West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1928, p. 6

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"s,', L I. "ill' a: 'ltjl u was." . Catarina Farmers Urged to Study , Their Own Marketing Problems H. A. Gilroy Retiring, President of farmers' Cp-Operative ' When the Ontuio Grain Pool in: launched early' in 1927 ho found) mat outlet for his energy and ability. Ho does not venture a mu at the num- ber of poems in (Mario who listened to him at scores of meetings in dif- fetent ernntien. taming orhat he than: a! p»;:'marketing of (nil: afts.r giving this new go-opuativo srleri, careful het Ho ho. talked pol in the South", egtern - of {I lens. As president ot The United “tuba-bummer Farmers Cooperative Company. Ltd. pronoun. Some country elevator: for 1926 and 1927, be has taken the notthauaodaofthetamra;othera lend in many campaigns approved by‘llo not. Some are not operated to the the directors and shareholders. 'Untufdetion of the people they aerve. ' When tho Ontario Grain Pool was For the moat part, they an eo-operat- launched early' in 1927 he found_a ml in: graciously with the Ontario Grain outlet for his energy and ability. He Pool in handling the grain delivered does not venture a guess at the nuns-tbr our members. But the beat pri- ber of people in Ontario who listened vately-owned or company-owned store- to him at scan-.5 of meetings in dlI-ihouscs can do is not as good as what {mat w':rritrttisvx. telling, what hole-n be done through elevators owned thr 'ig",'. c!' I' all marketing .of mini” controlled by Pool members. I think aft-r giving this new tro-operative the Company can work out tt' tinane- syrwn'. careful navy. He in. alumni proposition whereby the capital pol ! in the South". catcrn corner oflcan be furnished for building or buy- the Province. ill-North, Broee, in North intt an elevator " any thinning point, 3mm, and in' Renfrow‘on the on." payment to be taken from the handl- Riser. The records show that at he charco- on grain delivered by pool practil-ally awry point when he apoh northern, and spread over a term of the grout-rs went ahead with organ- mul- Elevators provided through trillion. _' ' " :thia policy would be controlled by the . “Roughing tr.e pool with the editor Pool until paid for, and would, there- "may, after a visit to Winnim fore. be used primarily for the accom- vhenh- had represented the Ontario modntion of those who sign Pool con- Orain Pool at a mvotintt of the Board tracts. l have made some enquiry and of thiCentrel Selling Agency, he was investigation during recent months, bubbling over with enthusiasm. land hove come to the conclusion that "Thcs,. fel 1. l in the West," he "I this policy. " worked out in Manitoba, marked, "Scots; Co be we" pleased with can easily be adapted to meet Ontario what w- hn-" "ecumplished in thr. conditions satisfactorily. T _uri.r in 19Y.7. 01' nurse they have LIVE STOCK POOL ALSO, lulunll auvi.v. to “We? in connection Mr. Gilroy discusses the farmers' .Wllh what 'A.' should do fur the future marketing problems in a manner that m r'ner'i, ts pr.oC"iirur. FINN”: ac- shows he has made a. cldse study of 1'1"l'7",'t'rf' arvl m s,rrrttirtq a bigger them from various viewpoints. He t"ra"t"",.rC_',?.it.,' pyyver, they . agree readily talks in general terms on the a”. “”3: $2,109?" (number: m less advantages of pool marketing or tVB- (ai', a)”: m tuueh intent-am most tematic cooperation among those who l.' 