'a"... . J,".", i, 3 1serrya rich Inne- or- N. 'nm tn M, lad "In. 3-3! loch to h the arm.- I. accord“; to "et Jtrst reartt, I dozen or tn; M the native through a. Or I turty Villages "It! water “I" he"). terrible 'ottr an ere " ti b thriv iv Jan-n good Breed “I" mo dc rd! ears ago, newâ€... I! the " " " " h r 8", t their t All condi- brood 'Il td to m Dina-u'wx hat on earth In the mat- tor with mu this evening. “In? You um me the Pen am. and than the gen; ?" Waiter (eottitdentHun - "Wail. to to“ tho truth. m. tt m in an. 'IF 'ad that 93)." _ This means that not only It! Marin ad free. but that through his wife b inherits. the whole fortune of his Me. tim. Not I But the jury, moved by tho M of Maitro Paul-Boncour for tho " fence. who spoke of the natural m of a man who saw tummy 'r-tr The Public that this was he and the ma But a jury at Boauvuis (Obs) mt a step further-to the May of hunch juridical expert-hen they acquitted Ckarles Marin, who that his ggtottter-in-law, a widow and " more!) because she had sold dist-dumm- trnportionotherestatonrttiehho hoped to inherit " her death. Paris.-, For years Paris and†Jur- ies have made a pnetico of unwitting men and women who have killed their wives or husbands in can known as “lav. tragedies." Pard Bran with thor tria h Murderer Inherits Victim's Property ' Schooner Pardoned Slayer Is Believed Lost we waited. on bond can. the I beaver construe" 'The beaver an about eight teet t ertp on this he I can. of the can was tho least tb Beavers Form Cast for Film Wuhincton. - lotion pictures of “Above the not. in the do. the More" " work were attown in the rover re, ttrtttttgd t,'lut the one e wnter aw tree American Nntnre Association here. ncroe the opening. showing the ttni. They no reverted to be the Brttt over mal in", m. buslneu. Then he made and were taken within to icetwoukl titre reputedly Ind plant the of the animals. gouache; in; the mud. As you know, i, Hows will sprout. and n: n result The films were math in Glacier Na~,'1 . tional Park ot Canada last summer. _','u,',Tig, :1? is some obstruction Degr‘riblng f1lrttfnst the beavek/wl't'Clnis" f _ - _ of the Ill-Ill. n. 'tttg. were .049 tn and" Na- tion] Park of Canada last nun-nor. Describing ithrrintt the have". Arthur Pack said: "The dun wan drmuntted. Then we waited. Out of his 'headquarters h'mse' came the ctitet ermine-r of the beaver ronstructlon company. 'The bearer tinet cut down a tree about night {on high. Getting a good Irr'p on thin he made we way to the mm- of thr current where tho force was thu, Ina-st um†he reanhcd the hul" in the dam. The noise ot the rvi'ttinr, water kr-pt the tcaver from 'zr-zn'iuz she rm k of the “mt-m. mou: Fuller Case, 30 Years Ago, is Recalled wasted. returned a vidiét (I " Dtnce CAPTAIN " yaw. he was convicted and to be hanged. At a second uvur. he was tsenteneed to nnment at Atlanta. yberts Rinehart, who wrote caving into it the story of l then became interested in her efforts were accredited parole being granted by Taft. later. the man In: ~y President Wilson. n th Pmeecutor pointed out a crime of vulgar am- hat magner towed to f destination. rst trial in Boston. in he was convicted and [ hanged. At a second he was sentenced to mt at Atlanta. riminal deserwd m ot Heard F, [tress Call on n. 8th " ith ma, " fur what tttt most brutal P " was bound for 1 cargo of lum- It for Halifax. e piacezl in the MISSING Ar in marina-3 said the third day \eck boat. md Bram h H chimed rm W IT he A Scots hay having invited I [on- uumn to dinner on a partieular aâ€, " had accepted with the reservation, "It I am spared." “Well, well," to- puod the. "it n’ro dead I'll no' about Wlte--'Uohn, thank a trump In the pantry. and I’ve just made a we." Huatrtusd--"Woil, I don't mind so long " he doesn't die In the homo." Billy Stuff Ikrrrr! Showblrds or icebirds of the Manchester Brownie troupe doing a bathing suit skate " Amounts; Ledge, Manchester, N.H. Air Lines in Year Detroit. Mieh.