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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1928, p. 8

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15 Water! Water! ! Water I Why than take I chance and In water that I: polluted and unit in done-tic use. when pure water can to had by having a well dulled. I also hurdle Pumps and Pump - Summation guaranteed. Mrs Noble rehearsed the interview an [and with Mr Murdock. Mr Geo. Wan at! Mr Joe. Grin-non sure ev- Huco aluminum: Nobte's plea: Mr H. Herd, a brother-inrhur. lull- What in Good Health Worth? tho Defendant had "wished him inch" with his nnhue. Later. the tetter vu Med that the 820 Wu was In. Mom was given that Murdock had said he could not sleep " night because he sold too cheap. Noble sud he n was who picked the bill up. not Murdock. and on other points the evidence dilered. hrrthseialhyisaart leaned that that gentleman consid- ond the :20 m - money paid on the mule. nu ma Murdoch's story. Evidence was given in rebut“! that weakened this evidence. Mr. Noth- was some he had bought them. (Continued mm Page 1.) to (on next day but Mr Noble had use to Toronto. Ho - Mrs Noble. bet she refttqed to an the money on! when an! he out Noble he Are you one of our tratissfied patrons? If not give us a trial OUR AIM --. Service I“ satistactiett Mr. Farmer; RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ED. J. ritarr. R. n.4, Damon BANK OF MONTREAL Total A.“ in - of ' ho-tmoms Establish-d 1811 BE PIquAlQaD you do Prepare building Datum eme encies often can For ready 11,t1"/';','u' have it you a, not need to worry. Prepare For sud: occasions lg Building up an ite. "t st-bcaring savings account ut'me BANK OF MON'I'REAL,which‘Pr-stccts ties savings of many thousands of Canadians from one end of' the Dominion to the other EGREMONT CREAMEIY co. vs. i M. G. MOORE AND co. ,' This was an action brought by the Creamery Co. against the Toronto ttrm for a shipment of butter made to thtm amounting to 8200. The De- fendant claims the shipment was made to them as brokers, not as buyers. and put in a counter claim ot 837.80 for their services. Mr Wal- ter Hastie. Sec'y ot the Company, was the chief without and his evi. dence showed that he had borne the chief burdens of the negotiations. leading up to the disputed sale and Inter to the suit. it appeared the Co. had acted more than once in a dual hapacity. sometimes as buyer, some- times as broker, They had sold this butter. but objection was made to its quality and returned to them. The defendants: had voluminous corres- pondence to justify their action and after lengthy addreses from respect- ive counsels. His Honor dismissed the claim of the Plaintilfs, granted the counter claim of the Defendants, and added a counsel tee of 820. J. A. Campbell. Alex Cranston,Vic- tor J. Adams, Wes. Andrews, Thom Atehison, the tive empanelled. The others were Wes. Arnett, Wm And- rews. Henry Datum, Wm C. Caldwell. R. J. Eden, Alex Campbell, Louis Becker. The jury of " called [mm whom the chosen by lot are empanelled were as follows: Mrs. Murdock gave evidence cor. rohorating her husband's story. Mr. Klein uld Mr Henry both abused the Jury, both with marked ability, setting forth strong and weak points in the evidence us they saw it. The Judge followed in an address to the Jury. setting forth the law of evi- dence and the procedure to be fol- lowed by impartial men. Verdict tor Noble, Plaintm After being out for halt an hour. the Jury brought In a. verdict for tho plain“! allowing him a sum ot 8128. H. The Judge thanked them in the name of the County and himself tor their verdict to which he added a counsel fee of $20. tled that he had advised both pu- ties, to avoid law. 1928. Addressed to Tr i SCORES: First Period Middtebm' & “Name. .mme Leafs, Bert Eccles: Bruins. mm. Ont. '1. Ellis: Maple Leah. B. Eccles: Solicitors for . 