'rl',' :‘r'm‘l'lf. 1? addition, they have a product similar in kind and 'l?.', ii l! infill. {13%)} (he was; WP hi"? quality to place on the market, or he .',".." u, Ir""' trt. “Prim man. by ous" can muster up an array of facts and F', "Vim". , tis,rures to convince the doubting bro- fill. o'TttP.AtiF". PROBLEM. ther that what he says works out in "Bu: ' iirJ. . pl," ho 1mtinued, "we actual practice. His recent sojourn in have " r-“il drum !).’"l")l9nl hvry in Winnipeg placed him as an interested thk prmfncx l'arrmrs have to tul-ze visitor at a special meeting called to an MN?" in“ in their own business discuss details in connection with the 1tiver. The records show that It prtsetirally every point when ho web the growers went ahead with orph- hation. _ . . . " “Thea nan-Ind. that w “in; in Sound I pond adv with what in rogard commodaci law: a n this pun an active before th Icon handled to much better advan- tae. Ot course, under the old com- petitive system it is possible that tho growers would not have profited much In dollan and cents. Under the pool lystvm. howowr. they would get the benefit of every cent gained or saved. "l have given much thought to the solutéun of our ohvatur storage prob- lain. I don't think the pool, which 5 the farmer nwmbcrship. should It. ttmuirh "broad risheri, “Mu! lion‘s to day. General programs from I direct tie- I, with the main network of the Brit- ish Broadcasting Corporation no be- ing sent out daily between 7.30 and no o’clock in the morning and 2 end ‘e'cloek in tho afternoon. except Bat- “y end Sunday. The experimental week u being done from Chelmsford, icing Cl “(unity tutener "or “and. on ‘21 met Canada (lo-operates In Broadcast Tests Britain View o MUTT AND JEFF-B, BudF'ishar 883 TORONTO ' l 's, PT "rririN ....-" " 'iiiiy"l'h' _... ' a 12"".‘1‘6"; g i , , , t ' 1 . " MI, a f l 'tWh W“ I' . i Ili), " [] ii if t LI ' IN i ‘ -P:v'irt:htary teats with I oz‘ideid) broadeastintt on u't-i'gfiu are now being " 61'le -,h, P.roatdetotintt Cor- “im- daily. The teats are ed on not so much with the yr umpiyinp: tho individual but for other stations tho world to pick up and t. The Dept. of Marine and Radio Branch is making n of ths strength of the they are received from by Experiments With to World Radio Company 'Pointn Out Advantages of Co-Operative Marketing Service 'termers laws to take I their own business out how details luv. Why a storage house I conditioner has not Toronto for handling beyond me. It cor- 'toeded, tad if it had " wheat could have much batter advan- ' under the old com- t is possible that tho SITUATION REVIEWED re wave-length; ' {.31.}. : “Give a copper to a men with ll" Ichildren." "But In: week you only (rhttd three children?" “You. but my ibrother bl! gone to prison and now I _hnve his two to kmep."-Kasper Stock- “I feel satitshed," he remarked, "that before many years the bulk of On- tario’s cattle. sheep, and hogs will be marketed on the Pool or Contract basis. This province can beat the West on co-operative marketing of live stock, and anything I can do to introduce the pooling principle and assist in organizing will be done cheer- fully. The shareholders of the com- pany have given the directors author- ity to go ahead with organization for a Hog Pool and Live Stock Contract. Producers in any live stock commun~ ity who fail to organize will have only themselves to blame.” ran easily or: anapreu to meet "nuouu, _ :ondltiona satisfaetorily. Paglia-lg 'L1,iT..'"atifrg'L",'N'r, LIVE STOCK POOL ALSO. i, --Het hath done all thing. well: he Mr. Gilroy discusses the farmers'i maketh both the deaf to hear, and marketing: problems in a manner that; the dumb to Hreatt,-Marir 7: M. shows ho has made a close study trr; SUBJECT them from various. viewpoints. Hen": SON OF GOD AT won}! REACHING readily talks in general terms on the AND HEALING, advantages of pool marketing or sys-', INTRODUCTION-Jesus dulled as Son tematic cooperation among those wholof God now appears in Galilee and have a product similar in kind and enters ’upon the career to which his quality to place on the market, or he heavenly Father has called him. How run muster up an array of facts and was he to work out this heavenly fv.tureA to convince the doubting