--Air lines of the Ford Motor Company operating from Dem-born to Cleveland, Butrtdo, and Chicago completed more than 93 per cent. of the scheduled fliehta hwolvimr travel of 357,321 miles during 1927 without an accident resulting in per- sonal injury or loss of cargo, eccord-i ing to titrurea of the past year's operea dons “moaned by the company. Only 133 ftitthtn out of 1978 sched- udel on the three lines were unem- plated. Of these. 14 were interrupted' bounce of msehanieal diffiettltie. and 16 on.account of weather. The re- nninder ol the uncompleted ttigltts were canceled became of weather can. dithu. More than 100 ton- of com- pany fright and United Shh mall were curried throughout the yen. No Mishap: on Ford Has No Intention of Present- ing Complete Security Plan Britain I “Taking ot movies ot the mountain ttoata was I harder Job than [stun the beaver pictures. We had to do some climbing. too, because the goat's one idea seems to be to look below him all the time for troublo. As a result. we had to get above the animals; some or our pictures Were taken within 30 tcot ot them." Other animal" photographed were big horn sheep, deer, ptarmigan and, mmn of Hm moat beautiful sceneryl on tho Nurth American continent. ' m to Ad ity n yI: in Will Not Submit Scheme has nom'ne pare-saris! rem Bc n as at " ti vsthoditai.ively stat-l " that the ieritishl notified tho League: wrist of its inten-g r:omplebe scheme "nl rompiew scheme on flora the British 'ly incurred. iovemmcnt nerdy on with other gov- oat the: suggestion is at the December "numb ombbdying an the committee under preparation, prrttrnee at helm: a gum In: (wk-ms lat Brit win is like- re w an optional Court or to agree [ar'yr commitments mm me declara- Chamherlain and We mado at Gen- 1:": commitments Rhincland. It is British Govern.. Jim: rumpulsory " cmnmitments Propos: prior views AVO I On To Churchill. Work on the Hudson Bay line in- !vluded clearing of the right of war, [grading and reconditioning of em- thanlrments. building new bridges, lay. ling tracks in yards and torminsls, {opening new ballast pits, haunting § track, fiiliag bridges and widening em. }hankmonts, clearing old ditches and ttxcavathrg new ones, widening cuts i, for drainage and installing water sup- :piios both temporary and permanent. T The telegraph line was completely soustructcd, and track laid on the ', main line totalled something more ‘. than 13 miles. Tho t1nal location ot the line to Fort Churchill has been ', vompleted for ten miles from mile 356' , and the location of the remainder 3 north is in progress. A mile and a half of track was laid on the Port 1 Churchill lino. f Ballasting and trainfill entailed the movement of a large amount of ma- terial. three shovels were in service during the greater part of the season from May 13 to November 8 and 910,- 000 cubic yards of clay and gravel were moved. One shovel and hauling equipment alone excavated and placed 472,000 cubic yards. One permanent bridge was fully constructed in 1ser.l, This is the 430 toot bridge over the Limestone river at mile 350 from The 1 Pas, it consisting of three 90-foot and: gtwo 80-foot deck girder spans on con-l icrete piers and abutments. A number‘- !ol treaties were rebuilt and some new fones completed. i A well-known judge entered a rea. mal price of tho trttututacturertg. taut-ant where he had dined betcha: ----.