West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1928, p. 5

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In) our the and. 'Ol'k f ml! who It"! Mtat. by. Mo's 'ode' I the HIV Miss All! Ray : mod Ill-l i to ttve “1. m “an [that hr” "ert [III In“ om Jar. hou- Mrs Jun Geo. Vets, db to he w! itut or 'or lt lzi _), Be Ill (in our Price. Hm you iiirriii; Wheat Saturday. Jan. lel r: ' -tl Nomi-Nd “our P? has ELL-mm Plour. Far ha: ... Ct t'mada How. per batt... is,: : Edward new. per has PM: Flour. per has ...... kw.) Hour. " ttt has ... HEM Hour. per bag ....... um.- uar Hour. PN' bog. ruue mm- Flour. per in; Innttal Meeting Priceville Ag. Soc'ty 'u» Annual Martin; of Prieevitr. Imlluml Sadr!) will he heht in m", e Commercial Hot... PMCEVOLLE Custom Chopping Every Day BLATCHFORD’S CALF. Pttt AND " CUNN'S BIG " BEEF ”I” AND AMI Prwhnv-n' min; in Oven n ~nd Tuesday tasa and gave a very wanton r-‘port yesterday or the hding of Grey Prssttytety. .. Hr, sarcasm) Inc-elm; of the l 4.2 pomp!» of St Cohtmba Church. H J. S. MCILRAITH The Cash Store Store ot 200 o’eioek, P.m. Y"ryon" is (blindly hunt?! to at. Eat Better Bread in1928 _ hum last Tm)! night “on reorganization or the, Society for . rumim: war In held, by foun- .; mm four groups of " or more -ach group. dretmtated by rule“, r. group having a turn to wrestle L things lilo-run. mksbmry. Ge. rmal and social. Drum.) no maul and sleltthridos, follow“! by ..ptuou3 supp-rs are prom“. ‘snxvmd-n's will b0 made for att min-rs m' with group in theh. hm- and we mucous, Pram-av Also 10 per cent Pisceunt JOHN McGOWAN 25: Quality of Flour & Feed Special Prices Will be Continued this Week ').rouz‘1 sonny miscarriage our lt- I of school meetlaq mm to ar. ', " went on My than. . [Po-munch an, his report of the J. A. Conw-ntlon. " was voted to a a [lo-lent» again this year. v. Conk'sy w» elected IININ In n- of Ann. Mummy. reamed. .n- mooning or the ran-pays" of Him». resttited In the election Allaa Madman. Wu Macon-l and .l Kym-on as Police wmg» trus- Start now and order from Henderson's Bak- "y. You will nawr regret using bread from Hhi‘rson'x. Made from the purest materials. rump: and c MIN." tus d olivary service. was ue, _ - -""-V a "-__ -- - a. t ”mad boring When a an. by an Carlo“. I OELOVERED IN TOWN EV [IV Bar. T HE PEOPLE's MILLS HENDERSON’S BAKERY We sJEicil your patronage All Kind; of Fancy Baking Mi and Mrs 9. G. McCorzmck " we woulu appreciate an either by cash or note. " -'--a=='="..=="itt. and aw" them at Runnable Prices. JAN. 19, 1923 All 1927 Accounts are now Due at Witt bo- mad-- tor tttt m noun In their pro- is' of Owl”. candles. at the clone. Your pm bag 4.75 ”7 ha: ....4.:6 m"r ban... 4.2SI at. per bag no, bar ...... " ttt has ... no} "tit ....... 4.301 . PM bag. 4.75] Ir, per MK {.25 on all lines of Leather Bears in stock on all lines of Winter Goods rbaet t.75l Scmn!ngs ....833.00 per ton ' 43?? Chopped Oats, per 100 to: 1.85 "iii if); Crlmped Oats. per too tbs 2.05 " :25! Strong Chop. per 100 m 1.65 'Y.'. :00; Crimped Oats. per ton.. 33.00 .... cm', Oat Chop. per ton ..... 38.00 bag 475‘ Hired Chop. per ton.... 33.00 hm: 0.25 Gum's Tanks”. 100 tba 3.50 '. no mo Paunnv new. Moo no": no. . - on mom Scmnings . . . 433.00 of the formar’s sister; ".irri-a','.' Kin- small. Mrs Wm Kinsman returnwl home With them. Mrs Wm Scott and daughter. Mrs. Jon. Clark. were down near Port Hope last wwk attending the funeral Our local churches have held their annual contention“ meetings. Real entalp is booming. Mr Wm Dingwall has sold bl: 50 acres new the village to Mr Mae Taggart: M, Wm Diekte hm purclused Mrs Jan Clark's tarm and intends to move shortly: Mr Percy Hyde is movlng up the Becknor farm vacated by Mr. Dickie. _ Mr John Scott attended Grey Pru- 'brtery of Unit!!! Church in Owen Smd Tuesdgy last. od Mr Wm vocally. Miss Lyda Spence left 8:1 week to Hall hrr mm. Mrs I! dy, Toronto and intends taking smon for the winter. . visited her cousin. Miss Laval)" Me Eachnle last week. Mrs Geo. tetttrroett has Ennf.