bro-:calling? We shall find that every- thvr that what he says works out in‘vyhere Jesus interprets it to pean the actual practice. His recent sojourn in We of perfect trust and obedience. He Winnipeg placed him tv., an interested ittetocgieistei/i.'",hre"'sgiorrift'atod,t visitor at a special meeting called to with him and within him I: the source discuss details in connection with the of the wisdom and pmvenwith which newly formed Western Consolidated he acts. Consequently, when men Live Stock Pools. ' listen to Jesus in the syn: true, they "I feel satisfied," he remarked, "that are astonished at the 'l'ilfl'lre1,',l','e be- before many years the bulk of On- teen t.im, and the ordinary teachers tario's cattle, sheep, and hogs will be y. 1rtry,rltn,. He speaks with the marketed on the Pool or Contract authority of one who knows God, Ennis. This province can beat the tegtltv,tit,t,trr,tgr11 upon the "Heeitation may mun thymus, discretion or Mikado." -apiw.r iWh, In healing, also, Jesus is inspired by direct faith in his heavenly Father's will. He knows it to be the Father's will to save men's minds and bodies from evil, physical as well as spiritual. Consequently, he comes forward ,as healer, and inspires in every kind i?) sufrerewus extraordinary faith. Thus” both in preaching and in healing, he; shows himself in Mark’s pages as thei strong Son of God, with whom begins the overthrow of Satan's grip upon the lives of men. _ l. THE AUTHORITY or JEtWg' TEACHING, 21, 22. V. 21. Capernaum, near the north-! west shore of the Lake of Galilee, is the chosen centre of Jesus' earlyf work. The ruins of a fine synagogue still mark the probable site, but it is not known whether this building stood in Jesus' time or is a later foundation. l Jesus would already have acquired the reputation of a rabbi or teacher of ; religion; accordingly at the synagogue service he is invited, after the reading, of the Law and the Prophets, to ad-, dress the worshippers. A description' of a similar sermon is given in Luke 4:16-20. 1 H. A. GILROY, OF ALVINSTON. ONTARIO Retiring President ot The United Farmers’ Co-Operative Co. Ltd., who. talks enthusiastically on Pooh or Co-operative Marketing ot Farm Crops. V. 22. This verse is exceedingly im-i portant. It shows the extraordinary: nature of the impression which thol teaching of Jesus at once awakened! Men felt his authority, that.is, his? gown over heart and conscience“ nowing nothing else about him, the; felt that God was speaking throng him. For Jesus spoke from imme i- ate knowledge of God, and men con- trasted the manner of the scribes, who always depended upon texts and tra.. ditions, and did not produce the im- preselon of knowing God himself. ll. Jesus POWER OVER EVIL SPIRITS, 23-28. V. 23. The belief in evil spirits or demons was universal in the world in Jesus' time, and it was considered that all derangements of a mental or nerv- one type were due to their malign Sunday School I , . . ' $35.? Jiiyeteft""mooti2fndlu'"Ji A cosy wagons. l ‘; . . . . . Any little girl will get a great deal leter, inspiring in her the, faith to be of comfort out of this ttractiv and i,teured, an restoring her to her aeeus-'! . . a e ' . tomed tasks. Once again Jesus iiiisi:etvsily fashioned bathrobe, and this " by direct trust in the power of Godia lament every wardrobe should p- Jot/l." body as 1e"dgg.ii',i,'tlt,: f “hid; Th: mmnd [tt “It! plllllm. 5. 