----- "Will mu try our turtle coup?" uked' Man at WHleoden: A summons, the waiter. "I hue triad it ones," please, mind a woman for may. maid the judge. "tad my opinion h auce. Magistrate: When? Man: " that the (mile proved an alibi." I ways. Finn] location of the Flin'Fion wny from mile 6.5 on the Hudson line is going forward rapidly. contractor. no building camps roul- und lave two hundred men in: steel. All bridge construction required be. tween The Pas and mile 356 is now tittiahed. Divisional yards with ter. minal facilities. including a round. house, machine shops. coating plants, and houses and stores building were constructed at The Pan and consider- able progress w“ made " Bowden and mile MT. From the end of May to the end of October, 1.200 to 1.500 men were em- ployed in the roltabilitation, construc- tion and operation of traftic from The Pas to miles Mt', on the Hudson Bay Railway and during the remaining months the force varied trom 400 to 800. Approximately 12 train crews were in service during the summer and from two to six in tho winter on the various work services and opera- non tor revenue, Regular train service is now provided from The PM to Mile 356. Fnal Location Toward Ter- l, minal Completed to Mileage 366 Winnipeg..---" past year was one of considerable development in the Westorn nglon of the Canadian Na- tlnnal Railways, according to H. A. Dixon, chief engineer. Work was be. gun on the construction of nine of the twelve branch lines authorised, by tho Canadian Parliament last Itei ml a three year building program.‘ Much pmgrcas was made on the Had. son Bay Railway and the new Giil Flnn line was commenced. I Regular Train Service Now Given to Mileage, 356 Hudson Bay Line Is Being Rushed PROUD YOUNG SEAMEN IN THE MAKING . ’Eads 'igh for 'is 'lghncss! England's future A.[I.'s on the training min Mercury being reviewed by their future king at Sou'craruirton, England. ON TO CHURCHILL The Flln Flon Branch. The Greatest and Watert--Ttut Summits-A "motor" ship of 35,500 tons of Brian Resin-of. rall- Bay and lay- 0ttawtv-Symptorns that the dove ot peace is fluttering over Ireland are furnished by a transaction now in progress between the Dominion Got ernment and the Government of Northern Ireland. The latter is all. in and Canada is buying ritimg. About 1,200 Lee-rhtfittltU ere Required for the Naval Volunteer Reserves. and n- cently an inquiry, looking to a pur- chase, was made through Hon. P. c., Larkin, high commissioner. no re- ported that the Ulster Government had ritiet, for sale. so " order bu just been placed for 1,200 at " each, or quite oonsidersbly below the nor- mal price of the manufacturers. E The fear arose in Capt. Black’s mind that there was going to be trom. ble; passports, visas, quotas and all that sort of thing. After a good deal of anxious telephoning and running about, however, it was tttttUV agreed that the youngest Mice Aberdeen- Angus. having been born Iitenily in the shadow of the Statute ot Liberty, was an American citizen. She was allowed to accompany her mother and sisters to Athenia, N.J., where the family of four wilt spend the next thirty days. They will then join the Long Island colony "tor the remainder of the season.†Canada Buys l,200 at Bargain Rates from Ulster Ireland Selling Her Lee-Enfield, When Capt. James Block wont down to par a. farewell viatt to " Scottish guests before their depu- ture trom the steamship Anioni- tor Athenia. Na., Brut wu hiI aux-pr!“ and consternation to dined"? that Lady Atttmfeets-Amrtm hnd three daughters with her instead ot two. The new Miss "Aberdeen-Angus wu rather wobbly and small and Awk- ward, but there was not a doubt in the world that she was of the some family. She looks just like her mother. Every one says BO. l Duo to the intrioucieo ot the Immi- gration Department, however, it In decided that these blue-blood. ot bo. vine aristocracy would have to re. main on board a few days until they could be taken to tho Department of Agriculture quarantine station at Athenia. N.J., tor a chart visit be- fore continuing to their new Long Island residence. Nothing about mar-.1 tarp course It Is Nat a Mom Sfr Ashley had invited s cow and two heifers ot the ANrrdsten-Angut, breed trom Scotland to help restock his farm " Sweet. Recently the Anchor Line Athenln arrived in New York from Glasgow and docked at the foot of West Thlrtleth Btreot, and It was reported that Imonz the promi- nen passengers in the ttrat class hold was Mrs. Aberdeen-Angus and her two daughters, the Mines Aberdeen- Angus. " Cows Sail; 4 Arrive or, the l Tale of an Imported Aber- ’ deen-Angui, Mother l A NEW YORK STORY As the immigration quota or Aber.. dew-Angus cows has not been ex- hausted. the dairy stable. of " Anh- ley Sparks, resident director ot the Cunard Line, at. Syosset. Ld., are rich- er by one heifer more {inn " Ashley tad counted on. l Society Note A Of Wide Interest moral turpltudo. at She: "What do you mean by am that Joan it 'mom or In. pretty?