13mm. Fulton. Plump J. H. nuance and Wit i Snood Period: Mule been. R. “an J. um. Executor: " Elle: Maple beau. le Woodyu'd: Last may evening a large num- ber attended the reception given by Mr and Mrs Hamid Eurig. A most enjoynble time was spent. lasting till the wee sma' hours. The number ot useful and valuable gifts given show the esteem in which the young couple are held by friends and neighbors. l The young men-and some of the older ones tom-on this line, are hiv- ing great sport breaking in colts for driving. Some so ott nice and quiet others nre very skittish and frisky. and some refuse to start out an by themselves. Dillerent natures, like their human friends! Messrs. Alvin Rum 1nd J. Watts have started on a contact for cut. ting wood in Calder's bush. Mr Fred Holliday has bought a farm on the ttth can. Eminent, and is making preparations tor moving. Mr Funk Sharp, town, went a day on the farm the tirtst of the week. Mr Roy McKenzie. Toronto. spent the holiday week " his home here. Mr Hiram bowling. of Wainwright, Alberta, is visiting Mendts here. l The death took place in London. on Nov. 19, 1927, ot Mrs Lucinda ‘Tumer Crosier, beloved wife of Rev. :Hugh Crozler. She passed away at {the residence of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Knox. Mrs Crozler was the eldest daughter of the late Jas Cros- ier, who resided near Kingston, where she was born. She was of great help to her husband in the work ot building up the King-lam at Holstein. Port Perry, Grand Valley and Ashhurn, at which places her husband served the Presbyterian Ch. for a period ot 40 years. In 1909 they retired to Guelph, where they lived until 1921, when they went to Lon- don to live with their daughter. She leaves behind her, her httsNutd,Rev. Hugh Crosier: one dauguter, Mrs. Knox and two sons. Rev. H. G. Croz- ier. now of Thamesville, formerly or) Tavistock and Chalmers' Church,| Winnipeg: Col. Dr. J.A. szier, of: Port Arthur. Mrs Crozier made msnyl friends in all her husband's charges.. but particularly in Grand Valley.’ where they lived for 14 years. I THE LATE MRS HUGH CROZIER SOUTH BEND Bruins: goal. Wm McKenzie: vie? . The relotives here were ct Dro- fence, Femon :'Forvnrds, H. Pinder.’ more on Saturdsy attending the tu- Joe mm, W Arum: subs, M. Fidller new of their niece and cousin. Mar. Maple Lents: goal. Earl Ross. tie the Eecles. We extend sympathy to fence. Eccles: Fomrds. Rite. Geo. the here-mod. . - Brown, Woodyu'd: Subs. Jim Cab; um Bessie Alles hu returned to der. - ' I Toronto after enjoying a. few New Reieree, Bert Gibson. l Yen's holidays " home. The gme to have been played on? Mrs A. Mchcer and My Dorothy Tuesday between the Msroons and of Proton, were recent visitors with Senators, m called ott owing toiaek her parents, Mr “dill-s Thou. Reid. of ice end will be played " close of Word In received last week of season. the serious illness ot Hrs J. Grooves The teams battled on even terms for half the period and with the map- le leafs ruling. the Bruins scored twice to win the trtumr---the am on a long shot by Ellis and the winning goal when Ellis circled the goal and tallied the lut and deciding goal of the game. The Maple Leak took an early lead in the 2nd period when Rife and Woodyand scored in quick succession and held the lead until the last few moments ot the period when Finder scored on an individual ettort and the second period ended with the Maple Leafs mam; by 