82-M. ription o [an ere s a ming s aw co an; icrovvded evening of healing work. The i long sleeves finished with cuffs, a' ,Jevvish Sabbath ended at 6 pan. Ct.tn-,'patlth-poeket, and girdle. No. 1608 is "equently, as soon'as sunset came, the in sizes 4, 6, 8, lo, 12 and 14 years. ,people Yyray.to line theftreets with Size 8 requires 2% yards 36-inch ma- ,their sick friends, bringing them on terial or 1% ards " in h P i Me:' 'pallet-beds to Jesus. Jesus healed he ' y “ c . rce "many," that is, as many as time and t pattern. , . . i {strength permitted, special mferencei Our new Pas-hm" Book eontfins'i, (lysine again made to the cases of,many styles showing how todress boysi Htmoniaes. . ‘and girls, Simplicity is the rule for, '-, well-dressed children. Clothes of char- ', l -----4F------ acter and individuality for the junior i, All-Electric Home folks are hard to buy, but easy tol i make with our patterns. A small' 5 Electrically-controlled clocks withiunount of money spent on good ma-i {bells that ring automatically when iterials, cut on simple lines, will give Ethey need winding, and switching "iehildren .t.h.e privilege of wearing! rangements for kettles. boilers. 11rfr-Friiifi, things. Price of the book/ Bless, and bed-warmers. are featuresiloc the copy. 2 'ot In "AIFE1eetrie Home" opened 1111 now To ORDER PATTERNS. Birmingham recently. I Write your nuns, and address plain. Plugs for a vacuum cleaner and"y cilia: number and size of such iradiator are provided in the entrance ips'tternl " you want. Enclose 20. in _ hall, while in the bathroom is a" elee. stamps or coin (coin preferred; Impl _ trie towel rail that also warms the it carefully) for each Jumbo: “a; i room itself. and a plug tor shavmg- address your order to Pattern Dept... water heaters. Wilson Publishing Co., " West Ado.' activity. The current belief was that they entered into hum-n birdies, wher- ever they could find a lodgment, end so strong was this belief that thiur. sands of nervous sufferers became ‘per- waded that they were "possessed" by demons. In the case of persons among the Jews who had lived an evil life the derangement was interpreted as a judgment on their sins, and such doubtless was the case with this man inthe synagogue. _ V. 24. The meaning is that the pos- sessed man, who has lived an evil life, is pierced to the heart by guilt and fear as the result of Jesus' preaching. He feels that he is a demon or devil whom Jesus has come to destroy, that is, to send to the perdition reserved for Satan and his agents. He wants to get away from Jesus, whose holi- ness condemns him. Vs. 25, 26. But Jesus will not thus let him go. He feels that this is a case where the power and love of God are challenged, and he acts accordingly. He knows it to be the will of God that this poor creature should be delivered fr.om his haunting terrors and ob- sessions. He seeks, therefore, to calm and compose his disordered mind. Such is the meaning of the words: "Ho rebuked him." Then Jesus commands the demon to leave the man. This is to produce in his mind the faith that the cause of his terror is gone. Relief ensues in a violent convulsion, Mter which the sufferer is found exhausted, butcalm 1nd_in his right mind, . Vs. 27, 28. The impression produc- ed by incident, which would belong to Peter's recollections of his Master, Jesus heals the mother-in-lnw of Peter, insiiring in her the,faith to be cured, an restoring her to her aeeutr- tomed tasks. Once again Jesus acts by direct trust in the power of God toyysve body as yell‘ss spirit. _ Vs. 27, 28. The impression roduced by this exorcism is very 'fl'M2f,' and once again the people are led to speak of the extraordinary "authority ' of Jesus. Now, however, it is not merely the truth of Jesus' teaching which im- presses them, but his psychical power over evil spirits. Hence, a wide dif- fusion of his fame as a healer through- out Galilee. . III. WORKING ALL DAY, 29-84. Electrically-controlled clock: with balls that ring automatically when they need winding, and switching " rangements for kettles, boilers. wire- less, and bed-warmers. are features ot an "A1rEleetrie home" opened in Birmingham recently. Plugs tor a vacuum cleaner and radiator are provided in the entrance hall, while in the bathroom