‘ town city to spend . few Ire-3n with rel- atives there. rouLTnv "iii. a handle the early setuomt I t John MeMeokin, Durham Halon Howlers-on Yawn McEzwhnle's a rm.- Bert mat. Mrs Home. ms tut acres near! date Tum: Mn" reused Mrs 10s.! intends to m?vei Win10 is moving' Saturday visit- Jays 3"Well. then" he concludod. with gslgh of relief. "let me have my " per Mary, and I'll tum in. Farm] I Is beginnin' to tern on me." "Wagon wheel mend " an' to start In hwlln' woof; ton morning " "Be them ducks picked and dtoa. sod tor market?" 'tm tired out Mary. 13 the cows in the barn T' "Yes. long stnce.‘ rvplied his wife. '13 the horses unharnessm an'tedy "Yea." "Fowls locked up t" .. .._....... "Yes" "Wood chopped for momin'?" "Yes" One (My a farmer, says a. farm pa- per. went to the country tair and his hard-working wife romalnrri at bomy to see that the farm suffered no loss during his absence. He returned a- bout dark and coming out on the porch enquired '. . mess dons an injustice to himself and thrs town. The man who Insists on sharing the business which comes to town. but rethsea to advertise its own, is not a valuatrle addition to any town. The life of a. town depends upon the live, wideawake and litter. al advertising business man." THE LIFE OF A TOWN I An inkling or the great s.:xaitu,aneel ot newspnrer sdvertlsiug has been discovered by the American Bankers', Magazine, a newspaper entluraiast.' who recently came oat with the fol-i lowing : "No business man in any town should allow a ttewspaper pub-l "shed in his town so without his,' name and business being mentioned, somewhere in its columns. This am plies to all kinds of business and professional men. This does not, mean you should have a whole. half: or even quarter page ad. in each is" sue of the paper. but your name until business should be mentioned it you' do not use more than a two-line space. A stranger picking up unawa- pap r should be able to tell what _ business is rrpresertted in a town by; picking up tt newspaper. This is thei best possible town advertiser. Thel man who vices not advertise his busy? ‘God Save the King' and the ing of lunch brought a plenum min: to a close. PRICES FOR SKATING Gentleutn ........ ta, 1mm .. e.....'.... 15c Ttora 13-18 year: ....15c Chiidreu.oag m & under We "trms Noun: " to 9.46 Messrs Ali‘rz-l Weppler and R. Staples both gave pleasing numbers ctt violin: Miss Winnie Binnie gave a good reading on ‘Chrlslmas Shopping' and a short humorous play 'Courtship undhr dimetsluets' was given by Mars Fnret McFarlane, Pat McMillan and Arch. MeArthur. Durham Rink Rev. Mr McCormack. Pricevllle, was judge. He remarked that young peo- ple of 50 yum ago or those of the rresent day could be good losers and while one sidemuist always lose ina debate, he Corutratulated alt speak. (rs on their dobatlng ability. The judglng schedule this year is 60 per; cent for delivery and 40 per cent for material and the declslon was iiic) to the nagatlve. BEING Material on either aide, showed much thought and preparation and the delivery or all speakers was good. f Buneaann was privileged in having' 'the first League debate in-thls group- ot the Young People's Astroeitttionirw, our tsehoot Friday night last. The: subject was 'Resolved that conditions; in farming communities 60 years ago.