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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1928, p. 8

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l %ter! Water! I Water ! Why then take I chance Ind III! grater that ls polluted 3nd unit M mm use. when pure water a: in had by hula; . well drlllod. t also handle “up: and Pump "you. Satlsrncuon tmamnteed. ED. J. PRATT. IRA. Durham Phone ML r " What in Good Health Worth? Are you one of our tsatisfied patrons , If not give us a trial OUR AIM ...--- 'service'prd tutistacti" Mr. Farmer; RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO You do not know-you cannot know-tOda/s possibilities in electric radio until you have heard this superb new Rogers Symphony Console. The receiving unit is the same as the famous Rogers "220" tthe standard model by which all electric sets are judged) combined with the Rogers Symphony Speaker in a beautiful genuine Walnut Cabinet. Let us place this new 1028 Symphony Console in your home for test and demonstration. If it does not perform to YOUR satisfaction you may have it returned F REE of all cost Price, complete, $4?.0-on terms to suit your convenience. is the ideal radio for your home Symphony Console (Model 200A) SMITH BROS. DURHAM'S RADIO DEALERS This New 1928 good tshape. The school we; repaint- ed In the summer and is very warm. The children enjoy the hot lunches, with the teacher. Thar now settle down tor 1 long hard pull for mid- summer exams. Mr and Mrs 105 Rawn and Alvin, spent Monday at'J. H. Conway's, Ar- thur. _ School opened Tuesdny with moat of the pupils present. They were all vaccinated, just before school clus- ed and have been nursing lore arms along with their otherwhretroodtintet' this holiday season. _ The school meetiti, passed oft quietly this year. The Inspector left u good report and everything Is in Misses Edith and Ethel Hunt re- turned to their schools Tusdny alter m enjoyable holldny " their home here. Mr and Mrs P. Match. Mr and Mrs Withetxtw and Mr and Mrs McGllll- way and children were guests at Mr and Mrs Crispln's Monday. Mr and Mrs Eltmere Rum and children. Varney. spent New Years with his mother here. Mrs Gardiner otterttCmed a. few of her daoghter's school mates one Jay during the holidays. Mrs Eric Sharp spent over the week end with her parents " Laurel. Miss Maggie Holliday spent New Years with her cousin, Jessie and Ina Stevenson. SOUTH BEND i, Misses Jean Ellis and Lilian Me. Minn, Toronto, were guests of Dr. and Mrs W. P. Ellis over the holiday. 3 Mr Elmer Hilton, who has been I visiting his menu, Mr and Mrs Jos. lBiiton for the put month, returned a to Windsor. _ Mr Ewart Allen is this week visit, 5 ins tenths. in Hamilton. The Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs Wm Aitken last Thursdny. when Mrs Hildynrd gave an interesting and instructive report on the Prov'l Convention held in Toronto recently. A pleasing feature of the meeting wen a. presentation of cut gloss to Mrs Rudyard and Mrs. Hastie as a small token ot appreci- ation tor favor: received. Schools reopened Tuesday mm. at. ter the and.” with was Watson of Tara, in chtrge of the Sr. room of the Public School. We welcome Miss Wagon to our vii-Inge and wish her every success. Mrs Bert Watson of Knox, Nor. munby. visited but week with her sister. Mrs R. Aitken. Skating Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Hockey Tuesday and Fri- day. Don't forget to patronize our rink. Mr Bruce McKenzie, foreman of the CNR Section for the past twelve years. left Tuscany to take over the section at Mt Forest. Mr Jno Pinker- ton. Durham, who has applied for the position here, is acting foreman, tem. ponrily. To the Electors of the Township or The Presbyterian B. S. concert, which wu cancelled before Christ- mas. was held last Friday evening, when a splendid time was on. Mrs D. Grier ts spending the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs E. Ho!” day, Gleneden. 