†He: "Well, and. more putty Una most girls and less My than you.†Jan. 1, though half of them Ind bun pmmked other work. Privately mod nutomobilu are charged with responvibility for fail- un of the that en- company, which recently went into the Undo of c :0- eoiver. A bus line in operating now, Women cu- operators were flmt on» Nord during the World War and have been retained aims. T'mrntr-ibur "motomttar" were out of employment Service Santa Fe, N.M.--New Mexico is without a street 031' line. Street cu! stopped running the last dar of the year. Those at Lats Von. were dia. continued early in December. Service wu inaugurated h Alber. querque 28 years ago. At midnight New Year’l Eve tho "mot-ttai' drove their cars into tho bl". and tolled the passing of the trolleyu with . clawing of “an. Last Line in New Mexico Stops After 23 Years' No Street Cars In Entire State The "Zoo" authorities ot man. England. recently moved to I new monkey house. . Dublin. Irer1tutd--Ptma1dent Cour". hu received an invitation from the Canedien Government to rUit Ottawa. during his trantrAthuttfe mu and the invitation will be accepted. It in probable the PreaiOent'e “MIMI?! aub- eequent to his Washington visit will be revised in order to make the trip to Ottawa. Vancouver Province, (Incl Cong): We are laying the foundation to-dly ot the nation that is io he, and the blood we introduce through lmmlgre. tion will be the Mood which will Marathon or contaminate the Cu- adieu race in the centuries ahead. All the more reason. then, why we should be careful. Canada needs ‘more people-rt-tdt them bully to an in the (rent national framework I!!! has constructed. But she doee not need them no badly that she can af. tord to admit any who will reduce the vigor of her bloodetreem. She he: a stamina new in the diednotive no. me he. so In evolved. If she can elevate that Mandnrd, " much tho better. But she should be very on thin that she ell-tee nothing of it. In his ram-nth: Ute, Kuhn: was p'ospector. Indian fighter, coal-miner, millionaire, gambler and rancher. He died in the latter role, owning Bunker Hm ranch His operations in the mining tield netted Kipling two fortunes. both of whh-h were said to have been lost urer the gambling tables. Joining the Loadrim, gold In... Kipling mauled in Colorado, and was credited with founding the tirgt coal mine in the Triniriay district. Kipling, who Aim, to Colorado " years ago. Wu born in Durham, Ena- Xand. in 1312. Walesntrartr, Colo. a- Thomas Kip- ling, pioneer miner and rancher and first cousin of Rudyard Kipling. Bas- L'vh author, was hur'ed on his ranch near here recently, Had Been Prospector, Indian Fighter, Millionaire, and Rancher Kipling’s Cousin - Dies in Colorado There are no dome- in vice. Coognve Accepts Ottawa Invitation The Canadian Nation ON THEIR WAY TO NEW HOME Mr. Monk "En Route" n i""Wheat Pool to I (soperatiem a orado' Set Up Office ' I Empire My l rndianl, In MIZCoI. Away-56m [not ,and .0: lian s,TEu, " "l, heeofTrychetm "m" Kip! 'tee, Deals Between I ...