| Were more conducive to happiness1 than they are at the mount "titii/,s( and proved most interesting. Miss! Alma Robinson and Mr Herb Edge’ uplwld the nmnnatlve aide Ind Miss Mary Benton and Mr Neil McArthur, championed the negative side forthe home club. An enjoyable owning was spent It the school Monday, in the form of r social for the CEO. and Young Poo ple’s Club. A splendid program was given, consisting of a short play, a "Gazette". a most Interesting debate, violin selections and a report of the Convention by the UFYPO delegate. Lunch was servrcl by the ladies of tha clubs. The Ladies’ Mission Circle met on Tuesday last at Mrs J. P. MeGiit. vray'a. New business was dealt with and there was a season ot 'Prayer.' Tho topic was taken by Mrs Momm- vray and papers mad by Mrs E. Trar ford, Miss W. Binnie. Mrs R. J. Me. Glnivray and Miss M. McFarkne. Mrs A. Baum real the Bible lesson an! Miss W. Blunt» and Mrs. June: Browne sang a duet. Lunch was ser-, ved by tho hostess. i tundinx them may nnss and prosperity. Mr Noll Mci‘arlau trout .%tsk. romnvly. Corsgrattttationa air extruded to Mr Wilfrid Browne, who was recently man-19.1 to was Smith ot Domed; We join with this community In ex- trtdine them many yen-s of happi- THE MANAGEMENT By KILLED BY DEGREES! nee! mend .1 an' ready haulln' wood tomorrow ue mug and the serv- brought a pleasant uv- Menu-lam» arrive) home ionld men. it; tune: - with signal lines to her sisters " at the other end" ready to select the track {or my journey nu sehct. To her, your all means mor- than 'm s combinati'n of switch- beard mautipuintio.ic. lt is a can for person." service. i be numer- ed ~‘nnhht! L"', announced " 'ou.. Denna-1' eler .7 --_- “V L-.. “A " k " ”at"! ' Bureau, 2 cupboards. waahatand, , 'large tables. 2 small tables. stove an! :plpea. 2 Inn-rats. hat rack. wooden lbw and springs. bedroom set, 7 jchairs. 3 lumps. dlshes, cushlons. gal- ,vanlzed tub, pols. ttrtutitewnre, 265b- lng rods, wrlnger. kegs. crooks. seal- mm. walking canes, new 1 cow churn. ‘A lot of good carpenter's tools and linumerous other articles. Sale at 1 o'clock p.m. Terms, cash I The property will also be offered 'for sale. subject to a resend trid.; 'Terms arranged at time of sale. WESLEY SHIER, Executor JOHN O'NElL, Auctlonoer Every call is tuned out "to order" - a custom service de. sieved to meet personal needs, It a momenr.'s "otice. Your te!cr.hona operator in 3 mal- tipte ”Manny. tt' ' sits at the swim-bond - l?et, km; dis- on ply Telephone wry-ice is not produced for drdiverv in bulk, or in slam dard pacingos over the counter. wood, full set of gui-den au, Jiia. 018, spades, hoes, axes, etc. Single harness, light wagon, lum- ber, wheelbtuaxrws, ladders, watering cans. hand sleigh, saws. cmss cut saw. buggy spreads, pruning equip meant, (a: crate-s. vice, mane-ts. teth- ering chain. camp tent, pair ot camp blankets. 3 lanterns. whippietrees. crowbars, bucksaw, scythes, step lad- der, saws. a quantity of good hank; SAT., JANUARY 21, 1928 The following articles: The undersigned Auctioneer has.' been instructed to sell try public nuc-g tion the following Furniture and? Chattels, owned by the late George Shier, at his property, I DURHAM an. Upper Town, Durham: Hon-who'd Furniture, Wood, Garden and Carpenter‘s Tools, etc. Brick dwelling. All conveniences. t George St. near High School. Am y at once. W. A. Monnwsu [ meeting opened by singing hymn 120 followed by payer. offered by Mrs. . Klnnee. Mrs R. Giles read Psalm 90. g All united in singing hymn 146. Miss iJosie Falconer read "A New Year‘s .Message." Mrs Fiddes gave the open- ,ing chapter or the new Study Book. 1 "New Poms for old Pmposeu' written (try MIRIAM! Bunion. Miss Sadie Hol- t mes gaw- a brief re aiding: Miss Mar. ~gnret Llwrencr rendered a delightful {8010. Thu: Tran-:urer's report for the {past rear was fully given by that lumble ofdcer, Miss L Klnnee. Total iCredit, $113.1,8 : Allocation, $l00.00 ; ' Total expenditure, $13.18. ' i Collection rereiveii tor; Jan. $11.50. ( A motion was carried that several small debts be paid. Miss Emilee Moon Wu accepted lu, a member. Miss Sadie Holmes was appointed Sec'y in her sister‘s place: Mrs Chas. Moore was again appointed Supply Bee'y. Miss Norma Gunmen kindly offered her home for the February! meeting. A reading, "The Useful I Member" was given by Mrs Kinnee. Member" was given by Mrs Kinnee. After singing hymn M, the meeting was closed by all repeating the Mig. pth. Mrs Hay served light refresh- manta. ixyz,5'ii,),lii"st" . ve (i,-,;,;"',:),'::,-,";.)"