1 you. The Maple Leafs were tlrtrt to score when Eccles circled the net - and shoved the puck pant McKenzie. Ell- im evened the count on 1 long thot. The play was even, with both goalies making some nice stops. The Maple Leafs went into the lead again when Ecclea scored one. pus out from the corner by Brown. Near therend of the Btatt period, Penton evened the count when he scored on n nebound. asd the first period ended with ntied score. iod rally to win out by the odd goal. Outed. number of fans turned out to see the game ud were well pleased with the hockey and the closeneau of the score kept the Interest thrown- out. ' . The Bruins won the opening hock- ey game from the Maple but: on Pridayrnlght by staging . third per- A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Jas.Creary. Wellington St., Orangeville. when ldaf May, daughter ot Mr John G. Mit-l chell, became the bride of Mr Melvin G. Reid ot Hamilton. The bride wore; a gown of blue georgette with rhine' stone trimmings. She was attended by her sister, Miss Winnitred Nit? chell of Guelph, while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr Merton; Reid ot Sealarth. Following the cer-j emony, which was conducted by Rev. l. B. Kane. a luncheon us served. On their return from a honeymoon' trip to Montreal they will reside in, Hamilton. i Don’t miss the social in the hue- ipent of the United Ch. may ee'g, jun. 13. Good program and lunch. Mr and Mrs Robt. Adams of Kind. ersley. Sask. visited with relatives in the village and renewed acquaintanc- es the past week. with his parents. Colin and Mrs tie- Minna. Mrs Malcolm (nee Reta Roberts), Scotland, visited recently with her parents, Mr and Mrs Ina. Roberts. Mr Wm Jamey. Mt Forest, visited with the Arum family over the week to 0. Sound Westley to attend Grey Presbytery. They mule the trip each my In I. little over , hours Ind en- countered very little snow. Rev. Stunt Scott. son of Rev. G. s. Scott, former Presbyterian pastor. renewed teammate” tn the village thle week After " your: absence. For the pest you. Start he: been a resident of Manor, Seek. reruns Ina butcher end grocery business. He is enjoying excellent heelth since going West. the climate being salable. He has become n big and rugged young man. Messrs Jan. and Arch. Ecclea ot Brampton and Georetrtomt, who at- tended the funeral of their cousin, Martin Eccles, Dromom. visited rela. tives in this vicinity over the week end. class has had a. successful year, the hooks showing 1 good surplus. The newly elected tttBeers are: Pres, C. Rogers : Vice Pretr., Miss M. Coven '. Sec'y. Miss E. Tynan": Trees., E. Dingwall. The encore each thanked the class tor their trust in them in electing them to the various omees. One and all urea that with such an etticietyt teacher as we hue in Mr. R. Sim, tor the put three years, it should not be hard to make this year the best yet. The business over a socinl hour we: spent utter which the hostess served . dainty lunch. The people of the villuxe and vie. inity join in expressing their Impa- thy to Dr McLellnn, in the death ot his tether. who died in Mt Forest on Tuesday utter a lingering illness. ' Rev. C. by and Roht. Mm motored The organized clue "sun". or the United Church. held their annual meeting on Saturday ery, Jan. Tth, " the home of In W. WI. The ileum Luna-11d Lynch. spent the week end with the latter'. parents at Anon. Everyone welcome. Mr Alex McMillan spent I few days BRUINS s, MAPLE LEAF! 4 REID - MITCHELL at her home In Huang- Ca She tngttered a. patatl.vtieotroke Ind this with complications caused herdoctor to otter no hope tor her may. We ammthlze with the Mend. In these