7 First and Second teams play offs The w. M. B. of the United Church met in the basement on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd. The President. Mrs John Stevenson being sick. Mrs Jay. lst Vice. presided. The meeting opened with hymn 382, Mrs Jar lending in prayer. The scripture reading. Psalm 103 .wna taken by Mrs A. Hans and which Wu appropriate for our timt meeting in the New Year. Minutes of last meeting and treats. report was reaed and adopted. Hymn 81 was then sung after which Miss Steven- son led in prayer. Mrs Jay gave the tlrtrt chapter of the new study book, entitled "New Paths for old Purposes," which was interesting. The meeting closed with hymn 2‘8 and benediction by Mrs Jay. Maple Leafs-Bert Eccles. Earl Ross. Geo. Brown. L. Woodyard, Ross Rite, M. Lynch. C. McDougnll BRtUNB--C. Fenton. Wm McKenzie, Joe Ellis, II. Finder. Wm Arum. A Brown. M. Flam. SENATORS - H. McCaulay. Arthur Smith. Jack Irvin, H. McDougnll. Sam Hdler, Beverly Gibson, Gor- don Long. MAR00NF-- C. Lucas. S. McKenzie. Red Pinder, Brown Irvin, Ray Pitt. der, Atex Sim. Ed Rae." SENIOR CITY LEAGUE Jan. 6---M. Leafs vs. Bruins Jan. liy--Mtrtootta vs. Senators Jan. 1b-A%turtoriy vs. Bruins Jan. 17---?"rooru' vs. M. leafs Jan. 20-Brttitu, vs. humans Jan. M-M. leaf: vs. Senators Messrs Arthur and Albert Abba, m- turned to the village after spending the holiday with their pure-nu at Un- derwood. Mr Martin Bye left Monday for Detroit. Mr John Ross, Stratford, spent the new" week end with us. start. Miss Mttr.v Ross. t 1cm AID Pusan: Miss Corbett, Tara " the guest of the Benton family this week. HOCKEY TEAMS tN HOLSTEIN HOLSTEAIN e 1,tirJ!rllhllirt3. 27~Bnuns vs. M. Lents M-Senators vn. Mucous '-Bruintt vs. Senators T--M. Leafs vs. Mucous 10-_rtttt vs. Bruins 14-80th vs. M. Leafs CARD OF THANKS A - buaa.. Mr and Mrs Wm J. All-n spent the New Yetttat the home of Mr Matt. Barter on the Gavel. The school of this section Tritt a- gain open My with like hviu Buck " head of the Matt. Every child. on commencing In: to be nuc- eer"tttttr "counted (or small pox. Mr Wanna Hooper. Toronto. is visiting a the home of his brother, lane Hooper on the nth con. The annual school meeting was on Wednesday last in the school with the usual attendance. nit-Earl Mead was reelected tor the ensuing three years: Mr Ed Lindsay has the who tract of supplying the wood. Mr Wal- ter Ferguson the cedar. The latter is also caretaker. Mrs Frank Watkins, Toronto, is spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs Ben Woods Sr. vet trimmngs and silver slippers to correspond. The numerous gifts pre- sented to the bride, showed the es- teem in which she is held. Conmtulntions to Mr and Mrs R. Wilson' in their recent tmrtritttottttl event. he the groom spent a few years in this imiity. coutrmtuitttyrats to the chosen ones in yesterday's municipal election and on Nomination day. We hope [his year may be happy, procpemus and prog,ucssive tor them and th.e Town- ship they serve. We have not heard much regarding the tirst meeting ot the U.r'.Y.PO. last Thursday evening in Yeovil. They recently organized with Goxuon Lem: tor President; Miss Marion Henderson, Vice-President; Miss Mar- ttaret Ferguson, Secretary; W. Dodds Treuurer. The old year in: gone with immis» mm and lollies. its amour: Joe-ttter any; well spent or wasted no irrevocable. but . Newton lies ahead with bright and Wanted mo. menu. May the Mt: ad ac- tions which are “true, holiest. just. pure, lovely, of good report" be so instilled and Incorporated in our mind: and characters tint those who su- the close of 1928 my rejoice ov- er It as much better And happier than any vrcceiting year in their lives. This is our New Year’s wish for all our readers. There was the usual business rou- tine at the annual school meeting Inst Wednesday. Arthur Ecoles Is the new trustee tor No. 9. The put week has been tilled with entertaining and vitritintr--tsorne in} the immediate vicinity and others at a distance. However work will soon! supercede play, “submit. and nectnr'l Teachers and pupils are back after' a pleasant holiday and ready tor al "long pull, a. strong pull and a pulll altogether." l Last Friday evening, Mr and Mrs Alfred Haas entertained a number or relatives and friends in honor of their Silver Wedding anniversary. A few very pleasant hours were spent in social intercourse, games and music. until the guests departed wishinz their host and hostess happy