West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1928, p. 5

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trw in nut-s, w. At an I was” Hum] m but brrtmt than Cot. b "are I n"rdtsrs. , Mr Am. I) that” I his may I ”on b.. " be able Bat. nan ry Ander- "'---V$ottt mph-s. A. M. Finn. Mar-ems, I’m-aim, n‘n. Mary Mrs " nnh. Don mar at 1 ' bone of Usslnglm ply , My which “I u a 'odty shin: up priest m. ed, ettrta-t ‘IDE IBIS " oil for " 't friends Berkley. or Dells Monica --sttrtU - Mor I :mdon Him atrteia Edge 'o-nll mu , Get our Price Hue you Sol your Wheat " I intend buying What to ship by the Carl.“ GOODS oeuvsneo In TOWN " an DAV. ' ' man: no. a, on on mom- 'lin" Marin; -"__ -"'-'-'. - '._T-Apt"h. .. Mrs Henry Baton and ehiidren otl Misses Florence and Mat . Curso “caveman. tsepnta few days with her, I. " on Monday for 'Cdl/l? n parents. Mr and M” Geo. Pttart. " “a”, to “port that Mr ban c.! Misa Reta Bat-bout returned to not! Nilean is not vnjoyim: wry good) duties at No tr school after spending 1 alth yr Dre-vent, but hop" for him!' the holidays at her home in Egre- -p“ed_‘. ro-I'fu'rry. lmon" ' - Mr Miln- and sister or Blmwoml, This Week's Budget M" up. NW Tvar with m. aMl Mr and Mrs Will Jack and Miss '.lrt, Milne htuv. ICIara. visited with Mr and Mrs Cecil. (Arrived too late for last week.) , happy New Year to the Editor. up! all th" readers of tho Review. Mesars Murray Nichol and Gillian! muck: rmunwl to Toronto Normal Svhool ailo-r spending the holidays at home. Born. on Wednesday. Doe. 28tlt, to Mr and Mrs A. L. "lacks. a daughter. Mr Ahoy Men-m in; to attsatd Buglm runtIay. Mr Peter Johnston arriwd back. wr spending the Christmas holl- ,j.' at his home. “whim; bells an ringing loudly .n- 'tay 5. Mr and Mrs Harry Houston Andant- amen 1:.valHou-7s-h‘d Flourperbag 4.75; Sort-emu“ ....rdiMto per t Mdjvé'JC Flour. per bag ””42: Chopped Oats. per1001bs l, lt mama Hour, per has... 1.2 ' Km: lflward Ptour. per bag till (,rimpad Oats. per 100 lbs I. I Strong Chop. per 100 [be I. Fwd Flour. per bag ...... 2.25 Orland a." r ton 83 Pmtry Flour. " tb has ... 1.00 q "' " .. ' Mint “our, per bag ....... 4.30 Oat Chem per ton ..... " Ms.rrle ha! Hour, per bag. 4.76 Mind Chop, per tom... " Prairie Pride Hour. per In; 4.26 Gulf: Me. 100 lb. S. " BUAteHFotttt's CALF. no AND POULTRY FEEDS. Ata. OUNN'S BIG Mt BEEF "RAP AND POULTRY "Etta. i "r-or m and Mrs Wat. New and “who-Pr Dwain W on Sunday Custom Chopping Every Day Best Quality of Flour & Feed , Proudly, south line. Mr Herbert Watson went to Own 'und last WH'k on a visit to his bro "r there. Mr Colia McLean, south line, la .king preparation for moving into wn on tho old Dug-Id McCormick no weeks' hollduyo with her [up :13, Mr and Mrs Peter Ink. renam- l to Petrrboro this Tues. morning. Much sympathy ls “was"! for 1' and Mrs And. Hinds in the loss their wwkold baby. whlch ”you" 1 to be dolng well previously. They w our sympathy in their great rrow. Mr Aychie Calder is we hear. quar- titted for small pox at the home of Mr w. a. Tryon returned Tummy run his trip to Detroit and Toledo 7 an r-njoyable holiday. Mr J. M. McGIllvny art-hm! Wed. sdat Pvt-mm: after a week's holl- .-.- in Toronto. GU. - pleased to meet Mm Mu. We u'oro- pleased to meet In Mat. 'att Mrlnnvs out again after her :shap to her mic. ' Mrs Houston and .Mby after he: ' Wr Dave “lacks. was Am Mary loun- in m- :an to resume her (has. latching Buns-man. after a week‘s Juno” mm meditation. Won-r4 David lunch and Wm. Me. 