-':-),':""-"'" 5 The young Ladies’ Mission Circle of Queen St. United Church. held their January meeting at the home of Miss Ellen Hay. The pruident. Mt-s. A. C. Kinneo. wa.3 in dingo. The H :3? SSDNAL one. Si. and. tiiiriri" Circle at tk ll. h. Bay's HOUSE FOR SALE, Ctpcrator AUCTION SALE THE DURHAM REVIEW Your '. A. Mccoxmlx' l 3mnmm nan cum 'tore-tr-tmi/iii-iii-T: this 10th any a m... in: the lands appurtenut thereto, be vested in Trustee: for the and con- prior to the coming into three ofthe United Church of Canada. Act " Unmet; Church at Hesherton, and PARLIAMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontar- fo at tta present Bunion. by the Pro-bylaw congregation in Bother- ton. In the County cl Grey. tor a Pri- vue Bill that the building occupdod NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO McCARTHY & 5tcChRTHY, Dated at Toronto. Oat., this 11th day‘of Jam. 1928 V' te to be taken to dec'de whether the United Church of Canada Act shall arply to the property or the Congregation of the Presbyterian Church at Priceville a It stood be. Mro coming into force of the said Act. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that an application will be made to the Legislature of Ontario at its next session on behalf of the congregation ot the Presbyterian Church at Price- vino, for an Act to permit I new From the Ontario Gazette APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT Dr. Junieson was Introduced by F'. Harding. chairman of that city's Moth. ern' Allowance Board, who spoke of the great intenst or the work being 'accomplishd and of its value in the icommunlty. He also referred to the fact that the requirements of the not for a family to qualify for assistance from the board was not well enough' understood try the people in general. Assistance can be given only to ttwi- dow or to the wife of a man who is a British subject by birth or natural. ization and who is totally disabled. The fnmily must have been resident in Ontario for 2 years and in the municipality for 1 year and there must be two or more children under " years of age. :1 Dr. Jamleeon also pointed out that " there is nothing in the act at pres- r’ent to cover the case of a family, " where the mother is dead, the rath- !er in prison and a foster mother sup! porting the children. There are! 'many things that are discouraging in the work and considerable room for development and improvement as: it progresses. but Dr Jamieson point-I ed out that there also many iifiiiiii-l, Iaging features. He was most pleased, with all the boards he had visited, and the work they were aceotnplistr; iins. Tribute was paid to tho {serum-f 2bulating schools in Northern Ontariog star which the Mothers' Allowance is in no way responsible, which has helped very greatly many of the! ‘mothers the latter is assisting. -by, Gi'iiii'i'i edueatiottat facilities to the' [isolated districts of the province. 3 " was suggested there might be a tlat rate given under tho Mothers' Allowance for what is known as the metropolitan districta. Thorn had al- so been tn agitation for n Bat rate for the whole province, which would mean the same rate for city and country. At present on account ot, higher living cost in the city, the rtrtel, for the latter in neuter than that tbr the country.