ls an elee. tric towel tall that also warms the room Itself, and a plug tor shaving- water heaters. Br Norah D. B. Noon duh; with unneelnx eyes smut shad. through new. an“, Whore she looks one can't. surmise. "lib. right to paradise. - - ........How should we know? He who moulded her can tell. He who carved the stone that well Can withstand the storm. He who with an artist’s ml Undo her look to live. and feel, Only he known. When. he moulded her “than. And when uni-had left her there, All the winds and storms to share Jun a. same passing fair, ........Moulded for love. With her arms clasp-d round her knees, With her hair loose to the breeze, ........What did he think? All her thoughts to us unknown, Eech may think that they have flown Whither he will. What/1t dead leaves rush around, And with snow she's sometimes crown'd, Still she watts upon the mound, She the bare. and time the hound, . ........Unseelng still. Some day earth will claim its own. Then her graceful form of stone Need no longer wait. For her spirit will be free, And the yearning that we see Will be fulfilled. To A scanty Sum. Jeff Didn't Even Know Rembnnt Was Sick. l508 -) Forester Wanted! and Mysterious Tree in the Tran vaal ls Unlike Any Other Standerton. Trarsvant.-uror - ngl . time put the Union Deputment of! - " Agriculture has been twin: to ttttdi, Now Yoee.--- trunk- locom- tho name of a single tree. It in a In. partied Mr. and Hrs. Martin John-on, tive tree in the Middleman district in noted motion picture photompm of eaten Tunnel, and hu an Inter- jungle life, into Aida. vhn they eating history. -iouatr, it itt the culled on the BS. We. and " only tree of its kind in the whole of thotet .h. u noted for her "up” South Africa. _a‘ppeonnoo when sitting on . defunct _ It is about 80 feet high and bottCrhinoeerW head, none of them con- lfruitleu uni thornleu, although mum clothes for Mrs. Johnson. ‘might well be mistaken for the well-l, The truth are packed with cam- known manila hee. Its abundant up on, films, riiUs, thwhlltrhu, gifts for oozes at first in n white stream. but native chieftnino and such punphor- rapidly turns red. Tnnlin. Mrs. Johnnn, who has spent The story goes that about 150 M" eight of her 18 your: of married life "o a native chief, after long fighting in the South Sen. two in Borneo and and warfare, established I home " six in Africa, is taking her Nothing this spot among the picturesque hills for a ten-months' stay in a suit case and streams. Here he planteti thit no larger than a travelling sales- The story We! that about 150 year' night of her 18 You: of married life :30 a native chief, after long man: in the South Sea. two in Borneo and and warfare, established 3 homo_ot six in Africa, is akin: her clothing this spot among the picturesque hills for . tan-monthn' my in n suit cm and streams. Here he plnnted this no larger than a travelling sales- me, which he said was of a kind that mnn’l. no one had even seen in the country. The modern outfit for a woman ex- To this day the natives regard it " plorer in the tropics was listed by sacred and none dare touch it, even to this and u follows: take a dried or withered bunch for, Four pairs riding breaches (to walk Cairo.--A nation-wide effort to lo- cure better" conditions for Egyptian childhood was initiated this week, King Fund ineugureting I two-thy bazaar and fete It the British Resi- dency to raise funds for infant wel- fare work here. The hunt, organ- ized by' Letty Lloyd, assisted by In in- Buent'ml committee of Egyptian end European indies of'evory nntio'nuiit'y in Egypt has met with an extreordi- narily warm welcome by every section of the community. firewood EGYPT TO BETTER CHILDHOOD’S STATE Lady Lloyd's Efforts Extolled by Opposition Press The press praises Lady Lloyd's inl- tiative, even the Nationalist papers. politically opposed