West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1928, p. 4

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F." ”1:14pm ateoieta, lenbor Canadian Weekly Revamp ore Ash-emu. C. WAGE & SON. Editor And Ptw minors. H J. S. MCILRAITH The biggest value E u i V"\“: ever offered l, F t in a "has". l l Model 250 Roger: Batterylcu L With Junior Set and Speaker " Symphony Speéker qro ARCHIVES TORONTO a - __-_- "v“, - Bull. "l: year right. A small cash payment and easy terms are offered to any responsible family. - “v-74 .v...u. ___. uurltu In 3 uve- tule, high-grade, completely btttteryless outfit. You are sure to get a Radio some time in 1928-- get this complete Rogers Outfit now and start the year fun. A small cash 03mm and can: 0mm (iL)f,i,)tiilibf,; _.,,t.i7i".t.',,i",'i)).?cs.:is: Ar, -e _<va-.u nuw‘\'l’ 10 PIN“ more of these sets and speakers and give you the henetit of the saving. At the former price of $263 this outfit was a good "huy", at the new hm price of 3250 it is unques- ti nnably the biggest value ever offered in a five. QIYI.‘ ' --o, . - - _I, 7... V. “no In." 17.0 angers K8010 Outfit has enabled the Rogers factory to produce Inn-n " ”nu-- --.., --" . - - Special n per cent Discount on any Merchandise i Public approve! of bis new 1928 R At the new low price of $250 We find we are overloaded will, Winter M cleared out below taking stock. To this end Bargains which the careful buyer will appreciate. Get this complete tKI Radio % Outfit SMITH BROS. TMDIMAIKISG. DURHAM'S RADIO Dfr‘LERS 1iiloolk-"raei'ind-ii"i'""itj'i""i"'s"" LEA, TOP RUBBr.tq AM. RUitBhat do: elm dear 'tt r THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY Mr J. S. Atkinson, Tomnto.. Secre- tary and Director of the Canadian Bureau for Advnncemem ot Music. TO ORGANIZE MUSIC FES. TIVAL FOR GREY COUNTY? which is not listed among are Sale Stock. Watch for Ge Sale Tickets on all Goods. in OM11 Sound recently. arrang- and b've ion the' 2.60 3.15 2.25 1.95 2.60 1.85 1.40 " " " 4.75 3.95 Rogers I - fl -.-..-..-.u..u-ou "NFV ( HES. “AH. and adjust tdiners. low I heels. reg. 83.75. to clear ......... SPECIAL PRICE, on all lines of MEWS, WOMF.N'S & BOYS' Hockey Boots. Don't overlook those. One lot WOMEN'S HOCKEY BOOTS rug. values up to $3.75. must be cleared our. only ................ .. Sl‘EPIM. PRH‘E‘S on all linos Men's Women's & Chlldro-n's FELT BOOTS. These mast bu cleared out. regard. less of cost. WOMEN'S SPATS. walues up to must be sold at only ......... MEN'S t.-BUTTtr.N SPATS, Donner & grey, reg. $1.25, to clear at ........ spams]. PRICES on all lines of MENS FELT & LEAT"N SLIPPERS 1vo's'. BOYYDOIR SUPPERS. rubber heels, leather and suede. all colors. regular $2.25. to clear at P.....-... WO’S JULIET SLIPPERS. black.pur- ph- nnd ““5. r»: $1.75& 1.50, to clvar WOMETFS MIR. CLOTH GOt adjust. [unto-new low and hook. reg. 81.50), to clear .. WOMEN'S CASHMERR"r'rse Women's (ioloshes S CASHM ERETTE GOLDS- £33325??? .1.".'. '.r."j.".' 1,00 Hockey Boots Slippers $600 will be divided between the Writers of the {av-van best papers on i"Why Canadian homes should be -heated with. Canadian coal." with the [sum of $150 going to the winner of ithe-tirst prise. The ”and to Bever'lt amines are as follows: 8100. $75. $60. $50. $40 and $25. .’ An unique feature of the contest. incuording to the Committee':, mien” Tis the (incision to honor each who“ Furi boasts a pair" winner by are, Spats l With the approval of the Provincial Department of EJucntion. the Pro- 'ducod In Canada Committee is inaug- ,'nnting an essay contest for students 3111 Collegiate institutes and High Schools throughout Ontario on the Funeral topic oi hating Canadian ihomvs with Canadian coal. Student: are ask’rd to discuss the “viability ‘of this in essays of from 1000 to 1600 l words. , CLOTH GOLOSHES l, Mr Atknson in addreasng the mus- ‘ic teachers. told of the interesting [account of the Work of the Bureau, 'in‘holrling musical competitions one {day earh year at the Canadian Na. .tionai Exhibition in Toronto, where incarly one half of the competition some, from outside points. l As an outcome of the discussion .that followed, the representatives er pressed their approval and coopera- ,tion with the idea. Mr Cooper pro- xiesul that 3 Grey Co. musical comp- (etition be organized in three groups. .0. Sound to constitute one groop. Mumford. Hanover and Durham the {next groop and all the remaining in. .corporatcd villages the third gmup. jaowirur competition within each ‘group, the finalist would compete for County honors. Canadian Coal will be the indirect cause or additional bank accounts for swan Ontario High School strdenta, according to an announcement Just made by tho Produced in Canada Committee of Ontario. ESSAY CONTESTS FOR HIGH .SCHOOLS ON CANADIAN COAL Mr Cooper stated the great dim- culty was that the North Grey Jun- ior Pttrmers' Association had voted. 100 per cent rural progmm and for the present intended to abide by that policy, as yet not having tmmeient self eotttidenee to invite competition with urban centres. in: with T. Stewart Cooper of Mark. dale, for an annual musical competi- tlon. Practically every music teach- er in tho county ot Grey had receiv- ed an invitation to be on hand tor this meeting and there was a fair rt'pre.o'ntMfon. nd cubsm , 60 1 'ea',,'.',."-"'?-,":'?'--"-"-----,,,,; '3. iow ..... 2.90 out: Phone " THE CASH SHOE STORE 1.75 1.10 erchandiec and must get it we are offering this List of MENS JERSEY GLOVES, tine wearing, only per pair . . . . . ' . . . . MEN'S WOOL MITTS. valuos $1.00,to clear at ..........r. MENS WOOL MITTS. valued to clear at ..............____, BOYS' MACKINAW SOCKS to clear at ................ WO‘S & CHILDREN'S BLK. WOOL HOSE. sizes 5 to 105. reg. values up to Me, to clear at .,............. WO'S SILK & WOOL HOSE, assort- ed colors, sizes 9. 9'2. Itt; reg. 750 'o.'.'............ 2 PAIR Fon.. MEN'S ALL-WOOL ' ENGLISH HOSE Black & Bmwn. sizes 105. ll. reg. value $1.00. to clun- at ............ MEN'S MACKINAW SOCKS, reg 31.35.10 clear at '.""............ MEN'S MACKINAW SOCKS. reg. 85c to clear at ................____,,, T window as quick as lightning to see l the sights wth the remark. "Gosh, 3 I've never seen Aggie before. Dam, " she's a. f1ae1 lookng girl. isn't site." And there you are. i suppose that's the kind of stuff that's going on a- ' round her oil_1he time except down in ' Ceylon. and in the neighborhood of I South Grey, where they " know her since she was so high. Wherever she goes she's the cynosuro of all eyes. gaping. staring and with " kinds ot comments, nice. nasty and abet-vise. Women being women. mybe '" out of every thousand en- " her, :14 would like to be in her I than. But uncanny, being a ho. nun, I believe " be. inclined to tire I A little later, I was in an 0mm a.- crosu the rand when she passed a- gain. 1nd I calla! Jim's “mutton to the fact, He jumped to the front care to be in her shoes (litt-railyi" speaking of course) or not. For in-i stance as sho passwod our window, I 0 made the remark to thoae in the 0H” Bee that 'there's Agnes MacPhail.’;° instantly. every man and women had; to rush up to the front to value a peek at her, just as though showers Rudolph Valentino, the Prince of Walvs, or the whole or Barnum's circus elephants, wild animals. bran ll bands and clowns, all rolled up inf. one. I don't know whethnr they were; disappointed or not, any war, all they saw was a. wall dressed, fine. looking. modest personage. whose: claim to distinction is that or being. Cansda's only woman M. P. In AGNES MacPHAIL LN WIARTON (From the Wiarton Echo) Agnes MacPhall