long. trying hours of suspense. . The Behave: here were " Tho. mote on Satunduy attending the tu- nem of their niece and cousin. Mar. tha Eecleu. We extend sympathy to the here-mod. _ - Mr John Munn, mmmn. bu been spending . week with his sister. Mrs R. A. Nicholson and other relatives. Mrs A. Drimmie was in Kirkwell but week unending the when! of her uncle. Mr and Mn R. Kirby and children Joined the New Year’s ttuntiy gath- ering In her parental home last Tuesday. l Mr Campbell Wntson and Miss Te- nn. Merehant, accompanied by her la- ther, drove to Amos Manse and were quietly married by the .Rev. Mr Pur. nell. " high'noon last Wednesday, Jan. 4th. They returned home for dinner " which only the immediate relatives were present-being walted‘ upon by two of the bride's girlfriends Ella. Ellis and Marion Henderson. The happy couple took the afternoon train for Guelph and Toronto and Ire expected home today. The bride's wedding dress wu grey cut velvet on coral georgette with shoes to match. Going any she were Pekin blue. crepe hock satin with navy tur trim- med penpolnt coat and hat to match. We Join their numerous friends tn' wlshlng them may years of happl- ness and prosperity. Sympathy is extended to Mrs Jos. Cain, Wham. In her recent bereave- ment. Mrs Cain was Miss Maggie McLaughlin. and spent her school days in this section. Mrs Frank Watkins who spent a fortnight nt the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Ben Woods, Br., has re- turned ngaln to her home in Toronto. Mrs J. Burke ot Mt. Forest, visited recently at the home ot her brother. Mr Wm. Morrison. Mme"; John Allan nnd German Queen were among the Invited Nests who spent an enjoynble evening at the home of Mr and Mrs John with. of Holstein. Sorry to hear of ehe serious Illness ot Mr Robert Wiitsott Jr. who its being taken care of in the Red Cross Hos- pital, Durham, and " time ot writing Is as well as can be expected. Mrs Arch. Bun! of Durham, ls Vla- iting old friends around_ these parts for I few days. Mrs Gideon Johnston has gone to spend a few days with nlttives in Toronto. Mrs Joseph Ellis Br., who ha been ill with pneumonia, is slowly recuv- cring. An enjoyable evening urns spent on Friday last. " the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Nelson, of Orchard. where a. large number of friends assembled and spent the time In card games and dancing. Mrs Robt. Lewis spent a day re cently " the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs hmes Eden. Mrs Jan Eccles and “may: wreath. Mr ttttd Mrs Harold Atchlson. Town- to: spray. Mr uld Dire David Ecr ales: wreath. Mr ad Mrs Jno. Ren- wick. Cecil Atchison and Ruby Howe. all ot Tomnto. The funeral was held from the home Sunrdny. Rev. Mr Purnellhav- lug charge ot aervlces at house and grave. The pull harem were Ted and Frank, Cecil and Bert, Scott and Leslie Eccles. all tto1tttintt ot depart- ed. Those attending from a. distance were Mr nnd Mrs Sun Eccles, Arth- ur; Mr end Mm Dan Eccles, Conn: Ins Eecles. Brampton: Arch. Eccles. Georgetown: Mr nnd Mrs T. Atchl- Many beautmu non! otterhttps were placed upon the casket Mum- iced were I wreath from father and mother and Hamid; spay. Mr and Mrs Wm Beau. brother: wreath, MARTHA ECCLES After my weary months ot ur ness end miter-ins. the spirit of Mn that Eccles Med on Fridly lut to that upper world. where all is peace and joy and light. Deemed wu the youngest daughter of Major and Mrs Eccles, Dromore and was in her 19th year. She was never strong and has “my: been carefully and tenderly watched over by the family. With the parents will mourn two sisters, Mrs Harold Atehhon, Toronto (Gladys " Mrs Thou. nutrition, lnvermny. Sask. (Male) and Wm. and Humid. It home. A brother Roy paid the an!» reme t_tuttfthee in the Great War. Push: of his life it Drum The annual Meeting of the Esm- mom Agriculmrul Society um beheld in the Agricultural mu. Holstein. on Saturday, January 21, "a, a two o'clock. p. m., for the election of otB. eers and other business. - 3 bedrooms, 1 double. 