years to come until they reached their Golden Jubilee. " Mrs A. Ross spent a few dlys over the Christmas week with Toronto friends. Mrs Ray and daughter, Miss Ray, Toronto, who attended the funeral ot the tormer's sister. the late Mrs. Mark, visited relatives here ere re- turning to Toronto. Elgln Schenk arrived home from the West. tor Christmas. He has been right out to the Pacific coast in his journeys. The reception held " the home of John Campbell on Dec. 28. In honor ot his daughter Jeanette, who was previously married to the man of her choice, Mr Graydon Berry, Smith- vllle. was well attended Ind an en Joynhle time had by all present. The bride m handsomely attired in a gown of pale blue georgette with sil- Mr and Mrs J. Lane and chlldmn, of Swinton Park Joined their friends It W. J. Reid's tor New Years on Saturday. Miss Ella Wilson, Toronto, is en. Joyhg home life during the%olidars, The invited guests who spent the Christmas Day " the home of Mr. and Mrs Wm. J. Allan, numbered a- bout thirty Mrs N. Long. Toronto, is a Year guest with her sons here. Mr Russel Nelson, Dromore, Is on- gaged at present with Mrthter Fer- gut-Jon. Miss Laura. Mather enjoyed a few days last week with her baby cousin Mary Nicholson. Congratulations to Reeve Calder and Deputy Hunter in their present otmte for the ensuing rear. turned to their respective schools. Mr Rom. Mighton la engaged buzz- storing wood for the neighbors of this locality. Messrs and Mesdnmes W. J. Phllp and A. Nicholson and wee Mtrry,mob. ored to Hopevllle last night and en- joyed New Yen-3' dinner at D. S. Mc- Donald’s. Messrs and Mesdames A, Eeeiet, and l Nicholson and children joined the family party tor New Years’ din- ner at A. Wagner's home, Cedarville. Wedding bells! V Mr Wilfrid Barbour, Miss Reta. tu. MJAN'S CORNERS New TlothelrliiesinWest 1 The funeral which took place from _ the home of Conrad Schenk to Reid's ,eemetery, was largely attended. Ber- iviee conducted by Rev. Mr Jay at Holstein United Church. “if Ink-am Mr Kenneth Park has purchased a lhundred are tarm in Normanby - l bout tive miles south-east of Hanover and gets possession tn March. Rest.. [dents ot this neighborhood will re- i met to ion Mr and Mrs Park us they are up top citizens. “not.“ any a the home of W auditor; In Com-Id Bettesk, " can. Ersxsrrstntt, on I’d”. Dee. M, cabarlne liclms. we! of the late James link. in her 76th you. Mrs. Mark was born In Gutsrnr,'stotunu, in 1852 and came to Cumin wan her parents, Mr and Mrs Malcolm Mc- Innea in 1854 and has spent all her life in this community. Happy New Year la ull in all to [be front " this beginning ot '1928. like all It: predecessors. Quite proper m its place Ind tine, but "ter all. is and and done, the amount of happi- ness obtained depends largely on the amount we Ire willing to put into this old world to make it . little bet- tor, rather than the .mount we can grab out at it. In 1874 she married James mam. who pusedsvny Inst larch. To them were born eight children, seven of whom are still living. Tig: Isabel (Mrs Conrad School), Egremont; John, of Wan-mu. Sash; Alfred in Oklahnm, USA; Ids. (Mrs Dunne.) Saskatoon: Jessle, tMrrrd?tephenson) Wstrous: Agnes. KN., Kindersley. Sask: Florence (Mrs Thou McMillan) Egremont and Wm., who died in In (saucy. One sister Margaret (Mrs. Ray) ot Toronto, and one brother James of Holstein also survive Mrs Mark was a consistent mem- ker and very active worker in the. Presby'n churches of Holstein and Mt. Forest and held a very large cir- cle of riendts. Judging by returns heard over the radio, Toronto not: the pace for Bur. ham In changing their mayor every year or so. with Sam. McBride away in the lead so tar over Foster. A few from this locality atteLied the dance " Mr “0 Mrs Ted Wid- meyor‘s on Tuesday night last. While failing in health for some time she was only eont1ned to bed for a. few days. Three mndsons. Elgln, Milton and Lorne Schenk and three nephews, David and Gladstone Manes and Arch. McEachern meted as pull bear- The Bauer Bros. have gun start- ed their contract of hauling logs to the Durham Furniture Co. from the old Lewey tum he“ the 'Corners', previously owned by Mr Jns. Myth. and retold to the