was In town last week. I don't know whether I'd care to be in her shoes (literallv The contest close-s Thursday. Mar. Ist, and announcement of prize win. ners will be tmute as soon thereafter as possible. The Commrttee's announcement states that Canon H. J. Cody, former Minister of Education for Ontario: Brig. Gen. C. H. Mitchell, Dean of the Faculty ot Applied Science. Uni- versity ot Toronto and Dr Colquhoun. Dep. Minister of Education, have consented to act as judges. The basic idea underlying the con- test, says the Committee in a letter to all High School principals. in the desirability of developing in the minds of the younger generation an appreciation ot vital Canadian prob. lems and of fostering the habit of studying and investigating them. I serving to the school 11 tity ot Canadian books, be chosen by the schoo Hosiery in the Store Canadian books, the tiois if sen by the schools thamselves. basic Idea underlying the con- THE DURHAM REVIEW ' reg. va In. 't; Mk fitee's announcement Durham school library a an“. l 750 1 on.. no” ; g I I Funenl services will be held on l Thursday. Dr L. A. Bechtel omeiating ' at home at 1.30 p. m., rollover] at 2 by Masonic services at the Masonic Temple, under the auspices of Grace .Lodge. Burial will be in Forest Hill icemetry Duluth. It is requested that ifriends omit flowers. Mr Lindsay fluid a wide circle ot friends at tho (head of the lakes and may were i aggrieved at his death. $e==="a===tati==amat"aog=ta==rmt: Advertise your Sale in Review Mr Lindsay was a member of tho Veterans' Association of the Great Northern railway and his Mnsonic " tilutiona were in Sioux City, Iowa, where he In: a member ot the Blue Lodge. Consistory. and Shrine. Minn Rockies. He began working for the Great Northern railway in 1888. on the Breekenbrfdtre division and after a short time on the northern division ,cnme to Superior in 1895. to what was then called the Eastern Minnesota railway and with the ex- ception of four years (1911-1915)has resided continuously in Superior. Mr Lindsay was born in Durham, Ont. leaving home In 1883, to begin railroad work on the Candi“: Par cine railway when the Catalan Pa- Cific Ins tirat built through the Can- (From Evening Telegram, Superior. Wisconsin, Dee. 27, 1927) Jos. Lindsay. n resident at Super- lan tor many years, died at his home 1020 John Ave. Christmas eve, after a short illness. Tho. survivors m, elude his wife and three brothers, Rabi... of Durham Ont. ; lag. of Port- land. Oregon and Edward of Inver- Joseph lindsay as his Western friends knew Him Is estimated. The front wheels were still spinning when the cu- decided to quit its Lindbergh stunt and what is indeed strange and forttmate,neitS or car or occupants were hurt. It nll happened so quickly that the young men scarcely knew they ware get" ting more than they counted on. An Auto 8pitl near Obauworm It makes little difference the seas- on ot the year for motor accidents , they come just the game. On the smoothly worn snow mad, it is n dimcult thing tor at on not chnined. to keep the centre of the King's Highway. By the car refusing to do so, a thrlling accident resulted to three young men from Dornoch and vicinity recently, Messrs Joe Sullivan, A. n. McIntyre and Vern. Hamilton of Holland Centre. The car was a Chev. sedan and was the property of the latter young man. The three in question accompanied the Domoch priest-track to Owen Sound. after his morning service at Domoch, leaving him safely there. They were return- ing to Domoch quicker than they Went to o. Sound and when coming down a grade this side of Chataworth the sedan left the road, somersmtlt- ed three times and landed on a rail fence some 30 feet below the road it m it, alter a while and some day turn on the rabble and with tietee counteunoe and Mannie mum. new!!! in my moot terrible suc- eato 'Go to the blues.’ only I would not pronounce blazes that my. Bo that’s what I'd do it I were 11..“- nes' shoes but then Hat’s Impossible for I wou- nines 'and Agnes Lakes {our and a half or therabouts, Ipte- Reg. 82.50 for ...... Before we take stock of our Winter Goods we wil reduced prices it will ray mu to Loy. as we must r, store for our Spring orders The following will weeks so call early and get your choice. Stock,.. Taking Sale j Brigham’s . Brigham, Mr and Mrs Neil Melt“ spent . day this week with Mr and Mrs Wm Banks, Zion. _ Miss patrice Gatsby returned to Toronto,' after spending the holidays at her home here. Mr and Mn: Kart Vania were via. ltors recently with Mr and Mrs Jack Caswell. Aberdeen. The U. P. w. 0 will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs R. Lawson on Friday of this week. This meeting will be somewhot In the form of a work meeting and mem- hers are requested to bring quilt patches. Mr Alex Symon ls spendlng aweek wtth his sister in Hulda. Mr Wm Campbell is the new ten for S. B. No. 9. Mr Russel Rides. Brant, was $t Sunday visitor with Mr and Mrs Ed- gar Boyce. Mr Alexander Brown, student at H. H. B., was I. week end visitor with his cousin. Mr Donald Katie. Mr Gordon McDonald recently spent a few days in Proton. We extend sincere sympathy to Councillor McCulin, in the ion on brother, who was killed while at work " Burlington. Mr McCulin attended the funeral the tirtst of the week, Miss Jessie Twumley, teacher at Lamlash. was the guest ot Mr tad Mrs Prank Twamley over the week. Miss Winnie Fisher. Elmwood, was a recent visitor with her friend,Miss Tenn Livingstone. Mr Wm Bell and two sons Mr and Hrs And. CUMHM, Brant. visited Saturday at the home or " r. Jas. McDounll. ry White and Clnra. Subject. The scripture lesson was read by Miss C. Subject. The minutes, collection and roll call were then taken. Misses Laura 1nd Martin Kaut’nnn rendered ‘n very planing duett. Misses Josue MchsIIn and Margaret White Invar- ed the audience with recitntions. The main feature of the program Ins a paper prepared by Mr Young and ram and commented upon by Mr H. Bierworth. This splendid paper otter. ed many interesting suggestion.» for making the your 1928 better than any that have preceded it. The regular meeting of Crawford Y.P.S. was held in the church on Thursday evening. Jan. 5th. The pro- Krun took the farm of a. New Ymu"s one an! was in charge of Misses Ma- This is our church's Jubilee Your. The matter of a tttting celebration has been left in the hands of the Mangers of the communion. After the business was completed. tit" la. dies sawed a dainty lunch. The humus consisted of receiving reports ot the “not“ bunchvs of the church life and work and the e- lection of cactus. All the reports were very encouraging, showing that the work of the convention was in a. very nonporous comm. The general (and showed n bounce of over 425. The Maintenance & Ex- tension Fund was well over the nllo cation and the reports from Sabbath School, WALSH and Y.P.& showed marked advance. The former aw wards Ind ofBCittla were all reelected the Crawford United Church In: oonducued on Friday afternoon And was presldni over by the altar. Rev. The Ladies' I Overshoe loo o/o All 'tee. 4.50 tor Red, 4.00 for .., Reg. 3.75 for .., ""'""'........... 