'rd but on Tuesday morning (or Hum-r m attend the (“new of the rr. Mrs Dan. Meqtteers. Mach sympathy la extended to Mr A! Mn A. L “lacks in the deathot "ir ”rant daughter who died on nsrsla.s . Start now and order from Henderson's Bak- "ry. You will never regret using bread from Henderson's. Made from the pure st materials. Prompt and courteous delivery servize. Mt. Mildred Scott ot Toronto, is '.rriitae, a few dun may " her ru'e's. Mr H. R. New. Mt,-, Olive Melee“. tment the " and with her friend, was Eva Eat Better Bread in1928 JOHN McGOWAN PRIOEVILLE ti-ei','-,",-,"",'- T HE PEOPLE's MILLS tic Flour. per has .....425 tada “our. per bag... 4.25 Edward F'iour. per has 4.00 Flour. per In; ...... 2.35 r Flour. " ttt has ... 1.00 “our. per bag ....... 4.30 In! “our. pet tog. 4.16 , Pride Flour, per In; a.“ I-fEN0EllS0N'fi BAKERY All Kinds of Fancy Biking We solicit your patronage. We handle the Hum Houston and son JAN. IS, I928 and MI them " Beusomblo Yucca. Least purposes Col lc " this Chopped Oats. pert00 lbs 1.65 Crimpad Oats. per 100 lbs 1.65 Strong Chop. per 100 lbs 1.06 Crhntted Oats, per tem.. 83.00 l on Chop. per ton ..... 33.00 Mind Chop, per ton.... 33.00 Gum's W. 100 lb. S.60 Mr Wilbert Greenwood spent a law days with Wm and Mrs Fulton at Mulock. Screening. ....833.00 per ton Mrs C. W. Rutledge. Markdale. spent the week end with Mr R. T. Edwards. Mrs E. is not in the best of health at present. but we hope she will soon be better again. This Week's midget Mr and Mrs Will Jack and Mix: Clara. visited with Mr and Mrs Cecil Alton, Markdale the first ot the week “In Clara Greenwood. nurse-in- traininst, O. Smut, spent a couple ot days the tlrst of the week at her home here. Willie Edwards returned tohia stud. Ives at Toronto University after a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr and Mrs R. T. Edwards. (Too late for last week) Katie Quilllmn. Toronto enjoyedn. fu-w holidays with hrr parents, Mr. and Mrs Mike QullHnan. Donald of St Andrew! Presbyterian Church. Essex, On tt. Nell and J. A., at home. There wlll also mourn three Blisters. Mrs J. P. McLeod. Col- llngwood: Mrs Flora McLean, Ga- hom, Alta.; Mrs Neil McMillan. ot Swinton Park. One brother. the late Neil McCannol, passed away.tseverat years ago. I There mud away early Sunday imomtng last. " her home in Nottw Hung; Tp., Mrs Donald McQueen. at the age of about " years. The ma Mrs McQueen has been unwell for three years, high Mood pressure be, ‘lng the itrst trouble. but later she became of an anaemic nature. Her illness became more serious last sprung ard though tor a time she ttW peared to rally, It wu not to be and she passed to (alter realms, but let» lag behind her husband and family to) mourn her taking. ( 1 Previous to her man-Inge 40 years! Mo, deceased was Jane Mchnnol With her husband. there survive two daughters, Mises Sarah and Flor ence, pt home: three sons, Rev. Previous to her marriage 40 years Mo, deceased was Jane McCannel. and wax born on the old McCannel homestead " Top cum On her mar- riage from this home. she left for Nottawma, where she has since resided. I!" time on this earth has been one full of kindly deeds. kindly thoughts and tmsettiah service and these attributes she has passed on to her truntty, who rise up and call her blessed. I _ _ ":nfy . _ _. . . H“: f ' $33.: jay.» t _ ' 3.4 Ayn: V WM.» tmvrey2ts,a "rt9g "',sdu'aattir Muir‘s. Atchle ot Peterttormtrtt, Christan: bond." m THE ROLL CALI. DONALD MeQUEEN 'e‘mouh. spent the holidays at Mr Peter ZION VICIII‘IY apiendld crop tum. Will be sold cheap. with very my term. Apply to MN Neil Livingstone. R. R. s, Holland Comte. Oat.. . - .- - .nuuyu nail atonement OIVVU. Two hundred acre: in Glenelx to": There was no dettnite opinion expres- ship. being Iota 7 and 8, Con. 18. On anl as to advance of this and It this property Is . good frame house! was laid ovor meanwhlla. and hank burn. With oqter bliIdWS-; ---_-- 1 Plenty of water. good orchard: seven: in the obituary notice tn a. recent miles from Harkdale. This is a issue of the late This. Campbell. 