2 single: dining room. pu-Ior. kitchen. and sable, % acre of loud, electric “at. spring welt. Apply to Bruce McKen- zie, Holstein. Council adjourned to meet Monday Feb. 6th. at 10 o’clock 1.111. to re- ceive the Auditors' Report arr! xen- eral business. iew once. Durham. printing ae'et to date, $77.87 l Pay sheet for road imp. 84.50: Road Sum, services, "I: N. MeDotttNUt, for servdes " School At. omcer IM.i02T, $14: Kun’l World, 8 copies 88: Members of Council. It- tendanee at meeting to date, tir. R. Christie, use of room, 82. Car. Robb--Phitp: That my following accounts be pad: Lorne Allan, Wm. Lelth. W H Rogers, Clan Rosa. Vol. Giles tutd E Rune“ for servloes And expenses on Dep. Ret. omcers. 39.50 each: Tron. Ag't Society tor use of Hall Nomination meeting, 85: Rev- By-lows were passed us lollows: Appointing Sch. Attendance Others, Victor Adams, N. McDougaII tad Jno. McPhee. "s. H. McDougnll m ap- pointed a member of the local Bd. of Health and "s. Nicholson and Frank Hopkins appointed nuditors. Muck-Plum i That a com. com- posed of the Reeve, Den. Reeve and Treats. be unpainted to make arrange ments re the banking business ot the Township. Car. Robb-hack.. That the clerk ord- er ll copies of Municipal World. Car. Mtue--Phttp: That I. grant of " be given to the Sick Children's Hose plul. Car. Council met Jan. 901. members Ill n not to tter. loot nu Mien. with the exception "tLt','rU,t,' Jd,' m 2"llglf',. or W. H. Hunter, Den. Reeve uni Still in MMMMter you See with us subscribed to the Statutory beam» As you my: were before lion ot once. ”embers of Council --Wite end Fulln- for 1928. Reeve. Neil Calder: Dew-l . ty Reeve, Wm H. Hunter: Council-j "Il--..--- lore. Erwin Robb, Jes Keck and W. LEMB--qn loving memory of Geo. J. Phllp. l Lewis. who was called Away Jan. The Reeve addresaed the Council.l Itth, 1927. followed by members ot Council. the One "" lns [leased away. my tum Treasurer mud Clerk. Minutes of the still sore, meeting held Dee. 16th, reed and con- As time goes on we miss you Shore: batted. Your welcome smile. your loving rum Mai-Philo: That the Reeve be Instructed to sign my sheet for work performed on ands. Ctr, Rob-phup: That Conn. Mack be Instructed to search Registry Ottiee, re Treasurer’s sureues. Car. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING ' It in therefore with that“, that we express toyou our appreuiation of the business that you heve given us. Mar the yen that lieu thud open up for you an era of prosperity. health and heppineee. We have enjoyed your friendship and patronage dur. ing the past you. w. THE PEOPLES MILLS, Mt. Forest School Children's and Light Rubbers Bttik Oates Large Prunes HOUSE FOR 8ALE David Allan. Clerk FOR SALE _. M. GROAT 6' SON ROBT. SIM, President te,rilldkrlllehttiatsitt A HAPPY NEW YEAR . J. ARNILL HOLSTEIN Men's Winter Hose Mitts Canned Corn Syrup 15 horse pow an engine, in good condition. For further pentcu hrs_apply to Reviow one». Inn-ham. and trauma-nu that wilt brim! aloe " hundredlold dun-Ins the year.