to the British pol- .icy of "declaring such benevolent acti- oritiea, place Egypt under a debt to the British lady who is devoting her .efrorts to the amelioration of Egyptian child life conditions and that such activities provide the surest path to the mutual good will and understand- ;ing Great Britain and Egypt are now seeking. Victoris, B.C-Contiruaed agitation by British Columbia Doukhobors in favor of the use of the Russian lan- guage in their schools hss been'fol- lowed by s definite declaration by the Provincisl Government sgsinst sny such proposal. In a statement itrtrtted here J. D. MscLean, Premier and Min.. ister of Education, announced that this earlier opposition to dual lan- gusgss in the public schools would stand. despite the efforts of the Donk- hobors. Dual Language Barred In British Columbia stand. despite the efforts of the Dank-i P,tuo--krots Fernando de Bourbon, hobors. Duke ot Dureal, a grandee of Spain The latest plea of the Russian set. ‘and a cousin of King Allonso. emerge (.1 this for the use of Rum.“ in the 'trom a six weeks’ sojourn in the little ginigng of hymns was reject“! by the prison of Molun recently to be mm Premier, who added that the Governstor Itmbilitr to My a large bill at I ment had no Objection to the teaching fashionable Fontainblenu hotel. Stand- of Russian in the colonists' homes.)" tria1 with him W33 his selrstyleil "There will be only one language initudede"eamp, Don' Jaime Zuluma , the schools of British Columbia," Dr. Reina, Viscount de Oricain. and Mar- M-ncLenn declared. "We do not wigh (nil do Batu"... who also was unable to to create hero the dual language prob- produce my cash. lem which has caused such difficulty Ntsarly I huttdred complains Wire in some other ptxrvinees." outstanding against the two for piv- Tho bridge, constructed of cement ,'" At the hut moment the (nice) and steel, is the first to bo built here _company withdrew its chmet 133'. for the 1MHt of the public. For "dtr'8 ing only that ot vnglbondege against the people ure hnd to.ute the bridge the Duke and ttuttitntion ot pas!- owned by the St. Croix Lttru.rri.viPrpoltt, “I'm". the Marquis. The Dub ft: constructed of'heavy platNntriitunt proceeded to prove he had I 1aif aero" the dam. ‘montbly ineomeof 9.000 francs {rap -i.-r.rrtcirir-ar; his tiller, and therefore, VII not c "Huff? .P..eicwl'.',Sd 't",Ptrf_troms. International Bridge is Opened in Maine Vanceboro, Me,---.'), new interna- tional bridge here, atoning the St. Croix River, connecting Maine and New Brunswick, has been opened for trUfie. Bualneu Man: Why did you lone your Ittirt position. Mug.' Fur Ap. plicant: There was no future to it. Business Mm: Indeed? Pair Ap. plicant: No; the boss wns Ilready married. in South Africa ANOTHER LINK Woman Explorer Has Small Outfit Mr._a_n5i Mr. Mnrtig Johnson Two min of jumpers-overall; Ono bended belt nnd one pair of cream-colored trouser: to went with the blue will: “rim. in). Three pain of soft leather boots, knee length. to discounge snakes, mosquitoes and quart-nine gusts. One double uni-s wide brimmed. dark brown felt hat with u scarlet silk lining. 0!; down handkerchief; and us- sorted nocktiu. _ VSixcompuctI of face powder and a lipptick. _; . J _.. .. "hs an innoimtion this time, Mrs. Johnson in taking along a pith hcu.met, which the has hitherto refused to you under the impreuion that pith helmets did not photograph well with her nose. "And "renters," said Mrs. Johnscn. “Stun! sweaters, as many a: (ham are room for after the rest is packed.” The Johnsonl are to enter Africp this time " Cairo, following the Nile to RMU, and theme cgtting_ncr;:45 the Congo, into Uganda, where they expert to photograph tnoeodile, hippopotamus, elephants, white rhinoceros, chimpan- m und perhaps a pigmy or two. The new venture. was arranged by George Eastman, the Rochester Kodak manutaeturer, who accompenicd the globe-trotting married pair. An unnamed person having " ranged to settle the hotel bill tho cham- wu amtined to vunbondage, (tiling to pay tor talcum. {alimon- non ot -orts and the use of {also Patserporta. Spanish Nobles Accused as Swindlers; Paris Court Free? Duke, Jails Nearly I hundred complains was outstanding talus! the two for giv- Ing worthless cheques at vnrlcus tti. viera and trwi" resorts and for nu- merous other questionable transac- tions. such to Idling to pay for task elbl, and so forth. 