'splendid crop tam. Will be sold them was an error in tttettttoemattoes cheap. with very my term. Apply supplied. The article an he was to Mrs Nell Livingstone. -“Inarrled a yen no thls coming R. R. s, Holland Centre. Oat.. January." This is wrong. Tho date or Albert Livingstone, Durham ot marriage was Feb. 6, "N, by Rev. Mr Wheeler: ot Durban. Brlck dwelling. All convonlences. on George St. near High School. Ap- ply at once. TUESDAY, JAN. 17, 1928 Farm Stock. Implements and House- hold “vulture of ISAAC HOOPER, LOT M, CON s, S.D.R.. GLENELG Sale at 1 o'clock . No reserve. Bee Bills. GEO. DUNCAN, Auctioneer I: reeistered Hereford Bull Calves for sate, ranging in age from 11 to 8 months. Apply Allow me to express my slncere thanks for the splendid vote you ac- corded me at the polls on Jan. 3rd. It will be my earnest endeavor to surve you faithfully and to this beat of my ability. Mr and Mrs Andrew Hineka wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the many kind acts during the illness of their Infant slaughter. "one Marie. To the Elwtors ot Glenelg Township: out his snowmobile. l Lower Hall, same rates. or $15 for Mr and Mrs Jas Henderson, Yeo-i both at one time. Upper Hall, day vii. were first of the week visitors at or evening to residents, " '. second Mr Ainsworth McPhail's. Might. " Lower Hall. sumo. rues. or Mrs Con. Schmidt has left to spend' $12 for both at one time. Rehearsals the winter with her daughter, Mrs.; $4: Sundays, " per service: care. Pike. Mt Forest. Maker‘s tee, " if after 12 midnight. Miss Annabel Campbell, Toronto”? The salary question proposed last visited her grandmother. Mrs McTag-l year. was settled Monday night when gart. in motion by Mcc1oeklin--Atr. Noble, Miss Sadie Harvey was home rrom, unanimously carried. that a salary of Hamilton for the holiday s. .32 per regular meeting be paideaclt Mr Alex Spence spent. Toronto,' member of the Council present. This spent over New Years with his Pat", means $26 per year for each of the entre, Mr and Mrs Thos Spence. leitrht members it all attend all meet, ------_---- {ings or $208 per year. A further-sum 101’ $40 was mated the chairman of CARD OF THANKS 'the Board of Works (this year Mayor Mr and Mrs Andrew Hincks wish Murdock) for partial recompense tor to thank their many 'ley? and his time and services. Mr and Mrs Jas Henderson, Yeo- vil. were first of the week visitors at Mr Ainsworth McPhall’s. Mrs Con. Schmidt has left to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Hike, Mt Forest. The young people on Wednesday evening of this week are giving Mr. and Mrs Stanley Paxman a Coleman ttttich-lite lamp. accompanied by best wishes for a happy mun-ifs! life. The regular meeting of Hopevilie Institute wlll be hold Jan. 11th, at home of Mrs Nathan Haw. Program, "Making life worth while' by Mrs J. Scott: recitation by Mrs P. Sage man. Display of bedspreads made from ttour bags. Mr Rom. Stewart has been trying out his snowmobile. Mr and Mrs Jno. Bittort have mov. ed back to their farm on Con 9. I OPENCE - RUSSELL I At the home ot the bride's parents. ':Mr and Mrs Jno. Russell, Dundalk. Who marriage took place of their youngest daughter, Mary Mnrgnret, to John Spence. only son of Mr And Mrs. Geo. Spence, Saskatoon. Rev. E. Annand omeiating. Mrs Flo Russell. Sister ot the bride, played the wed- ding music. _The, bride, who was given in marriage by her father. wore a gown of ivory cut velvet and gear- gette, with veil ot net nnd Chautllly lace, arranged very attractively With orange blossoms and earr%itrtrotutet of