‘ The Funny Herald to mod duds by one million Canadian each week. " ls surely wonderful value And ev- ery home receiving " to “and by In weekly vim. 1028 will be lupplw for your home " you and one dollar for a. year's subscription to the big " W other. Any home wishing to prxrvide ev- cry member ot the my. old and young. with . few [out enjoy-mew ever,» day during "M, should sec- that the Funny Ker-Id ad Weekly Stu ot Montreal. II will” weekly visitor. For 8c per week or one dor lu a year, StNtry Inc-hr or the fun ltr will receive 3 treat that will be trptrrerUted. It is not only . world's newsmper but A great funny man» zine unequalled on this continent. W my“, . In. Elm-Hp. m.“ J'it Civil Bel-doe. Ptaetletat Methods. hem Cum hr PM “on ouch“ mutton. Boot mus. No one on an]: cu: tUI your plum --Sadly missed by mum” Ella Tho' on earth you we no more; Still in memory you are with u As you any. Vere before. -Witt And Fully. You - Enroll any in individual Instruction enables you tobeginnconmuuytimetn In loving memory“ George 1111.» who fell Asleep In 17. 1927. START THE NEW YEAR R'GHT new" roads? ibav. REF ON MEMORIAM FOR SALE The January Inc-tuna m _ ti. M Knox United itlmrvh,‘ ut the Maine ot Mrs Tuos. Third". Jun. 19th, Tritt number DIR-aunt. The Pun Mather, “as: In tue chat tae-tgate can. own: with and pmmr. Thu- rctipttt from Joshua. I, "as wad Wm Derby. Sr. Tue nu “41: - and um: mos tory that ot tlw Minion tr; mm by Mire NI "irr art um unwo- Bum uneasily liberating Mrs MW of Chrhliul fto.wasr 'Anamee, made an urnnm the may on this inn-urn It“ Myth than gun- a m - entorrc. M Smith I“ um INN" the “a; of tho Pretty man. which met tn " ly In the week Inc! " rm. may: that our Sock!) nine our niobium by tb' I'll wax. lullul'o-d by In C. Bun-xv and aim by The topic. Thu-h dull Labor h the duh-mm E "my“: mum" [mm it. My “It wtttt I- In (an. TI: meeting rinsed In: Dd the land's Player - a. - Nit mt - to p ("1rd lo an an call-c m. In At tm “I s new: hour Knol W. M. S Midi I. 'tttatt of u rhat HIM“! the tthedVt I. and“ of tkt0 a mask m the Reull Morohmls' not damn-d In , it: iutitge- [whim Tr-N - Friday The Tummo Glob l‘omlnen-III Trun-lh-r’p Toronto Board ot Trad “on with other otFrctsiru (Wu 'tts elm: In nit-mums of Ontario r uniform weeW. any as a in " mammalian.» H mm In ohm-uni tiuritag mum and tstwoexllttg, raltmtttmt " [hr :mnm the 1octioo, ttte.o. (AUDI In luau mm In the The exec-aw has sun Pony of an!) won-k be I “was that the In: was». Husk, n my» enjoyed ttttttl m such a sum linen- wonky an two wmuh Koo: Wt have Banana The (Mr of Knox I‘uil met on Mm Linn b MM of tttat orqtttir.a. "Me not [or nah-am“ They In"! plum-d [or a I I. to m um: I pm). And wallow m-n'i Cam lama ttoviurs. _ lncklnx. not the menu w W would not («I awn} I in plan. an (In! In» Mum! was a on! u'lunu “an. for 'e:perienrr an Ute Mark tun to Boa-.1 um: the nut has lam MUM PM“: of the Can Ge. Martin M Mum lineup. 50ml Towels, l and show-.1 In I will)” (impugn unnum- [has d - and the“! Emma The runner mummy work mwuuz of the You: “lull”; Knox Cht1rru, I the home of Mrs n. M. ti Honda). Jun. 160.. At t, the taa-tttte Hel" nun-rill sowed. Will Ptay with Martin. “sud d! mic Winn Grvyr Chapten are lacking their Inn-won Wednesday (Vellum. r. b. M! of the lull} Tottt “all. The in “all for the (lane:- on I‘ve St Mum-ed due to tht mu ' “I “a made in attending Dana to be held Feb. N Del“! of F. W. Mooet'q Fl At his Uome on 14rd Att Sound. tue M". took Thurrday Ol lie-nu Moon FEW. Moon hetw and uncl Moon ot the C. hill. mm rm! “I held Rumba) u made in Whrlon. the M Cheer tty'. Don't an: becoming long" stun ne , VI?“ VOL. la, NO o. L. No. 689 he eurhre in live etgeitrt, in the on “my a"; In vett and lunch rte-n “I! ho ll “(3N duo Mum of“: u lu-l Mint Provident: r “to I Kot willingly- luring m opera! In I may ll I! than: WK: [on the An " “PM "" val ml

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