Immune Co. We extend congratulations to Mr. Campbell Watson and Miss Tena Merchant, who were married this Wednesday. Crty Miss Thelma Wilson has secured a school " Nuance and left Monday to commence duties there. Miss Gertie Lawrence left for Tor- onto Saturday tor the winter months. What we would like to know how the two young ladies made out with the load ot chop they took to town. Would they have to wait their turn . would It be ‘ladles ttrst l" The ennui meeting of B.. No 13, was held Wednesday last. The In- spector's Report told of good work being done by the teacher. Miss FI. Oliver. He also expressed “units for the renovating done during the holi~ an”. Mr Campbell Watson was elected trustee and also appointed Sec'y Trans. Mr Jas Hooper Is to supply the wood-N cords. " " per cord and John Ecclea. the cedar " $2: Ed. Small gets the eventing at $80. School was reopened this Tuesday. Mrs Nelson Hallway was reeling- ed as caretaker and has long euned the repuuuon ot keeping . clean. tidy school. The annual school meeting or our B. R. No. 14, Normanby, was held on Wednesday last with the usual smli number ot ntepwera attending. Mr. Mano Schenx Wu reelected trustee for the three ensuing years md also secured the wood contract at $4.50a cord ot " inch wood. Mr Farr Lawrence bu been busy looking after the want: of those quar- untined. He tells us he_goes totown every" other any with chop. Mr Don- ald Wanna, the first closed in, ox- pects to be free again this week. Hats off to Mr W. H. Hunter, our new Dep. Reeve. A few pessimism thought that with " families quar- antined. that his chimes were none too good. However the electors of the township tratitrtfed with his one year's record as eouneitmnn, roiled up the ttne mnjorlty of close to 100in his favor, showing confidence in W. H. tor another term. The Review was pleased to hear cendy fret, Mr In. A. Russell. ot NORTH EGREMONT BLYTH’S CORNERS When the First Great Ceuse of all things Left man to evolve with time, ' He built In & lesser body-- A fragment of Love Divine, To (allow men through the ages or somwing and deepen. And and him with seine" courage His life and his tot to shun. _ To give to the poorest b-u-. A love that nukes him . king, And his- the Mud which is emrty-- When fortune and friends take wing. As a name for this “being? Retieettng the love or Cod, Man spelt " Creator Henna!“ And celled His small likenese-rdog. Frteda Mans, Lorne Kraft, Harold Fidler,, Vlola Gerhardt, Hudson By- ers. Sr "--Vioiet Full. Addison Schenk. Wllbert Wldmeyer, Anders son Byers, Charlie Weller, Clareum Fldler. " "---Doreo Dining. Joyce Davis, CarlWidmeyer, Russell Yuma. Jr t--ateta Rum. Bernedu Kraft, N. Fulton. Velma Davis. Nellie Byers. Br Pr-dean Henderson, Irene Hub ter. Jr Pr~beslle Bali, Inn mm l Charlotte (Mrs J. D. Fraser.) Toron- to; Mary, (Mrs W. Walls.) Detroit: Annie, (Mrs o. Aunt, Wnittwetgut, Aim; Nelly, (Mrs A. Nelly. Toron- to; J. A. and Wm ot bounced and John, of Irma. One duughtor Lizzie. of Vancouver and Prison]: ot Nets York, could not be present at the tunenI. Another daughter Tenn, pas- sed away six yenrs ago. the tirtst to so in a family of ten. V-Noah Bmsso. nr-Audrey By- ers. Evelyn Henderson. Br m--Miu.. Fulton, Myrtle Slurp. Clan Mus. Clayton Dlebel. lint-old Btasing,Arrh- Ie Henderson Alvin Yandt. Jr Ill- from a distaggee at the funeral were It is therefore with sincerity that no amen to you our approointion of the hula..- that you have “no in. Mar tho you that lie. thud open up for you a on of Prosperity, health nad Imminent. School Children's We have enjoyed your fruition“, ing the put you. Light Rubbers Bulk Dates Large Prunes S .8. NO. il, NORMANBY The spirit of this beautfful seascn which brings in all closer together prompts our desire to explcrs lo 3». our friends, the real pleasure we have derived through our business reletions. and to wish Sou and yours, a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year, in which we aim to be of continued end greater service to you. NE PEOPLE? MILLS. Mt. Forest Adeline Wldmeyer, teacher greetings gap the %¢ar 1928 we win dkr Reductions in LOV E . J. ARNILL A HAPPY NEW YEAR fbnfth 1llrethera HOLSTEIN GROAT Men's Winter Hose Mitts Canned Corn V Syrup Brick dwelling. All atttreukr . _ H on George St. nou- chI School. 