yellow roses and lily of the val- ley. During the signing of the reg- ister, Miss Annabel Campbell of Tor. onto sang. The bride's travelling dress was of Marion Glace crepe and satin with velour hat and complete ensemble to match. Mr and Mrs. Spence will leave for their home at Girvin, Sask. lato in January. i The matfage of Agnes, daughter ot Mr Alfred and the late Mm Burgess of Burgoyne. to Mr Andrew McEw- lug. son of Jas. McEwing and the late Mrs McEwlng of the town tine, Bruce and Saugeen. was quietly sol. emulzed at the Pretstryteritut Mnnse. Southampton, Rev. Tolmle calcining. Mr and Mrs Mc%wins wilt reside on the groom’s farm at Aberdour, Sm- geen. The Nile is a niece of Mrs. Wm Sharp. Hampden 1nd Mrs Math- er, Pricevllle. 1 as best man. Mrs Slaler phyed the wading march. Mr and Mrs Cobb will reside in Cochrane. wedding when Mer. l. D. Parks of Timmina united in marriage Margar- et Elizabeth. only daughter of new. and Mrs C. Sinclair Jones. formerly ot Ht. Columba Church, Pricevlle. to Charles William Cobb. only son of Mr and Mrs Geo. Cobb. o. Scum. The bride, who looked charming in her bridal costume with vell, m than may by her father, Itev. C. S. Jones. Miss Mildred Wilson was the bridesmaid and Mr FR Carter acted BULL CALVES FOR SALE COBB - JONES The United Church Manse. Coch. he. OIL. was the scene of a pretty HOUSE FOR SALE. McEWlNG - BURGESS AUCTION SALE FAR)! Pol BALI CARD OF THANKS THOS. TUCKER, R. R. 1, Prieevttle, Ont. HOPEVILLE W. A. McGOWAN' JOHN BOYD tun it & 'edt'te_ttia uessment 8:505. I. W. Even made a. propositionI that he mu give property tor a street " n wide and driveway tol engine and In reu- of Main st.:' building: from Hiddaugh stable. to. T. hi. Mchdden was mappblnted High School trustee for , years. A straight Bell Telephone courier- tion Durham to Toronto is proposcfi. Notritr-McClockun, moved that coun- cil go on record as in sympathy with endeavors of different concerns in town to obtain direct phone services to Toronto. Car. Reeve Bell suggested that the Council send a resolution to Mr Pic- kett, C. N. R. Supt. at Stratford, re- garding our wretched train service, and the clerk was instructed to for, ward sinned F. W. Moon had the only tenderin for snow ploughing sklenlks. " a trip. The opinion was expressed the Council should provide a more sult- able plow nrd Reeve Bell suggested that Bd. of Works make enquiries as to price of plow a.nd leave the mat- ter with Bd. of Works at present. A motion by Meclocklitt--Noble to this effect. earried. 3 (Continued from Page 1) for the remodeled and renovated i’i‘own Hall. was also passed. In most cases the new rates are just double the former tuures, which were tixed thirty years ago and were de. cidediy low. The new rates ttre _very moderate compaml with other , towns. They are .' Upper Halt, day or evening to non residents. :10: second night " Salaried Council for Durham l The bush men in the Park raised [their saw mill yesterday. As we looked on we thoutrtt of the Inn who made a ttttdle out ot his own head and had enough wood left to nuke ‘another. They put up a. mill out ot waste timber which will do the Job and all good material will be for 'sale. 10 or 12 men are on the job at ‘present Ind 1hey make quite n stir, not letting the old people sleep in the morning. Our new mew. Mr Watson. was " council yesterday and came home with his scalp on. So we think he will be successful in guiding the af- fairs of the township for the coming year. Some houses are being sold in the Park and prices are better than the past few years, but still room for int. provement. Mr and Mrs Jag. Hardy gave an old time Swlnton Park party Friday evening last in honor of Mrs Hardy's sister, Mina