---- usher and ' Utope and William MAL SUPPORT ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Old Age Pensions Manitoba he. PM“ (Lil): n could be plausibly mod that the on. ot the indigent Iced b in. duty of the provinces, not at this Dominion; and that an provinces no tn luck in that tho Dominion is willing to my halt the that. Tim In the view ot 3mm Cannabis whim was um. um ipminoo to take up the Fodcui on"; ‘and with Manuel); now anal-tin: har who-ion to tho when», the mow-j men: to bring in tho mm. on. that the other may be "ld to be gaining momentum. M em number ot acceding province. you tho we“ in. will more». upon the pmvinou that remain out; ml the predation ot the extettMott at the plea to a: parts of the Damn» within. an yam mWht_ttot be ttr wido at an (Manchester Parks Committee Asks City to Approve London. - The Manchester Parks Committee has decided to ask the city to approve the removal 0 (the various war relics to be scrapped and sold as -old metal. Elsewhere in Great Bri- tain, says the Guardian, 'relies have been seized by ex-service men and bundled amid cheers into the sea or river. Aberdeenahire districts, where fthe Gordon Highlanders were recruit- 'ed and where there is scarcely a ‘household without a war casualty. 'took the lead in clearing the parks 'and sures of these memento" soon latter peace. and at the bottom ot the1 {deepest pools of the Don and.Dee lie i) gcoodly number at German machine- ms. 'which the well-meshing Wer one. thought would be cherished by their recipients. it was a curious {psychological blunder . . . and there gate few who do not welcome the \healthy tendency to-clear them has: fur daily sight." Proposition Made To Scrap War Relics 1 Mr. Macphenon an that it oot. lective selling had not been “opted. thouundl ot tanner- would hue gone out ot business In Waite†Cun- Ma during the put thus yearn. "Thor. wu bound to be collective Idling." ho declared. "and very soon you will and then must be colloctive buying." “Cam in n country of boundless poimibilitiea. Not onmnth of m ‘lnnd bu yet been cultivated. And In 1mlneml wealth ll enormoul. The man who on nah good out there In the nun with o mu. money put by and n can!†for really hard work. It he bu the money to keep going WM]. be in getting bu land cultivated, he I: booked tor pro-per- ltr." l, "Your wealth In In the cities, Just " it u In the Unted sates." he laid. 1“0ver more thay are crying out or Rue Md or agriculture. And In Britain the an. my is heard. I don't know that it would help in “no long run. I think Enslhh farmers thank! get to. gether mot-o 1nd work in closer co- operation u we do in (Inn-4|. Commenting on the state ot British agriculture, Mr. Smith add tt seemed to be In much tr1Nr same Condition u in the United sum. so. Ot course, if there W... I chm to direct selling it might tttNet the price, but that is some way oft. At present the Wallet-n Canadian tarm. er is making a good living. It we uk- ed him to take less for his graln It would not be a paying proposition.†_ ..e-__...'_. vwvt-I] VI - “If - "At the moment. direct mailing to ton Alain. the miller is not contemplated." In,“ The United at“. had W Dr. Smith. in answer to inqulrie- u been“ she had pooled her I.“ to whether the pool could shower: the The Britloh Empiro had but - cost of bread in Britain. “The broker backward been“ all. had “at O in an euentlnl evil, it I my cull him work in wan-(Mt no!!!“ lo. Ot course, if there Wu 1 chums The nine ot comm“ I. I. to direct selling It might affect. the upprecluod. aid the British I†price, but that is some way oft. At tor. and the problem ot the "In present the Western (‘nnadicn tarm- ahead mu how in the (no menu er is making a good living. It we uk- ship ot nations that male up the " ed him to [also less for his grain It piro cooperation could be nude - would not be a paying proposition." leifoctive. manager of was cool. and R. A. Mae. Vunoouvor. B.C.--m" United m puma. . director, as In Bat-1n dominated the In: condition on. now Mr that purpose. The object in malty. but the coming cm to ptovide Intermediary 9titititstr be. will below so the Brftiatb Merartm I. tween the Mauve; once and the dieted Right Hon. L. C. M. B. m var-ion: European mamas. British Sammy ot late tor M "At fhas "an--. ;._‘_. _... " . _- - tartt4mt-.