4.: ply at nee. W. A. mum \N I And shun tire through tha, l' Eternal lite and new Each dar more bountiful. As. time declares their good. Forget: the nut and proves Their Immortality. They ore not lost who and The sunset some. the no] Ot all the vary "as. Nor lost. are they who reach The summit ot their etimb- The peek above the clouds And norms. They are not lost Who and the “(ht of sun Any! sure and God. They are not dead who live In hen-ts they Ion-e bound. In those whom they have him: G They live I We nadir. They am not gone who ma Beyond the cusp of Mad. Out from the strong enhance They are but come no claw We need not (not With lunch. Nor look to no. nor try To each the sound of feet. They have put oft their shoes To softly walk by any Within our mount. to (new! At night our drum-led paths on“: m Mai“) T)? 1-8. Mb. Maria] wore. 01le Service. PM 30006 mm M for Fm‘ Son 03an Attention. Beet RHUL', Pteo Cum on new." You It, hull any day Individual tnatmetimt mus m tobqrinaemtmeatany mm sr, --ttobert Orr in Buds}. THEY BOFTLY WALK HOUSE FOR SALE and phonon Wu, ts Pull- by In A. c. Klnln'r TM! .1990" shown! mounting b ”00.73. with u in “It d "17. M. In. dosed with punt-n ”moans mint-c year nerv- ole-med bs. math. u Idioms: I'msdvm. “man: Vtee pmsldmL Ir ulna: Bret, In Geo Yin-rs: Mrs C. loom, " : Sucnmen Mre All“! all In Tumult-y in Co... In D. . Sum/l Mrs R. humane: Fbower . km tamreettce and Mrs E. tdd: PM com. In; M, In Hopkins and Mrs Manual "MB. for January Mr: I“ “'0'": and In I “w , mum- tor Hut Wand. Mm“. In A. C Immor- Wur6 In m Caoptrelt, M “an”; Noni: Ward, I ll y. In DJI. Saunders. T c! the -titagt with a men: of " In“ In W. A, ' was, the and tor Mindy ot 1 lath... and Intertidal tetbow the dumbed. The lured” 1 thes ”all “y by “small: i the clu- tert and the [M1131 AM tte,',', 00000 Bt Lu TM- ty held their nun-pun; In um cutttrh has». Mud»- with a In." nth-ad who“! Milne-as and eiectioq ham: [or the coming year, TI ulIl " Mather muting Wu and M. Mr: ld‘mu yayer and the wading of u 1m. The mung "posed I ing and payer. after “not “an: a “chasm“ (annual the Society. The annuul n the Body and Tm» Were and Mom-d. marina: llw I months the Auxiliary has "$5.28. The twriptttrw he Nod by Mirstr Mars McKechg woollen! "I!" on "Mlhll lune Altitude" from our tttt Mti5 w“ awn by Miar, lane. l with our mind» toward study Mina In I the church Monday the I'm-m. Mr, am. The meeting Ir W B Scott. Md ml: w. has lad I l-unlul . I‘m from an unusual Re “a Imam-l)" Duran] {not when an“ [mm-1. whit mm ttt the radiator I M Me. Mr Scott was m qtttt tsoar [If the In“ the lap of the radiator and no lit a mulch. "out“: i the opening, thr liquid In: auxin Mr and We "me t into his luv. Hitt Hm: w Durand. 'taMirtgiati.t tite. I and Mr; ' Mill shows the the burns, Mr Scam r: an the Sun Tums. she wining to oqtterr. le em who!“ be ' in hand ("one The Young Wot Knox Church. met Tu. M Doctors In“ Dru, Durnon and Hair “mo Mica! mo-u- u - for Chan. Rho-V. Mullah of his MIR-'8 Illa.- py nun-r may lor an In: their custom” and serving a Iour month mm H! out to him n 0ka) It Nickle spoke highly m" amused and stated (ha! he the Mm Ind acted in 1 of an luv. Though Mum ttr WM to tirl 1h.- at: m m In. by tu".wa.itl MVMB the sow-Hon ot ttnd M violated and hr tii "00 all costs each. Sum“ in “at from ant, 'u" Momma. when he " is I long buckuun! yours am but "orember, m the lllne Mr David "I "hmee, mammd plum] tttmt home [am when hul "relve. The furm ir w m. not ovum! by “W, Mr “If Lrwremre. W the WI have but period. for tttst wont ”an later. he woman! a Ibo same tietd In whird Igiagqred to turn the swl. Il than I." wry h-vrugrlrulu {In claim such a unique r: in the beautifully I oval-1 Town: Hall. I and workmen as Wei Thanks. Your Honor "tt "Mlle-t land: and bone. full-x a most ulttg lull hen loom. M wtttt Town Ha“ "dee tittthee+ hem DivMott Court trr-tine hm. rammed In: pleasur ' The W! u M [or tho omsntrimt "uored my“ cum VOL. M, NO IM'" We “no" If then PM chance in (he dunno in nun” rhyme $6M Cettot hoot ru- whl

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