Copeland, who is visit- ing here " present. Everyone enjoy- ed themselves and declared Jim and wife anrlgh't. But this morning his amusing for the youngsters-it is so slippery. But not so for the old or crippled as you can so down quicker than wink. Those who have been shut in on account of scarlet fever, viz Bert Knox and Martin Wilson are tttte to be out again and there has teen no further spread of the trouble. In» general health Is very good. We are sorry to [war ot the death ot Mrs Dan McQuem. near Mayner, sister of Mrs Neil McMillnn here and cousin of the Clark's, McLeod's and McQueen“ here. All are away to the funeral today. will my tor this try seven atom Inter. But let us not miss them till we come to it. We have bod " months now without a. severe storm or a blocked road. When we read of the storms experienced in other parts, we ot South Grey shoull an predate the land we live in. it We: have not the best things in the world, we certainly hnve not the wont. We have always pure air and good water as we at: high up in the world. I hope alt readers of the Review are able to enjoy this and weaker! at the ttrat of the year. No doubt some will be prophesyhg that we THE DURHAM REVIEW Council adjourned to Feb. Itth. " La. H. u. Mum Ch Aug. 4th. Sept. m. Oct. 6th, - Nov; 10th. Dec. 15th. Carried. Metaettnie-- Whitmore: That the printing your end on Inch lat. and that the Dix-bun later be unwed printing In. lurch lat next. Car. Btaee--ahabettnie: That G. Whit- man be mad with the auditor-a to examine tho Treasurer: securities i MeKeetutie--maek.. That in accor- 'dance with Section No. 121 ot the u- iquor Control Act of Ontario. this iCouncit appoint Mr George Black as Constable for the To. or Glam-lg " the rule of 30 eta. per hour forum-it performed and 10e per mile mileage as provided by luv. nnd that Clerk be instructed to prepare 1 By-inw eoattrantng nppointment. Carried. Whittntmr---ectutie: That this Council otter I. new oi 820 to any person killing; volt or botreat in the Tomhip ct Giese1tr,satirtaetory; pron! being nut required try Council Board of not killing. Carried. I "Mckeetutto--atort: Tint the due-' of Council meeting: for 1928 be gs! follows: In. 0th. “at. 11th. April 7th. May 6th, June and. July tth, Mekeehnie--mack: That this Court. cil accepts report of Township Road Supt. under the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act for year ending Dee. Slat 1927, and that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to Sign petition tar sututory grant on expenditure ot $3598.62. Carried. Whitmore-Bitter. That this Coun- cil advertise for Assessor tor 1928. Carried. Biack--Boyd: That the Treasurer be authorized to accept from Wm. Weir, the sum of 829.17 tor sale of lands in Pricevllle Police Village. Car Whitmore-.. Black: That payment Voucher No 1 for road improvements as certified to by Tp. Road Supt. be accepted and payments made, a- mounting to $41.90. Car. The following accounts won- passed and payment made): Marklalv Stand- ard, printing acct Trout. Statements. ballots, nomination notices and ad- vertising $75.50: Municipal World, Ltd. election supplies $8.12: H. H. McDonald, minutes for publicaton for 1927 $10: W. J. Ritchie. preparing Fin. Statement $10: Wm Weir, IS- sistlng with some, $3: Toronto Hospi- tal for Sick Children, grant, $10. Whitmore - Black : That mention expenses be paid as follows): No I, poll for DRO, Rom. Merrslden; poll clerk, L. Chapman $'2.60; trustees S. S. No. , polling place tti: Poll No 2. P. J. MeMittan, D.R.O. expenses, 812. GO; Poll No 3, Jun. Varty, 0.110. ex- pensea $12.60.. Poll No 4, C. McArth- ur, D.R.0. expenses, $12.50; Poll No 5, expenses, J. O'Neil, D.R.O., $7.50: Wm