev. Wm Spencer ot Glenelg Cen- tre Baptist Church, had chute “the services at house and gave. Many Menutlful floral tributvs were placed on and around the who! and ex- pressed sympathy. They were: monthly Issue: in 19'.'.rt aud 2. Two extra numbers to new sub- scribers ordering within 30 days. All tor only 82. 3. The Companion'. new book of hu, mor “1001 One Minute Stories' also included FREE (89nd 10c to vmcr mange and handling.) .. THP, YOUTH'S COMPANION .. S N Dept., Boston, Mass. Subscriptions received It this oftiee To the Electors of Glenelg Township Ladies and Gentleman: her of the many grid and nuns. with the very purest and New “venture. short and germ stories. and hundreds of other feature. that interest every member or the family and an agricultural ions-ml vastly, paper and lent every week, inatqad ot monthly, to the reader. " the small cost of $1 . yen for the 5:15- sues. instead of " for twelve. The Family Herald and Weekly Stu of Montreal is the puma-non referred to. the greatest dollar’s worth tothe Continent. Why not patronize home industry ? Brick house, property of Inn Dan McDonald. Also piano In good eon- mum. May be teen " In P. mm. Apply to A. C. Home. 723 Vaughn Rd., Tomato For piano apply to In"!!! u Mo Donald, 017 Delaware Ave., Toronto me. are Included tn one his " pug superior to] any pawl-y agricultural CARD OF THANKS THE WISE FRIEND TORONTO FOR SALE I am sincerely, T. J. BRODIE "onion annual of to... u i an: mum of deal... "a1'llh'ig'a',tt, at! '/,,,hrtl, 'um-au of Dental "tidiGGG -"e -- "3.6.3:; will... om. 1 &lrrtmTrmmtGGeiia Tho Science that addPLife to Lleenud Auctioneer for My M Sales taken on renown R Date: arranged " Harald once,“ date, use through Durham Revlon-l Flesherton Af"er Geo. m m J. L. SUIT". tLIL. " " Odie: and reliance. Ween“. Ind Luau-n. opposite old Pan-0.3: oncehom:0tolln.n.. who an. 7 to Dan, mm IMS. C. a. All) DURHAM Ot Lunbton St. a c. C. Middhbro’ J, Rectum»: Phone 607 w:_c. ”exams, nos. L08 HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Ugh my; Graduate My.) Cotltrrrqtp' Surgeons. Dentistry tn All It: In. tttteg. OtBee, East of Central Drug “on Elm-moo on mu Street. Mr. , are. EM and cm We. Hog": '-6..m.. '-" 5.; your: And you: to life. Call nttd loo 3. Con-luau M In Durham Tm mm m Llcenud Amniotic" hr Co. of On, Terms, reasonable. 8.10 dues - be unused It the new!" on thy town and soon on be obtained at MAIN STREET. MIDDLEBRO' & MCQUARRIE I. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. (indium of Toronto Um (8mm to the In. Dr. Blah) HONEY POI one Good honey at $1.00 per " but] WM. A. MaeDONALtt, Countess St, Dunn: Durham " nu utmctlve and but. A Bright and Happy New Year GEORGE E. DUNS" McQuarrie will be nil My My In Dundnlk. Gnome. Untveeattr of I" J. E We. n.3, . OR. c. IcLELLAI t H2 JOHN O'IEIL 0R.A.M.IELL BESSIE MoGlLLlVMY John MorrMoo, OM .M h o. Phono " r " Barristers, etc. to All OWEN MD 868 2nd Am I. "

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