1-19 In. discharged. but hi: can punch. who recently wu expel“ from France after Davin. six monlu In prison tor "dieting in cocaine, s" pent to prison for umber "r imonuu. l World's Most Famous The propane! to extend West in. ner Abbey or, to give a “cred b d. in. In legal title. the Calls to Church ot St. Peter in Weeum r, to nuke room tor further memo In. like! the Interesting eunuch: y should this church. not n " 1. Icon letter than York Xingu, C er- bury Cathedral, and St. Pears I he eye: of the Maugham w dt And why Ihould It be the Inn te scene ot our commuom end n1 weddings. end the most tit'ting ial. place for our Illustrious deed? t , The exceptional Importance d the Abbey an: origin trom the ta that the Bhrine had: me remains the Int of the old languish kings, q ward the Contouor. We hare elm tor. gotten todnr the extmrdlnur tom} tc.'dic. Ariii, at'cet We now was ' .. m": -. 'ru'. P 5 retarded by BU. A P9ttiticot.rhurctt Wu bum mud m. shrine. 'To be mod n " mm. It addr my to tho nu. c to be m Inn it uh- II "l mom - In CI V“. Three washdblo crepe whim shirts. Two silk shirt-blue-for dinner Hard Time! s'iiii""jiGpers Vie At Montreal Jan. 21 ski W‘r _ to 0W“ n St ' mam-diu' “ (“Cum-dim Fiki At W Hy of th', outd in tttlt ins ordered ss' at“ to be held u the in don Neigu jump on that don beet of Canada's ski jump " Mud to Ft "rresentityt t! Remnant! CO'. Skiing has h h popularity an fcw yum are found in eoetto 311d oth, a“, in fact, “assay in the worn by use: thousands tmitine out from tfr 03M“ “ilk, which I“. of the city. “outfall ls purti a this regard tslro, a-thet' of the city W, whose steep . lent .ki hills. Kim? M hundroz'. " ttMtrteB out Tr't me mg ml oth:: “may; a. News jump. w diminution (cutest; tain, and :5: minute drive in the city. of timer In or street car That there v amn- and spil Cate do. Neigos Wulur (m 1 Mr, when tlu ships Ire derid oed jumpinm Cunni- will send two (no runneN to St. Mori muons! competition, club "tihted with the A-reiatioet has been in "reotrettutives to the will. which will erudd the but men to represer the world’s champiomm h the lm time thet thr wt“ in skiing Ct the Olymphd ond the t Olympic trials for “(it hold " dig Dominion. At an alum-d there , cunts for skiers. Raves. m who“ of “ATM a“... respectively. and tr, h the jumping competiti " be gnawed in the jur a mwmik Croti4" '. "ttries gm hemp r Bftr-m0o cream Will) skiers . mucus cont brett Novel in Serial Ft Still Running After l2 Years Tokro.--A novel tt - "dilly tor " .d that ts not y .3 the Anemia " the Japanow qbich In called he Already rpat gunning the p .umry in point Its tumor. “a” .e new“!!! ot a mutation u Os: “do” devoted to .vel and numhr‘rl hrs some ot Jan!” .d mu. A l-BOOR Library) "tie book ds tt “VIII! ttom lat Rastomti ibuts tn oxh: tractors and led in thn n. the] " ite: ienred tsgtt th, nod ttt I d, Be cl "use d le of " “I. "0th ottsq'vPtti ' tukd photo hull. a tw roittbr' W1 a hero or When. " st bean to , and and m m that ot l Ne I "ttB work. io atom bt , In: any lt It announced. LOOIEVELT'S loose. the " b ’mnted l .wwe’1l( their an that M " ml MI {re isoo" an new zuuuo Wendi!“ g by the In Inch-lint I 1th (our If N (In or up when " at '" " If M HA. and W tt d " wt 9rd

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