Firth delivering ballot boxes $5; H.H. McDonald,, telephoning re bat lots and ballot boxes 60c. Total $63.10. Carried. i McKechme - Black England's bill re Par referral to Board of I Bylaw: were passed as follows: No 695. appointing Henry Benton 1nd Jno. McGlrr, auditors for 1928: No. 696 appointing members to local Bd. of Health: AM. Bell M. D. M.O.H.. Thos. J. Brodie, Reeve tea-tio),:', Binnie and H. H. McDonald, mem- bers. Sanltary Inspectors for r, divis- ions as follows: No. 1, H.H. Mc- Donald: No 2, Geo. Binnie): No g, R. J. Tory. No 4. Jno. Ellison : No 5, T. J. Brodie: No 697 nppolntlng Wm Banks as caretaker of Tn. Hall for 192%, at salary of $25. Met on Jan 9th, 1928, In accord- ance with statute. Newly elected members ell present. took their dec- laration of Mice and seats us rol- loWs: Messrs Thea. J. Brodie.reeve; Muoolm Black, John Boyd, John Mty Kechnle and Geo. Whltmore. coun- cillors. The Reeve and Mr M. Black. (who has now been a member of Glenelg Council for 20 years) brietiy addressed the council after which the minutes of Dee. meeting Were read and adopted. 1 The Annual school wanting hell on Wednoldny hat was fairly well at- tended. Mr Jan Brown was elected mm... in phone or Mr Wog Arno": Mr Geo. Bell trot the contract of sun plying the wood and cedar. Mr Will Jacques was chosen to attmd the o. R. A. In Toronto. Master Carman Noble of town has spent the last two weeks with his cousin, Master Ame McGlrr. Mr and Mrs J. C. Hamilton spent Sunday With her parents Mr and Mrs Hugh Firth. Mr ha. McGirr. Jr., Detroit. is visiting his parents. Mr and Mn Jan. McGirr. Miss Mary Whitman intends leav- ing Thursday tor Toronto where tshe will spend the winter. Sorry to hear of Master Davey Allen being under tho Dr's care. Mrs Wm Atcluson and children. spent over the week end wlth her Slater. Mry R. B. Long. Holstein. Mr and Mrs Reuben Noble. Hutton mn and Mrs Geo. Noble of town. spent an afternoon with Mrs John MeGirr. being present at the when! of ats brother. the late Joe. Mutiny. Misses Ruby and Edith Staples. of Edge Hill. spent In! week with their sister. Mn; Clark Watson. Mr Jon. Lindsay returned home {mm Superior, Wm. Timmy. after GleneUCinmcit ack: That J. E. Furies family be at Health. Car. ck : That cleotion ONTARIO AWS" y ll Mmca To I'lllllls The Durham U. P. o. u" can Auoclntlon will IND stock from Dr ham. on “may; Shipper. m re attested to (In three days' notice. JAS. LAWRENCE. Bhlppor H. Ball and Rev. Mr Newton. "iii.,-,,..' Newton accompanied the musical numbers. as waiters and were-hams in mum-IL} Among those giving ot their talent' were Messrs Search, Alex and Mimi Bell, Karl Newton. Grant Mecomtr,l The young nan of the Baptist Ch. hold a social in the new church school room. which was unique in truraefer, for the young men not on- ly prepaned the pmgrnm. but acted On New Year's Day, members or the family of Mr and Mrs John Cat. der, Yeovil. met at their homo and presented them with two comtomb- 1e chairs. Mr Malcolm McKinnon. Port Arth- ur, and Mrs McKinnon. a bride of a few days, are in town this week on their honeymoon tour. l Bentlnck after three years'.trhl.|m "QH'TtMt "h11fh'tP"'""" - 'ttttstained local option, by us for.I ‘265 against. The majority In iiiil0M. c. G. AID [than three years ago but yet "ttic-l BESSIE 1tthtit.LMtltt :lent to show that Bontlnck will new! Cht-tstt S.eegatirt. ‘er again have license to sell booze. 'mer-tte-tr-- Mnrkdalo and Mt Forest are Joined,“ to their idols and the liquor traMe will have to work more harm before . c. Pt0ttEltttttt, OM, m it is driven from its '1iiiiii"cicirid/ege.t alumna}! d 1H... 2s YEA” AtMt 1'e,'h'f4a'h'gr,f,g,'tef,,,tgt,"tti.. From Review tyle, Jan. fl, 1903 !0n J OJBUNTIII'I In!