-Th. Claudia: Wheat pool. which has bacon. luck I. mmondou Ir.‘mr in tho wot-M's trade tn export graft. I: About to open In one. In London. D. L. Smith. consul ulc- their JCKJG “I don't know, 'coptgu not In. M want nobody t' W if. rich. All ttge " mm don' was: nobody t' he! to“: tio'." In View of Mr. may: new! In It. Nnuonlm tunnel". to m new worthy ot VIII. dream I it clocuvoly disposes ot the man-- a. by the minority seem; to M a contrary impression thread. I "We am iwginning to move." he do eurod. "lt is a mistaka to this. {Great Britain Manda 10417 “a. 'she Mood before tho unr. The. (I. (showed policy was that " We no ',dittesrettet, where In bandit All "t& iThnt idea in dead 1nd hurled In [Britain today. On "at cm ’tbo war opened our are! atgd has - Incline that it did mum who. u. ie,etrtt " our comm on not“ our settler: went." my tow you-- a Cover-norm In" - interfered-q mods. - mm and honor to thte-to the and of n tittle or a Iclnttlh tn my lrh manor. They hue left the m anomaly tree, left Ill :1an - Idvuod. That In n mqu that - Minimum. [woke-nth.» cinn- concurronoo ot tho old I)“ and Proteaunt party who In" 31'- In.“ Bil "mo-u mutant-ulna than in my own religion." A'cdl'orod porter 'tt In hob! I. and .why rich man usually an I. and! up. vim. poor man won I). "You have heard." laid It. Hub. “qu won: t foreign Kn; an In. 1nurfrmstteer of the British In ' d» furs. There la on thing to In II nbout this Ton-sign King.' M that u ho tap autumn. The MargttA h Dublirt.--tttterest in tocuaed in (to United State: on the mu. m. “at. position by William T. Coamn'a do mum to the United sum me-etr and Midi to the important» of tho .0- nouncoment od the retiring Gown- Conan], Timothy “only, st I hand "rt is not for me to My how with Britain will moaify her tmtttMiem on titMtat policies. but modify the. It. will," doeared Cot. Amery. Mr. Healy Praise: The British For Noninterference and with I: termfnntion temntlnl (arm's mid laid that Initially been same direction British cisarnrn did hdxin to rm "Without any straight Sucket of (In perhl arm. “Mont Limiting (to units In forming [was to an M own Rodi. we can and ortttU no- for economic cooperation and on foster mutual support and ail-lo Hon by other menu. Then no la- uumorable wnn ot mononu- III the pmblam of the future mm b how tn our free partnership we an make that cooperation most 08» tlee." Tho Imperial conference tram (0ch- ed that It was pound. to com. And be united while etch can!!!“ "I Inc and know no author“: on- aide itaW. That method of m tion was better suited in (he Euph- than my written federal con-tum- wu possible in he economic n vol u tho panda! when. the - alerted. That was recognised At the In†Conference when the hem... - ureed to belong to every part or the empire with no monopoly or pm In tho Mother Country." dock?“ h Amory. Cantata unequu'lod manure†It Conn-ted foreign trade. but the - secret of modern commerce lar h the curiae of tte product. of Oh temperate and tropical cones. In. Amery "id. Canada lar in the t. porno zone, and to complete it It valopment. the needed u "on“ 0- pino with which to undo.. "She has that in m‘hnm In- pire. which Is Canada'. out†II {lynch u it to Great Brim-1‘s out!“ Vancouver. B.C.--Th. United m dominated an lat (mien on. malty. but the can!†and“ will below to the arm-b 'thertMm, I. Col. Amery paid ttOttte to the la“ 'hich tiir Wilfrid Lnurior ttad (In. l year- ago in Marin; Bridal m 'tttttttrl taritN wit/out munch, id and that while Brit-In had u- liitodly been skew to mow. In “I. mm direction. it we. true of "re mun chararmr Ilmt once In: M ' d begin to move they moved - Id with Increasing who!†and " i hoe of 'ruttrBimmG Domini. MUTUAL SUM Minister Predict. aha. Coming in Britain'. Free Co-operauon Fiscal Change. ted emu bud m u had pooled her m'.- l Empire hid bout u rectum ah. had m b wan-(Mt comm-uh ot month: In. It. I and the British I†" problem of the ya how in the troo m Final Year