0.00 All Rubber, reg. 2.75 for...........).". . , " Shoe Rubbers, ladies' and I'M: SAUGEEN 8 inch top, "L.v, for......... All Rubber. reg. 2.75 for...... m___ " " . ”Wu we Will otter for cash at such as we must make room in our small [lowing will rule for the next two Raul-r 8tas for " inch top, reg. 86.5 " inch top. reg. 35.75 Also Rubber, 6 eyelet Rubbers for Men All Wool Underwear. Boys' ItutseGi spent Shoe Rubbers l, reg. $6.50 for..... V 'tr 35:75 for....... 1.25 for on... Ree. 4.50 for... Mun "use Mock or T'--rarettta Vase): Sr IV --0illy Sullivan". Msugtterite Lister, Gera. l Vtraey', Victor Steel}. Jr iv---,') Sullivan. Br m---Nora Lister. Drab Vase)". Jr m-John Vim-y Monica Vasey. Margttertte Beit. "---steua Moran, Funds Kietrer", Rose Mor tut. Br r-Walter Henderson. Gordon Henderson. Murray Smith, Aileen Darnvei. Wilfrid Hem. " r-Nates Heft, Violet McLeod. Pr --Ntrftn'a l Hater. No. on roll. M: Avenue attendant» 18. Present every day muted '. Mayne Sullivan. tucker BF "r--outel Filth, Mary Amr., son. Alva Greenwood. " 'v--vior,, Neely. OIIve Allen. Ruby Sum”, A lcNuly. " m----_ret Firth " m--3hruny Cox; Willie Gletteross, Amen Anderson. Gordon Greenwood. Jim Bell. Sr Ir-- Jean Firth, Mar, Allen. Hamid Greenwood. Jr II---; led: Staples, Wm Schenrmnn. Geo Schumann. Jr I-Margaret Edna Cecil Anderson. Henry \Vllllums. H. J. BEATON, teach..:. DORNOCH SCHOOL B. S, R. NO. 8, (New: for Firm' Term Though tahen by surprlw, Mr, not)“ made . lung reply. A dulm lunch was served. an” which all Joined In singing "For she‘s a Joll, good fellow" 1nd in wishing 'thr bride . long and happy married Jir, SNIPS Iililllll,Slily The evening was spent in mum-~- Innstc and lock! Intercourse. At an opportune time. In Brown wa~pr.. seated with a number of usmul and beautiful gifts. won: them bum.» silverware in the 'Adun Pattera Cm om pate from the Domochrrisurt, now mum: In Toronto, - H. r 2'i',tttttt, wed. buckle Jersey weak bones are evidences of li-deficiency. Emul- siiiedviumirt.riGeod.iiv/r .o,il. Ate.. Nature supply mm to her marriage. Mrs W: Md Brown. (nee Ruby Smllh, In neck) was the nest of honor a: " loch! evening, held at tttts Itome o" Mr and In Prod East. 19ssituettc,, Ave., Tomato. -, ymmgehildren? - - ___ Appear: Rickets or “not to um very weak in mum; w up!“ Toronto Ind hlsman: Mall is". hope he may tioon a. mod to good ham: and tyo to Milne his dutie- u usual. Sunday with his tune: in Bump} with It . J. Davey for a few .14 Very "ettat bar Rev Mr W, ununuo... LESSON No.17 quujon: M S. B. NO. s, GLENRDG CHOWEIING THE " DE and My; ""-.......... JAN. lt, I928 -.o.u.... ............ u ..... ......... "........ 4 " or... a food for 33.95 ".15 $5.75 is oil (“may d abl ing to alum Monday If Pe:,u. unet- norm!" day It his h Wedding h than dntts, Mr and Mr A harp: NTw "on and all Um ”ado-rs l Me.ars Murray Nie muck; mun-mu! to ' St‘hool urn-r ”mm at w. “on. on Wednerv.U Mr I“ Mrs A. L, Hit (Ilene Mark) III.” F'lorvno. an Mr Harm-1 ttotmd last V ther “my Mr Colt making m cf their "No-{gold I " to be doing ‘0 $0711)“ If Ar: hi amused lor Mr "my”: an” to bur mm In Houston an, (hm weeks," bolid can. Mr and Mr. 1 od u Petertsoro " “'0. sympathy Mr cad Mrs And I Ir I. M. McCall's-rat My owning an ' div In Toronto. seedy Mr Hill It 11' luv We rom- pl. noun Idnno-s "ml-p to her It w. G. ann r. (to. his trip to Ibo-u on In enjoyable lmlld Insan- David Hines had left on Tum]: tetataer to attend (in in. In Dan, Icon» Inch tsympathy ie ' and Mrs A. L. "inchr, their Inf-m dunghh-r Thanh}; mper Get our Price In“ Ann: Inn Ich- tuned to name her dur I! ”cum. after " Wt from vaccination. Mr and Mrs Wm, M “In" Donal“. mime " It have much; In t In.“ buying I ma DELIVERED IN Tl Sorry rho-n alth t m Mil, Mr Al (Arriwd too l I“: Mildred Scott oi. ‘ “as n to" um visit “do". Mr H. R, Heb-an Ills Otiee 310!an M end with het trien HM “our, tter 1,a lulu- Loaf Kiout PM Pride Hon: Custom Ch Ron] Hourwh'd rho "with: Flour, [we o Gan-d. Hour, :u King Edward Flow Best Quality rum and 24 n we ou l' ILATCHFORO'S CALF. CUNN'. I16 00 BEEF Start now and t cry. You will In . Henderson's. Mu Prompt and v um: HENDER Eat B, on JOHN M an PRIG THE PE " Kinds of Pa I] M121 il JAN. 12, )li am but H In

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