“ Intense- excitement worked Itself into the Calder - McIntyre L-as-ali-_"'"-"-""-"'-'"-'"-"-"'--'-'-"-'----- ty campaign and tho result proves', that the candldutos have friends int L F. ttlthltr. D'D's" LM. nearly equal proportions who will _,) HONOR GRADUATE TONI“ I!“ take pen in hand to 'mark a rrmrtf,: m" mm Rorat Manna-p for them " least, an McIntyre won' thtrgeottn. DOOM?! In " In it. over Calder by only 20 votes. i chem . The council in Engnonl are. OMee, Eat ot Cemtrat Dme M Reeve, D. McQueen: Council. Gor- Entrance on Mitt m don, McIntyre, Robb, MeFndden. 'Sei-------, Glenelg: Reeve, Thou McFadden: Council, T. Davis. G Arrowsmhh. P. Sulllm. J. Hellman. Benllnck: Reeve, B. Dickson. Conn. all, T Torry, R, Grier-son, Leslie. Cro- i From Review Me. Jan. 9. 1m ' Miss Elizabeth Moon. m has ibeen ensued bythe mam to tahe iehttiottttehttene schoolan ton Park. in the mum at . low- ,er manicure not from the ”ham ’or 3.8. No t, Brunt & anemic, on her resigning from tttttt charge. Holstein: Another business chase took place In the vim.“ when John H. Sharp after three or tour years in tho hardware business. sold out to J. Moreland Matthews. of Brice um. Proton. North Enemont: The choir of Amos Church am invited to the home of one of their valued membera,Miu Belle Patterson on Friday night. a hall mirror um ebony mule-are set was as wetl presented. Miss Nellie Bums left funny to teach at Chippewa Hill. um Tut. Born. in Normanby. on Jun. 2nd. to Mr and Mrs Du'ld Nut-shall, a son. In D. Greenwod aad daughter Clan new remembere by I my assembly or their former neighbor-I at Edge mu. when during the even- lng an address was not] to than and This "euritr “fecund- tho inventor "sin-t loss through the mutant” of all collateral dope-iced with the Trustee. and" lame of the bonds. A In re 7 7. income without tho worries incidental to ordinary investments. PRICES FOR SKATING Gentlemen ........ 25c Ladies .. .......... ra Boys, 13-18 years ....15c Children, 12 yrs a under 106 Skating Hours: 3.15 to 9.45 By Order, THE MANAGEMENT Durham Rink WR'TE. PHONE or CALL FOR PARTICULARS P. RAMAGE IN DAYS OF YORE TORONTO 7 l, Income with Guaranteed Security DURHAM, ONT, " YEAR. no if? MIDDLEBRO' & McQUARRIE thy town tjeoiiiirTiaiiiiu7 - - can be 'ttruled at m Id {on W. Ghana-a In the 5.5?th "T"irGiriG'i'= can In the (cure. t. Jam» animation . Elm-moo b the Mom! mm The School In My oqtrtrqrmt D. 0.3- -- AL- ‘A-.,,. to an up the' intending pupil. would m to enter at the beginning or the M term. information as to conne- my be chained from the Princiui. Etch member of them in lining-lit: mm sad so ena- .6731 SCHOQJL ‘DUIHAM ', Lunbton St. 'c. c. mummy Licenced Auctioneer [or Ca. " .0) Terms, reasonnhle. Bale "tee - be arranged at the Revlon 0h Licenced Mam-oer me My 'tmrrtq Saiea taken on W. “In Date: amused " Herald one.” an, untmuh Durham's-o Meaherton Adnnoc. atom Dino... Dunn": P. o. snasduiiG.' Mr. L F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. LM. HONOR GRADUATE Tomb I!“ my; 0mm Rom Macaw Surgeon Dead-try tn a: In In. clues. All the you round The tttleo! Eng {We au "m and you. “it; can muons. m-ttnan., Mention": J. L. SUIT". [In " " Odo: and “not. WOO“... -etdPutieiFaiit%Tii'i'a"ii"i', MONEY FOR “LE Good honey " 81.00 per " "an.” WM. A. MaeDONAtat, Countess Bt.. Durham crud-mama".- ”mutual-Ir. “a - mun smut. madman-Irena; (Mumuum.m 11estrr.oiaiua.id.jiGre FL? txt ”on. May-0m GEORGE E. DUNCAN McQuame win be m dar mg, tn Damian. 'ties {but addatLtts to JOHN O’IEIL J. E MIME. M... MQIGLELLAI BR. A. M. BELL Barruteea, etc. pn layman Ind hou- r18 Eamon-icon.“ "HIM-.14.... OWEN ”0ND '" 2nd Am .

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