“ a result of which itl has been found that many are mov-; in from the country to the city. Ot-j Lawn has also found cause for com] Maint in the fact that mothers mid-i in: in Hull. Quebec. in which prov- ince there is no Mothers' Allowance.’ have been moving to Ottawa and quaiv ifyltttt for Issuance under the act in! this province. - IULL CALVEI FOR BALE i in his address following the din. 'ner, Dr Junieson spoke in compro- henaive manner of the work being accomplished by the Mothers’ Allow- ance Commission and various boards throughout the Provincn. lie pointed out that it is practically impossible. for a governmnnt to frame a law which will not nod some ttrnertdtnetttl in its application and stntvd that ortttnrestions in connection with the; law covering this work nrvwcloomnht At present assistance is not given to the mother with one child. " this, wore dons it would add another mil-; lion dollars to the two million ate) dy being oripertded annually in this,' provlnce in this work, but the speak- er .‘id not see why in a province anti wealthy as Ontario. where 89,000,000l have beon collected trom succession! duties, there should not be sumeienty funds to administer emeienUy saint-i portant a departure an the Mothers'; Allowance. I lion. Dr D. Jaminsou is see l . w" ever) chance to acquunt. the 'J'lf,'lly Fm,“ Review tyie, Jan. Mi, 1.03 of tho conditions attached to the! The home ot Mr Get “EDWIN! Mother's Allowancn Commission. He: Aberdeen, was any With youth Ind has recently been the guest of the: beauty on Dee. am. the occasion be. combined St. Thomas and Elgin Moth-2 tttg we 'rterrutm of Ml ill-ISM" ors' Allowance boards at a dinnerar.'itie fo Wm Indium:- of Domch. ranged by the city board at the Ear“ Man-1m, In Eamon on Dee Mttt, pm Hotel In the latter on). "t tho, residence of the bride's Tith- In his .1an fnllnu'lnp thes 41...: er try Rev. John Little. AIM Hm, Dr lilies» in St. “on: on Brthers' Allowance work 1m Kin: Bt. m. "" glam mr the Applicant mos. TUCKER: j l n. I. m. Ont. ' ONTARIO - ARE TORONTO The Durham U. P. ir. Lin sum Association will thin stock tron Du hum. on Tuesdays. Shame" m n- taunted to give than dayl' nodes. It. R. No, famously at the present (inn and in ithe past Served several terms as ‘Mayor and in the Council as welt. 'Not. for 40 year; we betieve, has {Durham had the honor of the Ward. enship. I Dromore: What might have been ;a sedans accident happened to Run. isuc lately, while taking " a load of tile he had Just brought home ‘from Proton Station. In some unac- Ecountable manner the tile fell, pin- {hing him beneath but freeing him- self, proceeded to the house where medical aid was secured. He is now nursing a bruised leg. _ Publishers are now having (to utr", a slang phrase) a whale of a time. at; present. adjusting their mulling; sheets to the new post omee canal-l than and the. end is not yet. Prom'! Holstein and Varney now radiate rural mail routes and the cited is to wipe out several of the smaller post', oillces and later more will go. Booth; ville. Tartan. Thistle will be merelyf memories as far as the Post Omee is concerned. and we'll have to tellmr friends that we live " "So and So,‘ Mr. Calder for himself and for his town. is a candidate tor the Warden. ship in the County Council which will meet in Owen Sound next week. He ins been reeve for tour Imam roa- tinuously at the present time~ and in the past Served soveral terms is Mr Wm Kearney left lust week for Montana to joln his wife. H" han a good opening there and wilt pmbably reside permanently. fitting the at all "mm was prompt and' Guia. . . The contract for the uvwcchool house has, been given to Mr David Runclmm and son Fred and we are sure sntlsfnctlon will be given Mr. John Weir m mlocted trustee. " YEARS AGO Prom Iteview ryte, Jan. 16. 1913 Mr A. C. Mankind. o. Sound. tor. merly Bee'y of the N P Puma-n rm i' Mr Andrew Hunter ot Eqtetnont, ‘has bought the Mum farm. he" ,uolstein, for $3900 and will be mov- i in: there in the Spring. I Messrs Donald Manydon and sons jhaw purchased a thoroughbred Herr- ‘ford bull from Jas. P. Hunter, tor :whlch they paid a good price. This security utmudu the investor attain" loss through the (Inmate. of all collateral deposited with the Trust." and: t iuue of tho bonds. ‘A " to 7 'y, income without the worries incidental to ordinary in'OIlanIll. WMTE, PHONE or “I... l, Miss R. Scott of Durham taken charm of B. B. No. 5, Normanby. for .1903. while Miss Neuio, Moran is In than of the Juntor room of the Anon Public School. Boolhvnlc: Mr Jae Marshall Inn begun his new dunes carrying the mail from Boothvllle. suntan Park, Blrdell to Proton Station. Mr Martin has rarrlwl the nail tor 16 years and far by Rev. John Little, Alfred Hus. fto Miss lite, Blrn, eldest daughter fol Mr Rom. Sim. _ Nil-1AM. 0N7. Men-sea John H. Hunter and Wm. Calder went to Owen Sound election lay in imbibe some of the excitement attending on Mr McKay's election. l as vans no " I" I-‘nom Review fyle, Jul. Mi, 1.03 ! The home or Mr Get Campbell,“ 'Abettleen, m guy with youth and ', beauty on Dee. Slat. the occasion be. Tho am- new Baptist Church, or ecml by the Baptist conception of this town, will tte opened, for Iilviun worship on the Mth inst. _ "'-"._-'ie'i-NF 1 P. RAMAGE 55 NOTICE T0 " 8.1838 Income IN DAYS OF YORE FOR Hummus JAS. LAWRENCE. Shipper with Guaranteed Security In the Council as weit/iGiiiii P, year}; we bellew. hung! brunt” of , dope-ind I '0: and: t ' Mada. ‘A I'lthoct ', dents! to i f an". " 1 or “u. t I tum tf _ =hTrATr.r, .~-..*. DURHAM {SERGE JSCIBIQOIL, __ _-_ "e"""'-."- In“ ”“1 thy town and good accommodation at: be obtained a! rea-ttie mu P"? Home». CM .1»- an. In he ttGG, t. Entrance to the Normal Ichoo'o The School ll thoroughly eqettpee to take up the tollovlng mun." - The School has a creditable recon !'hytt ef {latch It hopes to any Such member of the an! I: c University graduate and an em- lenced teacher. t. Junior Matriculation , Intending pupil- Ihonld prvpnnn to enter at the beginning or the {all term. Information " to course. my be obtained from the Principu. New.“ Auction." for My M ' Sues taken on rel-om n inste- arranged at "li. lum. momma. Durham-u , Hubert» Adana. Geo. I. Duo-l. rm...l-|L n n "tit 7* "ii-iii""';]",",",'-,',"',",:,',-,-,""," Heats, Frail: and Vegetables Tho com my amen! be "rinsed at the Durham. ReMtterute.. R. A. M Phone 607: ring 2--rs, Quality the best and Prices the lowest. At your conic. “III l t. HOWELL Licenced Auction-or hr ed., On, All the your round DURHAM [Amman St. C. C. Million-0' Mr. Meottnrrir, I Terms. mason-Mg. 81k we. I. ”'v-v ""-e. - HONOR aRADUArtt a an... Univ-Ii . NW! of Ro (W of 'g'd'Mig,'pdt,t, Cp/dat no... on. I a , Rum-um Nn no... HONEY FOR SALE Good honey at 81.00 per 10 ttt pull WM. A. XuDONALD. Countess Bt., Dunn!- ans. th s. "tf "9533:; ”mummy The Scion“ that addPLits to you" and you- to “To: Call at Be. a. 00m I Eye- Exunlned m than“ om“ "M3 H PM. '-" p: ' Geadrmtt [mum at In... OtBoe and (nuance. corner Count" and Locum. mite old Ptretoat a otBmthmtm: Donuts. In... 9"..- , trr Dun. Wm J. L. SHIT", M.tr., " M. mun "an. ’. 1hf!0iettitm, ttos, L03 GEORGE E. DUNCAN Neon-rue will be m ara-iii; in Dunduk. goo O'IEIL ' Chi-ttte 3538351. J. E MILNE. M. B. tm. C. IcLELLAI t r12 PIIO‘VOLLE, ONT BR. h. M. BELL an atgrucllve “a neg. L Phone " r " Groceries, I hits and " tables a of Toronto vulva-m to the late Dr. mm»

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